Java tutorial
package org.artifactory.api.license; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import org.artifactory.api.context.ContextHelper; import; import org.artifactory.repo.RepoPath; import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnoreProperties; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import static org.artifactory.api.license.LicenseInfo.*; /** * @author Chen Keinan */ @JsonIgnoreProperties({ "repoPath", "neutral" }) public class ModuleLicenseModel { private String id; private String md5; private String sha1; private LicenseInfo license = createNotFound(); //License set as prop private LicenseInfo extractedLicense = createNotSearched(); //Licenses from archive / descriptor private Set<String> scopes = Sets.newHashSet(); private String scopeNames = ""; private boolean selected; private boolean overridable = false; private boolean hasConflicts = false; private boolean notFound = false; private boolean neutral = false; private RepoPath repoPath; private String repoKey; private String path; private String displayName; List<String> actions = new ArrayList<>(); public ModuleLicenseModel() { } public ModuleLicenseModel(RepoPath repoPath) { this.repoPath = repoPath; if (repoPath != null) { addActions(repoPath); } else { repoKey = ""; path = "No path found (externally resolved or deleted/overwritten)"; } actions.add("EditLicense"); } /** * add actions to artifact * * @param repoPath - artifact repo path */ private void addActions(RepoPath repoPath) { AuthorizationService authService = ContextHelper.get().getAuthorizationService(); this.repoKey = repoPath.getRepoKey(); this.path = repoPath.getPath(); actions.add("ChangeLicense"); if (authService.canRead(repoPath)) { actions.add("ShowInTree"); actions.add("Download"); } } public ModuleLicenseModel(LicenseInfo license, String id, RepoPath repoPath) { this.repoPath = repoPath; this.license = license; = id; } /** * create not found model * @param path - artifact path * @return - license module */ public static ModuleLicenseModel createNotFoundModel(RepoPath path) { ModuleLicenseModel model = new ModuleLicenseModel(path); model.extractedLicense = LicenseInfo.createNotFound(); model.setModelProperties(false); return model; } public void populateFields(Dependency dependency) { this.md5 = dependency.getMd5(); this.sha1 = dependency.getSha1(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dependency.getId())) { = dependency.getId(); } if ((dependency.getScopes() == null || dependency.getScopes().isEmpty()) || dependency.getScopes().contains(null)) { this.scopes.add(BuildService.UNSPECIFIED_SCOPE); } else { setScopes(dependency.getScopes()); } } public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public String getMd5() { return md5; } public void setMd5(String md5) { this.md5 = md5; } public String getSha1() { return sha1; } public void setSha1(String sha1) { this.sha1 = sha1; } public Set<String> getScopes() { return scopes; } public void setScopes(Set<String> scopes) { this.scopes = scopes; ScopeForView(scopes); } /** * return scope in view table format * @param scopes */ private void ScopeForView(Set<String> scopes) { if (scopes != null && !scopes.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder scopesBuilder = new StringBuilder(); scopes.forEach(scope -> scopesBuilder.append(scope + " , ")); String scopeString = scopesBuilder.toString(); if (scopeString.length() > 0) { scopeNames = scopeString.substring(0, scopesBuilder.toString().length() - 3); } } } public String getScopeNames() { return scopeNames; } public LicenseInfo getLicense() { return license; } public void setLicense(LicenseInfo license) { this.license = license; } public LicenseInfo getExtractedLicense() { return extractedLicense; } public void setExtractedLicense(LicenseInfo extractedLicense) { this.extractedLicense = extractedLicense; } public boolean isSelected() { return selected; } public void setSelected(boolean selected) { this.selected = selected; } public boolean isOverridable() { return overridable; } public void setOverridable(boolean overridable) { this.overridable = overridable; } public boolean hasConflicts() { return hasConflicts; } public boolean isNotFound() { return notFound; } public boolean isNeutral() { return neutral; } public void setNeutral(boolean isNeutral) { this.neutral = isNeutral; } /** * This method should be called after populating all licenses (property based and extracted), it will mark * conflict, not found, and overridable status properties */ public void setModelProperties(boolean canAnnotate) { //Null proof just in case if (license == null) { license = LicenseInfo.createNotFound(); } if (extractedLicense == null) { extractedLicense = LicenseInfo.createNotSearched(); } //Both licenses not found (or extracted was not searched) - mark model as not found if ((license.isNotFound() && extractedLicense.isNotFound()) || (license.isNotFound() && extractedLicense.isNotSearched())) { hasConflicts = true; notFound = true; actions.remove("EditLicense"); } else { overridable = hasMismatchingOverridableLicenses() && canAnnotate; //No property-based license info hasConflicts = license.isNotFound() //Conflicting licenses - mismatch between extracted(if it was searched) and property-based || hasMismatchingLicenses() //property-based license found and unapproved || (license.isFound() && !license.isApproved()) //Property-based license is unknown || license.isUnknown(); } } /** * true if property-based and extracted licenses are inconsistent, in case the extracted license was searched for */ private boolean hasMismatchingLicenses() { return !extractedLicense.isNotSearched() && !license.equals(extractedLicense); } /** * true if model has an extracted license that can override(i.e. has 'meaningful' data) the property-based one * when running in auto mode (i.e property license if not found or empty unknown) */ public boolean hasMismatchingAutoOverridableLicenses() { return extractedLicense.isFound() && (license.isNotFound() || (license.equals(createEmptyUnknown()) && !extractedLicense.equals(createEmptyUnknown()))); } /** * true if the model has mismatching licenses and the extracted license is valid - doesn't allow overriding any * property-based license with an unknown license. * Use only with UI, the auto run (CI) has another variant of overridable model decision. */ private boolean hasMismatchingOverridableLicenses() { return hasMismatchingLicenses() && extractedLicense.isValidLicense(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } ModuleLicenseModel that = (ModuleLicenseModel) o; if (!getId().equals(that.getId())) { return false; } else if (!license.equals(that.license)) { return false; } else if (!extractedLicense.equals(that.extractedLicense)) { return false; } else if ((getRepoPath() != null) && !getRepoPath().equals(that.getRepoPath())) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result; result = 31 * getId().hashCode(); result = 31 * result + license.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + extractedLicense.hashCode(); if (getRepoPath() != null) { result = 31 * result + getRepoPath().hashCode(); } return result; } public String getDisplayName() { return getId(); } public RepoPath getRepoPath() { return repoPath; } public void setRepoPath(RepoPath repoPath) { this.repoPath = repoPath; } public String getRepoKey() { return repoKey; } public void setRepoKey(String repoKey) { this.repoKey = repoKey; } public String getPath() { return path; } public void setPath(String path) { this.path = path; } public List<String> getActions() { return actions; } public void setActions(List<String> actions) { this.actions = actions; } }