Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Aprilis Design Studios * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package org.aprilis.jrest.compile; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.aprilis.jrest.constant.Constants; import org.aprilis.jrest.constant.Exceptions; import org.aprilis.jrest.db.ConnectionDetails; import org.aprilis.jrest.execute.ExecutionEngine; import; import; import; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; /** * @author h & rk * */ public class Compile extends Thread { /** * * @throws Exception */ private Compile() { mbJrestRepositoryRead = false; mbInitExecutionEngine = false; mhmapDefinitionDetails = null; msJrestSweepInterval = null; msPathToJrestRepo = null; mfDefinitionFile = null; msPathToDefinitionFiles = Exceptions.gsPathToDefinitionFilesYetToBeSet; mlJrestSweepInterval = Constants.glDefaultRefreshInterval; moJsonParser = new JSONParser(); moStringWriter = new StringWriter(); moPrintWriter = new PrintWriter(moStringWriter); moStore = Store.instance(); moSessionStore = Session.instance(); moExecutionEngine = ExecutionEngine.instance(); }/* private Compile() */ /** * Clones are not supported for this class so this prevents the users from * doing so. */ public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { throw new CloneNotSupportedException("This is a Singleton Ojbect; Buzz off"); }/* public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException */ /** * * @return * @throws Exception */ public static Compile instance() { if (__instance == null) { synchronized (Compile.class) { if (__instance == null) { __instance = new Compile(); } /* if (__instance == null) */ } /* synchronized (Compile.class) */ } /* if (__instance == null) */ return __instance; }/* public static Compile Instance() */ /** * * @return */ private boolean initialize() { try { if (msPathToDefinitionFiles.equals(System.getenv(Constants.gsPathVariable)) == false) { msPathToDefinitionFiles = System.getenv(Constants.gsPathVariable); if ((msPathToDefinitionFiles == null) || (msPathToDefinitionFiles.length() == 0)) { msPathToDefinitionFiles = Exceptions.gsPathToDefinitionFilesYetToBeSet; mLogger.fatal(Exceptions.gsPathNotDefined); return false; } // if ((msPathToDefinitionFiles == null) || // (msPathToDefinitionFiles.length() mfDefinitionFile = null; mfDefinitionFile = new File(msPathToDefinitionFiles); if (mfDefinitionFile.isDirectory() == false) { mLogger.fatal(String.format(Exceptions.gsPathNotFound, msPathToDefinitionFiles)); return false; } // if (mfDefinitionFile.isDirectory() == false) mfDefinitionFile = null; mfDefinitionFile = new File(msPathToDefinitionFiles, Constants.gsJrestRepository); if ((mfDefinitionFile.exists() == false) || (mfDefinitionFile.isDirectory() == false)) { if (mfDefinitionFile.mkdirs() == false) { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsCantCreateJrestRepository); return false; } // if (mfDefinitionFile.mkdirs() == false ) } // if( (mfDefinitionFile.exists() == false ) || // (mfDefinitionFile.isDirectory() == // false)) msPathToJrestRepo = mfDefinitionFile.getAbsolutePath(); } // if(msPathToDefinitionFiles.equals(System.getenv(Constants.gsPathVariable)) msJrestSweepInterval = System.getenv(Constants.gsRefreshInterval); if (msJrestSweepInterval != null) { mlJrestSweepInterval = Long.parseLong(msJrestSweepInterval); mlJrestSweepInterval *= Constants.gshMillisInSecond; if (mlJrestSweepInterval <= Constants.gshZero || mlJrestSweepInterval <= Constants.glDefaultRefreshInterval) { mLogger.warn(Exceptions.gsLowSweepInterval); mlJrestSweepInterval = Constants.glDefaultRefreshInterval; } // if (mlJrestSweepInterval <= 0 ... ) } // if (msJrestSweepInterval != null) } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(moPrintWriter); mLogger.error(moStringWriter.toString()); return false; } // end of try ... catch return true; }/* private boolean initialize() */ /** * */ private void iterateOverDefinitionDirectories() { for (short repoIndex = Constants.gshMaxRepoDepth; repoIndex > Constants.gshZero; repoIndex--) { if (repoIndex == Constants.gshMaxRepoDepth) { if (mbJrestRepositoryRead == false) { mfDefinitionFile = new File(msPathToJrestRepo); mLogger.debug(String.format(Exceptions.gsJrestCurrentScanningFolder, msPathToJrestRepo)); /* * loadDefinitions to be executed here only in the case of * mbJrestRepositoryRead being false and (repoIndex == * Constants.gshMaxRepoDepth). */ loadDefinitions(repoIndex); } // if (mbJrestRepositoryRead == false) } else { mLogger.debug(String.format(Exceptions.gsJrestCurrentScanningFolder, msPathToDefinitionFiles)); mfDefinitionFile = new File(msPathToDefinitionFiles); loadDefinitions(repoIndex); } // if (mbJrestRepositoryRead == false) } // for (short repoIndex = Constants.gshMaxRepoDepth; ... ) }/* private iterateOverDefinitionDirectories() */ /** * */ private void loadDefinitions(short shRepositoryDepth) { try { for (File definitionFile : mfDefinitionFile.listFiles()) { if (definitionFile.getName().endsWith(Constants.gsDefFileExtension)) { // Read the contents of the definition file only upto the // first "!" character is noticed; which would be // corresponding to a definition, and repeat the same until // the time EOF is reached // boolean hasEncounteredErrors = false; FileInputStream fInputStream = new FileInputStream(definitionFile); Scanner defFileScanner = new Scanner(fInputStream); defFileScanner.useDelimiter(Constants.gsJsonDefinitionDelimiter); if (definitionFile.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.gsJrestDefinitionFileName) == false) { while (defFileScanner.hasNext()) { String jsonContent =; if (loadJsonDefinition(jsonContent) == false) { // Something went wrong with the JSON we attempted // to parse, so, tell the user that JSON is screwed mLogger.error(String.format(Exceptions.gsParseError, definitionFile.getName(), jsonContent)); hasEncounteredErrors = true; } // if(loadJsonDefinition(jsonContent) == false) } // while(defFileScanner.hasNext()) } else { while (defFileScanner.hasNext()) { String jsonContent =; if (loadJrestDefinition(jsonContent) == false) { // Something went wrong with the JSON we attempted // to parse, so, tell the user that JSON is screwed mLogger.error(String.format(Exceptions.gsParseError, definitionFile.getName(), jsonContent)); hasEncounteredErrors = true; } // if(loadJrestDefinition(jsonContent) == false) } // while(defFileScanner.hasNext()) } // if(parseJsonDefinition(jsonContent) == false) defFileScanner.close(); fInputStream.close(); if (shRepositoryDepth == Constants.gshMinRepoDepth) { if (hasEncounteredErrors == false) { File repoFile = new File(msPathToJrestRepo, definitionFile.getName()); if ((repoFile.exists() == true) && (repoFile.isDirectory() == false)) { repoFile.delete(); } // if ((repoFile.exists() == true) && (repoFile.isDirectory() == // false)) definitionFile.renameTo(new File(msPathToJrestRepo, definitionFile.getName())); } else { definitionFile.renameTo( new File(definitionFile.getAbsoluteFile() + Constants.gsJsonDefErrorFileExtn)); } // if (hasEncounteredErrors == false) } // if (shRepositoryDepth == Constants.gshMinRepoDepth) } // if(definitionFile.getName().endsWith(..) } // for(File definitionFile : mfDefinitionFile.listFiles()) if (shRepositoryDepth == Constants.gshMaxRepoDepth) { mbJrestRepositoryRead = true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(moPrintWriter); mLogger.error(moStringWriter.toString()); } // end of try ... catch block }/* private void loadDefinitions() */ /** * * @param sJsonDef * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean loadJrestDefinition(String sJsonDef) { try { String commentsStrippedJson = sJsonDef.replaceAll(Constants.gsStripCommentLineRegEx, Constants.gsEmptyString); String newLineTrimmedJson = commentsStrippedJson.replaceAll(Constants.gsTrimFindeString, Constants.gsEmptyString); String spaceRemovedJson = newLineTrimmedJson.replaceAll(Constants.gsRemoveSpacesExcludingQuotes, Constants.gsEmptyString);, spaceRemovedJson)); mhmapDefinitionDetails = (JSONObject) moJsonParser.parse(spaceRemovedJson); for (Map.Entry<String, HashMap<String, Object>> jsonEntry : mhmapDefinitionDetails.entrySet()) { if (jsonEntry.getKey() != null && jsonEntry.getKey().length() >= Constants.gshMinDefinitionKeyLength && jsonEntry.getValue() != null) { /* * Check whether the definition we are parsing is of the type * Authentication, if so, set the store with authentication details. */ if (jsonEntry.getKey().equals(Constants.gsAuthDefinitionKey)) { return loadAuthDefinition(jsonEntry.getValue()); } // if(jsonEntry.getKey().equals(Constants.gsAuthDefinitionKey)) /* * Check whether the definition that is being parsed is of the type * JDBC connection string, if so, set the store with the connection * string */ if (jsonEntry.getKey().equals(Constants.gsJdbcDefinitionKey)) { HashMap<String, String> oJsonData = (JSONObject) jsonEntry.getValue(); return loadJDBCDefinition(oJsonData); } // if(jsonEntry.getKey().equals(Constants.gsJdbcDefinitionKey)) } // if (jsonEntry.getValue() != null) } // for (Map.Entry<String, HashMap<String, Object>> jsonEntry } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(moPrintWriter); mLogger.error(moStringWriter.toString()); } // end of try ... catch block return false; }/* private boolean loadJrestDefinition(String sJsonDef) */ /** * * @param hmapJsonAuth * @return */ private boolean loadAuthDefinition(HashMap<String, Object> hmapJsonAuthDef) { // 1. Check for presence of Query keyword - Done // 2. Check for not null or empty value for Query keyword - Done // if (hmapJsonAuthDef.containsKey(Constants.gsLangTokenQuery)) { String sQuery = hmapJsonAuthDef.get(Constants.gsLangTokenQuery).toString().trim(); if (sQuery != null && sQuery.length() > Constants.gshMinQueryLength) { if (sQuery.charAt(sQuery.length() - Constants.gshOne) == Constants.gcDelimSemiColon) { moStore.addAuthenticationQuery(sQuery); } else { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsQuerySyntaxError); return false; } // if (sQuery.charAt(sQuery.length() - Constants.gshOne) == // Constants.gcDelimSemiColon) } else { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsEmptyOrInvalidQueryGiven); return false; } // if (sQuery != null && sQuery.length() > Constants.gshMinQueryLength) } else { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsTokenQueryMissingInAuth); return false; } // end of if (hmapJsonAuthDef.containsKey(Constants.gsLangTokenQuery)) // 3. Check for presence of Delim keyword - Done // 4. Check for not null or empty value for Delim keyword - Done // 5. Check for valid delimiter set - Done if (hmapJsonAuthDef.containsKey(Constants.gsLangTokenDelim)) { String sDelimiter = hmapJsonAuthDef.get(Constants.gsLangTokenDelim).toString(); if (sDelimiter != null && sDelimiter.length() == Constants.gshMinDelimiterLength) { char cDelimiter = sDelimiter.charAt(0); switch (cDelimiter) { case Constants.gcDelimColon: case Constants.gcDelimComma: case Constants.gcDelimHash: case Constants.gcDelimSemiColon: moStore.addAuthenticationDelimiter( hmapJsonAuthDef.get(Constants.gsLangTokenDelim).toString().charAt(0)); break; default: mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsInvalidAuthTokenDelimUsed); return false; }// end of switch (cDelimiter) } else { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsEmptyOrTooLongDelimGiven); } // end of if(sDelimiter != null && ... ) } // if (hmapJsonAuthDef.containsKey(Constants.gsLangTokenDelim)) return true; }/* private boolean loadAuthDefinition(String sJsonDef) */ /** * * @param hmapJsonJDBCDef * @return */ private boolean loadJDBCDefinition(HashMap<String, String> hmapJsonJDBCDef) { // 1. Check for presence of JDBC keyword - Done // 2. Check for presence of all the connection keywords - Done // if (hmapJsonJDBCDef != null && hmapJsonJDBCDef.size() == Constants.gshConnectionTokenCount) { if (hmapJsonJDBCDef.containsKey(Constants.gsConnDatabase) && hmapJsonJDBCDef.containsKey(Constants.gsConnDbType) && hmapJsonJDBCDef.containsKey(Constants.gsConnHostName) && hmapJsonJDBCDef.containsKey(Constants.gsConnPassWord) && hmapJsonJDBCDef.containsKey(Constants.gsConnPortNumber) && hmapJsonJDBCDef.containsKey(Constants.gsConnUserName)) { ConnectionDetails oConnection = new ConnectionDetails(); oConnection.setHostName(hmapJsonJDBCDef.get(Constants.gsConnHostName)); oConnection.setDatabaseName(hmapJsonJDBCDef.get(Constants.gsConnDatabase)); oConnection.setDatabaseType(hmapJsonJDBCDef.get(Constants.gsConnDbType)); oConnection.setPassWord(hmapJsonJDBCDef.get(Constants.gsConnPassWord)); oConnection.setPortNumber(hmapJsonJDBCDef.get(Constants.gsConnPortNumber)); oConnection.setUserName(hmapJsonJDBCDef.get(Constants.gsConnUserName)); moStore.setJdbcConnectionDetails(oConnection); } else { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsMissingConnectionParameters); return false; } // if (hmapJsonJDBCDef.containsKey(Constants.gsConnDatabase) } else { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsEmptyOrInvalidConnectionGiven); return false; } // if (hmapJsonJDBCDef != null && hmapJsonJDBCDef.size() return true; }/* * private boolean loadJDBCDefinition(HashMap<String, String> * hmapJsonJDBCDef) */ /** * * @param sJsonDef * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean loadJsonDefinition(String sJsonDef) { try { String commentsStrippedJson = sJsonDef.replaceAll(Constants.gsStripCommentLineRegEx, Constants.gsEmptyString); String newLineTrimmedJson = commentsStrippedJson.replaceAll(Constants.gsTrimFindeString, Constants.gsEmptyString); String spaceRemovedJson = newLineTrimmedJson.replaceAll(Constants.gsRemoveSpacesExcludingQuotes, Constants.gsEmptyString);, spaceRemovedJson)); mhmapDefinitionDetails = (JSONObject) moJsonParser.parse(spaceRemovedJson); for (Map.Entry<String, HashMap<String, Object>> jsonEntry : mhmapDefinitionDetails.entrySet()) { // 1. Check whether definition key is valid (not null or empty) - Done // 2. Check whether value associated to key is valid (not null, since // its an // object) - Done // if (jsonEntry.getKey() != null && jsonEntry.getKey().length() >= Constants.gshMinDefinitionKeyLength && jsonEntry.getValue() != null) { String sJsonKey = jsonEntry.getKey().toUpperCase(); if ((sJsonKey.equals(Constants.gsAuthDefinitionKey) == true) || (sJsonKey.equals(Constants.gsJdbcDefinitionKey) == true)) { mLogger.warn(Exceptions.gsReservedKeywordNotAllowed); continue; } // if ((sJsonKey.equals(Constants.gsAuthDefinitionKey) == true) ... // ) // 3. Check for mandatory keywords Type - Done // // if ( jsonEntry.getValue().containsKey(Constants.gsLangTokenQuery) // && if (jsonEntry.getValue().containsKey(Constants.gsLangTokenType)) { Definition apiDefinition = new Definition(); String sQueryType = jsonEntry.getValue().get(Constants.gsLangTokenType).toString().trim(); String sQueryValue = (String) jsonEntry.getValue().get(Constants.gsLangTokenQuery); if ((sQueryType.equals(Constants.gsLangDefTypeGet) || sQueryType.equals(Constants.gsLangDefTypeSet)) && sQueryValue == null) { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsMissingMandatoryKeywordsInDefFile); return false; } if (sQueryValue != null) { sQueryValue = jsonEntry.getValue().get(Constants.gsLangTokenQuery).toString().trim(); // 5. Check for value of keyword Query is not null or empty - Done // 6. Check if Query value is terminated with a semicolon - Done // if (sQueryValue.length() > Constants.gshMinQueryLength) { if (sQueryValue.charAt( sQueryValue.length() - Constants.gshOne) == Constants.gcDelimSemiColon) { apiDefinition.setQuery(sQueryValue); } else { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsQuerySyntaxError); return false; } // if (sQuery.charAt(sQuery.length() - Constants.gshOne) == // Constants.gcDelimSemiColon) } else { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsEmptyOrInvalidQueryGiven); return false; } // end of if (sQueryValue != null && ... ) } // if (jsonEntry.getValue().get(Constants.gsLangTokenQuery) != // null) // 9. Check for values of Before and After if they are mentioned - // Done // if (jsonEntry.getValue().containsKey(Constants.gsLangTokenBefore)) { try { HashMap<String, String> hmapBeforeMapping = (JSONObject) jsonEntry.getValue() .get(Constants.gsLangTokenBefore); if (loadJsonBeforeTagInfo(jsonEntry.getKey(), hmapBeforeMapping, apiDefinition) == false) { return false; } // if (loadJsonBeforeTagInfo(jsonEntry.getKey(), ... ) } catch (ClassCastException e) { mLogger.error(String.format(Exceptions.gsMalformedDefinition, Constants.gsLangTokenBefore, jsonEntry.getKey())); return false; } // end of try ... catch block } // end of // if(jsonEntry.getValue().containsKey(Constants.gsLangTokenBefore)) if (jsonEntry.getValue().containsKey(Constants.gsLangTokenAfter)) { try { HashMap<String, String> hmapAfterMapping = (JSONObject) jsonEntry.getValue() .get(Constants.gsLangTokenAfter); if (loadJsonAfterTagInfo(jsonEntry.getKey(), hmapAfterMapping, apiDefinition) == false) { return false; } // if (loadJsonAfterTagInfo(jsonEntry.getKey(), ... ) } catch (ClassCastException e) { mLogger.error(String.format(Exceptions.gsMalformedDefinition, Constants.gsLangTokenAfter, jsonEntry.getKey())); return false; } // end of try ... catch block } // end of if // (jsonEntry.getValue().containsKey(Constants.gsLangTokenAfter)) loadRoles(jsonEntry.getKey(), (JSONObject) jsonEntry.getValue(), apiDefinition); // 6. Check for value of keyword Type is either GET or SET or Upload if (sQueryType != null) { if (sQueryType.equals(Constants.gsLangDefTypeGet)) { moStore.addGetDefinition(jsonEntry.getKey(), apiDefinition); } else if (sQueryType.equals(Constants.gsLangDefTypeSet)) { moStore.addSetDefinition(jsonEntry.getKey(), apiDefinition); } else { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsInvalidDefinitionTypeGiven); return false; } // end of if (defType.equals(Constants.gsLangDefTypeGet)) return true; } // if(jsonEntry.getValue().containsKey(Constants.gsLangTokenType)) } else { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsMissingMandatoryKeywordsInDefFile); } // end of if // (jsonEntry.getValue().containsKey(Constants.gsLangTokenQuery) } else { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsEmptyDefinition); } // end of if (jsonEntry.getKey() != null && .... ) } // for (Map.Entry<String, HashMap<String, Object>> jsonEntry } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); e.printStackTrace(moPrintWriter); mLogger.error(moStringWriter.toString()); } // end of try ... catch block return false; }/* private boolean loadJsonDefinition(String sJsonDef) */ /** * * @param jRestKey * @param hmapBeforeMapping * @param apiDefinition * @return */ private boolean loadJsonBeforeTagInfo(String jRestKey, HashMap<String, String> hmapBeforeMapping, Definition apiDefinition) { System.out.println("Here is the Map" + hmapBeforeMapping.toString()); if (hmapBeforeMapping.containsKey(Constants.gsLangDefKeywordClass) && hmapBeforeMapping.containsKey(Constants.gsLangDefKeywordMethod) && hmapBeforeMapping.containsKey(Constants.gsLangDefKeywordConsume)) { String sClassName = hmapBeforeMapping.get(Constants.gsLangDefKeywordClass); String sMethodName = hmapBeforeMapping.get(Constants.gsLangDefKeywordMethod); String sResultUsage = hmapBeforeMapping.get(Constants.gsLangDefKeywordConsume); if (sClassName != null && sMethodName != null && sResultUsage != null) { if (sClassName.length() >= Constants.gshMinFunctionLength) { apiDefinition.setFqcnBefore(sClassName); } else { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsInvalidFunctionNameGiven); return false; } // if (sClassName.length() >= Constants.gshMinFunctionLength) if (sMethodName.length() >= Constants.gshMinFunctionLength) { apiDefinition.setBeforeMethod(sMethodName); } else { // Method name too small error mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsInvalidMethodNameGiven); return false; } // if (sMethodName.length() >= Constants.gshMinFunctionLength) if (sResultUsage.equals(Constants.gsConsumeBeforeFalse)) { apiDefinition.setBeforeUsagePattern(false); } else if (sResultUsage.equals(Constants.gsConsumeBeforeTrue)) { apiDefinition.setBeforeUsagePattern(true); } else { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsUnknownConsumeValue); return false; } // if (sResultUsage.equals(Constants.gsConsumeBeforeFalse)) } else { // Empty values supplied for the keywords Method or Consume mLogger.error(String.format(Exceptions.gsMissingMandatoryValuesInBefore, jRestKey)); return false; } // if (sClassName != null && sMethodName != null && sResultUsage != // null) } else { // Syntax error mLogger.error(String.format(Exceptions.gsMissingMandatoryKeywordsInBefore, jRestKey)); return false; } // if (hmapBeforeMapping.containsKey(.... ) return true; }/* * private boolean loadJsonBeforeTagInfo(String jRestKey, HashMap<String, * String> ... ) */ /** * * @param jRestKey * @param hmapAfterMapping * @param apiDefinition * @return */ private boolean loadJsonAfterTagInfo(String jRestKey, HashMap<String, String> hmapAfterMapping, Definition apiDefinition) { if (hmapAfterMapping.containsKey(Constants.gsLangDefKeywordClass) && hmapAfterMapping.containsKey(Constants.gsLangDefKeywordMethod)) { String sClassName = hmapAfterMapping.get(Constants.gsLangDefKeywordClass); String sMethodName = hmapAfterMapping.get(Constants.gsLangDefKeywordMethod); if (sClassName != null && sMethodName != null) { if (sClassName.length() >= Constants.gshMinFunctionLength) { apiDefinition.setFqcnAfter(sClassName); } else { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsInvalidFunctionNameGiven); return false; } // if (sClassName.length() >= Constants.gshMinFunctionLength) if (sMethodName.length() >= Constants.gshMinFunctionLength) { apiDefinition.setAfterMethod(sMethodName); } else { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsInvalidMethodNameGiven); return false; } // if(sMethodName.length() >= Constants.gshMinFunctionLength) } else { // throw missing values error mLogger.error(String.format(Exceptions.gsMissingMandatoryValuesInAfter, jRestKey)); return false; } // if (sClassName != null && sMethodName != null) } else { mLogger.error(String.format(Exceptions.gsMissingMandatoryKeywordsInAfter, jRestKey)); return false; } // if (hmapAfterMapping.containsKey(Constants.gsLangDefKeywordClass) return true; }/* * private boolean loadJsonAfterTagInfo(String jRestKey, HashMap<String, * String> ... ) */ private void loadRoles(String jRestKey, HashMap<String, Object> hmapRoles, Definition apiDefinition) { // 1. If Roles keyword is present then check for emptyness // or null of its value -Done // 2. Automatically substitute -3022 if no roles are present - Done // 3. If value for Roles is not JSON array catch exception and inform - Done // if (hmapRoles.containsKey(Constants.gsLangTokenRoles)) { JSONArray defRoles = (JSONArray) hmapRoles.get(Constants.gsLangTokenRoles); if (defRoles != null && defRoles.size() >= Constants.gshMinNumberOfRoles) { for (short shRoleIndex = 0; shRoleIndex < defRoles.size(); shRoleIndex++) { String sRole = defRoles.get(shRoleIndex).toString().trim(); if (sRole.length() > 0) { apiDefinition.addRole(sRole); } // if (sRole.length() > 0) } // for (short shRoleIndex = 0; shRoleIndex < defRoles.size(); // shRoleIndex++) if (apiDefinition.getRoles().size() == 0) { apiDefinition.addRole(String.valueOf(Constants.gshDefaultRoleId)); } // if (apiDefinition.getRoles().size() == 0) } else { mLogger.error(Exceptions.gsNullSetOfRolesGiven); } // if (defRoles != null && defRoles.size() ... ) } else { apiDefinition.addRole(String.valueOf(Constants.gshDefaultRoleId)); mLogger.debug( String.format(Exceptions.gsDefaultRoleAdded, apiDefinition.getRoles().toString(), jRestKey)); } // end of if(jsonEntry.getValue().containsKey(Constants.gsLangTokenRoles)) }/* * private void loadRoles(String jRestKey, HashMap<String, Object> hmapRoles, * ... ) */ /** * */ public void run() { try { for (;;) { if (initialize()) { /* * Load all the new/old definitions from the file system to the memory */ iterateOverDefinitionDirectories(); } /* if (initialize()) */ /* * Do sanity check on the ready state of the JREST */ isSystemReady(); if (moSessionStore.isSystemInReadyState() == false) { mLogger.fatal(String.format(Exceptions.gsHaltSleepIntervalMessage, Exceptions.gsSystemInHaltState, (Constants.glHaltSleepInterval / 1000))); sleep(Constants.glHaltSleepInterval); continue; } // if (moSessionStore.isSystemInReadyState() == false) if (mbInitExecutionEngine == false) { moExecutionEngine.initialize(); mbInitExecutionEngine = true; } // if (mbInitExecutionEngine == false) /* * Free up any unused database connection object held via Executor */ moExecutionEngine.freeIdleExecutorSlot(); /* * Cleanup any or all the sessions that have expired */ moSessionStore.removeExpiredSessions(); sleep(mlJrestSweepInterval); } // end of for (;;) } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(moPrintWriter); mLogger.error(moStringWriter.toString()); } // end of try ... catch block }/* public void run() */ /** * * @return */ private void isSystemReady() { if ((moStore.getAuthenticationDefinition().getQuery() == null) || moStore.getJdbcConnectionDetails() == null) { moSessionStore.setSystemToHaltState(); return; } // if ((moStore.getAuthenticationDefinition().getQuery() == null) moSessionStore.setSystemToReadyState(); }/* private void isSystemReady() */ /** * * @return */ public String getPathToDefinitionFiles() { return msPathToDefinitionFiles; }/* public String getPathToDefinitionFiles() */ /** * Singleton instance object for the store cache. We must always have a single * instance of the object all the time. */ private static Compile __instance; /** * Instance level JSON Parser object that is used for parsing the JSON * definition file. */ private JSONParser moJsonParser; /** * Instance level nested hash map which will be used in parsing the definition * file contents */ private HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>> mhmapDefinitionDetails; /** * Handle to the global Store object, where all the definition are parsed and * kept for execution level access. */ private Store moStore; /** * Instance level string which would hold the information about the path on * which definition files can be observed. */ private String msPathToDefinitionFiles; /** * Interval at which the Compiler should sweep the file system for any new * definition files to be taken for parsing and constructing the in-memory * definition for execution. */ private long mlJrestSweepInterval; /** * Instance level file descriptor that would used for reading the file * contents. */ private File mfDefinitionFile; /** * Handle to the ExecutionEngine, so that the sweeper can initiate any unused * database connection objects held via Executor class objects. */ private ExecutionEngine moExecutionEngine; /** * Handle to the Session repository; this handle is used to invoke the cleanup * function on the session store along with the compilers sweeper. */ private Session moSessionStore; /* * */ private String msJrestSweepInterval; /* * The logging handle for the system get the log files done. */ private static Logger mLogger = Logger.getLogger(Compile.class.getCanonicalName()); /** * */ private StringWriter moStringWriter; /** * */ private PrintWriter moPrintWriter; /** * */ private boolean mbJrestRepositoryRead; /** * */ private boolean mbInitExecutionEngine; /** * */ private String msPathToJrestRepo; }/* public class Compile */