Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013, inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import org.auraframework.integration.test.util.WebDriverTestCase; import org.auraframework.integration.test.util.WebDriverTestCase.TargetBrowsers; import org.auraframework.test.util.WebDriverUtil.BrowserType; import org.auraframework.util.test.annotation.PerfTest; import org.auraframework.util.test.annotation.UnAdaptableTest; import org.junit.Test; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension; import org.openqa.selenium.Keys; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; /** * UI automation to verify Action, checkbox and radio Menu using mouse and keyboard interaction . * * @userStory a07B0000000TG3R Excluding some tests from IE due to know issue related to mouseOver * Excluding it from touch browsers due to to W-1478819 and mouse over related issues */ @TargetBrowsers({ BrowserType.GOOGLECHROME, BrowserType.FIREFOX, BrowserType.IE11 }) public class MenuUITest extends WebDriverTestCase { private static final String MENUTEST_APP = "/uitest/"; private static final String MENUTEST_ATTACHTOBODY_APP = "/uitest/"; private static final String MENUTEST_METADATA_APP = "/uitest/"; private static final String MENUTEST_EVENTBUBBLING_APP = "/uitest/"; /** * Test that verify's interaction with Action Menu. */ @Test @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.IE11 }) public void testActionMenu() throws Exception { testActionMenuForApp(MENUTEST_APP, ""); } /** * Test that verify's interaction with Action Menu with image is trigger link. */ @Test @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.IE11 }) public void testActionMenuWithImageTrigger() throws Exception { testActionMenuForApp(MENUTEST_APP, "Image", false); } @Test @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.IE11 }) public void testActionMenuNestedMenuItems() throws Exception { testActionMenuForApp(MENUTEST_APP, "Nested"); } // Test case for W-2181713 /* @Flapper @Test @ExcludeBrowsers({BrowserType.IE11}) public void testActionMenuAttachToBodySet() throws Exception { testActionMenuForApp(MENUTEST_ATTACHTOBODY_APP, ""); }*/ @Test @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.IE11 }) public void testActionMenuGeneratedFromMetaData() throws Exception { testActionMenuForApp(MENUTEST_METADATA_APP, ""); } private void testActionMenuForApp(String appName, String appendId) throws Exception { testActionMenuForApp(appName, appendId, true); } private void testActionMenuForApp(String appName, String appendId, boolean verifyLabelUpdate) throws Exception { open(appName); WebDriver driver = this.getDriver(); String label = "trigger" + appendId; String menuName = "actionMenu" + appendId; String menuItem2 = "actionItem2" + appendId; String menuItem3 = "actionItem3" + appendId; WebElement menuLabel = driver.findElement(By.className(label)); WebElement actionMenu = driver.findElement(By.className(menuName)); // check menu list is not visible assertFalse("Menu list should not be visible", actionMenu.getAttribute("class").contains("visible")); openMenu(menuLabel, actionMenu); WebElement actionItem2 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem2)); WebElement actionItem2Element = getAnchor(actionItem2); WebElement actionItem3 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem3)); WebElement actionItem3Element = getAnchor(actionItem3); getAuraUITestingUtil().setHoverOverElement(menuItem3); waitForFocusOnElement(actionItem3Element); assertTrue("'Item 2' in the menu menu list should be visible on the page", actionItem2.isDisplayed()); // actionItem2 text starts with the letter F so pressing that key should switch focus to it actionItem3Element.sendKeys("f"); waitForFocusOnElement(actionItem2Element); // actionItem2 is not clickable as it's disabled via markup tryToClickDisabledElm(actionItem2Element); if (verifyLabelUpdate) { // click on an item and verify the menu text is updated; waitForMenuText(menuLabel, "Inter Milan"); } } @Test @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.IE11 }) public void testActionMenuWithImageTriggerViaKeyboardInteraction() throws Exception { testActionMenuViaKeyboardInteractionForApp(MENUTEST_APP, "Image", false); } @Test @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.IE11 }) public void testActionMenuViaKeyboardInteraction() throws Exception { testActionMenuViaKeyboardInteractionForApp(MENUTEST_APP, ""); } // Test case for W-2234265 /*@Test @ExcludeBrowsers({BrowserType.IE11}) public void testActionMenuAttachToBodySetViaKeyboardInteraction() throws Exception { testActionMenuViaKeyboardInteractionForApp(MENUTEST_ATTACHTOBODY_APP, ""); }*/ @Test public void testOpenMenuViaKeyboardDownKey() throws Exception { openMenuViaKeyboardAndTestActionMenu(MENUTEST_APP, Keys.DOWN, "actionItem1", "actionItem2"); } @Test public void testOpenMenuViaKeyboardSpace() throws Exception { openMenuViaKeyboardAndTestActionMenu(MENUTEST_APP, Keys.SPACE, "trigger", "actionItem1"); } /** * Test type ahead by typing a single letter */ @Test public void testFocusAfterTypeAheadSingleChar() throws Exception { testFocusAfterKeysPressed(MENUTEST_APP, "a", "typeAheadMenu", "menuItem2"); } /** * Test type ahead allows using multiple characters to jump to more specific item */ @Test public void testFocusAfterTypeAheadMultipleChars() throws Exception { testFocusAfterKeysPressed(MENUTEST_APP, "se", "typeAheadMenu", "menuItem4"); } /** * Test type ahead should also jump to disabled item */ @Test public void testFocusAfterTypeAheadToDisabledItem() throws Exception { testFocusAfterKeysPressed(MENUTEST_APP, "l", "typeAheadMenu", "menuItem3"); } /** * Test type ahead only opens menu when there's no matched item */ @Test public void testFocusAfterTypeAheadOnNonexistentItem() throws Exception { testFocusAfterKeysPressed(MENUTEST_APP, "b", "typeAheadMenu", "menuTrigger"); } private void testFocusAfterKeysPressed(String appName, CharSequence keys, String menuClassName, String expectedFocusedItemClassName) throws Exception { open(appName); WebDriver driver = this.getDriver(); WebElement menu = driver.findElement(By.className(menuClassName)); WebElement menuLabel = menu.findElement(By.className("menuTrigger")); WebElement menuList = menu.findElement(By.className("menuList")); openMenu(menuLabel, menuList, keys); WebElement expectedFocusedItem = menu.findElement(By.className(expectedFocusedItemClassName)); waitForFocusOnElement(expectedFocusedItem); } // TODO: W-2406307: remaining Halo test failure @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.IE11 }) public void _testActionMenuGeneratedFromMetaDataViaKeyboardInteraction() throws Exception { testActionMenuViaKeyboardInteractionForApp(MENUTEST_METADATA_APP, ""); } private void testActionMenuViaKeyboardInteractionForApp(String appName, String appendString) throws Exception { testActionMenuViaKeyboardInteractionForApp(appName, appendString, true); } private void testActionMenuViaKeyboardInteractionForApp(String appName, String appendString, boolean verifyLabelUpdate) throws Exception { open(appName); WebDriver driver = this.getDriver(); String label = "trigger" + appendString; String menuName = "actionMenu" + appendString; String menuItem1 = "actionItem1" + appendString; String menuItem3 = "actionItem3" + appendString; String menuItem4 = "actionItem4" + appendString; WebElement menuLabel = driver.findElement(By.className(label)); WebElement actionMenu = driver.findElement(By.className(menuName)); openMenu(menuLabel, actionMenu); WebElement actionItem1 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem1)); WebElement actionItem1Element = getAnchor(actionItem1); WebElement actionItem3 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem3)); WebElement actionItem3Element = getAnchor(actionItem3); WebElement actionItem4 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem4)); WebElement actionItem4Element = getAnchor(actionItem4); // default focus on trigger assertEquals("Focus should be on the trigger", menuLabel.getText(), getAuraUITestingUtil().getActiveElementText()); // press down key once menuLabel.sendKeys(Keys.DOWN); // focus should be one the first item waitForFocusOnElement(actionItem1Element); actionItem1Element.sendKeys(Keys.DOWN, Keys.DOWN); // verify focus on action item3 getAuraUITestingUtil().setHoverOverElement(menuItem3); waitForFocusOnElement(actionItem3Element);; if (verifyLabelUpdate) { waitForMenuText(menuLabel, "Inter Milan"); } openMenu(menuLabel, actionMenu); getAuraUITestingUtil().setHoverOverElement(menuItem4); waitForFocusOnElement(actionItem4Element); actionItem4Element.sendKeys(Keys.UP); // verify focus on action item3 waitForFocusOnElement(actionItem3Element); // press space key and check if item3 got selected actionItem3Element.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); if (verifyLabelUpdate) { waitForMenuText(menuLabel, "Inter Milan"); } openMenu(menuLabel, actionMenu); getAuraUITestingUtil().setHoverOverElement(menuItem1); waitForFocusOnElement(actionItem1Element); actionItem1Element.sendKeys(Keys.ESCAPE); waitForMenuClose(actionMenu); } private void openMenuViaKeyboardAndTestActionMenu(String appName, Keys openKey, String focusAfterOpen, String itemExpected) throws Exception { open(appName); WebDriver driver = this.getDriver(); WebElement menuLabel = driver.findElement(By.className("trigger")); WebElement actionMenu = driver.findElement(By.className("actionMenu")); // opening menu using keyboard return or space - focus would remain on the trigger WebElement focusAfterOpenElement; if ("trigger".equals(focusAfterOpen)) { openMenu(menuLabel, actionMenu, openKey); focusAfterOpenElement = menuLabel; assertEquals("Focus should be on the trigger", menuLabel.getText(), getAuraUITestingUtil().getActiveElementText()); } // opening menu using keyboard interaction down button - focus should be on 1st element else { openMenu(menuLabel, actionMenu, openKey); WebElement focusAfterOpenItem = driver.findElement(By.className(focusAfterOpen)); focusAfterOpenElement = getAnchor(focusAfterOpenItem); waitForFocusOnElement(focusAfterOpenElement); } WebElement expectedItem = driver.findElement(By.className(itemExpected)); WebElement expectedItemElement = getAnchor(expectedItem); focusAfterOpenElement.sendKeys(Keys.DOWN); waitForFocusOnElement(expectedItemElement); } @PerfTest @Test @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.IE11 }) public void testCheckboxMenu() throws Exception { testMenuCheckboxForApp(MENUTEST_APP); } @Test @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.IE11 }) public void testCheckboxMenuGeneratedFromMetaData() throws Exception { testMenuCheckboxForApp(MENUTEST_METADATA_APP); } private void testMenuCheckboxForApp(String appName) throws Exception { open(appName); WebDriver driver = this.getDriver(); String label = "checkboxMenuLabel"; String menuName = "checkboxMenu"; String menuItem3 = "checkboxItem3"; String menuItem4 = "checkboxItem4"; WebElement menuLabel = driver.findElement(By.className(label)); WebElement menu = driver.findElement(By.className(menuName)); WebElement button = driver.findElement(By.className("checkboxButton")); By resultLocator = By.className("checkboxMenuResult"); // check for default label present assertEquals("label is wrong", "NFC West Teams", menuLabel.getText()); assertFalse("Default: CheckboxMenu list should not be visible", menu.getAttribute("class").contains("visible")); openMenu(menuLabel, menu); WebElement item3 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem3)); WebElement item3Element = getAnchor(item3); WebElement item4 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem4)); WebElement item4Element = getAnchor(item4); // verify aria attribute item4 which is used for accessibility is disabled and selected assertTrue("Item4 aria attribute should be disabled", Boolean.valueOf(item4Element.getAttribute("aria-disabled"))); assertTrue("Item4 aria attribute should be selected", Boolean.valueOf(item4Element.getAttribute("aria-checked"))); // verify item4 is disabled and selected assertTrue("Item4 should be disabled", getCmpBoolAttribute(menuItem4, "v.disabled")); assertTrue("Item4 should be selected", getCmpBoolAttribute(menuItem4, "v.selected")); // item4Element is not clickable as it's disabled via markup tryToClickDisabledElm(item4Element); assertTrue("Item4 aria attribute should be Selected even when clicked", Boolean.valueOf(item4Element.getAttribute("aria-checked"))); assertTrue("Item4 should be Selected even when clicked", getCmpBoolAttribute(menuItem4, "v.selected")); assertFalse("default: Item3 aria attribute should be Unchecked", Boolean.valueOf(item3Element.getAttribute("aria-checked"))); assertFalse("default: Item3 should be Unchecked", getCmpBoolAttribute(menuItem3, "v.selected")); // check item3 with click; getAuraUITestingUtil().waitUntil(check -> Boolean.valueOf(item3Element.getAttribute("aria-checked")), "Item3 aria attribute should be checked after the click"); assertTrue("Item3 v.selected should be true after the click", getCmpBoolAttribute(menuItem3, "v.selected")); // uncheck item3 with ENTER key item3Element.sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); getAuraUITestingUtil().waitUntil(check -> !Boolean.valueOf(item3Element.getAttribute("aria-checked")), "Item3 aria attribute should be uncheked after pressing ENTER"); assertFalse("Item3 v.selected should be false after pressing ENTER", getCmpBoolAttribute(menuItem3, "v.selected")); // check item3 with SPACE key item3Element.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); getAuraUITestingUtil().waitUntil(check -> Boolean.valueOf(item3Element.getAttribute("aria-checked")), "Item3 aria attribute should be checked after pressing SPACE"); assertTrue("Item3 v.selected should be true after pressing SPACE", getCmpBoolAttribute(menuItem3, "v.selected")); // check if focus changes when you use up and down arrow using keyboard item3Element.sendKeys(Keys.DOWN); waitForFocusOnElement(item4Element); item4Element.sendKeys(Keys.UP); waitForFocusOnElement(item3Element); // press Tab to close to menu item3Element.sendKeys(Keys.TAB); waitForMenuClose(menu); // click on submit button and verify the results assertEquals("label value should not get updated", "NFC West Teams", menuLabel.getText());; getAuraUITestingUtil().waitForElementText(resultLocator, "St. Louis Rams,Arizona Cardinals", true); } @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.IE11 }) public void testMenuRadio() throws Exception { open(MENUTEST_APP); WebDriver driver = this.getDriver(); String label = "radioMenuLabel"; String menuName = "radioMenu"; String menuItem3 = "radioItem3"; String menuItem4 = "radioItem4"; String menuItem5 = "radioItem5"; WebElement menuLabel = driver.findElement(By.className(label)); WebElement menu = driver.findElement(By.className(menuName)); // check for default label present assertEquals("label is wrong", "National League West", menuLabel.getText()); assertFalse("Default: CheckboxMenu list should not be visible", menu.getAttribute("class").contains("visible")); // open menu list openMenu(menuLabel, menu); WebElement item3 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem3)); WebElement item3Element = getAnchor(item3); WebElement item4 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem4)); WebElement item4Element = getAnchor(item4); WebElement item5 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem5)); WebElement item5Element = getAnchor(item5); WebElement button = driver.findElement(By.className("radioButton")); WebElement result = driver.findElement(By.className("radioMenuResult")); // click and verify item3 got selected; getAuraUITestingUtil().waitUntil(check -> item3Element.getAttribute("class").contains("selected"), "Item3 should be selected after the click"); // send key to go to item 4 using 'd' item3Element.sendKeys("d"); waitForFocusOnElement(item4Element); // verify item is disabled assertTrue("Item4 aria attribute should be defaulted to disable", Boolean.valueOf(item4Element.getAttribute("aria-disabled"))); assertTrue("Item4 v.disabled should default to true", getCmpBoolAttribute(menuItem4, "v.disabled")); // click on item4 and verify item4 should not be selectable tryToClickDisabledElm(item4Element); assertFalse("Item4 should not be selectable as it's disable item", item4Element.getAttribute("class").contains("selected")); // goto item 5 using down arrow and check focus item4Element.sendKeys(Keys.DOWN); waitForFocusOnElement(item5Element); // click on item 5 using space item5Element.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); getAuraUITestingUtil().waitUntil(check -> item5Element.getAttribute("class").contains("selected"), "Item5 should be checked after pressing Space"); assertFalse("Item3 should be unchecked after clicking item 5", item3Element.getAttribute("class").contains("selected")); // close the menu using esc key item5Element.sendKeys(Keys.ESCAPE); // check the result; assertEquals("Checkbox items selected are not correct", "Colorado", result.getText()); } /** * Test case for W-1575100 */ @Test public void testMenuExpandCollapse() throws Exception { open(MENUTEST_APP); WebDriver driver = this.getDriver(); String label = "trigger"; String menuName = "actionMenu"; WebElement menuLabel = driver.findElement(By.className(label)); WebElement menu = driver.findElement(By.className(menuName)); WebElement button = driver.findElement(By.className("radioButton")); assertFalse("Action Menu list should not be visible", menu.getAttribute("class").contains("visible")); openMenu(menuLabel, menu);; waitForMenuClose(menu); } /** * Test case : W-2235117 menuItem should reposition itself relative to its trigger when attachToBody attribute is * set */ // For env reason the test is failing on Luna Autobuild, will run the test on jenkins only for now. // // W-3140286 @UnAdaptableTest @Flapper @Test public void testMenuPositionWhenMenuItemAttachToBody() throws Exception { open(MENUTEST_ATTACHTOBODY_APP); WebDriver driver = this.getDriver(); // save current dimension and reset it after test finishes // if not chrome would remember the size we set here and // that would affect other tests Dimension originalDimension = getDriver().manage().window().getSize(); // dimensions for testing Dimension initialDimension = new Dimension(800, 600); Dimension newDimension = new Dimension(600, 500); String trigger = "triggerAttachToBody"; String menuList = "actionMenuAttachToBody"; String triggerGlobalId = getAuraUITestingUtil().getCmpGlobalIdGivenElementClassName(trigger); String menuListGlobalId = getAuraUITestingUtil().getCmpGlobalIdGivenElementClassName(menuList); WebElement menuLabel = driver.findElement(By.className(trigger)); WebElement menu = driver.findElement(By.className(menuList)); try { // set initial size to make sure we have room to resize later driver.manage().window().setSize(initialDimension); waitForWindowResize(initialDimension); // Verify menulist and trigger are properly aligned openMenu(menuLabel, menu); waitForMenuPositionedCorrectly(triggerGlobalId, menuListGlobalId, "Menu List is not positioned correctly when the menuList rendered on the page"); // Select menu item and verify still aligned String triggerLeftPosBeforeClick = getAuraUITestingUtil().getBoundingRectPropOfElement(triggerGlobalId, "left"); // elements String menuItem3 = "actionItemAttachToBody3"; WebElement actionItem3 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem3)); WebElement actionItem3Element = getAnchor(actionItem3);; waitForMenuText(menuLabel, "Inter Milan"); String triggerLeftPosAfterClick = getAuraUITestingUtil().getBoundingRectPropOfElement(triggerGlobalId, "left"); assertEquals("Menu Item position changed after clicking on Item3", triggerLeftPosBeforeClick, triggerLeftPosAfterClick); // Resize window with menulist open and verify realigns properly openMenu(menuLabel, menu); driver.manage().window().setSize(newDimension); waitForWindowResize(newDimension); waitForMenuPositionedCorrectly(triggerGlobalId, menuListGlobalId, "Menu List is not positioned correctly after the resize"); } finally { // always reset size for other tests driver.manage().window().setSize(originalDimension); waitForWindowResize(originalDimension); } } private WebElement getAnchor(WebElement element) { return element.findElement(By.tagName("a")); } /** * Wait for the current window to have expected dimensions. */ private void waitForWindowResize(final Dimension newDimension) { getAuraUITestingUtil().waitUntilWithCallback(check -> { Dimension current = getDriver().manage().window().getSize(); return current.equals(newDimension); }, check -> { Dimension current = getDriver().manage().window().getSize(); return "Current window dimension is {width: " + current.width + ", height: " + current.height + "}"; }, getAuraUITestingUtil().getTimeout(), "Window size is not resized correctly"); } /** * Verify horizontal alignment of menuItem */ private void waitForMenuPositionedCorrectly(final String trigger, final String menuList, String failureMessage) { getAuraUITestingUtil().waitUntilWithCallback(check -> { double triggerLeftPos = Double .valueOf(getAuraUITestingUtil().getBoundingRectPropOfElement(trigger, "left")); double menuListLeftPos = Double .valueOf(getAuraUITestingUtil().getBoundingRectPropOfElement(menuList, "left")); return Math.floor(triggerLeftPos) == Math.floor(menuListLeftPos); }, check -> { String triggerLeftPos = getAuraUITestingUtil().getBoundingRectPropOfElement(trigger, "left"); String menuListLeftPos = getAuraUITestingUtil().getBoundingRectPropOfElement(menuList, "left"); return "Trigger left position is <" + triggerLeftPos + "> and menu list left position is <" + menuListLeftPos + ">"; }, getAuraUITestingUtil().getTimeout(), failureMessage); } /* * Test case for: W-1559070 */ @Test public void testRemovingMenuDoesNotThrowJsError() throws Exception { open(MENUTEST_APP); WebDriver driver = this.getDriver(); String uiMenuClassName = "clubMenu"; String uiMenuLocalId = "uiMenu"; WebElement menuLabel = driver.findElement(By.className(uiMenuClassName)); assertTrue("UiMenu should be present on the page", menuLabel.isDisplayed()); // For W-1540590 assertEquals("ui:menu's wrapper element should be div", "div", menuLabel.getTagName()); String uiMenu = getAuraUITestingUtil().getFindAtRootExpr(uiMenuLocalId); getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval("$A.unrender(" + uiMenu + ")"); assertFalse("UiMenu should not be present after unrender", isElementPresent(By.className(uiMenuClassName))); } /** * Test case to check double clicking on Menu Trigger link component within 350ms with disableDoubleClicks attribute * set disregards the 2nd click. Test case for W-1855568 */ @Test public void testDoubleClickOnMenuTrigger() throws Exception { open(MENUTEST_APP); String label = "doubleClick"; String menuName = "doubleClickDisabledMenuList"; WebDriver driver = this.getDriver(); WebElement menuLabel = driver.findElement(By.className(label)); WebElement menu = driver.findElement(By.className(menuName)); Actions a = new Actions(driver); a.doubleClick(menuLabel).build().perform(); waitForMenuOpen(menu); } /** * Test case for W-2315592 Components extends menuItem get's focus */ @Test @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.IE11 }) public void testFocusForExtendedMenuItem() throws Exception { open("/uitest/"); WebDriver driver = this.getDriver(); String label = "trigger"; String menuName = "actionMenu"; String menuItem2 = "actionItem2"; String menuItem3 = "actionItem3"; WebElement menuLabel = driver.findElement(By.className(label)); WebElement actionMenu = driver.findElement(By.className(menuName)); openMenu(menuLabel, actionMenu); WebElement actionItem2 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem2)); WebElement actionItem2Element = getAnchor(actionItem2); WebElement actionItem3 = driver.findElement(By.className(menuItem3)); WebElement actionItem3Element = getAnchor(actionItem3); assertEquals("Focus should be on the trigger", menuLabel.getText(), getAuraUITestingUtil().getActiveElementText()); // verify focus on action item3 getAuraUITestingUtil().setHoverOverElement(menuItem3); waitForFocusOnElement(actionItem3Element); // use send key("f") to move to actionItem2 actionItem3Element.sendKeys("f"); waitForFocusOnElement(actionItem2Element); } /** * Test case to allow bubbling of event with menu Bug: W-2368359 */ @Test public void testStopClickPropagationByDefault() throws Exception { open(MENUTEST_EVENTBUBBLING_APP); WebDriver driver = this.getDriver(); String label = "trigger"; String menuName = "actionMenu"; WebElement menuLabel = driver.findElement(By.className(label)); WebElement actionMenu = driver.findElement(By.className(menuName)); String valueExpression = getAuraUITestingUtil().getValueFromRootExpr("v.eventBubbled"); valueExpression = getAuraUITestingUtil().prepareReturnStatement(valueExpression); assertNull("Event should not bubble up to parent div", getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(valueExpression)); openMenu(menuLabel, actionMenu); assertTrue("Event should get bubble up to parent div", getAuraUITestingUtil().getBooleanEval(valueExpression)); } /** * Test case to Stop bubbling of event when StopClickPropogoation attribute is set Bug: W-2368359 */ @Test public void testStopClickPropagationIsSet() throws Exception { open(MENUTEST_EVENTBUBBLING_APP + "?stopClickPropagation=true"); WebDriver driver = this.getDriver(); String label = "trigger"; String menuName = "actionMenu"; WebElement menuLabel = driver.findElement(By.className(label)); WebElement actionMenu = driver.findElement(By.className(menuName)); String valueExpression = getAuraUITestingUtil().getValueFromRootExpr("v.eventBubbled"); valueExpression = getAuraUITestingUtil().prepareReturnStatement(valueExpression); assertNull("Event should not bubble up to parent div", getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(valueExpression)); openMenu(menuLabel, actionMenu); assertNull("Event should not bubble up to parent div when StopPropogoation is set on menu", getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(valueExpression)); } /** * Test case for W-2958313 to check focus after tabbing out of menu */ @Test public void testFocusWhenTabOnOpenMenu() throws Exception { open(MENUTEST_APP); String nextFocusableElmClassName = "checkboxMenuLabel"; verifyFocusOnTabOnOpenMenu(nextFocusableElmClassName); } /** * Tabbing out of open menu should close menu and focuses on next DOM element * Bug: W-3197504 */ /* @Test public void testFocusWhenTabOnOpenMenuWithAttachToBodySet() throws Exception { open(MENUTEST_ATTACHTOBODY_APP); String nextFocusableElmClassName = "triggerAttachToBody"; verifyFocusOnTabOnOpenMenu(nextFocusableElmClassName); } */ private void verifyFocusOnTabOnOpenMenu(String nextFocusableElmClassName) { WebDriver driver = this.getDriver(); WebElement menuElm = driver.findElement(By.className("actionMenu")); WebElement triggerElm = driver.findElement(By.className("trigger")); // open menu and make sure focus is on the trigger label openMenu(triggerElm, menuElm); waitForFocusOnElement(triggerElm); WebElement item1Elm = driver.findElement(By.className("actionItem1")); WebElement nextFocusableElm = driver.findElement(By.className(nextFocusableElmClassName)); // move the focus to the menuList by moving to the first item triggerElm.sendKeys(Keys.DOWN); waitForFocusOnElement(item1Elm); // tab out to close the menu and check the focus is set to the right element if (getBrowserType().equals(BrowserType.FIREFOX)) { // firefox closes the menu on the first tab, but the focus is still on the item // need a second tab to get to the next element getAnchor(item1Elm).sendKeys(Keys.TAB, Keys.TAB); } else { getAuraUITestingUtil().pressTab(getAnchor(item1Elm)); } waitForFocusOnElement(nextFocusableElm); } /** * Open the menu and wait for it to have the visible class. * * @param menuLabel The WebElement to click on that opens the menu * @param actionMenu The WebElement on which to wait for the visible class to be present */ private void openMenu(WebElement menuLabel, WebElement actionMenu) { if (getBrowserType() == BrowserType.IE11) { // on win 7 IE11, for some reason webdriver moves the focus to the // last element of the list when activating the menu through click() getAuraUITestingUtil().pressEnter(menuLabel); } else {; } waitForMenuOpen(actionMenu); } /** * Open the menu through a keyboard interaction and wait for it to have the visible class. * * @param menuLabel The WebElement to click on that opens the menu * @param actionMenu The WebElement on which to wait for the visible class to be present * @param openKey The WebDriver key to use that opens the menu */ private void openMenu(WebElement menuLabel, WebElement actionMenu, CharSequence openKey) { menuLabel.sendKeys(""); menuLabel.sendKeys(openKey); waitForMenuOpen(actionMenu); } /** * Wait for the visible class to be present on the menu list. * * @param menu The WebElement on which to wait for the visible class to be present */ private void waitForMenuOpen(final WebElement menu) { getAuraUITestingUtil().waitUntil(check -> { String classAttribute = menu.getAttribute("class"); return classAttribute.contains("visible") && classAttribute.contains("positioned"); }, "Menu list should be visible after clicking to open"); } /** * Wait for the visible class to no longer be present on the menu list. * * @param actionMenu The WebElement on which to wait for the visible class to not be present on */ private void waitForMenuClose(final WebElement actionMenu) { getAuraUITestingUtil().waitUntil(check -> !actionMenu.getAttribute("class").contains("visible"), "Menu list never closed"); } /** * Wait for focus to be on a certain menu action item by checking the current active element. * * @param element The WebElement on which to wait for focus */ private void waitForFocusOnElement(final WebElement element) { String text = element.toString(); getAuraUITestingUtil().waitUntil(check -> { String elementText = element.getText(); String activeElementText = getAuraUITestingUtil().getActiveElementText(); return elementText.equals(activeElementText); }, "Focus hasn't switched to WebElement <" + text + ">"); } /** * Wait for the menu label to display a certain text. * * @param menuLabel The WebElement on which to verify the text on * @param expectedText The expected text */ private void waitForMenuText(final WebElement menuLabel, final String expectedText) { getAuraUITestingUtil().waitUntil(check -> menuLabel.getText().equals(expectedText), "Menu text not updated after clicking menu item"); } /** * Use javascript expression to get component's attribute, * such as v.disabled, v.selected, etc. */ private boolean getCmpBoolAttribute(final String cmpClassName, final String attrName) { String globalIdItem = getAuraUITestingUtil().getCmpGlobalIdGivenElementClassName(cmpClassName); String jsExp = getAuraUITestingUtil().getValueFromCmpExpression(globalIdItem, attrName); return (Boolean) getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(jsExp); } /** * Helper method to click on a disabled item * Non-firebox/IE browsers would throw an exception, so check the exception for those * browsers */ private void tryToClickDisabledElm(final WebElement elm) { try { // The Firefox used in autobuild environments does not throw an exception. Passes locally on Firefox 42. // IE11 doesn't throw an exception either if (getBrowserType() != BrowserType.FIREFOX && getBrowserType() != BrowserType.IE11) {; fail("Expected exception trying to click an unclickable element"); } } catch (Exception e) { checkExceptionContains(e, WebDriverException.class, "Element is not clickable"); } } }