Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2009 British Broadcasting Corporation Copyright 2009 Meta Broadcast Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.atlasapi.content.rdf.annotations.RdfClass; import org.atlasapi.content.rdf.annotations.RdfProperty; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.metabroadcast.common.intl.Country; /** * @author Robert Chatley ( * @author Lee Denison ( * @author John Ayres ( */ @RdfClass(namespace = PO.NS) public class Item extends Content { private ParentRef parent; private Set<Version> versions = Sets.newHashSet(); private boolean isLongForm = false; private Boolean blackAndWhite; private Set<Country> countriesOfOrigin = Sets.newHashSet(); private String sortKey; public Item(String uri, String curie, Publisher publisher) { super(uri, curie, publisher); } public Item() { } public void setParentRef(ParentRef parentRef) { this.parent = parentRef; } public void setContainer(Container container) { setParentRef(parentRefFrom(container)); } @RdfProperty(relation = true) public ParentRef getContainer() { if (parent == null) { return null; } return this.parent; } @RdfProperty(namespace = DC.NS) public boolean getIsLongForm() { return isLongForm; } public void setIsLongForm(boolean isLongForm) { this.isLongForm = isLongForm; } public void addVersion(Version version) { if (version.getProvider() == null) { version.setProvider(publisher); } versions.add(version); } @RdfProperty(relation = true, uri = "version") public Set<Version> getVersions() { return versions; } public Set<Version> nativeVersions() { return Sets.filter(versions, new Predicate<Version>() { @Override public boolean apply(Version v) { return publisher.equals(v.getProvider()); } }); } public void setVersions(Set<Version> versions) { this.versions = Sets.newHashSet(); addVersions(versions); } public void addVersions(Set<Version> versions) { for (Version version : versions) { addVersion(version); } } public boolean removeVersion(Version version) { return versions.remove(version); } public Set<Country> getCountriesOfOrigin() { return countriesOfOrigin; } public void setCountriesOfOrigin(Set<Country> countries) { this.countriesOfOrigin = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Country country : countries) { countriesOfOrigin.add(country); } } @RdfProperty(relation = true, uri = "person") public List<CrewMember> getPeople() { return people(); } public void setBlackAndWhite(Boolean blackAndWhite) { this.blackAndWhite = blackAndWhite; } public Boolean getBlackAndWhite() { return blackAndWhite; } public boolean isAvailable() { for (Location location : locations()) { if (location.getAvailable()) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isEmbeddable() { for (Location location : locations()) { if (location.getTransportType() != null && TransportType.EMBED.equals(location.getTransportType())) { return true; } } return false; } private List<Location> locations() { List<Location> locations = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Version version : getVersions()) { for (Encoding encoding : version.getManifestedAs()) { for (Location location : encoding.getAvailableAt()) { locations.add(location); } } } return locations; } @Override public Item copy() { Item copy = new Item(); Item.copyTo(this, copy); return copy; } public Item copyWithVersions(Set<Version> versions) { Item copy = new Item(); Item.copyToWithVersions(this, copy, versions); return copy; } public static void copyTo(Item from, Item to) { copyToWithVersions(from, to, Sets.newHashSet(Iterables.transform(from.versions, Version.COPY))); } public static void copyToWithVersions(Item from, Item to, Set<Version> versions) { Content.copyTo(from, to); if (from.parent != null) { to.parent = from.parent; } to.isLongForm = from.isLongForm; to.versions = versions; to.blackAndWhite = from.blackAndWhite; to.countriesOfOrigin = Sets.newHashSet(from.countriesOfOrigin); } public Item withSortKey(String sortKey) { this.sortKey = sortKey; return this; } public String sortKey() { return sortKey; } public boolean isChild() { return this.parent == null; } public static final Function<Item, ChildRef> TO_CHILD_REF = new Function<Item, ChildRef>() { @Override public ChildRef apply(Item input) { return input.childRef(); } }; public static final Function<Item, Item> COPY = new Function<Item, Item>() { @Override public Item apply(Item input) { return (Item) input.copy(); } }; public static final Function<Item, Iterable<Broadcast>> FLATTEN_BROADCASTS = new Function<Item, Iterable<Broadcast>>() { @Override public Iterable<Broadcast> apply(Item input) { return input.flattenBroadcasts(); } }; public Iterable<Broadcast> flattenBroadcasts() { return Iterables.concat(Iterables.transform(versions, Version.TO_BROADCASTS)); } public Iterable<Location> flattenLocations() { return Iterables.concat(Iterables.transform( Iterables.concat(Iterables.transform(versions, Version.TO_ENCODINGS)), Encoding.TO_LOCATIONS)); } @Override protected String getSortKey() { return SortKey.keyFrom(this); } public static final Predicate<Item> IS_AVAILABLE = new Predicate<Item>() { @Override public boolean apply(Item input) { return input.isAvailable(); } }; }