Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013, inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.auraframework.integration.test.components.ui.inputDate; import org.auraframework.integration.test.util.WebDriverTestCase; import org.auraframework.test.util.WebDriverUtil.BrowserType; import org.auraframework.util.test.annotation.UnAdaptableTest; import org.junit.Test; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.Keys; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; public class InputDateWithLabelUITest extends WebDriverTestCase { // URL string to go to public String URL = "/uitest/inputDate_Test.cmp"; private final String DATE_FORMAT_STR = "yyyy-MM-dd"; private final String TEST_DATE_TO_USE = "2013-04-15"; private final String DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL = "input[class*='date_input_box']"; private final String DATE_ICON_SEL = "a[class*='datePicker-openIcon']"; private final String ARIA_SELECTED_SEL = "td[aria-selected*='true']"; private final String SELECTED_DATE = "td[class*='is-selected']"; private final String OUTPUT_ST = "span[class*='outputStatus']"; private final String DATEPICKER_SEL = "div.uiDatePicker.visible"; private final String CLASSNAME = "return $A.test.getActiveElement().className"; private final String ACTIVE_ELEMENT = "return $A.test.getActiveElement()"; /** * Excluded Browser Reasons: * * IE7: pageUpDown test is flappy, works through webdriver after running a few times and manually. Issue here is * that it will sometimes stop one short * * IE8: homeEndButton test is flappy, works fine manually and on webdriver after running a few times * * IE9/10/11: Sending in Shift anything (tab, page up, page down), does not register when sent through WebDriver. * Manually works fine * * Android/IOS: This feature will not be used on mobile devices. Instead the their native versions will be used * * Safari: Sending in Shift tab does not register when sent through WebDriver. Manually works fine */ /*********************************************************************************************** *********************************** HELPER FUNCTIONS******************************************** ***********************************************************************************************/ private WebElement loopThroughKeys(WebElement element, String keyString, int iterCondition, String cssSel, String assertVal) { // Pressing one button iterCondition times for (int i = 0; i < iterCondition; i++) { element.sendKeys(keyString); element = (WebElement) getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(ACTIVE_ELEMENT); assertTrue(assertVal + "combination could not find active element", element != null); } return element; } private String pageUpDownHelper(int iterCondition, String keyString) { // Making sure the textBox is empty so we always start at the same date WebElement element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); element.clear(); element.sendKeys(TEST_DATE_TO_USE); openDatePicker(); String classOfActiveElem = "" + getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(CLASSNAME); element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector("td[class*='" + classOfActiveElem + "']")); element = loopThroughKeys(element, keyString, iterCondition, ARIA_SELECTED_SEL, "Shift+Page Up/Down"); // Selecting the date that we are on to get the value and compare it to what it should be element.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); // Setting the input box in focus to get its value element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); // Checking if the values are equal return element.getAttribute("value"); } private String homeEndButtonHelper(String initDate, Keys buttonToPress) { // Getting the input box, making sure it is clear, and sending in the the starting date WebElement element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); element.clear(); element.sendKeys(initDate); // Opening the calendar icon to grab the date we are looking for openDatePicker(); // Grabbing the correct focus cell date By selectedDate = By.cssSelector(SELECTED_DATE); element = findDomElement(selectedDate); // Pressing the home or End button and grabbing the associated date element.sendKeys(buttonToPress); // Clicking on that element to compare it to the date we should receive element = (WebElement) getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(ACTIVE_ELEMENT); element.sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); // Repointing to the InputTextBox element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); // Making sure they are equal return element.getAttribute("value"); } private void openDatePicker() { // Grabbing the Date Icon and click on it to open the calendar WebElement element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_ICON_SEL));; getAuraUITestingUtil().waitForElement("DatePicker doesn't appear after clicking on the calendar icon!", By.cssSelector(DATEPICKER_SEL)); } public void gotToNextElem(WebDriver driver, String shftTab) { String classOfActiveElem = "td[class*='" + getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(CLASSNAME) + "']"; findDomElement(By.cssSelector(classOfActiveElem)).sendKeys(shftTab); } /*********************************************************************************************** *********************************** Date Picker Tests******************************************* ***********************************************************************************************/ // Home and End Button Test using January (31 days) , February (28 or 29 days), September (30 days) @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.IE7, BrowserType.IE8, BrowserType.ANDROID_PHONE, BrowserType.ANDROID_TABLET, BrowserType.IPAD, BrowserType.IPHONE }) @Test public void testHomeEnd() throws Exception { open(URL); // Checking January (31 days) String inputBoxResult = homeEndButtonHelper("2011-1-31", Keys.HOME); assertEquals("The Home button did not go to the beginning of January", "2011-01-01", inputBoxResult.trim()); inputBoxResult = homeEndButtonHelper("2011-1-1", Keys.END); assertEquals("The End button did not go to the end of January", "2011-01-31", inputBoxResult.trim()); // Checking February (28 or 29 days), none Leap year inputBoxResult = homeEndButtonHelper("2011-2-28", Keys.HOME); assertEquals("The Home button did not go to the beginning of February", "2011-02-01", inputBoxResult.trim()); inputBoxResult = homeEndButtonHelper("2011-2-1", Keys.END); assertEquals("The End button did not go to the end of February", "2011-02-28", inputBoxResult.trim()); // Checking February (28 or 29 days), Leap year inputBoxResult = homeEndButtonHelper("2012-2-29", Keys.HOME); assertEquals("The Home button did not go to the beginning of February", "2012-02-01", inputBoxResult.trim()); inputBoxResult = homeEndButtonHelper("2012-2-1", Keys.END); assertEquals("The End button did not go to the end of February", "2012-02-29", inputBoxResult.trim()); // Checking September (30 days) inputBoxResult = homeEndButtonHelper("2011-9-30", Keys.HOME); assertEquals("The Home button did not go to the beginning of September", "2011-09-01", inputBoxResult.trim()); inputBoxResult = homeEndButtonHelper("2011-9-1", Keys.END); assertEquals("The End button did not go to thes end of September", "2011-09-30", inputBoxResult.trim()); } // Testing the functionality of page_down, page_up, shift+page_down, shift+page_up @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.IE7, BrowserType.IE9, BrowserType.IE10, BrowserType.IE11, BrowserType.ANDROID_PHONE, BrowserType.ANDROID_TABLET, BrowserType.IPAD, BrowserType.IPHONE }) @Test public void testPageUpDownYear() throws Exception { DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_STR); open(URL); // Calendar used to get current date GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); // Running test, Increasing year String result = pageUpDownHelper(10, Keys.SHIFT + "" + Keys.PAGE_UP); // Moving calendar to match corresponding action of test and formatting date cal.setTime(formatter.parse(TEST_DATE_TO_USE)); cal.add(Calendar.YEAR, -10); // Formatting date to match out of test String fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_STR).format(cal.getTime()); // Making sure test result and true calendar outcome match assertEquals("Shift + Page up did not go to the correct date", fmt, result.trim()); // Resetting calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); // Running test, decreasing month result = pageUpDownHelper(15, Keys.SHIFT + "" + Keys.PAGE_DOWN); // Moving calendar to match corresponding action of test and formatting date cal.setTime(formatter.parse(TEST_DATE_TO_USE)); cal.add(Calendar.YEAR, 15); fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_STR).format(cal.getTime()); // Making sure test result and true calendar outcome match assertEquals("shift + Page Down did not find the correct date", fmt, result.trim()); } // Testing the functionality of page_down, page_up, shift+page_down, shift+page_up // test disabled due to flapper: W-2733724 @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.ANDROID_PHONE, BrowserType.ANDROID_TABLET, BrowserType.IPAD, BrowserType.IPHONE }) public void _testPageUpDownMonth() throws Exception { DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_STR); open(URL); // Calendar used to get current date GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); // Running test, Decreasing month String result = pageUpDownHelper(4, "" + Keys.PAGE_UP); // Moving calendar to match corresponding action of test and formatting date cal.setTime(formatter.parse(TEST_DATE_TO_USE)); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, -4); String fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_STR).format(cal.getTime()); assertEquals("Page up id not find the correct date", fmt, result.trim()); // Resetting calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); // Running Test, increasing month result = pageUpDownHelper(10, "" + Keys.PAGE_DOWN); // Moving calendar to match corresponding action of test and formatting date cal.setTime(formatter.parse(TEST_DATE_TO_USE)); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 10); fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_STR).format(cal.getTime()); // Making sure test result and true calendar outcome match assertEquals("Page down id not find the correct date", fmt, result.trim()); } // Testing functionallity of tab, starting from the InputBox to the today button // Do Not run with Safari. Safari does not handle tabs normally @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.SAFARI, BrowserType.ANDROID_PHONE, BrowserType.ANDROID_TABLET, BrowserType.IPAD, BrowserType.IPHONE }) // TODO(W-2671175): Fails due to GMT/PST timezone difference for user.timezone and actual timezone public void _testTab() throws Exception { open(URL); // Getting input textbox in focus WebElement element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); // Tabbing to the next item and getting what is in focus getAuraUITestingUtil().pressTab(element); String classOfActiveElem = "" + getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(CLASSNAME); element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector("td[class*='" + classOfActiveElem + "']")); String elementClass = element.getAttribute("class"); assertTrue("Tabbing did not take us to the date picker icon", elementClass.indexOf("datePicker-openIcon") >= 0); // Clicking on the Icon; // Todays date should be on focus, Grabbing that element. Pressing tab with WebDriver after clicking on the icon // will move to the move month to the left classOfActiveElem = "" + getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(CLASSNAME); element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector("td[class*='" + classOfActiveElem + "']")); elementClass = element.getAttribute("class"); assertTrue("Tabbing did not take us to today's date", elementClass.indexOf("todayDate") >= 0); } // Test case for W-2031902 @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.SAFARI, BrowserType.ANDROID_PHONE, BrowserType.ANDROID_TABLET, BrowserType.IPAD, BrowserType.IPHONE }) @Test public void testValueChangeEvent() throws Exception { open(URL); // Getting input textbox in focus WebElement element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); // Tabbing to the next item and getting what is in focus getAuraUITestingUtil().pressTab(element); element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(OUTPUT_ST)); // tab out does not fire value change event assertEquals("Value Change event should not be fired", "", element.getText()); openDatePicker(); // Todays date should be on focus, Grabbing that element. Pressing tab with WebDriver after clicking on the icon // will move to the move month to the left String classOfActiveElem = "" + getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(CLASSNAME); element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector("td[class*='" + classOfActiveElem + "']")); // Moving from the on focus element to the today link // Keys.Enter does not work with chrome v40.0.2214.91; // make sure value change event got fired element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(OUTPUT_ST)); assertEquals("Value Change event should not be fired", "Value Change Event Fired", element.getText()); } /* * UnAdaptable because issue with sfdc environments with sendkeys in iframes see W-1985839 and W-2009411 */ @UnAdaptableTest // Checking functionality of the shift tab button // temporarily disabled due to a bug in the initial positioning. Will re-enable once that issue is fixed @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.IE9, BrowserType.IE10, BrowserType.SAFARI, BrowserType.ANDROID_PHONE, BrowserType.ANDROID_TABLET, BrowserType.IPAD, BrowserType.IPHONE }) public void _testShiftTab() throws Exception { open(URL); WebDriver driver = getDriver(); // Getting input textbox in focus WebElement element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL));; element.sendKeys("20151111"); getAuraUITestingUtil().pressTab(element); String classOfActiveElem = "a[class*='" + getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(CLASSNAME) + "']"; element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(classOfActiveElem)); String elementClass = element.getAttribute("class"); assertTrue("Tabbing did not take us to the date picker icon", elementClass.indexOf("datePicker-openIcon") >= 0);; // Focused on Today's date classOfActiveElem = "td[class*='" + getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(CLASSNAME) + "']"; element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(classOfActiveElem)); elementClass = element.getAttribute("class"); assertTrue("Tabbing did not take us to the selected date", elementClass.indexOf("selectedDate") >= 0); getAuraUITestingUtil().pressTab(element); String shftTab = Keys.SHIFT + "" + Keys.TAB; // Going from SELECTED_DATE to next-year gotToNextElem(driver, shftTab); // Going from next-year to next-month gotToNextElem(driver, shftTab); // Going from next-month to prev-month gotToNextElem(driver, shftTab); // Going from prev-month to prev-Year gotToNextElem(driver, shftTab); // Going from prev-Year to icon gotToNextElem(driver, shftTab); // Going from icon to input box gotToNextElem(driver, shftTab); // Getting the input textbox in focus and getting the value, which should not have changed classOfActiveElem = "input[class*='" + getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(CLASSNAME) + "']"; element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(classOfActiveElem)); assertEquals("Shift Tabbing did not get us to the input textbox", "2015-11-11", element.getAttribute("value")); } // Testing functionality of the ESC key @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.ANDROID_PHONE, BrowserType.ANDROID_TABLET, BrowserType.IPAD, BrowserType.IPHONE }) @Test public void testEscape() throws Exception { open(URL); boolean escButtonClosedCal; openDatePicker(); // Looking for the current date, which should be focused on WebElement element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(SELECTED_DATE)); // Hitting escape to close the Calendar element.sendKeys(Keys.ESCAPE); // Want to get a NoSuchElementExpection when looking for the class // if visible exists, that means that the calendar did not close element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector("div[class*='uiDatePicker']")); escButtonClosedCal = !element.getAttribute("class").contains("visible"); assertTrue("Escape button did not close the calendar", escButtonClosedCal); } /** * Test Flow: * 1. Have focus on inputDate * 2. Tab onto the calendar icon and press enter * 3. After datepicker opens, press a button (ESC, ENTER, SPACE) to close it * 4. Check if inputDate has focus * @throws Exception */ // Testing the focus after closing datePicker // Disabling for Safari since Safari does not handle tabs normally @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.SAFARI, BrowserType.ANDROID_PHONE, BrowserType.ANDROID_TABLET, BrowserType.IPAD, BrowserType.IPHONE }) @Test public void testFocusOnClosingDP() throws Exception { // the different keys we will use to close the datePicker Keys[] keysToClose = { Keys.ESCAPE, Keys.ENTER, Keys.SPACE }; open(URL); for (int i = 0; i < keysToClose.length; i++) { WebElement inputDate = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); inputDate.sendKeys(Keys.TAB); //active element should now be the calendar icon - hit enter to open datePicker WebElement activeElement = (WebElement) getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(ACTIVE_ELEMENT); activeElement.sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); //datePicker should be open getAuraUITestingUtil().waitForElement("datePicker should been present, but its not", By.cssSelector(".uiDatePicker.visible")); //use key to close the datePicker WebElement selectedDate = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(SELECTED_DATE)); selectedDate.sendKeys(keysToClose[i]); //check if datePicker is closed getAuraUITestingUtil().waitForElementNotPresent("datePicker should not be present, but it is", By.cssSelector(".uiDatePicker.visible")); //check if active element is the inputDate activeElement = (WebElement) getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(ACTIVE_ELEMENT); assertEquals("Focus not on the right element", activeElement, inputDate); } } // Testing Functionality of calendar in traversing through 1 year by the keys @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.ANDROID_PHONE, BrowserType.ANDROID_TABLET, BrowserType.IPAD, BrowserType.IPHONE }) // TODO(W-2701964): Flapping in autobuilds, needs to be revisited @Flapper @Test public void testDateWithOneArrow() throws Exception { open(URL); WebElement element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); element.sendKeys("2013-10-01");; openDatePicker(); String classOfActiveElem = "" + getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(CLASSNAME); element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector("td[class*='" + classOfActiveElem + "']")); // Loop through 151 days element = loopThroughKeys(element, "" + Keys.ARROW_RIGHT, 151, ARIA_SELECTED_SEL, "Arrow-Right "); element.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); assertEquals("Dates do not match up", "2014-03-01", element.getAttribute("value").trim()); } // Testing functionality of arrows being used one after the other @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.ANDROID_PHONE, BrowserType.ANDROID_TABLET, BrowserType.IPAD, BrowserType.IPHONE }) @Test public void testLeftAndRightArrows() throws Exception { open(URL); WebElement element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); element.sendKeys(TEST_DATE_TO_USE);; openDatePicker(); // Find todays date, which should be focused By activeElmLoc = By.cssSelector("td[class*='" + getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(CLASSNAME) + "']"); element = findDomElement(activeElmLoc); // Move from todays date, to the todays date +41 element = loopThroughKeys(element, "" + Keys.ARROW_RIGHT, 41, ARIA_SELECTED_SEL, "Arrow-Right key "); // Move from today (date+41), to the todays date+1 element = loopThroughKeys(element, "" + Keys.ARROW_LEFT, 40, ARIA_SELECTED_SEL, "Arrow-Left key"); // Select element element.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); // Focus on the input box and get its value element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); assertEquals("Next day was not correctly found", "2013-04-16", element.getAttribute("value").trim()); } // Testing functionality of arrows being used one after the other, while going through months @ExcludeBrowsers({ BrowserType.ANDROID_PHONE, BrowserType.ANDROID_TABLET, BrowserType.IPAD, BrowserType.IPHONE }) @Test public void testUpAndDownArrows() throws Exception { open(URL); // Start at specific date WebElement element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); element.sendKeys(TEST_DATE_TO_USE);; openDatePicker(); // Find todays date, which should be focused String classOfActiveElem = "" + getAuraUITestingUtil().getEval(CLASSNAME); element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector("td[class*='" + classOfActiveElem + "']")); // Move 4 months up element = loopThroughKeys(element, "" + Keys.ARROW_UP, 4, ARIA_SELECTED_SEL, "Arrow-Up key"); // Move 4 months down element = loopThroughKeys(element, "" + Keys.ARROW_DOWN, 4, ARIA_SELECTED_SEL, "Arrow-Down key"); // Focus should be back on todays date element.sendKeys(Keys.SPACE); // Select the input text box and get its value for comparison element = findDomElement(By.cssSelector(DATE_INPUT_BOX_SEL)); assertEquals("Moving dates using arrows has not brought us to todays date", TEST_DATE_TO_USE, element.getAttribute("value").trim()); } }