Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2008 Ariadne Foundation. * * This file is part of Ariadne Harvester. * * Ariadne Harvester is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Ariadne Harvester is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Ariadne Harvester. If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package org.ariadne.oai.utils; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnection; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.ariadne.config.PropertiesManager; import org.ariadne.oai.OAIHarvester; import org.ariadne.oai.Record; import org.ariadne.util.JDomUtils; import org.ariadne.util.OaiUtils; import org.ietf.mimedir.MimeDir; import org.ietf.mimedir.impl.MimeDirImpl; import org.ietf.mimedir.util.MimeDirUtil; import org.ietf.mimedir.vcard.impl.VCardImpl; import org.jdom.CDATA; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.xpath.XPath; import org.w3c.util.DateParser; import uiuc.oai.OAIException; import uiuc.oai.OAIRepository; public class HarvesterUtils { // public static String getMetadataPrefix(OAIRepository oaiRepository) // throws OAIException{ // OAIMetadataFormatList formats; // Vector allprefixes = new Vector(); // formats = oaiRepository.listMetadataFormats(); // while(formats.moreItems()){ // allprefixes.add(formats.getCurrentItem().getMetadataPrefix()); // formats.moveNext(); // } // String priority = PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty("Harvest.Priority"); // StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(priority, ";"); // while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { // String prefix = st.nextToken(); // if(allprefixes.contains(prefix)){ // return prefix; // } // } // return ""; // } public static XPath mmIdOaiCatalog; public static XPath gIdOaiCatalog; static { try { mmIdOaiCatalog = XPath .newInstance("//lom:lom/lom:metaMetadata/lom:identifier/lom:catalog/text()=\"oai\""); mmIdOaiCatalog.addNamespace(OaiUtils.LOMLOMNS); gIdOaiCatalog = XPath.newInstance("//lom:lom/lom:general/lom:identifier/lom:catalog/text()=\"oai\""); gIdOaiCatalog.addNamespace(OaiUtils.LOMLOMNS); } catch (JDOMException e) { //NOOP } } public static void addGlobalMetadataIdentifier(Record record, String reposIdentifier) throws IllegalStateException, JDOMException { String ident = "oai:" + reposIdentifier + ":"; String loIdent = ""; // try { Element metametadata = JDomUtils.getXpathNode("//lom:lom/lom:metaMetadata", OaiUtils.LOMLOMNS, record.getMetadata()); if (metametadata != null) { Element mmIdentifier = metametadata.getChild("identifier", OaiUtils.LOMNS); if (mmIdentifier != null) { if (!(Boolean) mmIdOaiCatalog.selectSingleNode(record.getMetadata())) { loIdent = mmIdentifier.getChildText("entry", mmIdentifier.getNamespace()); ident = ident.concat(loIdent); Element newIdentifier = new Element("identifier", OaiUtils.LOMNS); metametadata.addContent(0, newIdentifier); Element catalog = new Element("catalog", OaiUtils.LOMNS); catalog.setText("oai"); newIdentifier.addContent(catalog); Element entry = new Element("entry", OaiUtils.LOMNS); entry.setText(ident); newIdentifier.addContent(entry); } } else { // throw new IllegalStateException("The LO has no metaMetadata.identifier set"); } } else { // throw new IllegalStateException("The LO has no metaMetadata.identifier set"); } } public static void addGlobalLOIdentifier(Record record, String reposIdentifier) throws IllegalStateException, JDOMException { String ident = "oai:" + reposIdentifier + ":"; String loIdent = ""; // try { Element general = JDomUtils.getXpathNode("//lom:lom/lom:general", OaiUtils.LOMLOMNS, record.getMetadata()); if (general != null) { Element generalIdentifier = general.getChild("identifier", OaiUtils.LOMNS); if (generalIdentifier != null) { if (!(Boolean) gIdOaiCatalog.selectSingleNode(record.getMetadata())) { loIdent = generalIdentifier.getChildText("entry", generalIdentifier.getNamespace()); ident = ident.concat(loIdent); Element newIdentifier = new Element("identifier", OaiUtils.LOMNS); general.addContent(0, newIdentifier); Element catalog = new Element("catalog", OaiUtils.LOMNS); catalog.setText("oai"); newIdentifier.addContent(catalog); Element entry = new Element("entry", OaiUtils.LOMNS); entry.setText(ident); newIdentifier.addContent(entry); } } else { // throw new IllegalStateException("The LO has no general.identifier set"); } } else { // throw new IllegalStateException("The LO has no general.identifier set"); } // } catch (JDOMException e) { // harvestlogger.error("An error has occured while adding the global LO identifier : " + e.getMessage()); // } } public static void addReposContributor(Record record, String name) throws JDOMException { final MimeDir.ContentLine fn = new MimeDirImpl.ContentLine(null, "FN", null, new MimeDirImpl.TextValueType(new String[] { name })); final MimeDir.ContentLine n = new MimeDirImpl.ContentLine(null, "N", null, new MimeDirImpl.TextValueType(new String[] { name })); final MimeDir.ContentLine org = new MimeDirImpl.ContentLine(null, "ORG", null, new MimeDirImpl.TextValueType(new String[] { name })); final MimeDir.ContentLine version = new MimeDirImpl.ContentLine(null, "VERSION", null, new MimeDirImpl.TextValueType(new String[] { "3.0" })); Element metaMetadata = null; // try { metaMetadata = JDomUtils.getXpathNode("//lom:lom/lom:metaMetadata", OaiUtils.LOMLOMNS, record.getMetadata()); if (metaMetadata != null) { // contribute Element contribute = new Element("contribute", OaiUtils.LOMNS); metaMetadata.addContent(contribute); // contribute.entity Element entity = new Element("entity", OaiUtils.LOMNS); VCardImpl vcard = new VCardImpl(new MimeDir.ContentLine[] { fn, n, org, version }); CDATA cdata = new CDATA(MimeDirUtil.toString(vcard)); entity.addContent(cdata); contribute.addContent(entity); // contribute.role Element role = new Element("role", OaiUtils.LOMNS); contribute.addContent(role); Element value = new Element("value", OaiUtils.LOMNS); String valueString = PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty("Harvest.metadataProvider.value"); value.setText(valueString); role.addContent(value); Element source = new Element("source", OaiUtils.LOMNS); String sourceString = PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty("Harvest.metadataProvider.source"); source.setText(sourceString); role.addContent(source); // Element date = new Element("date", OaiUtils.LOMNS); contribute.addContent(date); Element dateTime = new Element("dateTime", OaiUtils.LOMNS); Calendar dateCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); dateCalendar.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); // String time = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString(); dateTime.setText(DateParser.getIsoDate(dateCalendar)); date.addContent(dateTime); } } // public static String getReposIdentName(String reposName) { // return reposName.replaceAll(" ", "_").replaceAll(":", "_c_").replaceAll("\n", "").replaceAll("\\(", "_opar_").replaceAll("\\)", "_clpar_"); // } // // public static String getReposName(String reposIdentName) { // return reposIdentName.replaceAll("_c_", ":").replaceAll("_opar_", "\\(").replaceAll("_clpar_", "\\)").replaceAll("_", " "); // } // public static Vector<ReposProperties> getRegistryReposProperties(){ // Vector<ReposProperties> list = getReposProperties(); // Vector<ReposProperties> repositories = new Vector<ReposProperties>(); // for (ReposProperties repo : list) { // if(repo.getRegistryTarget().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { // repositories.add(repo); // } // } // return repositories; // } public static Vector<String> getReposList() { String targets = PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty("AllTargets.list"); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(targets, ";"); Vector<String> repositories = new Vector<String>(); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { repositories.add(st.nextToken()); } return repositories; } public static Vector<ReposProperties> getReposProperties() { Vector<String> list = HarvesterUtils.getReposList(); Vector<ReposProperties> repositories = new Vector<ReposProperties>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { String ident = list.elementAt(i); ReposProperties repos = getReposProperties(ident); repositories.add(repos); } return repositories; } public static void saveDetails(String startString, HashMap<String, String> props) { Iterator<String> iter = props.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String key =; PropertiesManager.getInstance().saveProperty(startString + "." + key, props.get(key)); } } public static void saveDetails(String startString, ReposProperties reposProps) { Iterator<String> iter = reposProps.getProperties().keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String key =; PropertiesManager.getInstance().saveProperty(startString + "." + key, reposProps.getProperties().get(key)); } } public static ReposProperties getReposProperties(String reposIdInternal) { HashMap<String, String> repos = getPropertiesStartingWith(reposIdInternal); return checkReposProperties(reposIdInternal, repos); } public static HarvestSessionProperties getSessionProperties() { HarvestSessionProperties sessionProps = new HarvestSessionProperties(); sessionProps.setValidationUri(PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty("Harvest.validation.scheme")); sessionProps.setValidate( new Boolean(PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty("Harvest.validation")).booleanValue()); sessionProps.setRepositoryLogs( new Boolean(PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty("log.repositoryLogs")).booleanValue()); return sessionProps; } public static HashMap<String, String> getPropertiesStartingWith(String startString) { HashMap<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>(); Hashtable table = PropertiesManager.getInstance().getPropertyStartingWith(startString + "."); Collection propsCollection = table.keySet(); Iterator propIter = propsCollection.iterator(); while (propIter.hasNext()) { String key = (String); String newKey = key.replaceFirst(startString + ".", ""); props.put(newKey, (String) table.get(key)); } return props; } protected static ReposProperties checkReposProperties(String reposIdInternal, HashMap<String, String> props) { ReposProperties repoProps = new ReposProperties(); Iterator propIter = ReposProperties.getDefaultProperties().keySet().iterator(); while (propIter.hasNext()) { String key = (String); if (!props.containsKey(key)) { String defaultVal = ReposProperties.getDefaultProperties().get(key); props.put(key, defaultVal); PropertiesManager.getInstance().saveProperty(reposIdInternal + "." + key, defaultVal); } } repoProps.setRepositoryIdentifierInteral(reposIdInternal); repoProps.setProperties(props); return repoProps; } public static Vector<OAIRepository> getRepositories() throws OAIException { Vector list = getReposList(); Vector<OAIRepository> repositories = new Vector<OAIRepository>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { try { OAIRepository repository = new OAIRepository(); repository.setBaseURL(PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty(list.elementAt(i) + ".baseURL")); repositories.add(repository); } catch (OAIException e) { // NOOP } } return repositories; } public static void resetHarvestingDate(String repos) { if (repos.equals("ALL")) { Vector<String> list = HarvesterUtils.getReposList(); Iterator<String> iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String repoString = (String); resetHarvestingDate(repoString); } } else { OAIRepository repository = new OAIRepository(); try { repository.setBaseURL(PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty(repos + ".baseURL")); String date = repository.getEarliestDatestamp(); PropertiesManager.getInstance().saveProperty(repos + ".latestHarvestedDatestamp", date); } catch (OAIException e) { // NOOP } } } public static void setHarvestingRepositories(String list) { StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(list, ";"); while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String repo = tokens.nextToken(); String harvest = tokens.nextToken(); PropertiesManager.getInstance().saveProperty(repo + ".active", harvest); } } public static void removeRepository(String repository) { PropertiesManager.getInstance().removeKeyFromPropertiesFile(repository + "."); Vector list = HarvesterUtils.getReposList(); String newRepositories = ""; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { String repos = (String) list.elementAt(i); if (!repos.equals(repository)) { if (!newRepositories.equals("")) { newRepositories = newRepositories + ";"; } newRepositories = newRepositories + repos; } } PropertiesManager.getInstance().saveProperty("AllTargets.list", newRepositories); } public static ReposProperties getRegistryTarget(String registryIdCatalog, String registryIdEntry) { for (ReposProperties repo : getReposProperties()) { if (repo.getRegistryIdentifierCatalog().equals(registryIdCatalog) && repo.getRegistryIdentifierEntry().equals(registryIdEntry)) return repo; } ; return null; } public static ReposProperties addRepository(ReposProperties repoProps) throws Exception { OAIRepository repository = new OAIRepository(); String fallBackReposId = repoProps.getBaseURL().replaceFirst("http.?://", "").split("/", 2)[0].split(":", 2)[0]; String internalId = fallBackReposId.replaceAll("\\.", "_"); Hashtable ids = PropertiesManager.getInstance().getPropertyStartingWith(internalId); TreeSet<String> allIds = new TreeSet<String>(); for (Object o : ids.keySet()) { allIds.add(((String) o).split("\\.")[0]); } int i = 1; while (allIds.contains(internalId)) { internalId = internalId.split("_u_")[0] + "_u_" + i++; } String urlString = repoProps.getBaseURL() + "?verb=Identify"; try { URL u = new URL(urlString); HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection) u.openConnection(); if (http.getResponseCode() == 200) { repository.setBaseURL(repoProps.getBaseURL()); String url = repository.getBaseURL(); } else { throw new IOException(Integer.toString(http.getResponseCode())); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new Exception("The given Url isn't a valid OAI Repository (Could not connect to Url \"" + urlString + "\". ErrorMsg was : " + ex.getMessage() + ") "); } catch (OAIException e) { throw new Exception( "The given Url \"" + urlString + "\" isn't a valid OAI Repository (" + e.getMessage() + ")."); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { try { throw new Exception( "The baseUrl of the OAI Repository is not correct (found url in Identify verb : " + repository.getBaseURL() + ")"); } catch (OAIException e1) { throw new Exception( "The baseUrl of the OAI Repository is not correct (Error : " + e1.getMessage() + ")"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception( "The following error occured : (" + e.getClass().getName() + ") " + e.getMessage() + "."); } return addTarget(repoProps, repository, fallBackReposId, internalId); } private static ReposProperties addTarget(ReposProperties repoProps, OAIRepository repository, String fallBackReposId, String internalId) { String targets = PropertiesManager.getInstance().getProperty("AllTargets.list"); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(targets, ";"); boolean targetExists = false; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { if (st.nextToken().equals(internalId)) { targetExists = true; break; } } if (!targetExists) { if (!targets.equals("")) targets += ";"; targets += internalId; PropertiesManager.getInstance().saveProperty("AllTargets.list", targets); } ReposProperties reposPropsReturn = new ReposProperties(); String repositoryIdent = null; try { repositoryIdent = repository.getRepositoryIdentifier().trim(); } catch (OAIException e1) { // NOOP } if (repoProps.getRepositoryIdentifier() != null && !repoProps.getRepositoryIdentifier().trim().equals("")) { repositoryIdent = repoProps.getRepositoryIdentifier().trim(); } if (repositoryIdent == null || repositoryIdent.equals("")) { repositoryIdent = fallBackReposId; Logger.getLogger(OAIHarvester.class.getName()).warn("Repository " + repoProps.getBaseURL() + "has not specified a repositoryIdentifier. Using fallback option " + fallBackReposId); } reposPropsReturn.setRepositoryIdentifier(repositoryIdent.trim()); String repositoryName = null; try { repositoryName = repository.getRepositoryName().trim().replaceAll("\n", " "); } catch (OAIException e) { //NOOP } if (repoProps.getRepositoryName() != null && !repoProps.getRepositoryName().trim().equals("")) { repositoryName = repoProps.getRepositoryName().trim().replaceAll("\n", " "); } if (repositoryName == null || repositoryName.equals("")) { repositoryName = repositoryIdent; Logger.getLogger(OAIHarvester.class.getName()).warn("Repository " + repoProps.getBaseURL() + "has not specified a repositoryName. Using fallback option " + repositoryIdent); } reposPropsReturn.setRepositoryName(repositoryName.trim()); reposPropsReturn.setBaseURL(repoProps.getBaseURL()); reposPropsReturn.setProviderName(repoProps.getProviderName()); try { reposPropsReturn.setLatestHarvestedDatestamp(repository.getEarliestDatestamp()); } catch (OAIException e) { //NOOP } reposPropsReturn.setActive("Yes"); reposPropsReturn.setMetadataPrefix(repoProps.getMetadataPrefix()); reposPropsReturn.setMetadataFormat(repoProps.getMetadataFormat()); reposPropsReturn.setHarvestingSet(repoProps.getHarvestingSet()); reposPropsReturn.setAutoReset(repoProps.getAutoReset()); reposPropsReturn.setValidationUri(repoProps.getValidationUri()); reposPropsReturn.setTransformationID(repoProps.getTransformationID()); reposPropsReturn.setRegistryIdentifierCatalog(repoProps.getRegistryIdentifierCatalog()); reposPropsReturn.setRegistryIdentifierEntry(repoProps.getRegistryIdentifierEntry()); try { reposPropsReturn.setGranularity(repository.getGranularity()); } catch (OAIException e) { //NOOP } HarvesterUtils.saveDetails(internalId, reposPropsReturn); return reposPropsReturn; } public static void removeAllTargets() { Vector list = HarvesterUtils.getReposList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { String repos = (String) list.elementAt(i); removeRepository(repos); } } }