Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2011-2012 Atilika Inc. All rights reserved. * * Atilika Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version * 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. A copy of the License is distributed with this work in the * LICENSE.txt file. You may also obtain a copy of the License from * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.atilika.kuromoji.server; import*; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; import*; import; import; import org.atilika.kuromoji.DebugTokenizer; import org.atilika.kuromoji.Token; import org.atilika.kuromoji.Tokenizer; import org.atilika.kuromoji.Tokenizer.Mode; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; @Path("/tokenizer") public class KuromojiServer { private static final String DOT_COMMAND = "dot -Tsvg"; private static final int MAX_INPUT_LENGTH = 512; private static final int MAX_INPUT_VITERBI_LENGTH = 32; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KuromojiServer.class); private static Tokenizer normalTokenizer = Tokenizer.builder().mode(Mode.NORMAL).build(); private static Tokenizer searchTokenizer = Tokenizer.builder().mode(Mode.SEARCH).build(); private static Tokenizer extendedTokenizer = Tokenizer.builder().mode(Mode.EXTENDED).build(); private static DebugTokenizer debugTokenizer = DebugTokenizer.builder().mode(Mode.NORMAL).build(); @GET @Path("/tokenize") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response tokenizeGet(@QueryParam("text") String text, @DefaultValue("utf-8") @QueryParam("encoding") String encoding, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("mode") int mode) throws JSONException, UnsupportedEncodingException { log.debug("GET request with text: " + text + ", encoding: " + encoding + ", mode: " + mode); return Response.ok(tokenize(text, encoding, mode)).build(); } @POST @Path("/tokenize") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED) public Response tokenizePost(@FormParam("text") String text, @DefaultValue("utf-8") @FormParam("encoding") String encoding, @DefaultValue("0") @FormParam("mode") int mode) throws JSONException, IOException { log.debug("POST request with text: " + text + ", encoding: " + encoding + ", mode: " + mode); return Response.ok(tokenize(text, encoding, mode)).build(); } private JSONObject tokenize(String text, String encoding, int mode) throws JSONException, UnsupportedEncodingException { text = URLDecoder.decode(text, encoding);"Tokenizing text " + text + " using mode " + mode); if (mode == 3) { text = trimInputText(text, MAX_INPUT_VITERBI_LENGTH); } else { text = trimInputText(text, MAX_INPUT_LENGTH); } Tokenizer tokenizer = getTokenizer(mode); List<Token> tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text); return makeResponse(text, mode, tokens); } private String trimInputText(String text, int maxLength) { int length = text.length(); if (length > maxLength) { text = text.substring(0, maxLength); log.warn("Input length " + length + " exceeds max length. Trimming to max length of " + maxLength); } return text; } private JSONObject makeResponse(String text, int mode, List<Token> tokens) throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); JSONArray jsonTokens = new JSONArray(); for (Token token : tokens) { JSONObject jsonToken = new JSONObject(); jsonToken.put("surface", token.getSurfaceForm()); jsonToken.put("base", token.getBaseForm()); jsonToken.put("pos", token.getPartOfSpeech()); if (token.isUnknown()) { jsonToken.put("reading", "?"); } else { jsonToken.put("reading", token.getReading()); } if (token.isUser() || token.isUnknown()) { jsonToken.put("pronunciation", "?"); } else { assert token.getAllFeaturesArray().length == 9; jsonToken.put("pronunciation", token.getAllFeaturesArray()[8]); } jsonTokens.put(jsonToken); } json.put("input", text); json.put("tokens", jsonTokens); json.put("mode", mode); if (mode == 3) { json.put("viterbi", getViterbiSVG(debugTokenizer.debugTokenize(text))); } return json; } private Tokenizer getTokenizer(int mode) { if (mode == 0 || mode == 3) { return normalTokenizer; } else if (mode == 1) { return searchTokenizer; } else if (mode == 2) { return extendedTokenizer; } else { log.error("Illegal mode " + mode + ". Using normal tokenizer."); return this.normalTokenizer; } } private String getViterbiSVG(String dot) { Process process = null; try {"Running " + DOT_COMMAND); process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(DOT_COMMAND); process.getOutputStream().write(dot.getBytes("utf-8")); process.getOutputStream().close(); InputStream input = process.getInputStream(); String svg = new Scanner(input, "utf-8").useDelimiter("\\A").next(); int exitValue = process.exitValue(); log.debug("Read " + svg.getBytes("utf-8").length + " bytes of SVG output");"Process exited with exit value " + exitValue); return svg; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error running process " + process, e.getCause()); return null; } finally { if (process != null) {"Destroying process " + process); process.destroy(); } } } }