Java tutorial
/** * Archivists' Toolkit(TM) Copyright 2005-2007 Regents of the University of California, New York University, & Five Colleges, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This software is free. You can redistribute it and / or modify it under the terms of the Educational Community License (ECL) * version 1.0 ( * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ECL license for more details about permissions and limitations. * * * Archivists' Toolkit(TM) * * * * @author Lee Mandell */ package org.archiviststoolkit.structure; import org.archiviststoolkit.mydomain.DomainObject; import org.archiviststoolkit.mydomain.DomainAccessObject; import org.archiviststoolkit.mydomain.DomainAccessObjectImpl; import org.archiviststoolkit.mydomain.LookupException; import org.archiviststoolkit.structure.IncludeInApplicationConfiguration; import org.archiviststoolkit.structure.DatabaseFields; import org.archiviststoolkit.model.Repositories; import org.archiviststoolkit.model.RepositoryNotesDefaultValues; import org.archiviststoolkit.dialog.ErrorDialog; import org.archiviststoolkit.util.StringHelper; import org.archiviststoolkit.util.ATBeanUtils; import org.archiviststoolkit.ApplicationFrame; import org.hibernate.LockMode; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.beans.IntrospectionException; @ExcludeFromDefaultValues public class DefaultValues extends DomainObject { // Names of the Bound Bean Properties ************************************* public static final String PROPERTYNAME_AT_FIELD = "atField"; public static final String PROPERTYNAME_TABLE_NAME = "tableName"; public static final String PROPERTYNAME_STRING_VALUE = "stringValue"; public static final String PROPERTYNAME_TEXT_VALUE = "textValue"; public static final String PROPERTYNAME_LONG_VALUE = "longValue"; public static final String PROPERTYNAME_DOUBLE_VALUE = "doubleValue"; public static final String PROPERTYNAME_INT_VALUE = "intValue"; public static final String PROPERTYNAME_BOOLEAN_VALUE = "booleanValue"; public static final String PROPERTYNAME_DATE_VALUE = "dateValue"; public static final String PROPERTYNAME_VALUE_AS_STRING = "valueAsString"; private Long defaultValueId; private String stringValue; private String textValue; private Long longValue; private Double doubleValue; private Integer intValue; private Boolean booleanValue; private Date dateValue; private Method writeMethod; private Method readMethod; @IncludeInApplicationConfiguration(1) private DatabaseFields atField; @IncludeInApplicationConfiguration(2) private String tableName; private Repositories repository; private static Hashtable<Repositories, Hashtable<String, ArrayList<DefaultValues>>> repositoryDefaultValues; private static Hashtable<Repositories, Hashtable<NotesEtcTypes, RepositoryNotesDefaultValues>> repositoryNotesDefaultValues; public static void initDefaultValueLookup() { repositoryDefaultValues = new Hashtable<Repositories, Hashtable<String, ArrayList<DefaultValues>>>(); repositoryNotesDefaultValues = new Hashtable<Repositories, Hashtable<NotesEtcTypes, RepositoryNotesDefaultValues>>(); try { DomainAccessObject access = new DomainAccessObjectImpl(DefaultValues.class); DefaultValues defaultValue; Repositories repository; Hashtable<String, ArrayList<DefaultValues>> tableLookup; ArrayList<DefaultValues> defaultValueList; for (Object o : access.findAll(LockMode.READ)) { defaultValue = (DefaultValues) o; // check to the table class name to make sure only AT related default values // values are loaded String className = defaultValue.getAtField().getDatabaseTable().getClassName(); if (!className.contains("org.archiviststoolkit")) { continue; } repository = defaultValue.getRepository(); tableLookup = repositoryDefaultValues.get(repository); if (tableLookup == null) { tableLookup = new Hashtable<String, ArrayList<DefaultValues>>(); repositoryDefaultValues.put(repository, tableLookup); } defaultValueList = tableLookup.get(defaultValue.getTableName()); if (defaultValueList == null) { defaultValueList = new ArrayList<DefaultValues>(); tableLookup.put(defaultValue.getTableName(), defaultValueList); } defaultValue.setReadWriteMethodFromField(); defaultValueList.add(defaultValue); } access = new DomainAccessObjectImpl(RepositoryNotesDefaultValues.class); RepositoryNotesDefaultValues repositoryNoteDefaultValue; Hashtable<NotesEtcTypes, RepositoryNotesDefaultValues> noteLookup; for (Object o : access.findAll(LockMode.READ)) { repositoryNoteDefaultValue = (RepositoryNotesDefaultValues) o; repository = repositoryNoteDefaultValue.getRepository(); noteLookup = repositoryNotesDefaultValues.get(repository); if (noteLookup == null) { noteLookup = new Hashtable<NotesEtcTypes, RepositoryNotesDefaultValues>(); repositoryNotesDefaultValues.put(repository, noteLookup); } noteLookup.put(repositoryNoteDefaultValue.getNoteType(), repositoryNoteDefaultValue); } } catch (LookupException e) { new ErrorDialog("Error loading default values", StringHelper.getStackTrace(e)).showDialog(); } catch (IntrospectionException e) { new ErrorDialog("Error loading default values", StringHelper.getStackTrace(e)).showDialog(); } } public static ArrayList<DefaultValues> getDefaultValueList(Repositories repository, String tableName) { if (repository == null) { return new ArrayList<DefaultValues>(); } else { Hashtable<String, ArrayList<DefaultValues>> tableLookup = repositoryDefaultValues.get(repository); if (tableLookup == null) { return new ArrayList<DefaultValues>(); } else { ArrayList<DefaultValues> defaultValueList = tableLookup.get(tableName); if (defaultValueList == null) { return new ArrayList<DefaultValues>(); } else { return defaultValueList; } } } } public static DefaultValues getDefaultValue(Repositories repository, String tableName, String fieldName) { if (repository == null) { return null; } else { Hashtable<String, ArrayList<DefaultValues>> tableLookup = repositoryDefaultValues.get(repository); if (tableLookup == null) { return null; } else { ArrayList<DefaultValues> defaultValueList = tableLookup.get(tableName); if (defaultValueList == null) { return null; } else { for (DefaultValues value : defaultValueList) { if (value.getAtField().getFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase(fieldName)) { return value; } } return null; } } } } public static RepositoryNotesDefaultValues getRepoistoryNoteDefaultValue(Repositories repository, NotesEtcTypes noteType) { if (repository == null) { return null; } else { Hashtable<NotesEtcTypes, RepositoryNotesDefaultValues> noteLookup = repositoryNotesDefaultValues .get(repository); if (noteLookup == null) { return null; } else { return noteLookup.get(noteType); } } } public static void assignDefaultValues(DomainObject model) { ArrayList<DefaultValues> defaultValueList = DefaultValues.getDefaultValueList( ApplicationFrame.getInstance().getCurrentUserRepository(), model.getClass().getSimpleName()); for (DefaultValues value : defaultValueList) { try { boolean fieldEmpty = true; Object existingValue = value.getReadMethod().invoke(model); if (existingValue != null) { if (existingValue instanceof String) { if (((String) existingValue).length() > 0) { fieldEmpty = false; } } else if (existingValue instanceof Integer) { if ((Integer) existingValue != 0) { fieldEmpty = false; } } else if (existingValue instanceof Double) { if ((Double) existingValue != 0) { fieldEmpty = false; } } } if (fieldEmpty) { value.getWriteMethod().invoke(model, value.getValue()); } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { new ErrorDialog("Error setting default value for field: " + value.getAtField().getFieldName(), StringHelper.getStackTrace(e)).showDialog(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { new ErrorDialog("Error setting default value for field: " + value.getAtField().getFieldName(), StringHelper.getStackTrace(e)).showDialog(); } catch (Exception e) { new ErrorDialog("Error setting default value for field: " + value.getAtField().getFieldName(), StringHelper.getStackTrace(e)).showDialog(); } } } /** Creates a new instance of Users */ public DefaultValues() { } public DefaultValues(Repositories repository) { this.repository = repository; } public void nullValueFields() { stringValue = null; textValue = null; longValue = null; doubleValue = null; intValue = null; booleanValue = null; dateValue = null; } @IncludeMethodInApplicationConfiguration(fieldName = PROPERTYNAME_VALUE_AS_STRING, value = 3) public String getValueAsString() { if (this.getStringValue() != null && this.getStringValue().length() > 0) { return this.getStringValue(); } else if (this.getTextValue() != null) { return this.getTextValue().toString(); } else if (this.getLongValue() != null) { return this.getLongValue().toString(); } else if (this.getDoubleValue() != null) { return this.getDoubleValue().toString(); } else if (this.getIntValue() != null) { return this.getIntValue().toString(); } else if (this.getBooleanValue() != null) { return this.getBooleanValue().toString(); } else if (this.getDateValue() != null) { return this.getDateValue().toString(); } else if (this.getLongValue() != null) { return this.getLongValue().toString(); } else { return ""; } } public Object getValue() { if (this.getStringValue() != null && this.getStringValue().length() > 0) { return this.getStringValue(); } else if (this.getTextValue() != null) { return this.getTextValue(); } else if (this.getLongValue() != null) { return this.getLongValue(); } else if (this.getDoubleValue() != null) { return this.getDoubleValue(); } else if (this.getIntValue() != null) { return this.getIntValue(); } else if (this.getBooleanValue() != null) { return this.getBooleanValue(); } else if (this.getDateValue() != null) { return this.getDateValue(); } else if (this.getLongValue() != null) { return this.getLongValue(); } else { return null; } } public Long getIdentifier() { return this.getDefaultValueId(); } public void setIdentifier(Long identifier) { this.setDefaultValueId(identifier); } public Repositories getRepository() { return repository; } public void setRepository(Repositories repository) { this.repository = repository; } public Long getDefaultValueId() { return defaultValueId; } public void setDefaultValueId(Long defaultValueId) { this.defaultValueId = defaultValueId; } public String getStringValue() { if (this.stringValue != null) { return this.stringValue; } else { return ""; } } public void setStringValue(String stringValue) { this.stringValue = stringValue; } public Long getLongValue() { return longValue; } public void setLongValue(Long longValue) { this.longValue = longValue; } public Double getDoubleValue() { return doubleValue; } public void setDoubleValue(Double doubleValue) { this.doubleValue = doubleValue; } public Integer getIntValue() { return intValue; } public void setIntValue(Integer intValue) { this.intValue = intValue; } public Boolean getBooleanValue() { return booleanValue; } public void setBooleanValue(Boolean booleanValue) { this.booleanValue = booleanValue; } public Date getDateValue() { return dateValue; } public void setDateValue(Date dateValue) { this.dateValue = dateValue; } public DatabaseFields getAtField() { return atField; } public void setAtField(DatabaseFields field) { this.atField = field; } public String getTableName() { if (this.tableName != null) { return this.tableName; } else { return ""; } } public void setTableName(String tableName) { this.tableName = tableName; } public Method getWriteMethod() { return writeMethod; } public void setWriteMethod(Method writeMethod) { this.writeMethod = writeMethod; } public void setReadWriteMethodFromField() throws IntrospectionException { this.writeMethod = ATBeanUtils.getWriteMethod(atField.getDatabaseTable().getClazz(), atField.getFieldName()); this.readMethod = ATBeanUtils.getReadMethod(atField.getDatabaseTable().getClazz(), atField.getFieldName()); } public Method getReadMethod() { return readMethod; } public void setReadMethod(Method readMethod) { this.readMethod = readMethod; } public String getTextValue() { return textValue; } public void setTextValue(String textValue) { this.textValue = textValue; } }