Java tutorial
/** * * APDPlat - Application Product Development Platform Copyright (c) 2013, ??, * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. * */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * ?? * ICIBA:? * YOUDAO:? * COLLINS: * WEBSTER:? * OXFORD: * CAMBRIDGE: * MACMILLAN: * HERITAGE: * WIKTIONARY:? * WORDNET:WordNet * RANDOMHOUSE:RandomHouse * @author ?? */ public class WordLinker { private WordLinker() { } //? public volatile static String dictionary = "ICIBA"; private static final String EM_PRE = "<span style=\"color:red\">"; private static final String EM_SUF = "</span>"; private static final String ICIBA = ""; private static final String YOUDAO = ""; private static final String COLLINS = ""; private static final String WEBSTER = ""; private static final String OXFORD = ""; private static final String CAMBRIDGE = ""; private static final String MACMILLAN = ""; private static final String HERITAGE = ""; private static final String WIKTIONARY = ""; private static final String WORDNET = ""; private static final String RANDOMHOUSE = ""; public static String toLink(String word) { return toLink(word, ""); } public static String toLink(String word, String emphasize) { return toLink(word, emphasize, EM_PRE, EM_SUF); } public static String toLink(String word, String emphasize, String emPre, String emSuf) { switch (dictionary) { case "ICIBA": return linkToICIBA(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf); case "YOUDAO": return linkToYOUDAO(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf); case "COLLINS": return linkToCOLLINS(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf); case "WEBSTER": return linkToWEBSTER(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf); case "OXFORD": return linkToOXFORD(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf); case "CAMBRIDGE": return linkToCAMBRIDGE(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf); case "MACMILLAN": return linkToMACMILLAN(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf); case "HERITAGE": return linkToHERITAGE(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf); case "WIKTIONARY": return linkToWIKTIONARY(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf); case "WORDNET": return linkToWORDNET(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf); case "RANDOMHOUSE": return linkToRANDOMHOUSE(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf); } //default return linkToICIBA(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf); } public static String linkToICIBA(String word, String emphasize, String emPre, String emSuf) { return linkTo(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf, ICIBA); } public static String linkToYOUDAO(String word, String emphasize, String emPre, String emSuf) { return linkTo(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf, YOUDAO); } public static String linkToCOLLINS(String word, String emphasize, String emPre, String emSuf) { return linkTo(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf, COLLINS); } public static String linkToWEBSTER(String word, String emphasize, String emPre, String emSuf) { return linkTo(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf, WEBSTER); } public static String linkToOXFORD(String word, String emphasize, String emPre, String emSuf) { return linkTo(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf, OXFORD); } public static String linkToCAMBRIDGE(String word, String emphasize, String emPre, String emSuf) { return linkTo(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf, CAMBRIDGE); } public static String linkToMACMILLAN(String word, String emphasize, String emPre, String emSuf) { return linkTo(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf, MACMILLAN); } public static String linkToHERITAGE(String word, String emphasize, String emPre, String emSuf) { return linkTo(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf, HERITAGE); } public static String linkToWIKTIONARY(String word, String emphasize, String emPre, String emSuf) { return linkTo(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf, WIKTIONARY); } public static String linkToWORDNET(String word, String emphasize, String emPre, String emSuf) { return linkTo(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf, WORDNET); } public static String linkToRANDOMHOUSE(String word, String emphasize, String emPre, String emSuf) { return linkTo(word, emphasize, emPre, emSuf, RANDOMHOUSE); } public static String linkTo(String word, String emphasize, String emPre, String emSuf, String webSite) { StringBuilder p = new StringBuilder(); for (char c : emphasize.toCharArray()) { p.append("[").append(Character.toUpperCase(c)).append(Character.toLowerCase(c)).append("]{1}"); } Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(p.toString()); StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); html.append("<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"").append(webSite).append(word).append("\">"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(emphasize)) { Set<String> targets = new HashSet<>(); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(word); while (matcher.find()) { String target =; targets.add(target); } for (String target : targets) { word = word.replaceAll(target, emPre + target + emSuf); } } html.append(word).append("</a>"); return html.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) { String word = "fabulous"; dictionary = "ICIBA"; System.out.println(toLink(word)); dictionary = "YOUDAO"; System.out.println(toLink(word)); dictionary = "COLLINS"; System.out.println(toLink(word)); dictionary = "WEBSTER"; System.out.println(toLink(word)); dictionary = "OXFORD"; System.out.println(toLink(word)); dictionary = "CAMBRIDGE"; System.out.println(toLink(word)); dictionary = "MACMILLAN"; System.out.println(toLink(word)); dictionary = "HERITAGE"; System.out.println(toLink(word)); dictionary = "WIKTIONARY"; System.out.println(toLink(word)); dictionary = "WORDNET"; System.out.println(toLink(word)); dictionary = "RANDOMHOUSE"; System.out.println(toLink(word)); } }