Java tutorial
/* * Artifactory is a binaries repository manager. * Copyright (C) 2012 JFrog Ltd. * * Artifactory is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Artifactory is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Artifactory. If not, see <>. */ package org.artifactory.repo.remote.browse; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpHead; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.artifactory.addon.AddonsManager; import org.artifactory.addon.RestCoreAddon; import org.artifactory.api.context.ContextHelper; import org.artifactory.repo.HttpRepo; import org.artifactory.util.HttpUtils; import org.artifactory.util.XmlUtils; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.Namespace; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.List; import static org.artifactory.repo.remote.browse.S3RepositorySecuredHelper.getPrefix; /** * Support browsing Amazon S3 repositories.<p/> * For more details see: <a href="">Amazon S3 API</a>. * <p/> * Bucket list API: <a href="">Bucket List API</a> * * @author Yossi Shaul */ public class S3RepositoryBrowser extends RemoteRepositoryBrowser { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(S3RepositoryBrowser.class); private static final String ERROR_CODE_NOSUCHKEY = "NoSuchKey"; private static final String HEADER_S3_REQUEST_ID = "x-amz-request-id"; private static final String INVALID_ARGUMENT = "InvalidArgument"; private static final String UNSUPPORTED_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE = "Unsupported Authorization Type"; private HttpRepo httpRepo; /** * The root URL of the S3 repository. This is the bucket url on which list requests should be done. */ private String rootUrl; /** * Indicates this URL is S3 secured */ private boolean secured; public S3RepositoryBrowser(HttpExecutor client) { super(client); } public S3RepositoryBrowser(HttpExecutor client, HttpRepo httpRepo) { super(client); this.httpRepo = httpRepo; } @Override public List<RemoteItem> listContent(String url) throws IOException { if (rootUrl == null) { detectRootUrl(url); } String s3Url = buildS3RequestUrl(url); log.debug("Request url: {} S3 url: {}", url, s3Url); String result = getFileListContent(s3Url); log.debug("S3 result: {}", result); return parseResponse(result); } private String buildS3RequestUrl(String url) { url = forceDirectoryUrl(url); if (secured) { String pfx = getPrefix(url); return buildSecuredS3RequestUrl(url, httpRepo, "") + "&prefix=" + pfx + "&delimiter=/"; } // the s3 request should always go to the root and add the rest of the path as the prefix parameter. String prefixPath = StringUtils.removeStart(url, rootUrl); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(rootUrl).append("?prefix=").append(prefixPath); // we assume a file system structure with '/' as the delimiter sb.append("&").append("delimiter=/"); return HttpUtils.encodeQuery(sb.toString()); } /** * Detects the bucket url (i.e., root url). The given url is assumed to either point to the root or to "directory" * under the root. The most reliable way to get the root is to request non-existing resource and analyze the response. * * @param url URL to S3 repository * @return The root url of the repository (the bucket) */ String detectRootUrl(String url) throws IOException { //noinspection RedundantStringConstructorCall String copyUrl = new String(url); //defense // force non-directory copyUrl. S3 returns 200 for directory paths url = url.endsWith("/") ? StringUtils.removeEnd(url, "/") : url; // generate a random string to force 404 String randomString = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(16); url = url + "/" + randomString; HttpGet method = new HttpGet(url); try (CloseableHttpResponse response = client.executeMethod(method)) { // most likely to get 404 if the repository exists assertSizeLimit(url, response); String responseString = IOUtils.toString(HttpUtils.getResponseBody(response),; log.debug("Detect S3 root url got response code {} with content: {}", response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), responseString); Document doc = XmlUtils.parse(responseString); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); String errorCode = root.getChildText("Code", root.getNamespace()); if (ERROR_CODE_NOSUCHKEY.equals(errorCode)) { String relativePath = root.getChildText("Key", root.getNamespace()); rootUrl = StringUtils.removeEnd(url, relativePath); } else if (INVALID_ARGUMENT.equals(errorCode)) { if (isPro()) { String message = root.getChildText("Message"); if (UNSUPPORTED_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE.equals(message)) { rootUrl = detectRootUrlSecured(copyUrl); } } else { log.warn("Browsing secured S3 requires Artifactory Pro"); //TODO [mamo] should inform otherwise? } } else { throw new IOException("Couldn't detect S3 root URL. Unknown error code: " + errorCode); } } log.debug("Detected S3 root URL: {}", rootUrl); return rootUrl; } private String detectRootUrlSecured(String url) throws IOException { String securedUrl = buildSecuredS3RequestUrl(url, httpRepo, "") + "&prefix=" + getPrefix(url) + "&delimiter=/&max-keys=1"; HttpGet method = new HttpGet(securedUrl); try (CloseableHttpResponse response = client.executeMethod(method)) { if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { String rootUrl = StringUtils.removeEnd(httpRepo.getUrl(), getPrefix(httpRepo.getUrl())); if (!rootUrl.endsWith("/")) { rootUrl += "/"; } secured = true; return rootUrl; } } return null; } /** * @param url The URL to check * @param client Http client to use * @return True if the url points to an S3 repository. */ public static boolean isS3Repository(String url, CloseableHttpClient client) { HttpHead headMethod = new HttpHead(HttpUtils.encodeQuery(url)); try (CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(headMethod)) { Header s3RequestId = response.getFirstHeader(HEADER_S3_REQUEST_ID); return s3RequestId != null; } catch (IOException e) { log.debug("Failed detecting S3 repository: " + e.getMessage(), e); } return false; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) private List<RemoteItem> parseResponse(String content) { List<RemoteItem> items = Lists.newArrayList(); Document document = XmlUtils.parse(content); Element root = document.getRootElement(); Namespace ns = root.getNamespace(); String prefix = root.getChildText("Prefix", ns); // retrieve folders List<Element> folders = root.getChildren("CommonPrefixes", ns); for (Element folder : folders) { String directoryPath = folder.getChildText("Prefix", ns); String folderName = StringUtils.removeStart(directoryPath, prefix); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(folderName)) { if (secured) { directoryPath = StringUtils.removeStart(directoryPath, getPrefix(rootUrl)); } items.add(new RemoteItem(rootUrl + directoryPath, true)); } } // retrieve files List<Element> files = root.getChildren("Contents", ns); for (Element element : files) { String filePath = element.getChildText("Key", ns); String fileName = StringUtils.removeStart(filePath, prefix); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fileName) && !folderDirectoryWithSameNameExists(fileName, items)) { // the date format is of the form yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.timezone, e.g., 2009-02-03T16:45:09.000Z String sizeStr = element.getChildText("Size", ns); long size = sizeStr == null ? 0 : Long.parseLong(sizeStr); String lastModifiedStr = element.getChildText("LastModified", ns); long lastModified = lastModifiedStr == null ? 0 : ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime().parseMillis(lastModifiedStr); if (secured) { RemoteItem remoteItem = new RemoteItem(rootUrl + filePath, false, size, lastModified); String filePath2 = StringUtils.removeStart(filePath, getPrefix(rootUrl)); String url = rootUrl + filePath2; String securedPath = buildSecuredS3RequestUrl(url, httpRepo, getPrefix(url)); remoteItem.setEffectiveUrl(securedPath); items.add(remoteItem); } else { items.add(new RemoteItem(rootUrl + filePath, false, size, lastModified)); } } } return items; } /** * some s3 repositories (e.g., terracotta has files and * folders with the same name (for instance file named 'org' and directory named 'org/' under the same directory) * in such a case we prefer the directory and don't return the file */ private boolean folderDirectoryWithSameNameExists(String fileName, List<RemoteItem> items) { for (RemoteItem item : items) { if (item.getName().equals(fileName)) { log.debug("Found file with the same name of a directory: {}", item.getUrl()); return true; } } return false; } protected boolean isPro() { AddonsManager addonsManager = ContextHelper.get().beanForType(AddonsManager.class); RestCoreAddon restCoreAddon = addonsManager.addonByType(RestCoreAddon.class); return !restCoreAddon.isDefault(); } private String buildSecuredS3RequestUrl(String url, HttpRepo httpRepo, String prefix) { long expiration = new DateTime().plusSeconds((int) httpRepo.getRetrievalCachePeriodSecs()).getMillis(); return S3RepositorySecuredHelper.buildSecuredS3RequestUrl(url, prefix, httpRepo, expiration); } }