Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2007 HomeAway, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.atomserver.testutils.plot; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; public class PerfDataSet { static private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PerfDataSet.class); static private final int NUM_POINTS_IN_AVG_CALC = 5; private Map<String, List<PerfData>> dataSet = new HashMap<String, List<PerfData>>(); private Date minDate = null; private Date maxDate = null; static public XYDataset combineDataSets(List<XYDataset> xyDatasetList) { TimeSeriesCollection newTSC = new TimeSeriesCollection(); for (XYDataset xyDataset : xyDatasetList) { TimeSeriesCollection subTSC = (TimeSeriesCollection) xyDataset; List seriesList = subTSC.getSeries(); for (Object seriesObj : seriesList) { TimeSeries series = (TimeSeries) seriesObj; newTSC.addSeries(series); } } return newTSC; } public void addPerfData(PerfData perfData) { String method = perfData.getMethod(); List<PerfData> dataList = dataSet.get(method); if (dataSet.get(method) == null) { dataList = new ArrayList<PerfData>(); dataSet.put(method, dataList); } dataList.add(perfData); Date datetime = perfData.getDateTime(); if (minDate == null || datetime.before(minDate)) { minDate = datetime; } if (maxDate == null || datetime.after(maxDate)) { maxDate = datetime; } } public XYDataset getXYDataSet() { return getXYDataSet(false, null, null, false); } public XYDataset getXYDataSet(boolean normalizeTimes, List methodNamesToPlot, String methodNameSuffix, boolean computeMovingAverage) { return getXYDataSet(normalizeTimes, methodNamesToPlot, methodNameSuffix, computeMovingAverage, NUM_POINTS_IN_AVG_CALC, false); } public XYDataset getXYDataSet(boolean normalizeTimes, List methodNamesToPlot, String methodNameSuffix, boolean computeMovingAverage, int numPointsInAvg) { return getXYDataSet(normalizeTimes, methodNamesToPlot, methodNameSuffix, computeMovingAverage, numPointsInAvg, false); } public XYDataset getXYDataSet(boolean normalizeTimes, List methodNamesToPlot, String methodNameSuffix, boolean computeMovingAverage, int numPointsInAvg, boolean plotTPM) { long lMinDate = 0L; if (normalizeTimes) { lMinDate = minDate.getTime(); } TimeSeriesCollection tsc = new TimeSeriesCollection(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<PerfData>> entry : dataSet.entrySet()) { String methodName = entry.getKey(); if (methodNamesToPlot != null) { if (!methodNamesToPlot.contains(methodName)) continue; } if (methodNameSuffix != null) { methodName += " " + methodNameSuffix; } TimeSeries series = new TimeSeries(methodName, Second.class); List<PerfData> perfDataList = entry.getValue(); for (PerfData perfData : perfDataList) { Date datetime = perfData.getDateTime(); Double value = 0.0; if (plotTPM) value = perfData.getTPM(); else value = perfData.getAvgResp(); if (normalizeTimes) { long lDatetime = datetime.getTime(); long lNormalizedTime = lDatetime - lMinDate; datetime = new Date(lNormalizedTime); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("[ " + lDatetime + ", " + lMinDate + ", " + lNormalizedTime + "] normalized time = " + datetime); } series.add(new Second(datetime), value); } if (computeMovingAverage) { TimeSeries movingAvg = MovingAverage.createPointMovingAverage(series, methodName + " moving average", numPointsInAvg); tsc.addSeries(movingAvg); } else { tsc.addSeries(series); } } return tsc; } static public class PerfData { private String method = null; private Date datetime = null; private int count = 0; private double avgResp = 0.0; private double maxResp = 0.0; private double minResp = 0.0; private double stdDev = 0.0; private double tpm = 0; public String getMethod() { return method; } public Date getDateTime() { return datetime; } public double getAvgResp() { return avgResp; } public double getTPM() { return tpm; } public PerfData(Date datetime, String method, int count, double avgResp, double minResp, double maxResp, double stdDev, double tpm) { this.method = method; this.datetime = datetime; this.avgResp = avgResp; this.maxResp = maxResp; this.minResp = minResp; this.stdDev = stdDev; this.count = count; this.tpm = tpm; } public String toString() { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append("[ " + datetime); buff.append(", " + method); buff.append(", " + count); buff.append(", " + avgResp); buff.append(", " + minResp); buff.append(", " + maxResp); buff.append(", " + stdDev); buff.append(", " + tpm + " ]"); return buff.toString(); } } }