Java tutorial
/*RELICENSE_RESEARCH*/ /* JerichoExtractorHTML * * Copyright (C) 2006 Olaf Freyer * * This file is part of the Heritrix web crawler ( * * Heritrix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * any later version. * * Heritrix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License * along with Heritrix; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * $Id$ */ package org.archive.modules.extractor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URIException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.archive.modules.CrawlURI; import; import; import; import org.archive.util.DevUtils; import org.archive.util.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Improved link-extraction from an HTML content-body using jericho-html parser. * This extractor extends ExtractorHTML and mimics its workflow - but has some * substantial differences when it comes to internal implementation. Instead * of heavily relying upon java regular expressions it uses a real html parser * library - namely Jericho HTML Parser ( * Using this parser it can better handle broken html (i.e. missing quotes) * and also offer improved extraction of HTML form URLs (not only extract * the action of a form, but also its default values). * Unfortunately this parser also has one major drawback - it has to read the * whole document into memory for parsing, thus has an inherent OOME risk. * This OOME risk can be reduced/eleminated by limiting the size of documents * to be parsed (i.e. using NotExceedsDocumentLengthTresholdDecideRule). * Also note that this extractor seems to have a lower overall memory * consumption compared to ExtractorHTML. (still to be confirmed on a larger * scale crawl) * * @author Olaf Freyer * @version $Date$ $Revision$ */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class JerichoExtractorHTML extends ExtractorHTML { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final long serialVersionUID = 1684681316546343615L; final private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(JerichoExtractorHTML.class.getName()); protected AtomicLong numberOfFormsProcessed = new AtomicLong(0); /* public JerichoExtractorHTML(String name) { this(name, "Jericho-HTML extractor. Extracts links from HTML " + "documents using Jericho HTML Parser. Offers same " + "basic functionality as ExtractorHTML but better " + "handles broken HTML and extraction of default " + "values from HTML forms. A word of warning: the used " + "parser, the Jericho HTML Parser, reads the whole " + "document into memory for " + "parsing - thus this extractor has an inherent OOME risk. " + "This OOME risk can be reduced/eliminated by limiting the " + "size of documents to be parsed (i.e. using " + "NotExceedsDocumentLengthTresholdDecideRule). "); }*/ public JerichoExtractorHTML() { super(); } private static List<Attribute> findOnAttributes(Attributes attributes) { List<Attribute> result = new LinkedList<Attribute>(); for (Attribute attr : (Iterable<Attribute>) attributes) { if (attr.getKey().startsWith("on")) result.add(attr); } return result; } protected void processGeneralTag(CrawlURI curi, Element element, Attributes attributes) { Attribute attr; String attrValue; List<Attribute> attrList; String elementName = element.getName(); // Just in case it's an OBJECT or APPLET tag String codebase = null; ArrayList<String> resources = null; final boolean framesAsEmbeds = getTreatFramesAsEmbedLinks(); final boolean ignoreFormActions = getIgnoreFormActionUrls(); final boolean overlyEagerLinkDetection = getExtractValueAttributes(); // HREF if (((attr = attributes.get("href")) != null) && ((attrValue = attr.getValue()) != null)) { CharSequence context = elementContext(elementName, attr.getKey()); if ("link".equals(elementName)) { // <LINK> elements treated as embeds (css, ico, etc) processEmbed(curi, attrValue, context); } else { // other HREFs treated as links processLink(curi, attrValue, context); } if ("base".equals(elementName)) { try { UURI base = UURIFactory.getInstance(attrValue); curi.setBaseURI(base); } catch (URIException e) { logUriError(e, curi.getUURI(), attrValue); } } } // ACTION if (((attr = attributes.get("action")) != null) && ((attrValue = attr.getValue()) != null)) { if (!ignoreFormActions) { CharSequence context = elementContext(elementName, attr.getKey()); processLink(curi, attrValue, context); } } // ON_ if ((attrList = findOnAttributes(attributes)).size() != 0) { for (Iterator<Attribute> attrIter = attrList.iterator(); attrIter.hasNext();) { attr = (Attribute); CharSequence valueSegment = attr.getValueSegment(); if (valueSegment != null) processScriptCode(curi, valueSegment); } } // SRC atc. if ((((attr = attributes.get("src")) != null) || ((attr = attributes.get("lowsrc")) != null) || ((attr = attributes.get("background")) != null) || ((attr = attributes.get("cite")) != null) || ((attr = attributes.get("longdesc")) != null) || ((attr = attributes.get("usemap")) != null) || ((attr = attributes.get("profile")) != null) || ((attr = attributes.get("datasrc")) != null)) && ((attrValue = attr.getValue()) != null)) { final Hop hopType; CharSequence context = elementContext(elementName, attr.getKey()); if (!framesAsEmbeds && ("frame".equals(elementName) || "iframe".equals(elementName))) hopType = Hop.NAVLINK; else hopType = Hop.EMBED; processEmbed(curi, attrValue, context, hopType); } // CODEBASE if (((attr = attributes.get("codebase")) != null) && ((attrValue = attr.getValue()) != null)) { codebase = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(attrValue); CharSequence context = elementContext(elementName, attr.getKey()); processEmbed(curi, codebase, context); } // CLASSID DATA if ((((attr = attributes.get("classid")) != null) || ((attr = attributes.get("data")) != null)) && ((attrValue = attr.getValue()) != null)) { if (resources == null) resources = new ArrayList<String>(); resources.add(attrValue); } // ARCHIVE if (((attr = attributes.get("archive")) != null) && ((attrValue = attr.getValue()) != null)) { if (resources == null) resources = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] multi = TextUtils.split(WHITESPACE, attrValue); for (int i = 0; i < multi.length; i++) { resources.add(multi[i]); } } // CODE if (((attr = attributes.get("code")) != null) && ((attrValue = attr.getValue()) != null)) { if (resources == null) resources = new ArrayList<String>(); // If element is applet and code value does not end with // '.class' then append '.class' to the code value. if (APPLET.equals(elementName) && !attrValue.endsWith(CLASSEXT)) { resources.add(attrValue + CLASSEXT); } else { resources.add(attrValue); } } // VALUE if (((attr = attributes.get("value")) != null) && ((attrValue = attr.getValue()) != null)) { CharSequence valueContext = elementContext(elementName, attr.getKey()); if ("PARAM".equalsIgnoreCase(elementName) && "flashvars".equalsIgnoreCase(attributes.get("name").getValue())) { // special handling for <PARAM NAME='flashvars" VALUE=""> String queryStringLike = attrValue.toString(); // treat value as query-string-like "key=value[;key=value]*" pairings considerQueryStringValues(curi, queryStringLike, valueContext, Hop.SPECULATIVE); } else { // regular VALUE handling if (overlyEagerLinkDetection) { considerIfLikelyUri(curi, attrValue, valueContext, Hop.NAVLINK); } } } // STYLE if (((attr = attributes.get("style")) != null) && ((attrValue = attr.getValue()) != null)) { // STYLE inline attribute // then, parse for URIs numberOfLinksExtracted.addAndGet(ExtractorCSS.processStyleCode(this, curi, attrValue)); } // FLASHVARS if (((attr = attributes.get("flashvars")) != null) && ((attrValue = attr.getValue()) != null)) { // FLASHVARS inline attribute CharSequence valueContext = elementContext(elementName, attr.getKey()); considerQueryStringValues(curi, attrValue, valueContext, Hop.SPECULATIVE); } // handle codebase/resources if (resources == null) return; Iterator<String> iter = resources.iterator(); UURI codebaseURI = null; String res = null; try { if (codebase != null) { // TODO: Pass in the charset. codebaseURI = UURIFactory.getInstance(curi.getUURI(), codebase); } while (iter.hasNext()) { res =; res = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(res); if (codebaseURI != null) { res = codebaseURI.resolve(res).toString(); } processEmbed(curi, res, element); // TODO: include attribute // too } } catch (URIException e) { curi.getNonFatalFailures().add(e); // curi.addLocalizedError(getName(), e, "BAD CODEBASE " + codebase); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { DevUtils.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "processGeneralTag()\n" + "codebase=" + codebase + " res=" + res + "\n" + DevUtils.extraInfo(), e); } } protected boolean processMeta(CrawlURI curi, Element element) { String name = element.getAttributeValue("name"); String httpEquiv = element.getAttributeValue("http-equiv"); String content = element.getAttributeValue("content"); if ("robots".equals(name) && content != null) { curi.getData().put(A_META_ROBOTS, content); RobotsPolicy policy = metadata.getRobotsPolicy(); String contentLower = content.toLowerCase(); if (policy.obeyMetaRobotsNofollow() && (contentLower.indexOf("nofollow") >= 0 || contentLower.indexOf("none") >= 0)) { // if 'nofollow' or 'none' is specified and the // honoring policy is not IGNORE or CUSTOM, end html extraction logger.fine("HTML extraction skipped due to robots meta-tag " + "for: " + curi.toString()); return true; } } if ("refresh".equals(httpEquiv) && content != null) { String refreshUri = content.substring(content.indexOf("=") + 1); try { int max = getExtractorParameters().getMaxOutlinks(); addRelativeToBase(curi, max, refreshUri, HTMLLinkContext.META, Hop.REFER); } catch (URIException e) { logUriError(e, curi.getUURI(), refreshUri); } } return false; } protected void processScript(CrawlURI curi, Element element) { // first, get attributes of script-open tag // as per any other tag processGeneralTag(curi, element, element.getAttributes()); // then, apply best-effort string-analysis heuristics // against any code present (false positives are OK) processScriptCode(curi, element.getContent()); } protected void processStyle(CrawlURI curi, Element element) { // First, get attributes of script-open tag as per any other tag. processGeneralTag(curi, element, element.getAttributes()); // then, parse for URIs numberOfLinksExtracted.addAndGet(ExtractorCSS.processStyleCode(this, curi, element.getContent())); } protected void processForm(CrawlURI curi, Element element) { String action = element.getAttributeValue("action"); String name = element.getAttributeValue("name"); String queryURL = ""; final boolean ignoreFormActions = getIgnoreFormActionUrls(); if (ignoreFormActions) { return; } // method-sensitive extraction String method = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(element.getAttributeValue("method"), "GET"); if (getExtractOnlyFormGets() && !"GET".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) { return; } numberOfFormsProcessed.incrementAndGet(); // get all form fields for (FormField formField : (Iterable<FormField>) element.findFormFields()) { // for each form control for (FormControl formControl : (Iterable<FormControl>) formField.getFormControls()) { // get name of control element (and URLEncode it) String controlName = formControl.getName(); // retrieve list of values - submit needs special handling Collection<String> controlValues; if (!(formControl.getFormControlType() == FormControlType.SUBMIT)) { controlValues = formControl.getValues(); } else { controlValues = formControl.getPredefinedValues(); } if (controlValues.size() > 0) { // for each value set for (String value : controlValues) { queryURL += "&" + controlName + "=" + value; } } else { queryURL += "&" + controlName + "="; } } } // clean up url if (action == null) { queryURL = queryURL.replaceFirst("&", "?"); } else { if (!action.contains("?")) queryURL = queryURL.replaceFirst("&", "?"); queryURL = action + queryURL; } CharSequence context = elementContext(element.getName(), "name=" + name); processLink(curi, queryURL, context); } /** * Run extractor. This method is package visible to ease testing. * * @param curi * CrawlURI we're processing. * @param cs * Sequence from underlying ReplayCharSequence. */ protected void extract(CrawlURI curi, CharSequence cs) { Source source = new Source(cs); List<Element> elements = source.findAllElements(StartTagType.NORMAL); for (Element element : elements) { String elementName = element.getName(); Attributes attributes; if (elementName.equals(HTMLElementName.META)) { if (processMeta(curi, element)) { // meta tag included NOFOLLOW; abort processing break; } } else if (elementName.equals(HTMLElementName.SCRIPT)) { processScript(curi, element); } else if (elementName.equals(HTMLElementName.STYLE)) { processStyle(curi, element); } else if (elementName.equals(HTMLElementName.FORM)) { processForm(curi, element); } else if (!(attributes = element.getAttributes()).isEmpty()) { processGeneralTag(curi, element, attributes); } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.archive.crawler.framework.Processor#report() */ public String report() { StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); ret.append(; ret.append(" " + this.numberOfFormsProcessed + " forms processed\n"); return ret.toString(); } }