Java tutorial
/* * Artifactory is a binaries repository manager. * Copyright (C) 2012 JFrog Ltd. * * Artifactory is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Artifactory is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Artifactory. If not, see <>. */ package org.artifactory.backup; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.artifactory.addon.AddonsManager; import org.artifactory.addon.CoreAddons; import org.artifactory.api.common.BasicStatusHolder; import org.artifactory.api.common.ImportExportStatusHolder; import org.artifactory.api.config.CentralConfigService; import org.artifactory.api.config.ExportSettingsImpl; import org.artifactory.api.context.ContextHelper; import org.artifactory.api.mail.MailService; import org.artifactory.common.ArtifactoryHome; import org.artifactory.common.StatusEntry; import org.artifactory.descriptor.backup.BackupDescriptor; import org.artifactory.descriptor.config.CentralConfigDescriptor; import org.artifactory.descriptor.repo.LocalCacheRepoDescriptor; import org.artifactory.descriptor.repo.LocalRepoDescriptor; import org.artifactory.descriptor.repo.RealRepoDescriptor; import org.artifactory.repo.service.InternalRepositoryService; import org.artifactory.schedule.BaseTaskServiceDescriptorHandler; import org.artifactory.schedule.Task; import org.artifactory.schedule.TaskBase; import org.artifactory.schedule.TaskService; import org.artifactory.schedule.TaskUtils; import org.artifactory.spring.InternalArtifactoryContext; import org.artifactory.spring.InternalContextHelper; import org.artifactory.spring.Reloadable; import org.artifactory.util.CollectionUtils; import org.artifactory.util.EmailException; import org.artifactory.version.CompoundVersionDetails; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.PropertyResourceBundle; import java.util.ResourceBundle; /** * @author Yoav Landman */ @Service @Reloadable(beanClass = InternalBackupService.class, initAfter = { InternalRepositoryService.class, TaskService.class }) public class BackupServiceImpl implements InternalBackupService { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BackupServiceImpl.class); @Autowired private CentralConfigService centralConfig; @Autowired private InternalRepositoryService repositoryService; @Autowired private MailService mailService; @Autowired private AddonsManager addonsManager; @Override public void init() { reload(null); } @Override public void reload(@Nullable CentralConfigDescriptor oldDescriptor) { List<BackupDescriptor> backupDescriptors = centralConfig.getDescriptor().getBackups(); BackupDescriptorHandler backupDescriptorHandler = new BackupDescriptorHandler(backupDescriptors, (oldDescriptor != null) ? oldDescriptor.getBackups() : null); backupDescriptorHandler.reschedule(); } static class BackupDescriptorHandler extends BaseTaskServiceDescriptorHandler<BackupDescriptor> { final List<BackupDescriptor> newBackupDescriptors; final List<BackupDescriptor> oldBackupDescriptors; @Override public String jobName() { return "Backup"; } BackupDescriptorHandler(List<BackupDescriptor> newBackupDescriptors, List<BackupDescriptor> oldBackupDescriptors) { this.newBackupDescriptors = newBackupDescriptors; if (oldBackupDescriptors != null) { this.oldBackupDescriptors = oldBackupDescriptors; } else { this.oldBackupDescriptors = Lists.newArrayList(); } } @Override public List<BackupDescriptor> getNewDescriptors() { return this.newBackupDescriptors; } @Override public List<BackupDescriptor> getOldDescriptors() { return this.oldBackupDescriptors; } @Override public Predicate<Task> getAllPredicate() { return new Predicate<Task>() { @Override public boolean apply(Task input) { return BackupJob.class.isAssignableFrom(input.getType()); } }; } @Override public Predicate<Task> getPredicate(@Nonnull final BackupDescriptor descriptor) { return new Predicate<Task>() { @Override public boolean apply(Task input) { return BackupJob.class.isAssignableFrom(input.getType()) && descriptor.getKey().equals(input.getAttribute(BackupJob.BACKUP_KEY)); } }; } @Override public void activate(BackupDescriptor descriptor, boolean manual) { //Schedule the cron'd backup String key = descriptor.getKey(); String cronExp = descriptor.getCronExp(); if (descriptor.isEnabled()) { if (cronExp == null) { log.warn("No backup cron expression is configured. Backup " + key + " will be disabled."); return; } try { TaskBase task = TaskUtils.createCronTask(BackupJob.class, cronExp); task.addAttribute(BackupJob.BACKUP_KEY, key); InternalContextHelper.get().getBean(TaskService.class).startTask(task, false, manual); log.debug("Backup '{}' activated with cron expression '{}'.", key, cronExp); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Activation of backup " + key + ":" + descriptor + " failed:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } } @Override public BackupDescriptor findOldFromNew(@Nonnull BackupDescriptor newDescriptor) { for (BackupDescriptor oldBackupDescriptor : oldBackupDescriptors) { if (oldBackupDescriptor.getKey().equals(newDescriptor.getKey())) { return oldBackupDescriptor; } } return null; } } @Override public void destroy() { new BackupDescriptorHandler(null, null).unschedule(); } @Override public void convert(CompoundVersionDetails source, CompoundVersionDetails target) { } @Override public void backupRepos(File backupDir, ExportSettingsImpl exportSettings) { backupRepos(backupDir, Collections.<RealRepoDescriptor>emptyList(), exportSettings); } @Override public void backupRepos(File backupDir, List<RealRepoDescriptor> excludeRepositories, ExportSettingsImpl exportSettings) { List<String> backedupRepos = getBackedupRepos(excludeRepositories); ExportSettingsImpl settings = new ExportSettingsImpl(backupDir, exportSettings); settings.setRepositories(backedupRepos); repositoryService.exportTo(settings); } @Override public void scheduleImmediateSystemBackup(BackupDescriptor backupDescriptor, BasicStatusHolder statusHolder) { TaskService taskService = InternalContextHelper.get().getTaskService(); String backupKey = backupDescriptor.getKey(); taskService.checkCanStartManualTask(BackupJob.class, statusHolder, backupKey); if (!statusHolder.isError()) { try { statusHolder.status("Activating manual system backup '" + backupKey + "'", log); TaskBase task = TaskUtils.createManualTask(BackupJob.class, 0L); task.addAttribute(BackupJob.MANUAL_BACKUP, backupDescriptor); task.addAttribute(BackupJob.BACKUP_KEY, backupKey); String taskToken = taskService.startTask(task, true, true); statusHolder.status("Started " + taskToken + " successfully", log); } catch (Exception e) { statusHolder.error("Error scheduling manual system backup '" + backupKey + "'", e, log); } } } @Override public BasicStatusHolder backupSystem(InternalArtifactoryContext context, @Nonnull BackupDescriptor backup) { ImportExportStatusHolder status = new ImportExportStatusHolder(); if (!backup.isEnabled()) { status.error("Backup: '" + backup.getKey() + "' is disabled. Backup was not performed.", log); return status; } List<RealRepoDescriptor> excludeRepositories = backup.getExcludedRepositories(); List<String> backedupRepos = getBackedupRepos(excludeRepositories); File backupDir = getBackupDir(backup); boolean createArchive = backup.isCreateArchive(); boolean incremental = backup.isIncremental(); boolean excludeBuilds = backup.isExcludeBuilds(); if (incremental && createArchive) { status.warn("An incremental backup cannot be archived!\n" + "Please change the configuration of backup " + backup.getKey() + ".", log); createArchive = false; } ExportSettingsImpl settings = new ExportSettingsImpl(backupDir, status); settings.setRepositories(backedupRepos); settings.setCreateArchive(createArchive); settings.setIncremental(incremental); settings.addCallback(new SystemBackupPauseCallback()); settings.setExcludeBuilds(excludeBuilds); context.exportTo(settings); return status; } @Override public void cleanupOldBackups(Date now, String backupKey) { BackupDescriptor descriptor = getBackup(backupKey); if (descriptor == null) { return; } int retentionPeriodHours = descriptor.getRetentionPeriodHours(); //No action if retention is 0 (or less) if (retentionPeriodHours <= 0) { return; } File backupDir = getBackupDir(descriptor); File[] children = backupDir.listFiles(); if (children == null || CollectionUtils.isNullOrEmpty(children)) { log.debug("No old backup files to remove."); return; } //Calculate last valid time Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(now); calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, -retentionPeriodHours); Date validFrom = calendar.getTime(); log.debug("Removing backups older than {}.", validFrom); //Delete anything not newer than the last valid time for (File child : children) { if (!FileUtils.isFileNewer(child, validFrom)) { try { log.debug("Removing old backup file '{}'.", child.getPath()); FileUtils.forceDelete(child); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Failed to remove old backup file or folder '" + child.getPath() + "'.", e); } } else { log.debug("Skipping new backup file '{}'.", child.getPath()); } } } @Override public File getBackupDir(BackupDescriptor descriptor) { File dir = descriptor.getDir(); File backupDir; if (dir == null) { ArtifactoryHome artifactoryHome = ContextHelper.get().getArtifactoryHome(); backupDir = new File(artifactoryHome.getHaAwareBackupDir(), descriptor.getKey()); } else { backupDir = dir; try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(backupDir); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Backup directory provided in configuration: '" + backupDir.getAbsolutePath() + "' cannot be created or is not a directory."); } } return backupDir; } @Override public void sendBackupErrorNotification(String backupName, BasicStatusHolder statusHolder) throws Exception { InputStream stream = null; try { //Get message body from properties and substitute variables stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/org/artifactory/email/messages/"); ResourceBundle resourceBundle = new PropertyResourceBundle(stream); String body = resourceBundle.getString("body"); String errorListBlock = getErrorListBlock(statusHolder); CoreAddons coreAddons = addonsManager.addonByType(CoreAddons.class); List<String> adminEmails = coreAddons.getUsersForBackupNotifications(); if (CollectionUtils.isNullOrEmpty(adminEmails)) { log.warn("Couldn't find admin account with valid email address. " + "Skipping backup failure email notification"); } for (String adminEmail : adminEmails) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(adminEmail)) { log.debug("Sending backup error notification to '{}'.", adminEmail); StringBuilder artifactoryUrlMessage = new StringBuilder(); String artifactoryUrl = centralConfig.getDescriptor().getServerUrlForEmail(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(artifactoryUrl)) { String artifactoryLink = createArtifactoryLinkFromUrl(artifactoryUrl); artifactoryUrlMessage.append("Your Artifactory base URL is: ").append(artifactoryLink); } else { artifactoryUrlMessage.append("No Artifactory base URL is configured"); } String message = MessageFormat.format(body, backupName, artifactoryUrlMessage, errorListBlock); mailService.sendMail(new String[] { adminEmail }, "Backup Error Notification", message); } } } catch (EmailException e) { log.error("Error while notification of: '" + backupName + "' errors.", e); throw e; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(stream); }"Error notification for backup '{}' was sent by mail.", backupName); } private String createArtifactoryLinkFromUrl(String artifactoryUrl) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("<a href=").append(artifactoryUrl).append(" target=\"blank\"").append(">") .append(artifactoryUrl).append("<a/>"); return builder.toString(); } private List<String> getBackedupRepos(List<RealRepoDescriptor> excludeRepositories) { List<String> localRepoKeys = new ArrayList<>(); List<LocalRepoDescriptor> localRepos = repositoryService.getLocalAndCachedRepoDescriptors(); for (LocalRepoDescriptor localRepoDescriptor : localRepos) { localRepoKeys.add(localRepoDescriptor.getKey()); } if (CollectionUtils.isNullOrEmpty(excludeRepositories)) { return localRepoKeys; // nothing is excluded return all local repositories } List<String> backedupRepos = new ArrayList<>(); for (LocalRepoDescriptor repo : localRepos) { //Skip excluded repositories RealRepoDescriptor checkForExclusionRepo; if (repo.isCache()) { checkForExclusionRepo = ((LocalCacheRepoDescriptor) repo).getRemoteRepo(); } else { checkForExclusionRepo = repo; } //Skip excluded repositories boolean excluded = false; for (RealRepoDescriptor excludedRepo : excludeRepositories) { if (excludedRepo.getKey().equals(checkForExclusionRepo.getKey())) { excluded = true; break; } } if (!excluded) { backedupRepos.add(repo.getKey()); } } return backedupRepos; } @Override public BackupDescriptor getBackup(String backupKey) { final List<BackupDescriptor> list = centralConfig.getDescriptor().getBackups(); for (BackupDescriptor backupDescriptor : list) { if (backupKey.equals(backupDescriptor.getKey())) { return backupDescriptor; } } //This might happen after the first time a backup has been turned off if the scheduler //wakes up before old jobs were cleaned up log.warn("Skipping empty backup config " + backupKey + "!\n" + "Probably a leftover from an old to-be-deleted backup job."); return null; } /** * Returns an HTML list block of errors extracted from the status holder * * @param statusHolder Status holder containing errors that should be included in the notification * @return HTML list block */ private String getErrorListBlock(BasicStatusHolder statusHolder) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); List<StatusEntry> errors = statusHolder.getErrors(); if (errors.size() > 0) { for (StatusEntry errorEntry : errors) { convertErrorEntryToString(builder, errorEntry); } } else { convertErrorEntryToString(builder, statusHolder.getLastError()); } builder.append("<p>"); return builder.toString(); } private void convertErrorEntryToString(StringBuilder builder, StatusEntry errorEntry) { //Make one error per row builder.append(errorEntry.getMessage()); Throwable throwable = errorEntry.getException(); if (throwable != null) { String throwableMessage = throwable.getMessage(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(throwableMessage)) { builder.append(": "); builder.append(throwableMessage); } } builder.append("<br>"); } }