Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Attribyte, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ package org.attribyte.relay; import com.codahale.metrics.Counter; import com.codahale.metrics.Histogram; import com.codahale.metrics.Meter; import com.codahale.metrics.Metric; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.attribyte.api.ConsoleLogger; import org.attribyte.api.Logger; import org.attribyte.essem.metrics.HDRReservoir; import org.attribyte.essem.metrics.Timer; import org.attribyte.util.StringUtil; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; /** * Supplies the contents of each file in a directory. * * <b>Configuration Properties</b> * * <dl> * <dt>sourceDir</dt> * <dd> * The directory that contains files/directories to be replicated. * </dd> * * <dt>recurseSourceDirs</dt> * <dd> * Should subdirectories of <code>sourceDir</code> be examined? * </dd> * * <dt>lostMessageDir</dt> * <dd> * A directory where 'lost' files are moved. Lost files can happen * if there are processing or replication errors. Created as a subdirectory * of the containing directory if it does not exist. * </dd> * * <dt>completedMessageDir</dt> * <dd> * An optional directory where, if specified, completed files * are moved after replication is confirmed. Created as a subdirectory * of the containing directory if it does not exist. * </dd> * * <dt>continuous</dt> * <dd> * If specified, and 'true', the directory will be continuously monitored for new files * until shutdown. * </dd> * * <dt>saveStateInterval</dt> * <dd> * The number of messages to skip between state saves * </dd> * * <dt>continuousReloadPauseMillis</dt> * <dd> * The number of milliseconds to pause after the source directory * is checked for new files. * </dd> * </dl> * */ public class FilesSupplier implements Supplier { /** * Creates an uninitialized supplier. */ public FilesSupplier() { this.processedSet = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet(); } /** * Creates a files supplier. * @param sourceDir The source directory. * @param recurseSourceDirs Should subdirectories be searched? * @param completedMessageDir The optional (sub)directory where completed messages are moved. * @param lostMessageDir The (sub)directory where lost messages are moved. * @param continuous Does the supplier run continuously - monitoring the source directory for new files? * @param continuousReloadPauseMillis The number of milliseconds to pause between checks for new files when running continuously. * @param initialState The initial state, if any. * @param saveStateInterval The number of messages between state saves. * @param logger The logger. If <code>null</code>, messages are logged to the console. * @throws IOException on create error such as a filesystem error. */ public FilesSupplier(final File sourceDir, final boolean recurseSourceDirs, final Optional<String> completedMessageDir, final String lostMessageDir, final boolean continuous, final int continuousReloadPauseMillis, final Optional<ByteString> initialState, final int saveStateInterval, final Logger logger) throws IOException { this.rootDir = sourceDir; this.completedMessageDir = completedMessageDir; this.lostMessageDir = lostMessageDir; this.continuous = continuous; this.continuousReloadPauseMillis = continuousReloadPauseMillis; this.saveStateInterval = saveStateInterval; this.logger = logger != null ? logger : new ConsoleLogger(); this.processedSet = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet(); if (initialState.isPresent()) { deserializeState(initialState.get()); } this.processedSetFilter = pathname -> pathname.isFile() && pathname.canRead() && !processedSet.contains(pathname.getAbsolutePath()); this.recurseSourceDirs = recurseSourceDirs; if (recurseSourceDirs) { recurseSourceDirs(); } else { sourceDirs = ImmutableList.of(rootDir).iterator(); } createIterator(); state = State.MESSAGE; } @Override public Message nextMessage() { if (state == State.STOPPED || !isInit.get()) { return Message.stop(); } if (iter.hasNext()) { if (state == State.MESSAGE) { final File curr =; final String id = curr.getAbsolutePath(); try { final byte[] fileBytes = Files.toByteArray(curr); messageSize.update(fileBytes.length); final long completedMessageCount = completedMessages.getCount(); if (saveStateInterval == 0) { state = State.SAVE_STATE; } else if (completedMessageCount % saveStateInterval == 0) {"Saving state (%s messages completed)", completedMessageCount)); state = State.SAVE_STATE; } final Timer.Context ctx = publishedMessages.time(); try { if (fileBytes.length > 0) { return Message.publish(id, Files.toByteArray(curr)); } else {"Skipping zero-byte message for %s", id)); completedMessage(Message.publish(id, ByteString.EMPTY)); return Message.pause(0); } } finally { ctx.stop(); } } catch (Error e) { logger.error("Fatal error", e); throw e; } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Problem loading message", t);; state = State.MESSAGE; lostMessage(Message.publish(id, ByteString.EMPTY)); return Message .error(String.format("Problem loading message from '%s'", curr.getAbsolutePath())); } } else if (state == State.SAVE_STATE) { state = State.MESSAGE; return Message.state(serializeState()); } else { return Message.stop(); } } else if (!continuous) { if (!sourceDirs.hasNext()) { if (isComplete()) { state = State.STOPPED; return Message.state(serializeState()); } else { if (state == State.SAVE_STATE) { state = State.FINISHING; return Message.state(serializeState()); } else { state = State.SAVE_STATE; return Message.pause(continuousReloadPauseMillis); } } } else {; createIterator(); state = State.MESSAGE; return Message.pause(continuousReloadPauseMillis); } } else {; if (recurseSourceDirs && !sourceDirs.hasNext()) { try { recurseSourceDirs(); } catch (IOException ioe) {; logger.error("Problem checking directory", ioe); return Message.pause(continuousReloadPauseMillis); } } createIterator(); state = State.MESSAGE; return Message.pause(continuousReloadPauseMillis); } } @Override public void completedMessage(Message message) { timeToAcknowledge.update(System.currentTimeMillis() - message.createTimeMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); processedSet.add(; if (completedMessageDir.isPresent()) { moveMessage(message, completedMessageDir.get(), "Problem moving completed message from '%s' to '%s'"); } completedMessages.mark(); } @Override public void lostMessage(Message message) { timeToAcknowledge.update(System.currentTimeMillis() - message.createTimeMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); processedSet.add(; moveMessage(message, lostMessageDir, "Problem moving lost message from '%s' to '%s'");; } /** * Moves a message to a subdirectory. * @param message The message. * @param subdirectory The subdirectory. * @param errorFormat The error format string to use. * @return Was the message moved? */ private boolean moveMessage(final Message message, final String subdirectory, final String errorFormat) { File source = new File(; File sourceDir = source.getParentFile(); File destDir = new File(sourceDir, subdirectory); if (!destDir.exists()) { if (!destDir.mkdir()) {; logger.error("Unable to create: " + destDir.getAbsolutePath()); return false; } } File dest = new File(destDir, source.getName()); try { Files.move(source, dest); } catch (IOException ioe) {; logger.error(String.format(errorFormat, source.getAbsolutePath(), dest.getAbsolutePath()), ioe); return false; } return true; } @Override public void init(final Properties props, final Optional<ByteString> savedState, final Logger logger) throws Exception { if (isInit.compareAndSet(false, true)) { rootDir = new File(props.getProperty("sourceDir", ".")); this.logger = logger; if (!rootDir.exists()) { throw new Exception(String.format("The directory, '%s' (%s), does not exist", "sourceDir", rootDir.getAbsolutePath())); } if (!rootDir.isDirectory()) { throw new Exception(String.format("The directory, '%s' (%s), is a file", "sourceDir", rootDir.getAbsolutePath())); } if (!rootDir.canRead()) { throw new Exception(String.format("The directory, '%s' (%s), is not readable", "sourceDir", rootDir.getAbsolutePath())); } lostMessageDir = props.getProperty("lostMessageDir", "lost").trim(); String completedMessageDir = props.getProperty("completedMessageDir", "").trim(); this.completedMessageDir = completedMessageDir.isEmpty() ? Optional.absent() : Optional.of(completedMessageDir); continuous = props.getProperty("continuous", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); saveStateInterval = StringUtil.parseInt(props.getProperty("saveStateInterval"), 0); continuousReloadPauseMillis = StringUtil.parseInt(props.getProperty("continuousReloadPauseMillis"), DEFAULT_CONTINUOUS_RELOAD_PAUSE); if (savedState.isPresent()) { deserializeState(savedState.get()); } processedSetFilter = pathname -> pathname.isFile() && pathname.canRead() && !processedSet.contains(pathname.getAbsolutePath()); recurseSourceDirs = StringUtil.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("recurseSourceDirs"), false); if (recurseSourceDirs) { recurseSourceDirs(); } else { sourceDirs = ImmutableList.of(rootDir).iterator(); } createIterator(); state = State.MESSAGE; } } @Override public Optional<ByteString> shutdown() { if (isInit.compareAndSet(true, false)) { return Optional.of(serializeState()); } else { return Optional.absent(); } } /** * Creates the iterator over the files. */ private void createIterator() { if (sourceDirs.hasNext()) { File sourceDir =; processedSet.add(sourceDir.getName()); File[] files = sourceDir.listFiles(processedSetFilter); List<File> fileList = files != null ? ImmutableList.copyOf(files) : ImmutableList.of(); iter = fileList.iterator(); } else { iter = ImmutableList.<File>of().iterator(); } } /** * Serializes the internal state (processed set) one filename per line. * @return The state. */ private ByteString serializeState() { return ByteString.copyFromUtf8(Joiner.on('\n').skipNulls().join(processedSet)); } /** * Deserializes a saved state. * @param state The saved state. */ private void deserializeState(final ByteString state) { Splitter.on('\n').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(state.toStringUtf8()).forEach(processedSet::add); } /** * Starting at <code>sourceDir</code>, find all subdirectories * and add them to the process directory iteration. * Excludes symbolic links. * @throws IOException on read error. */ private void recurseSourceDirs() throws IOException { final List<File> processDirs = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(64); Path start = rootDir.toPath(); java.nio.file.Files.walkFileTree(start, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException e) throws IOException { File file = dir.toFile(); if (file.equals(rootDir)) { return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } else if (file.getName().equals(Strings.nullToEmpty(lostMessageDir))) { return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } else if (completedMessageDir.isPresent() && file.getName().equals(completedMessageDir.get())) { return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } else { processDirs.add(file); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } } }); Collections.sort(processDirs); this.sourceDirs = processDirs.iterator(); } /** * Determine if all published messages have been reported either completed or failed. * @return The complete status. */ private boolean isComplete() { return publishedMessages.getCount() - completedMessages.getCount() - lostMessages.getCount() == 0; } /** * The root directory that contains all files/directories to process. */ private File rootDir; /** * Should the source directories be searched? */ private boolean recurseSourceDirs; /** * An iterator over all source directories. */ private Iterator<File> sourceDirs; /** * The optional subdirectory to which completed files are moved. */ private Optional<String> completedMessageDir = Optional.absent(); /** * The subdirectory where lost message files are moved. */ private String lostMessageDir; /** * The iterator over the files currently in the source directory. */ private Iterator<File> iter; /** * In continuous mode, the iterator will be refreshed (maybe new files are continuously added). */ private boolean continuous; /** * The amount of time in milliseconds to pause after the iterator is reloaded. */ private int continuousReloadPauseMillis; /** * Saves the state every N process messages. */ private int saveStateInterval = 0; /** * The default reload pause (5 seconds). */ private static final int DEFAULT_CONTINUOUS_RELOAD_PAUSE = 5000; /** * Is the supplier initialized? */ private final AtomicBoolean isInit = new AtomicBoolean(false); /** * The logger. */ private Logger logger; /** * A set of files already processed. */ private final Set<String> processedSet; /** * A filter that excludes already processed files. */ private FileFilter processedSetFilter; /** * Times published messages. */ private final Timer publishedMessages = new Timer(); /** * Records message size. */ private final Histogram messageSize = new Histogram( new HDRReservoir(2, HDRReservoir.REPORT_SNAPSHOT_HISTOGRAM)); /** * Counts message load errors. */ private final Counter loadErrors = new Counter(); /** * Counts any errors related to the filesystem. */ private final Counter filesystemErrors = new Counter(); /** * Counts the number of continuous reloads. */ private final Counter reloads = new Counter(); /** * Counts the number of lost messages. */ private final Counter lostMessages = new Counter(); /** * Counts the number of lost messages. */ private final Meter completedMessages = new Meter(); /** * The time elapsed between message create and the (async) response from the target. */ private final Timer timeToAcknowledge = new Timer(); @Override public Map<String, Metric> getMetrics() { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Metric> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); builder.put("completed-messages", completedMessages); builder.put("message-size", messageSize); builder.put("time-to-acknowledge", timeToAcknowledge); builder.put("filesystem-errors", filesystemErrors); builder.put("load-errors", publishedMessages); builder.put("replication-pauses", loadErrors); builder.put("reloads", reloads); builder.put("lost-messages", lostMessages); return; } /** * Internal state. */ private enum State { /** * Send a message next. */ MESSAGE, /** * Pause next. */ SAVE_STATE, /** * State is stopped. */ STOPPED, /** * State is finishing. */ FINISHING } /** * The current internal state. Must only be changed in the <code>nextMessage</code> method. */ private State state = State.STOPPED; }