Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Asqatasun - Automated webpage assessment
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2015
 * This file is part of Asqatasun.
 * Asqatasun is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * Contact us by mail: asqatasun AT asqatasun DOT org
package org.asqatasun.crawler;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.archive.modules.CrawlURI;
import org.archive.modules.deciderules.MatchesFilePatternDecideRule;
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.asqatasun.crawler.framework.AsqatasunCrawlJob;
import org.asqatasun.crawler.util.CrawlUtils;
import org.asqatasun.entity.audit.*;
import org.asqatasun.entity.parameterization.Parameter;
import org.asqatasun.entity.service.audit.ContentDataService;
import org.asqatasun.entity.service.subject.WebResourceDataService;
import org.asqatasun.entity.subject.Page;
import org.asqatasun.entity.subject.Site;
import org.asqatasun.entity.subject.WebResource;

 * @author jkowalczyk
public class CrawlerImpl implements Crawler, ContentWriter {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CrawlerImpl.class);
    private static final String OPEN_HTML_TAG = "<html";
    private static final String END_HTML_TAG = "</html>";
    private static final int RETRIEVE_WINDOW = 1000;
    private static final int REL_CANONICAL_PAGE_FAKE_HTTP_STATUS = 900;
    private static final String REL_CANONICAL_CSS_LIKE_QUERY = "head link[rel=canonical][href]";
    private static final String BASE_CSS_LIKE_QUERY = "head base[href]";
    private static final String UNREACHABLE_RESOURCE_STR = "Unreachable resource ";
    private static final String HERITRIX_SITE_FILE_NAME = "asqatasun-crawler-beans-site.xml";
    private static final String HERITRIX_PAGE_FILE_NAME = "asqatasun-crawler-beans-page.xml";

     * This boolean is used to determine whether a page has already been fetched
     * in case of 1 page audit.
    private boolean isPageAlreadyFetched = false;
     * This webResource is the main webResource of the audit. In case of site
     * audit, this webresource is the Site instance from which all the Page instances
     * are linked.
    private WebResource mainWebResource;
    private SSP lastFetchedSSP;

    private AsqatasunCrawlJob crawlJob;
    private final Set<Long> relatedContentSetTemp = new HashSet<>();

    private Pattern cssFilePattern = null;

    public Pattern getCssFilePattern() {
        if (cssFilePattern == null && crawlJob != null) {
            cssFilePattern = crawlJob.getCssFilePattern();
        return cssFilePattern;

    private Pattern htmlFilePattern = null;

    public Pattern getHtmlFilePattern() {
        if (htmlFilePattern == null && crawlJob != null) {
            htmlFilePattern = crawlJob.getHtmlFilePattern();
        return htmlFilePattern;

    private ContentDataService contentDataService;

    public ContentDataService getContentDataService() {
        return contentDataService;

    public void setContentDataService(ContentDataService contentDataService) {
        this.contentDataService = contentDataService;

    private WebResourceDataService webResourceDataService;

    public WebResourceDataService getWebResourceDataService() {
        return webResourceDataService;

    public void setWebResourceDataService(WebResourceDataService webResourceDataService) {
        this.webResourceDataService = webResourceDataService;

    private String crawlConfigFilePath = null;

    public String getCrawlConfigFilePath() {
        return this.crawlConfigFilePath;

    public void setCrawlConfigFilePath(String crawlConfigFilePath) {
        this.crawlConfigFilePath = crawlConfigFilePath;

    private String outputDir = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/output";

    //    private String outputDir = System.getenv("PWD") + "/output";
    public String getOutputDir() {
        return this.outputDir;

    public void setOutputDir(String outputDir) {
        this.outputDir = outputDir;

    private Set<Parameter> paramSet = null;

    public Set<Parameter> getParameterSet() {
        return paramSet;

    public void setParameterSet(Set<Parameter> paramSet) {
        if (this.paramSet == null) {
            this.paramSet = paramSet;
        } else {

    private boolean persistOnTheFly = true;

    public boolean isPersistOnTheFly() {
        return persistOnTheFly;

    public void setPersistOnTheFly(boolean persistOnTheFly) {
        this.persistOnTheFly = persistOnTheFly;

    private final GzipHeader gzipHeader = new GzipHeader();

    public GzipHeader getGzipHeader() {
        return gzipHeader;

     * List of referential with no exclusion for rel canonical page
    private final List<String> keepRelCanonicalRefList = new ArrayList<>();

    public void setKeepRelCanonicalRefList(List<String> keepRelCanonicalRefList) {

    private boolean excludeRelCanonical = true;

    int pageRankCounter = 1; // a counter to determine the rank a page is fetched

    public CrawlerImpl() {

    public String getSiteURL() {
        return mainWebResource.getURL();

    public void setSiteURL(String siteURL) {
        mainWebResource = webResourceDataService.createSite(siteURL);
        mainWebResource = webResourceDataService.saveOrUpdate(mainWebResource);
        Collection<String> urlList = new ArrayList<>();
        this.crawlJob = new AsqatasunCrawlJob(urlList, HERITRIX_SITE_FILE_NAME, getOutputDir(),
                getCrawlConfigFilePath(), paramSet);
        if (crawlJob.isLaunchable()) {

     * @param siteName
     * @param siteURL 
    public void setSiteURL(String siteName, Collection<String> siteURL) {
        mainWebResource = webResourceDataService.createSite(siteName);
        mainWebResource = webResourceDataService.saveOrUpdate(mainWebResource);
        this.crawlJob = new AsqatasunCrawlJob(siteURL, HERITRIX_PAGE_FILE_NAME, outputDir, crawlConfigFilePath,
        if (crawlJob.isLaunchable()) {

     * @param pageURL 
    public void setPageURL(String pageURL) {
        mainWebResource = webResourceDataService.createPage(pageURL);
        mainWebResource = webResourceDataService.saveOrUpdate(mainWebResource);
        Collection<String> urlList = new ArrayList<>();
        this.crawlJob = new AsqatasunCrawlJob(urlList, HERITRIX_PAGE_FILE_NAME, outputDir, crawlConfigFilePath,
        if (crawlJob.isLaunchable()) {
        isPageAlreadyFetched = false;

    public WebResource getResult() {
        crawlJob = null;
        cssFilePattern = null;
        htmlFilePattern = null;
        isPageAlreadyFetched = false;
        return mainWebResource;

    public void run() {
        pageRankCounter = 1;

    public void computeAndPersistSuccessfullFetchedResource(CrawlURI curi, RecordingInputStream recis)
            throws IOException {
        LOGGER.debug("Writing " + curi.getURI() + " : " + curi.getFetchStatus() + " " + curi.getContentType() + " "
                + curi.getFetchDuration() + "ms");

        if (curi.getContentType().contains(ContentType.html.getType()) && !curi.getURI().contains("robots.txt")) {

            saveHtmlContent(curi, recis);

        } else if (curi.getContentType().contains(ContentType.unknown.getType())) {

            lastChanceToQualifyUnknownContent(curi, recis);

        } else if (curi.getContentType().contains(ContentType.css.getType())) {
            LOGGER.debug("Found css " + curi.getURI() + " last fetched ssp " + lastFetchedSSP.getURI());

            boolean compressed = gzipHeader.testGzipMagic(recis.getMessageBodyReplayInputStream());
            String cssCode;
            if (compressed) {
                cssCode = "";
            } else {
                cssCode = CrawlUtils.convertSourceCodeIntoUtf8(recis, extractCharset(curi, recis)).trim();
            saveStylesheetFromFetchedCss(curi, cssCode);

        } else if (curi.getContentType().contains(ContentType.img.getType())) {
            LOGGER.debug("Found Image" + curi.getURI());

            byte[] rawImage = CrawlUtils.getImageContent(recis.getMessageBodyReplayInputStream(),
            saveRawImageFromFetchedImage(curi, rawImage);

        } else {
            LOGGER.debug("Trashed content " + curi.getURI() + " of type " + curi.getContentType());
            // do nothing, we ignore the fetched content when we cannot
            // categorize it

     * @param curi
     * @param recis
     * @throws IOException 
    private void saveHtmlContent(CrawlURI curi, RecordingInputStream recis) throws IOException {
        String charset = extractCharset(curi, recis);
        LOGGER.debug("Found Html " + curi.getURI() + " with charset " + charset);

        lastFetchedSSP = saveWebResourceFromFetchedPage(curi.getURI(), charset, curi.getFetchStatus(),
                CrawlUtils.convertSourceCodeIntoUtf8(recis, charset).trim(), true);

    public void computeAndPersistUnsuccessfullFetchedResource(CrawlURI curi) {
        ContentType resourceContentType = getContentTypeFromUnreacheableResource(curi.getCanonicalString());
        switch (resourceContentType) {
        case misc:
        case html:
            LOGGER.debug(UNREACHABLE_RESOURCE_STR + curi.getURI() + " : " + curi.getFetchStatus());

            saveWebResourceFromFetchedPage(curi.getURI(), null, curi.getFetchStatus(), null, false);

        case css:
            LOGGER.debug(UNREACHABLE_RESOURCE_STR + curi.getURI() + " : " + curi.getFetchStatus());

            saveStylesheetFromFetchedCss(curi, null);

        case img:
            LOGGER.debug(UNREACHABLE_RESOURCE_STR + curi.getURI() + " : " + curi.getFetchStatus());

            saveRawImageFromFetchedImage(curi, null);

                    "UNKNOWN_CONTENT" + UNREACHABLE_RESOURCE_STR + curi.getURI() + " : " + curi.getFetchStatus());

     * @param curi
     * @param charset
     * @param fetchStatus
     * @param sourceCode
     * @param successfullFetch
     * @return
    private SSP saveWebResourceFromFetchedPage(String uri, String charset, int fetchStatus, String sourceCode,
            boolean successfullFetch) {

        Page page;
        if (mainWebResource instanceof Page) {
            if (!isPageAlreadyFetched) {
                page = (Page) mainWebResource;
                // in case of redirection, we modify the URI of the webresource
                // to ensure the webresource and its SSP have the same URI.
                if (successfullFetch) {
                    isPageAlreadyFetched = true;
                    SSP ssp = createSSPFromPage(uri, charset, page, sourceCode);
                    if (persistOnTheFly) {
                        persistSSP(ssp, uri, fetchStatus, page);
                    return ssp;
                } else {
                    return lastFetchedSSP;
            } else {
                // in case of one page audit, when a SSP have already been fetched
                // we don't create SSP anymore. 
                return lastFetchedSSP;
        } else {
            page = webResourceDataService.createPage(uri);
            page.setParent((Site) mainWebResource);
            SSP ssp = createSSPFromPage(uri, charset, page, sourceCode);
            if (persistOnTheFly) {
                persistSSP(ssp, uri, fetchStatus, page);
            return ssp;

     * @param curi
     * @param charset
     * @param page
     * @param sourceCode
     * @return
    private SSP createSSPFromPage(String uri, String charset, Page page, String sourceCode) {
        SSP ssp = contentDataService.getSSP(uri);
        return ssp;

     * @param ssp
     * @param uri
     * @param httpStatusCode
     * @param page
    private void persistSSP(SSP ssp, String uri, int httpStatusCode, Page page) {
        saveAndPersistFetchDataToContent(ssp, uri, httpStatusCode);

     * @param curi
     * @param charset
     * @param cssCode
    private void saveStylesheetFromFetchedCss(CrawlURI curi, String cssCode) {
        StylesheetContent newCssContent = contentDataService.getStylesheetContent(null, curi.getURI(), null,
                cssCode, curi.getFetchStatus());
        // A relatedContent has to be linked to a SSP.
        // At this step, we don't know the relation between
        // SSP and relatedContent but we have to link this relatedContent to any
        // (the last) ssp to associate this relatedContent with the current
        // crawl
        StylesheetContent returnedCssContent = (StylesheetContent) saveAndPersistFetchDataToContent(
                (Content) newCssContent, curi.getURI(), curi.getFetchStatus());
        persistContentRelationShip(lastFetchedSSP, returnedCssContent);

     * @param curi
     * @param rawImage 
    private void saveRawImageFromFetchedImage(CrawlURI curi, byte[] rawImage) {
        ImageContent newImgContent = contentDataService.getImageContent(null, curi.getURI(), null, rawImage,
        ImageContent returnedImgContent = (ImageContent) saveAndPersistFetchDataToContent(newImgContent,
                curi.getURI(), curi.getFetchStatus());
        persistContentRelationShip(lastFetchedSSP, returnedImgContent);

     * This methods enables to get the type of resource from its uri.
     * In case of unreachable resource (404/403 errors), the return content is
     * a html page. So we can't use the content type of the returned page to
     * determine the type of the content we try to reach. In this case, we use
     * the uri extension, based-on regular expressions.
     * @param uri
     * @return
    private ContentType getContentTypeFromUnreacheableResource(String uri) {
        if (MatchesFilePatternDecideRule.Preset.IMAGES.getPattern().matcher(uri).matches()) {
            return ContentType.img;
        } else if (getHtmlFilePattern().matcher(uri).matches()) {
            return ContentType.html;
        } else if (getCssFilePattern().matcher(uri).matches()) {
            return ContentType.css;
        return ContentType.misc;

    // Bug #154 fix
     * Some resources may have been downloaded by the crawler component but they
     * are not linked with any webresource. They have to be removed from the
     * contentList.
    private void removeOrphanContent() {
        List<Content> emptyContentSet;
        Integer nbOfContent = contentDataService.getNumberOfOrphanRelatedContent(mainWebResource).intValue();
        Integer i = 0;
                .debug("remove Orphan related contents  " + nbOfContent + " elements");
        while (i.compareTo(nbOfContent) < 0) {
            emptyContentSet = contentDataService.getOrphanRelatedContentList(mainWebResource, 0, RETRIEVE_WINDOW);
            for (Content content : emptyContentSet) {
                Logger.getLogger(CrawlerImpl.class.getName()).debug("Removing " + content.getURI());
            i = i + RETRIEVE_WINDOW;

        nbOfContent = contentDataService.getNumberOfOrphanContent(mainWebResource).intValue();
        i = 0;
        Logger.getLogger(CrawlerImpl.class.getName()).debug("remove Orphan SSPs  " + nbOfContent + " elements");
        while (i.compareTo(nbOfContent) < 0) {
            emptyContentSet = contentDataService.getOrphanContentList(mainWebResource, i, RETRIEVE_WINDOW);
            for (Content content : emptyContentSet) {
            i = i + RETRIEVE_WINDOW;

     * This methods add the fetch date and the fetch status to a content and
     * persist it
     * @param content
     * @param curi
    private Content saveAndPersistFetchDataToContent(Content content, String uri, int status) {
        // Waiting for a better implementation, we parse here the html content
        // to detect the presence of the rel=canonical property.
        // If true, the HttpStatusCode is set arbitrarely to 900 and thus the
        // page won't be tested while processing
        if (isRelCanonicalPage(content)) {
  "Fetching page with rel canonical " + uri + ". Set Http status to 900");
        } else {
        if (persistOnTheFly) {
            content = contentDataService.saveOrUpdate(content);
        return content;

     * This method update the relcanonical boolean regarding the referential.
     * For a11y refs, the boolean has to be set to false.
    private void updateExcludeRelCanonicalRegardingRef() {
        for (Parameter param : paramSet) {
            if (param.getParameterElement().getParameterElementCode().equals("LEVEL")) {
                String level = param.getValue().split(";")[0];
                if (keepRelCanonicalRefList.contains(level)) {
          "Rel canonical pages are kept for ref " + level);
                    excludeRelCanonical = false;
                } else {
          "Rel canonical pages are excluded for ref " + level);

     * Waiting for a better implementation, we parse here the html content
     * to detect the presence of the rel=canonical property.
     * @param content
     * @return whether the current page defines a rel canonical Url and whether
     * this url is different from the current url.
    public final boolean isRelCanonicalPage(Content content) {
        // @TODO make this implementation cleaner
        if (!excludeRelCanonical) {
            return false;
        if (!(content instanceof SSP)) {
            return false;
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(((SSP) content).getSource())) {
            return false;
        Elements relCanonical = Jsoup.parse(((SSP) content).getSource()).select(REL_CANONICAL_CSS_LIKE_QUERY);
        if (relCanonical.isEmpty() || relCanonical.size() > 1) {
            return false;
        // At this step, we are sure that the rel canonical is defined and 
        // is unique
        String href = relCanonical.first().attr("href");
        if (href.equals(".")) {
            return false;
        if (href.endsWith("/")) {
            href = href.substring(0, href.length() - 1);
        if (href.startsWith("/")) {
            Elements base = Jsoup.parse(((SSP) content).getSource()).select(BASE_CSS_LIKE_QUERY);
            if (!base.isEmpty()) {
                if (StringUtils.endsWith(base.first().attr("href"), "/")) {
                    href = StringUtils.join(base.first().attr("href"), href.substring(1));
                } else {
                    href = StringUtils.join(base.first().attr("href") + href);
                LOGGER.debug("(BASE CASE) The concat href " + href);
            } else {
                URI contractUri;
                try {
                    contractUri = new URI(content.getURI());
                    href = StringUtils.join(contractUri.getScheme(), "://", contractUri.getHost(), href);
                    LOGGER.debug("(NORMAL CASE) The concat href " + href);
                } catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
                    LOGGER.error("Error when creating uri object with url " + content.getURI());
        if (href.contains("//")) {
            href = href.substring(href.indexOf("//") + 2);
        String currentUrl = content.getURI();
        if (currentUrl.endsWith("/")) {
            currentUrl = currentUrl.substring(0, currentUrl.length() - 1);
        if (currentUrl.contains("//")) {
            currentUrl = currentUrl.substring(currentUrl.indexOf("//") + 2);
        if (currentUrl.equals(href)) {
  "rel canonical present but points to itself " + content.getURI());
            return false;
        return true;

     * @param ssp
     * @param relatedContent
    private void persistContentRelationShip(SSP ssp, RelatedContent relatedContent) {
        if (!persistOnTheFly) {
        relatedContentSetTemp.add(((Content) relatedContent).getId());
        contentDataService.saveContentRelationShip(ssp, relatedContentSetTemp);

     * @param curi
     * @param recis
     * @return
     * @throws IOException 
    private String extractCharset(CrawlURI curi, RecordingInputStream recis) throws IOException {
        if (curi.getContentType().contains("=")) {
            return curi.getContentType().substring(curi.getContentType().indexOf("=") + 1);
        } else {
            return CrawlUtils.extractCharset(recis.getMessageBodyReplayInputStream());

     * Heritrix may return content with an unknow content-type. This content
     * may be Html and that's what we try to detect here. 
     * The raw content is first converted into UTF-8 and then we search the
     * $lt;html and $lt;/html$gt;. If present, we deduce it is html. If not, 
     * we do nothing, the content is trashed.
     * @param curi
     * @param recis 
    private void lastChanceToQualifyUnknownContent(CrawlURI curi, RecordingInputStream recis) throws IOException {
        String charset = extractCharset(curi, recis);
        try {
            String data = CrawlUtils.convertSourceCodeIntoUtf8(recis, charset).trim();
            if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(data, OPEN_HTML_TAG)
                    && StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(data, END_HTML_TAG)) {
                saveHtmlContent(curi, recis);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.debug("Exception caught when trying to convert unknow Content " + curi.getURI()
                    + " into UTF-8. We deduce this content is not of html type");
