Java tutorial
/* * Asqatasun - Automated webpage assessment * Copyright (C) 2008-2015 * * This file is part of Asqatasun. * * Asqatasun is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Contact us by mail: asqatasun AT asqatasun DOT org */ package org.asqatasun.entity.dao.audit; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.*; import javax.persistence.NoResultException; import javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException; import javax.persistence.Query; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException; import org.asqatasun.entity.audit.*; import org.asqatasun.entity.subject.Page; import org.asqatasun.entity.subject.Site; import org.asqatasun.entity.subject.WebResource; import org.asqatasun.sdk.entity.dao.jpa.AbstractJPADAO; /** * * @author jkowalczyk */ public class ContentDAOImpl extends AbstractJPADAO<Content, Long> implements ContentDAO { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ContentDAOImpl.class); private static final int DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS_VALUE = -1; private static final Integer HTTP_STATUS_OK = HttpStatus.SC_OK; private static final String INSERT_QUERY = "INSERT INTO CONTENT_RELATIONSHIP (Id_Content_Parent, Id_Content_Child) values "; private static final String DELETE_CONTENT_RELATIONSHIP_QUERY = "DELETE FROM CONTENT_RELATIONSHIP WHERE Id_Content_Child=:idContentChild "; private static final String DELETE_RELATED_CONTENT_QUERY = "DELETE FROM CONTENT WHERE " + "Id_Content in (SELECT Id_Content_Child FROM CONTENT_RELATIONSHIP WHERE Id_Content_Parent=:idContent) " + "AND DTYPE not like \'SSPImpl\'"; private static final String UPDATE_QUERY = "UPDATE CONTENT SET Id_Audit=:idAudit WHERE Id_Content=:idContent "; private static final String SELECT_SSP_QUERY = "SELECT ssp.Id_Content" + " FROM CONTENT ssp" + " INNER JOIN WEB_RESOURCE page ON ssp.Id_Page = page.Id_Web_Resource" + " WHERE ssp.DTYPE = \'SSPImpl\'" + " AND (page.Id_Web_Resource =:idWebResource OR page.Id_Web_Resource_Parent =:idWebResource)"; private static final String SELECT_RELATED_CONTENT_QUERY = "SELECT relatedContent2.Id_Content " + " FROM CONTENT ssp" + " INNER JOIN CONTENT_RELATIONSHIP relatedContent1 ON ssp.Id_Content=relatedContent1.Id_Content_Parent" + " INNER JOIN CONTENT relatedContent2 ON relatedContent1.Id_Content_Child=relatedContent2.Id_Content" + " INNER JOIN WEB_RESOURCE page ON ssp.Id_Page=page.Id_Web_Resource" + " WHERE ssp.DTYPE='SSPImpl'" + " AND (page.Id_Web_Resource =:idWebResource OR page.Id_Web_Resource_Parent =:idWebResource)" + " AND ssp.Http_Status_Code<>-1" + " LIMIT :chunkSize OFFSET :start"; private static final String LIMIT_OPTION = " LIMIT :chunkSize OFFSET :start"; private static final String HTTP_STATUS_EQUAL_OPTION = " AND ssp.Http_Status_Code = :httpStatusCode"; private static final String HTTP_STATUS_NOT_EQUAL_OPTION = " AND ssp.Http_Status_Code != :httpStatusCode"; private static final String JOIN_WR = " JOIN w"; private static final String SELECT_DISTINCT_RELATED_CONTENT = "SELECT count(distinct FROM "; private static final String SELECT_DISTINCT_SSP = "SELECT count(distinct FROM "; private static final String JOIN_PARENT_CONTENT_SET = " JOIN rc.parentContentSet s"; private static final String WEB_RESOURCE_CONDITION = " WHERE w=:webResource"; private static final String HTTP_STATUS_CONDITION = " AND s.httpStatusCode=:httpStatusCode"; private static final String AUDIT_KEY = "audit"; private static final String HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY = "httpStatusCode"; private static final String WEB_RESOURCE_KEY = "webResource"; private static final String ID_WEB_RESOURCE_KEY = "idWebResource"; private static final String RELATED_CONTENT_KEY = " rc"; public ContentDAOImpl() { super(); } @Override public Content find(Audit audit, String uri) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT c FROM " + getEntityClass().getName() + " c" + " WHERE c.audit = :audit" + " AND c.uri = :uri" + " AND c.httpStatusCode =:httpStatusCode"); query.setParameter(AUDIT_KEY, audit); query.setParameter("uri", uri); query.setParameter(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY, HTTP_STATUS_OK); try { return (Content) query.getSingleResult(); } catch (NoResultException nre) { return null; } catch (NonUniqueResultException nure) { List<Content> queryResult = query.getResultList(); for (Content content : queryResult) { if (StringUtils.equals(content.getURI(), uri)) { return content; } } return null; } } @Override public Content find(WebResource page, String uri) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT c FROM " + getEntityClass().getName() + " c" + " WHERE = :page " + " AND c.uri = :uri"); query.setParameter("page", page); query.setParameter("uri", uri); try { return (Content) query.getSingleResult(); } catch (NoResultException nre) { return null; } catch (NonUniqueResultException nure) { List<Content> queryResult = query.getResultList(); for (Content content : queryResult) { if (StringUtils.equals(content.getURI(), uri)) { return content; } } return null; } } @Override protected Class<ContentImpl> getEntityClass() { return ContentImpl.class; } @Override public Long findNumberOfSSPContentFromAudit(Audit audit) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery(SELECT_DISTINCT_SSP + SSPImpl.class.getName() + " s" + " WHERE s.audit = :audit" + " AND s.httpStatusCode =:httpStatusCode"); query.setParameter(AUDIT_KEY, audit); query.setParameter(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY, HTTP_STATUS_OK); return (Long) query.getSingleResult(); } @Override public boolean hasAdaptedSSP(Audit audit) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT count( FROM " + SSPImpl.class.getName() + " s" + " JOIN s.audit as a" + " WHERE a = :audit" + " AND s.dom != null " + " AND s.dom != '' "); query.setParameter(AUDIT_KEY, audit); return (Long) query.getSingleResult() > 0; } @Override public boolean hasContent(Audit audit) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT count( FROM " + SSPImpl.class.getName() + " s" + " JOIN s.audit as a" + " WHERE a = :audit" + " AND s.source != null " + " AND s.source != '' )"); query = query.setParameter(AUDIT_KEY, audit); return (Long) query.getSingleResult() > 0; } @Override public Long findNumberOfOrphanContentFromWebResource(WebResource webResource) { if (webResource instanceof Page) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery(SELECT_DISTINCT_SSP + SSPImpl.class.getName() + " s" + JOIN_WR + WEB_RESOURCE_CONDITION + HTTP_STATUS_CONDITION); query.setParameter(WEB_RESOURCE_KEY, webResource); query.setParameter(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY, DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS_VALUE); return (Long) query.getSingleResult(); } else if (webResource instanceof Site) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery(SELECT_DISTINCT_SSP + SSPImpl.class.getName() + " s" + JOIN_WR + " JOIN w.parent p" + " WHERE p=:webResource" + HTTP_STATUS_CONDITION); query.setParameter(WEB_RESOURCE_KEY, webResource); query.setParameter(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY, DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS_VALUE); return (Long) query.getSingleResult(); } return (long) 0; } @Override public List<Content> findOrphanContentList(WebResource webResource, int start, int chunkSize) { if (webResource instanceof Page) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT distinct s FROM " + SSPImpl.class.getName() + " s" + JOIN_WR + WEB_RESOURCE_CONDITION + HTTP_STATUS_CONDITION); query.setParameter(WEB_RESOURCE_KEY, webResource); query.setParameter(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY, DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS_VALUE); query.setFirstResult(start); query.setMaxResults(chunkSize); return (List<Content>) query.getResultList(); } else if (webResource instanceof Site) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT distinct s FROM " + SSPImpl.class.getName() + " s" + JOIN_WR + " JOIN w.parent p" + " WHERE p=:webResource" + HTTP_STATUS_CONDITION); query.setParameter(WEB_RESOURCE_KEY, webResource); query.setParameter(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY, DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS_VALUE); query.setFirstResult(start); query.setMaxResults(chunkSize); List<Content> contentList = (List<Content>) query.getResultList(); flushAndCloseEntityManager(); return contentList; } return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public Long findNumberOfOrphanRelatedContentFromWebResource(WebResource webResource) { if (webResource instanceof Page) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery(SELECT_DISTINCT_RELATED_CONTENT + RelatedContentImpl.class.getName() + RELATED_CONTENT_KEY + JOIN_PARENT_CONTENT_SET + JOIN_WR + WEB_RESOURCE_CONDITION + " AND rc.httpStatusCode =:httpStatusCode"); query.setParameter(WEB_RESOURCE_KEY, webResource); query.setParameter(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY, DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS_VALUE); return (Long) query.getSingleResult(); } else if (webResource instanceof Site) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery(SELECT_DISTINCT_RELATED_CONTENT + RelatedContentImpl.class.getName() + RELATED_CONTENT_KEY + JOIN_PARENT_CONTENT_SET + JOIN_WR + " JOIN w.parent p" + " WHERE p=:webResource" + " AND rc.httpStatusCode =:httpStatusCode"); query.setParameter(WEB_RESOURCE_KEY, webResource); query.setParameter(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY, DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS_VALUE); return (Long) query.getSingleResult(); } return (long) 0; } @Override public List<Content> findOrphanRelatedContentList(WebResource webResource, int start, int chunkSize) { if (webResource instanceof Page) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT distinct rc FROM " + RelatedContentImpl.class.getName() + RELATED_CONTENT_KEY + JOIN_PARENT_CONTENT_SET + JOIN_WR + WEB_RESOURCE_CONDITION + " AND rc.httpStatusCode =:httpStatusCode"); query.setParameter(WEB_RESOURCE_KEY, webResource); query.setParameter(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY, DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS_VALUE); query.setFirstResult(start); query.setMaxResults(chunkSize); return (List<Content>) query.getResultList(); } else if (webResource instanceof Site) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT distinct rc FROM " + RelatedContentImpl.class.getName() + RELATED_CONTENT_KEY + JOIN_PARENT_CONTENT_SET + JOIN_WR + " WHERE" + " AND rc.httpStatusCode =:httpStatusCode"); query.setParameter(ID_WEB_RESOURCE_KEY, webResource.getId()); query.setParameter(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY, DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS_VALUE); query.setFirstResult(start); query.setMaxResults(chunkSize); List<Content> contentList = (List<Content>) query.getResultList(); flushAndCloseEntityManager(); return contentList; } return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public Long findNumberOfSSPFromWebResource(WebResource webResource, int httpStatusCode) { if (webResource != null) { StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder(); strb.append(SELECT_DISTINCT_SSP); strb.append(SSPImpl.class.getName()); strb.append(" s"); strb.append(JOIN_WR); if (webResource instanceof Page) { strb.append(" WHERE"); } else if (webResource instanceof Site) { strb.append(" WHERE"); } if (httpStatusCode != -1) { strb.append(HTTP_STATUS_CONDITION); } else { strb.append(" AND s.httpStatusCode!=:httpStatusCode"); } Query query = entityManager.createQuery(strb.toString()); query.setParameter(ID_WEB_RESOURCE_KEY, webResource.getId()); query.setParameter(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY, httpStatusCode); return (Long) query.getSingleResult(); } else { return (long) 0; } } @Override public Long findNumberOfRelatedContentFromWebResource(WebResource webResource) { if (webResource instanceof Page) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery(SELECT_DISTINCT_RELATED_CONTENT + SSPImpl.class.getName() + " s" + " JOIN s.relatedContentSet rc" + JOIN_WR + WEB_RESOURCE_CONDITION + " AND s.httpStatusCode !=:httpStatusCode"); query.setParameter(WEB_RESOURCE_KEY, webResource); query.setParameter(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY, DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS_VALUE); return (Long) query.getSingleResult(); } else if (webResource instanceof Site) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery(SELECT_DISTINCT_RELATED_CONTENT + SSPImpl.class.getName() + " s" + " JOIN s.relatedContentSet rc" + JOIN_WR + " WHERE" + " AND s.httpStatusCode !=:httpStatusCode"); query.setParameter(ID_WEB_RESOURCE_KEY, webResource.getId()); query.setParameter(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY, DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS_VALUE); return (Long) query.getSingleResult(); } return (long) 0; } @Override public Collection<StylesheetContent> findExternalStylesheetFromAudit(Audit audit) { Set<StylesheetContent> externalCssSet = new HashSet<>(); if (audit != null) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery( "SELECT sc FROM " + StylesheetContentImpl.class.getName() + " sc" + " WHERE sc.audit=:audit " + " AND sc.uri not LIKE :inlineUrl " + " AND sc.httpStatusCode != :httpStatusCode"); query.setParameter(AUDIT_KEY, audit); query.setParameter("inlineUrl", "%#asqatasun-css-%"); query.setParameter(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY, DEFAULT_HTTP_STATUS_VALUE); try { externalCssSet.addAll(query.getResultList()); return externalCssSet; } catch (NoResultException e) { return externalCssSet; } } return externalCssSet; } /** * This native query is used to avoid multiple select before insert realized * by hibernate while persisting the content relationship relation. * @param ssp */ @Override public void saveContentRelationShip(SSP ssp, Set<Long> relatedContentIdSet) { List<Long> relatedContentIds = findRelatedContentFromSsp(ssp); Set<Long> newRelatedContentIdSet = new HashSet<>(); for (Long relatedContentId : relatedContentIdSet) { if (!relatedContentIds.contains(relatedContentId)) { newRelatedContentIdSet.add(relatedContentId); } } if (!newRelatedContentIdSet.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder queryValuesBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (Long relatedContentId : newRelatedContentIdSet) { queryValuesBuilder.append("("); queryValuesBuilder.append(ssp.getId()); queryValuesBuilder.append(","); queryValuesBuilder.append(relatedContentId); queryValuesBuilder.append(")"); queryValuesBuilder.append(","); } queryValuesBuilder.setCharAt(queryValuesBuilder.length() - 1, ';'); Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(INSERT_QUERY + queryValuesBuilder.toString()); try { query.executeUpdate(); flushAndCloseEntityManager(); } catch (ConstraintViolationException micve) { LOGGER.warn(micve.getMessage()); } finally { flushAndCloseEntityManager(); } } } /** * * @param ssp * @return the list of ids of related contents for a given ssp */ private List<Long> findRelatedContentFromSsp(SSP ssp) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery("select FROM " + RelatedContentImpl.class.getName() + RELATED_CONTENT_KEY + JOIN_PARENT_CONTENT_SET + " WHERE =:idSSP"); query.setParameter("idSSP", ssp.getId()); return query.getResultList(); } /** * * @param idContent * @param idAudit */ @Override public void saveAuditToContent(Long idContent, Long idAudit) { if (idContent != null && idAudit != null) { Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(UPDATE_QUERY); query.setParameter("idContent", idContent); query.setParameter("idAudit", idAudit); query.executeUpdate(); flushAndCloseEntityManager(); } } /** * * @param webResourceId * @param httpStatusCode * @param start * @param chunkSize * @return */ @Override public List<Long> getSSPFromWebResource(Long webResourceId, int httpStatusCode, int start, int chunkSize) { if (webResourceId != null) { StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder(); strb.append(SELECT_SSP_QUERY); if (httpStatusCode != -1) { strb.append(HTTP_STATUS_EQUAL_OPTION); } else { strb.append(HTTP_STATUS_NOT_EQUAL_OPTION); } strb.append(LIMIT_OPTION); Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(strb.toString()); query.setParameter(ID_WEB_RESOURCE_KEY, webResourceId); query.setParameter(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY, httpStatusCode); query.setParameter("start", start); query.setParameter("chunkSize", chunkSize); List<Long> idList = new ArrayList<>(); for (BigInteger value : (List<BigInteger>) query.getResultList()) { idList.add(Long.valueOf(value.intValue())); } flushAndCloseEntityManager(); return idList; } return null; } @Override public List<Long> getRelatedContentFromWebResource(Long webResourceId, int start, int chunkSize) { if (webResourceId != null) { Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(SELECT_RELATED_CONTENT_QUERY); query.setParameter(ID_WEB_RESOURCE_KEY, webResourceId); query.setParameter("start", start); query.setParameter("chunkSize", chunkSize); List<Long> idList = new ArrayList<>(); for (BigInteger value : (List<BigInteger>) query.getResultList()) { idList.add(Long.valueOf(value.intValue())); } flushAndCloseEntityManager(); return idList; } return null; } /** * * @param id * @param isFetchParameters * @return */ @Override public Content readWithRelatedContent(Long id, boolean isFetchParameters) { Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT c FROM " + getEntityClass().getName() + " c" + " WHERE = :id" + " AND c.httpStatusCode =:httpStatusCode"); query.setParameter("id", id); query.setParameter(HTTP_STATUS_CODE_KEY, HTTP_STATUS_OK); try { Content content = (Content) query.getSingleResult(); if (content instanceof SSP) { ((SSP) content).getRelatedContentSet().size(); if (isFetchParameters) { Audit audit = ((SSP) content).getAudit(); audit.getParameterSet().size(); } } flushAndCloseEntityManager(); return content; } catch (NoResultException nre) { return null; } } @Override public Collection<RelatedContent> findRelatedContentFromAudit(Audit audit) { Set<RelatedContent> relatedContentSet = new HashSet<>(); Query query = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT distinct rc FROM " + RelatedContentImpl.class.getName() + RELATED_CONTENT_KEY + " WHERE rc.audit=:audit"); query.setParameter(AUDIT_KEY, audit); try { relatedContentSet.addAll(query.getResultList()); return relatedContentSet; } catch (NoResultException nre) { return relatedContentSet; } } @Override public void deleteContentRelationShip(Long relatedContentId) { Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(DELETE_CONTENT_RELATIONSHIP_QUERY); query.setParameter("idContentChild", relatedContentId); try { query.executeUpdate(); } catch (NoResultException nre) { // do nothing } } @Override public void deleteRelatedContentFromContent(Content content) { Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(DELETE_RELATED_CONTENT_QUERY); query.setParameter("idContent", content.getId()); try { query.executeUpdate(); } catch (NoResultException nre) { // do nothing } } /** * Due to memory leaks, the entity manager has to be flushed and closed after * each db operation. All the elements retrieved while the db access keep * a reference to the entity manager and can never be garbaged. * By flushing and closing the entity manager, these objects can be free. */ private void flushAndCloseEntityManager() { entityManager.flush(); entityManager.close(); } }