Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Augmented Reality Rubik Cube Wizard
 * Author: Steven P. Punte (aka Android Steve :
 * Date:   April 25th 2015
 * Project Description:
 *   Android application developed on a commercial Smart Phone which, when run on a pair 
 *   of Smart Glasses, guides a user through the process of solving a Rubik Cube.
 * File Description:
 *   This class is provided a set of Rhombi and attempts, if possible, to deduce 
 *   a Rubik Face and associated feature parameters.
 * License:
 *  GPL
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import org.opencv.core.Core;
import org.opencv.core.CvType;
import org.opencv.core.Mat;
import org.opencv.core.Point;
import android.util.Log;

 * @author
public class RubikFace implements Serializable {

    // For purposes of serialization
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -8498294721543708545L;

    // A Rubik Face can exist in the following states:
    public enum FaceRecognitionStatusEnum {
        UNKNOWN, INSUFFICIENT, // Insufficient Provided Rhombi to attempt solution
        BAD_METRICS, // Metric Calculation did not produce reasonable results
        INCOMPLETE, // Rhombi did not converge to proper solution
        INADEQUATE, // We require at least one Rhombus in each row and column
        BLOCKED, // Attempt to improve Rhombi layout in face was blocked: incorrect move direction reported
        INVALID_MATH, // LMS algorithm result in invalid math.
        UNSTABLE, // Last Tile move resulted in a increase in the overall error (LMS).
    } // Full and proper solution obtained.

    public FaceRecognitionStatusEnum faceRecognitionStatus = FaceRecognitionStatusEnum.UNKNOWN;

    public transient List<Rhombus> rhombusList = new LinkedList<Rhombus>();

    // A 3x3 matrix of Rhombus elements.  This array will be sorted to achieve
    // final correct position arrangement of available Rhombus objects.  Some elements can be null.
    public transient Rhombus[][] faceRhombusArray = new Rhombus[3][3];

    // A 3x3 matrix of Logical Tiles.  All elements must be non-null for an appropriate Face solution.
    // The rotation of this array is the output of the Face Recognizer as per the current spatial
    // rotation of the cube.
    public ColorTileEnum[][] observedTileArray = new ColorTileEnum[3][3];

    // A 3x3 matrix of Logical Tiles.  All elements must be non-null for an appropriate Face solution.
    // The rotation of this array has been adjusted so that, in the final cube state, the faces are read
    // and rendered correctly with respect to the "unfolded cube layout convention."
    public ColorTileEnum[][] transformedTileArray = new ColorTileEnum[3][3];

    // Record actual RGB colors measured at the center of each tile.
    public double[][][] measuredColorArray = new double[3][3][4];

    // Angle of Alpha-Axis (N) stored in radians.
    public double alphaAngle = 0.0;

    // Angle of Beta-Axis (M) stored in radians.
    public double betaAngle = 0.0;

    // Length in pixels of Alpha Lattice (i.e. a tile size)
    public double alphaLatticLength = 0.0;

    // Length in pixels of Beta Lattice (i.e. a tile size)
    public double betaLatticLength = 0.0;

    // Ratio of Beta Lattice to Alpha Lattice
    public double gammaRatio = 0.0;

    // Least Means Square Result
    public transient LeastMeansSquare lmsResult =
            // Put some dummy data here.
            new LeastMeansSquare(800, // X origin of Rubik Face (i.e. center of tile {0,0})
                    200, // Y origin of Rubik Face (i.e. center of tile {0,0})
                    50, // Length of Alpha Lattice
                    null, 314, // Sigma Error (i.e. RMS of know Rhombus to Tile centers)
                    true); // Allow these dummy results to be display even though they are false

    // Number of rhombus that were moved in order to obtain better LMS fit.
    public int numRhombusMoves = 0;

    // This is a proprietary hash code and NOT that of function hashCode().  This hash code is 
    // intended to be unique and repeatable for any given set of colored tiles in a specified set 
    // of locations on a Rubik Face.  It is used to determine if an identical Rubik Face is being
    // observed multiple times. Note, if a tiles color designation is changed due to a change in 
    // lighting conditions, the calculated hash code will be different.  A more robust strategy 
    // would be to require that only 8 or 9 tiles match in order to determine if an 
    // identical face is being presented.
    public int myHashCode = 0;

    // Profiles CPU Consumption
    public transient Profiler profiler = new Profiler();

    // Face Designation: i.e., Up, Down, ....
    public FaceNameEnum faceNameEnum;

     * Rubik Face Constructor
     * @param imageProcessMode
     * @param annotationMode
    public RubikFace() {

        // Dummy data
        alphaAngle = 45.0 * Math.PI / 180.0;
        betaAngle = 135.0 * Math.PI / 180.0;
        alphaLatticLength = 50.0;
        betaLatticLength = 50.0;

     * Process Rhombuses
     * Given the Rhombus list, attempt to recognize the grid dimensions and orientation,
     * and full tile color set.
     * @param rhombusList
     * @param image 
    public void processRhombuses(List<Rhombus> rhombusList, Mat image) {

        this.rhombusList = rhombusList;

        // Don't even attempt if less than three rhombus are identified.
        if (rhombusList.size() < 3) {
            faceRecognitionStatus = FaceRecognitionStatusEnum.INSUFFICIENT;

        // Calculate average alpha and beta angles, and also gamma ratio.
        // Sometimes (but probably only when certain bugs exist) can contain NaN data.
        if (calculateMetrics() == false) {
            faceRecognitionStatus = FaceRecognitionStatusEnum.BAD_METRICS;

        // Layout Rhombi into Face Array
        if (TileLayoutAlgorithm.doInitialLayout(rhombusList, faceRhombusArray, alphaAngle, betaAngle) == false) {
            faceRecognitionStatus = FaceRecognitionStatusEnum.INADEQUATE;

        // Evaluate Rhombi into Array fit RMS
        lmsResult = findOptimumFaceFit();
        if (lmsResult.valid == false) {
            faceRecognitionStatus = FaceRecognitionStatusEnum.INVALID_MATH;

        alphaLatticLength = lmsResult.alphaLattice;
        betaLatticLength = gammaRatio * lmsResult.alphaLattice;
        double lastSigma = lmsResult.sigma;

        // Loop until some resolution
        while (lmsResult.sigma > MenuAndParams.faceLmsThresholdParam.value) {

            if (numRhombusMoves > 5) {
                faceRecognitionStatus = FaceRecognitionStatusEnum.INCOMPLETE;

            // Move a Rhombi
            if (findAndMoveArhombusToAbetterLocation() == false) {
                faceRecognitionStatus = FaceRecognitionStatusEnum.BLOCKED;

            // Evaluate
            lmsResult = findOptimumFaceFit();
            if (lmsResult.valid == false) {
                faceRecognitionStatus = FaceRecognitionStatusEnum.INVALID_MATH;
            alphaLatticLength = lmsResult.alphaLattice;
            betaLatticLength = gammaRatio * lmsResult.alphaLattice;

            // RMS has increased, we are NOT converging on a solution.
            if (lmsResult.sigma > lastSigma)
                faceRecognitionStatus = FaceRecognitionStatusEnum.UNSTABLE;

        // A good solution has been reached!

        // Obtain Logical Tiles
        new ColorRecognition.Face(this).faceTileColorRecognition(image);

        // Calculate a hash code that is unique for the given collection of Logical Tiles.
        // Added right rotation to obtain unique number with respect to locations.
        myHashCode = 0;
        for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
            for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)
                myHashCode = observedTileArray[n][m].hashCode() ^ Integer.rotateRight(myHashCode, 1);

        faceRecognitionStatus = FaceRecognitionStatusEnum.SOLVED;

     * Calculate Metrics
     * Obtain alpha beta and gammaRatio from Rhombi set.
     * =+= Initially, assume all provide Rhombus are in face, and simply take average.
     * =+= Later provide more smart filtering.
    private boolean calculateMetrics() {

        int numElements = rhombusList.size();
        for (Rhombus rhombus : rhombusList) {

            alphaAngle += rhombus.alphaAngle;
            betaAngle += rhombus.betaAngle;
            gammaRatio += rhombus.gammaRatio;

        alphaAngle = alphaAngle / numElements * Math.PI / 180.0;
        betaAngle = betaAngle / numElements * Math.PI / 180.0;
        gammaRatio = gammaRatio / numElements;

        Log.i(Constants.TAG, String.format("RubikFace: alphaAngle=%4.0f betaAngle=%4.0f gamma=%4.2f",
                alphaAngle * 180.0 / Math.PI, betaAngle * 180.0 / Math.PI, gammaRatio));

        // =+= currently, always return OK
        return true;

     * Calculate the optimum fit for the given layout of Rhombus in the Face.
     * Set Up BIG Linear Equation: Y = AX
     * Where:
     *   Y is a 2k x 1 matrix of actual x and y location from rhombus centers (known values)
     *   X is a 3 x 1  matrix of { x_origin, y_origin, and alpha_lattice } (values we wish to find)
     *   A is a 2k x 3 matrix of coefficients derived from m, n, alpha, beta, and gamma. 
     * Notes:
     *   k := Twice the number of available rhombus.
     *   n := integer axis of the face.
     *   m := integer axis of the face.
     *   gamma := ratio of beta to alpha lattice size.
     * Also, calculate sum of errors squared.
     *   E = Y - AX
     * @return
    private LeastMeansSquare findOptimumFaceFit() {

        // Count how many non-empty cell actually have a rhombus in it.
        int k = 0;
        for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
            for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)
                if (faceRhombusArray[n][m] != null)

        Log.i(Constants.TAG, "Big K: " + k);

        Mat bigAmatrix = new Mat(2 * k, 3, CvType.CV_64FC1);
        Mat bigYmatrix = new Mat(2 * k, 1, CvType.CV_64FC1);
        Mat bigXmatrix = new Mat(3, 1, CvType.CV_64FC1); //{ origin_x, origin_y, latticeAlpha }

        // Load up matrices Y and A 
        // X_k = X + n * L_alpha * cos(alpha) + m * L_beta * cos(beta)
        // Y_k = Y + n * L_alpha * sin(alpha) + m * L_beta * sin(beta)
        int index = 0;
        for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
            for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
                Rhombus rhombus = faceRhombusArray[n][m];
                if (rhombus != null) {

                        // Actual X axis value of Rhombus in this location
                        double bigY =;

                        // Express expected X axis value : i.e. x = func( x_origin, n, m, alpha, beta, alphaLattice, gamma)
                        double bigA = n * Math.cos(alphaAngle) + gammaRatio * m * Math.cos(betaAngle);

                        bigYmatrix.put(index, 0, new double[] { bigY });

                        bigAmatrix.put(index, 0, new double[] { 1.0 });
                        bigAmatrix.put(index, 1, new double[] { 0.0 });
                        bigAmatrix.put(index, 2, new double[] { bigA });


                        // Actual Y axis value of Rhombus in this location
                        double bigY =;

                        // Express expected Y axis value : i.e. y = func( y_origin, n, m, alpha, beta, alphaLattice, gamma)
                        double bigA = n * Math.sin(alphaAngle) + gammaRatio * m * Math.sin(betaAngle);

                        bigYmatrix.put(index, 0, new double[] { bigY });

                        bigAmatrix.put(index, 0, new double[] { 0.0 });
                        bigAmatrix.put(index, 1, new double[] { 1.0 });
                        bigAmatrix.put(index, 2, new double[] { bigA });


        //      Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Big A Matrix: " + bigAmatrix.dump());
        //      Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Big Y Matrix: " + bigYmatrix.dump());

        // Least Means Square Regression to find best values of origin_x, origin_y, and alpha_lattice.
        // Problem:  Y=AX  Known Y and A, but find X.
        // Tactic:   Find minimum | AX - Y | (actually sum square of elements?)
        // OpenCV:   Core.solve(Mat src1, Mat src2, Mat dst, int)
        // OpenCV:   dst = arg min _X|src1 * X - src2|
        // Thus:     src1 = A  { 2k rows and  3 columns }
        //           src2 = Y  { 2k rows and  1 column  }
        //           dst =  X  {  3 rows and  1 column  }
        boolean solveFlag = Core.solve(bigAmatrix, bigYmatrix, bigXmatrix, Core.DECOMP_NORMAL);

        //      Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Big X Matrix Result: " + bigXmatrix.dump());

        // Sum of error square
        // Given X from above, the Y_estimate = AX
        // E = Y - AX
        Mat bigEmatrix = new Mat(2 * k, 1, CvType.CV_64FC1);
        for (int r = 0; r < (2 * k); r++) {
            double y = bigYmatrix.get(r, 0)[0];
            double error = y;
            for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
                double a = bigAmatrix.get(r, c)[0];
                double x = bigXmatrix.get(c, 0)[0];
                error -= a * x;
            bigEmatrix.put(r, 0, error);

        // sigma^2 = diagonal_sum( Et * E)
        double sigma = 0;
        for (int r = 0; r < (2 * k); r++) {
            double error = bigEmatrix.get(r, 0)[0];
            sigma += error * error;
        sigma = Math.sqrt(sigma);

        //      Log.v(Constants.TAG, "Big E Matrix Result: " + bigEmatrix.dump());

        // =+= not currently in use, could be deleted.
        // Retrieve Error terms and compose an array of error vectors: one of each occupied
        // cell who's vector point from tile center to actual location of rhombus.
        Point[][] errorVectorArray = new Point[3][3];
        index = 0;
        for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
            for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
                Rhombus rhombus = faceRhombusArray[n][m]; // We expect this array to not have change from above.
                if (rhombus != null) {
                    errorVectorArray[n][m] = new Point(bigEmatrix.get(index++, 0)[0],
                            bigEmatrix.get(index++, 0)[0]);

        double x = bigXmatrix.get(0, 0)[0];
        double y = bigXmatrix.get(1, 0)[0];
        double alphaLatice = bigXmatrix.get(2, 0)[0];
        boolean valid = !Double.isNaN(x) && !Double.isNaN(y) && !Double.isNaN(alphaLatice) && !Double.isNaN(sigma);

                String.format("Rubik Solution: x=%4.0f y=%4.0f alphaLattice=%4.0f  sigma=%4.0f flag=%b", x, y,
                        alphaLatice, sigma, solveFlag));

        return new LeastMeansSquare(x, y, alphaLatice, errorVectorArray, sigma, valid);

     * Find And Move A Rhombus To A Better Location
     * Returns true if a tile was move or swapped, otherwise returns false.
     * Find Tile-Rhombus (i.e. {n,m}) with largest error assuming findOptimumFaceFit() has been called.
     * Determine which direction the Rhombus would like to move and swap it with that location.
    private boolean findAndMoveArhombusToAbetterLocation() {

        double errorArray[][] = new double[3][3];
        Point errorVectorArray[][] = new Point[3][3];

        // Identify Tile-Rhombus with largest error
        Rhombus largestErrorRhombus = null;
        double largetError = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        int tile_n = 0; // Record current location of Rhombus we wish to move.
        int tile_m = 0;
        for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
            for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
                Rhombus rhombus = faceRhombusArray[n][m];
                if (rhombus != null) {

                    // X and Y location of the center of a tile {n,m}
                    double tile_x = lmsResult.origin.x + n * alphaLatticLength * Math.cos(alphaAngle)
                            + m * betaLatticLength * Math.cos(betaAngle);
                    double tile_y = lmsResult.origin.y + n * alphaLatticLength * Math.sin(alphaAngle)
                            + m * betaLatticLength * Math.sin(betaAngle);

                    // Error from center of tile to reported center of Rhombus
                    double error = Math.sqrt(( - tile_x) * ( - tile_x)
                            + ( - tile_y) * ( - tile_y));
                    errorArray[n][m] = error;
                    errorVectorArray[n][m] = new Point( - tile_x, - tile_y);

                    // Record largest error found
                    if (error > largetError) {
                        largestErrorRhombus = rhombus;
                        tile_n = n;
                        tile_m = m;
                        largetError = error;

        // For each tile location print: center of current Rhombus, center of tile, error vector, error magnitude.
        Log.d(Constants.TAG, String.format(" m:n|-----0-----|------1----|----2------|"));
        Log.d(Constants.TAG, String.format(" 0  |%s|%s|%s|", Util.dumpLoc(faceRhombusArray[0][0]),
                Util.dumpLoc(faceRhombusArray[1][0]), Util.dumpLoc(faceRhombusArray[2][0])));
        Log.d(Constants.TAG, String.format(" 0  |%s|%s|%s|", Util.dumpPoint(getTileCenterInPixels(0, 0)),
                Util.dumpPoint(getTileCenterInPixels(1, 0)), Util.dumpPoint(getTileCenterInPixels(2, 0))));
        Log.d(Constants.TAG, String.format(" 0  |%s|%s|%s|", Util.dumpPoint(errorVectorArray[0][0]),
                Util.dumpPoint(errorVectorArray[1][0]), Util.dumpPoint(errorVectorArray[2][0])));
                String.format(" 0  |%11.0f|%11.0f|%11.0f|", errorArray[0][0], errorArray[1][0], errorArray[2][0]));
        Log.d(Constants.TAG, String.format(" 1  |%s|%s|%s|", Util.dumpLoc(faceRhombusArray[0][1]),
                Util.dumpLoc(faceRhombusArray[1][1]), Util.dumpLoc(faceRhombusArray[2][1])));
        Log.d(Constants.TAG, String.format(" 1  |%s|%s|%s|", Util.dumpPoint(getTileCenterInPixels(0, 1)),
                Util.dumpPoint(getTileCenterInPixels(1, 1)), Util.dumpPoint(getTileCenterInPixels(2, 1))));
        Log.d(Constants.TAG, String.format(" 1  |%s|%s|%s|", Util.dumpPoint(errorVectorArray[0][1]),
                Util.dumpPoint(errorVectorArray[1][1]), Util.dumpPoint(errorVectorArray[2][1])));
                String.format(" 1  |%11.0f|%11.0f|%11.0f|", errorArray[0][1], errorArray[1][1], errorArray[2][1]));
        Log.d(Constants.TAG, String.format(" 2  |%s|%s|%s|", Util.dumpLoc(faceRhombusArray[0][2]),
                Util.dumpLoc(faceRhombusArray[1][2]), Util.dumpLoc(faceRhombusArray[2][2])));
        Log.d(Constants.TAG, String.format(" 2  |%s|%s|%s|", Util.dumpPoint(getTileCenterInPixels(0, 2)),
                Util.dumpPoint(getTileCenterInPixels(1, 2)), Util.dumpPoint(getTileCenterInPixels(2, 2))));
        Log.d(Constants.TAG, String.format(" 2  |%s|%s|%s|", Util.dumpPoint(errorVectorArray[0][2]),
                Util.dumpPoint(errorVectorArray[1][2]), Util.dumpPoint(errorVectorArray[2][2])));
                String.format(" 2  |%11.0f|%11.0f|%11.0f|", errorArray[0][2], errorArray[1][2], errorArray[2][2]));
        Log.d(Constants.TAG, String.format("    |-----------|-----------|-----------|"));

        // Calculate vector error (from Tile to Rhombus) components along X and Y axis
        double error_x =
                - (lmsResult.origin.x + tile_n * alphaLatticLength * Math.cos(alphaAngle)
                        + tile_m * betaLatticLength * Math.cos(betaAngle));
        double error_y =
                - (lmsResult.origin.y + tile_n * alphaLatticLength * Math.sin(alphaAngle)
                        + tile_m * betaLatticLength * Math.sin(betaAngle));
        Log.d(Constants.TAG, String.format("Tile at [%d][%d] has x error = %4.0f y error = %4.0f", tile_n, tile_m,
                error_x, error_y));

        // Project vector error (from Tile to Rhombus) components along alpha and beta directions.
        double alphaError = error_x * Math.cos(alphaAngle) + error_y * Math.sin(alphaAngle);
        double betaError = error_x * Math.cos(betaAngle) + error_y * Math.sin(betaAngle);
        Log.d(Constants.TAG, String.format("Tile at [%d][%d] has alpha error = %4.0f beta error = %4.0f", tile_n,
                tile_m, alphaError, betaError));

        // Calculate index vector correction: i.e., preferred direction to move this tile.
        int delta_n = (int) Math.round(alphaError / alphaLatticLength);
        int delta_m = (int) Math.round(betaError / betaLatticLength);
        Log.d(Constants.TAG, String.format("Correction Index Vector: [%d][%d]", delta_n, delta_m));

        // Calculate new location of tile
        int new_n = tile_n + delta_n;
        int new_m = tile_m + delta_m;

        // Limit according to dimensions of face
        if (new_n < 0)
            new_n = 0;
        if (new_n > 2)
            new_n = 2;
        if (new_m < 0)
            new_m = 0;
        if (new_m > 2)
            new_m = 2;

        // Cannot move, move is to original location
        if (new_n == tile_n && new_m == tile_m) {
            Log.i(Constants.TAG, String.format("Tile at [%d][%d] location NOT moved", tile_n, tile_m));
            return false;

        // Move Tile or swap with tile in that location.
        else {
                    String.format("Swapping Rhombi [%d][%d] with  [%d][%d]", tile_n, tile_m, new_n, new_m));
            Rhombus tmp = faceRhombusArray[new_n][new_m];
            faceRhombusArray[new_n][new_m] = faceRhombusArray[tile_n][tile_m];
            faceRhombusArray[tile_n][tile_m] = tmp;
            return true;


     * @param n
     * @param m
     * @return
    public Point getTileCenterInPixels(int n, int m) {
        return new Point(
                lmsResult.origin.x + n * alphaLatticLength * Math.cos(alphaAngle)
                        + m * betaLatticLength * Math.cos(betaAngle),
                lmsResult.origin.y + n * alphaLatticLength * Math.sin(alphaAngle)
                        + m * betaLatticLength * Math.sin(betaAngle));