Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Jeanfrancois Arcand * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.atmosphere.gwt.client.impl; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.atmosphere.gwt.client.AtmosphereClient; import org.atmosphere.gwt.client.AtmosphereClientException; import org.atmosphere.gwt.client.AtmosphereListener; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * * @author p.havelaar */ public class IFrameCometTransport extends BaseCometTransport { private String domain; private IFrameElement iframe; private BodyElement body; private boolean connected; private boolean expectingDisconnection; @Override public void initiate(AtmosphereClient client, AtmosphereListener listener) { super.initiate(client, listener); } @Override public void connect(int connectionCount) { domain = getDomain(getDocumentDomain(), client.getUrl()); StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder("<html>"); if (domain != null) { html.append("<script>document.domain='").append(domain).append("'</script>"); } html.append("<iframe src=''></iframe></html>"); iframe = createIFrame(html.toString()); expectingDisconnection = false; String url = getUrl(connectionCount); if (domain != null) { url += "&d=" + domain; } iframe.setSrc(url); } @Override public void disconnect() { // TODO this does not seem to close the connection immediately. expectingDisconnection = true; super.disconnect(); iframe.setSrc(""); // perhaps this will fix disconnecting properly destroyIFrame(); iframe = null; body = null; if (connected) { onDisconnected(); } connected = false; } protected IFrameElement createIFrame(String html) { return createIFrameImpl(this, html); } protected void destroyIFrame() { } private static native IFrameElement createIFrameImpl(IFrameCometTransport client, String domain) /*-{ var div = document.createElement('div'), iframe = document.createElement("iframe"), span = document.createElement('span'); = '--endless-iframe-comet-transport'; iframe.setAttribute('name', '--endless-iframe-comet-transport'); = '--endless-iframe-comet-transport'; = 'hidden'; span.innerHTML += '<script>document.domain=' + domain + '</script>'; = '--endless-iframe-comet-transport-div'; = 'absolute'; = = '0px'; = = '1px'; = 'hidden'; div.appendChild(span); div.appendChild(iframe); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(div); window.m = $entry(function(message) { client.@org.atmosphere.gwt.client.impl.IFrameCometTransport::onMessages(Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JsArrayString;)(arguments); }); window.c = $entry(function(heartbeat, connectionID) { client.@org.atmosphere.gwt.client.impl.IFrameCometTransport::onConnected(II)(heartbeat, connectionID); }); window.d = $entry(function() { client.@org.atmosphere.gwt.client.impl.IFrameCometTransport::onDisconnected()(); }); window.e = $entry(function(statusCode, message) { client.@org.atmosphere.gwt.client.impl.IFrameCometTransport::onError(ILjava/lang/String;)(statusCode, message); }); window.h = $entry(function() { client.@org.atmosphere.gwt.client.impl.IFrameCometTransport::onHeartbeat()(); }); window.r = $entry(function() { client.@org.atmosphere.gwt.client.impl.IFrameCometTransport::onRefresh()(); }); // no $entry() because no user code is reachable window.t = function() { client.@org.atmosphere.gwt.client.impl.IFrameCometTransport::onTerminate()(); }; return iframe; }-*/; private native static String getDocumentDomain() /*-{ return $doc.domain; }-*/; private native static String getDomain(String documentDomain, String url) /*-{ var urlParts = /(^https?:)?(\/\/(([^:\/\?#]+)(:(\d+))?))?([^\?#]*)/.exec(url); var urlDomain = urlParts[4]; if (!urlDomain || documentDomain == urlDomain) { return null; } var documentDomainParts = documentDomain.split('.'); var urlDomainParts = urlDomain.split('.'); var d = documentDomainParts.length - 1; var u = urlDomainParts.length - 1; var resultDomainParts = []; while (d >= 0 && u >= 0 && documentDomainParts[d] == urlDomainParts[u]) { resultDomainParts.push(urlDomainParts[u]); d--; u--; } return resultDomainParts.reverse().join('.') }-*/; private void collect() { if (body != null) { NodeList<Node> childNodes = body.getChildNodes(); if (childNodes.getLength() > 1) { body.removeChild(childNodes.getItem(0)); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void onMessages(JsArrayString arguments) { collect(); int length = arguments.length(); List<Serializable> messages = new ArrayList<Serializable>(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { String message = arguments.get(i); switch (message.charAt(0)) { case ']': messages.add(message.substring(1)); break; case '[': case 'R': case 'r': case 'f': try { messages.add(parse(message)); } catch (SerializationException e) { listener.onError(e, true); } break; default: listener.onError(new AtmosphereClientException("Invalid message received: " + message), true); } } listener.onMessage(messages); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void onConnected(int heartbeat, int connectionID) { connected = true; body = iframe.getContentDocument().getBody(); collect(); this.connectionId = connectionID; listener.onConnected(heartbeat, connectionID); } private void onDisconnected() { connected = false; body = null; if (expectingDisconnection) { listener.onDisconnected(); } else { listener.onError(new AtmosphereClientException("Unexpected disconnection"), false); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void onError(int statusCode, String message) { listener.onError(new StatusCodeException(statusCode, message), false); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void onHeartbeat() { collect(); listener.onHeartbeat(); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void onRefresh() { collect(); listener.onRefresh(); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void onTerminate() { collect(); disconnect(); } }