Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *  This file is part of the Heritrix web crawler (
 *  Licensed to the Internet Archive (IA) by one or more individual 
 *  contributors. 
 *  The IA licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.StatusLine;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.util.EncodingUtil;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.archive.util.InetAddressUtil;
import org.archive.util.LaxHttpParser;
import org.archive.util.TextUtils;

 * An ARC file record.
 * Does not compass the ARCRecord metadata line, just the record content.
 * @author stack
public class ARCRecord extends ArchiveRecord implements ARCConstants {
     * Http status line object.
     * May be null if record is not http.
    private StatusLine httpStatus = null;

     * Http header bytes.
     * If non-null and bytes available, give out its contents before we
     * go back to the underlying stream.
    private InputStream httpHeaderStream = null;

     * Http headers.
     * Only populated after reading of headers.
    private Header[] httpHeaders = null;

     * Array of field names.
     * Used to initialize <code>headerFieldNameKeys</code>.
    private final String[] headerFieldNameKeysArray = { URL_FIELD_KEY, IP_HEADER_FIELD_KEY, DATE_FIELD_KEY,

     * An array of the header field names found in the ARC file header on
     * the 3rd line.
     * We used to read these in from the arc file first record 3rd line but
     * now we hardcode them for sake of improved performance.
    private final List<String> headerFieldNameKeys = Arrays.asList(this.headerFieldNameKeysArray);

     * Http header bytes read while trying to read http header
    public long httpHeaderBytesRead = -1;

     * record length from metadata line
    public long recordDeclaredLength;

     * null if source was not compressed
    public long compressedBytes;

     * actual payload data (not including trailing newline), 
     * should match record-declared-length 
    public long uncompressedBytes;

     * content-length header, iff HTTP and present, null otherwise 
    public long httpPayloadDeclaredLength;

     * actual http payload length, should match http-payload-declared-length 
    public long httpPayloadActualLength;

     * errors encountered reading record
    public List<ArcRecordErrors> errors = new ArrayList<ArcRecordErrors>();

     * verbatim ARC record header string
    private String headerString;

    public String getHeaderString() {
        return this.headerString;

     * Constructor.
     * @param in Stream cue'd up to be at the start of the record this instance
     * is to represent.
     * @param metaData Meta data.
     * @throws IOException
    public ARCRecord(InputStream in, ArchiveRecordHeader metaData) throws IOException {
        this(in, metaData, 0, true, false, true);

     * Constructor.
     * @param in Stream cue'd up to be at the start of the record this instance
     * is to represent.
     * @param metaData Meta data.
     * @param bodyOffset Offset into the body.  Usually 0.
     * @param digest True if we're to calculate digest for this record.  Not
     * digesting saves about ~15% of cpu during an ARC parse.
     * @param strict Be strict parsing (Parsing stops if ARC inproperly
     * formatted).
     * @param parseHttpHeaders True if we are to parse HTTP headers.  Costs
     * about ~20% of CPU during an ARC parse.
     * @throws IOException
    public ARCRecord(InputStream in, ArchiveRecordHeader metaData, int bodyOffset, boolean digest, boolean strict,
            final boolean parseHttpHeaders) throws IOException {
        super(in, metaData, bodyOffset, digest, strict);
        if (parseHttpHeaders) {
            this.httpHeaderStream = readHttpHeader();

     * Constructor.
     * @param in Stream cue'd up to be at the start of the records metadata 
     * this instance is to represent. 
     * @param identifier Identifier for this the hosting Reader.
     * @param offset Current offset into <code>in</code> (Used to keep
     * <code>position</code> properly aligned).  Usually 0.
     * @param digest True if we're to calculate digest for this record.  Not
     * digesting saves about ~15% of cpu during an ARC parse.
     * @param strict Be strict parsing (Parsing stops if ARC inproperly
     * formatted).
     * @param parseHttpHeaders True if we are to parse HTTP headers.  Costs
     * about ~20% of CPU during an ARC parse.
     * @param isAllignedOnFirstRecord True if this is the first record to be
     * read from an archive
     * @param String version Version information to be returned to the
     * ARCReader constructing this record 
     * @throws IOException
    public ARCRecord(InputStream in, final String identifier, final long offset, boolean digest, boolean strict,
            final boolean parseHttpHeaders, final boolean isAlignedOnFirstRecord, String version)
            throws IOException {
        super(in, null, 0, digest, strict);
        setHeader(parseHeaders(in, identifier, offset, strict, isAlignedOnFirstRecord, version));
        if (parseHttpHeaders) {
            this.httpHeaderStream = readHttpHeader();

     * Constructor.
     * @param in Stream cue'd up to be at the start of the records metadata 
     * this instance is to represent.
     * @param identifier Identifier for this the hosting Reader.
     * @param offset Current offset into <code>in</code> (Used to keep
     * <code>position</code> properly aligned).  Usually 0.
     * @param digest True if we're to calculate digest for this record.  Not
     * digesting saves about ~15% of cpu during an ARC parse.
     * @param strict Be strict parsing (Parsing stops if ARC inproperly
     * formatted).
     * @param parseHttpHeaders True if we are to parse HTTP headers.  Costs
     * about ~20% of CPU during an ARC parse.
     * @throws IOException
    public ARCRecord(InputStream in, final String identifier, final long offset, boolean digest, boolean strict,
            final boolean parseHttpHeaders) throws IOException {
        this(in, identifier, offset, digest, strict, parseHttpHeaders, false, null);

    private ArchiveRecordHeader parseHeaders(final InputStream in, final String identifier, final long offset,
            final boolean strict, final boolean isAlignedOnFirstRecord, String version) throws IOException {

        ArrayList<String> firstLineValues = new ArrayList<String>(20);
        getTokenizedHeaderLine(in, firstLineValues);

        int bodyOffset = 0;
        String origin = "";
        if (offset == 0 && isAlignedOnFirstRecord) {
            // If offset is zero and we were aligned at first record on
            // creation (See #alignedOnFirstRecord for more on this), then no
            // records have been read yet and we're reading our first one, the
            // record of ARC file meta info.  Its special.  In ARC versions
            // 1.x, first record has three lines of meta info. We've just read
            // the first line. There are two more.  The second line has misc.
            // info.  We're only interested in the first field, the version
            // number.  The third line is the list of field names. Here's what
            // ARC file version 1.x meta content looks like:
            // filedesc://testIsBoundary-JunitIAH200401070157520.arc \\
            //      20040107015752 text/plain 77
            // 1 0 InternetArchive
            // URL IP-address Archive-date Content-type Archive-length
            ArrayList<String> secondLineValues = new ArrayList<String>(20);
            bodyOffset += getTokenizedHeaderLine(in, secondLineValues);
            version = ((String) secondLineValues.get(0) + "." + (String) secondLineValues.get(1));
            origin = (String) secondLineValues.get(2);
            // Just read over the 3rd line.  We used to parse it and use
            // values found here but now we just hardcode them to avoid
            // having to read this 3rd line even for random arc file accesses.
            bodyOffset += getTokenizedHeaderLine(in, null);
            // this.position = bodyOffset;

        return computeMetaData(this.headerFieldNameKeys, firstLineValues, version, origin, offset, identifier);

     * Get a record header line as list of tokens.
     * We keep reading till we find a LINE_SEPARATOR or we reach the end
     * of file w/o finding a LINE_SEPARATOR or the line length is crazy.
     * @param stream InputStream to read from.
     * @param list Empty list that gets filled w/ string tokens.
     * @return Count of characters read.
     * @exception IOException If problem reading stream or no line separator
     * found or EOF before EOL or we didn't get minimum header fields.
    private int getTokenizedHeaderLine(final InputStream stream, List<String> list) throws IOException {
        // Preallocate usual line size.
        StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(2048 + 20);
        int read = 0;
        int previous = -1;
        for (int c = -1; true;) {
            previous = c;
            c =;
            if (c == -1) {
                throw new RecoverableIOException("Hit EOF before header EOL.");
            c &= 0xff;
            if (read > MAX_HEADER_LINE_LENGTH) {
                throw new IOException("Header line longer than max allowed " + " -- "
                        + String.valueOf(MAX_HEADER_LINE_LENGTH)
                        + " -- or passed buffer doesn't contain a line (Read: " + buffer.length() + ").  Here's"
                        + " some of what was read: " + buffer.substring(0, Math.min(buffer.length(), 256)));

            if (c == LINE_SEPARATOR) {
                if (buffer.length() == 0) {
                    // Empty line at start of buffer.  Skip it and try again.

                if (list != null) {
                // LOOP TERMINATION.
            } else if (c == HEADER_FIELD_SEPARATOR) {
                if (!isStrict() && previous == HEADER_FIELD_SEPARATOR) {
                    // Early ARCs sometimes had multiple spaces between fields.
                if (list != null) {
                // reset to empty
            } else {
                buffer.append((char) c);

        // List must have at least 3 elements in it and no more than 10.  If
        // it has other than this, then bogus parse.
        if (list != null && (list.size() < 3 || list.size() > 100)) {
            throw new IOException("Unparseable header line: " + list);

        // save verbatim header String
        this.headerString = StringUtils.join(list, " ");

        return read;

     * Compute metadata fields.
     * Here we check the meta field has right number of items in it.
     * @param keys Keys to use composing headerFields map.
     * @param values Values to set into the headerFields map.
     * @param v The version of this ARC file.
     * @param offset Offset into arc file.
     * @return Metadata structure for this record.
     * @exception IOException  If no. of keys doesn't match no. of values.
    private ARCRecordMetaData computeMetaData(List<String> keys, List<String> values, String v, String origin,
            long offset, final String identifier) throws IOException {
        if (keys.size() != values.size()) {
            List<String> originalValues = values;
            if (!isStrict()) {
                values = fixSpaceInURL(values, keys.size());
                // If values still doesn't match key size, try and do
                // further repair.
                if (keys.size() != values.size()) {
                    // Early ARCs had a space in mimetype.
                    if (values.size() == (keys.size() + 1) && values.get(4).toLowerCase().startsWith("charset=")) {
                        List<String> nuvalues = new ArrayList<String>(keys.size());
                        nuvalues.add(0, values.get(0));
                        nuvalues.add(1, values.get(1));
                        nuvalues.add(2, values.get(2));
                        nuvalues.add(3, values.get(3) + values.get(4));
                        nuvalues.add(4, values.get(5));
                        values = nuvalues;
                    } else if ((values.size() + 1) == keys.size() && isLegitimateIPValue(values.get(1))
                            && isDate(values.get(2)) && isNumber(values.get(3))) {
                        // Mimetype is empty.
                        List<String> nuvalues = new ArrayList<String>(keys.size());
                        nuvalues.add(0, values.get(0));
                        nuvalues.add(1, values.get(1));
                        nuvalues.add(2, values.get(2));
                        nuvalues.add(3, "-");
                        nuvalues.add(4, values.get(3));
                        values = nuvalues;
            if (keys.size() != values.size()) {
                throw new IOException(
                        "Size of field name keys does" + " not match count of field values: " + values);
            // Note that field was fixed on stderr.
            System.err.println(Level.WARNING.toString() + "Fixed spaces in metadata line at " + "offset " + offset
                    + " Original: " + originalValues + ", New: " + values);

        Map<String, Object> headerFields = new HashMap<String, Object>(keys.size() + 2);
        for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
            headerFields.put(keys.get(i), values.get(i));

        // Add a check for tabs in URLs.  If any, replace with '%09'.
        // See,
        // [ 1010966 ] crawl.log has URIs with spaces in them.
        String url = (String) headerFields.get(URL_FIELD_KEY);
        if (url != null && url.indexOf('\t') >= 0) {
            headerFields.put(URL_FIELD_KEY, TextUtils.replaceAll("\t", url, "%09"));

        headerFields.put(VERSION_FIELD_KEY, v);
        headerFields.put(ORIGIN_FIELD_KEY, origin);
        headerFields.put(ABSOLUTE_OFFSET_KEY, new Long(offset));

        return new ARCRecordMetaData(identifier, headerFields);

     * Fix space in URLs.
     * The ARCWriter used to write into the ARC URLs with spaces in them.
     * See <a
     * href="">[ 1010966 ]
     * crawl.log has URIs with spaces in them</a>.
     * This method does fix up on such headers converting all spaces found
     * to '%20'.
     * @param values List of metadata values.
     * @param requiredSize Expected size of resultant values list.
     * @return New list if we successfully fixed up values or original if
     * fixup failed.
    private List<String> fixSpaceInURL(List<String> values, int requiredSize) {
        // Do validity check. 3rd from last is a date of 14 numeric
        // characters. The 4th from last is IP, all before the IP
        // should be concatenated together with a '%20' joiner.
        // In the below, '4' is 4th field from end which has the IP.
        if (!(values.size() > requiredSize) || values.size() < 4) {
            return values;
        // Test 3rd field is valid date.
        if (!isDate((String) values.get(values.size() - 3))) {
            return values;

        // Test 4th field is valid IP.
        if (!isLegitimateIPValue((String) values.get(values.size() - 4))) {
            return values;

        List<String> newValues = new ArrayList<String>(requiredSize);
        StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer();
        for (int i = 0; i < (values.size() - 4); i++) {
            if (i > 0) {
        for (int i = values.size() - 4; i < values.size(); i++) {
        return newValues;

    private boolean isDate(final String date) {
        if (date.length() != 14) {
            return false;
        return isNumber(date);

    private boolean isNumber(final String n) {
        for (int i = 0; i < n.length(); i++) {
            if (!Character.isDigit(n.charAt(i))) {
                return false;
        return true;

    private boolean isLegitimateIPValue(final String ip) {
        if ("-".equals(ip)) {
            return true;
        Matcher m = InetAddressUtil.IPV4_QUADS.matcher(ip);
        return m != null && m.matches();

     * Skip over the the http header if one present.
     * Subsequent reads will get the body.
     * <p>Calling this method in the midst of reading the header
     * will make for strange results.  Otherwise, safe to call
     * at any time though before reading any of the arc record
     * content is only time that it makes sense.
     * <p>After calling this method, you can call
     * {@link #getHttpHeaders()} to get the read http header.
     * @throws IOException
    public void skipHttpHeader() throws IOException {
        if (this.httpHeaderStream != null) {
            // Empty the httpHeaderStream
            for (int available = this.httpHeaderStream.available(); this.httpHeaderStream != null
                    && (available = this.httpHeaderStream.available()) > 0;) {
                // We should be in this loop once only we should only do this
                // buffer allocation once.
                byte[] buffer = new byte[available];
                // The read nulls out httpHeaderStream when done with it so
                // need check for null in the loop control line.
                read(buffer, 0, available);

    public void dumpHttpHeader() throws IOException {
        if (this.httpHeaderStream == null) {
        // Dump the httpHeaderStream to STDOUT
        for (int available = this.httpHeaderStream.available(); this.httpHeaderStream != null
                && (available = this.httpHeaderStream.available()) > 0;) {
            // We should be in this loop only once and should do this
            // buffer allocation once.
            byte[] buffer = new byte[available];
            // The read nulls out httpHeaderStream when done with it so
            // need check for null in the loop control line.
            int read = read(buffer, 0, available);
            System.out.write(buffer, 0, read);

     * Read http header if present. Technique borrowed from HttpClient HttpParse
     * class. set errors when found.
     * @return ByteArrayInputStream with the http header in it or null if no
     *         http header.
     * @throws IOException
    private InputStream readHttpHeader() throws IOException {

        // this can be helpful when simply iterating over records, 
        // looking for problems.
        Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
        ArchiveRecordHeader h = this.getHeader();

        // If judged a record that doesn't have an http header, return
        // immediately.
        String url = getHeader().getUrl();
        if (!url.startsWith("http") || getHeader().getLength() <= MIN_HTTP_HEADER_LENGTH) {
            return null;

        String statusLine;
        byte[] statusBytes;
        int eolCharCount = 0;
        int errOffset = 0;

        // Read status line, skipping any errant http headers found before it
        // This allows a larger number of 'corrupt' arcs -- where headers were accidentally
        // inserted before the status line to be readable
        while (true) {
            statusBytes = LaxHttpParser.readRawLine(getIn());
            eolCharCount = getEolCharsCount(statusBytes);
            if (eolCharCount <= 0) {
                throw new RecoverableIOException("Failed to read http status where one was expected: "
                        + ((statusBytes == null) ? "" : new String(statusBytes)));

            statusLine = EncodingUtil.getString(statusBytes, 0, statusBytes.length - eolCharCount,

            // If a null or DELETED break immediately
            if ((statusLine == null) || statusLine.startsWith("DELETED")) {

            // If it's actually the status line, break, otherwise continue skipping any
            // previous header values
            if (!statusLine.contains(":") && StatusLine.startsWithHTTP(statusLine)) {

            // Add bytes read to error "offset" to add to position
            errOffset += statusBytes.length;

        if (errOffset > 0) {

        if ((statusLine == null) || !StatusLine.startsWithHTTP(statusLine)) {
            if (statusLine.startsWith("DELETED")) {
                // Some old ARCs have deleted records like following:
                // 19991010131803 text/html 29202
                // DELETED_TIME=20000425001133_DELETER=Kurt_REASON=alexalist
                // (follows ~29K spaces)
                // For now, throw a RecoverableIOException so if iterating over
                // records, we keep going.  TODO: Later make a legitimate
                // ARCRecord from the deleted record rather than throw
                // exception.
                throw new DeletedARCRecordIOException(statusLine);
            } else {

        try {
            this.httpStatus = new StatusLine(statusLine);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.warning(e.getMessage() + " at offset: " + h.getOffset());

        // Save off all bytes read.  Keep them as bytes rather than
        // convert to strings so we don't have to worry about encodings
        // though this should never be a problem doing http headers since
        // its all supposed to be ascii.
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(statusBytes.length + 4 * 1024);

        // Now read rest of the header lines looking for the separation
        // between header and body.
        for (byte[] lineBytes = null; true;) {
            lineBytes = LaxHttpParser.readRawLine(getIn());
            eolCharCount = getEolCharsCount(lineBytes);
            if (eolCharCount <= 0) {
                if (getIn().available() == 0) {
                    httpHeaderBytesRead += statusBytes.length;
                    logger.warning("HTTP header truncated at offset: " + h.getOffset());
                } else {
                    throw new IOException(
                            "Failed reading http headers: " + ((lineBytes != null) ? new String(lineBytes) : null));
            } else {
                httpHeaderBytesRead += lineBytes.length;
            // Save the bytes read.
            if ((lineBytes.length - eolCharCount) <= 0) {
                // We've finished reading the http header.

        byte[] headerBytes = baos.toByteArray();
        // Save off where body starts.
        ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(headerBytes);
        if (!bais.markSupported()) {
            throw new IOException("ByteArrayInputStream does not support mark");
        // Read the status line.  Don't let it into the parseHeaders function.
        // It doesn't know what to do with it., 0, statusBytes.length);
        this.httpHeaders = LaxHttpParser.parseHeaders(bais, ARCConstants.DEFAULT_ENCODING);
        return bais;

    private static class DeletedARCRecordIOException extends RecoverableIOException {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public DeletedARCRecordIOException(final String reason) {

     * Return status code for this record.
     * This method will return -1 until the http header has been read.
     * @return Status code.
    public int getStatusCode() {
        return (this.httpStatus == null) ? -1 : this.httpStatus.getStatusCode();

     * @param bytes Array of bytes to examine for an EOL.
     * @return Count of end-of-line characters or zero if none.
    private int getEolCharsCount(byte[] bytes) {
        int count = 0;
        if (bytes != null && bytes.length >= 1 && bytes[bytes.length - 1] == '\n') {
            if (bytes.length >= 2 && bytes[bytes.length - 2] == '\r') {
        return count;

     * @return Meta data for this record.
    public ARCRecordMetaData getMetaData() {
        return (ARCRecordMetaData) getHeader();

     * @return http headers (Only available after header has been read).
    public Header[] getHttpHeaders() {
        return this.httpHeaders;

     * @return ArcRecordErrors encountered when reading 
    public List<ArcRecordErrors> getErrors() {
        return this.errors;

     * @return true if ARC record errors found 
    public boolean hasErrors() {
        return !this.errors.isEmpty();

     * @return Next character in this ARCRecord's content else -1 if at end of
     * this record.
     * @throws IOException
    public int read() throws IOException {
        int c = -1;
        if (this.httpHeaderStream != null && (this.httpHeaderStream.available() > 0)) {
            // If http header, return bytes from it before we go to underlying
            // stream.
            c =;
            // If done with the header stream, null it out.
            if (this.httpHeaderStream.available() <= 0) {
                this.httpHeaderStream = null;
        } else {
            c =;
        return c;

    public int read(byte[] b, int offset, int length) throws IOException {
        int read = -1;
        if (this.httpHeaderStream != null && (this.httpHeaderStream.available() > 0)) {
            // If http header, return bytes from it before we go to underlying
            // stream.
            read = Math.min(length, this.httpHeaderStream.available());
            if (read == 0) {
                read = -1;
            } else {
                read =, offset, read);
            // If done with the header stream, null it out.
            if (this.httpHeaderStream.available() <= 0) {
                this.httpHeaderStream = null;
        } else {
            read =, offset, length);
        return read;

     * @return Offset at which the body begins (Only known after
     * header has been read) or -1 if none or if we haven't read
     * headers yet.  Usually length of HTTP headers (does not include ARC
     * metadata line length).
    public int getBodyOffset() {
        return this.getMetaData().getContentBegin();

    protected String getIp4Cdx(ArchiveRecordHeader h) {
        String result = null;
        if (h instanceof ARCRecordMetaData) {
            result = ((ARCRecordMetaData) h).getIp();
        return (result != null) ? result : super.getIp4Cdx(h);

    protected String getStatusCode4Cdx(ArchiveRecordHeader h) {
        String result = null;
        if (h instanceof ARCRecordMetaData) {
            result = ((ARCRecordMetaData) h).getStatusCode();
        return (result != null) ? result : super.getStatusCode4Cdx(h);

    protected String getDigest4Cdx(ArchiveRecordHeader h) {
        String result = null;
        if (h instanceof ARCRecordMetaData) {
            result = ((ARCRecordMetaData) h).getDigest();
        return (result != null) ? result : super.getDigest4Cdx(h);