Java tutorial
/* * Artifactory is a binaries repository manager. * Copyright (C) 2012 JFrog Ltd. * * Artifactory is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Artifactory is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Artifactory. If not, see <>. */ package org.artifactory.util; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.artifactory.descriptor.repo.RepoLayout; import org.artifactory.descriptor.repo.RepoLayoutBuilder; import org.artifactory.util.layouts.token.BaseTokenFilter; import org.artifactory.util.layouts.token.OrganizationPathTokenFilter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * @author Noam Y. Tenne */ public abstract class RepoLayoutUtils { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RepoLayoutUtils.class); /** * LAYOUT PRESETS */ public static final String MAVEN_2_DEFAULT_NAME = "maven-2-default"; public static final String MAVEN_1_DEFAULT_NAME = "maven-1-default"; public static final String IVY_DEFAULT_NAME = "ivy-default"; public static final String GRADLE_DEFAULT_NAME = "gradle-default"; public static final String NUGET_DEFAULT_NAME = "nuget-default"; public static final String SBT_DEFAULT_NAME = "sbt-default"; public static final String NPM_DEFAULT_NAME = "npm-default"; public static final String BOWER_DEFAULT_NAME = "bower-default"; public static final String VSC_DEFAULT_NAME = "vcs-default"; public static final String SIMPLE_DEFAULT_NAME = "simple-default"; public static List<String> DEFAULT_LAYOUTS = new LinkedList<String>() { { add(MAVEN_2_DEFAULT_NAME); add(MAVEN_1_DEFAULT_NAME); add(IVY_DEFAULT_NAME); add(GRADLE_DEFAULT_NAME); add(NUGET_DEFAULT_NAME); add(SBT_DEFAULT_NAME); add(NPM_DEFAULT_NAME); add(BOWER_DEFAULT_NAME); add(VSC_DEFAULT_NAME); add(SIMPLE_DEFAULT_NAME); } }; public static final RepoLayout MAVEN_2_DEFAULT = new RepoLayoutBuilder().name(MAVEN_2_DEFAULT_NAME) .artifactPathPattern("[orgPath]/[module]/[baseRev](-[folderItegRev])/" + "[module]-[baseRev](-[fileItegRev])(-[classifier]).[ext]") .distinctiveDescriptorPathPattern(true) .descriptorPathPattern("[orgPath]/[module]/[baseRev](-[folderItegRev])/" + "[module]-[baseRev](-[fileItegRev])(-[classifier]).pom") .folderIntegrationRevisionRegExp("SNAPSHOT") .fileIntegrationRevisionRegExp("SNAPSHOT|(?:(?:[0-9]{8}.[0-9]{6})-(?:[0-9]+))").build(); public static final RepoLayout IVY_DEFAULT = new RepoLayoutBuilder().name(IVY_DEFAULT_NAME) .artifactPathPattern("[org]/[module]/[baseRev](-[folderItegRev])/[type]s/" + "[module](-[classifier])-[baseRev](-[fileItegRev]).[ext]") .distinctiveDescriptorPathPattern(true) .descriptorPathPattern( "[org]/[module]/[baseRev](-[folderItegRev])/[type]s/" + "ivy-[baseRev](-[fileItegRev]).xml") .folderIntegrationRevisionRegExp("\\d{14}").fileIntegrationRevisionRegExp("\\d{14}").build(); public static final RepoLayout GRADLE_DEFAULT = new RepoLayoutBuilder().name(GRADLE_DEFAULT_NAME) .artifactPathPattern("[org]/[module]/[baseRev](-[folderItegRev])/" + "[module]-[baseRev](-[fileItegRev])(-[classifier]).[ext]") .distinctiveDescriptorPathPattern(true) .descriptorPathPattern("[org]/[module]/ivy-[baseRev](-[fileItegRev]).xml") .folderIntegrationRevisionRegExp("\\d{14}").fileIntegrationRevisionRegExp("\\d{14}").build(); public static final RepoLayout MAVEN_1_DEFAULT = new RepoLayoutBuilder().name(MAVEN_1_DEFAULT_NAME) .artifactPathPattern("[org]/[type]s/[module]-[baseRev](-[fileItegRev])" + "(-[classifier]).[ext]") .distinctiveDescriptorPathPattern(true) .descriptorPathPattern("[org]/[type]s/[module]-[baseRev](-[fileItegRev]).pom") .folderIntegrationRevisionRegExp(".+").fileIntegrationRevisionRegExp(".+").build(); /** * LAYOUT TOKENS */ public static final String ORGANIZATION = "org"; public static final String ORGANIZATION_PATH = "orgPath"; public static final String MODULE = "module"; public static final String BASE_REVISION = "baseRev"; public static final String FOLDER_INTEGRATION_REVISION = "folderItegRev"; public static final String FILE_INTEGRATION_REVISION = "fileItegRev"; public static final String CLASSIFIER = "classifier"; public static final String EXT = "ext"; public static final String TYPE = "type"; public static final String RELEASE = "RELEASE"; public static final Set<String> TOKENS = Sets.newHashSet(ORGANIZATION, ORGANIZATION_PATH, MODULE, BASE_REVISION, FOLDER_INTEGRATION_REVISION, FILE_INTEGRATION_REVISION, CLASSIFIER, EXT, TYPE, RELEASE); public static final Map<String, BaseTokenFilter> TOKEN_FILTERS; private static final Set<Character> REGEX_SPECIAL_TOKENS = Sets.newHashSet('.', '+', '?', '*', '{', '}', '^', '$'); private static final Pattern OPTIONAL_AREA_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\([^\\(]*\\)"); private static final Pattern REPLACED_OPTIONAL_TOKEN_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\([^\\[\\(]*\\)"); private static final Pattern CUSTOM_TOKEN_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("<[^<]*>"); static { Map<String, BaseTokenFilter> temp = Maps.newHashMap(); temp.put(RepoLayoutUtils.ORGANIZATION_PATH, OrganizationPathTokenFilter.getInstance()); TOKEN_FILTERS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(temp); } private RepoLayoutUtils() { } public static boolean isReservedName(String layoutName) { return DEFAULT_LAYOUTS.contains(layoutName); } public static boolean isDefaultM2(RepoLayout repoLayout) { return MAVEN_2_DEFAULT.equals(repoLayout); } public static boolean isDefaultSimple(RepoLayout repoLayout) { if (repoLayout == null) { return false; } String name = repoLayout.getName(); return StringUtils.equals(name, "simple-default") || StringUtils.equals(name, "art-simple-default"); } public static boolean isDefaultIvy(RepoLayout repoLayout) { return IVY_DEFAULT.equals(repoLayout); } public static boolean isDefaultGradle(RepoLayout repoLayout) { return GRADLE_DEFAULT.equals(repoLayout); } /** * Indicates whether the given layout contains the orgPath token, equal to Ivy's M2 compatibility, * * @param repoLayout Layout to check * @return True if the layout contains the orgPath token */ public static boolean layoutContainsOrgPathToken(RepoLayout repoLayout) { if (repoLayout == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot check a null layout for token existence."); } String artifactPathPattern = repoLayout.getArtifactPathPattern(); String descriptorPathPattern = repoLayout.getDescriptorPathPattern(); return ((artifactPathPattern != null) && artifactPathPattern.contains(ORGANIZATION_PATH)) || (repoLayout.isDistinctiveDescriptorPathPattern() && (descriptorPathPattern != null) && descriptorPathPattern.contains(ORGANIZATION_PATH)); } /** * Find all optional areas that their token values were provided and remove the "optional" brackets that surround * them. * * @param itemPathTemplate Item path template to modify * @param removeBracketContent True if the content of the optional bracket should be disposed * @return Modified item path template */ public static String removeReplacedTokenOptionalBrackets(String itemPathTemplate, boolean removeBracketContent) { Matcher matcher = REPLACED_OPTIONAL_TOKEN_PATTERN.matcher(itemPathTemplate); int latestGroupEnd = 0; StringBuilder newPathBuilder = new StringBuilder(); while (matcher.find()) { int replacedOptionalTokenAreaStart = matcher.start(); int replacedOptionalTokenAreaEnd = matcher.end(); String replacedOptionalTokenValue =; newPathBuilder.append(itemPathTemplate.substring(latestGroupEnd, replacedOptionalTokenAreaStart)); if (!removeBracketContent) { newPathBuilder.append(replacedOptionalTokenValue.replaceAll("[\\(\\)]", "")); } //Path after optional area latestGroupEnd = replacedOptionalTokenAreaEnd; } if ((latestGroupEnd != 0) && latestGroupEnd < itemPathTemplate.length()) { newPathBuilder.append(itemPathTemplate.substring(latestGroupEnd)); } if (newPathBuilder.length() == 0) { return itemPathTemplate; } return newPathBuilder.toString(); } /** * Find all remaining optional areas that were left with un-replaced tokens and remove them completely * * @param itemPathTemplate Item path template to modify * @return Modified item path template */ public static String removeUnReplacedTokenOptionalBrackets(String itemPathTemplate) { Matcher matcher = OPTIONAL_AREA_PATTERN.matcher(itemPathTemplate); int latestGroupEnd = 0; StringBuilder newPathBuilder = new StringBuilder(); while (matcher.find()) { int optionalAreaStart = matcher.start(); int optionalAreaEnd = matcher.end(); String optionalAreaValue =; if (optionalAreaValue.contains("[")) { newPathBuilder.append(itemPathTemplate.substring(latestGroupEnd, optionalAreaStart)); latestGroupEnd = optionalAreaEnd; } } if ((latestGroupEnd != 0) && latestGroupEnd < itemPathTemplate.length()) { newPathBuilder.append(itemPathTemplate.substring(latestGroupEnd)); } if (newPathBuilder.length() == 0) { return itemPathTemplate; } return newPathBuilder.toString(); } /** * Creates a regular expression based on the given path pattern and layout * * @param repoLayout Repo layout to target * @param patternToUse Pattern to translate * @return Regular expression of given path */ public static String generateRegExpFromPattern(RepoLayout repoLayout, String patternToUse) { return generateRegExpFromPattern(repoLayout, patternToUse, false, false); } /** * Creates a regular expression based on the given path pattern and layout * the pattern may contain version tokens ([RELEASE] or [INTEGRATION]) * * @param repoLayout Repo layout to target * @param patternToUse Pattern to translate * @param failOnUnknownToken Throw exception if the pattern contains an unknown token (neither reserved nor custom) * @return Regular expression of given path */ public static String generateRegExpFromPattern(RepoLayout repoLayout, String patternToUse, boolean failOnUnknownToken) { return generateRegExpFromPattern(repoLayout, patternToUse, failOnUnknownToken, false); } /** * Creates a regular expression based on the given path pattern and layout * * @param repoLayout Repo layout to target * @param patternToUse Pattern to translate * @param failOnUnknownToken Throw exception if the pattern contains an unknown token (neither reserved nor custom) * @param hasVersionTokens indicates if the pattern contains version tokens * @return Regular expression of given path */ public static String generateRegExpFromPattern(RepoLayout repoLayout, String patternToUse, boolean failOnUnknownToken, boolean hasVersionTokens) { List<String> tokenAppearance = Lists.newArrayList(); StringBuilder itemPathPatternRegExpBuilder = new StringBuilder(); boolean withinToken = false; boolean withinCustomToken = false; StringBuilder currentTokenBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder customRegExTokenBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (char c : patternToUse.toCharArray()) { if (('[' == c) && !withinToken && !withinCustomToken) { withinToken = true; } else if ((']' == c) && withinToken && !withinCustomToken) { withinToken = false; String currentToken = currentTokenBuilder.toString(); currentTokenBuilder.delete(0, currentTokenBuilder.length()); if (isReservedToken(currentToken)) { appendToken(itemPathPatternRegExpBuilder, currentToken, tokenAppearance, getTokenRegExp(currentToken, repoLayout, hasVersionTokens)); } else if (customRegExTokenBuilder.length() != 0) { appendToken(itemPathPatternRegExpBuilder, currentToken, tokenAppearance, customRegExTokenBuilder.toString()); customRegExTokenBuilder.delete(0, customRegExTokenBuilder.length()); } else { String errorMessage = "The token '[" + currentToken + "]' is unknown. If this is not intended, " + "please verify the token name for correctness or add a mapping for this token using the " + "'[$NAME<REGEXP>]' syntax."; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Error occurred while generating regular expressions from the repository layout " + "pattern '{}': {}", patternToUse, errorMessage); } if (failOnUnknownToken) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage); } } } else if ('<' == c) { withinCustomToken = true; } else if ('>' == c) { withinCustomToken = false; } else if (withinCustomToken) { customRegExTokenBuilder.append(c); } else if (!withinToken) { appendNonReservedToken(itemPathPatternRegExpBuilder, Character.toString(c)); } else { currentTokenBuilder.append(c); } } return itemPathPatternRegExpBuilder.toString(); } /** * Indicates whether the given token has a value filter assigned to it * * @param tokenName Name of token check * @return True if the token relies on a filter */ public static boolean tokenHasFilter(String tokenName) { return TOKEN_FILTERS.containsKey(tokenName); } /** * Returns the Ivy pattern representation of the layout's artifact patten * * @param repoLayout Layout to "translate" * @return Ivy pattern */ public static String getArtifactLayoutAsIvyPattern(RepoLayout repoLayout) { return getItemLayoutAsIvyPattern(repoLayout, false); } /** * Returns the Ivy pattern representation of the layout's descriptor patten * * @param repoLayout Layout to "translate" * @return Ivy pattern */ public static String getDescriptorLayoutAsIvyPattern(RepoLayout repoLayout) { return getItemLayoutAsIvyPattern(repoLayout, true); } /** * Wraps the given keyword with the token parentheses ('[', ']') * * @param keyword Keyword to wrap * @return Wrapped keyword */ public static String wrapKeywordAsToken(String keyword) { return "[" + keyword + "]"; } /** * Indicates whether the compared layouts are fully compatible (don't miss any tokens when crossed) * * @param first Layout to compare * @param second Layout to compare * @return True if no tokens are missed between the layouts */ public static boolean layoutsAreCompatible(RepoLayout first, RepoLayout second) { String firstArtifactPathPattern = first.getArtifactPathPattern(); String secondArtifactPathPattern = second.getArtifactPathPattern(); if (foundMissingTokens(firstArtifactPathPattern, secondArtifactPathPattern)) { return false; } if (foundMissingTokens(secondArtifactPathPattern, firstArtifactPathPattern)) { return false; } if (first.isDistinctiveDescriptorPathPattern() && second.isDistinctiveDescriptorPathPattern()) { String firstDescriptorPathPattern = first.getDescriptorPathPattern(); String secondDescriptorPathPattern = second.getDescriptorPathPattern(); if (foundMissingTokens(firstDescriptorPathPattern, secondDescriptorPathPattern)) { return false; } if (foundMissingTokens(secondDescriptorPathPattern, firstDescriptorPathPattern)) { return false; } } return true; } public static String clearCustomTokenRegEx(String path) { return CUSTOM_TOKEN_PATTERN.matcher(path).replaceAll(""); } private static void appendNonReservedToken(StringBuilder itemPathPatternRegExpBuilder, String itemPathPatternElement) { char[] splitPathPatternElement = itemPathPatternElement.toCharArray(); for (char elementToken : splitPathPatternElement) { // Escaping special regex characters if (REGEX_SPECIAL_TOKENS.contains(elementToken)) { itemPathPatternRegExpBuilder.append("\\"); } itemPathPatternRegExpBuilder.append(elementToken); if ('(' == elementToken) { itemPathPatternRegExpBuilder.append("?:"); } //Append the '?' character to the end of the parenthesis - optional group if (')' == elementToken) { itemPathPatternRegExpBuilder.append("?"); } } } private static boolean isReservedToken(String pathElement) { return TOKENS.contains(pathElement); } private static String getTokenRegExp(String tokenName, RepoLayout repoLayout, boolean hasVersionTokens) { if (ORGANIZATION.equals(tokenName)) { return "[^/]+?"; } else if (ORGANIZATION_PATH.equals(tokenName)) { return ".+?"; } else if (MODULE.equals(tokenName)) { return "[^/]+"; } else if (BASE_REVISION.equals(tokenName)) { return "[^/]+?"; } else if (FOLDER_INTEGRATION_REVISION.equals(tokenName)) { String regExp = repoLayout.getFolderIntegrationRevisionRegExp(); if (hasVersionTokens) { regExp = regExp + "|\\[INTEGRATION\\]" + "|\\[RELEASE\\]"; } return regExp; } else if (FILE_INTEGRATION_REVISION.equals(tokenName)) { String regExp = repoLayout.getFileIntegrationRevisionRegExp(); if (hasVersionTokens) { regExp = regExp + "|\\[INTEGRATION\\]" + "|\\[RELEASE\\]"; } return regExp; } else if (CLASSIFIER.equals(tokenName)) { return "[^/]+?"; } else if (EXT.equals(tokenName)) { return "(?:(?!\\d))[^\\-/]+"; } else if (TYPE.equals(tokenName)) { return "[^/]+?"; } else if (hasVersionTokens && RELEASE.equals(tokenName)) { return "[^/]+?"; } return null; } private static String getItemLayoutAsIvyPattern(RepoLayout repoLayout, boolean descriptor) { if (repoLayout == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot translate a null layout."); } String layoutToTranslate; if (descriptor && repoLayout.isDistinctiveDescriptorPathPattern()) { layoutToTranslate = repoLayout.getDescriptorPathPattern(); } else { layoutToTranslate = repoLayout.getArtifactPathPattern(); } String organizationToken = wrapKeywordAsToken("organization"); layoutToTranslate = layoutToTranslate.replaceAll("\\[" + ORGANIZATION_PATH + "\\]", organizationToken); layoutToTranslate = layoutToTranslate.replaceAll("\\[" + ORGANIZATION + "\\]", organizationToken); layoutToTranslate = layoutToTranslate.replaceAll("\\[" + BASE_REVISION + "\\]", wrapKeywordAsToken("revision")); layoutToTranslate = layoutToTranslate.replaceAll("\\[" + FOLDER_INTEGRATION_REVISION + "\\]", ""); layoutToTranslate = layoutToTranslate.replaceAll("\\[" + FILE_INTEGRATION_REVISION + "\\]", ""); layoutToTranslate = removeReplacedTokenOptionalBrackets(layoutToTranslate, true); return layoutToTranslate; } private static boolean foundMissingTokens(String firstPattern, String secondPattern) { boolean withinToken = false; boolean withinCustomToken = false; StringBuilder currentTokenValue = new StringBuilder(); for (char c : firstPattern.toCharArray()) { if (('[' == c) && !withinCustomToken) { currentTokenValue.append("["); withinToken = true; } else if ((']' == c) && !withinCustomToken) { withinToken = false; currentTokenValue.append("]"); String currentToken = currentTokenValue.toString(); currentTokenValue.delete(0, currentTokenValue.length()); if (!secondPattern.contains(currentToken)) { /** * If the unfound token is orgPath but org is found, or the opposite, don't consider as missing, * they are interchangeable */ if ((wrapKeywordAsToken(ORGANIZATION_PATH).equals(currentToken) && secondPattern.contains(wrapKeywordAsToken(ORGANIZATION))) || (wrapKeywordAsToken(ORGANIZATION).equals(currentToken) && secondPattern.contains(wrapKeywordAsToken(ORGANIZATION_PATH)))) { continue; } return true; } } else if (('<' == c) && withinToken) { withinCustomToken = true; currentTokenValue.append("<"); } else if (('>' == c) && withinToken) { withinCustomToken = false; currentTokenValue.append(">"); } else if (withinToken) { currentTokenValue.append(c); } } return false; } private static void appendToken(StringBuilder itemPathPatternRegExpBuilder, String tokenName, List<String> tokenAppearance, String tokenValue) { itemPathPatternRegExpBuilder.append("(?<").append(tokenName).append(">"); if (tokenAppearance.contains(tokenName)) { itemPathPatternRegExpBuilder.append("\\").append(tokenAppearance.indexOf(tokenName) + 1); } else { itemPathPatternRegExpBuilder.append(tokenValue); tokenAppearance.add(tokenName); } itemPathPatternRegExpBuilder.append(")"); } }