Source code

Java tutorial


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 * * Copyright (c) Anoigo. All rights reserved.
 * A-Select is a trademark registered by SURFnet bv.
 * This program is distributed under the EUPL 1.0 (
 * See the included LICENSE file for details.
 * If you did not receive a copy of the LICENSE
 * please contact Anoigo. ( 
package org.aselect.server.request.handler.xsaml20.sp;


import java.util.logging.Level;

import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.aselect.server.application.ApplicationManager;
import org.aselect.server.config.ASelectConfigManager;
import org.aselect.server.config.Version;
import org.aselect.server.request.HandlerTools;
import org.aselect.server.request.RequestState;
import org.aselect.server.request.handler.xsaml20.PartnerData;
import org.aselect.server.request.handler.xsaml20.Saml20_BaseHandler;
import org.aselect.server.request.handler.xsaml20.Saml20_Metadata;
import org.aselect.server.request.handler.xsaml20.Saml20_RedirectEncoder;
import org.aselect.server.request.handler.xsaml20.SamlTools;
import org.aselect.server.request.handler.xsaml20.SecurityLevel;
import org.aselect.server.sam.ASelectSAMAgent;
import org.aselect.system.error.Errors;
import org.aselect.system.exception.ASelectCommunicationException;
import org.aselect.system.exception.ASelectConfigException;
import org.aselect.system.exception.ASelectException;
import org.aselect.system.exception.ASelectSAMException;
import org.aselect.system.sam.agent.SAMResource;
import org.aselect.system.utils.BASE64Encoder;
import org.aselect.system.utils.Base64Codec;
import org.aselect.system.utils.Tools;
import org.aselect.system.utils.Utils;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.opensaml.common.SAMLObjectBuilder;
import org.opensaml.common.SAMLVersion;
import org.opensaml.common.binding.BasicSAMLMessageContext;
import org.opensaml.common.xml.SAMLConstants;
import org.opensaml.saml2.binding.encoding.HTTPRedirectDeflateEncoder;
import org.opensaml.saml2.core.AuthnContextClassRef;
import org.opensaml.saml2.core.AuthnContextComparisonTypeEnumeration;
import org.opensaml.saml2.core.AuthnRequest;
import org.opensaml.saml2.core.Issuer;
import org.opensaml.saml2.core.RequestedAuthnContext;
import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.AssertionConsumerService;
import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.Endpoint;
import org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.SingleSignOnService;
import org.opensaml.xml.Configuration;
import org.opensaml.xml.XMLObjectBuilderFactory;
import org.opensaml.xml.util.XMLHelper;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

public class Xsaml20_ISTS extends Saml20_BaseHandler {
    private final static String MODULE = "Xsaml20_ISTS";
    protected final String singleSignOnServiceBindingConstantREDIRECT = SAMLConstants.SAML2_REDIRECT_BINDING_URI;
    protected final String singleSignOnServiceBindingConstantHTTPPOST = SAMLConstants.SAML2_POST_BINDING_URI;

    private String _sServerId = null; // <server_id> in <aselect>

    private String _sAssertionConsumerUrl = null;
    private String _sPostTemplate = null;
    private String _sHttpMethod = "GET";
    private String _sIdpResourceGroup = null;
    private String _sFallbackUrl = null;
    private String _sRedirectSyncTime = null;
    private boolean bIdpSelectForm = false;

    // Example configuration
    // <handler id="saml20_ists" target="/saml20_ists.*"
    // class="org.aselect.server.request.handler.xsaml20.Xsaml20_ISTS">
    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.aselect.server.request.handler.xsaml20.Saml20_BaseHandler#init(javax.servlet.ServletConfig, java.lang.Object)
    public void init(ServletConfig oServletConfig, Object oConfig) throws ASelectException {
        String sMethod = "init";
        Object sam = null;
        Object agent = null;
        Object idpSection = null;

        try {
            super.init(oServletConfig, oConfig);
        } catch (ASelectException e) { // pass to caller
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            _systemLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, MODULE, sMethod, "Could not initialize", e);
            throw new ASelectException(Errors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR, e);

        _sServerId = ASelectConfigManager.getParamFromSection(null, "aselect", "server_id", true);

        _sHttpMethod = ASelectConfigManager.getSimpleParam(oConfig, "http_method", false);
        if (_sHttpMethod != null && _sHttpMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("POST"))
            _sHttpMethod = "POST";
            _sHttpMethod = "GET";

        if (_sHttpMethod.equals("POST"))
            _sPostTemplate = readTemplateFromConfig(oConfig, "post_template");

        String sUseIdpSelectForm = ASelectConfigManager.getSimpleParam(oConfig, "use_idp_select", false);
        if (sUseIdpSelectForm != null && sUseIdpSelectForm.equals("true"))
            bIdpSelectForm = true;

        _sIdpResourceGroup = ASelectConfigManager.getSimpleParam(oConfig, "resourcegroup", false);
        if (_sIdpResourceGroup == null)
            _sIdpResourceGroup = "federation-idp"; // backward compatibility
        _systemLogger.log(Level.INFO, MODULE, sMethod, "IDP resourcegroup=" + _sIdpResourceGroup);

        _sFallbackUrl = ASelectConfigManager.getSimpleParam(oConfig, "fallback_url", false);
        _systemLogger.log(Level.INFO, MODULE, sMethod, "fallback_url=" + _sFallbackUrl);

        // Find the resourcegroup
        sam = _configManager.getSection(null, "sam");
        agent = _configManager.getSection(sam, "agent");
        try {
            Object metaResourcegroup = _configManager.getSection(agent, "resourcegroup",
                    "id=" + _sIdpResourceGroup);
            idpSection = _configManager.getSection(metaResourcegroup, "resource");
        } catch (ASelectConfigException e) {
            _systemLogger.log(Level.WARNING, MODULE, sMethod,
                    "No resourcegroup: " + _sIdpResourceGroup + " configured");

        // And pass it's resources to the metadata manager
        MetaDataManagerSp metadataMgr = MetaDataManagerSp.getHandle(); // will create the MetaDataManager object
        while (idpSection != null) {
            idpSection = _configManager.getNextSection(idpSection);

        // Get Assertion Consumer data from config
        try {
            Object oRequest = _configManager.getSection(null, "requests");
            Object oHandlers = _configManager.getSection(oRequest, "handlers");
            Object oHandler = _configManager.getSection(oHandlers, "handler");
            Object oASelect = _configManager.getSection(null, "aselect");
            String sRedirectUrl = _configManager.getParam(oASelect, "redirect_url");

            for (; oHandler != null; oHandler = _configManager.getNextSection(oHandler)) {
                String sId = _configManager.getParam(oHandler, "id");
                if (sId != null && !sId.equals("saml20_assertionconsumer"))
                // The Assertion Consumer
                String sTarget = _configManager.getParam(oHandler, "target");
                if (sTarget != null) {
                    _systemLogger.log(Level.INFO, MODULE, sMethod, "id=" + sId + " target=" + sTarget);
                    sTarget = sTarget.replace("\\", "");
                    sTarget = sTarget.replace(".*", "");
                    _sAssertionConsumerUrl = sRedirectUrl + sTarget;
        } catch (ASelectConfigException e) {
            _systemLogger.log(Level.WARNING, MODULE, sMethod, "No config next section 'handler' found", e);
            throw new ASelectException(Errors.ERROR_ASELECT_INIT_ERROR, e);

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.aselect.server.request.handler.IRequestHandler#process(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
    public RequestState process(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse)
            throws ASelectException {
        String sMethod = "process";
        String sRid;
        String sFederationUrl = null;
        PrintWriter pwOut = null;

        String sMyUrl = _sServerUrl; // extractAselectServerUrl(request);
        _systemLogger.log(Level.INFO, MODULE, sMethod,
                "MyUrl=" + sMyUrl + " MyId=" + getID() + " path=" + servletRequest.getPathInfo());

        try {
            pwOut = Utils.prepareForHtmlOutput(servletRequest, servletResponse);

            sRid = servletRequest.getParameter("rid");
            if (sRid == null) {
                _systemLogger.log(Level.WARNING, MODULE, sMethod, "Missing RID parameter");
                throw new ASelectCommunicationException(Errors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_INVALID_REQUEST);

            // Find the associated session context
            _htSessionContext = _oSessionManager.getSessionContext(sRid);
            if (_htSessionContext == null) {
                _systemLogger.log(Level.WARNING, MODULE, sMethod, "No session found for RID: " + sRid);
                throw new ASelectException(Errors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_INVALID_REQUEST);
            // Session present
            Tools.resumeSensorData(_configManager, _systemLogger, _htSessionContext); //20111102, can change the session
            // 20091028, Bauke, let the user choose which IdP to use
            // 20110308, Bauke: changed, user chooses when "use_idp_select" is "true"
            //     otherwise this handler uses it's own resource group to get a resource and sets "federation_url"
            //     to the id of that resource
            sFederationUrl = servletRequest.getParameter("federation_url");

            //int cnt = MetaDataManagerSp.getHandle().getIdpCount();
            //if (cnt == 1) {
            //   sFederationUrl = MetaDataManagerSp.getHandle().getDefaultIdP(); // there can only be one
            if (bIdpSelectForm && (!Utils.hasValue(sFederationUrl))) {
                // No Federation URL choice made yet, allow the user to choose
                String sIdpSelectForm = Utils.loadTemplateFromFile(_systemLogger, _configManager.getWorkingdir(),
                        null/*subdir*/, "idpselect", _sUserLanguage, _configManager.getOrgFriendlyName(),
                sIdpSelectForm = Utils.replaceString(sIdpSelectForm, "[rid]", sRid);
                // Not backward compatible! [aselect_url] used to be server_url/handler_id,
                // they're separated now to allow use of [aselect_url] in the traditional way too!
                sIdpSelectForm = Utils.replaceString(sIdpSelectForm, "[handler_url]", sMyUrl + "/" + getID());
                sIdpSelectForm = Utils.replaceString(sIdpSelectForm, "[aselect_url]", sMyUrl); // 20110310 + "/" + getID());
                sIdpSelectForm = Utils.replaceString(sIdpSelectForm, "[handler_id]", getID());
                sIdpSelectForm = Utils.replaceString(sIdpSelectForm, "[a-select-server]", _sServerId); // 20110310
                //sSelectForm = Utils.replaceString(sSelectForm, "[language]", sLanguage);
                sIdpSelectForm = _configManager.updateTemplate(sIdpSelectForm, _htSessionContext, servletRequest); // 20130822, Bauke: added to show requestor_friendly_name
                _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod,
                        "Template updated, [handler_url]=" + sMyUrl + "/" + getID());

                _htSessionContext.put("user_state", "state_idpselect");
                _oSessionManager.setUpdateSession(_htSessionContext, _systemLogger); // 20120403, Bauke: was updateSession
                Tools.pauseSensorData(_configManager, _systemLogger, _htSessionContext); //20111102 can update the session
                return new RequestState(null);
            // federation_url was set or bIdpSelectForm is false
            _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod, "federation_url=" + sFederationUrl);
            _htSessionContext.put("user_state", "state_toidp"); // at least remove state_select
            _oSessionManager.setUpdateSession(_htSessionContext, _systemLogger); // 20120403, Bauke: was updateSession

            // 20110308, Bauke: new mechanism to get to the IdP using the SAM agent (allows redundant resources)
            // User choice was made, or "federation_url" was set programmatically
            ASelectSAMAgent samAgent = ASelectSAMAgent.getHandle();
            SAMResource samResource = null;
            try {
                samResource = samAgent.getActiveResource(_sIdpResourceGroup);
            } catch (ASelectSAMException ex) { // no active resource
                // if a fallback is present: REDIRECT to the authsp
                if (Utils.hasValue(_sFallbackUrl)) {
                    // Don't come back here:
                    // 20110331, Bauke: We leave forced_uid in place!
                    // If we do, control can easily be transferred to e.g. DigiD
                    _oSessionManager.setUpdateSession(_htSessionContext, _systemLogger); // 20120403, Bauke: added

                    String sRedirectUrl = _sFallbackUrl;
                    //sRedirectUrl = "[aselect_url]?request=direct_login1&rid=[rid]&authsp=Ldap&a-select-server=[a-select-server]";
                    sRedirectUrl = Utils.replaceString(sRedirectUrl, "[aselect_url]", sMyUrl);
                    sRedirectUrl = Utils.replaceString(sRedirectUrl, "[a-select-server]", _sServerId);
                    sRedirectUrl = Utils.replaceString(sRedirectUrl, "[rid]", sRid);
                    //sRedirectUrl = Utils.replaceString(sRedirectUrl, "[language]", sLanguage);
                    _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod, "Fallback REDIRECT to: " + sRedirectUrl);

                    Tools.pauseSensorData(_configManager, _systemLogger, _htSessionContext); //20111102 can change the session
                    //_oSessionManager.updateSession(sRid, _htSessionContext);  // 20120403, Bauke: removed
                    return new RequestState(null);
                } else {
                    _systemLogger.log(Level.WARNING, MODULE, sMethod, "No active resource available");
                    throw new ASelectSAMException(Errors.ERROR_ASELECT_SAM_UNAVALABLE);
            // The result is a single resource from our own resourcegroup
            sFederationUrl = samResource.getId();
            _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod, "IdP resource id=" + sFederationUrl);

            // 20090811, Bauke: save type of Authsp to store in the TGT later on
            // This is needed to prevent session sync when we're not saml20
            _htSessionContext.put("authsp_type", "saml20");
            _htSessionContext.put("federation_url", sFederationUrl);
            _oSessionManager.setUpdateSession(_htSessionContext, _systemLogger); // 20120403, Bauke: was updateSession

            _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod, "Get MetaData FederationUrl=" + sFederationUrl);
            MetaDataManagerSp metadataMgr = MetaDataManagerSp.getHandle();
            // RM_57_01
            // RM_57_02
            // We now support the Redirect and POST Binding
            String sDestination = null;
            if ("POST".equalsIgnoreCase(_sHttpMethod)) {
                sDestination = metadataMgr.getLocation(sFederationUrl,
                        SingleSignOnService.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME, singleSignOnServiceBindingConstantHTTPPOST);
            } else {
                sDestination = metadataMgr.getLocation(sFederationUrl,
                        SingleSignOnService.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME, singleSignOnServiceBindingConstantREDIRECT);
            _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod, "Location retrieved=" + sDestination);
            if ("".equals(sDestination))
                throw new ASelectException(Errors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_INVALID_REQUEST);

            String sApplicationId = (String) _htSessionContext.get("app_id");
            String sApplicationLevel = getApplicationLevel(sApplicationId);
            String sAuthnContextClassRefURI = SecurityLevel.convertLevelToAuthnContextClassRefURI(sApplicationLevel,
            // 20100428, Bauke: old: String sAuthnContextClassRefURI = levelMap.get(sApplicationLevel);
            if (sAuthnContextClassRefURI == null) {
                // this level was not configured. Log it and inform the user
                _systemLogger.log(Level.WARNING, MODULE, sMethod,
                        "Application Level " + sApplicationLevel + " is not configured");
                throw new ASelectException(Errors.ERROR_ASELECT_SERVER_INVALID_APP_LEVEL);

            // Send SAML request to the IDP
            XMLObjectBuilderFactory builderFactory = Configuration.getBuilderFactory();

            SAMLObjectBuilder<AuthnContextClassRef> authnContextClassRefBuilder = (SAMLObjectBuilder<AuthnContextClassRef>) builderFactory
            AuthnContextClassRef authnContextClassRef = authnContextClassRefBuilder.buildObject();


            SAMLObjectBuilder<RequestedAuthnContext> requestedAuthnContextBuilder = (SAMLObjectBuilder<RequestedAuthnContext>) builderFactory
            RequestedAuthnContext requestedAuthnContext = requestedAuthnContextBuilder.buildObject();

            // 20100311, Bauke: added for eHerkenning
            PartnerData partnerData = MetaDataManagerSp.getHandle().getPartnerDataEntry(sFederationUrl);
            _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod, "Partnerdata: " + partnerData);
            String specialSettings = (partnerData == null) ? null : partnerData.getSpecialSettings();
            if (specialSettings != null && specialSettings.contains("minimum"))

            // 20120706, Bauke: save in session, must be transferred to TGT and used for Digid4 session_sync mechanism
            String sst = partnerData.getRedirectSyncTime();
            if (Utils.hasValue(sst)) {
                _htSessionContext.put("redirect_sync_time", sst);
                _htSessionContext.put("redirect_ists_url", sMyUrl + "/" + getID());
                _htSessionContext.put("redirect_post_form", partnerData.getRedirectPostForm());
                _oSessionManager.setUpdateSession(_htSessionContext, _systemLogger);

            SAMLObjectBuilder<Issuer> issuerBuilder = (SAMLObjectBuilder<Issuer>) builderFactory
            Issuer issuer = issuerBuilder.buildObject();
            // 20100311, Bauke: Alternate Issuer, added for eHerkenning
            if (partnerData != null && partnerData.getLocalIssuer() != null)

            // AuthnRequest
            SAMLObjectBuilder<AuthnRequest> authnRequestbuilder = (SAMLObjectBuilder<AuthnRequest>) builderFactory
            AuthnRequest authnRequest = authnRequestbuilder.buildObject();

            // We should be able to set AssertionConsumerServiceIndex. This is according to saml specs mutually exclusive with
            // ProtocolBinding and AssertionConsumerServiceURL

            if (partnerData != null)
                _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod,
                        "acsi=" + partnerData.getAssertionConsumerServiceindex());

            if (partnerData != null && partnerData.getAssertionConsumerServiceindex() != null) {
            } else { // mutually exclusive
                // 20100311, Bauke: added for eHerkenning
                // The assertion consumer url must be set to the value in the Metadata:
                // 20101112, RH, added support for POST binding
                if (specialSettings != null && specialSettings.toUpperCase().contains("POST"))
                else // backward compatibility, defaults to ARTIFACT

                // We should be able to not set setAssertionConsumerServiceURL and let IDP get it from metadata
                // But not sure if all idp's will handle that well
                if (partnerData != null && partnerData.getDestination() != null) {
                    if (!"".equals(partnerData.getDestination().trim())) { // if empty, let the idp look for the AssertionConsumerServiceURL in metadata 
                } else { // backward compatibility, default to _sAssertionConsumerUrl

            // RH, 20140505, sn
            String sForcedAttrConServInd = ApplicationManager.getHandle()
            if (sForcedAttrConServInd != null) {
            } else {
                // RH, 20140505, en

                if (partnerData != null && partnerData.getAttributeConsumerServiceindex() != null) {
                } else { // be backwards compatible

            } // RH, 20140505, n

            DateTime tStamp = new DateTime();
            // Set interval conditions
            authnRequest = (AuthnRequest) SamlTools.setValidityInterval(authnRequest, tStamp, getMaxNotBefore(),

            // 20100531, Bauke, use Rid but add part of the timestamp to make the ID unique
            // The AssertionConsumer will strip it off to regain our Rid value
            String timePostFix = String.format("%02d%02d%02d%03d", tStamp.getHourOfDay(), tStamp.getMinuteOfHour(),
                    tStamp.getSecondOfMinute(), tStamp.getMillisOfSecond());
            authnRequest.setID(sRid + timePostFix);

            authnRequest.setIssueInstant(new DateTime()); // 20100712

            // Check if we have to set the ForceAuthn attribute
            // 20090613, Bauke: use forced_authenticate (not forced_logon)!
            Boolean bForcedAuthn = (Boolean) _htSessionContext.get("forced_authenticate");
            if (bForcedAuthn == null)
                bForcedAuthn = false;
            // 20100311, Bauke: "force" special_setting added for eHerkenning
            if (bForcedAuthn || (specialSettings != null && specialSettings.contains("force"))) {
                _systemLogger.log(Level.INFO, MODULE, sMethod, "Setting the ForceAuthn attribute");

            // 20140924, RH: "force_passive" special_setting (only for testing yet)
            // If needed in production must have its own element/attribuut in config
            Boolean bForcedPassive = (Boolean) _htSessionContext.get("forced_passive");
            if (bForcedPassive || (specialSettings != null && specialSettings.contains("passive"))) {
                _systemLogger.log(Level.INFO, MODULE, sMethod, "Setting the IsPassive attribute");

            // Handle testdata
            if (partnerData.getTestdata4partner() != null) {
                String timeOffset = partnerData.getTestdata4partner().getIssueInstant();
                if (timeOffset != null) {
                    //               if (timeOffset.startsWith("-")) {
                    //                  authnRequest.setIssueInstant(new DateTime().minus(1000*Long.parseLong(timeOffset)));
                    //               } else {
                    authnRequest.setIssueInstant(new DateTime().plus(1000 * Long.parseLong(timeOffset)));
                    //               }
                    // RM_57_03
                if (partnerData.getTestdata4partner().getIssuer() != null) {
                if (partnerData.getTestdata4partner().getAuthnContextClassRefURI() != null) {
                    // There should be one so take first
                if (partnerData.getTestdata4partner().getAuthnContextComparisonTypeEnumeration() != null) {
                    if ("minimum".equalsIgnoreCase(
                    else if ("exact".equalsIgnoreCase(
                    else if ("better".equalsIgnoreCase(
                    else if ("maximum".equalsIgnoreCase(
                if (partnerData.getTestdata4partner().getForceAuthn() != null) {
                if (partnerData.getTestdata4partner().getProviderName() != null) {

                if (partnerData.getTestdata4partner().getAssertionConsumerServiceIndex() != null) {
                    // RM_57_04
                if (partnerData.getTestdata4partner().getAssertionConsumerServiceURL() != null) {
                if (partnerData.getTestdata4partner().getDestination() != null) {


            // 20100908, Bauke: Look for aselect_specials!
            // In app_url or in the caller's RelayState (if we're an IdP)
            String sSpecials = null;
            if (specialSettings != null && specialSettings.contains("relay_specials")) {
                sSpecials = Utils.getAselectSpecials(_htSessionContext, false/*leave base64*/, _systemLogger);
            _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod,
                    "<special_settings>=" + specialSettings + " aselect_specials=" + sSpecials);

            // Create the new RelayState
            String sRelayState = "idp=" + sFederationUrl;
            if (specialSettings != null && specialSettings.contains("relay_specials")) {
                if (Utils.hasValue(sSpecials))
                    sRelayState += "&aselect_specials=" + sSpecials;
                sRelayState = Base64Codec.encode(sRelayState.getBytes());
                _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod, "RelayState=" + sRelayState);

            // We have the AuthnRequest, now get it to the other side
            boolean useSha256 = (specialSettings != null && specialSettings.contains("sha256"));
            if (_sHttpMethod.equals("GET")) {
                // No use signing the AuthnRequest, it's even forbidden according to the Saml specs
                // Brent Putman quote: The Redirect-DEFLATE binding encoder strips off the protocol message's ds:Signature element (if even present)
                // before the marshalling and signing operations. Per the spec, it's not allowed to carry the signature that way.
                SAMLObjectBuilder<Endpoint> endpointBuilder = (SAMLObjectBuilder<Endpoint>) builderFactory
                Endpoint samlEndpoint = endpointBuilder.buildObject();
                _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod,
                        "GET EndPoint=" + samlEndpoint + " Destination=" + sDestination);

                //HttpServletResponseAdapter outTransport = SamlTools.createHttpServletResponseAdapter(response, sDestination);
                HttpServletResponseAdapter outTransport = new HttpServletResponseAdapter(servletResponse,
                        (sDestination == null) ? false : sDestination.toLowerCase().startsWith("https"));

                // RH, 20081113, set appropriate headers
                outTransport.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
                outTransport.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store");

                BasicSAMLMessageContext messageContext = new BasicSAMLMessageContext();

                BasicX509Credential credential = new BasicX509Credential();
                PrivateKey key = _configManager.getDefaultPrivateKey();

                // 20091028, Bauke: use RelayState to transport rid to my AssertionConsumer

                MarshallerFactory marshallerFactory = Configuration.getMarshallerFactory();
                Marshaller marshaller = marshallerFactory.getMarshaller(messageContext.getOutboundSAMLMessage());
                Node nodeMessageContext = marshaller.marshall(messageContext.getOutboundSAMLMessage());
                _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod, "RelayState=" + sRelayState
                        + " OutboundSAMLMessage:\n" + XMLHelper.prettyPrintXML(nodeMessageContext));

                if (useSha256) {
                    Saml20_RedirectEncoder encoder = new Saml20_RedirectEncoder(); // is a HTTPRedirectDeflateEncoder
                    encoder.encode(messageContext); // does a sendRedirect()
                } else {
                    // HTTPRedirectDeflateEncoder: SAML 2.0 HTTP Redirect encoder using the DEFLATE encoding method.
                    // This encoder only supports DEFLATE compression and DSA-SHA1 and RSA-SHA1 signatures.
                    HTTPRedirectDeflateEncoder encoder = new HTTPRedirectDeflateEncoder();
                    encoder.encode(messageContext); // does a sendRedirect()
                _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod, "Ready " + messageContext);
            } else { // POST
                // 20100331, Bauke: added support for HTTP POST
                _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod, "Sign the authnRequest >======" + authnRequest);
                authnRequest = (AuthnRequest) SamlTools.signSamlObject(authnRequest, useSha256 ? "sha256" : "sha1",
                _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod, "Signed the authnRequest ======<" + authnRequest);

                String sAssertion = XMLHelper.nodeToString(authnRequest.getDOM());
                _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod, "Assertion=" + sAssertion);
                try {
                    byte[] bBase64Assertion = sAssertion.getBytes("UTF-8");
                    BASE64Encoder b64enc = new BASE64Encoder();
                    sAssertion = b64enc.encode(bBase64Assertion);
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                    _systemLogger.log(Level.WARNING, MODULE, sMethod, e.getMessage(), e);
                    throw new ASelectException(Errors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR);

                // Let's POST the token
                String sInputs = buildHtmlInput("RelayState", sRelayState);
                //            sInputs += buildHtmlInput("SAMLResponse", sAssertion);  //Tools.htmlEncode(nodeMessageContext.getTextContent()));
                // RH, 20101104, this should be a SAMLRequest, we were just lucky the other side didn't bother   
                sInputs += buildHtmlInput("SAMLRequest", sAssertion); //Tools.htmlEncode(nodeMessageContext.getTextContent()));

                // 20100317, Bauke: pass language to IdP (does not work in the GET version)
                String sLang = (String) _htSessionContext.get("language");
                if (sLang != null)
                    sInputs += buildHtmlInput("language", sLang);

                _systemLogger.log(Level.FINER, MODULE, sMethod, "Inputs=" + Utils.firstPartOf(sInputs, 200));
                handlePostForm(_sPostTemplate, sDestination, sInputs, servletRequest, servletResponse);
            Tools.pauseSensorData(_configManager, _systemLogger, _htSessionContext); //20111102 can change the session
        } catch (ASelectException e) { // pass unchanged to the caller
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            _systemLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, MODULE, sMethod, "Could not process", e);
            throw new ASelectException(Errors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR, e);
        } finally {
            if (pwOut != null)

            // 20130821, Bauke: save friendly name after session is gone
            if (_htSessionContext != null) {
                String sStatus = (String) _htSessionContext.get("status");
                String sAppId = (String) _htSessionContext.get("app_id");
                if ("del".equals(sStatus) && Utils.hasValue(sAppId)) {
                    String sUF = ApplicationManager.getHandle().getFriendlyName(sAppId);
                    HandlerTools.setEncryptedCookie(servletResponse, "requestor_friendly_name", sUF,
                            _configManager.getCookieDomain(), -1/*age*/, _systemLogger);
            _oSessionManager.finalSessionProcessing(_htSessionContext, true/*update session*/);
        return new RequestState(null);

     * Gets the application level.
     * @param sApplicationId
     *            the s application id
     * @return the application level
     * @throws ASelectException
     *             the a select exception
    private String getApplicationLevel(String sApplicationId) throws ASelectException {
        String sMethod = "getApplicationLevel";
        _systemLogger.log(Level.INFO, MODULE, sMethod, "Id=" + sApplicationId);

        Object oApplications = null;
        try {
            oApplications = _configManager.getSection(null, "applications");
        } catch (ASelectConfigException e) {
            _systemLogger.log(Level.WARNING, MODULE, sMethod, "No config section 'applications' found", e);
            throw new ASelectException(Errors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR, e);

        Object oApplication = null;
        try {
            oApplication = _configManager.getSection(oApplications, "application");
        } catch (ASelectConfigException e) {
            _systemLogger.log(Level.WARNING, MODULE, sMethod, "No config section 'application' found", e);
            throw new ASelectException(Errors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR, e);
        String sApplicationLevel = null;
        while (oApplication != null) {
            if (_configManager.getParam(oApplication, "id").equals(sApplicationId)) {
                sApplicationLevel = _configManager.getParam(oApplication, "level");
                if (sApplicationLevel == null) {
                    _systemLogger.log(Level.WARNING, MODULE, sMethod, "No config attribute 'level' found");
                    throw new ASelectException(Errors.ERROR_ASELECT_INTERNAL_ERROR);
                return sApplicationLevel;
            oApplication = _configManager.getNextSection(oApplication);
        return null;