Java tutorial
/* * Artifactory is a binaries repository manager. * Copyright (C) 2012 JFrog Ltd. * * Artifactory is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Artifactory is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Artifactory. If not, see <>. */ package org.artifactory.engine; import; import; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.artifactory.addon.AddonsManager; import org.artifactory.addon.plugin.PluginsAddon; import org.artifactory.addon.plugin.ResponseCtx; import; import; import; import; import; import org.artifactory.api.config.CentralConfigService; import org.artifactory.api.jackson.JacksonFactory; import org.artifactory.api.repo.exception.RepoRejectException; import org.artifactory.api.repo.exception.maven.BadPomException; import org.artifactory.api.request.ArtifactoryResponse; import org.artifactory.api.request.TranslatedArtifactoryRequest; import; import; import org.artifactory.checksum.ChecksumType; import org.artifactory.common.ConstantValues; import org.artifactory.descriptor.config.CentralConfigDescriptor; import org.artifactory.descriptor.repo.RemoteRepoDescriptor; import org.artifactory.descriptor.repo.VirtualRepoDescriptor; import org.artifactory.fs.RepoResource; import; import; import; import; import org.artifactory.mime.NamingUtils; import org.artifactory.repo.InternalRepoPathFactory; import org.artifactory.repo.Repo; import org.artifactory.repo.RepoPath; import org.artifactory.repo.service.InternalRepositoryService; import org.artifactory.request.ArtifactoryRequest; import org.artifactory.request.DownloadRequestContext; import org.artifactory.request.InternalRequestContext; import org.artifactory.request.RemoteRequestException; import org.artifactory.request.RepoRequests; import org.artifactory.request.Request; import org.artifactory.request.RequestContext; import org.artifactory.request.RequestResponseHelper; import org.artifactory.resource.ChecksumResource; import org.artifactory.resource.ResourceStreamHandle; import org.artifactory.resource.UnfoundRepoResource; import org.artifactory.resource.UnfoundRepoResourceReason; import org.artifactory.spring.InternalContextHelper; import org.artifactory.spring.Reloadable; import; import org.artifactory.traffic.TrafficService; import org.artifactory.util.HttpUtils; import org.artifactory.version.CompoundVersionDetails; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.http.MediaType; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; /** * @author Yoav Landman */ @Service @Reloadable(beanClass = InternalDownloadService.class, initAfter = { InternalRepositoryService.class }) public class DownloadServiceImpl implements InternalDownloadService { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DownloadServiceImpl.class); @Autowired private AuthorizationService authorizationService; @Autowired private BasicAuthenticationEntryPoint authenticationEntryPoint; @Autowired private InternalRepositoryService repositoryService; @Autowired private CentralConfigService centralConfig; @Autowired private TrafficService trafficService; @Autowired private AddonsManager addonsManager; private RequestResponseHelper requestResponseHelper; @Override public void init() { requestResponseHelper = new RequestResponseHelper(trafficService); } @Override public void reload(CentralConfigDescriptor oldDescriptor) { } @Override public void destroy() { } @Override public void convert(CompoundVersionDetails source, CompoundVersionDetails target) { } /** * Expects requests that starts with the repo url prefix and contains an optional target local repository. E.g.: * <pre>http://localhost:8080/artifactory/repo/ant/ant-antlr/1.6.5/ant-antlr-1.6.5.jar</pre> * <pre>http://localhost:8080/artifactory/repo/org/codehaus/xdoclet/xdoclet/2.0.5-SNAPSHOT/xdoclet-2.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar</pre> * or with a target local repo: * <pre>http://localhost:8080/artifactory/local-repo/ant/ant-antlr/1.6.5/ant-antlr-1.6.5.jar</pre> */ @Override public void process(ArtifactoryRequest request, ArtifactoryResponse response) throws IOException { RepoRequests.logToContext( "Request source = %s, Last modified = %s, If modified since = %s, Thread name = %s", request.getClientAddress(), centralConfig.format(request.getLastModified()), request.getIfModifiedSince(), Thread.currentThread().getName()); if (response.isPropertiesQuery()) { RepoRequests .logToContext("Requesting properties only with format " + response.getPropertiesMediaType()); } //Check that this is not a recursive call if (request.isRecursive()) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Exiting download process - recursive call detected"); String msg = "Recursive call detected for '" + request + "'. Returning nothing."; response.sendError(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND, msg, log); return; } PluginsAddon pluginAddon = addonsManager.addonByType(PluginsAddon.class); DownloadCtx downloadCtx = new DownloadCtx(); RepoRequests.logToContext("Executing any BeforeDownloadRequest user plugins that may exist"); pluginAddon.execPluginActions(BeforeDownloadRequestAction.class, downloadCtx, request, request.getRepoPath()); if (downloadCtx.getModifiedRepoPath() != null) { RepoRequests.logToContext("BeforeDownloadRequest user plugins provided a modified repo path: " + downloadCtx.getModifiedRepoPath().getId()); request = new TranslatedArtifactoryRequest(downloadCtx.getModifiedRepoPath(), request); } if (NamingUtils.isMetadata(request.getPath())) { // the repo filter redirects for the ":properties" paths. This is here to protect direct calls to this // method (mainly from response.sendError(HttpStatus.SC_CONFLICT, "Old metadata notation is not supported anymore: " + request.getRepoPath(), log); } String repoKey = request.getRepoKey(); if (VirtualRepoDescriptor.GLOBAL_VIRTUAL_REPO_KEY.equals(repoKey) && ConstantValues.disableGlobalRepoAccess.getBoolean()) { // The global /repo is disabled. Cannot be used here, returning 403! response.sendError(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Accessing the global virtual repository /repo is disabled!", log); } addonsManager.interceptResponse(response); if (responseWasIntercepted(response)) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Exiting download process - intercepted by addon manager"); return; } try { Repo repository = repositoryService.repositoryByKey(repoKey); DownloadRequestContext requestContext = new DownloadRequestContext(request, downloadCtx.isExpired()); RepoResource resource; if (repository == null) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Exiting download process - failed to find the repository"); resource = new UnfoundRepoResource(request.getRepoPath(), "Failed to find the repository '" + repoKey + "' specified in the request."); } else { RepoRequests.logToContext("Retrieving info"); resource = repository.getInfo(requestContext); } respond(requestContext, response, resource); } catch (IOException e) { response.setException(e); //We can get here when sending a response while the client hangs up the connection. //In this case the response will be committed so there is no point in sending an error. if (!response.isCommitted()) { response.sendInternalError(e, log); } throw e; } finally { if (response.isSuccessful()) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Request succeeded"); } else { Exception exception = response.getException(); if (exception != null) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Request failed: %s", exception.getMessage()); } else { RepoRequests.logToContext("Request failed with no exception"); } } } } @Override public void releaseDownloadWaiters(CountDownLatch latch) { latch.countDown(); } private boolean responseWasIntercepted(ArtifactoryResponse response) { return response.isError(); } private void respond(InternalRequestContext requestContext, ArtifactoryResponse response, RepoResource resource) throws IOException { try { Request request = requestContext.getRequest(); boolean resourceFound = resource.isFound(); boolean headRequest = request.isHeadOnly(); boolean checksumRequest = request.isChecksum(); boolean targetRepoIsNotRemoteOrDoesntStore = isRepoNotRemoteOrDoesntStoreLocally(resource); RepoRequests.logToContext("Requested resource is found = %s", resourceFound); RepoRequests.logToContext("Request is HEAD = %s", headRequest); RepoRequests.logToContext("Request is for a checksum = %s", checksumRequest); RepoRequests.logToContext("Target repository is not remote or doesn't store locally = %s", targetRepoIsNotRemoteOrDoesntStore); boolean notModified = isNotModified(request, resource); RepoRequests.logToContext("Requested resource was not modified = %s", notModified); if (!resourceFound) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Responding with unfound resource"); respondResourceNotFound(requestContext, response, resource); } else if (headRequest && !checksumRequest && targetRepoIsNotRemoteOrDoesntStore) { /** * Send head response only if the file isn't a checksum. Also, if the repo is a remote, only respond * like this if we don't store artifacts locally (so that the whole artifact won't be requested twice), * otherwise download the artifact normally and return the full info for the head request */ RepoRequests.logToContext("Responding to HEAD request with status %s", response.getStatus()); if (notModified) { requestResponseHelper.sendNotModifiedResponse(response, resource); } else { requestResponseHelper.sendHeadResponse(response, resource); } } else if (notModified) { requestResponseHelper.sendNotModifiedResponse(response, resource); } else if (checksumRequest) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Responding to checksum request"); respondForChecksumRequest(request, response, resource); } else { RepoRequests.logToContext("Responding with found resource"); respondFoundResource(requestContext, response, resource); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { RepoRequests.logToContext("File deleted while sending request response: %s", e.getMessage()); respondResourceNotFound(requestContext, response, resource); } catch (IOException e) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Error occurred while sending request response: %s", e.getMessage()); handleGenericIoException(response, resource, e); } } private boolean isNotModified(Request request, RepoResource resource) { boolean hasIfModifiedSince = request.hasIfModifiedSince(); boolean notModified = request.isNewerThan(resource.getLastModified()); boolean hasIfNoneMatch = request.hasIfNoneMatch(); boolean nonMatch = resource.getInfo() == null || request.isNoneMatch(resource.getInfo().getSha1()); if (notModified && !(hasIfNoneMatch && nonMatch)) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Local resource isn't newer - sending a not modified response"); return true; } else if (!nonMatch && hasIfNoneMatch && !hasIfModifiedSince) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Local resource's entity exists - sending a not modified response"); return true; } return false; } private boolean isRepoNotRemoteOrDoesntStoreLocally(RepoResource resource) { RemoteRepoDescriptor remoteRepoDescriptor = repositoryService .remoteRepoDescriptorByKey(resource.getRepoPath().getRepoKey()); return (remoteRepoDescriptor == null) || !remoteRepoDescriptor.isStoreArtifactsLocally(); } private void respondFoundResource(InternalRequestContext requestContext, ArtifactoryResponse response, RepoResource resource) throws IOException { //Get the actual repository the resource is in RepoPath responseRepoPath = resource.getResponseRepoPath(); String repoKey = responseRepoPath.getRepoKey(); //Send the resource file back (will update the cache for remote repositories) ResourceStreamHandle handle = getAlternateHandle(requestContext, response, responseRepoPath); boolean alternateRedirect = HttpUtils.isRedirectionResponseCode(response.getStatus()) && handle != null; // Error is every value that is not between 200-207, in case of alternateRedirect the status is 30x therefore we have to exclude this case if (response.isError() && !alternateRedirect) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Alternative response reset status as error - returning"); return; } Repo responseRepo = repositoryService.repositoryByKey(repoKey); try { if (handle == null) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Retrieving a content handle from target repo"); //Only if we didn't already set an alternate response handle = repositoryService.getResourceStreamHandle(requestContext, responseRepo, resource); } AddonsManager addonsManager = InternalContextHelper.get().beanForType(AddonsManager.class); PluginsAddon pluginAddon = addonsManager.addonByType(PluginsAddon.class); RepoRequests.logToContext("Executing any BeforeDownload user plugins that may exist"); pluginAddon.execPluginActions(BeforeDownloadAction.class, null, requestContext.getRequest(), responseRepoPath); if (requestContext.getRequest().isHeadOnly()) { /** * If we should response to a head, make sure repo is a remote and that stores locally (to save the * double artifact downloads) */ RepoRequests.logToContext("Request was of type HEAD - responding with no content"); requestResponseHelper.sendHeadResponse(response, resource); } else if (response.isPropertiesQuery()) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Request was of type Properties - responding with properties format " + response.getPropertiesMediaType()); Properties properties = repositoryService.getProperties(resource.getRepoPath()); if (properties != null && !properties.isEmpty()) { MediaType mediaType = MediaType.valueOf(response.getPropertiesMediaType()); String content; if (mediaType.equals(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML)) { content = InternalContextHelper.get().beanForType(MetadataDefinitionService.class) .getMetadataDefinition(Properties.class).getXmlProvider().toXml(properties); } else if (mediaType.equals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) { content = jsonProperties(responseRepoPath, properties); } else { response.sendError(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Media Type " + mediaType + " not supported!", log); return; } requestResponseHelper.updateResponseForProperties(response, resource, content, mediaType); } else { RepoRequests.logToContext("No properties found. Responding with 404"); response.sendError(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND, "No properties could be found.", log); } } else { RepoRequests.logToContext("Responding with selected content handle"); //Streaming the file is done outside a tx, so there is a chance that the content will change! requestResponseHelper.sendBodyResponse(response, resource, handle); } } catch (RepoRejectException rre) { int status = rre.getErrorCode(); log.debug("Repo rejection while downloading: " + rre.getMessage(), rre); if (status == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN && authorizationService.isAnonymous()) { RepoRequests.logToContext( "Response status is '%s' and authenticated as anonymous - sending challenge", status); // Transform a forbidden to unauthorized if received for an anonymous user response.sendAuthorizationRequired(rre.getMessage(), authenticationEntryPoint.getRealmName()); } else { RepoRequests.logToContext("Error occurred while sending response - sending error instead: %s", rre.getMessage()); String msg = "Rejected artifact download request: " + rre.getMessage(); sendError(requestContext, response, status, msg, log); } } catch (RemoteRequestException rre) { log.debug("Remote exception while downloading: " + rre.getMessage(), rre); RepoRequests.logToContext("Error occurred while sending response - sending error instead: %s", rre.getMessage()); sendError(requestContext, response, rre.getRemoteReturnCode(), rre.getMessage(), log); } catch (BadPomException bpe) { log.debug("Bad pom while downloading: " + bpe.getMessage(), bpe); RepoRequests.logToContext("Error occurred while sending response - sending error instead: %s", bpe.getMessage()); sendError(requestContext, response, HttpStatus.SC_CONFLICT, bpe.getMessage(), log); } catch (StorageException se) { log.debug("Exception while downloading: " + se.getMessage(), se); RepoRequests.logToContext("Error occurred while sending response - sending error instead: %s", se.getMessage()); sendError(requestContext, response, HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, se.getMessage(), log); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(handle); } } private String jsonProperties(RepoPath repoPath, Properties properties) throws IOException { ItemProperties itemProperties = new ItemProperties(); for (String propertyName : properties.keySet()) { Set<String> propertySet = properties.get(propertyName); if ((propertySet != null) && !propertySet.isEmpty()) {, Iterables.toArray(propertySet, String.class)); } } itemProperties.slf = repoPath.getRepoKey() + "/" + repoPath.getPath(); StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); JsonGenerator generator = JacksonFactory.createJsonGenerator(out); generator.writeObject(itemProperties); return out.getBuffer().toString(); } private void sendError(InternalRequestContext requestContext, ArtifactoryResponse response, int status, String reason, Logger log) throws IOException { RepoRequests.logToContext("Sending error with status %s and message '%s'", status, reason); PluginsAddon pluginAddon = addonsManager.addonByType(PluginsAddon.class); ResponseCtx responseCtx = new ResponseCtx(); responseCtx.setMessage(reason); responseCtx.setStatus(status); pluginAddon.execPluginActions(AfterDownloadErrorAction.class, responseCtx, requestContext.getRequest()); RepoRequests.logToContext("Executing any AfterDownloadErrorAction user plugins that may exist"); status = responseCtx.getStatus(); String message = responseCtx.getMessage(); if (HttpUtils.isSuccessfulResponseCode(status)) {//plugin changed the status, it's not error anymore RepoRequests.logToContext("Response code was modified to %s by the user plugins", status); response.setStatus(status); if (responseCtx.getInputStream() == null) {// no content, so only message (if set) and status RepoRequests.logToContext("Received no response content from the user plugins"); //message changed in the plugin, need to write it as response if (reason != null && !reason.equals(message)) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Response message was modified to '%s' by the user plugins", message); response.getWriter().write(message); } RepoRequests.logToContext("Sending successful response"); response.sendSuccess(); } else {//yay, content from plugin! RepoRequests.logToContext("Received a response content stream from the user plugins - sending"); if (responseCtx.hasSize()) { response.setContentLength(responseCtx.getSize()); } response.sendStream(responseCtx.getInputStream()); } } else { //still error, proceed as usual RepoRequests.logToContext("Response code wasn't modified by the user plugins"); if (!message.equals(reason)) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Response message was modified to '%s' by the user plugins", message); } reason = message; // in case user changed the reason in the plugin if (status == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN && authorizationService.isAnonymous()) { RepoRequests.logToContext( "Response status is '%s' and authenticated as anonymous - sending challenge", status); // Transform a forbidden to unauthorized if received for an anonymous user String realmName = authenticationEntryPoint.getRealmName(); response.sendAuthorizationRequired(reason, realmName); } else { RepoRequests.logToContext("Sending response with the status '%s' and the message '%s'", status, message); response.sendError(status, reason, log); } } } /** * Executes any subscribing user plugin routines and returns an alternate resource handle if given * * @param requestContext Context * @param response Response to return * @param responseRepoPath Actual repo path of the requested artifact * @return Stream handle if return by plugins. Null if not. */ private ResourceStreamHandle getAlternateHandle(RequestContext requestContext, ArtifactoryResponse response, RepoPath responseRepoPath) throws IOException { //See if we need to return an alternate response RepoRequests.logToContext("Executing any AltResponse user plugins that may exist"); AddonsManager addonsManager = InternalContextHelper.get().beanForType(AddonsManager.class); PluginsAddon pluginAddon = addonsManager.addonByType(PluginsAddon.class); ResponseCtx responseCtx = new ResponseCtx(); pluginAddon.execPluginActions(AltResponseAction.class, responseCtx, requestContext.getRequest(), responseRepoPath); int status = responseCtx.getStatus(); String message = responseCtx.getMessage(); RepoRequests.logToContext("Alternative response status is set to %s and message to '%s'", status, message); if (status != ResponseCtx.UNSET_STATUS) { Map<String, String> header = responseCtx.getHeaders(); if (header != null) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Found non-null alternative response header"); for (String key : header.keySet()) { response.setHeader(key, header.get(key)); } } if (HttpUtils.isSuccessfulResponseCode(status) || HttpUtils.isRedirectionResponseCode(status)) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Setting response status to %s", status); response.setStatus(status); if (message != null) { RepoRequests.logToContext( "Found non-null alternative response message - " + "returning as content handle"); return new StringResourceStreamHandle(message); } } else { RepoRequests.logToContext("Sending error response with alternative status and message"); response.sendError(status, message, log); return null; } } InputStream is = responseCtx.getInputStream(); if (is != null) { RepoRequests.logToContext( "Found non-null alternative response content stream - " + "returning as content handle"); return new SimpleResourceStreamHandle(is, responseCtx.getSize()); } RepoRequests.logToContext("Found no alternative content handles"); return null; } private void respondResourceNotFound(InternalRequestContext requestContext, ArtifactoryResponse response, RepoResource resource) throws IOException { String reason = "Resource not found"; int status = HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND; RepoRequests.logToContext("Setting default response status to '%s' reason to '%s'", status, reason); if (resource instanceof UnfoundRepoResourceReason) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Response is an instance of UnfoundRepoResourceReason"); UnfoundRepoResourceReason unfound = (UnfoundRepoResourceReason) resource; // use the reason and status from the resource unless it's authorization response and the // settings prohibit revealing this information boolean hideUnauthorizedResources = centralConfig.getDescriptor().getSecurity() .isHideUnauthorizedResources(); boolean originalStatusNotAuthorization = notAuthorizationStatus(unfound.getStatusCode()); RepoRequests.logToContext("Configured to hide un-authorized resources = %s", Boolean.toString(hideUnauthorizedResources)); RepoRequests.logToContext("Original response status is auth related = %s", Boolean.toString(!originalStatusNotAuthorization)); if (!hideUnauthorizedResources || originalStatusNotAuthorization) { reason = unfound.getReason(); status = unfound.getStatusCode(); RepoRequests.logToContext("Using original response status of '%s' and message '%s'", status, reason); } } if (status == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN && authorizationService.isAnonymous()) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Response status is '%s' and authenticated as anonymous - sending challenge", status); // Transform a forbidden to unauthorized if received for an anonymous user String realmName = authenticationEntryPoint.getRealmName(); response.sendAuthorizationRequired(reason, realmName); } else { sendError(requestContext, response, status, reason, log); } } private boolean notAuthorizationStatus(int status) { return status != HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED && status != HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN; } /** * This method handles the response to checksum requests (HEAD and GET). Even though this method is called only for * files that exist, some checksum policies might return null values, or even fail if the checksum algorithm is not * found. If for any reason we don't have the checksum we return http 404 to the client and let the client decide * how to proceed. */ private void respondForChecksumRequest(Request request, ArtifactoryResponse response, RepoResource resource) throws IOException { RepoPath requestRepoPath = request.getRepoPath(); if (request.isZipResourceRequest()) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Requested resource is located within an archive"); requestRepoPath = InternalRepoPathFactory.archiveResourceRepoPath(requestRepoPath, request.getZipResourcePath()); } String requestChecksumFilePath = requestRepoPath.getPath(); ChecksumType checksumType = ChecksumType.forFilePath(requestChecksumFilePath); if (checksumType == null) { RepoRequests.logToContext( "Unable to detect the type of the requested checksum - responding with status %s", HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND); response.sendError(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND, "Checksum not found: " + requestChecksumFilePath, log); return; } RepoPath responseRepoPath = resource.getResponseRepoPath(); String repoKey = responseRepoPath.getRepoKey(); String responsePath = responseRepoPath.getPath(); Repo repository = repositoryService.repositoryByKey(repoKey); String checksum = repository.getChecksum(responsePath + checksumType.ext(), resource); if (checksum == null) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Unable to find the the requested checksum - responding with status %s", HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND); response.sendError(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND, "Checksum not found for " + responsePath, log); return; } if (request.isHeadOnly()) { RepoRequests.logToContext("Sending checksum HEAD response"); // send head response using the checksum data ChecksumResource checksumResource = new ChecksumResource(resource, checksumType, checksum); requestResponseHelper.sendHeadResponse(response, checksumResource); } else { AddonsManager addonsManager = InternalContextHelper.get().beanForType(AddonsManager.class); PluginsAddon pluginAddon = addonsManager.addonByType(PluginsAddon.class); RepoRequests.logToContext("Executing any BeforeDownloadAction user plugins that may exist"); pluginAddon.execPluginActions(BeforeDownloadAction.class, null, request, responseRepoPath); // send the checksum as the response body, use the original repo path (the checksum path, // not the file) from the request RepoRequests.logToContext("Sending checksum response with status %s", response.getStatus()); requestResponseHelper.sendBodyResponse(response, requestRepoPath, checksum); } } private void handleGenericIoException(ArtifactoryResponse response, RepoResource res, IOException e) throws IOException { if (e instanceof InterruptedIOException) { String msg = this + ": Timed out when retrieving data for " + res.getRepoPath() + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")."; RepoRequests.logToContext("Setting response status to %s - %s", HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND, msg); response.sendError(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND, msg, log); } else { throw e; } } }