Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2014,2015 Nikolas Boyd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.axiom_tools.crypto; import java.util.HashMap; import; import; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider; import org.axiom_tools.context.SpringContext; /** * Symmetrically encrypts and decrypts data under AES. * * <h4>Symmetric Responsibilities:</h4> * <ul> * <li>knows which cryptographer supports a given kind of usage</li> * <li>knows an AES initialization vector</li> * <li>knows an AES key</li> * <li>encrypts clear text data under the configured IV and key</li> * <li>decrypts cypher data under the same IV and key</li> * </ul> * * <h4>Client Responsibilities:</h4> * <ul> * <li>properly configure an instance of this class with IV and key</li> * </ul> */ public class Symmetric { private static final String ConfigurationFile = "cryptographers.xml"; private static final HashMap<String, String> CryptographerMap = new HashMap<>(); /** * Returns the cryptographer configured to handle usage of a given kind. * * @param usageName identifies a kind of usage * @return a Symmetric, or null if none was configured for the supplied usageName */ public static Symmetric getCryptographer(String usageName) { String cryptName = CryptographerMap.get(usageName); if (cryptName == null) { return null; } return Symmetric.named(cryptName); } /** * Initializes mappings from usage names to cryptographer names. */ public static class Mapper { /** * Initializes the name mappings. * * @param mapping a formatted description of the mappings */ public void setMapElements(String mapping) { String[] parts = mapping.split(Separator); for (String part : parts) { String[] map = part.trim().split(Equals); String[] terms = map[1].trim().split(Comma); for (String term : terms) { CryptographerMap.put(term.trim(), map[0].trim()); } getLogger().info("registered cryptographer " + part.trim()); } } private Logger getLogger() { return LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); } } static { Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider()); SpringContext.named(ConfigurationFile).getBean(Mapper.class); } private static final String Empty = ""; private static final String Comma = ","; private static final String Equals = "="; private static final String Separator = ";"; private static final String Blank = " "; private static final String Pad = Hex.encodeHexString(Blank.getBytes()); private static final String Algorithm = "AES"; private static final String Transform = Algorithm + "/CBC/NoPadding"; private static final String Encoding = "UTF-8"; private static final int BlockSize = 16; private static final int ByteNibbles = 2; private static final int VectorSize = BlockSize * ByteNibbles; private static final byte[] EmptyBuffer = {}; private String seedValue; private String keyValue; /** * Constructs a new Symmetric. */ public Symmetric() { } /** * Returns a configured cryptographer. * * @param configuredName a configured cryptographer name. * @return a Symmetric, or null */ public static Symmetric named(String configuredName) { return SpringContext.named(ConfigurationFile).getBean(Symmetric.class, configuredName); } /** * Returns a new Symmetric. * * @param seedValue an AES initialization vector (32 hex digits) * @return a new Symmetric */ public static Symmetric withSeed(String seedValue) { Symmetric result = new Symmetric(); result.seedValue = checkLength(seedValue, BadSeed); return result; } /** * Sets the AES key. * * @param keyValue an AES key (32 hex digits). * @return this Symmetric */ public Symmetric withKey(String keyValue) { this.keyValue = checkLength(keyValue, BadKey); return this; } /** * Encrypts clear text into a hex string. * * @param clearText clear text data * @return a hex string containing cypher data, or empty */ public String encryptAsHex(String clearText) { return Hex.encodeHexString(encrypt(clearText)); } /** * Encrypts clear text data. * * @param clearText clear text data * @return a buffer containing cypher data, or empty */ public byte[] encrypt(String clearText) { try { return encryptBytes(clearText.getBytes(Encoding)); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().error(e.getMessage(), e); return EmptyBuffer; } } /** * Encrypts clear text data. * * @param clearData a buffer containing the clear text data * @return a buffer containing cypher data, or empty */ public byte[] encryptBytes(byte[] clearData) { if (clearData == null) { return EmptyBuffer; } if (clearData.length == 0) { return EmptyBuffer; } try { clearData = normalize(clearData); return buildEncrypter().doFinal(clearData); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().error(e.getMessage(), e); return EmptyBuffer; } } /** * Decrypts cypher text encoded as hex. * * @param cypherText a hex string that contains cypher data * @return a clear text result, or empty */ public String decryptFromHex(String cypherText) { try { return decrypt(Hex.decodeHex(cypherText.toCharArray())); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().error(e.getMessage(), e); return Empty; } } /** * Decrypts cypher text data. * * @param cypherData a buffer that contains cypher data * @return a buffer containing a clear text result, or empty */ public byte[] decryptBytes(byte[] cypherData) { if (cypherData == null) { return EmptyBuffer; } if (cypherData.length == 0) { return EmptyBuffer; } try { return buildDecrypter().doFinal(cypherData); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().error(e.getMessage(), e); return EmptyBuffer; } } /** * Decrypts cypher text data. * * @param cypherData a buffer that contains cypher data * @return a clear text result, or empty */ public String decrypt(byte[] cypherData) { try { return new String(buildDecrypter().doFinal(cypherData), Encoding).trim(); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().error(e.getMessage(), e); return Empty; } } /** * A seed value. * * @return a seedValue */ public String getSeedValue() { return this.seedValue; } /** * A seed value. * * @param seedValue a seedValue */ public void setSeedValue(String seedValue) { this.seedValue = seedValue; } /** * A key value. * * @return a keyValue */ public String getKeyValue() { return this.keyValue; } /** * A key value. * * @param keyValue a keyValue */ public void setKeyValue(String keyValue) { this.keyValue = keyValue; } /** * Normalizes a buffer to the length needed for encryption. * * @param clearData a buffer containing clear text data * @return a buffer containing padded clear text data * @throws Exception if raised during conversion */ private static byte[] normalize(byte[] clearData) throws Exception { int length = clearData.length; int extra = length % BlockSize; if (extra < 1) { return clearData; } String hex = Hex.encodeHexString(clearData); int padding = BlockSize - extra; while (padding-- > 0) { hex += Pad; } return Hex.decodeHex(hex.toCharArray()); } private Cipher buildEncrypter() throws Exception { Cipher result = getCipher(); result.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, buildKey(), buildSeed()); return result; } private Cipher buildDecrypter() throws Exception { Cipher result = getCipher(); result.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, buildKey(), buildSeed()); return result; } private Cipher getCipher() throws Exception { return Cipher.getInstance(Transform, BouncyCastleProvider.PROVIDER_NAME); } private IvParameterSpec buildSeed() throws Exception { return new IvParameterSpec(Hex.decodeHex(getSeedValue().toCharArray())); } private Key buildKey() throws Exception { return new SecretKeySpec(Hex.decodeHex(getKeyValue().toCharArray()), Algorithm); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static String checkLength(String value, String failMessage) { String result = StringUtils.defaultString(value).trim(); if (result.length() != VectorSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(failMessage); } try { // test hex conversion byte[] bytes = Hex.decodeHex(result.toCharArray()); int size = bytes.length; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(failMessage); } return result; } private Logger getLogger() { return LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); } private static final String BadSeed = "seed value must be a hex value of length " + VectorSize + " digits"; private static final String BadKey = "key value must be a hex value of length " + VectorSize + " digits"; } // Symmetric