Java tutorial
package org.areasy.common.doclet.document; /* * Copyright (c) 2007-2016 AREasy Runtime * * This library, AREasy Runtime and API for BMC Remedy AR System, is free software ("Licensed Software"); * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * including but not limited to, the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. */ import com.lowagie.text.*; import com.lowagie.text.Font; import com.lowagie.text.List; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPCell; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPTable; import org.areasy.common.logger.Logger; import org.areasy.common.logger.LoggerFactory; import org.areasy.common.doclet.AbstractConfiguration; import org.areasy.common.doclet.DefaultConfiguration; import org.areasy.common.doclet.document.elements.*; import org.areasy.common.doclet.document.tags.HtmlParserWrapper; import org.areasy.common.doclet.utilities.DocletUtility; import org.areasy.common.doclet.utilities.PDFUtility; import com.sun.javadoc.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Prints the summary tables. * * @version $Id:,v 1.3 2008/05/14 09:36:47 swd\stefan.damian Exp $ */ public class Summary implements AbstractConfiguration { /** * Logger reference */ private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLog(Summary.class); /** * Prints all field, constructor and methods summary * * @param classDoc The class or interface whose methods should be printed. * @throws Exception */ public static void printAll(ClassDoc classDoc) throws Exception { Phrase deprecatedPhrase = null; // test if class is deprecated boolean allDeprecated = false; if (classDoc.tags("@deprecated").length > 0) allDeprecated = true; // Print inner classes summary table ClassDoc[] innerClasses = classDoc.innerClasses(); Arrays.sort(innerClasses); if ((innerClasses != null) && (innerClasses.length > 0)) { PdfPTable mainTable = createTable("Nested Class"); for (int i = 0; i < innerClasses.length; i++) { // test if field is deprecated boolean isDeprecated = false; if (allDeprecated || (innerClasses[i].tags("@deprecated").length > 0)) { isDeprecated = true; deprecatedPhrase = new CustomDeprecatedPhrase(innerClasses[i]); } printInnerClass(innerClasses[i].name(), innerClasses[i].qualifiedName(), isDeprecated, deprecatedPhrase, mainTable); } Document.instance().add(mainTable); } // Print fields summary table FieldDoc[] fields = classDoc.fields(); Arrays.sort(fields); if ((fields != null) && (fields.length > 0)) { PdfPTable mainTable = createTable("Field"); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { // test if field is deprecated boolean isDeprecated = false; if (allDeprecated || (fields[i].tags("@deprecated").length > 0)) { isDeprecated = true; deprecatedPhrase = new CustomDeprecatedPhrase(fields[i]); } printField(fields[i], fields[i].constantValue(), isDeprecated, deprecatedPhrase, mainTable); } Document.instance().add(mainTable); } // Now show inherited fields if (DefaultConfiguration.isShowInheritedSummaryActive()) { if (!classDoc.isInterface()) { // Print fields inherited from the superclass if (classDoc.superclass() != null) { Inherited.print(classDoc.superclass(), SHOW_FIELDS); } // Print fields inherited from any interfaces if (classDoc.interfaces() != null) { ClassDoc[] interfaces = classDoc.interfaces(); for (int no = 0; no < interfaces.length; no++) { String interfaceName = interfaces[no].qualifiedName(); if (Inherited.ifClassMustBePrinted(interfaceName)) { Inherited.print(interfaces[no], SHOW_FIELDS); } } } } else { ClassDoc[] interf = classDoc.interfaces(); if (interf.length > 0) { // Array must always be of length 1 because interfaces can // extend only one other interface (and not implement any // other interfaces by themselves) String interfaceName = interf[0].qualifiedName(); if (Inherited.ifClassMustBePrinted(interfaceName)) { Inherited.print(interf[0], SHOW_FIELDS); } } } } // Print constructor summary table ConstructorDoc[] constructors = classDoc.constructors(); if ((constructors != null) && (constructors.length > 0)) { PdfPTable mainTable = createTable("Constructor"); for (int i = 0; i < constructors.length; i++) { // test if constructor is deprecated boolean isDeprecated = false; if (allDeprecated || (constructors[i].tags("@deprecated").length > 0)) { isDeprecated = true; deprecatedPhrase = new CustomDeprecatedPhrase(constructors[i]); } printConstructor(constructors[i], isDeprecated, deprecatedPhrase, mainTable); } Document.instance().add(mainTable); } // Print method summary table MethodDoc[] methods = classDoc.methods(); Arrays.sort(methods); if ((methods != null) && (methods.length > 0)) { PdfPTable mainTable = createTable("Method"); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { // test if method is deprecated boolean isDeprecated = false; if (allDeprecated || (methods[i].tags("@deprecated").length > 0)) { isDeprecated = true; deprecatedPhrase = new CustomDeprecatedPhrase(methods[i]); } String declaration = DocletUtility.getMethodSummaryModifiers(methods[i]); Phrase returnType = PDFUtility.getReturnType(methods[i], 9); printMethod(methods[i], declaration, returnType, isDeprecated, deprecatedPhrase, mainTable); } Document.instance().add(mainTable); } // Now show inherited methods if (DefaultConfiguration.isShowInheritedSummaryActive()) { if (!classDoc.isInterface()) { if (classDoc.superclass() != null) { String className = classDoc.superclass().qualifiedName(); if (Inherited.ifClassMustBePrinted(className)) { Inherited.print(classDoc.superclass(), SHOW_METHODS); } } // Print methods inherited from any interfaces if (classDoc.interfaces() != null) { ClassDoc[] interfaces = classDoc.interfaces(); for (int no = 0; no < interfaces.length; no++) { String className = interfaces[no].qualifiedName(); if (Inherited.ifClassMustBePrinted(className)) Inherited.print(interfaces[no], SHOW_METHODS); } } } else { ClassDoc[] interf = classDoc.interfaces(); if (interf.length > 0) { // Array must always be of length 1 because interfaces can // extend only one other interface (and not implement any other interfaces by themselves) String interfaceName = interf[0].qualifiedName(); if (Inherited.ifClassMustBePrinted(interfaceName)) Inherited.print(interf[0], SHOW_METHODS); } } } } /** * Prints inner classes summaries. * * @param name * @param destination * @param isDeprecated * @param deprecatedPhrase * @param mainTable * @throws Exception */ private static void printInnerClass(String name, String destination, boolean isDeprecated, Phrase deprecatedPhrase, PdfPTable mainTable) throws Exception { Element[] objs = HtmlParserWrapper.createPdfObjects(name); PdfPTable commentsTable = createColumnsAndDeprecated(objs, isDeprecated, deprecatedPhrase); PdfPTable anotherinnertable = new PdfPTable(1); anotherinnertable.setWidthPercentage(100f); anotherinnertable.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); PdfPTable innerTable = addDeclaration("class", null); // right part of the table PdfPCell cell = PDFUtility.createElementCell(2, new LinkPhrase(destination, name, Fonts.getFont(CODE_FONT, 9))); cell.setPaddingTop((float) 2.0); cell.setPaddingLeft((float) 7.0); anotherinnertable.addCell(cell); anotherinnertable.addCell(commentsTable); innerTable.addCell(anotherinnertable); mainTable.addCell(innerTable); } /** * Prints field summaries. * @param constantValue * @param isDeprecated * @param deprecatedPhrase * @param mainTable * @throws Exception */ private static void printField(FieldDoc fieldDoc, Object constantValue, boolean isDeprecated, Phrase deprecatedPhrase, PdfPTable mainTable) throws Exception { String name =; String modifier = fieldDoc.modifiers(); String commentText = DocletUtility.getFirstSentence(fieldDoc); String destination = fieldDoc.qualifiedName(); Element[] objs = HtmlParserWrapper.createPdfObjects(commentText); PdfPTable commentsTable = createColumnsAndDeprecated(objs, isDeprecated, deprecatedPhrase); if (constantValue != null) { // Add 2nd comment line (left cell empty, right cell text) commentsTable.addCell(new Phrase("")); Chunk valueTextChunk = new Chunk("Value: ", Fonts.getFont(TEXT_FONT, PLAIN, 10)); Chunk valueContentChunk = new Chunk(constantValue.toString(), Fonts.getFont(CODE_FONT, BOLD, 10)); Phrase constantValuePhrase = new Phrase(""); constantValuePhrase.add(valueTextChunk); constantValuePhrase.add(valueContentChunk); commentsTable.addCell(constantValuePhrase); } PdfPTable anotherinnertable = new PdfPTable(1); anotherinnertable.setWidthPercentage(100f); anotherinnertable.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); PdfPTable innerTable = addDeclaration(modifier, null); // Link to field LinkPhrase linkPhrase = new LinkPhrase(destination, name, Fonts.getFont(CODE_FONT, 9)); // right part of the table PdfPCell cell = PDFUtility.createElementCell(2, linkPhrase); cell.setPaddingTop((float) 2.0); cell.setPaddingLeft((float) 7.0); anotherinnertable.addCell(cell); anotherinnertable.addCell(commentsTable); innerTable.addCell(anotherinnertable); mainTable.addCell(innerTable); } /** * Prints constructor summaries. * @param isDeprecated * @param deprecatedPhrase * @param mainTable * @throws Exception */ private static void printConstructor(ConstructorDoc constructorDoc, boolean isDeprecated, Phrase deprecatedPhrase, PdfPTable mainTable) throws Exception { String name =; String modifier = constructorDoc.modifiers(); String commentText = DocletUtility.getFirstSentence(constructorDoc); String destination = constructorDoc.qualifiedName() + constructorDoc.signature(); Parameter[] parms = constructorDoc.parameters(); Element[] objs = HtmlParserWrapper.createPdfObjects(commentText); PdfPTable commentsTable = createColumnsAndDeprecated(objs, isDeprecated, deprecatedPhrase); PdfPTable anotherinnertable = new PdfPTable(1); anotherinnertable.setWidthPercentage(100f); anotherinnertable.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); // Link to constructor Font constructorFont = Fonts.getFont(CODE_FONT, 9); Phrase phrase = new Phrase("", constructorFont); phrase.add(new LinkPhrase(destination, name, constructorFont)); phrase.add("("); if ((parms != null) && (parms.length > 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < parms.length; i++) { phrase.add(PDFUtility.getParameterTypePhrase(parms[i], 9)); phrase.add(" "); phrase.add(parms[i].name()); if (i != (parms.length - 1)) { phrase.add(", "); } } } phrase.add(")"); PdfPCell cell = PDFUtility.createElementCell(2, phrase); cell.setPaddingLeft((float) 7.0); anotherinnertable.addCell(cell); anotherinnertable.addCell(commentsTable); PdfPTable innerTable = addDeclaration(modifier, null); innerTable.addCell(anotherinnertable); mainTable.addCell(innerTable); } /** * Prints the summary tables for a method. * @param modifier * @param returnType * @param isDeprecated * @param deprecatedPhrase * @param mainTable * @throws Exception */ private static void printMethod(MethodDoc methodDoc, String modifier, Phrase returnType, boolean isDeprecated, Phrase deprecatedPhrase, PdfPTable mainTable) throws Exception { String name =; String destination = methodDoc.qualifiedName() + methodDoc.signature(); String commentText = DocletUtility.getFirstSentence(methodDoc); Parameter[] parms = methodDoc.parameters(); // Create inner table for both columns (left column already filled in) PdfPTable rowTable = addDeclaration(modifier, returnType); // Inner table with 1st sentence of javadoc of this method. // We use a table in order to be able to create two cells // in it (1st an empty one for intendation) Element[] objs = HtmlParserWrapper.createPdfObjects(commentText); // Phrase descPhr = new Phrase(); PdfPTable commentsTable = createColumnsAndDeprecated(objs, isDeprecated, deprecatedPhrase); // Table with 1 column and 2 rows (row 1 is parameters etc., // row 2 is the description PdfPTable rightColumnInnerTable = new PdfPTable(1); rightColumnInnerTable.setWidthPercentage(100f); rightColumnInnerTable.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); // Link to method Font methodFont = Fonts.getFont(CODE_FONT, 9); Phrase phrase = new Phrase("", methodFont); phrase.add(new LinkPhrase(destination, name, methodFont)); phrase.add("("); if ((parms != null) && (parms.length > 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < parms.length; i++) { phrase.add(PDFUtility.getParameterTypePhrase(parms[i], 9)); phrase.add(" "); phrase.add(parms[i].name()); if (i != (parms.length - 1)) { phrase.add(", "); } } } phrase.add(")"); PdfPCell cell = PDFUtility.createElementCell(2, phrase); cell.setPaddingLeft((float) 7.0); rightColumnInnerTable.addCell(cell); rightColumnInnerTable.addCell(commentsTable); // Now fill in right column as well rowTable.addCell(rightColumnInnerTable); // And add inner table to main summary table as a new row mainTable.addCell(rowTable); } /** * Creates the inner table for both columns. The left column * already contains the declaration text part. * * @param text The text (like "static final"..) */ private static PdfPTable addDeclaration(String text, Phrase returnType) throws DocumentException { PdfPTable innerTable = new PdfPTable(2); innerTable.setWidthPercentage(100f); innerTable.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); innerTable.setWidths(new int[] { 24, 76 }); Paragraph declarationParagraph = new Paragraph((float) 9.0); Chunk leftPart = new Chunk(text, Fonts.getFont(CODE_FONT, 9)); declarationParagraph.add(leftPart); if (returnType != null) { declarationParagraph.add(returnType); declarationParagraph.add(new Chunk(" ", Fonts.getFont(CODE_FONT, 9))); } PdfPCell cell = new CustomPdfPCell(Rectangle.RIGHT, declarationParagraph, 1, Color.gray); cell.setPaddingTop((float) 4.0); cell.setVerticalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_TOP); innerTable.addCell(cell); return innerTable; } /** * Creates the two columns for the summary table and, if necessary, * fills in the "Deprecated" text. Otherwise, the given elements * are filled in. * * @param objs The description elements. * @param isDeprecated If true, the whole class/method is deprecated. * @param deprecatedPhrase The phrase for the deprecated text. * @return The summary table columns. * @throws DocumentException If something failed. */ private static PdfPTable createColumnsAndDeprecated(Element[] objs, boolean isDeprecated, Phrase deprecatedPhrase) throws DocumentException { PdfPTable commentsTable = null; commentsTable = new PdfPTable(2); commentsTable.setWidths(new int[] { 5, 95 }); commentsTable.setWidthPercentage(100f); commentsTable.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); commentsTable.addCell(new Phrase("")); Phrase descPhr = new Phrase(); CellNoBorderNoPadding cell = new CellNoBorderNoPadding(descPhr); commentsTable.addCell(cell); if (isDeprecated) { // if the method is deprecated... // do not print the comment text... // just print the deprecated text descPhr.add(new Phrase(AbstractConfiguration.LB_DEPRECATED_TAG, Fonts.getFont(TEXT_FONT, BOLD, 10))); descPhr.add(deprecatedPhrase); } else if (objs.length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { if (objs[i] instanceof List) { cell.addElement(objs[i]); descPhr = new Phrase(""); cell.addElement(descPhr); } else { descPhr.add(objs[i]); } } } return commentsTable; } /** * Creates a summary table with a coloured title bar. * * @param title The title for the summary table. * @return The newly created summary table. * @throws DocumentException If something fails. */ private static PdfPTable createTable(String title) throws DocumentException { PdfPTable mainTable = new CustomPdfPTable(); PdfPCell colorTitleCell = new CustomPdfPCell(title + " Summary"); // Some empty space... Document.instance().add(new Paragraph((float) 8.0, " ")); mainTable.addCell(colorTitleCell); return mainTable; } }