Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of the AuScope Virtual Rock Lab (VRL) project. * Copyright (c) 2009 ESSCC, The University of Queensland * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. */ package org.auscope.portal.server.web.controllers; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.ServerException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.auscope.portal.server.gridjob.FileInformation; import org.auscope.portal.server.gridjob.GeodesyJob; import org.auscope.portal.server.gridjob.GeodesyJobManager; import org.auscope.portal.server.gridjob.GeodesySeries; import org.auscope.portal.server.gridjob.GridAccessController; import org.auscope.portal.server.gridjob.Util; import org.globus.ftp.DataChannelAuthentication; import org.globus.ftp.FileInfo; import org.globus.ftp.GridFTPClient; import org.globus.ftp.GridFTPSession; import org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.RedirectView; /** * Controller for the job list view. * * @author Cihan Altinay * @author Abdi Jama */ @Controller public class JobListController { /** Logger for this class */ private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); @Autowired private GridAccessController gridAccess; @Autowired private GeodesyJobManager jobManager; /** * Sets the <code>GridAccessController</code> to be used for grid * activities. * * @param gridAccess the GridAccessController to use */ //public void setGridAccess(GridAccessController gridAccess) { // this.gridAccess = gridAccess; //} /** * Sets the <code>GeodesyJobManager</code> to be used to retrieve and store * series and job details. * * @param jobManager the JobManager to use */ /*public void setJobManager(GeodesyJobManager jobManager) { this.jobManager = jobManager; }*/ /*protected ModelAndView handleNoSuchRequestHandlingMethod( NoSuchRequestHandlingMethodException ex, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { // Ensure user has valid grid credentials if (gridAccess.isProxyValid( request.getSession().getAttribute("userCred"))) { logger.debug("No/invalid action parameter; returning gridsubmit view."); return new ModelAndView("joblist"); } else { request.getSession().setAttribute( "redirectAfterLogin", "/joblist.html"); logger.warn("Proxy not initialized. Redirecting to gridLogin."); return new ModelAndView( new RedirectView("/gridLogin.html", true, false, false)); } }*/ /** * Triggers the retrieval of latest job files * * @param request The servlet request including a jobId parameter * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a success attribute and an error attribute * in case the job was not found in the job manager. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView retrieveJobFiles(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String jobIdStr = request.getParameter("jobId"); GeodesyJob job = null; ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("jsonView"); Object credential = request.getSession().getAttribute("userCred"); if (credential == null) { final String errorString = "Invalid grid credentials!"; logger.error(errorString); mav.addObject("error", errorString); mav.addObject("success", false); return mav; } if (jobIdStr != null) { try { int jobId = Integer.parseInt(jobIdStr); job = jobManager.getJobById(jobId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Error parsing job ID!"); } } else { logger.warn("No job ID specified!"); } if (job == null) { final String errorString = "The requested job was not found."; logger.error(errorString); mav.addObject("error", errorString); mav.addObject("success", false); } else { logger.debug("jobID = " + jobIdStr); boolean success = false; String jobState = gridAccess.retrieveJobStatus(job.getReference(), credential); if (jobState != null && jobState.equals("Active")) { success = gridAccess.retrieveJobResults(job.getReference(), credential); } else { mav.addObject("error", "Cannot retrieve files of a job that is not running!"); } logger.debug("Success = " + success); mav.addObject("success", success); } return mav; } /** * Delete the job given by its reference. * * @param request The servlet request including a jobId parameter * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a success attribute and an error attribute * in case the job was not found or can not be deleted. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView deleteJob(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String jobIdStr = request.getParameter("jobId"); GeodesyJob job = null; ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("jsonView"); boolean success = false; Object credential = request.getSession().getAttribute("userCred"); if (credential == null) { final String errorString = "Invalid grid credentials!"; logger.error(errorString); mav.addObject("error", errorString); mav.addObject("success", false); return mav; } if (jobIdStr != null) { try { int jobId = Integer.parseInt(jobIdStr); job = jobManager.getJobById(jobId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Error parsing job ID!"); } } else { logger.warn("No job ID specified!"); } if (job == null) { final String errorString = "The requested job was not found."; logger.error(errorString); mav.addObject("error", errorString); } else { // check if current user is the owner of the job GeodesySeries s = jobManager.getSeriesById(job.getSeriesId()); if (request.getRemoteUser().equals(s.getUser())) {"Deleting job with ID " + jobIdStr); jobManager.deleteJob(job); success = true; } else { logger.warn(request.getRemoteUser() + "'s attempt to kill " + s.getUser() + "'s job denied!"); mav.addObject("error", "You are not authorised to delete this job."); } } mav.addObject("success", success); return mav; } /** * delete all jobs of given series. * * @param request The servlet request including a seriesId parameter * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a success attribute and an error attribute * in case the series was not found in the job manager. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView deleteSeriesJobs(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String seriesIdStr = request.getParameter("seriesId"); List<GeodesyJob> jobs = null; ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("jsonView"); boolean success = false; int seriesId = -1; Object credential = request.getSession().getAttribute("userCred"); if (credential == null) { final String errorString = "Invalid grid credentials!"; logger.error(errorString); mav.addObject("error", errorString); mav.addObject("success", false); return mav; } if (seriesIdStr != null) { try { seriesId = Integer.parseInt(seriesIdStr); jobs = jobManager.getSeriesJobs(seriesId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Error parsing series ID!"); } } else { logger.warn("No series ID specified!"); } if (jobs == null) { final String errorString = "The requested series was not found."; logger.error(errorString); mav.addObject("error", errorString); mav.addObject("success", false); } else { // check if current user is the owner of the series GeodesySeries s = jobManager.getSeriesById(seriesId); if (request.getRemoteUser().equals(s.getUser())) {"Deleting jobs of series " + seriesIdStr); boolean jobsDeleted = true; for (GeodesyJob job : jobs) { String oldStatus = job.getStatus(); if (oldStatus.equals("Failed") || oldStatus.equals("Done") || oldStatus.equals("Cancelled")) { jobManager.deleteJob(job); } else { logger.debug("Skipping running job " + job.getId()); if (jobsDeleted) { jobsDeleted = false; mav.addObject("error", "Can not delete series, there are running jobs."); } continue; } } if (jobsDeleted) {"Deleting series " + seriesIdStr); jobManager.deleteSeries(s);"Deleted series " + seriesIdStr); success = true; } else { success = false; } } else { logger.warn(request.getRemoteUser() + "'s attempt to delete " + s.getUser() + "'s jobs denied!"); mav.addObject("error", "You are not authorised to delete the jobs of this series."); } } mav.addObject("success", success); return mav; } /** * Kills the job given by its reference. * * @param request The servlet request including a jobId parameter * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a success attribute and an error attribute * in case the job was not found in the job manager. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView killJob(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String jobIdStr = request.getParameter("jobId"); GeodesyJob job = null; ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("jsonView"); boolean success = false; Object credential = request.getSession().getAttribute("userCred"); if (credential == null) { final String errorString = "Invalid grid credentials!"; logger.error(errorString); mav.addObject("error", errorString); mav.addObject("success", false); return mav; } if (jobIdStr != null) { try { int jobId = Integer.parseInt(jobIdStr); job = jobManager.getJobById(jobId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Error parsing job ID!"); } } else { logger.warn("No job ID specified!"); } if (job == null) { final String errorString = "The requested job was not found."; logger.error(errorString); mav.addObject("error", errorString); } else { // check if current user is the owner of the job GeodesySeries s = jobManager.getSeriesById(job.getSeriesId()); if (request.getRemoteUser().equals(s.getUser())) {"Cancelling job with ID " + jobIdStr); String newState = gridAccess.killJob(job.getReference(), credential); if (newState == null) newState = "Cancelled"; logger.debug("New job state: " + newState); job.setStatus(newState); jobManager.saveJob(job); success = true; } else { logger.warn(request.getRemoteUser() + "'s attempt to kill " + s.getUser() + "'s job denied!"); mav.addObject("error", "You are not authorised to cancel this job."); } } mav.addObject("success", success); return mav; } /** * Kills all jobs of given series. * * @param request The servlet request including a seriesId parameter * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a success attribute and an error attribute * in case the series was not found in the job manager. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView killSeriesJobs(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String seriesIdStr = request.getParameter("seriesId"); List<GeodesyJob> jobs = null; ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("jsonView"); boolean success = false; int seriesId = -1; Object credential = request.getSession().getAttribute("userCred"); if (credential == null) { final String errorString = "Invalid grid credentials!"; logger.error(errorString); mav.addObject("error", errorString); mav.addObject("success", false); return mav; } if (seriesIdStr != null) { try { seriesId = Integer.parseInt(seriesIdStr); jobs = jobManager.getSeriesJobs(seriesId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Error parsing series ID!"); } } else { logger.warn("No series ID specified!"); } if (jobs == null) { final String errorString = "The requested series was not found."; logger.error(errorString); mav.addObject("error", errorString); mav.addObject("success", false); } else { // check if current user is the owner of the series GeodesySeries s = jobManager.getSeriesById(seriesId); if (request.getRemoteUser().equals(s.getUser())) {"Cancelling jobs of series " + seriesIdStr); for (GeodesyJob job : jobs) { String oldStatus = job.getStatus(); if (oldStatus.equals("Failed") || oldStatus.equals("Done") || oldStatus.equals("Cancelled")) { logger.debug("Skipping finished job " + job.getId()); continue; }"Killing job with ID " + job.getId()); String newState = gridAccess.killJob(job.getReference(), credential); if (newState == null) newState = "Cancelled"; logger.debug("New job state: " + newState); job.setStatus(newState); jobManager.saveJob(job); } success = true; } else { logger.warn(request.getRemoteUser() + "'s attempt to kill " + s.getUser() + "'s jobs denied!"); mav.addObject("error", "You are not authorised to cancel the jobs of this series."); } } mav.addObject("success", success); return mav; } /** * Returns a JSON object containing an array of files belonging to a * given job. * * @param request The servlet request including a jobId parameter * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a files attribute which is an array of * FileInformation objects. If the job was not found in the job * manager the JSON object will contain an error attribute * indicating the error. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView jobFiles(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String jobIdStr = request.getParameter("jobId"); String dirPathStr = request.getParameter("dirPath"); String dirNameStr = request.getParameter("dirName"); GeodesyJob job = null; ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("jsonView"); Object credential = request.getSession().getAttribute("userCred"); if (credential == null) { logger.error("Error invalid credential."); } if (jobIdStr != null) { try { int jobId = Integer.parseInt(jobIdStr); job = jobManager.getJobById(jobId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Error parsing job ID!"); } } else { logger.warn("No job ID specified!"); } FileInformation[] fileDetails = new FileInformation[0]; if (job == null) { final String errorString = "The requested job was not found."; logger.error(errorString); mav.addObject("error", errorString); } else { if (dirPathStr == null) { fileDetails = getDirectoryListing(job.getOutputDir(), credential); } else { if (dirNameStr == null || dirNameStr.equals(".")) { fileDetails = getDirectoryListing(dirPathStr, credential); } else if (dirNameStr.equals("..")) { // This is the top directory for this job, cannot allow further up if (dirPathStr.equals(job.getOutputDir())) fileDetails = getDirectoryListing(dirPathStr, credential); else { //Going one directory up String tempDir = dirPathStr.substring(0, (dirPathStr.length() - 1)); fileDetails = getDirectoryListing(tempDir.substring(0, (tempDir.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)), credential); } } else { fileDetails = getDirectoryListing(dirPathStr + dirNameStr + "/", credential); } } } mav.addObject("files", fileDetails); return mav; } /** * Sends the contents of a job file to the client. * * @param request The servlet request including a jobId parameter and a * filename parameter * @param response The servlet response receiving the data * * @return null on success or the joblist view with an error parameter on * failure. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView downloadFile(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String jobIdStr = request.getParameter("jobId"); String fileName = request.getParameter("filename"); GeodesyJob job = null; String errorString = null; if (jobIdStr != null) { try { int jobId = Integer.parseInt(jobIdStr); job = jobManager.getJobById(jobId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Error parsing job ID!"); } } if (job != null && fileName != null) { logger.debug("Download " + fileName + " of job with ID " + jobIdStr + "."); File f = new File(job.getOutputDir() + File.separator + fileName); if (!f.canRead()) { logger.error("File " + f.getPath() + " not readable!"); errorString = new String("File could not be read."); } else { response.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\""); try { byte[] buffer = new byte[16384]; int count = 0; OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(f); while ((count = != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, count); } out.flush(); return null; } catch (IOException e) { errorString = new String("Could not send file: " + e.getMessage()); logger.error(errorString); } } } // We only end up here in case of an error so return a suitable message if (errorString == null) { if (job == null) { errorString = new String("Invalid job specified!"); logger.error(errorString); } else if (fileName == null) { errorString = new String("No filename provided!"); logger.error(errorString); } else { // should never get here errorString = new String("Something went wrong."); logger.error(errorString); } } return new ModelAndView("joblist", "error", errorString); } /** * Sends the contents of one or more job files as a ZIP archive to the * client. * * @param request The servlet request including a jobId parameter and a * files parameter with the filenames separated by comma * @param response The servlet response receiving the data * * @return null on success or the joblist view with an error parameter on * failure. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView downloadAsZip(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String jobIdStr = request.getParameter("jobId"); String filesParam = request.getParameter("files"); GeodesyJob job = null; String errorString = null; if (jobIdStr != null) { try { int jobId = Integer.parseInt(jobIdStr); job = jobManager.getJobById(jobId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Error parsing job ID!"); } } if (job != null && filesParam != null) { String[] fileNames = filesParam.split(","); logger.debug("Archiving " + fileNames.length + " file(s) of job " + jobIdStr); response.setContentType("application/zip"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"\""); try { boolean readOneOrMoreFiles = false; ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream(response.getOutputStream()); for (String fileName : fileNames) { File f = new File(job.getOutputDir() + File.separator + fileName); if (!f.canRead()) { // if a file could not be read we go ahead and try the // next one. logger.error("File " + f.getPath() + " not readable!"); } else { byte[] buffer = new byte[16384]; int count = 0; zout.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(fileName)); FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(f); while ((count = != -1) { zout.write(buffer, 0, count); } zout.closeEntry(); readOneOrMoreFiles = true; } } if (readOneOrMoreFiles) { zout.finish(); zout.flush(); zout.close(); return null; } else { zout.close(); errorString = new String("Could not access the files!"); logger.error(errorString); } } catch (IOException e) { errorString = new String("Could not create ZIP file: " + e.getMessage()); logger.error(errorString); } } // We only end up here in case of an error so return a suitable message if (errorString == null) { if (job == null) { errorString = new String("Invalid job specified!"); logger.error(errorString); } else if (filesParam == null) { errorString = new String("No filename(s) provided!"); logger.error(errorString); } else { // should never get here errorString = new String("Something went wrong."); logger.error(errorString); } } return new ModelAndView("joblist", "error", errorString); } /** * Returns a JSON object containing an array of series that match the query * parameters. * * @param request The servlet request with query parameters * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a series attribute which is an array of * GeodesySeries objects matching the criteria. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView querySeries(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String qUser = request.getParameter("qUser"); String qName = request.getParameter("qSeriesName"); String qDesc = request.getParameter("qSeriesDesc"); if (qUser == null && qName == null && qDesc == null) { qUser = request.getRemoteUser(); logger.debug("No query parameters provided. Will return " + qUser + "'s series."); } logger.debug("qUser=" + qUser + ", qName=" + qName + ", qDesc=" + qDesc); List<GeodesySeries> series = jobManager.querySeries(qUser, qName, qDesc); logger.debug("Returning list of " + series.size() + " series."); return new ModelAndView("jsonView", "series", series); } /** * Returns a JSON object containing an array of jobs for the given series. * * @param request The servlet request including a seriesId parameter * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a jobs attribute which is an array of * <code>GeodesyJob</code> objects. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView listJobs(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String seriesIdStr = request.getParameter("seriesId"); List<GeodesyJob> seriesJobs = null; ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("jsonView"); Object credential = request.getSession().getAttribute("userCred"); int seriesId = -1; if (credential == null) { final String errorString = "Invalid grid credentials!"; logger.error(errorString); mav.addObject("error", errorString); mav.addObject("success", false); return mav; } if (seriesIdStr != null) { try { seriesId = Integer.parseInt(seriesIdStr); seriesJobs = jobManager.getSeriesJobs(seriesId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Error parsing series ID '" + seriesIdStr + "'"); } } else { logger.warn("No series ID specified!"); } if (seriesJobs != null) { // check if current user is the owner of the series and update // the status of the jobs if so GeodesySeries s = jobManager.getSeriesById(seriesId); if (request.getRemoteUser().equals(s.getUser())) { logger.debug("Updating status of jobs attached to series " + seriesIdStr + "."); for (GeodesyJob j : seriesJobs) { String state = j.getStatus(); if (!state.equals("Done") && !state.equals("Failed") && !state.equals("Cancelled")) { String newState = gridAccess.retrieveJobStatus(j.getReference(), credential); if (newState != null && !state.equals(newState)) { j.setStatus(newState); jobManager.saveJob(j); } else if (newState == null) { if (directoryExist(j.getOutputDir(), credential)) { // job might have finished but status cannot be // retrieved anymore -> a good heuristics is to check // if the job files have been staged out and assume // success if that is the case. j.setStatus("Done"); jobManager.saveJob(j); } else { j.setStatus("Failed"); jobManager.saveJob(j); } } } String output = j.getOutputDir().substring(j.getOutputDir().indexOf("grid-auscope"), j.getOutputDir().length()); j.setOutputLocation("" + output); } } mav.addObject("jobs", seriesJobs); } logger.debug("Returning series job list"); return mav; } /** * Re-submits a single job. * * @param request The servlet request including a jobId parameter * @param response The servlet response * * @return The scriptbuilder view prepared to resubmit the job or the * joblist view with an error parameter if the job was not found. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView resubmitJob(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String jobIdStr = request.getParameter("jobId"); GeodesyJob job = null; if (jobIdStr != null) { try { int jobId = Integer.parseInt(jobIdStr); job = jobManager.getJobById(jobId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Error parsing job ID!"); } } else { logger.warn("No job ID specified!"); } if (job == null) { final String errorString = "Could not retrieve job details!"; logger.error(errorString); return new ModelAndView("joblist", "error", errorString); }"Re-submitting job " + jobIdStr + "."); request.getSession().setAttribute("resubmitJob", jobIdStr); return useScript(request, response); } /** * Allows the user to edit a copy of an input script from a previous job * and use it for a new job. * * @param request The servlet request including a jobId parameter * @param response The servlet response * * @return The scriptbuilder model and view for editing the script or * the joblist model and view with an error parameter if the job * or file was not found. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView useScript(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String jobIdStr = request.getParameter("jobId"); GeodesyJob job = null; String errorString = null; String scriptFileName = null; File sourceFile = null; if (jobIdStr != null) { try { int jobId = Integer.parseInt(jobIdStr); job = jobManager.getJobById(jobId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Error parsing job ID!"); } } else { logger.warn("No job ID specified!"); } if (job == null) { errorString = new String("Could not access the job!"); logger.error(errorString); } else { scriptFileName = job.getScriptFile(); sourceFile = new File(job.getOutputDir() + File.separator + scriptFileName); if (!sourceFile.canRead()) { errorString = new String("Script file could not be read."); logger.error("File " + sourceFile.getPath() + " not readable!"); } } if (errorString == null) { logger.debug("Copying script file of job " + jobIdStr + " to temp."); String tempDir = System.getProperty(""); File tempScript = new File(tempDir + File.separator + scriptFileName); boolean success = Util.copyFile(sourceFile, tempScript); if (success) { tempScript.deleteOnExit(); } else { errorString = new String("Script file could not be read."); logger.error(errorString); } } if (errorString != null) { request.getSession().removeAttribute("resubmitJob"); return new ModelAndView("joblist", "error", errorString); } request.getSession().setAttribute("scriptFile", scriptFileName); return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView("/scriptbuilder.html", true, false, false)); } /** * This method using GridFTP Client returns directory list of stageOut directory * and sub directories. * @param fullDirname * @param credential * @return */ private FileInformation[] getDirectoryListing(String fullDirname, Object credential) { GridFTPClient gridStore = null; FileInformation[] fileDetails = new FileInformation[0]; try { gridStore = new GridFTPClient(gridAccess.getRepoHostName(), gridAccess.getRepoHostFTPPort()); gridStore.authenticate((GSSCredential) credential); //authenticating gridStore.setDataChannelAuthentication(DataChannelAuthentication.SELF); gridStore.setDataChannelProtection(GridFTPSession.PROTECTION_SAFE); logger.debug("Change to Grid StageOut dir:" + fullDirname); gridStore.changeDir(fullDirname); logger.debug("List files in StageOut dir:" + gridStore.getCurrentDir()); gridStore.setType(GridFTPSession.TYPE_ASCII); gridStore.setPassive(); gridStore.setLocalActive(); Vector list = gridStore.list("*"); if (list != null && !(list.isEmpty())) { fileDetails = new FileInformation[list.size()]; for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { FileInfo fInfo = (FileInfo) list.get(i); fileDetails[i] = new FileInformation(fInfo.getName(), fInfo.getSize(), fullDirname, fInfo.isDirectory()); } } } catch (ServerException e) { logger.error("GridFTP ServerException: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("GridFTP IOException: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("GridFTP Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (gridStore != null) gridStore.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("GridFTP Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } return fileDetails; } private boolean directoryExist(String fullDirname, Object credential) { GridFTPClient gridStore = null; boolean rtnValue = true; try { gridStore = new GridFTPClient(gridAccess.getRepoHostName(), gridAccess.getRepoHostFTPPort()); gridStore.authenticate((GSSCredential) credential); //authenticating gridStore.setDataChannelAuthentication(DataChannelAuthentication.SELF); gridStore.setDataChannelProtection(GridFTPSession.PROTECTION_SAFE); logger.debug("Change to Grid StageOut dir:" + fullDirname); gridStore.changeDir(fullDirname); } catch (ServerException e) { logger.error("GridFTP ServerException: " + e.getMessage()); rtnValue = false; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("GridFTP IOException: " + e.getMessage()); rtnValue = false; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("GridFTP Exception: " + e.getMessage()); rtnValue = false; } finally { try { if (gridStore != null) gridStore.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("GridFTP Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } return rtnValue; } }