Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The greyfish authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.asoem.greyfish.core.actions; import; import; import; import org.asoem.greyfish.core.acl.ACLMessage; import org.asoem.greyfish.core.acl.ACLPerformative; import org.asoem.greyfish.core.acl.ImmutableACLMessage; import org.asoem.greyfish.core.acl.NotUnderstoodException; import org.asoem.greyfish.core.agent.SpatialAgent; import org.asoem.greyfish.utils.base.Callback; import org.asoem.greyfish.utils.base.Callbacks; import org.asoem.greyfish.utils.base.Tagged; import org.asoem.greyfish.utils.math.RandomGenerators; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import static; import static; import static; @Tagged("actions") public class ResourceConsumptionAction<A extends SpatialAgent<A, ?, ?, ?>> extends ContractNetInitiatorAction<A> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResourceConsumptionAction.class); private String ontology; private Callback<? super ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, Double> interactionRadius; protected Callback<? super ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, Double> requestAmount; protected Callback<? super ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, Void> uptakeUtilization; private Iterable<A> sensedMates = ImmutableList.of(); private Callback<? super ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, ?> classification; @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") // Needed for construction by reflection / deserialization public ResourceConsumptionAction() { this(new Builder<A>()); } @Override protected ImmutableACLMessage.Builder<A> createCFP(final AgentContext<A> context) { final A receiver = Iterables.get(sensedMates, RandomGenerators.rng().nextInt(Iterables.size(sensedMates))); sensedMates = ImmutableList.of(); return ImmutableACLMessage.<A>builder().sender(context.agent()).performative(ACLPerformative.CFP) .ontology(getOntology()) // Choose only one receiver. Adding evaluates possible candidates as receivers will decrease the performance in high density populations! .addReceiver(receiver) .content(new ResourceRequestMessage(call(requestAmount, this), call(classification, this))); } @Override protected ImmutableACLMessage.Builder<A> handlePropose(final ACLMessage<A> message, final AgentContext<A> context) { final Object messageContent = message.getContent(); if (!(messageContent instanceof Double)) { throw new NotUnderstoodException("Expected payload of type Double"); } final Double offer = (Double) messageContent; assert offer != 0 : this + ": Got (double) offer = 0. Should be refused on the provider side"; return ImmutableACLMessage.createReply(message, context.agent()) .performative(ACLPerformative.ACCEPT_PROPOSAL).content(offer); } @Override protected void handleInform(final ACLMessage<A> message, final AgentContext<A> context) { final Object messageContent = message.getContent(); if (!(messageContent instanceof Double)) { throw new NotUnderstoodException("Expected a payload of type Double"); } final Double offer = (Double) messageContent;"{}: Consuming {} {}", context.agent(), offer, ontology); uptakeUtilization.apply(this, ImmutableMap.of("offer", offer)); } @Override protected String getOntology() { return ontology; } @Override protected boolean canInitiate(final AgentContext<A> context) { sensedMates = context.agent().findNeighbours(call(interactionRadius, this)); return !isEmpty(sensedMates); } @Override public void initialize() { super.initialize(); checkValidity(); } private void checkValidity() { checkNotNull(ontology); } protected ResourceConsumptionAction( final AbstractBuilder<A, ? extends ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, ? extends AbstractBuilder<A, ?, ?>> builder) { super(builder); this.ontology = builder.ontology; this.requestAmount = builder.requestAmount; this.interactionRadius = builder.interactionRadius; this.uptakeUtilization = builder.uptakeUtilization; this.classification = builder.classification; } public static <A extends SpatialAgent<A, ?, ?, ?>> Builder<A> with() { return new Builder(); } public Callback<? super ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, Double> getInteractionRadius() { return interactionRadius; } public Callback<? super ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, Double> getRequestAmount() { return requestAmount; } public Callback<? super ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, Void> getUptakeUtilization() { return uptakeUtilization; } public static final class Builder<A extends SpatialAgent<A, ?, ?, ?>> extends AbstractBuilder<A, ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, Builder<A>> { @Override protected Builder<A> self() { return this; } @Override protected ResourceConsumptionAction<A> checkedBuild() { return new ResourceConsumptionAction<A>(this); } } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") protected abstract static class AbstractBuilder<A extends SpatialAgent<A, ?, ?, ?>, C extends ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, B extends AbstractBuilder<A, C, B>> extends ContractNetInitiatorAction.AbstractBuilder<A, C, B> { private String ontology = "food"; private Callback<? super ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, Double> requestAmount = Callbacks.constant(1.0); private Callback<? super ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, Double> interactionRadius = Callbacks.constant(1.0); private Callback<? super ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, Void> uptakeUtilization = Callbacks.emptyCallback(); private Callback<? super ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, ?> classification = Callbacks.constant(0.42); public final B ontology(final String parameterMessageType) { this.ontology = checkNotNull(parameterMessageType); return self(); } public final B requestAmount( final Callback<? super ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, Double> amountPerRequest) { this.requestAmount = amountPerRequest; return self(); } public final B interactionRadius(final Callback<? super ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, Double> sensorRange) { this.interactionRadius = sensorRange; return self(); } public final B uptakeUtilization( final Callback<? super ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, Void> uptakeUtilization) { this.uptakeUtilization = checkNotNull(uptakeUtilization); return self(); } public final B classification(final Callback<? super ResourceConsumptionAction<A>, Object> classification) { this.classification = checkNotNull(classification); return self(); } } }