Java tutorial
package; /*- * #%L * ARROWHEAD::WP5::Market Core * %% * Copyright (C) 2016 The ARROWHEAD Consortium * %% * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.PointValuePair; import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.linear.LinearConstraint; import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.linear.LinearConstraintSet; import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.linear.LinearObjectiveFunction; import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.linear.NoFeasibleSolutionException; import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.linear.Relationship; import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.linear.SimplexSolver; import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.GoalType; import org.arrowhead.wp5.core.entities.Bid; import org.arrowhead.wp5.core.entities.MarketInfo; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class Market { private MarketInfo info; private List<Bid> supplyUpBids; private List<Bid> demandUpBids; private List<Bid> supplyDownBids; private List<Bid> demandDownBids; private List<Bid> winningSupplyUpBids; public List<Bid> getWinSupplyUp() { return winningSupplyUpBids; } public List<Bid> getWinDemandUp() { return winningDemandUpBids; } public List<Bid> getWinSupplyDown() { return winningSupplyDownBids; } public List<Bid> getWinDemandDown() { return winningDemandDownBids; } private List<Bid> winningDemandUpBids; private List<Bid> winningSupplyDownBids; private List<Bid> winningDemandDownBids; final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); public static void main(String[] argv) { Market market = new Market(); market.clear(market.demandUpBids, market.supplyUpBids, market.winningDemandUpBids, market.winningSupplyUpBids); market.clear(market.demandDownBids, market.supplyDownBids, market.winningDemandDownBids, market.winningSupplyDownBids); market.logger.debug("supplyUp: {}", market.supplyUpBids); Collections.sort(market.supplyUpBids); market.logger.debug("supplyUp: {}", market.supplyUpBids); } public Market() { supplyUpBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); demandUpBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); supplyDownBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); demandDownBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); winningSupplyUpBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); winningSupplyDownBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); winningDemandUpBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); winningDemandDownBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); info = new MarketInfo("Market V1", "Area 52", 15, new Date()); } public void clear() { winningSupplyUpBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); winningSupplyDownBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); winningDemandUpBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); winningDemandDownBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); clear(demandUpBids, supplyUpBids, winningDemandUpBids, winningSupplyUpBids); clear(demandDownBids, supplyDownBids, winningDemandDownBids, winningSupplyDownBids); supplyUpBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); demandUpBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); supplyDownBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); demandDownBids = new ArrayList<Bid>(); } public MarketInfo getInfo() { return info; } public void bidSupply(Bid bid) { logger.debug("new supply bud: {}", bid); if (bid.isUp()) { supplyUpBids.add(bid); } else { supplyDownBids.add(bid); } } public void bidDemand(Bid bid) { logger.debug("new demand bud: {}", bid); if (bid.isUp()) { demandUpBids.add(bid); } else { demandDownBids.add(bid); } } public Set<Bid> getSupplyUp() { Set<Bid> res = new HashSet<Bid>(); res.addAll(supplyUpBids); return res; } public Set<Bid> getDemandUp() { Set<Bid> res = new HashSet<Bid>(); res.addAll(demandUpBids); return res; } public Set<Bid> getSupplyDown() { Set<Bid> res = new HashSet<Bid>(); res.addAll(supplyDownBids); return res; } public Set<Bid> getDemandDown() { Set<Bid> res = new HashSet<Bid>(); res.addAll(demandDownBids); return res; } public Set<Bid> getSupply() { Set<Bid> res = new HashSet<Bid>(); res.addAll(supplyUpBids); res.addAll(supplyDownBids); return res; } public Set<Bid> getDemand() { Set<Bid> res = new HashSet<Bid>(); res.addAll(demandUpBids); res.addAll(demandDownBids); return res; } public void clear(List<Bid> demList, List<Bid> supList, List<Bid> winningDemandBids, List<Bid> winningSupplyBids) { if (demList.isEmpty() || supList.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("Empty list, no clearing."); return; } List<Bid> demandList = new ArrayList<Bid>(); demandList.addAll(demList); List<Bid> supplyList = new ArrayList<Bid>(); supplyList.addAll(supList); long totalDemand = getTotalQuantity(demandList); long totalSupply = getTotalQuantity(supplyList); long minQuantity = Math.min(totalDemand, totalSupply); Bid fakeBid = new Bid(0, totalSupply - totalDemand, true, "", ""); if (totalDemand < totalSupply) { demandList.add(fakeBid); totalDemand = getTotalQuantity(demandList); totalSupply = getTotalQuantity(supplyList); minQuantity = Math.min(totalDemand, totalSupply); } int numDemand = demandList.size(); int numSupply = supplyList.size(); int demandIdx = 0; int supplyIdx = numDemand; int total = numDemand + numSupply; logger.debug("demand: {} supply: {} total: {}", numDemand, numSupply, total); double[] demand = getPrice(demandList); double[] supply = getPrice(supplyList); logger.debug("demand: {}", Arrays.toString(demand)); logger.debug("supply: {}", Arrays.toString(supply)); double[] empty = new double[total]; double[] objective = empty.clone(); System.arraycopy(demand, 0, objective, demandIdx, numDemand); System.arraycopy(supply, 0, objective, supplyIdx, numSupply); for (int i = 0; i < supply.length; i++) { objective[supplyIdx + i] = -supply[i]; } logger.debug("Empty: {} - obj: {}", Arrays.toString(empty), Arrays.toString(objective)); // describe the optimization problem LinearObjectiveFunction f = new LinearObjectiveFunction(objective, 0); Collection<LinearConstraint> constraints = new ArrayList<LinearConstraint>(); for (int i = 0; i < demandList.size(); i++) { generateConstraint(demandList, demandIdx, total, constraints, i, Relationship.LEQ); } for (int i = 0; i < supplyList.size(); i++) { generateConstraint(supplyList, supplyIdx, total, constraints, i, Relationship.GEQ); } double[] constraint = empty.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < demandList.size(); i++) { constraint[i + demandIdx] = 1; } logger.debug("Total quantity constraint: {} {} {}", Arrays.toString(constraint), Relationship.LEQ, minQuantity); constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(constraint, Relationship.LEQ, minQuantity)); constraint = empty.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < supplyList.size(); i++) { constraint[i + supplyIdx] = 1; } logger.debug("Total quantity constraint: {} {} {}", Arrays.toString(constraint), Relationship.LEQ, minQuantity); constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(constraint, Relationship.LEQ, minQuantity)); for (int i = 0; i < demandList.size(); i++) { constraint = empty.clone(); constraint[i + demandIdx] = 1; logger.debug("Non zero constraint: {} {} {}", Arrays.toString(constraint), Relationship.GEQ, 0); constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(constraint, Relationship.GEQ, 0)); } for (int i = 0; i < supplyList.size(); i++) { constraint = empty.clone(); constraint[i + supplyIdx] = 1; logger.debug("Non zero constraint: {} {} {}", Arrays.toString(constraint), Relationship.GEQ, 0); constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(constraint, Relationship.GEQ, 0)); } constraint = empty.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < demandList.size(); i++) { constraint[i + demandIdx] = 1; } for (int i = 0; i < supplyList.size(); i++) { constraint[i + supplyIdx] = -1; } // logger.debug("Equilibrium constraint: {} {} {}", Arrays.toString(constraint), Relationship.LEQ, totalSupply-totalDemand); // constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(constraint, Relationship.LEQ, totalSupply-totalDemand)); LinearConstraintSet set = new LinearConstraintSet(constraints); // create and run the solver PointValuePair solution; try { solution = new SimplexSolver().optimize(f, set, GoalType.MAXIMIZE); } catch (NoFeasibleSolutionException e) {"No feasuble solution!!"); return; } // get the solution logger.debug("solution: "); double[] solutionPoint = solution.getPoint(); List<Bid> all = new ArrayList<Bid>(); all.addAll(demandList); all.addAll(supplyList); for (int i = 0; i < solutionPoint.length; i++) { logger.debug("{} - {} - {}", solutionPoint[i], all.get(i).getQuantity(), all.get(i).getPrice()); } double max = solution.getValue(); logger.debug("value: {}", max); demandList.remove(fakeBid); double price = findPrice(demandList, supplyList, solutionPoint); logger.debug("win price: {}", price); for (int i = 0; i < demandList.size(); i++) { if (solutionPoint[i + demandIdx] > 0) { Bid d = demandList.get(i); if (d == fakeBid) { continue; } if (price <= d.getPrice()) { d.setWinPrice(price); // d.setWinQuantity(solutionPoint[i+demandIdx]); logger.debug("Win d: p: {} - q: {} - wq: {}", d.getWinPrice(), d.getQuantity(), d.getWinQuantity()); winningDemandBids.add(d); } } } for (int i = 0; i < supplyList.size(); i++) { if (solutionPoint[i + supplyIdx] > 0) { Bid d = supplyList.get(i); if (price >= d.getPrice()) { d.setWinPrice(price); // d.setWinQuantity(solutionPoint[i+supplyIdx]); logger.debug("Win s: p: {} - q: {} - wq: {}", d.getWinPrice(), d.getQuantity(), d.getWinQuantity()); winningSupplyBids.add(d); } } } logger.debug("winning demand: {} - total quantity: {}", winningDemandBids, getTotalWinQuantity(winningDemandBids)); logger.debug("winning supply: {} - total quantity: {}", winningSupplyBids, getTotalWinQuantity(winningSupplyBids)); } private double findPrice(List<Bid> demList, List<Bid> supList, double[] solutionPoint) { List<Bid> demandList = new ArrayList<Bid>(); demandList.addAll(demList); List<Bid> supplyList = new ArrayList<Bid>(); supplyList.addAll(supList); Collections.sort(demandList, Collections.reverseOrder()); Collections.sort(supplyList); Collections.reverse(demandList); long[] demandCum = cumulative(demandList); Collections.reverse(demandList); long[] supplyCum = cumulative(supplyList); logger.debug("sorted: {}", demandList); logger.debug("sorted: {}", supplyList); if (demandList.get(0).getPrice() < supplyList.get(0).getPrice()) { return supplyList.get(0).getPrice() - (supplyList.get(0).getPrice() - demandList.get(0).getPrice()) / 2; } int i = 0; int j = 0; long demQuantity = demandCum[i]; long supQuantity = supplyCum[j]; long curDemQuantity = demandList.get(i).getQuantity(); long curSupQuantity = supplyList.get(j).getQuantity(); while (i < demandList.size() && j < supplyList.size() && demandList.get(i).getPrice() > supplyList.get(j).getPrice()) { if (curDemQuantity > curSupQuantity) { demQuantity -= supQuantity; curDemQuantity -= curSupQuantity; demandList.get(i).incrWinQuantity(curSupQuantity); if (demQuantity == 0 && i < demandList.size()) { assert (false); demQuantity = demandCum[i]; } supplyList.get(j).incrWinQuantity(curSupQuantity); j++; if (j < supplyList.size()) { supQuantity = supplyCum[j]; curSupQuantity = supplyList.get(j).getQuantity(); } } else { supQuantity -= demQuantity; curSupQuantity -= curDemQuantity; supplyList.get(j).incrWinQuantity(curDemQuantity); if (supQuantity == 0 && j < supplyList.size()) { assert (false); supQuantity = supplyCum[j]; } demandList.get(i).incrWinQuantity(curDemQuantity); i++; if (i < demandList.size()) { demQuantity = demandCum[i]; curDemQuantity = demandList.get(i).getQuantity(); } } } if (i < demandList.size() && j < supplyList.size()) { if (curSupQuantity > curDemQuantity) { supplyList.get(j).incrWinQuantity(curDemQuantity); return demandList.get(i).getPrice(); } else { demandList.get(i).incrWinQuantity(curSupQuantity); return supplyList.get(j).getPrice(); } } i = Math.min(i, demandList.size() - 1); j = Math.min(j, supplyList.size() - 1); // while (i < demandList.size() && j < supplyList.size()) { // logger.debug("while: i: {} j: {} td: {} ts: {}", i, j, totalDemand, totalSupply); // long demPrice = demandList.get(i).getPrice(); // long supPrice = supplyList.get(j).getPrice(); // if (demPrice > supPrice) { // if (supQuantity<totalDemand && supQuantity<demQuantity) { // totalDemand -= supQuantity; // demQuantity -= supQuantity; // j++; // supQuantity = supplyList.get(j).getQuantity(); // } else { // return supPrice; // } // } else { // if (demQuantity<totalSupply && demQuantity<supQuantity) { // totalSupply -= demQuantity; // supQuantity -= demQuantity; // i++; // demQuantity = demandList.get(i).getQuantity(); // } else { // return demPrice; // } // } // } // for (int i = 0; i < demandList.size()-1; i++) { // for (int j = 0; j < supplyList.size()-1; j++) { // if (demandList.get(i+1).getPrice() > supplyList.get(j).getPrice()); // } // } return demandList.get(i).getPrice() < supplyList.get(j).getPrice() ? demandList.get(i).getPrice() : supplyList.get(j).getPrice(); } private long[] cumulative(List<Bid> list) { logger.debug("cum: {}", list); long[] result = new long[list.size()]; long total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Bid b = list.get(i); total += b.getQuantity(); // b.setQuantity(total); result[i] = total; } logger.debug("res: {}", result); return result; } private void generateConstraint(List<Bid> list, int idx, int total, Collection<LinearConstraint> constraints, int i, Relationship rel) { double[] constraint = new double[total]; long quantity = list.get(i).getQuantity(); constraint[i + idx] = 1; // Relationship rel = Relationship.LEQ; logger.debug("Individual quantity constraint: {} {} {}", Arrays.toString(constraint), rel, quantity); constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(constraint, rel, quantity)); } private long getTotalQuantity(List<Bid> list) { long result = 0; for (Bid b : list) { result += b.getQuantity(); } return result; } private long getTotalWinQuantity(List<Bid> list) { long result = 0; for (Bid b : list) { result += b.getWinQuantity(); } return result; } private double[] getPrice(List<Bid> set) { double[] res = new double[set.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { res[i] = (double) set.get(i).getPrice(); } return res; } }