Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013, inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.auraframework.integration.test.http; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpHeaders; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader; import org.auraframework.def.ApplicationDef; import org.auraframework.def.ComponentDef; import org.auraframework.integration.test.util.AuraHttpTestCase; import org.auraframework.system.AuraContext.Format; import org.auraframework.system.AuraContext.Mode; import org.auraframework.util.AuraTextUtil; import org.auraframework.util.test.annotation.AuraTestLabels; import org.auraframework.util.test.annotation.UnAdaptableTest; import org.junit.Test; /** * Automation to verify the functioning of AuraResourceServlet. AuraResourceServlet is used to preload definitions of * components in a given namespace. It is also used to load CSS */ public class AuraResourceServletHttpTest extends AuraHttpTestCase { /** * Verify style def ordering for components included as facets. Create a chain of components as facet and verify the * order of css(Style Defs) * * @throws Exception */ @AuraTestLabels("auraSanity") @Test public void testCSSOrdering_AcrossFacets() throws Exception { String modeAndContext = getAuraTestingUtil().getContextURL(Mode.DEV, Format.CSS, "auratest:test_css_a", ComponentDef.class, false); String url = "/l/" + AuraTextUtil.urlencode(modeAndContext) + "/app.css"; HttpGet get = obtainGetMethod(url); HttpResponse httpResponse = perform(get); int statusCode = getStatusCode(httpResponse); String response = getResponseBody(httpResponse); get.releaseConnection(); assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, statusCode); int idx_a, idx_b, idx_c, idx_d; idx_a = response.indexOf("div.auratestTest_css_a"); idx_b = response.indexOf("div.auratestTest_css_b"); idx_c = response.indexOf("div.auratestTest_css_c"); idx_d = response.indexOf("div.auratestTest_css_d"); assertTrue("_d must come before _c in: " + response, idx_d < idx_c); assertTrue("_c must come before _b in: " + response, idx_c < idx_b); assertTrue("_b must come before _a in: " + response, idx_b < idx_a); } @AuraTestLabels("auraSanity") @Test public void testCSSOrdering_AcrossInheritance() throws Exception { String modeAndContext = getAuraTestingUtil().getContextURL(Mode.DEV, Format.CSS, "auratest:test_css_child", ComponentDef.class, false); String url = "/l/" + AuraTextUtil.urlencode(modeAndContext) + "/app.css"; HttpGet get = obtainGetMethod(url); HttpResponse httpResponse = perform(get); int statusCode = getStatusCode(httpResponse); String response = getResponseBody(httpResponse); get.releaseConnection(); assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, statusCode); int idx_child, idx_parent, idx_grandParent; idx_child = response.indexOf("div.auratestTest_css_child"); idx_parent = response.indexOf("div.auratestTest_css_parent"); idx_grandParent = response.indexOf("div.auratestTest_css_grandParent"); assertTrue("_grandParent must come before _parent in: " + response, idx_grandParent < idx_parent); assertTrue("_parent must come before _child in: " + response, idx_parent < idx_child); } /** * Verify that special characters in CSS file are serialized down to the client. To make sure they are not replaced * with a '?' Automation for W-1071128 * * @throws Exception */ @UnAdaptableTest @Test public void testSpecialCharactersInCSSAreSerialized() throws Exception { String modeAndContext = getSimpleContext(Format.CSS, false); String url = "/l/" + AuraTextUtil.urlencode(modeAndContext) + "/app.css"; HttpGet get = obtainGetMethod(url); HttpResponse httpResponse = perform(get); int statusCode = getStatusCode(httpResponse); String response = getResponseBody(httpResponse); get.releaseConnection(); assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, statusCode); String expected = Arrays.toString("".getBytes()); String token = "content:'"; int start = response.indexOf(token) + token.length(); String actual = Arrays.toString(response.substring(start, response.indexOf('\'', start)).getBytes()); assertEquals(String.format("Failed to see the special character in the CSS file (%s)", url), expected, actual); } /** * Verify that special characters in component mark up are serialized as part of component definition. Automation * for W-1071128 * * @throws Exception */ @UnAdaptableTest @Test public void testSpecialCharactersInMarkupAreSerialized() throws Exception { String modeAndContext = getSimpleContext(Format.JS, false); String url = "/l/" + AuraTextUtil.urlencode(modeAndContext) + "/app.js"; HttpGet get = obtainGetMethod(url); HttpResponse httpResponse = perform(get); int statusCode = getStatusCode(httpResponse); String response = getResponseBody(httpResponse); get.releaseConnection(); assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, statusCode); String expected = Arrays.toString("".getBytes("UTF8")); String token = "Test whether the special character shows up: "; int start = response.indexOf(token) + token.length(); String actual = Arrays.toString(response.substring(start, response.indexOf(" ", start)).getBytes("UTF8")); assertEquals(String.format("Failed to see the special character in the Component definition (%s)", url), expected, actual); } /** * GET with If-Modified-Since header from an hour ago, will return 304 if the UID is correct. */ @AuraTestLabels("auraSanity") @Test public void testGetWithIfModifiedSinceOld() throws Exception { String requestContext = getSimpleContext(Format.JS, false); String url = "/l/" + AuraTextUtil.urlencode(requestContext) + "/app.js"; Calendar stamp = Calendar.getInstance(); stamp.add(Calendar.HOUR, -1); Header[] headers = new Header[] { new BasicHeader(HttpHeaders.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz").format(stamp.getTime())) }; HttpGet get = obtainGetMethod(url, headers); HttpResponse httpResponse = perform(get); int statusCode = getStatusCode(httpResponse); String response = getResponseBody(httpResponse); get.releaseConnection(); assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, statusCode); assertNull(response); } /** * GET with If-Modified-Since header from an hour ago, will return 304 if the UID is correct. */ @AuraTestLabels("auraSanity") @Test public void testGetWithIfModifiedSinceOldModified() throws Exception { String requestContext = getSimpleContext(Format.JS, true); String url = "/l/" + AuraTextUtil.urlencode(requestContext) + "/app.js"; Calendar stamp = Calendar.getInstance(); stamp.add(Calendar.HOUR, -1); Header[] headers = new Header[] { new BasicHeader(HttpHeaders.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz").format(stamp.getTime())) }; HttpGet get = obtainGetMethod(url, headers); HttpResponse httpResponse = perform(get); int statusCode = getStatusCode(httpResponse); String response = getResponseBody(httpResponse); get.releaseConnection(); assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, statusCode); assertNotNull(response); } /** * GET with If-Modified-Since header 45 days from now, will return 304 with empty body. */ @AuraTestLabels("auraSanity") @Test public void testGetWithIfModifiedSinceNew() throws Exception { String url = "/l/" + AuraTextUtil.urlencode(getSimpleContext(Format.JS, false)) + "/app.js"; Calendar stamp = Calendar.getInstance(); stamp.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 45); Header[] headers = new Header[] { new BasicHeader(HttpHeaders.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz").format(stamp.getTime())) }; HttpGet get = obtainGetMethod(url, headers); HttpResponse httpResponse = perform(get); int statusCode = getStatusCode(httpResponse); String response = getResponseBody(httpResponse); get.releaseConnection(); assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED, statusCode); assertNull(response); } /** * GET without If-Modified-Since header from an hour ago, will return the expected resource. */ @AuraTestLabels("auraSanity") @Test public void testGetWithoutIfModifiedSince() throws Exception { String requestContext = getSimpleContext(Format.JS, false); String url = "/l/" + AuraTextUtil.urlencode(requestContext) + "/app.js"; HttpGet get = obtainGetMethod(url); HttpResponse httpResponse = perform(get); int statusCode = getStatusCode(httpResponse); String response = getResponseBody(httpResponse); get.releaseConnection(); assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, statusCode); assertNotNull(response); } /** * Verify that an svg resource can be retrieved and will return the expected source for components with svg * definitions. Also verify that no source is returned in the case that the svg definition does not exist. */ @Test public void testGetSvgResource() throws Exception { String requestContext = getSimpleContext(Format.SVG, false); String url = "/l/" + AuraTextUtil.urlencode(requestContext) + "/test:fakeComponent/resources.svg"; HttpGet get = obtainGetMethod(url); HttpResponse httpResponse = perform(get); int statusCode = getStatusCode(httpResponse); String response = getResponseBody(httpResponse); get.releaseConnection(); assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, statusCode); assertNotNull(response); assertTrue("SVG source was not found in the response.", response.contains("SVG")); url = "/l/" + AuraTextUtil.urlencode(requestContext) + "/test:doesNotExist/resources.svg"; get = obtainGetMethod(url); httpResponse = perform(get); statusCode = getStatusCode(httpResponse); response = getResponseBody(httpResponse); get.releaseConnection(); assertEquals(HttpStatus.SC_OK, statusCode); assertNotNull(response); assertTrue("SVG source should not have been returned.", response.isEmpty()); } @Test public void testInlineJSNoCacheHeaders() throws Exception { String url = "/l/" + AuraTextUtil.urlencode(getSimpleContext(Format.JS, false)) + "/inline.js"; HttpGet get = obtainGetMethod(url); HttpResponse httpResponse = perform(get); get.releaseConnection(); Header cacheControl[] = httpResponse.getHeaders(HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL); assertTrue(HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL + " header must exists for inline.js", cacheControl.length > 0); assertTrue(HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL + " header should be no-cache, no-store", cacheControl[0].getValue().contains("no-cache, no-store")); Header pragma[] = httpResponse.getHeaders(HttpHeaders.PRAGMA); assertTrue(HttpHeaders.PRAGMA + " header must exists for inline.js", pragma.length > 0); assertTrue(HttpHeaders.PRAGMA + " header should be no-cache", pragma[0].getValue().contains("no-cache")); } /** * This gets a simple context string that uses a single preload. */ private String getSimpleContext(Format format, boolean modified) throws Exception { return getAuraTestingUtil().getContextURL(Mode.DEV, format, "auratest:test_SimpleServerRenderedPage", ApplicationDef.class, modified); } }