Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013, inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.auraframework.integration.test.util; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.CharEncoding; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.CookieStore; import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.protocol.ClientContext; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils; import org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.cookie.BasicClientCookie; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpContext; import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.auraframework.adapter.ConfigAdapter; import org.auraframework.def.ActionDef; import org.auraframework.def.ApplicationDef; import org.auraframework.def.BaseComponentDef; import org.auraframework.def.ComponentDef; import org.auraframework.def.DefDescriptor; import org.auraframework.http.AuraBaseServlet; import org.auraframework.instance.Action; import org.auraframework.instance.InstanceStack; import org.auraframework.system.AuraContext; import org.auraframework.system.AuraContext.EncodingStyle; import org.auraframework.system.AuraContext.Format; import org.auraframework.system.AuraContext.Mode; import org.auraframework.system.LoggingContext.KeyValueLogger; import org.auraframework.throwable.AuraExecutionException; import org.auraframework.throwable.quickfix.QuickFixException; import org.auraframework.util.json.Json; import org.auraframework.util.json.JsonEncoder; import org.auraframework.util.json.JsonReader; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Base class with some helper methods specific to Aura. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public abstract class AuraHttpTestCase extends IntegrationTestCase { @Inject private ConfigAdapter configAdapter; /** * Given a URL to post a GET request, this method compares the actual status code of the response with an expected * status code. * * @param msg Error message that should be displayed if the actual response does not match the expected response * @param url URL to be used to execute the GET request * @param statusCode expected status code of response * @throws Exception */ protected void assertUrlResponse(String msg, String url, int statusCode) throws Exception { HttpGet get = obtainGetMethod(new URI(null, url, null).toString()); HttpResponse httpResponse = perform(get); EntityUtils.consume(httpResponse.getEntity()); get.releaseConnection(); int status = getStatusCode(httpResponse); assertEquals(msg, statusCode, status); } /** * Helper method to check that a response has the default X-FRAME-OPTIONS and Content-Security-Policy headers. If * your test doesn't use the default security policy, you get to roll your own validation of that, of course. * * Asserts if anything is wrong. * * As a safety provision, if the config adapter *isn't* recognized as "ours," we don't check anything. (This covers * the fact that inside SFDC, we have a different config adapter with a different default CSP.) * * @param response * @param guarded If {@code true}, check that we HAVE headers. If {@code false}, check that they are absent. * @param allowInline Allows inline script-src and style-src */ protected void assertDefaultAntiClickjacking(HttpResponse response, boolean guarded, boolean allowInline) { String adapterClassName = configAdapter.getClass().getName(); if (adapterClassName.equals("org.auraframework.impl.adapter.ConfigAdapterImpl") || adapterClassName.equals("org.auraframework.impl.adapter.MockConfigAdapterImpl")) { Header[] headers = response.getHeaders("X-FRAME-OPTIONS"); if (guarded) { assertEquals("wrong number of X-FRAME-OPTIONS header lines", 1, headers.length); AuraContext context = contextService.getCurrentContext(); boolean testMode = context != null && context.isTestMode(); // There may be multiple CSP headers, so we will look for the one we're interested in Map<String, List<String>> cspDirectives = getCSPDirectives(response); if (testMode || allowInline) { assertTrue("frame-ancestors is wrong", cspDirectives.get("frame-ancestors").contains("*")); assertTrue("script-src is wrong", cspDirectives.get("script-src").contains("'self' chrome-extension: 'unsafe-eval'")); assertTrue("style-src is wrong", cspDirectives.get("style-src").contains("'self' chrome-extension: 'unsafe-inline'")); assertEquals("ALLOWALL", headers[0].getValue()); } else { assertTrue("frame-ancestors is wrong", cspDirectives.get("frame-ancestors").contains("'self'")); assertTrue("script-src is wrong", cspDirectives.get("script-src").contains("'self' chrome-extension:")); assertTrue("style-src is wrong", cspDirectives.get("style-src").contains("'self' chrome-extension: 'unsafe-inline'")); assertEquals("SAMEORIGIN", headers[0].getValue()); } // These maybe aren't strictly "anti-clickjacking", but since // we're testing the rest of the default CSP: assertTrue("font-src is wrong", cspDirectives.get("font-src").contains("*")); assertTrue("img-src is wrong", cspDirectives.get("img-src").contains("*")); assertTrue("media-src is wrong", cspDirectives.get("media-src").contains("*")); assertTrue("default-src is wrong", cspDirectives.get("default-src").contains("'self'")); assertTrue("object-src is wrong", cspDirectives.get("object-src").contains("'self'")); assertTrue("connect-src is wrong", cspDirectives.get("connect-src") .contains("'self' http://offline https://offline")); } else { headers = response.getHeaders("Content-Security-Policy"); assertEquals(0, headers.length); // Check X-FRAME-OPTIONS vis-a-vis CSP assertEquals("wrong number of X-FRAME-OPTIONS header lines", 0, headers.length); } } } /** * Gather all the CSP directives in the response's headers into a Map keyed * by directive name. The entry values are a list of the directive values * found, since multiple headers may declare the same directives. */ protected Map<String, List<String>> getCSPDirectives(HttpResponse response) { Header[] headers = response.getHeaders("Content-Security-Policy"); Map<String, List<String>> directives = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Header header : headers) { for (String element : header.getValue().split(";")) { String[] parts = element.trim().split(" ", 2); String name = parts[0]; String value = parts[1]; List<String> entry = directives.get(name); if (entry != null) { entry.add(value); } else { directives.put(name, Lists.newArrayList(value)); } } } return directives; } protected String getHost() throws Exception { return getTestServletConfig().getBaseUrl().getHost(); } /** * Clear cookies from httpclient cookie store * * @throws Exception */ protected void clearCookies() throws Exception { getCookieStore().clear(); } /** * Adds cookie with name and value * * @param name cookie name * @param value cookie value * @throws Exception */ protected void addCookie(String name, String value) throws Exception { BasicClientCookie cookie = makeCookie(name, value); addCookie(cookie); } /** * Adds cookie to httpclient cookie store * * @param domain cookie domain * @param name cookie name * @param value cookie value * @param path cookie path * @throws Exception */ protected void addCookie(String domain, String name, String value, String path) throws Exception { BasicClientCookie cookie = makeCookie(domain, name, value, path); addCookie(cookie); } /** * Adds cookie to httpclient cookie store * * @param cookie cookie * @throws Exception */ protected void addCookie(Cookie cookie) throws Exception { getCookieStore().addCookie(cookie); } /** * Creates HttpContext with httpclient cookie store. Allows cookies to be part of specific request method. * * @return http context * @throws Exception */ protected HttpContext getHttpCookieContext() throws Exception { CookieStore cookieStore = getCookieStore(); HttpContext localContext = new BasicHttpContext(); localContext.setAttribute(ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE, cookieStore); return localContext; } /** * Checks there is no cookie in httpclient cookie store * * @param domain cookie domain * @param name cookie name * @param path cookie path * @throws Exception */ protected void assertNoCookie(String domain, String name, String path) throws Exception { Cookie expected = makeCookie(domain, name, null, path); for (Cookie cookie : getCookies()) { if (expected.equals(cookie)) { fail("Cookie was not deleted: " + cookie); } } } /** * Checks for cookie * * @param domain cookie domain * @param name cookie name * @param value cookie value * @param path cookie path * @throws Exception */ protected void assertCookie(String domain, String name, String path, String value) throws Exception { Cookie expected = makeCookie(domain, name, value, path); for (Cookie cookie : getCookies()) { if (expected.equals(cookie)) { assertEquals("Wrong cookie value!", expected.getValue(), cookie.getValue()); return; } } fail("Missing cookie, expected " + expected); } /** * Creates cookie with only provided name and value * * @param name cookie name * @param value cookie value * @return */ protected BasicClientCookie makeCookie(String name, String value) throws Exception { BasicClientCookie cookie = makeCookie(getHost(), name, value, "/"); return cookie; } /** * Creates cookie * * @param domain cookie domain * @param name cookie name * @param value cookie value * @param path cookie path * @return */ protected BasicClientCookie makeCookie(String domain, String name, String value, String path) { BasicClientCookie cookie = new BasicClientCookie(name, value); cookie.setDomain(domain); cookie.setPath(path); return cookie; } /** * Gets all cookies in httpclient cookie store * * @return cookies * @throws Exception */ protected List<Cookie> getCookies() throws Exception { return getCookieStore().getCookies(); } /** * Gets httpclient cookie store * * @return cookie store * @throws Exception */ protected CookieStore getCookieStore() throws Exception { return ((DefaultHttpClient) getHttpClient()).getCookieStore(); } /** * Given the a path on the api server, return a {@link HttpPost} that has the appropriate headers and server name. * * @param path the relative path to the server, such as <tt>/services/Soap</tt> or * <tt>/servlet/servlet.SForceMailMerge</tt>. * @param params a set of name value string pairs to use as parameters to the post call. * @return a {@link HttpPost} * @throws MalformedURLException if the path is invalid. * @throws URISyntaxException */ protected HttpPost obtainPostMethod(String path, Map<String, String> params) throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException, UnsupportedEncodingException { HttpPost post = new HttpPost(getTestServletConfig().getBaseUrl().toURI().resolve(path).toString()); List<NameValuePair> nvps = Lists.newArrayList(); if (params != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : params.entrySet()) { nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nvps, CharEncoding.UTF_8)); } return post; } /** * Convenience method for executing an Action * * @param serverControllerClass controller class * @param methodName name of controller action method * @return a {@link HttpPost} * @throws Exception */ protected HttpPost executeAuraAction(Class<?> serverControllerClass, String methodName, Map<String, String> actionParams, Map<String, String> postParams) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> message = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Object> actionInstance = new HashMap<>(); String descriptor = "java://" + serverControllerClass.getCanonicalName() + "/ACTION$" + methodName; actionInstance.put("descriptor", descriptor); if (actionParams != null) { actionInstance.put("params", actionParams); } Map<?, ?>[] actions = { actionInstance }; message.put("actions", actions); String jsonMessage = JsonEncoder.serialize(message); if (postParams == null) { postParams = Maps.newHashMap(); } postParams.put("message", jsonMessage); if (!postParams.containsKey("aura.token")) { postParams.put("aura.token", getCsrfToken()); } if (!postParams.containsKey("aura.context")) { postParams.put("aura.context", contextService.getCurrentContext().serialize(EncodingStyle.Normal)); } HttpPost post = obtainPostMethod("/aura", postParams); perform(post); post.releaseConnection(); return post; } /** * Given a path on the api server, return a {@link HttpGet} that has the appropriate headers and server name. * * @param path the relative path to the server, such as <tt>/services/Soap</tt> or * <tt>/servlet/servlet.SForceMailMerge</tt> Follows redirects by default. * @return a {@link HttpGet} * @throws MalformedURLException if the path is invalid. * @throws URISyntaxException */ protected HttpGet obtainGetMethod(String path) throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException { return obtainGetMethod(path, true, null); } protected HttpGet obtainGetMethod(String path, boolean followRedirects) throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException { return obtainGetMethod(path, followRedirects, null); } protected HttpGet obtainGetMethod(String path, Header[] headers) throws MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException { return obtainGetMethod(path, true, headers); } /** * Build a URL for a get from the given parameters with all the standard parameters set. * * This is a convenience function to make gets more consistent. It sets: * <ul> * <li>aura.tag: the descriptor to get.</li> * <li>aura.defType: the type of the descriptor.</li> * <li>aura.context: the context, including * <ul> * <li>loaded: the descriptor + type from above.</li> * <li>fwUID: the framework UID</li> * <li>mode: from the parameters</li> * <li>format: from the parameters</li> * </ul> * </li> * </ul> * * @param mode the Aura mode to use. * @param format the format (HTML vs JSON) to use * @param desc the name of the descriptor to set as the primary object. * @param type the type of descriptor. * @param params extra parameters to set. * @param headers extra headers. */ protected HttpGet obtainAuraGetMethod(Mode mode, Format format, String desc, Class<? extends BaseComponentDef> type, Map<String, String> params, Header[] headers) throws QuickFixException, MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException { return obtainAuraGetMethod(mode, format, definitionService.getDefDescriptor(desc, type), params, headers); } /** * Build a URL for a get from the given parameters with all the standard parameters set from a descriptor. * * This is a convenience function to make gets more consistent. It sets: * <ul> * <li>aura.tag: the name of the descriptor to get.</li> * <li>aura.defType: the type of the descriptor.</li> * <li>aura.context: the context, including * <ul> * <li>loaded: the descriptor + type from above.</li> * <li>fwUID: the framework UID</li> * <li>mode: from the parameters</li> * <li>format: from the parameters</li> * </ul> * </li> * </ul> * * @param mode the Aura mode to use. * @param format the format (HTML vs JSON) to use * @param desc the descriptor to set as the primary object. * @param params extra parameters to set. * @param headers extra headers. */ protected HttpGet obtainAuraGetMethod(Mode mode, Format format, DefDescriptor<? extends BaseComponentDef> desc, Map<String, String> params, Header[] headers) throws QuickFixException, MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException { List<NameValuePair> urlparams = Lists.newArrayList(); urlparams.add( new BasicNameValuePair("aura.tag", String.format("%s:%s", desc.getNamespace(), desc.getName()))); urlparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("aura.defType", desc.getDefType().toString())); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : params.entrySet()) { urlparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } urlparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("aura.context", getAuraTestingUtil().getContextURL(mode, format, desc, false))); String query = URLEncodedUtils.format(urlparams, "UTF-8"); // final url Request to be send to server return obtainGetMethod("aura?" + query, true, headers); } public class ServerAction implements Action { private final ArrayList<String> qualifiedName; private List<Map<String, Object>> actionParams = new ArrayList<>(); private State state = State.NEW; private Object returnValue; private List<Object> errors; private HttpPost post; private String rawResponse; private final List<State> stateList = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<List<Object>> errorsList = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<Object> returnValueList = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<String> dn = new ArrayList<>(); private DefDescriptor<? extends BaseComponentDef> app; private final Mode mode = Mode.DEV; public ServerAction(String qualifiedName, Map<String, Object> actionParams) { this.qualifiedName = new ArrayList<>(); this.qualifiedName.add(qualifiedName); if (actionParams != null) { this.actionParams.add(actionParams); } else { this.actionParams.add(null); } } /** * Constructor for Server action using two array lists Note that each list must be of equal length or will throw * an IllegalArgumentException * * @param qualifiedName * @param actionParams */ public ServerAction(ArrayList<String> qualifiedName, ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> actionParams) { this.qualifiedName = qualifiedName; this.actionParams = actionParams; if (qualifiedName == null || actionParams == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot pass in a null list. You can pass in a list of null parameters if parameters are not yet known"); } // Now will verify that we have actions and params if (this.qualifiedName.toArray().length != this.actionParams.toArray().length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Number of action names does not match number of action parameters"); } } /** * Will insert the given key-value pair as a parameter in the first entry of the action parameters list. * Corresponds with the first entry in the qualified names list. * * @param name Description of parameter * @param value Object of action parameter * @return Returns instance of Server Action */ public ServerAction putParam(String name, Object value) { if (actionParams.get(0) == null) { actionParams.add(0, Maps.newHashMap(new HashMap<String, Object>())); } actionParams.get(0).put(name, value); return this; } public ServerAction addDynamicName(String name) { dn.add(name); return this; } public ServerAction setApp(String name, Class<? extends BaseComponentDef> clazz) { app = definitionService.getDefDescriptor(name, clazz); return this; } /** * Will insert the given key-value pair as a parameter for the given qualified name. Throws * IllegalArguementException if qualified name is not found. Cannot distinguish between multiple qualified names * with the same name. * * @param qualifiedName The name of the qualified Name you are adding a parameter for. * @param name Description of the parameter * @param value Object of the action parameter * @return Returns instance of Server Action */ public ServerAction putParamUsingQName(String qualifiedName, String name, Object value) { int index = this.qualifiedName.indexOf(qualifiedName); if (index < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Qualified name does not exist."); } if (actionParams.get(index) == null) { actionParams.add(index, Maps.newHashMap(new HashMap<String, Object>())); } actionParams.get(index).put(name, value); return this; } public HttpPost getPostMethod() throws Exception { if (post == null) { Map<String, Object> message = Maps.newHashMap(); ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> actionInstanceArray = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < qualifiedName.size(); i++) { Map<String, Object> actionInstance = Maps.newHashMap(); actionInstance.put("descriptor", qualifiedName.get(i)); if (actionParams.get(i) != null) { actionInstance.put("params", actionParams.get(i)); } actionInstanceArray.add(actionInstance); } if (app == null) { app = definitionService.getDefDescriptor("auratest:test_SimpleServerRenderedPage", ApplicationDef.class); } message.put("actions", actionInstanceArray.toArray()); String jsonMessage = JsonEncoder.serialize(message); Map<String, String> params = Maps.newHashMap(); params.put("message", jsonMessage); params.put("aura.token", getTestServletConfig().getCsrfToken()); params.put("aura.context", getAuraTestingUtil().buildContextForPost(mode, app, null, dn)); post = obtainPostMethod("/aura", params); } return post; } @Override public DefDescriptor<ActionDef> getDescriptor() { return definitionService.getDefDescriptor(qualifiedName.get(0), ActionDef.class); } public ArrayList<String> getQualifiedName() { return qualifiedName; } public DefDescriptor<ActionDef> getDescriptor(String qualifiedName) { return definitionService.getDefDescriptor(qualifiedName, ActionDef.class); } @Override public void serialize(Json json) throws IOException { // Nothing for now } @Override public String getId() { return null; } @Override public void setId(String id) { } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void run() throws AuraExecutionException { try { HttpPost post = getPostMethod(); HttpResponse response = getHttpClient().execute(post); assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, getStatusCode(response)); rawResponse = getResponseBody(response); assertEquals(AuraBaseServlet.CSRF_PROTECT, rawResponse.substring(0, AuraBaseServlet.CSRF_PROTECT.length())); if (rawResponse.endsWith("/*ERROR*/")) { fail("Error response:" + rawResponse); } Map<String, Object> json = (Map<String, Object>) new JsonReader() .read(rawResponse.substring(AuraBaseServlet.CSRF_PROTECT.length())); ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> actions = (ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>) json.get("actions"); for (Map<String, Object> action : actions) { this.stateList.add(State.valueOf(action.get("state").toString())); this.returnValueList.add(action.get("returnValue")); this.errorsList.add((List<Object>) action.get("error")); } // for legacy uses Map<String, Object> action = (Map<String, Object>) ((List<Object>) json.get("actions")).get(0); this.state = State.valueOf(action.get("state").toString()); this.returnValue = action.get("returnValue"); this.errors = (List<Object>) action.get("error"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AuraExecutionException(e, null); } } public String getrawResponse() { return this.rawResponse; } @Override public void add(List<Action> actions) { // Only 1 action supported for now } @Override public List<Action> getActions() { return ImmutableList.of((Action) this); } @Override public Object getReturnValue() { return returnValue; } public List<Object> getReturnValueList() { return returnValueList; } @Override public State getState() { return state; } public List<State> getStateList() { return stateList; } @Override public List<Object> getErrors() { return errors; } public List<List<Object>> getErrorsList() { return errorsList; } @Override public void logParams(KeyValueLogger paramLogger) { // not implemented } @Override public boolean isStorable() { return false; } @Override public void setStorable() { } @Override public Map<String, Object> getParams() { return null; } private final InstanceStack instanceStack = new InstanceStack(); @Override public InstanceStack getInstanceStack() { return instanceStack; } @Override public String getPath() { return getId(); } @Override public DefDescriptor<ComponentDef> getCallingDescriptor() { return null; } @Override public void setCallingDescriptor(DefDescriptor<ComponentDef> descriptor) { } @Override public String getCallerVersion() { return null; } @Override public void setCallerVersion(String callerVersion) { } } }