Java tutorial
/** * Archivists' Toolkit(TM) Copyright 2005-2007 Regents of the University of California, New York University, & Five Colleges, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This software is free. You can redistribute it and / or modify it under the terms of the Educational Community License (ECL) * version 1.0 ( * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ECL license for more details about permissions and limitations. * * * Archivists' Toolkit(TM) * * * */ package org.archiviststoolkit.mydomain; //============================================================================== // Import Declarations //============================================================================== import ca.odell.glazedlists.event.ListEvent; import ca.odell.glazedlists.event.ListEventListener; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRField; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.archiviststoolkit.ApplicationFrame; import org.archiviststoolkit.Main; import org.archiviststoolkit.plugin.ATPluginFactory; import org.archiviststoolkit.plugin.ATPlugin; import org.archiviststoolkit.dialog.ATFileChooser; import org.archiviststoolkit.dialog.ErrorDialog; import org.archiviststoolkit.dialog.QueryEditor; import org.archiviststoolkit.dialog.ATDebugDialog; import org.archiviststoolkit.exceptions.*; import org.archiviststoolkit.exporter.EADExportHandler; import org.archiviststoolkit.exporter.MARCExportHandler; import org.archiviststoolkit.model.*; import; import; import org.archiviststoolkit.swing.*; import org.archiviststoolkit.util.FileUtils; import org.archiviststoolkit.util.MyTimer; import org.archiviststoolkit.util.ResourceUtils; import org.archiviststoolkit.util.RecordLockUtils; import org.hibernate.LockMode; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; /** * A worksurface which can display a domain table. */ public class DomainTableWorkSurface implements WorkSurface, MouseListener, ActionListener { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getPackage().getName()); private boolean debug = false; private boolean done; // boolean to say when a record is being open. This is to prevent a bug // ART-2331 "Illegal access to loading collection" from occurring private boolean recordOpening = false; /** * Variable to see if to display the confirm dialog that comes up on save button press */ public static boolean showConfirmDialog = true; /** * new action. */ private ConcreteAction newAction = null; /** * edit action. */ private ConcreteAction editAction = null; // /** // * copy action. // */ // private ConcreteAction copyAction = null; /** * query action. */ private ConcreteAction searchAction = null; private ConcreteAction findAllAction = null; private ConcreteAction showSelectedAction = null; private ConcreteAction showUnSelectedAction = null; private ConcreteAction assignPersistentIds = null; // /** // * paste action. // */ // private ConcreteAction pasteAction = null; // // /** // * cut action. // */ // private ConcreteAction cutAction = null; /** * delete action. */ private ConcreteAction deleteAction = null; // debug action used for testing thread locking private ConcreteAction debugAction = null; /** * The class of this worksurface. */ protected Class clazz = null; protected JTextField filterField; /** * The JTable used to render internally. */ protected DomainSortableTable table = null; /** * The root component of this worksurface. */ protected JPanel rootComponent = new JPanel(); protected JScrollPane scrollPane; protected DomainTableListEventListener eventListener; protected JLabel resultSizeDisplay; protected String humanReadableSearchString = ""; /** * A popup menu used to manipulate entries in the worksurface. */ private JPopupMenu pm = null; /** * An icon for the worksurface. */ private Icon icon = null; /** * A displayable name for the worksurface. */ private String name = null; /** * A displayable tooltip for a specific worksuface. */ private String tooltip = null; /** * the sortable table model. */ // private SortableTableModel sortableTableModel = null; // private DomainEventTableModel domainObjectTableModel; protected DomainEditor dialog; protected DomainAccessObject access; protected DomainObject currentDomainObject; protected int selectedRow; protected Collection<DomainObject> resultSet = new ArrayList<DomainObject>(); private ATFileChooser filechooser; // private MARCExportHandler marcHandler; Session longSessionForPrinting; /** * event list that hosts the issues */ protected List<DomainObject> currentObjectSublist; int rowCount = 0; // Stores the current record lock which needs to be removed protected RecordLocks currentRecordLock; /** * Constructor. * * @param clazz the domain model class * @param name the name of this worksurface * @param icon the icon of this worksurface */ public DomainTableWorkSurface(final Class clazz, final String name, final Icon icon) { init(clazz, name, icon, null); } /** * Constructor. * * @param clazz the domain model class * @param name the name of this worksurface * @param icon the icon of this worksurface * @param tableFormat the table format to use for the domain table */ public DomainTableWorkSurface(final Class clazz, final String name, final Icon icon, DomainTableFormat tableFormat) { init(clazz, name, icon, tableFormat); } public DomainTableWorkSurface() { } protected void init(Class clazz, String name, Icon icon, DomainTableFormat tableFormat) { this.icon = icon; = name; filterField = ApplicationFrame.getInstance().getFilterField(clazz); resultSizeDisplay = new JLabel("0 Record(s)"); this.clazz = clazz; rootComponent.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); initTable(false, tableFormat); // build a panel to hold the filter JPanel filterPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); // filterPanel.add(new JLabel("Filter:")); // filterPanel.add(filterField); filterPanel.add(resultSizeDisplay); filterPanel.setBackground(ApplicationFrame.BACKGROUND_COLOR); rootComponent.add(filterPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); newAction = new ConcreteAction("new"); editAction = new ConcreteAction("edit"); // copyAction = new ConcreteAction("copy"); searchAction = new ConcreteAction("search"); findAllAction = new ConcreteAction("list all"); showSelectedAction = new ConcreteAction("list selected records"); showUnSelectedAction = new ConcreteAction("omit selected records"); // pasteAction = new ConcreteAction("paste"); // cutAction = new ConcreteAction("paste"); deleteAction = new ConcreteAction("delete"); assignPersistentIds = new ConcreteAction("assign persistent ids"); debugAction = new ConcreteAction("Debug"); pm = new JPopupMenu(); pm.add(new JMenuItem(newAction)); pm.add(new JMenuItem(editAction)); if (Users.doesCurrentUserHaveAccess(Users.ACCESS_CLASS_ADVANCED_DATA_ENTRY)) { pm.add(new JMenuItem(deleteAction)); } pm.add(new JMenuItem(searchAction)); pm.add(new JMenuItem(findAllAction)); pm.add(new JMenuItem(showSelectedAction)); pm.add(new JMenuItem(showUnSelectedAction)); if (this.clazz == Resources.class && Users.doesCurrentUserHaveAccess(Users.ACCESS_CLASS_SUPERUSER)) { pm.add(new JMenuItem(assignPersistentIds)); } if (debug) { pm.addSeparator(); pm.add(new JMenuItem(debugAction)); debugAction.addActionListener(this); } pm.addMouseListener(this); newAction.addActionListener(this); editAction.addActionListener(this); deleteAction.addActionListener(this); searchAction.addActionListener(this); findAllAction.addActionListener(this); showSelectedAction.addActionListener(this); showUnSelectedAction.addActionListener(this); assignPersistentIds.addActionListener(this); // cutAction.setEnabled(false); // copyAction.setEnabled(false); // pasteAction.setEnabled(false); } private void initTable(boolean update, DomainTableFormat tableFormat) { if (update) { table.removeMouseListener(this); table.getFilteredList().removeListEventListener(eventListener); } table = new DomainSortableTable(clazz, filterField, tableFormat); table.setTableType(AlternatingRowColorTable.TABLE_TYPE_NORMAL); eventListener = new DomainTableListEventListener(); table.getFilteredList().addListEventListener(eventListener); if (update) { rootComponent.remove(scrollPane); } else { table.addMouseListener(this); } table.setDefaultRenderer(Date.class, new DateTableCellRenderer()); scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table); scrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); rootComponent.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); } /** * get the action which creates. * * @return the action */ public final ConcreteAction getNewAction() { return newAction; } /** * called when the mouse is pressed. * * @param evt the mouse event */ public final void mousePressed(final MouseEvent evt) { if (evt.isPopupTrigger()) {, evt.getX(), evt.getY()); } } /** * called when the mouse is released. * * @param evt the mouse event */ public final void mouseReleased(final MouseEvent evt) { if (evt.isPopupTrigger()) {, evt.getX(), evt.getY()); } } /** * Deals with a double click and therefore edit event on the table. * * @param e the mouse event */ public final void mouseClicked(final MouseEvent e) { if (debug) { System.out.println("click from:" + this); } if (e.getClickCount() == 2) { onUpdate(); } } /** * mouse has entered the component. * * @param e the event */ public final void mouseEntered(final MouseEvent e) { } /** * mouse has left the component. * * @param e the event */ public final void mouseExited(final MouseEvent e) { } /** * Get the JTable used for this worksurface. * * @return the JTable */ public final JTable getTable() { return table; } // public DomainEventTableModel getTableModel() { // return this.domainObjectTableModel; // } /** * Get the icon associated with this worksurface. * * @return icon the icon */ public final Icon getIcon() { return (this.icon); } /** * Get the name of this worksurface. * * @return the name */ public final String getName() { return (; } /** * Get the underlying component for this worksurface. * * @return the root component */ public final JComponent getComponent() { return (rootComponent); } /** * Get the tooltip string for this worksurface. * * @return the tooltip */ public final String getTooltip() { return (this.tooltip); } protected void updateRowCount() { rowCount = table.getFilteredList().size(); int totalRecords = table.getEventList().size(); String resultString; if (rowCount == totalRecords) { resultString = rowCount + " Record(s)"; } else { resultString = rowCount + " of " + totalRecords + " Record(s)"; } if (humanReadableSearchString != null && humanReadableSearchString.length() > 0) { resultString = "<html>" + resultString + " found for search \"<FONT COLOR='blue'>" + humanReadableSearchString + "</FONT>\"</html>"; } resultSizeDisplay.setText(resultString); } /** * do something useful when an event occurs. * * @param actionEvent the event to process */ public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent actionEvent) { Object actionSource = actionEvent.getSource(); if (actionSource == this.newAction) { onInsert(); } else if (actionSource == this.deleteAction) { onDelete(); } else if (actionSource == this.editAction) { onUpdate(); } else if (actionSource == this.searchAction) { onSearch(); } else if (actionSource == this.findAllAction) { onFindAll(); } else if (actionSource == this.showSelectedAction) { if (table.getSelectedRows().length > 0) { ArrayList<DomainObject> newResultSet = new ArrayList<DomainObject>(); for (int index : table.getSelectedRows()) { newResultSet.add(table.getFilteredList().get(index)); } humanReadableSearchString = ""; updateListWithNewResultSet(newResultSet); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(dialog, "You must select at least one row to list"); } } else if (actionSource == this.assignPersistentIds) { Thread performer = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { InfiniteProgressPanel monitor = ATProgressUtil .createModalProgressMonitor(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), 1000); monitor.start("Assigning persistent Ids..."); try { Resources resource; int numberOfSelectedRecords = table.getSelectedRows().length; int count = 1; for (int index : table.getSelectedRows()) { resource = (Resources) table.getFilteredList().get(index); monitor.setTextLine("Processing" + resource.getTitle() + " (" + count++ + " of " + numberOfSelectedRecords + ")", 1); try { ResourceUtils.assignPersistentIds(resource.getIdentifier(), monitor); } catch (LookupException e) { monitor.close(); new ErrorDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), "", e).showDialog(); } catch (PersistenceException e) { monitor.close(); new ErrorDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), "", e).showDialog(); } } } finally { monitor.close(); } } }, "persistanceIds"); performer.start(); } else if (actionSource == this.showUnSelectedAction) { if (table.getSelectedRows().length > 0) { ArrayList<Integer> selectedIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int index : table.getSelectedRows()) { selectedIndexes.add(index); } ArrayList<DomainObject> newResultSet = new ArrayList<DomainObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < table.getRowCount(); i++) { if (!selectedIndexes.contains(i)) { newResultSet.add(table.getFilteredList().get(i)); } } humanReadableSearchString = ""; updateListWithNewResultSet(newResultSet); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(dialog, "You must select at least one row to omit"); } } else if (actionSource == this.debugAction) { ATDebugDialog debugDialog = new ATDebugDialog(this, dialog); debugDialog.setVisible(true); } else if (actionSource == dialog.getNextButton() || actionSource == dialog.getPreviousButton() || actionSource == dialog.getFirstButton() || actionSource == dialog.getLastButton()) { if (dialog.getModel().validateAndDisplayDialog(actionEvent)) { try { //before anything else try saving the record to see if it fails if it is not read only if (!dialog.getReadOnly()) { access.updateLongSession(currentDomainObject); } else { // need to roll back any changes that were made try { access.closeLongSessionRollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { new ErrorDialog(dialog, "Error canceling record.", e).showDialog(); } } if (debug) { System.out.println("Thread: " + Thread.currentThread()); } // remove the current record lock clearCurrentRecordLock(); //adjust the selected row if (actionSource == dialog.getNextButton()) { selectedRow++; } else if (actionSource == dialog.getPreviousButton()) { selectedRow--; } else if (actionSource == dialog.getFirstButton()) { selectedRow = 0; } else if (actionSource == dialog.getLastButton()) { selectedRow = rowCount - 1; } dialog.setSelectedRow(selectedRow); dialog.setNavigationButtons(); table.setRowSelectionInterval(selectedRow, selectedRow); setSublistWithCurrentDomainObject(); DomainObject domainObject = table.getFilteredList().get(selectedRow); if (this.clazz == Resources.class) { if (debug) { ApplicationFrame.getInstance().getTimer().reset(); System.out.println("Loading resource"); } } // check to see if this record is locked and if it is then ask user // if the want to open in read only mode RecordLocks recordLock = isRecordLocked(domainObject); if (recordLock != null) { // ask the user if the want to open record read only if (!openRecordReadOnly(recordLock)) { dialog.closeAndNoSave(); return; } else { dialog.setReadOnly(true); // not sure what this those } } else { // set read only to false dialog.setReadOnly(false); } getCurrentDomainObjectFromDatabase(domainObject); Thread performer = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { InfiniteProgressPanel monitor = ATProgressUtil .createModalProgressMonitor(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), 1000); monitor.start("Loading Record..."); try { if (debug) { System.out.println("Thread: " + Thread.currentThread()); } setFilteredListWithCurrentDomainObject(); currentObjectSublist = table.getFilteredList().subList(selectedRow, selectedRow + 1); dialog.setModel(currentDomainObject, monitor); dialog.setRecordPositionText(selectedRow, table.getFilteredList().size()); if (debug) { System.out.println("Final Load record: " + MyTimer.toString( ApplicationFrame.getInstance().getTimer().elapsedTimeMillisSplit())); System.out.println("Total: " + MyTimer.toString( ApplicationFrame.getInstance().getTimer().elapsedTimeMillis()) + "\n"); } monitor.close(); finishNavigateRecord(); } finally { monitor.close(); } } }, "Record Navigation"); performer.start(); } catch (PersistenceException persistenceException) { if (persistenceException.getCause() instanceof ConstraintViolationException) { String message = "Can't save, duplicate record " + currentDomainObject; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), message); logger.error(message, persistenceException); try { access.closeLongSessionRollback(); // Session longSession = access.getLongSession(); // longSession.lock(currentDomainObject, LockMode.NONE); } catch (SQLException e) { new ErrorDialog(dialog, "Error reverting record", e).showDialog(); } } else { new ErrorDialog(dialog, "Error saving new record.", persistenceException).showDialog(); } } catch (LookupException lookupException) { new ErrorDialog(dialog, "Error saving new record.", lookupException).showDialog(); } } } } protected void setFilteredListWithCurrentDomainObject() { table.getFilteredList().set(selectedRow, currentDomainObject); } protected void setSublistWithCurrentDomainObject() { if (currentDomainObject == null) { currentObjectSublist.set(0, null); } else { long id = currentDomainObject.getIdentifier(); currentObjectSublist.set(0, getSimpleDomainObject(id)); } } // function to get a simple domain object to add tojlist private DomainObject getSimpleDomainObject(long id) { DomainObject domainObject = null; try { DomainAccessObject access = DomainAccessObjectFactory.getInstance().getDomainAccessObject(clazz); domainObject = access.findByPrimaryKey(id); } catch (PersistenceException e) { new ErrorDialog("", e).showDialog(); } catch (LookupException e) { new ErrorDialog("", e).showDialog(); } return domainObject; } private void finishNavigateRecord() { dialog.repaint(); } public void onDelete() { selectedRow = this.getTable().getSelectedRow(); if (selectedRow != -1) { int response = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), "Are you sure you want to delete " + table.getSelectedRows().length + " record(s)", "Delete records", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (response == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { int[] selectedRows = table.getSelectedRows(); if (selectedRows.length != 0) { onRemoveGroup(selectedRows); } } }); } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(dialog, "You must select at least one record to delete."); } } /** * onUpdate show the appropriate editor. */ public final void onUpdate() { selectedRow = this.getTable().getSelectedRow(); // check to see if the record is currently being // opened. A bug will be thrown if we try an open the record twice if (recordOpening) { return; } if (selectedRow != -1) { recordOpening = true; try { access = DomainAccessObjectFactory.getInstance().getDomainAccessObject(clazz); DomainObject domainObject = table.getFilteredList().get(selectedRow); if (debug && this.clazz == Resources.class) { ApplicationFrame.getInstance().getTimer().reset(); System.out.println("Loading resource"); } LookupWorkerRunnable runnable = new LookupWorkerRunnable(domainObject); Thread backgroundWorker = new Thread(runnable); backgroundWorker.start(); } catch (PersistenceException e) { recordOpening = false; new ErrorDialog(dialog, "Error updating record", e).showDialog(); } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(dialog, "You must select a record to edit first"); } } private void finishOnUpdate() { done = false; while (!done) { if (debug) { System.out.println("Thread: " + Thread.currentThread()); } // check to see if the record is not locked RecordLocks recordLock = isRecordLocked(currentDomainObject); if (recordLock != null) { // ask the user if the want to open record read only if (!openRecordReadOnly(recordLock)) { break; } else { dialog.setReadOnly(true); // not sure what this those } } if (dialog.showDialog() == javax.swing.JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { int choice = dialog.getConfirmDialogReturn(); if (choice == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { saveRecord(); //wait for the save record to complete try { performer.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { new ErrorDialog("", e).showDialog(); } } } else if (dialog.getConfirmDialogReturn() == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { // called when window is closed and data validated saveRecord(); //wait for the save record to complete try { performer.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { new ErrorDialog("", e).showDialog(); } done = true; } else if (dialog.getConfirmDialogReturn() == StandardEditor.NO_SAVE_OPTION) { try { access.closeLongSessionRollback(); setSublistWithCurrentDomainObject(); // call this to update the display } catch (SQLException e) { new ErrorDialog(dialog, "Error canceling record.", e).showDialog(); } done = true; } else { // No Option was selected so roll back changes done = true; try { access.closeLongSessionRollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { new ErrorDialog(dialog, "Error canceling record.", e).showDialog(); } } // Remove any locks created while accessing record and set to read only false clearCurrentRecordLock(); dialog.setReadOnly(false); } } private Thread performer; private void saveRecord() { performer = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { InfiniteProgressPanel monitor = ATProgressUtil .createModalProgressMonitor(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), 1000); monitor.start("Saving Record..."); DomainObject domainObject = getCurrentDomainObject(); try { access.updateLongSession(domainObject); setSublistWithCurrentDomainObject(); done = true; } catch (PersistenceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConstraintViolationException) { monitor.close(); String message = "Can't save, duplicate record " + domainObject; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(dialog, message); logger.error(message, e); monitor.close(); } else { try { access.closeLongSessionRollback(); } catch (SQLException e1) { monitor.close(); new ErrorDialog("", e1).showDialog(); } monitor.close(); new ErrorDialog(dialog, "Error saving record.", e).showDialog(); done = true; dialog.setVisible(false); } } finally { monitor.close(); } } }, "SaveRecord"); performer.start(); } /** * onRemoveGroup delete a specific domain object. * * @param selectedIndexes the indexes of the domain objects */ public final void onRemoveGroup(final int[] selectedIndexes) { try { final ArrayList<DomainObject> deleteList = new ArrayList<DomainObject>(); final DomainAccessObject access; if (clazz == Resources.class) { access = new ResourcesDAO(); } else { access = DomainAccessObjectFactory.getInstance().getDomainAccessObject(clazz); } String deleteProblems = ""; // alert thev user that some records couldn't be deleted cause they are in use for (int loop = 0; loop < selectedIndexes.length; loop++) { if (debug) { System.out.println("Adding " + selectedIndexes[loop]); } // check to see if this record is not locked before deleting it DomainObject domainObject = table.getFilteredList().get(selectedIndexes[loop]); if (isRecordLocked(domainObject, false) == null) { deleteList.add(domainObject); } else { // add text message that will alert the user that this records can't be deleted cause it's locked deleteProblems += "The record \"" + domainObject + "\" is in use by another user\n"; } } if (clazz == Resources.class) { Thread performer = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { InfiniteProgressPanel monitor = ATProgressUtil .createModalProgressMonitor(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), 1000, true); monitor.start("Deleting records..."); try { ((ResourcesDAO) access).deleteGroup(deleteList, monitor); for (DomainObject o : deleteList) { resultSet.remove(o); table.getEventList().remove(o); removeFromPickers(o); } updateRowCount(); } catch (PersistenceException e) { monitor.close(); new ErrorDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), "", e).showDialog(); } finally { monitor.close(); } } }, "RemoveGroup"); performer.start(); } else { access.deleteGroup(deleteList); for (DomainObject o : deleteList) { resultSet.remove(o); table.getEventList().remove(o); removeFromPickers(o); } updateRowCount(); } // check to see if any of the record could not be deleted cause it was locked if (deleteProblems.length() > 0) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), "There were problems deleting some records\n" + deleteProblems); } } catch (LookupException lookupException) { new ErrorDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), "Error removing records", lookupException).showDialog(); } catch (PersistenceException e) { new ErrorDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), "Error removing records", e).showDialog(); } } private void removeFromPickers(DomainObject instance) { if (this.clazz == Subjects.class) { Subjects.removeSubjectFromLookupList((Subjects) instance); } else if (this.clazz == Names.class) { Names.removeNameFromLookupList((Names) instance); } else if (this.clazz == Resources.class) { if (instance instanceof Resources) { // check to make sure this id resource before it remove from the lookup list Resources.removeResourceFromLookupList((Resources) instance); } else { ResourcesComponentsSearchResult searchResult = (ResourcesComponentsSearchResult) instance; // if the return search result is not a component // get the resource record and delete it if (searchResult.getCompenent() == null) { Resources.removeResourceFromLookupList(searchResult.getParentResource()); } } } } /** * on insert display a blank editor and insert the results. */ public final void onInsert() { // see if to load a plugin editor instead of using the one built into the AT if (usePluginDomainEditor(null, null)) { return; // custom editor was used to view/edit this record so just return } ApplicationFrame.editorOpen = true; Object instance = null; boolean done = false; boolean createNewInstance = true; DomainEditor dialog = DomainEditorFactory.getInstance().getDialog(clazz); dialog.disableNavigationButtons(); dialog.clearRecordPositionText(); dialog.setNewRecord(true); int returnStatus; while (!done) { boolean createObject = true; if (createNewInstance) { try { instance = clazz.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException instantiationException) { new ErrorDialog(dialog, "Error creating new record.", instantiationException).showDialog(); } catch (IllegalAccessException illegalAccessException) { new ErrorDialog(dialog, "Error creating new record.", illegalAccessException).showDialog(); } if (clazz == Names.class) { String nameType = Names.selectNameType(rootComponent); if ((nameType != null) && (nameType.length() > 0)) { ((Names) instance).setNameType(nameType); } else { createObject = false; done = true; } } else if (clazz == Accessions.class) { ((Accessions) instance) .setRepository(ApplicationFrame.getInstance().getCurrentUserRepository()); } else if (clazz == Resources.class) { ((Resources) instance).setRepository(ApplicationFrame.getInstance().getCurrentUserRepository()); ((Resources) instance).markRecordAsNew(); } else if (clazz == DigitalObjects.class) { ((DigitalObjects) instance) .setRepository(ApplicationFrame.getInstance().getCurrentUserRepository()); } } else { createNewInstance = true; } if (createObject) { dialog.setModel((DomainObject) instance, null); returnStatus = dialog.showDialog(); int choice = dialog.getConfirmDialogReturn(); Boolean savedNewRecord = dialog.getSavedNewRecord(); try { if (returnStatus == javax.swing.JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { if (choice == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { DomainAccessObject access = DomainAccessObjectFactory.getInstance() .getDomainAccessObject(clazz); if (!savedNewRecord) { access.add((DomainObject) instance); } else { // just update the record access.updateLongSession((DomainObject) instance); } table.getEventList().add((DomainObject) instance); updateRowCount(); addToPickers((DomainObject) instance); done = true; } } else if (returnStatus == StandardEditor.OK_AND_ANOTHER_OPTION) { DomainAccessObject access = DomainAccessObjectFactory.getInstance() .getDomainAccessObject(clazz); if (!savedNewRecord) { access.add(dialog.getModel()); } else { access.updateLongSession((DomainObject) instance); } table.getEventList().add((DomainObject) instance); updateRowCount(); addToPickers((DomainObject) instance); dialog.setNewRecord(true); } else if (choice == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { // called when window is closed and data validated DomainAccessObject access = DomainAccessObjectFactory.getInstance() .getDomainAccessObject(clazz); if (!savedNewRecord) { access.add((DomainObject) instance); } else { access.updateLongSession((DomainObject) instance); } table.getEventList().add((DomainObject) instance); updateRowCount(); addToPickers((DomainObject) instance); done = true; } else if (choice == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { if (savedNewRecord) { // already saved a new record so remove it try { DomainAccessObject access = DomainAccessObjectFactory.getInstance() .getDomainAccessObject(clazz); access.closeLongSessionRollback(); } catch (SQLException e) { new ErrorDialog(dialog, "Error canceling record.", e).showDialog(); } //table.getEventList().add((DomainObject) instance); long id = ((DomainObject) instance).getIdentifier(); table.getEventList().add(getSimpleDomainObject(id)); updateRowCount(); addToPickers((DomainObject) instance); } done = true; } else { done = true; } // reset the savedNew field to false; dialog.setSavedNewRecord(false); // remove any record locks that may have been created clearCurrentRecordLock(); } catch (ConstraintViolationException persistenceException) { String message = "Can't save, duplicate record " + instance; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), message); logger.error(message, persistenceException); ((DomainObject) instance).removeIdAndAuditInfo(); createNewInstance = false; } catch (PersistenceException persistenceException) { if (persistenceException.getCause() instanceof ConstraintViolationException) { String message = "Can't save, duplicate record " + instance; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), message); logger.error(message, persistenceException); ((DomainObject) instance).removeIdAndAuditInfo(); createNewInstance = false; } else { done = true; new ErrorDialog(dialog, "Error saving new record.", persistenceException).showDialog(); } } /*catch (DeleteException deleteException) { done = true; new ErrorDialog(dialog, "Error deleting saved record.", deleteException).showDialog(); }*/ } } dialog.setNewRecord(false); ApplicationFrame.editorOpen = false; } private void addToPickers(DomainObject instance) { if (this.clazz == Subjects.class) { Subjects.addSubjectToLookupList((Subjects) instance); } else if (this.clazz == Names.class) { Names.addNameToLookupList((Names) instance); } else if (this.clazz == Resources.class) { Resources.addResourceToLookupList((Resources) instance); } } public void addToResultSet(DomainObject domainObject) { table.getEventList().add(domainObject); updateRowCount(); } public void onSearch() { try { final DomainAccessObject access = DomainAccessObjectFactory.getInstance().getDomainAccessObject(clazz); final QueryEditor dialog = DomainEditorFactory.getInstance().getSearchDialog(clazz); if (dialog.showDialog() == javax.swing.JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { Thread performer = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { InfiniteProgressPanel monitor = ATProgressUtil .createModalProgressMonitor(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), 0); monitor.start("Performing search..."); try { Collection results = access.findByQueryEditor(dialog, monitor); monitor.close(); humanReadableSearchString = access.getHumanReadableSearchString(); updateListWithNewResultSet(results); monitor.close(); } catch (LookupException e) { monitor.close(); new ErrorDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), "Error searching.", e).showDialog(); } finally { monitor.close(); } } }, "Search"); performer.start(); } } catch (PersistenceException e) { new ErrorDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), "Error searching.", e).showDialog(); } } public final void onFindAll() { Thread performer = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { InfiniteProgressPanel monitor = ATProgressUtil .createModalProgressMonitor(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), 0); monitor.start("Finding All Records..."); DomainAccessObject access = null; try { access = DomainAccessObjectFactory.getInstance().getDomainAccessObject(clazz); humanReadableSearchString = "list all"; updateListWithNewResultSet(access.findAll(LockMode.READ)); filterField.setText(""); } catch (PersistenceException e) { monitor.close(); new ErrorDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), "Error finding all.", e).showDialog(); } catch (LookupException e) { monitor.close(); new ErrorDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), "Error finding all.", e).showDialog(); } finally { monitor.close(); } } }, "FindAll"); performer.start(); } protected synchronized void updateListWithNewResultSet(Collection newResultSet) { this.resultSet = newResultSet; table.updateCollection(newResultSet); updateRowCount(); } public Collection getResultSet() { return resultSet; } public ArrayList<DomainObject> getResultSetForPrinting(InfiniteProgressPanel progressPanel, ATReport report) throws PersistenceException, LookupException, UnsupportedClassException, ReportExecutionException { ArrayList<DomainObject> listForPrinting = new ArrayList<DomainObject>(); DomainAccessObject access = null; access = new DomainAccessObjectImpl(clazz); int count = 1; int filteredListSize = table.getFilteredList().size(); // ArrayList<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(); longSessionForPrinting = access.getLongSession(); //if nothing is selected print all rows otherwise only selected //rows int[] selectedRows = table.getSelectedRows(); if (selectedRows.length == 0) { for (DomainObject domainObject : table.getFilteredList()) { count = addObjectToPrintList(progressPanel, count, filteredListSize, domainObject, report, listForPrinting); if (progressPanel.isProcessCancelled()) { // cancel button pressed so break out of loop break; } } } else { for (int selectedRow : selectedRows) { count = addObjectToPrintList(progressPanel, count, selectedRows.length, table.getFilteredList().get(selectedRow), report, listForPrinting); if (progressPanel.isProcessCancelled()) { // cancel button pressed so break out of loop break; } } } return listForPrinting; } public int getSelectedRowCount() { return table.getSelectedRows().length; } private int addObjectToPrintList(InfiniteProgressPanel progressPanel, int count, int filteredListSize, DomainObject domainObject, ATReport report, ArrayList<DomainObject> listForPrinting) throws ReportExecutionException { if (progressPanel != null) { progressPanel.setTextLine("Loading records for printing " + count++ + " of " + filteredListSize, 1); } // since resource components searvh results are not stored on the database then // not need to try to retrive them if (!(domainObject instanceof ResourcesComponentsSearchResult)) { longSessionForPrinting.lock(domainObject, LockMode.NONE); } initializeDomainObject(domainObject, report, progressPanel); listForPrinting.add(domainObject); return count; } public void closeLongSessionForPrinting() { if (longSessionForPrinting != null) { if (longSessionForPrinting.isOpen()) { longSessionForPrinting.close(); } } } private void initializeDomainObject(DomainObject domainObject, ATReport report, InfiniteProgressPanel progressPanel) throws ReportExecutionException { if (report instanceof CompiledJasperReport) { for (JRField field : ((CompiledJasperReport) report).getFields()) { try { if (field.getName().equals(Resources.PROPERTYNAME_LOCATION_LIST)) { ((Resources) domainObject).getLocationList(progressPanel); } else { BeanUtils.getProperty(domainObject, field.getName()); } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new ReportExecutionException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new ReportExecutionException(e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new ReportExecutionException(e); } } } } public DomainTableFormat getTableFormat() { return table.getTableFormat(); } public Class getClazz() { return clazz; } /** * Method to return the clazz based on first domain object being displayed. * This is used for reports because for searches using resource records then * it is not resources objects that's listed it's actually * @return */ public Class getClazzForReport() { DomainObject record = table.getFilteredList().get(0); if (record != null && record instanceof ResourcesComponentsSearchResult) { return ResourcesComponentsSearchResult.class; } else { return getClazz(); } } public void updateColumns() { table.updateColumns(resultSet); table.invalidate(); table.validate(); table.repaint(); } protected class DomainTableListEventListener implements ListEventListener { public void listChanged(ListEvent event) { updateRowCount(); } } public void exportMARC() { final int[] selectedIndexes = table.getSelectedRows(); final ExportOptionsMARC exportOptions = new ExportOptionsMARC(); final File selectedFileOrDirectory = FileUtils.chooseFileOrDirectory(selectedIndexes.length, exportOptions); if (selectedFileOrDirectory != null) { Thread performer = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { // see whether to show the cancel button boolean allowCancel = false; if (selectedIndexes.length > 1) { allowCancel = true; } InfiniteProgressPanel monitor = ATProgressUtil .createModalProgressMonitor(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), 1000, allowCancel); monitor.start("Exporting..."); MARCExportHandler batchMARCHandler = new MARCExportHandler(exportOptions); try { int[] selectedIndexes = table.getSelectedRows(); Vector<DomainObject> resources = new Vector<DomainObject>(); DomainObject domainObject = null; DomainObject fullDomainObject = null; for (int loop = 0; loop < selectedIndexes.length; loop++) { // check to see if this operation wasnt cancelled if (monitor.isProcessCancelled()) { break; } domainObject = (table.getFilteredList().get(selectedIndexes[loop])); resources.add(domainObject); } if (!monitor.isProcessCancelled()) { Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new DefaultExceptionHandler()); batchMARCHandler.export(selectedFileOrDirectory, resources, monitor); } } catch (Exception e) { monitor.close(); new ErrorDialog("", e).showDialog(); } finally { monitor.close(); } } }, "ExportMarc"); performer.start(); } } /** * Method to export METS. Get overriden in Digital Object Table Worksurface */ public void exportMETS() { } /** * Method to export MODS. Get overriden in Digital Object Table Worksurface */ public void exportMODS() { } /** * Method to export Dublin Core. Get overriden in Digital Table Object Worksurface */ public void exportDublinCore() { } public void exportEAD() { final int[] selectedIndexes = table.getSelectedRows(); final ExportOptionsEAD exportOptions = new ExportOptionsEAD(); final File selectedFileOrDirectory = FileUtils.chooseFileOrDirectory(selectedIndexes.length, exportOptions); if (selectedFileOrDirectory != null) { Thread performer = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { // see whether to show the cancel button boolean allowCancel = false; if (selectedIndexes.length > 1) { allowCancel = true; } InfiniteProgressPanel monitor = ATProgressUtil .createModalProgressMonitor(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), 1000, allowCancel); monitor.start("Exporting..."); EADExportHandler batchEADHandler = new EADExportHandler(exportOptions); try { Vector<DomainObject> resources = new Vector<DomainObject>(); DomainObject domainObject = null; DomainObject fullDomainObject = null; for (int loop = 0; loop < selectedIndexes.length; loop++) { // check to see if this operation wasnt cancelled if (monitor.isProcessCancelled()) { break; } access = new ResourcesDAO(); domainObject = (table.getFilteredList().get(selectedIndexes[loop])); //try { fullDomainObject = access.findByPrimaryKeyLongSession(domainObject.getIdentifier()); //} //catch (LookupException le) { //monitor.close(); ///new ErrorDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), "", le).showDialog(); //} resources.add(fullDomainObject); //resources.add(domainObject); } if (!monitor.isProcessCancelled()) { Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new DefaultExceptionHandler()); batchEADHandler.export(selectedFileOrDirectory, resources, monitor); } } catch (Exception e) { monitor.close(); new ErrorDialog("", e).showDialog(); } finally { monitor.close(); } } }, "ExportEAD"); performer.start(); } } public void merge() { int[] selectedRows = table.getSelectedRows(); if (selectedRows.length < 2) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), "You must select at least 2 records to merge"); } else { Vector<DomainObject> selectedDomainObjects = new Vector<DomainObject>(); for (int loop = 0; loop < selectedRows.length; loop++) { selectedDomainObjects.add(table.getFilteredList().get(selectedRows[loop])); } SelectFromTable dialog = new SelectFromTable(clazz, ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), "Select an item to merge into", selectedDomainObjects); if (dialog.showDialog() == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { DomainAccessObject dao; if (clazz == Names.class) { dao = new NamesDAO(); mergeRecords(dialog, selectedDomainObjects, dao); } else if (clazz == Subjects.class) { dao = new SubjectsDAO(); mergeRecords(dialog, selectedDomainObjects, dao); } else if (clazz == Resources.class) { dao = new ResourcesDAO(); mergeRecords(dialog, selectedDomainObjects, dao); } } } } private void mergeRecords(final SelectFromTable dialog, final Vector<DomainObject> selectedDomainObjects, final DomainAccessObject dao) { final int numberOfRecords = selectedDomainObjects.size(); final DomainObject selectedDomainObject = dialog.getSelectedValue(); String message; if (clazz == Resources.class) { message = "Are you sure you want to merge " + (numberOfRecords - 1) + " resource(s) into " + selectedDomainObject + "? \nThis will delete the other resource(s) including all top-level information."; } else { message = "Are you sure you want to merge " + (numberOfRecords - 1) + " record(s) into " + selectedDomainObject + "?"; } if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), message, "Merge", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { Thread performer = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { InfiniteProgressPanel monitor = ATProgressUtil .createModalProgressMonitor(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), 1000); monitor.start("Merging Records..."); try { dao.merge(selectedDomainObjects, selectedDomainObject, monitor); for (DomainObject domainObject : selectedDomainObjects) { if (!domainObject.equals(selectedDomainObject)) { resultSet.remove(domainObject); table.getEventList().remove(domainObject); removeFromPickers(domainObject); } } } catch (MergeException e) { monitor.close(); new ErrorDialog(e).showDialog(); } catch (Exception e) { monitor.close(); new ErrorDialog(e).showDialog(); } finally { monitor.close(); } } }, "MergeRecords"); performer.start(); } } protected void getCurrentDomainObjectFromDatabase(DomainObject domainObject) throws LookupException { //currentDomainObject = access.findByPrimaryKeyLongSession(domainObject.getIdentifier()); setCurrentDomainObject(access.findByPrimaryKeyLongSession(domainObject.getIdentifier())); } /** * Synchonized method to prevent a saved thread and on update thread from having simultanoues access * to the current domain object * @return The current domain object */ public synchronized DomainObject getCurrentDomainObject() { return currentDomainObject; } protected synchronized void setCurrentDomainObject(DomainObject domainObject) { currentDomainObject = domainObject; } /** * Method to return the currently selected domain object. Currently used for debuging purposes * @return The currently selected domain object */ public DomainObject getCurrentDomainObjectFromDatabase() { selectedRow = this.getTable().getSelectedRow(); if (selectedRow == -1) { return null; // no row selected to return null } try { access = DomainAccessObjectFactory.getInstance().getDomainAccessObject(clazz); DomainObject domainObject = table.getFilteredList().get(selectedRow); return access.findByPrimaryKeyLongSession(domainObject.getIdentifier()); } catch (PersistenceException pe) { pe.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (LookupException le) { le.printStackTrace(); return null; } } class LookupWorkerRunnable implements Runnable { private DomainObject domainObject; private InfiniteProgressPanel monitor; LookupWorkerRunnable(DomainObject domainObject) { this.domainObject = domainObject; } public void run() { final InfiniteProgressPanel monitor = ATProgressUtil .createModalProgressMonitor(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), 1000); monitor.start("Loading Record ..."); // see if to load a plugin editor instead of using the one built into the AT if (usePluginDomainEditor(monitor, domainObject)) { return; // custom editor was used to view/edit this record so just return } try { if (debug) { System.out.println("Initial Load record: " + MyTimer.toString(ApplicationFrame.getInstance().getTimer().elapsedTimeMillisSplit())); } currentObjectSublist = table.getFilteredList().subList(selectedRow, selectedRow + 1); dialog = DomainEditorFactory.getInstance().getDialog(clazz); dialog.setCallingTable(table); dialog.setSelectedRow(selectedRow); if (domainObject instanceof Resources) { monitor.setTextLine("Loading components...", 1); } getCurrentDomainObjectFromDatabase(domainObject); dialog.setModel(currentDomainObject, monitor); dialog.setRecordPositionText(selectedRow, table.getFilteredList().size()); if (debug) { System.out.println("Final Load record: " + MyTimer.toString(ApplicationFrame.getInstance().getTimer().elapsedTimeMillisSplit())); System.out.println("Total: " + MyTimer.toString(ApplicationFrame.getInstance().getTimer().elapsedTimeMillis()) + "\n"); } monitor.close(); recordOpening = false; } catch (UnsupportedTableModelException e) { monitor.close(); recordOpening = false; new ErrorDialog("", e).showDialog(); } catch (LookupException e) { monitor.close(); recordOpening = false; new ErrorDialog("", e).showDialog(); } finally { // to ensure that progress dlg is closed in case of any exception monitor.close(); recordOpening = false; } // launch the GUI through the event dispatch thread to prevent // any thread blocking when using the spell checker SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { ApplicationFrame.editorOpen = true; // set to false to prevent update bug finishOnUpdate(); ApplicationFrame.editorOpen = false; } }); } } /** * Method that display a message to see if the user wants to open a record read only * if is locked by another record * @param recordLock The lock for the record * @return The user feedback */ private boolean openRecordReadOnly(RecordLocks recordLock) { String message = "This record is currently in use by " + recordLock.getUserName(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), message, "Record in Use", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return false; } /** * Method to see if the record that the user is trying to open is locked. If it is then * return the record lock. If it is not locked then add a lock for it and return null; * @param domainObject the domain object to check * @param addLock Specifies whether a record lock should be created if one doesn't exist * @return The record lock that was found if any */ private RecordLocks isRecordLocked(DomainObject domainObject, boolean addLock) { RecordLocks recordLock = null; recordLock = RecordLockUtils.getRecordLock(domainObject); if (recordLock == null && addLock) { // add a lock if it does not have one currentRecordLock = RecordLockUtils.addRecordLock(domainObject); } else { currentRecordLock = null; } return recordLock; } /** * Overloaded method for checking if a record is locked that will add one if it is not * @param domainObject The domain object to check to see if is locked * @return The record look that was found if any */ private RecordLocks isRecordLocked(DomainObject domainObject) { return isRecordLocked(domainObject, true); } /** * Method to to set the record lock for this object * @param domainObject The record to add a lock for */ public void addRecordLock(DomainObject domainObject) { currentRecordLock = RecordLockUtils.addRecordLock(domainObject); } /** * Method to clear the current record lock */ public void clearCurrentRecordLock() { if (currentRecordLock != null) { RecordLockUtils.clearRecordLock(currentRecordLock); currentRecordLock = null; } } /** * Method to set the new selected row. This method is currently used for debuging purposes * @param newSelectedRow The new selected row * @return Whether the record for the selected row is locked already */ public boolean setSelectedRow(int newSelectedRow) { DomainObject domainObject = table.getFilteredList().get(newSelectedRow); if (isRecordLocked(domainObject, false) == null) { selectedRow = newSelectedRow; dialog.setSelectedRow(selectedRow); dialog.setNavigationButtons(); table.setRowSelectionInterval(selectedRow, selectedRow); return false; } else { // record already locked by another user so return true return true; } } /** * Method to return the selected row. Used mainly for debuging * @return The currently selected row */ public int getSelectedRow() { return selectedRow; } /** * Method to return the domain editor for this worksurface. Method is used * by plugin which need to display the dialog. * * @return The domain editor for this worksurface */ public DomainEditor getDomainEditor() { return dialog; } /** * Method to load a custom plugin domain editor for viewing the record. Usefull if someone want to * implemment an editor that is more suited for their workflow or to load a read only viewer for the * record. * * @return Whether any plugin editors where found */ private boolean usePluginDomainEditor(InfiniteProgressPanel monitor, DomainObject domainObject) { ATPlugin plugin; boolean newInstance = false; // specifies whether this record is a new record // if the domain object is null then create a new instance if (domainObject == null) { if (clazz == Names.class) { domainObject = new Names(); } else if (clazz == Subjects.class) { domainObject = new Subjects(); } else if (clazz == Accessions.class) { domainObject = new Accessions(); ((Accessions) domainObject) .setRepository(ApplicationFrame.getInstance().getCurrentUserRepository()); } else if (clazz == Resources.class) { domainObject = new Resources(); ((Resources) domainObject).setRepository(ApplicationFrame.getInstance().getCurrentUserRepository()); ((Resources) domainObject).markRecordAsNew(); } else if (clazz == DigitalObjects.class) { domainObject = new DigitalObjects(); ((DigitalObjects) domainObject) .setRepository(ApplicationFrame.getInstance().getCurrentUserRepository()); } // let the program know that this is a new record and not one being edited newInstance = true; } // get the access class of the current user and see if not to load a viewer int accessClass = ApplicationFrame.getInstance().getCurrentUserAccessClass(); if (accessClass == Users.ACCESS_CLASS_REFERENCE_STAFF) { plugin = ATPluginFactory.getInstance().getViewerPlugin(domainObject); } else { plugin = ATPluginFactory.getInstance().getEditorPlugin(domainObject); } // if no plugin found and access class = 0 then alert the user that no viwer plugin was found. if (plugin == null && accessClass == Users.ACCESS_CLASS_REFERENCE_STAFF) { String message = "Can't find viewer to open record\n" + domainObject; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ApplicationFrame.getInstance(), message); if (monitor != null) { // this might be null so make it null safe monitor.close(); } return true; } else if (plugin == null) { // just return false and so that the built in domain object can be used return false; } // if class equals Names then set the name type now if (clazz == Names.class) { String nameType = Names.selectNameType(rootComponent); if ((nameType != null) && (nameType.length() > 0)) { ((Names) domainObject).setNameType(nameType); } else { // cancel was selected to just return return true; } } // display the record now if it is a record that is being edited plugin.setCallingTable(table); plugin.setSelectedRow(selectedRow); if (!newInstance) { // this means that it is a record being edited try { if (domainObject instanceof Resources) { monitor.setTextLine("Loading components...", 1); } domainObject = getCurrentDomainObjectFromDatabase(); plugin.setModel(domainObject, monitor); plugin.setRecordPositionText(selectedRow, table.getFilteredList().size()); monitor.close(); } catch (Exception e) { if (monitor != null) { monitor.close(); } new ErrorDialog("", e).showDialog(); } finally { // to ensure that progress dlg is closed in case of any exception if (monitor != null) { monitor.close(); } } } else { // its a new record to just set the model plugin.setModel(domainObject, null); } // set the main program application frame and display it plugin.setApplicationFrame(ApplicationFrame.getInstance()); plugin.showPlugin(ApplicationFrame.getInstance()); return true; } }