Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The greyfish authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.MathUtils; import org.asoem.greyfish.utils.base.Builder; import org.asoem.greyfish.utils.base.SingleElementCache; import*; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.*; import static*; import static; import static; /** * @author christoph This class is used to handle a 2D space implemented as a Matrix of Locations. */ public final class WalledPointSpace<O> implements TiledSpace<O, Point2D, WalledTile> { private final int height; private final int width; private final WalledTile[][] tileMatrix; private final SingleElementCache<TwoDimTree<O>> tree = SingleElementCache .memoize(new Supplier<TwoDimTree<O>>() { @Override public TwoDimTree<O> get() { final TwoDimTree<O> twoDimTree = treeFactory.create(point2DMap.keySet(), Functions.forMap(point2DMap)); checkNotNull(twoDimTree, "The tree factory must not return null"); return twoDimTree; } }); private final TwoDimTreeFactory<O> treeFactory; private final Map<O, Point2D> point2DMap = Maps.newHashMap(); private WalledPointSpace(final WalledPointSpace<O> space) { this(checkNotNull(space).colCount(), space.rowCount(), space.treeFactory); setWalledTiles(space.getWalledTiles()); } private WalledPointSpace(final int width, final int height, final TwoDimTreeFactory<O> twoDimTreeFactory) { this(width, height, new WalledTile[0], twoDimTreeFactory); } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") // Needed for deserialization private WalledPointSpace(final int width, final int height, final Map<O, Point2D> projectables, final WalledTile[] walledTiles, final TwoDimTreeFactory<O> treeFactory) { this(width, height, walledTiles, treeFactory); this.point2DMap.putAll(projectables); } private WalledPointSpace(final TiledSpaceBuilder<O> builder) { this(builder.width, builder.height, builder.treeFactory); for (final TiledSpaceBuilder.WallDefinition wallDefinition : builder.wallDefinitions) { wallDefinition.apply(this); } } public WalledPointSpace(final int width, final int height, final WalledTile[] walledTiles, final TwoDimTreeFactory<O> treeFactory) { checkArgument(width >= 0); checkArgument(height >= 0); checkNotNull(treeFactory); this.width = width; this.height = height; this.treeFactory = treeFactory; this.tileMatrix = new WalledTile[width][height]; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { this.tileMatrix[i][j] = new WalledTile(this, i, j); } } setWalledTiles(walledTiles); } public static <O> WalledPointSpace<O> create(final int width, final int height, final TwoDimTreeFactory<O> twoDimTreeFactory) { return new WalledPointSpace<O>(width, height, twoDimTreeFactory); } public static <O> WalledPointSpace<O> create(final WalledPointSpace<O> space) { return new WalledPointSpace<O>(space); } private WalledTile[] getWalledTiles() { return Iterables.toArray(Iterables.filter(getTiles(), new Predicate<WalledTile>() { @Override public boolean apply(final WalledTile tileLocation) { return checkNotNull(tileLocation).getWallFlags() != 0; } }), WalledTile.class); } private void setWalledTiles(final WalledTile[] tiles) { if (tiles != null) { for (final WalledTile location : tiles) { getTileAt(location.getX(), location.getY()).setWallFlags(location.getWallFlags()); } } } @Override public int rowCount() { return height; } @Override public int colCount() { return width; } @Override public boolean contains(final double x, final double y) { return x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height; } @Override public boolean hasTileAt(final int x, final int y) { return contains(x, y); } @Override public WalledTile getTileAt(final int x, final int y) { checkArgument(contains(x, y)); return tileMatrix[x][y]; } @Override public String toString() { return "Tiled Space: dim=" + width + "x" + height + "; oc=" + Iterables.size(getObjects()); } public WalledTile getTileAt(final Point2D point2D) { checkArgument(contains(point2D.getX(), point2D.getY()), "There is no tile for location [%s, %s]", point2D.getX(), point2D.getY()); return getTileAt(point2D.getX(), point2D.getY()); } private WalledTile getTileAt(final double x, final double y) { assert x >= 0 && y >= 0; // than we can simply cast the values to int, rather than using Math.floor return getTileAt((int) x, (int) y); } @Override public void moveObject(final O object, final Motion2D motion) { checkNotNull(object); checkNotNull(motion); final double translation = motion.getTranslation(); final double rotation = motion.getRotation(); if (translation == 0 && rotation == 0) { return; } if (translation < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Translations < 0 are not supported: " + translation); } final double newOrientation = (rotation == 0) ? 0 : ((rotation) % MathUtils.TWO_PI + MathUtils.TWO_PI) % MathUtils.TWO_PI; final Point2D currentProjection = getProjection(object); final Point2D anchorPoint = checkNotNull(currentProjection, "Projection of {} is null", object) .getCentroid(); if (translation != 0) { final Point2D preferredPoint = ImmutablePoint2D.sum(anchorPoint, polarToCartesian(newOrientation, translation)); final Point2D maxPoint = maxTransition(anchorPoint, preferredPoint); //final MotionObject2D projection = MotionObject2DImpl.of(maxPoint.getX(), // maxPoint.getY(), !preferredPoint.equals(maxPoint)); //object.setProjection(projection); } // else: object.setProjection(MotionObject2DImpl.of(anchorPoint.getX(), // anchorPoint.getY(), newOrientation, false)); tree.invalidate(); } /** * Get the location of the transition from {@code origin} to {@code destination} respecting collision with walls. * So, if there is no wall between {@code origin} and {@code destination} that this method returns {@code * destination}. Otherwise it returns the first {@code Point2D} at which the line from {@code origin} to {@code * destination} intersects with a wall of any crossing tile. * * @param origin The origin of the transition * @param destination The destination of the transition * @return The point of the first collision, or {@code destination} if none occurs */ public Point2D maxTransition(final Point2D origin, final Point2D destination) { final Point2D collision = collision(origin.getX(), origin.getY(), destination.getX(), destination.getY()); assert collision == null || contains(collision.getX(), collision.getY()) : "Calculated maxTransition from " + origin + " to " + destination + " is " + collision + ", which not contained by this space " + this; return collision != null ? collision : destination; } @Nullable private Point2D collision(final double x, final double y, final double x1, final double y1) { return collision(getTileAt(x, y), x, y, x1, y1); } /** * Checks if the line {@code xo, yo, xd, yd} crosses an edge of the {@code tile} or any adjacent tile in the * direction of movement which has a wall present. If such a crossing is found, than the point closest to this * crossing is returned, {@code null}, otherwise. * * @param tile the tile to check for a collision * @param xo Movement line x origin * @param yo Movement line y origin * @param xd Movement line x destination * @param yd Movement line x destination * @return the location on the line closest to the point of a collision with a wall or {@code null} if none could be * found */ @Nullable private Point2D collision(final WalledTile tile, final double xo, final double yo, final double xd, final double yd) { assert tile != null; if (tile.covers(xd, yd)) { return null; } TileDirection follow1 = null; TileDirection follow2 = null; if (yd < yo) { // north final ImmutablePoint2D intersection = intersection(tile.getX(), tile.getY(), Math.nextAfter(tile.getX() + 1.0, -Double.MIN_VALUE), tile.getY(), xo, yo, xd, yd); if (intersection != null) { if (tile.hasWall(TileDirection.NORTH)) { return intersection; } else { follow1 = TileDirection.NORTH; } } } if (xd > xo) { // east final ImmutablePoint2D intersection = intersection(Math.nextAfter(tile.getX() + 1.0, -Double.MIN_VALUE), tile.getY(), Math.nextAfter(tile.getX() + 1.0, -Double.MIN_VALUE), Math.nextAfter(tile.getY() + 1.0, -Double.MIN_VALUE), xo, yo, xd, yd); if (intersection != null) { if (tile.hasWall(TileDirection.EAST)) { return intersection; } else { if (follow1 == null) { follow1 = TileDirection.EAST; } else { follow2 = TileDirection.EAST; } } } } if (yd > yo) { // south final ImmutablePoint2D intersection = intersection(tile.getX(), Math.nextAfter(tile.getY() + 1.0, -Double.MIN_VALUE), Math.nextAfter(tile.getX() + 1.0, -Double.MIN_VALUE), Math.nextAfter(tile.getY() + 1.0, -Double.MIN_VALUE), xo, yo, xd, yd); if (intersection != null) { if (tile.hasWall(TileDirection.SOUTH)) { return intersection; } else { if (follow1 == null) { follow1 = TileDirection.SOUTH; } else { follow2 = TileDirection.SOUTH; } } } } if (xd < xo) { // west final ImmutablePoint2D intersection = intersection(tile.getX(), Math.nextAfter(tile.getY() + 1.0, -Double.MIN_VALUE), tile.getX(), tile.getY(), xo, yo, xd, yd); if (intersection != null) { if (tile.hasWall(TileDirection.WEST)) { return intersection; } else { if (follow1 == null) { follow1 = TileDirection.WEST; } else { follow2 = TileDirection.WEST; } } } } if (follow1 != null && hasAdjacentTile(tile, follow1)) { final Point2D collision = collision(getAdjacentTile(tile, follow1), xo, yo, xd, yd); if (collision != null) { return collision; } else if (follow2 != null && hasAdjacentTile(tile, follow2)) { final Point2D collision1 = collision(getAdjacentTile(tile, follow2), xo, yo, xd, yd); if (collision1 != null) { return collision1; } } } return null; } private boolean hasAdjacentTile(final WalledTile tile, final TileDirection direction) { return hasTileAt(tile.getX() + direction.getXTranslation(), tile.getY() + direction.getYTranslation()); } @Override public Iterable<O> findObjects(final double x, final double y, final double radius) { return Iterables.transform(tree.get().findNodes(x, y, radius), new Function<DistantObject<TwoDimTree.Node<O>>, O>() { @Override public O apply(final DistantObject<TwoDimTree.Node<O>> input) { return input.object().value(); } }); } @Override public Iterable<O> getVisibleNeighbours(final O object, final double range) { final Point2D projection = getProjection(object); if (projection != null) { final Point2D anchorPoint = projection.getCentroid(); return Iterables.filter(findObjects(anchorPoint.getX(), anchorPoint.getY(), range), new Predicate<O>() { @Override public boolean apply(final O t) { if (t.equals(object)) { return false; } final Point2D neighborProjection = getProjection(t); assert neighborProjection != null; final Point2D neighborProjectionAnchorPoint = neighborProjection.getCentroid(); return collision(anchorPoint.getX(), anchorPoint.getY(), neighborProjectionAnchorPoint.getX(), neighborProjectionAnchorPoint.getY()) == null; } }); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Projectable has no projection"); } } @Override public boolean insertObject(final O object, final Point2D projection) { checkNotNull(object, "projectable is null"); checkNotNull(projection, "projection is null"); synchronized (this) { final Point2D previous = point2DMap.put(object, projection); checkState(previous == null, "no duplicate objects allowed: " + object); tree.invalidate(); return true; } } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return point2DMap.isEmpty(); } @Override public double width() { return width; } @Override public double height() { return height; } @Override @Nullable public Point2D getProjection(final O object) { final BinaryTreeTraverser<TwoDimTree.Node<O>> traverser = new BinaryTreeTraverser<TwoDimTree.Node<O>>() { @Override public Optional<TwoDimTree.Node<O>> leftChild(final TwoDimTree.Node<O> root) { return root.leftChild(); } @Override public Optional<TwoDimTree.Node<O>> rightChild(final TwoDimTree.Node<O> root) { return root.rightChild(); } }; final TwoDimTree.Node<O> root = tree.get().rootNode().orNull(); if (root != null) { final Optional<TwoDimTree.Node<O>> node = traverser.postOrderTraversal(root) .firstMatch(new Predicate<TwoDimTree.Node<O>>() { @Override public boolean apply(final TwoDimTree.Node<O> input) { return object.equals(input.value()); } }); return node.isPresent() ?, node.get().yCoordinate()) : null; } else { return null; } } @Override public Map<O, Point2D> asMap() { return point2DMap; } @Override public double distance(final O agent, final double degrees) { checkNotNull(agent); checkArgument(degrees >= 0 && degrees < MathUtils.TWO_PI, "Degrees must be in [0, TWO_PI), was %s", degrees); Point2D borderIntersection; final Point2D origin = getProjection(agent); if (origin == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Has no projection: " + agent); } final ImmutablePoint2D destination = ImmutablePoint2D.sum(origin, polarToCartesian(degrees, Double.MAX_VALUE)); if (degrees < 90) { borderIntersection = intersection(origin.getX(), origin.getY(), destination.getX(), destination.getY(), 0, 0, width(), 0); if (borderIntersection == null) { borderIntersection = intersection(origin.getX(), origin.getY(), destination.getX(), destination.getY(), width(), 0, width(), height()); } } else if (degrees < 180) { borderIntersection = intersection(origin.getX(), origin.getY(), destination.getX(), destination.getY(), width(), 0, width(), height()); if (borderIntersection == null) { borderIntersection = intersection(origin.getX(), origin.getY(), destination.getX(), destination.getY(), 0, height(), width(), height()); } } else if (degrees < 270) { borderIntersection = intersection(origin.getX(), origin.getY(), destination.getX(), destination.getY(), 0, height(), width(), height()); if (borderIntersection == null) { borderIntersection = intersection(origin.getX(), origin.getY(), destination.getX(), destination.getY(), 0, 0, 0, height()); } } else { borderIntersection = intersection(origin.getX(), origin.getY(), destination.getX(), destination.getY(), 0, 0, 0, height()); if (borderIntersection == null) { borderIntersection = intersection(origin.getX(), origin.getY(), destination.getX(), destination.getY(), 0, 0, width(), 0); } } assert borderIntersection != null; // There must always be an intersection with one border return origin.distance(maxTransition(origin, borderIntersection)); } @Override public Collection<O> getObjects() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(point2DMap.keySet()); } @Override public Iterable<O> getObjects(final Iterable<? extends Tile> tiles) { return Iterables.concat(Iterables.transform(tiles, new Function<Tile, Iterable<O>>() { @Override public Iterable<O> apply(final Tile tile) { final Tile checkedTile = checkNotNull(tile); return Iterables.filter(findObjects(checkedTile.getX() + 0.5, checkedTile.getY() + 0.5, 0.70710678118 /* sqrt(0.5^2) */), new Predicate<O>() { @Override public boolean apply(final O t) { assert t != null; final Point2D projection = getProjection(t); assert projection != null; final Point2D anchorPoint = projection.getCentroid(); return Geometry2D.rectangleContains(checkedTile.getX(), checkedTile.getY(), 1, 1, anchorPoint.getX(), anchorPoint.getY()); } }); } })); } @Override public boolean removeObject(final O agent) { checkNotNull(agent); synchronized (this) { if (point2DMap.remove(agent) != null) { tree.invalidate(); return true; } else { return false; } } } @Override public boolean removeIf(final Predicate<O> predicate) { synchronized (this) { if (Iterables.removeIf(point2DMap.keySet(), predicate)) { tree.invalidate(); return true; } return false; } } @Override public int countObjects() { return point2DMap.size(); } @Override public Iterable<WalledTile> getTiles() { return Iterables.concat( Iterables.transform(Arrays.asList(tileMatrix), new Function<WalledTile[], Iterable<WalledTile>>() { @Override public Iterable<WalledTile> apply(final WalledTile[] tileLocations) { return Arrays.asList(tileLocations); } })); } @Override public WalledTile getAdjacentTile(final WalledTile tile, final TileDirection direction) { return getTileAt(tile.getX() + direction.getXTranslation(), tile.getY() + direction.getYTranslation()); } public static <O> WalledPointSpace<O> copyOf(final WalledPointSpace<O> space) { return create(space); } public static <O> WalledPointSpace<O> ofSize(final int width, final int height, final TwoDimTreeFactory<O> twoDimTreeFactory) { return create(width, height, twoDimTreeFactory); } public static <O> TiledSpaceBuilder<O> builder(final int width, final int height) { return new TiledSpaceBuilder<O>(width, height); } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public static final class TiledSpaceBuilder<O> implements Builder<WalledPointSpace<O>> { private final int width; private final int height; private final List<WallDefinition> wallDefinitions = Lists.newArrayList(); private TwoDimTreeFactory<O> treeFactory; public TiledSpaceBuilder(final int width, final int height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; } public TiledSpaceBuilder<O> addWall(final int x, final int y, final TileDirection direction) { checkArgument(x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height); checkNotNull(direction); wallDefinitions.add(new WallDefinition() { @Override public void apply(final WalledPointSpace<?> space) { space.setTileWall(x, y, direction, true); } }); return this; } public TiledSpaceBuilder<O> addWallsVertical(final int x, final int y1, final int y2, final TileDirection direction) { checkArgument(x >= 0 && x < width); checkArgument(y1 >= 0 && y1 < height); checkArgument(y2 >= 0 && y2 < height); checkNotNull(direction); wallDefinitions.add(new WallDefinition() { @Override public void apply(final WalledPointSpace<?> space) { for (int i = y1; i <= y2; i++) { space.setTileWall(x, i, direction, true); } } }); return this; } public TiledSpaceBuilder<O> addWallsHorizontal(final int x1, final int x2, final int y, final TileDirection direction) { checkArgument(x1 >= 0 && x1 < width); checkArgument(x2 >= 0 && x2 < width); checkArgument(y >= 0 && y < height); checkNotNull(direction); wallDefinitions.add(new WallDefinition() { @Override public void apply(final WalledPointSpace<?> space) { for (int i = x1; i <= x2; i++) { space.setTileWall(i, y, direction, true); } } }); return this; } public TiledSpaceBuilder<O> treeFactory(final TwoDimTreeFactory<O> treeFactory) { this.treeFactory = checkNotNull(treeFactory); return this; } @Override public WalledPointSpace<O> build() { checkState(treeFactory != null, "You must provide a tree factory"); return new WalledPointSpace<O>(this); } private interface WallDefinition { void apply(WalledPointSpace<?> space); } } /** * Set (b={@code true}) or unset (b={@code false}) the wall of the tile at x,y in the given direction. Automatically * adjusts the wall in the opposite direction at the adjacent tile in the given {@code direction} * * @param x x of the tile location * @param y y of the tile location * @param direction the side of the tile which will get modified * @param b indicates if the wall will be set or unset */ private void setTileWall(final int x, final int y, final TileDirection direction, final boolean b) { final WalledTile tile = getTileAt(x, y); tile.setWall(direction, b); if (hasAdjacentTile(tile, direction)) { getAdjacentTile(tile, direction).setWall(direction.opposite(), b); } } }