Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Roger Kapsi * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.ardverk.dropwizard.assets; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime; import; import; import; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; class AssetsDirectory { private static final boolean USE_CACHE = true; private final Map<String, Entry> cache; private final Path directory; private final String uriPath; private final String defaultFile; public AssetsDirectory(Path directory, String uriPath, String defaultFile) { this(directory, uriPath, defaultFile, 1024); } public AssetsDirectory(Path directory, String uriPath, String defaultFile, final int maxSize) { = directory; this.uriPath = uriPath; this.defaultFile = defaultFile; this.cache = new LinkedHashMap<String, Entry>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<String, Entry> eldest) { return size() >= maxSize; } }; } /** * Returns an {@link Entry} or throws a {@link FileNotFoundException}. */ public Entry getFileEntry(String requestURI) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { Entry asset = lookup(requestURI); if (asset != null) { return asset; } return load(requestURI); } /** * Lookups an {@link Entry} and returns it. */ private Entry lookup(String requestURI) throws IOException { if (!USE_CACHE) { return null; } synchronized (cache) { Entry entry = cache.get(requestURI); if (entry == null) { return null; } if (entry.isExpired()) { cache.remove(requestURI); return null; } return entry; } } /** * Loads an {@link Entry} from the underlying filesystem. */ private Entry load(String requestURI) throws IOException { Path file = getFilePath(requestURI); try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); try (DigestOutputStream dos = new DigestOutputStream(NopOutputStream.NULL, md)) { Files.copy(file, dos); } FileTime lastModified = Files.getLastModifiedTime(file); String etag = "\"" + Hex.encodeHexString(md.digest()) + "\""; Entry entry = new Entry(file, lastModified, etag); if (USE_CACHE) { synchronized (cache) { cache.put(requestURI, entry); } } return entry; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException err) { throw new IOException("NoSuchAlgorithmException", err); } } private Path getFilePath(String requestURI) throws IOException { // The 'requestURI' is not in the 'uriPath' if (!requestURI.startsWith(uriPath)) { throw new IOException(requestURI); } String requestPath = requestURI.substring(uriPath.length()); Path file = directory.resolve(requestPath); if (Files.isDirectory(file) && defaultFile != null) { file = file.resolve(defaultFile); } // The 'requestURI' points to a directory and there // is no default file. if (!Files.exists(file)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(requestURI); } return file; } /** * An entry in the {@link AssetsDirectory}. */ public static class Entry { private final Path file; private final FileTime lastModified; private final String etag; private Entry(Path file, FileTime lastModified, String etag) { this.file = file; this.lastModified = lastModified; this.etag = etag; } /** * Returns {@code true} if the {@link Entry} has changed. */ public boolean isExpired() throws IOException { return !lastModified.equals(Files.getLastModifiedTime(file)); } /** * Returns the underlying file. */ public Path getFile() { return file; } /** * Returns the file's size in bytes. */ public long length() throws IOException { return Files.size(file); } /** * Returns the file's last modified time. */ public long getLastModified() { return lastModified.toMillis(); } /** * Returns the file's ETag. */ public String getETag() { return etag; } public void writeTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException { Files.copy(file, out); } } /** * An {@link OutputStream} that does nothing. */ private static class NopOutputStream extends OutputStream { public static final NopOutputStream NULL = new NopOutputStream(); @Override public void close() { } @Override public void flush() { } @Override public void write(byte[] value, int offset, int length) { } @Override public void write(byte[] value) { } @Override public void write(int value) { } } }