Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of the AuScope Virtual Rock Lab (VRL) project. * Copyright (c) 2009 ESSCC, The University of Queensland * * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. */ package org.auscope.portal.server.web.controllers; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.ServerException; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.NameValuePair; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.auscope.portal.csw.CSWRecord; import org.auscope.portal.csw.ICSWMethodMaker; import org.auscope.portal.server.gridjob.FileInformation; import org.auscope.portal.server.gridjob.GeodesyGridInputFile; import org.auscope.portal.server.gridjob.GeodesyJob; import org.auscope.portal.server.gridjob.GeodesyJobManager; import org.auscope.portal.server.gridjob.GeodesySeries; import org.auscope.portal.server.gridjob.GridAccessController; import org.auscope.portal.server.gridjob.ScriptParser; import org.auscope.portal.server.gridjob.Util; import org.auscope.portal.server.web.service.CSWService; import org.auscope.portal.server.web.service.HttpServiceCaller; import org.globus.ftp.DataChannelAuthentication; import org.globus.ftp.FileInfo; import org.globus.ftp.GridFTPClient; import org.globus.ftp.GridFTPSession; import; import; import org.globus.util.GlobusURL; import org.globus.wsrf.utils.FaultHelper; import org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential; import org.ietf.jgss.GSSException; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartHttpServletRequest; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; /** * Controller for the job submission view. * * @author Cihan Altinay * @author Abdi Jama */ /** * @author jam19d * */ @Controller public class GridSubmitController { /** Logger for this class */ private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); @Autowired private GridAccessController gridAccess; @Autowired private GeodesyJobManager jobManager; @Autowired private CSWService cswService; @Autowired private HttpServiceCaller serviceCaller; public static final String TABLE_DIR = "tables"; public static final String RINEX_DIR = "rinex"; public static final String PRE_STAGE_IN_TABLE_FILES = "/home/grid-auscope/tables/"; public static final String IVEC_MIRROR_URL = ""; public static final String PBSTORE_RINEX_PATH = "//pbstore/cg01/geodesy/"; public static final String FOR_ALL = "Common"; //Grid File Transfer messages private static final String FILE_COPIED = "Please wait while files being transfered.... "; private static final String FILE_COPY_ERROR = "Job submission failed due to file transfer Error."; private static final String INTERNAL_ERROR = "Job submission failed due to INTERNAL ERROR"; private static final String GRID_LINK = "Job submission failed due to GRID Link Error"; private static final String TRANSFER_COMPLETE = "Transfer Complete"; private static final String CREDENTIAL_ERROR = "Job submission failed due to Invalid Credential Error"; /** * Pattern to match compressed RINEX file name. * * <p> * Groups in the pattern: * <ol> * <li>four character site id (should be lowercase) * <li>day of the year (1 is the first of January) * <li>two-digit year (we assume start at 1990) * </ol> */ private static Pattern RINEX_FILENAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(\\w{4})(\\d{3})\\d\\.(\\d{2})\\w\\.Z"); /** * Given a list of stations and a date range this function queries the remote serviceUrl for a list of log files * and returns a JSON representation of the response * * @param dateFrom The (inclusive) start of date range in YYYY-MM-DD format * @param dateTo The (inclusive) end of date range in YYYY-MM-DD format * @param serviceUrl The remote service URL to query * @param stationList a list (comma seperated) of the GPSSITEID to fetch log files for * * Response Format * { * success : (true/false), * urlList : [{ * fileUrl : (Mapped from url or empty string) * fileDate : (Mapped from date or empty string) * stationId : (Mapped from stationId or empty string) * selected : will be always set to true * }] * } */ @RequestMapping(value = "/", params = { "dateFrom", "dateTo", "stationList", "serviceUrl" }) public ModelAndView getStationListUrls(@RequestParam("dateFrom") final String dateFrom, @RequestParam("dateTo") final String dateTo, @RequestParam("serviceUrl") final String serviceUrl, @RequestParam("stationList") final String stationList, HttpServletRequest request) { boolean success = true; ModelAndView jsonResponse = new ModelAndView("jsonView"); JSONArray urlList = new JSONArray(); logger.debug("getStationListUrls : Requesting urls for " + stationList + " in the range " + dateFrom + " -> " + dateTo); try { String gmlResponse = serviceCaller.getMethodResponseAsString(new ICSWMethodMaker() { public HttpMethodBase makeMethod() { GetMethod method = new GetMethod(serviceUrl); //Generate our filter string based on date and station list String cqlFilter = "(date>='" + dateFrom + "')AND(date<='" + dateTo + "')"; if (stationList != null && stationList.length() > 0) { String[] stations = stationList.split(","); cqlFilter += "AND("; for (int i = 0; i < stations.length; i++) { if (i > 0) cqlFilter += "OR"; cqlFilter += "(id='" + stations[i] + "')"; } cqlFilter += ")"; } //attach them to the method method.setQueryString(new NameValuePair[] { new NameValuePair("request", "GetFeature"), new NameValuePair("outputFormat", "GML2"), new NameValuePair("typeName", "geodesy:station_observations"), new NameValuePair("PropertyName", "geodesy:date,geodesy:url,geodesy:id"), new NameValuePair("CQL_FILTER", cqlFilter) }); return method; } }.makeMethod(), serviceCaller.getHttpClient()); //Parse our XML string into a list of input files List<GeodesyGridInputFile> ggifList = GeodesyGridInputFile.fromGmlString(gmlResponse); for (GeodesyGridInputFile ggif : ggifList) { urlList.add(ggif); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn(" : Error " + ex.getMessage()); urlList.clear(); success = false; } //save the date range for later processing request.getSession().setAttribute("dateFrom", dateFrom); request.getSession().setAttribute("dateTo", dateTo); jsonResponse.addObject("success", success); jsonResponse.addObject("urlList", urlList); return jsonResponse; } /** * Returns every Geodesy station (and some extra descriptive info) in a JSON format. * * Response Format * { * success : (true/false), * records : [{ * stationNumber : (Mapped from STATIONNO or empty string) * stationName : (Mapped from STATIONNAME or empty string) * gpsSiteId : (Mapped from GPSSITEID or empty string) * countryId : (Mapped from COUNTRYID or empty string) * stateId : (Mapped from STATEID or empty string) * }] * } */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView getStationList() { final String stationTypeName = "ngcp:GnssStation"; ModelAndView jsonResponse = new ModelAndView("jsonView"); JSONArray stationList = new JSONArray(); boolean success = true; try { XPath xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); //Query every geodesy station provider for the raw GML CSWRecord[] geodesyRecords = cswService.getWFSRecordsForTypename(stationTypeName); if (geodesyRecords == null || geodesyRecords.length == 0) throw new Exception("No " + stationTypeName + " records available"); //This makes the assumption of only a single geodesy WFS CSWRecord record = geodesyRecords[0]; final String serviceUrl = record.getServiceUrl(); jsonResponse.addObject("serviceUrl", serviceUrl); logger.debug(" : Requesting " + stationTypeName + " for " + serviceUrl); String gmlResponse = serviceCaller.getMethodResponseAsString(new ICSWMethodMaker() { public HttpMethodBase makeMethod() { GetMethod method = new GetMethod(serviceUrl); //set all of the parameters NameValuePair request = new NameValuePair("request", "GetFeature"); NameValuePair elementSet = new NameValuePair("typeName", stationTypeName); //attach them to the method method.setQueryString(new NameValuePair[] { request, elementSet }); return method; } }.makeMethod(), serviceCaller.getHttpClient()); //Parse the raw GML and generate some useful JSON objects Document doc = builder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(gmlResponse))); String serviceTitleExpression = "/FeatureCollection/featureMembers/GnssStation"; NodeList nodes = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate(serviceTitleExpression, doc, XPathConstants.NODESET); //Lets pull some useful info out for (int i = 0; nodes != null && i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodes.item(i); ModelMap stationMap = new ModelMap(); Node tempNode = (Node) xPath.evaluate("STATIONNO", node, XPathConstants.NODE); stationMap.addAttribute("stationNumber", tempNode == null ? "" : tempNode.getTextContent()); tempNode = (Node) xPath.evaluate("GPSSITEID", node, XPathConstants.NODE); stationMap.addAttribute("gpsSiteId", tempNode == null ? "" : tempNode.getTextContent()); tempNode = (Node) xPath.evaluate("STATIONNAME", node, XPathConstants.NODE); stationMap.addAttribute("stationName", tempNode == null ? "" : tempNode.getTextContent()); tempNode = (Node) xPath.evaluate("COUNTRYID", node, XPathConstants.NODE); stationMap.addAttribute("countryId", tempNode == null ? "" : tempNode.getTextContent()); tempNode = (Node) xPath.evaluate("STATEID", node, XPathConstants.NODE); stationMap.addAttribute("stateId", tempNode == null ? "" : tempNode.getTextContent()); stationList.add(stationMap); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn(" : Error " + ex.getMessage()); success = false; stationList.clear(); } //Form our response object jsonResponse.addObject("stations", stationList); jsonResponse.addObject("success", success); return jsonResponse; } /** * Sets the <code>GridAccessController</code> to be used for grid * activities. * * @param gridAccess the GridAccessController to use */ /*public void setGridAccess(GridAccessController gridAccess) { this.gridAccess = gridAccess; }*/ /** * Sets the <code>GeodesyJobManager</code> to be used to retrieve and store * series and job details. * * @param jobManager the JobManager to use */ /*public void setJobManager(GeodesyJobManager jobManager) { this.jobManager = jobManager; }*/ /*protected ModelAndView handleNoSuchRequestHandlingMethod( NoSuchRequestHandlingMethodException ex, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { // Ensure user has valid grid credentials if (gridAccess.isProxyValid( request.getSession().getAttribute("userCred"))) { logger.debug("No/invalid action parameter; returning gridsubmit view."); return new ModelAndView("gridsubmit"); } else { request.getSession().setAttribute( "redirectAfterLogin", "/gridsubmit.html"); logger.warn("Proxy not initialized. Redirecting to gridLogin."); return new ModelAndView( new RedirectView("/gridLogin.html", true, false, false)); } }*/ /** * Returns a JSON object containing a list of the current user's series. * * @param request The servlet request * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a series attribute which is an array of * GeodesySeries objects. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView mySeries(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String user = request.getRemoteUser(); logger.debug("Querying series of " + user); List<GeodesySeries> series = jobManager.querySeries(user, null, null); logger.debug("Returning list of " + series.size() + " series."); return new ModelAndView("jsonView", "series", series); } /** * Very simple helper class (bean). */ public class SimpleBean { private String value; public SimpleBean(String value) { this.value = value; } public String getValue() { return value; } } /** * Returns a JSON object containing a list of code. * * @param request The servlet request * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a series attribute which is an array of * SimpleBean objects contain available code. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView getCodeObject(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String user = request.getRemoteUser(); logger.debug("Querying code list for " + user); List<SimpleBean> code = new ArrayList<SimpleBean>(); code.add(new SimpleBean("Gamit")); code.add(new SimpleBean("Burmese")); logger.debug("Returning list of " + code.size() + " codeObject."); return new ModelAndView("jsonView", "code", code); } /** * Returns a JSON object containing a list of jobTypes. * * @param request The servlet request * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a series attribute which is an array of * SimpleBean objects contain available jobTypes. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView listJobTypes(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String user = request.getRemoteUser(); logger.debug("Querying job types list for " + user); List<SimpleBean> jobType = new ArrayList<SimpleBean>(); jobType.add(new SimpleBean("multi")); jobType.add(new SimpleBean("single")); logger.debug("Returning list of " + jobType.size() + " jobType."); return new ModelAndView("jsonView", "jobType", jobType); } /** * Returns a JSON object containing a list of jobTypes. * * @param request The servlet request * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a series attribute which is an array of * SimpleBean objects contain available jobTypes. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView getGetArguments(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String user = request.getRemoteUser(); logger.debug("Querying param for " + user); List<SimpleBean> params = new ArrayList<SimpleBean>(); params.add(new SimpleBean("enter args ...")); logger.debug("Returning list of " + params.size() + " params."); return new ModelAndView("jsonView", "paramLines", params); } /** * Returns a JSON object containing an array of sites that have the code. * * @param request The servlet request * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a sites attribute which is an array of * sites on the grid that have an installation of the selected code. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView listSites(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String myCode = request.getParameter("code"); logger.debug("Retrieving sites with " + myCode + " installations."); String[] particleSites = gridAccess.retrieveSitesWithSoftwareAndVersion(myCode, ""); List<SimpleBean> sites = new ArrayList<SimpleBean>(); for (int i = 0; i < particleSites.length; i++) { sites.add(new SimpleBean(particleSites[i])); logger.debug("Site name: " + particleSites[i]); } logger.debug("Returning list of " + particleSites.length + " sites."); return new ModelAndView("jsonView", "sites", sites); } /** * Returns a JSON object containing an array of job manager queues at * the specified site. * * @param request The servlet request including a site parameter * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a queues attribute which is an array of * job queues available at requested site. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView listSiteQueues(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String site = request.getParameter("site"); List<SimpleBean> queues = new ArrayList<SimpleBean>(); if (site != null) { logger.debug("Retrieving queue names at " + site); String[] siteQueues = gridAccess.retrieveQueueNamesAtSite(site); for (int i = 0; i < siteQueues.length; i++) { queues.add(new SimpleBean(siteQueues[i])); } } else { logger.warn("No site specified!"); } logger.debug("Returning list of " + queues.size() + " queue names."); return new ModelAndView("jsonView", "queues", queues); } /** * Returns a JSON object containing an array of versions at * the specified site. * * @param request The servlet request including a site parameter * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a versions attribute which is an array of * versions installed at requested site. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView listSiteVersions(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String site = request.getParameter("site"); String myCode = request.getParameter("code"); List<SimpleBean> versions = new ArrayList<SimpleBean>(); if (site != null || myCode != null) { logger.debug("Retrieving versions at " + site); String[] siteVersions = gridAccess.retrieveCodeVersionsAtSite(site, myCode); for (int i = 0; i < siteVersions.length; i++) { versions.add(new SimpleBean(siteVersions[i])); } } else { logger.warn("No site or code are specified!"); } logger.debug("Returning list of " + versions.size() + " versions."); return new ModelAndView("jsonView", "versions", versions); } /** * Returns a JSON object containing a populated GeodesyJob object. * * @param request The servlet request * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a data attribute containing a populated * GeodesyJob object and a success attribute. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView getJobObject(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { GeodesyJob job = prepareModel(request); logger.debug("Returning job."); ModelAndView result = new ModelAndView("jsonView"); GridTransferStatus status = (GridTransferStatus) request.getSession().getAttribute("gridStatus"); if (status == null || job == null) { logger.error("Job setup failure."); result.addObject("success", false); } else { if (status.jobSubmissionStatus == JobSubmissionStatus.Failed) { logger.error("Job setup failure."); result.addObject("success", false); } logger.debug("Job setup success."); result.addObject("data", job); result.addObject("success", true); } return result; } /** * Returns a JSON object containing an array of filenames and sizes which * are currently in the job's stage in directory. * * @param request The servlet request * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a files attribute which is an array of * filenames. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView listJobFiles(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String jobInputDir = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("localJobInputDir"); String jobType = (String) request.getParameter("jobType"); logger.debug("Inside"); List files = new ArrayList<FileInformation>(); if (jobInputDir != null) { if (jobType != null) { String filePath = jobInputDir + GridSubmitController.RINEX_DIR; File dir = new File(filePath + File.separator); addFileNamesOfDirectory(files, dir, GridSubmitController.FOR_ALL, filePath); filePath = jobInputDir + GridSubmitController.TABLE_DIR; dir = new File(filePath + File.separator); addFileNamesOfDirectory(files, dir, GridSubmitController.FOR_ALL, filePath); logger.debug("Inside multi job"); boolean subJobExist = true; int i = 0; while (subJobExist) { String subDirID = "subJob_" + i; File subDir = new File(jobInputDir + subDirID + File.separator); if (subDir.exists()) { //list rinex dir filePath = jobInputDir + subDirID + File.separator + GridSubmitController.RINEX_DIR; subDir = new File(filePath + File.separator); if (subDir.exists()) { addFileNamesOfDirectory(files, dir, subDirID, filePath); } //list tables dir filePath = jobInputDir + subDirID + File.separator + GridSubmitController.TABLE_DIR; subDir = new File(filePath + File.separator); if (subDir.exists()) { addFileNamesOfDirectory(files, dir, subDirID, filePath); } } else { //exit loop subJobExist = false; } i++; } } /*else{ logger.debug("Inside single job"); String filePath = jobInputDir+GridSubmitController.RINEX_DIR; File dir = new File(filePath+File.separator); addFileNamesOfDirectory(files, dir, GridSubmitController.FOR_ALL, filePath); filePath = jobInputDir+GridSubmitController.TABLE_DIR; dir = new File(filePath+File.separator); addFileNamesOfDirectory(files, dir, GridSubmitController.FOR_ALL, filePath); }*/ } logger.debug("Returning list of " + files.size() + " files."); return new ModelAndView("jsonView", "files", files); } /** * Sends the contents of a input job file to the client. * * @param request The servlet request including a filename parameter * * @param response The servlet response receiving the data * * @return null on success or the joblist view with an error parameter on * failure. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView downloadFile(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String dirPathStr = request.getParameter("dirPath"); String fileName = request.getParameter("filename"); String errorString = null; if (dirPathStr != null && fileName != null) { logger.debug("Downloading: " + dirPathStr + fileName + "."); File f = new File(dirPathStr + File.separator + fileName); if (!f.canRead()) { logger.error("File " + f.getPath() + " not readable!"); errorString = new String("File could not be read."); } else { response.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\""); try { byte[] buffer = new byte[16384]; int count = 0; OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(f); while ((count = != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, count); } out.flush(); return null; } catch (IOException e) { errorString = new String("Could not send file: " + e.getMessage()); logger.error(errorString); } } } // We only end up here in case of an error so return a suitable message if (errorString == null) { if (dirPathStr == null) { errorString = new String("Invalid input job file path specified!"); logger.error(errorString); } else if (fileName == null) { errorString = new String("No filename provided!"); logger.error(errorString); } else { // should never get here errorString = new String("Something went wrong."); logger.error(errorString); } } return new ModelAndView("jsonView", "error", errorString); } /** * Processes a file upload request returning a JSON object which indicates * whether the upload was successful and contains the filename and file * size. * * @param request The servlet request * @param response The servlet response containing the JSON data * * @return null */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView uploadFile(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { logger.debug("Entering "); String jobInputDir = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("localJobInputDir"); MultipartHttpServletRequest mfReq = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request; String jobType = (String) mfReq.getParameter("jobType"); String subJobId = (String) mfReq.getParameter("subJobId"); boolean success = true; String error = null; FileInformation fileInfo = null; String destinationPath = null; MultipartFile f = mfReq.getFile("file"); if (f != null) { String fileType = checkFileType(f.getOriginalFilename()); //check if multiJob or not if (jobType.equals("single") || subJobId.equals(GridSubmitController.FOR_ALL)) { logger.debug("uploading file for single job "); subJobId = GridSubmitController.FOR_ALL; if (fileType.equals(GridSubmitController.TABLE_DIR)) { destinationPath = jobInputDir + GridSubmitController.TABLE_DIR + File.separator; } else { destinationPath = jobInputDir + GridSubmitController.RINEX_DIR + File.separator; } } else { logger.debug("uploading file for multi job "); String subJobInputDir = jobInputDir + subJobId.trim() + File.separator; if (createLocalSubJobDir(request, subJobInputDir, fileType, subJobId.trim())) { if (fileType.equals(GridSubmitController.TABLE_DIR)) { destinationPath = subJobInputDir + GridSubmitController.TABLE_DIR + File.separator; } else { destinationPath = subJobInputDir + GridSubmitController.RINEX_DIR + File.separator; } } else { logger.error("Could not create local subJob Directories."); success = false; error = new String("Could not create local subJob Directories."); } } if (jobInputDir != null && success) {"Saving uploaded file " + f.getOriginalFilename()); //TO-DO allow to upload on tables directory as well. GUI functions to be added. File destination = new File(destinationPath + f.getOriginalFilename()); if (destination.exists()) { logger.debug("Will overwrite existing file."); } try { f.transferTo(destination); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Could not move file: " + e.getMessage()); success = false; error = new String("Could not process file."); } fileInfo = new FileInformation(f.getOriginalFilename(), f.getSize()); } else { logger.error("Input directory not found or couldn't be created in current session!"); success = false; error = new String("Internal error. Please reload the page."); } } else { logger.error("No file parameter provided."); success = false; error = new String("Invalid request."); } // We cannot use jsonView here since this is a file upload request and // ExtJS uses a hidden iframe which receives the response. response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); try { PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter(); pw.print("{success:'" + success + "'"); if (error != null) { pw.print(",error:'" + error + "'"); } if (fileInfo != null) { pw.print(",name:'" + fileInfo.getName() + "',size:" + fileInfo.getSize() + ",subJob:'" + subJobId + "'"); } pw.print("}"); pw.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } return null; } /** * Deletes one or more uploaded files of the current job. * * @param request The servlet request * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a success attribute that indicates whether * the files were successfully deleted. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView deleteFiles(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String jobInputDir = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("localJobInputDir"); ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("jsonView"); boolean success; if (jobInputDir != null) { success = true; String filesPrm = request.getParameter("files"); String subJobPrm = (String) request.getParameter("subJobId"); logger.debug("Request to delete " + filesPrm); String[] files = (String[]) JSONArray.toArray(JSONArray.fromObject(filesPrm), String.class); String[] subJobId = (String[]) JSONArray.toArray(JSONArray.fromObject(subJobPrm), String.class); int i = 0; for (String filename : files) { String fileType = checkFileType(filename); String fullFilename = null; if (subJobId[i] == null || subJobId[i].equals("")) subJobId[i] = GridSubmitController.FOR_ALL; if (subJobId[i].equals(GridSubmitController.FOR_ALL)) { logger.debug("Deleting " + filename + " for subJob" + subJobId[i]); if (fileType.equals(GridSubmitController.TABLE_DIR)) { fullFilename = jobInputDir + GridSubmitController.TABLE_DIR + File.separator + filename; } else { fullFilename = jobInputDir + GridSubmitController.RINEX_DIR + File.separator + filename; } } else { logger.debug("Deleting " + filename + " for subJob" + subJobId[i]); if (fileType.equals(GridSubmitController.TABLE_DIR)) { fullFilename = jobInputDir + subJobId[i] + File.separator + GridSubmitController.TABLE_DIR + File.separator + filename; } else { fullFilename = jobInputDir + subJobId[i] + File.separator + GridSubmitController.RINEX_DIR + File.separator + filename; } } File f = new File(fullFilename); if (f.exists() && f.isFile()) { logger.debug("Deleting " + f.getPath()); boolean lsuccess = f.delete(); if (!lsuccess) { logger.warn("Unable to delete " + f.getPath()); success = false; } } else { logger.warn(f.getPath() + " does not exist or is not a file!"); } i++; } } else { success = false; } mav.addObject("success", success); return mav; } /** * Get status of the current job submission. * * @param request The servlet request * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a success attribute that indicates the status. * */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView getJobStatus(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("jsonView"); GridTransferStatus jobStatus = (GridTransferStatus) request.getSession().getAttribute("gridStatus"); if (jobStatus != null) { mav.addObject("data", jobStatus.currentStatusMsg); mav.addObject("jobStatus", jobStatus.jobSubmissionStatus); } else { mav.addObject("data", "Grid File Transfere failed."); mav.addObject("jobStatus", JobSubmissionStatus.Failed); } mav.addObject("success", true); return mav; } /** * Cancels the current job submission. Called to clean up temporary files. * * @param request The servlet request * @param response The servlet response * * @return null */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView cancelSubmission(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String jobInputDir = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("localJobInputDir"); if (jobInputDir != null) { logger.debug("Deleting temporary job files."); File jobDir = new File(jobInputDir); Util.deleteFilesRecursive(jobDir); request.getSession().removeAttribute("localJobInputDir"); } return null; } /** * Replaces the sites.defaults file with a dynamically created template. * * Returns a JSONResponse * { * success : true/false * } * @param request * @param response * @param job * @return */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView generateSiteDefaultsTemplate(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, GeodesyJob job) { String localJobInputDir = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("localJobInputDir"); ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("jsonView"); boolean success = false; //guilty until proven innocent if (localJobInputDir == null || localJobInputDir.length() == 0) { logger.error("session attribute \"localJobInputDir\" is null or empty"); } else { //Lets replace our sites.default with a new template we create dynamically success = templateSitesDefaults(request, localJobInputDir + GridSubmitController.TABLE_DIR + File.separator, job); } if (success)"Successful generation of sites.defaults template"); else logger.error("Error creating template sites.default"); // Save in session for status update request for this job. mav.addObject("success", success); return mav; } /** * Given a credential, this function generates a directory name based on the distinguished name of the credential * @param credential * @return */ public static String generateCertDNDirectory(Object credential) throws GSSException { GSSCredential cred = (GSSCredential) credential; return cred.getName().toString().replaceAll("=", "_").replaceAll("/", "_").replaceAll(" ", "_") .substring(1);//certDN.replaceAll("=", "_").replaceAll(" ", "_").replaceAll(",", "_"); } /** * Processes a job submission request. * * @param request The servlet request * @param response The servlet response * * @return A JSON object with a success attribute that indicates whether * the job was successfully submitted. */ @RequestMapping("/") public ModelAndView submitJob(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, GeodesyJob job) { logger.debug("Job details:\n" + job.toString()); GeodesySeries series = null; boolean success = true; final String user = request.getRemoteUser(); String jobInputDir = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("jobInputDir"); String newSeriesName = request.getParameter("seriesName"); String seriesIdStr = request.getParameter("seriesId"); ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("jsonView"); Object credential = request.getSession().getAttribute("userCred"); String localJobInputDir = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("localJobInputDir"); //Used to store Job Submission status, because there will be another request checking this. GridTransferStatus gridStatus = new GridTransferStatus(); if (credential == null) { //final String errorString = "Invalid grid credentials!"; logger.error(GridSubmitController.CREDENTIAL_ERROR); gridStatus.currentStatusMsg = GridSubmitController.CREDENTIAL_ERROR; gridStatus.jobSubmissionStatus = JobSubmissionStatus.Failed; // Save in session for status update request for this job. request.getSession().setAttribute("gridStatus", gridStatus); //mav.addObject("error", errorString); mav.addObject("success", false); return mav; } // if seriesName parameter was provided then we create a new series // otherwise seriesId contains the id of the series to use. if (newSeriesName != null && newSeriesName != "") { String newSeriesDesc = request.getParameter("seriesDesc"); logger.debug("Creating new series '" + newSeriesName + "'."); series = new GeodesySeries(); series.setUser(user); series.setName(newSeriesName); if (newSeriesDesc != null) { series.setDescription(newSeriesDesc); } jobManager.saveSeries(series); // Note that we can now access the series' new ID } else if (seriesIdStr != null && seriesIdStr != "") { try { int seriesId = Integer.parseInt(seriesIdStr); series = jobManager.getSeriesById(seriesId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Error parsing series ID!"); } } if (series == null) { success = false; final String msg = "No valid series found. NOT submitting job!"; logger.error(msg); gridStatus.currentStatusMsg = msg; gridStatus.jobSubmissionStatus = JobSubmissionStatus.Failed; } else { //Reduce our list of input files to an array of urls List<GeodesyGridInputFile> gpsFiles = (List<GeodesyGridInputFile>) request.getSession() .getAttribute("gridInputFiles"); logger.debug("gpsFiles: " + gpsFiles.toString()); if (gpsFiles == null) { logger.warn("gridInputFiles is null, using empty list instead"); gpsFiles = new ArrayList<GeodesyGridInputFile>(); } String[] urlArray = new String[gpsFiles.size()]; int urlArrayIndex = 0; for (GeodesyGridInputFile ggif : gpsFiles) { urlArray[urlArrayIndex++] = ggif.getFileUrl(); } //Transfer job input files to Grid StageInURL //if(urlArray.length > 0){ // gridStatus = urlCopy(urlArray, request); //} if (gridStatus.jobSubmissionStatus != JobSubmissionStatus.Failed) { job.setSeriesId(series.getId()); //job.setArguments(new String[] { job.getScriptFile() }); job.setJobType(job.getJobType().replace(",", "")); JSONArray args = JSONArray.fromObject(request.getParameter("arguments")); "Args count: " + job.getArguments().length + " | Args in Json : " + args.toArray().length); job.setArguments((String[]) args.toArray(new String[args.toArray().length])); // Create a new directory for the output files of this job //String certDN = (String)request.getSession().getAttribute("certDN"); String certDN_DIR = ""; try { certDN_DIR = generateCertDNDirectory(credential); logger.debug("certDN_DIR: " + certDN_DIR); } catch (GSSException e) { logger.error(FaultHelper.getMessage(e)); } success = createGridDir(request, gridAccess.getGridFtpStageOutDir() + certDN_DIR + File.separator); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"); String dateFmt = sdf.format(new Date()); String jobID = user + "-" + job.getName() + "-" + dateFmt + File.separator; String jobOutputDir = gridAccess.getGridFtpStageOutDir() + certDN_DIR + File.separator + jobID; // Add grid stage-in directory and local stage-in directory. String stageInURL = gridAccess.getGridFtpServer() + jobInputDir; logger.debug("stagInURL: " + stageInURL); if (job.getJobType().equals("single")) { //Transfer job input files to Grid StageInURL if (urlArray != null && urlArray.length > 0) { // Full URL // e.g. "gsi" // +"rinex/" + filename String toURL = gridAccess.getGridFtpServer() + File.separator + jobInputDir + GridSubmitController.RINEX_DIR + File.separator; gridStatus = urlCopy(urlArray, request, toURL); } String localStageInURL = gridAccess.getLocalGridFtpServer() + (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("localJobInputDir"); job.setInTransfers(new String[] { stageInURL, localStageInURL }); logger.debug("localStagInURL: " + localStageInURL); } else { //Here see if date range is used and not parameter list from the gui for multi job String strDateFrom = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("dateFrom"); String strDateTo = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("dateTo"); if (strDateFrom != null && strDateTo != null) { String[] params = createSubjobs(strDateFrom, strDateTo, job.getArguments()[0], request, gpsFiles); //overwrite job args job.setArguments(params); String localStageInURL = gridAccess.getLocalGridFtpServer() + localJobInputDir; job.setInTransfers(new String[] { localStageInURL }); gridStatus = (GridTransferStatus) request.getSession().getAttribute("gridStatus"); } else { if (urlArray != null && urlArray.length > 0) { // Full URL // e.g. "gsi" // +"rinex/" + filename String toURL = gridAccess.getGridFtpServer() + File.separator + jobInputDir + GridSubmitController.RINEX_DIR + File.separator; gridStatus = urlCopy(urlArray, request, toURL); } String localStageInURL = gridAccess.getLocalGridFtpServer() + localJobInputDir; job.setInTransfers(new String[] { stageInURL, localStageInURL }); } //create the base directory for multi job, because this fails on stage out. success = createGridDir(request, jobOutputDir); //Add subJobStageIns Hashtable localSubJobDir = (Hashtable) request.getSession().getAttribute("localSubJobDir"); if (localSubJobDir == null) localSubJobDir = new Hashtable(); job.setSubJobStageIn(localSubJobDir); request.getSession().removeAttribute("localSubJobDir"); logger.debug("localSubJobDir size: " + localSubJobDir.size()); //Add grigSubJobStageIns Hashtable gridSubJobStageInDir = (Hashtable) request.getSession() .getAttribute("subJobStageInDir"); if (gridSubJobStageInDir == null) gridSubJobStageInDir = new Hashtable(); job.setGridSubJobStageIn(gridSubJobStageInDir); request.getSession().removeAttribute("subJobStageInDir"); logger.debug("gridSubJobStageInDir size: " + gridSubJobStageInDir.size()); } String submitEPR = null; job.setEmailAddress(user); job.setOutputDir(jobOutputDir); job.setOutTransfers(new String[] { gridAccess.getGridFtpServer() + jobOutputDir });"Submitting job with name " + job.getName() + " to " + job.getSite()); // ACTION! if (success && gridStatus.jobSubmissionStatus != JobSubmissionStatus.Failed) submitEPR = gridAccess.submitJob(job, credential); if (submitEPR == null) { success = false; gridStatus.jobSubmissionStatus = JobSubmissionStatus.Failed; gridStatus.currentStatusMsg = GridSubmitController.INTERNAL_ERROR; } else {"SUCCESS! EPR: " + submitEPR); String status = gridAccess.retrieveJobStatus(submitEPR, credential); job.setReference(submitEPR); job.setStatus(status); job.setSubmitDate(dateFmt); jobSupplementInfo(job); jobManager.saveJob(job); request.getSession().removeAttribute("jobInputDir"); request.getSession().removeAttribute("localJobInputDir"); //This means job submission to the grid done. gridStatus.jobSubmissionStatus = JobSubmissionStatus.Done; gridStatus.currentStatusMsg = GridSubmitController.TRANSFER_COMPLETE; } } else { success = false; logger.error(GridSubmitController.FILE_COPY_ERROR); gridStatus.currentStatusMsg = GridSubmitController.FILE_COPY_ERROR; gridStatus.jobSubmissionStatus = JobSubmissionStatus.Failed; mav.addObject("error", GridSubmitController.FILE_COPY_ERROR); } } // Save in session for status update request for this job. request.getSession().setAttribute("gridStatus", gridStatus); //reset the date range for next job request.getSession().removeAttribute("dateTo"); request.getSession().removeAttribute("dateFrom"); mav.addObject("success", success); return mav; } /** * create a subjob for each day in the date range, using first parameter as a template. * Then transfer all the rinex files for each subjob. * @param strDateFrom * @param strDateTo * @param param * @return array of strings */ private String[] createSubjobs(String strDateFrom, String strDateTo, String param, HttpServletRequest request, List<GeodesyGridInputFile> gpsFiles) { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); List<String> paramList = new ArrayList<String>(); // Save in session to use it when submitting job String jobInputDir = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("jobInputDir"); //Use the first parameter from GUI as template for generating param for each day in the date range String paramTemp = param.substring(param.indexOf("-expt", 0), param.length()); try { Date dateFrom = df.parse(strDateFrom); Date dateTo = df.parse(strDateTo); Calendar calFrom = Calendar.getInstance(); calFrom.setTime(dateFrom); Calendar calTo = Calendar.getInstance(); calTo.setTime(dateTo); //String gpsFiles = (String)request.getSession().getAttribute("gridInputFiles"); //List<String> urlsList = GeodesyUtil.getSelectedGPSFiles(gpsFiles); //while dateFrom is less than or equal to dateTo int jobCount = 0; while ((calFrom.compareTo(calTo)) <= 0) { //TO-DO check if this subJob has renix files available int year = calFrom.get(Calendar.YEAR); int doy = calFrom.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); String strParam = "-d " + year + " " + doy + " " + paramTemp; paramList.add(strParam); String[] rinexOfDay = getRinexFilesOfDate(calFrom, gpsFiles); if (rinexOfDay.length > 0) { //First create subJob/rinex/ directories path for this subJob //Then urlcopy relevent rinex files for this sub job String subJobId = "subJob_" + jobCount; String subJobDir = jobInputDir + subJobId + File.separator; if (createGridDir(request, subJobDir)) { String rinexSubJobDir = subJobDir + GridSubmitController.RINEX_DIR + File.separator; if (createGridDir(request, rinexSubJobDir)) { // Full URL // e.g. "gsi" // +"rinex/" + filename String toURL = gridAccess.getGridFtpServer() + File.separator + rinexSubJobDir; urlCopy(rinexOfDay, request, toURL); Hashtable subJobStageInDir = (Hashtable) request.getSession() .getAttribute("subJobStageInDir"); if (subJobStageInDir == null) subJobStageInDir = new Hashtable(); if (!subJobStageInDir.containsKey(subJobId)) { String gridSubjobDir = gridAccess.getGridFtpServer() + subJobDir; subJobStageInDir.put(subJobId, gridSubjobDir); request.getSession().setAttribute("subJobStageInDir", subJobStageInDir);"Added gridStageInDir: " + gridSubjobDir); } } /*Hashtable subJobStageInDir = (Hashtable) request.getSession().getAttribute("subJobStageInDir"); if(subJobStageInDir == null) subJobStageInDir = new Hashtable(); if(!subJobStageInDir.containsKey(subJobId)){ String gridSubjobDir = gridAccess.getGridFtpServer()+subJobDir; subJobStageInDir.put(subJobId, gridSubjobDir); request.getSession().setAttribute("subJobStageInDir", subJobStageInDir);"Added gridStageInDir: "+gridSubjobDir); }*/ } } else {"No rinex files found for this day: " + year + "-" + doy); } calFrom.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); jobCount++; logger.debug("Added param: " + strParam); } } catch (ParseException e) { //do we need to pass this to the gui logger.error("Error casting date: " + e.getMessage()); } String[] paramArray = new String[paramList.size()]; paramArray = paramList.toArray(paramArray); return paramArray; } private String[] getRinexFilesOfDate(Calendar currentDate, List<GeodesyGridInputFile> gpsFiles) { List<String> rinexFilesOfDate = new ArrayList<String>(); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Calendar fileDate = Calendar.getInstance(); for (GeodesyGridInputFile rinexUrl : gpsFiles) { try { Date date = df.parse(rinexUrl.getFileDate()); fileDate.setTime(date); //now check if the file if for the current date, we don't care about which station if (currentDate.compareTo(fileDate) == 0) { logger.debug( "Date: " + currentDate.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "-" + currentDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) + " is matched to rinex file: " + rinexUrl.getFileUrl()); rinexFilesOfDate.add(rinexUrl.getFileUrl()); //TO-DO it would be nice for performance if we could remove processed urls from the list //somehow this fails. //gpsFiles.remove(rinexUrl); } } catch (Exception e) { //do we need to pass this to the gui logger.error("Error casting date of the rinex file: " + e.getMessage()); } } String[] rinexArray = new String[rinexFilesOfDate.size()]; rinexArray = rinexFilesOfDate.toArray(rinexArray); return rinexArray; } /* private String[] getRinexFilesOfDate(int year, int doy, List<GeodesyGridInputFile> gpsFiles){ List<String> rinexFilesOfDate = new ArrayList<String>(); String filename = null; for (GeodesyGridInputFile rinexUrl : gpsFiles){ try{ URL url = new URL(rinexUrl.getFileUrl()); filename = (new File(url.getPath())).getName(); }catch (Exception e){ //do we need to pass this to the gui logger.error("Not valid url: "+e.getMessage()); } if(filename != null) { Matcher matcher = RINEX_FILENAME_PATTERN.matcher(filename); //the rinex file matches the pattern if (matcher.matches()) { int rinex_doy = Integer.parseInt(; int rinex_year = Integer.parseInt(; if (year < 90) { rinex_year += 2000; } else { rinex_year += 1900; } logger.debug("doy= "); //now check if the file if for the current date, we don't care about which station if(year == rinex_year && doy == rinex_doy){ logger.debug("Date"+year+"-"+doy+"is matched to rinex file: "+filename); rinexFilesOfDate.add(rinexUrl.getFileUrl()); gpsFiles.remove(rinexUrl); } }else { logger.debug("Rinex File name not in expected form: "+filename); } } } String[] rinexArray = new String[rinexFilesOfDate.size()]; rinexArray = rinexFilesOfDate.toArray(rinexArray); return rinexArray; }*/ /** * Method that store extra job info required for registering into Geonetwork * @param job */ private void jobSupplementInfo(GeodesyJob job) { StringBuilder detail = new StringBuilder(); detail.append("ExecutedCode: " + job.getCode() + "\n"); detail.append("Version: " + job.getVersion() + "\n"); detail.append("Site: " + job.getSite() + "\n"); detail.append("QueueOnSite: " + job.getQueue() + "\n"); detail.append("Walltime: " + job.getMaxWallTime() + "\n"); detail.append("MaxMemory: " + job.getMaxMemory() + "\n"); detail.append("NumberOfCPUs: " + job.getCpuCount() + "\n"); detail.append("JobType: " + job.getJobType() + "\n"); detail.append("Arguments: " + job.getArguments()[0]); //We need to store this for when register job.setExtraJobDetails(detail.toString()); } /** * Creates a new Job object with predefined values for some fields. * * @param request The servlet request containing a session object * * @return The new job object. */ private GeodesyJob prepareModel(HttpServletRequest request) { final String user = request.getRemoteUser(); final String maxWallTime = "60"; // in minutes final String maxMemory = "2048"; // in MB final String stdInput = ""; final String stdOutput = "stdOutput.txt"; final String stdError = "stdError.txt"; final String[] arguments = new String[0]; final String[] inTransfers = new String[0]; final String[] outTransfers = new String[0]; String name = "GeodesyJob"; String site = "iVEC"; Integer cpuCount = 1; String version = ""; String queue = ""; String description = ""; String scriptFile = ""; // Set a default version and queue String[] allVersions = gridAccess.retrieveCodeVersionsAtSite(site, GeodesyJob.CODE_NAME); if (allVersions.length > 0) version = allVersions[0]; String[] allQueues = gridAccess.retrieveQueueNamesAtSite(site); if (allQueues.length > 0) queue = allQueues[0]; // Create a new directory to put all files for this job into. // This directory will always be the first stageIn directive. SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"); String dateFmt = sdf.format(new Date()); String jobID = user + "-" + dateFmt + File.separator; String jobInputDir = gridAccess.getGridFtpStageInDir() + jobID; boolean success = createGridDir(request, jobInputDir); if (!success) { logger.error("Setting up Grid StageIn directory failed."); return null; } success = createGridDir(request, jobInputDir + GridSubmitController.RINEX_DIR + File.separator); if (!success) { logger.error("Setting up Grid Rinex StageIn directory failed."); return null; } //Create local stageIn directory. success = createLocalDir(request); if (!success) { logger.error("Setting up local StageIn directory failed."); return null; } // Save in session to use it when submitting job request.getSession().setAttribute("jobInputDir", jobInputDir); // Check if the user requested to re-submit a previous job. String jobIdStr = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("resubmitJob"); GeodesyJob existingJob = null; if (jobIdStr != null) { request.getSession().removeAttribute("resubmitJob"); logger.debug("Request to re-submit a job."); try { int jobId = Integer.parseInt(jobIdStr); existingJob = jobManager.getJobById(jobId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error("Error parsing job ID!"); } } if (existingJob != null) { logger.debug("Using attributes of " + existingJob.getName()); site = existingJob.getSite(); version = existingJob.getVersion(); name = existingJob.getName() + "_resubmit"; scriptFile = existingJob.getScriptFile(); description = existingJob.getDescription(); allQueues = gridAccess.retrieveQueueNamesAtSite(site); if (allQueues.length > 0) queue = allQueues[0]; logger.debug("Copying files from old job to stage-in directory"); File srcDir = new File(existingJob.getOutputDir()); File destDir = new File(jobInputDir); success = Util.copyFilesRecursive(srcDir, destDir); if (!success) { logger.error("Could not copy all files!"); // TODO: Let user know this didn't work } } // Check if the ScriptBuilder was used. If so, there is a file in the // system temp directory which needs to be staged in. String newScript = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("scriptFile"); if (newScript != null) { request.getSession().removeAttribute("scriptFile"); logger.debug("Adding " + newScript + " to stage-in directory"); File tmpScriptFile = new File( System.getProperty("") + File.separator + newScript + ".py"); File newScriptFile = new File(jobInputDir, tmpScriptFile.getName()); success = Util.moveFile(tmpScriptFile, newScriptFile); if (success) {"Moved " + newScript + " to stageIn directory"); scriptFile = newScript + ".py"; // Extract information from script file ScriptParser parser = new ScriptParser(); try { parser.parse(newScriptFile); cpuCount = parser.getNumWorkerProcesses() + 1; } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Error parsing file: " + e.getMessage()); } } else { logger.warn("Could not move " + newScript + " to stage-in!"); } } logger.debug("Creating new GeodesyJob instance"); GeodesyJob job = new GeodesyJob(site, name, version, arguments, queue, maxWallTime, maxMemory, cpuCount, inTransfers, outTransfers, user, stdInput, stdOutput, stdError); job.setScriptFile(scriptFile); job.setDescription(description); return job; } /** * This function replaces the sites.defaults file in the specified directory * With a new file (based on a hardcoded template and the site's selected). * * @param request * @param stageInDirectory * @param job Will have its arguments parameter parsed for an -expt option * @return */ private boolean templateSitesDefaults(HttpServletRequest request, String stageInDirectory, GeodesyJob job) { String[] argumentList = job.getArguments(); if (argumentList == null || argumentList.length < 1) { logger.warn("No job arguments specified"); return false; } //Current strategy - Grab the FIRST argument line and parse out the value of the -expt option String[] arguments = argumentList[0].split(" "); String experimentName = null; for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (arguments[i].equals("-expt") && i < (arguments.length - 1)) { experimentName = arguments[i + 1]; break; } } if (experimentName == null) { logger.warn("No -expt option specified"); return false; } return templateSitesDefaults(request, stageInDirectory, experimentName); } /** * This function replaces the sites.defaults file in the specified directory * With a new file (based on a hardcoded template and the site's selected). * @return */ private boolean templateSitesDefaults(HttpServletRequest request, String stageInDirectory, String experimentName) { boolean success = true; FileWriter fw = null; try { fw = new FileWriter(stageInDirectory + "sites.defaults"); //We have a list of files each with a different station ID, we want only the list of station ID's (No Duplicates) Map<String, String> stationMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<GeodesyGridInputFile> ggifs = (List<GeodesyGridInputFile>) request.getSession() .getAttribute("gridInputFiles"); for (GeodesyGridInputFile ggif : ggifs) { stationMap.put(ggif.getStationId(), null); } //Now iterate our map for the list of non duplicated station ID's for (String stationName : stationMap.keySet()) { fw.write(String.format(" %1$2s_gps %2$2s localrx xstinfo \n", stationName, experimentName)); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex); success = false; } finally { if (fw != null) { try { fw.close(); } catch (IOException ioex) { logger.error("Error closing: " + ioex); success = false; } } } return success; } /** * Create stageIn directories on portal host, so user can upload files easy. * */ private boolean createLocalDir(HttpServletRequest request) { final String user = request.getRemoteUser(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"); String dateFmt = sdf.format(new Date()); String jobID = user + "-" + dateFmt + File.separator; String jobInputDir = gridAccess.getLocalGridFtpStageInDir() + jobID; boolean success = (new File(jobInputDir)).mkdir(); //create rinex directory. success = (new File(jobInputDir + GridSubmitController.RINEX_DIR + File.separator)).mkdir(); //tables files. success = Util.copyFilesRecursive(new File(GridSubmitController.PRE_STAGE_IN_TABLE_FILES), new File(jobInputDir + GridSubmitController.TABLE_DIR + File.separator)); if (!success) { logger.error("Could not create local stageIn directories "); jobInputDir = gridAccess.getGridFtpStageInDir(); } // Save in session to use it when submitting job request.getSession().setAttribute("localJobInputDir", jobInputDir); return success; } /** * Create subJob stageIn directory on portal host, so user can upload files easy. * This method is called each time the user is uploading a file for a multiJob. * */ private boolean createLocalSubJobDir(HttpServletRequest request, String subJobInputDir, String fileType, String subJobId) { boolean success = false; File subJobFile = new File(subJobInputDir); //create if subJob directory does not exist success = subJobFile.exists(); if (!success) { success = subJobFile.mkdir(); Hashtable localSubJobDir = (Hashtable) request.getSession().getAttribute("localSubJobDir"); if (localSubJobDir == null) localSubJobDir = new Hashtable(); if (!localSubJobDir.containsKey(subJobId)) { localSubJobDir.put(subJobId, gridAccess.getLocalGridFtpServer() + subJobInputDir); request.getSession().setAttribute("localSubJobDir", localSubJobDir); } } if (fileType.equals(GridSubmitController.RINEX_DIR)) { //create rinex directory for the subJob. File subJobRinexDir = new File(subJobInputDir + GridSubmitController.RINEX_DIR + File.separator); success = subJobRinexDir.exists(); if (!success) { success = subJobRinexDir.mkdir(); } } else { //create tables directory for the subJob. File subJobTablesDir = new File(subJobInputDir + GridSubmitController.TABLE_DIR + File.separator); success = subJobTablesDir.exists(); if (!success) { success = subJobTablesDir.mkdir(); } } if (!success) { logger.error("Could not create local subJobStageIn directories "); } return success; } /** * urlCopy * * Copy data to the Grid Storage using URLCopy. * This is method which does authentication, remote create directory * and files copying * * @param fromURLs an array of URLs to copy to the storage * * @return GridTransferStatus of files copied * */ /** * urlCopy * * Copy data to the Grid Storage using URLCopy. * This is method which does authentication, remote create directory * and files copying * * @param fromURLs an array of URLs to copy to the storage * * @return GridTransferStatus of files copied * */ private GridTransferStatus urlCopy(String[] fromURLs, HttpServletRequest request, String toURL) { Object credential = request.getSession().getAttribute("userCred"); String jobInputDir = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("jobInputDir"); GridTransferStatus status = new GridTransferStatus(); if (jobInputDir != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fromURLs.length; i++) { // StageIn to Grid etc int rtnValue = urlCopy(fromURLs[i], credential, jobInputDir, status, toURL); //This means time-out issue exception, so retry 2 more times. if (rtnValue == 1) {"UrlCopy timed-out retry 2 for: " + fromURLs[i]); rtnValue = urlCopy(fromURLs[i], credential, jobInputDir, status, toURL); if (rtnValue == 1) {"UrlCopy timed-out retry 3 for: " + fromURLs[i]); rtnValue = urlCopy(fromURLs[i], credential, jobInputDir, status, toURL); if (rtnValue == 1) { status.numFileCopied = i; status.currentStatusMsg = GridSubmitController.FILE_COPY_ERROR; status.jobSubmissionStatus = JobSubmissionStatus.Failed; // Save in session for status update request for this job. request.getSession().setAttribute("gridStatus", status); logger.error("UrlCopy retry timed-out for: " + fromURLs[i]); break; } } } //This means bad exception like network error, so quit. if (rtnValue == 2) { request.getSession().setAttribute("gridStatus", status); break; } status.numFileCopied++; status.currentStatusMsg = GridSubmitController.FILE_COPIED + status.numFileCopied + " of " + fromURLs.length + " files transfered."; logger.debug("Copy " + status.numFileCopied + " of " + fromURLs.length); // Save in session for status update request for this job. request.getSession().setAttribute("gridStatus", status); } } return status; } /** * Copy file to the Grid Storage using URLCopy. * This is method which does authentication and transfers the file. * @param fileUri The file to transfer * @param credential Credential to use * @param jobInputDir Path to copy to * @param status holds status of the transfer * @return */ private int urlCopy(String fileUri, Object credential, String jobInputDir, GridTransferStatus status, String toURL) { int rtnValue = 0; try { GlobusURL from = new GlobusURL(fileUri.replace("", "gsi")); logger.debug("fromURL is: " + from.toString()); String fullFilename = new URL(fileUri).getFile(); // Extract just the filename String filename = new File(fullFilename).getName(); status.file = filename; toURL = toURL + filename; GlobusURL to = new GlobusURL(toURL); logger.debug("toURL is: " + to.toString()); //Not knowing how long UrlCopy will take, the UI request status update of //file transfer periodically UrlCopy uCopy = new UrlCopy(); uCopy.setCredentials((GSSCredential) credential); uCopy.setDestinationUrl(to); uCopy.setSourceUrl(from); // Disables usage of third party transfers, for grid security reasons. uCopy.setUseThirdPartyCopy(false); uCopy.copy(); } catch (UrlCopyException e) { logger.error("UrlCopyException: " + e.getMessage()); rtnValue = 1; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error: " + e.getMessage()); status.currentStatusMsg = GridSubmitController.INTERNAL_ERROR; status.jobSubmissionStatus = JobSubmissionStatus.Failed; rtnValue = 2; } return rtnValue; } /** * Create a stageIn directories on Pbstore. If any errors update status. * @param the request to save created directories. * */ private boolean createGridDir(HttpServletRequest request, String myDir) { GridTransferStatus status = new GridTransferStatus(); Object credential = request.getSession().getAttribute("userCred"); boolean success = true; if (credential == null) { status.currentStatusMsg = GridSubmitController.CREDENTIAL_ERROR; return false; } try { GridFTPClient gridStore = new GridFTPClient(gridAccess.getRepoHostName(), gridAccess.getRepoHostFTPPort()); gridStore.authenticate((GSSCredential) credential); //authenticating gridStore.setDataChannelAuthentication(DataChannelAuthentication.SELF); gridStore.setDataChannelProtection(GridFTPSession.PROTECTION_SAFE); if (!gridStore.exists(myDir)) gridStore.makeDir(myDir); logger.debug("Created Grid Directory."); gridStore.close(); } catch (ServerException e) { logger.error("GridFTP ServerException: " + e.getMessage()); status.currentStatusMsg = GridSubmitController.GRID_LINK; status.jobSubmissionStatus = JobSubmissionStatus.Failed; success = false; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("GridFTP IOException: " + e.getMessage()); status.currentStatusMsg = GridSubmitController.GRID_LINK; status.jobSubmissionStatus = JobSubmissionStatus.Failed; success = false; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("GridFTP Exception: " + e.getMessage()); status.currentStatusMsg = GridSubmitController.GRID_LINK; status.jobSubmissionStatus = JobSubmissionStatus.Failed; success = false; } // Save in session for status update request for this job. request.getSession().setAttribute("gridStatus", status); return success; } /** * function that moves local GPS files at ivec to a separate list. * @param list of selected GPS files * @return list of local GPS files. */ private List<String> getLocalGPSFiles(List<String> list) { List<String> ivecList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String fileName : list) { if (fileName.contains("")) { ivecList.add(convertFilePathToIvec(fileName)); //The file can not be in two list list.remove(fileName); } } return ivecList; } /** * * @param fileName file which to change it's path name * @return */ private String convertFilePathToIvec(String fileName) { //replace "" //with "gsi" return fileName.replace(IVEC_MIRROR_URL, gridAccess.getGridFtpServer() + PBSTORE_RINEX_PATH); } /** * function that checks the file type is rinex or not * @param fileName * @return */ private String checkFileType(String fileName) { String rtnValue = null; if (fileName.trim().toLowerCase().endsWith(".z")) { logger.debug("file is of rinex."); rtnValue = GridSubmitController.RINEX_DIR; } else { logger.debug("file is of tables."); rtnValue = GridSubmitController.TABLE_DIR; } return rtnValue; } /** * Funtion th * @param files * @param dir * @param subJob */ private void addFileNamesOfDirectory(List files, File dir, String subJob, String filePath) { String fileNames[] = dir.list(); logger.debug("Inside adding files."); for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) { File f = new File(dir, fileNames[i]); FileInformation fileInfo = new FileInformation(fileNames[i], f.length(), subJob); fileInfo.setParentPath(filePath); logger.debug("File path is:" + filePath); files.add(fileInfo); } } /** * This method using GridFTP Client returns directory list of stageOut directory * and sub directories. * @param fullDirname * @param credential * @return */ private FileInformation[] getDirectoryListing(String fullDirname, Object credential) { GridFTPClient gridStore = null; FileInformation[] fileDetails = new FileInformation[0]; try { gridStore = new GridFTPClient(gridAccess.getRepoHostName(), gridAccess.getRepoHostFTPPort()); gridStore.authenticate((GSSCredential) credential); //authenticating gridStore.setDataChannelAuthentication(DataChannelAuthentication.SELF); gridStore.setDataChannelProtection(GridFTPSession.PROTECTION_SAFE); logger.debug("Change to Grid StageOut dir:" + fullDirname); gridStore.changeDir(fullDirname); logger.debug("List files in StageOut dir:" + gridStore.getCurrentDir()); gridStore.setType(GridFTPSession.TYPE_ASCII); gridStore.setPassive(); gridStore.setLocalActive(); Vector list = gridStore.list("*"); if (list != null && !(list.isEmpty())) { fileDetails = new FileInformation[list.size()]; for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { FileInfo fInfo = (FileInfo) list.get(i); fileDetails[i] = new FileInformation(fInfo.getName(), fInfo.getSize(), fullDirname, fInfo.isDirectory()); } } } catch (ServerException e) { logger.error("GridFTP ServerException: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("GridFTP IOException: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("GridFTP Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (gridStore != null) gridStore.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("GridFTP Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } return fileDetails; } /** * Simple object to hold Grid file transfer status. * @author jam19d * */ class GridTransferStatus { public int numFileCopied = 0; public String file = ""; public String gridFullURL = ""; public String gridServer = ""; public String currentStatusMsg = ""; public JobSubmissionStatus jobSubmissionStatus = JobSubmissionStatus.Running; } /** * Enum to indicate over all job submission status. */ public enum JobSubmissionStatus { Running, Done, Failed } }