Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 Nikolas Boyd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.*; import; import org.axiom_tools.codecs.ValueMap; import org.junit.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import server.ServiceController; import org.axiom_tools.domain.*; import org.axiom_tools.context.SpringContext; import static org.axiom_tools.domain.Contact.Kind.HOME; import org.axiom_tools.domain.Contact.Type; import org.axiom_tools.faces.IPersonService; import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext; /** * Confirms proper operation of the person service. * @author nik */ //@Ignore public class ServiceTest { private static final String ConfigurationFile = "/service-client.xml"; private ConfigurableApplicationContext context; private IPersonService service; private IPersonService getService() { if (this.service == null) { this.service = SpringContext.named(ConfigurationFile).getBean(IPersonService.class); } return this.service; } @Before public void startServer() { String[] args = {}; getLogger().info("starting service tests"); System.getProperties().put("", "direct"); context =, args); assertFalse(getService() == null); } @After public void stopServer() { context.close(); } @Test public void sampleLifecycle() { Person sample = Person.named("George Jungleman").with(HOME, createSampleAddress("1234 Main St")) .with(HOME, createSampleEmail()).with(HOME, createSamplePhone()); sample.describe(); Response r = getService().createPerson(sample.toJSON()); assertTrue(r.getStatus() == 200); Integer idA = ValueMap.fromJSON(readJSON(r)).getValue(ValueMap.ID); r = getService().getPerson(idA); assertTrue(r.getStatus() == 200); Person p = Person.fromJSON(readJSON(r)); assertFalse(p == null); p.describe(); PhoneNumber ph = p.getContact().getPhone(HOME); r = getService().getPersonWithHash(, ph.formatNumber()); assertTrue(r.getStatus() == 200); List<Person> results = Person.listFromJSON(readJSON(r)); assertFalse(results.isEmpty()); EmailAddress em = p.getContact().getEmail(HOME); r = getService().getPersonWithHash(, em.formatAddress()); assertTrue(r.getStatus() == 200); results = Person.listFromJSON(readJSON(r)); assertFalse(results.isEmpty()); r = getService().getPersonWithHash(Type.hash, p.getName()); assertTrue(r.getStatus() == 200); results = Person.listFromJSON(readJSON(r)); assertFalse(results.isEmpty()); MailAddress a = p.getContact().getAddress(HOME); p.getContact().withAddress(HOME, a.withCity("Sometown")); r = getService().savePerson(p.getKey(), p.toJSON()); assertTrue(r.getStatus() == 200); p = Person.fromJSON(readJSON(r)); assertFalse(p == null); p.describe(); Person simple = Person.named("George Bungleman").with(HOME, createSampleAddress("4321 Main St")).with(HOME, PhoneNumber.from("415-889-9988")); r = getService().createPerson(simple.toJSON()); assertTrue(r.getStatus() == 200); Integer idB = ValueMap.fromJSON(readJSON(r)).getValue(ValueMap.ID); r = getService().listPersons("George", "", "94005"); assertTrue(r.getStatus() == 200); results = Person.listFromJSON(readJSON(r)); assertFalse(results.isEmpty()); getLogger().info("found " + results.size() + " matches"); getService().deletePerson(idB); getService().deletePerson(idA); r = getService().listPersons("George", "", "94005"); assertTrue(r.getStatus() == 200); assertTrue(Person.listFromJSON(readJSON(r)).isEmpty()); } private MailAddress createSampleAddress(String streetAddress) { return MailAddress.with(streetAddress, "Anytown", "CA", "94005"); } private EmailAddress createSampleEmail() { return EmailAddress.from(""); } private PhoneNumber createSamplePhone() { return PhoneNumber.from("415-888-8899"); } private String readJSON(Response r) { return r.readEntity(String.class); } private Logger getLogger() { return LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); } } // ServiceTest