Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * APDPlat - Application Product Development Platform
 * Copyright (c) 2013, ??,
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package org.apdplat.platform.action;

import org.apdplat.platform.common.DataPrivilegeControl;
import org.apdplat.platform.criteria.Operator;
import org.apdplat.platform.criteria.Order;
import org.apdplat.platform.criteria.OrderCriteria;
import org.apdplat.platform.criteria.PageCriteria;
import org.apdplat.platform.criteria.Property;
import org.apdplat.platform.criteria.PropertyCriteria;
import org.apdplat.platform.criteria.PropertyEditor;
import org.apdplat.platform.criteria.Sequence;
import org.apdplat.platform.log.APDPlatLogger;
import org.apdplat.platform.model.Model;
import org.apdplat.platform.util.ReflectionUtils;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionInvocation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext;
import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Result;
import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Results;
import org.apdplat.platform.log.APDPlatLoggerFactory;
import org.apdplat.platform.service.ServiceFacade;

@Results({ @Result(name = "error", location = "/error.jsp"),
        @Result(name = "invalid.token", location = "/invalidToken.jsp"),
        @Result(name = "success", location = "/_namespace_/_action_/success.jsp"),
        @Result(name = "input", location = "/_namespace_/_action_/edit.jsp"),
        @Result(name = "list", type = "freemarker", location = "/_namespace_/_action_/list.ftl"),
        @Result(name = "detail", type = "freemarker", location = "/_namespace_/_action_/detail.ftl"),
        @Result(name = "form", type = "freemarker", location = "/_namespace_/_action_/form.ftl") })
public abstract class ActionSupport extends DataPrivilegeControl {
    protected final APDPlatLogger LOG = APDPlatLoggerFactory.getAPDPlatLogger(getClass());

    protected static final String LIST = "list";
    protected static final String FORM = "form";
    protected static final String INPUT = "input";
    protected static final String ERROR = "error";
    protected static final String SUCCESS = "success";
    protected static final String DETAIL = "detail";
    private Feedback feedback;
    private PageCriteria pageCriteria = new PageCriteria(1, 17);
    private String propertyCriteria;
    private String orderCriteria;
    protected String queryString;
    private String modelName;
    private Integer[] id;
    private String ids;
    private boolean allPage = false;

    protected static final OrderCriteria defaultOrderCriteria = new OrderCriteria();

    static {
        defaultOrderCriteria.addOrder(new Order("id", Sequence.DESC));

    @Resource(name = "serviceFacade")
    private ServiceFacade service;

     * ?????
     * @return 
    public ServiceFacade getService() {
        return service;

    public Locale getLocale() {
        ActionContext ctx = ActionContext.getContext();
        if (ctx != null) {
            return ctx.getLocale();
        } else {
            LOG.debug("Action context not initialized");
            return null;

    public String execute() {"actionexecute");
        return null;

    protected String getDefaultModelName(Class clazz) {
        String modelClassName = ReflectionUtils.getSuperClassGenricType(clazz).getSimpleName();
        return Character.toLowerCase(modelClassName.charAt(0)) + modelClassName.substring(1);

    public Integer[] getIds() {
        if (ids != null && ids.contains("-") && ids.contains(",")) {
            Set<Integer> result = new HashSet<>();
            String[] idInfo = ids.split(",");
            for (String info : idInfo) {
                if (info.contains("-")) {
                    String[] inner = info.split("-");
                    int start = Integer.parseInt(inner[0]);
                    int end = Integer.parseInt(inner[1]);
                    if (start > end) {
                        int temp = start;
                        start = end;
                        end = temp;
                    for (int i = start; i < end + 1; i++) {
                } else {
            return result.toArray(new Integer[result.size()]);
        if (ids != null && ids.contains("-")) {
            String[] idInfo = ids.split("-");
            int start = Integer.parseInt(idInfo[0]);
            int end = Integer.parseInt(idInfo[1]);
            if (start > end) {
                int temp = start;
                start = end;
                end = temp;
            Set<Integer> result = new HashSet<>();
            for (int i = start; i < end + 1; i++) {
            return result.toArray(new Integer[result.size()]);
        if (ids != null && ids.contains(",")) {
            String[] idInfo = ids.split(",");
            Set<Integer> result = new HashSet<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < idInfo.length; i++) {
            return result.toArray(new Integer[result.size()]);
        if (ids != null) {
            Integer[] result = new Integer[1];

            result[0] = Integer.parseInt(ids);

            return result;

        return id;

    //propertyCriteria =score:gt:30,score:lt:60,birthday:gt:1983-10-21,birthday:lt:2009-12-12
    public PropertyCriteria buildPropertyCriteria() {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(propertyCriteria)) {
            return null;
        PropertyCriteria result = new PropertyCriteria();
        propertyCriteria = propertyCriteria.replace("", ",");
        propertyCriteria = propertyCriteria.replace(";", ",");
        propertyCriteria = propertyCriteria.replace("", ",");
        String[] properties = propertyCriteria.split(",");
        int start = 0;
        if (propertyCriteria.startsWith("collection:") && properties.length > 2) {
            String collection = properties[0].split(":")[1];
            String object = properties[1].split(":")[1];
            start = 2;
        for (int i = start; i < properties.length; i++) {
            String prop = properties[i];
            String[] propInfo = prop.split(":");
            if (propInfo.length != 3) {
                LOG.error("" + prop);

            PropertyEditor propertyEditor = new PropertyEditor(propInfo[0], propInfo[1], propInfo[2]);


        return result;

    public OrderCriteria buildOrderCriteria() {
        if (orderCriteria == null) {
            return defaultOrderCriteria;
        OrderCriteria result = new OrderCriteria();
        String[] orders = orderCriteria.split(",");
        for (String order : orders) {
            String[] orderInfo = order.split(":");
            result.addOrder(new Order(orderInfo[0], orderInfo[1]));

        return result;

    public static String dealWithResult(String finalLocation, ActionInvocation invocation) {
        String namespace = invocation.getProxy().getNamespace();
        String action = invocation.getProxy().getActionName();
        String method = invocation.getProxy().getMethod();

        if (finalLocation.contains("_namespace_")) {
            finalLocation = finalLocation.replace("_namespace_", namespace);
        if (finalLocation.contains("_action_")) {
            finalLocation = finalLocation.replace("_action_", action);

        return finalLocation;

    protected HttpServletRequest getRequest() {
        return ServletActionContext.getRequest();

    protected HttpSession getSession() {
        return ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession();

    private Enumeration<?> getRequestParameterNames() {
        return getRequest().getParameterNames();

    private String getRequestParameterValue(String par) {
        return getRequest().getParameter(par);

    public boolean hasRequest() {
        if (getRequest() != null) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Model?Model?
     * @return
    protected void assemblyModelForPartUpdate(List<Property> properties) {


    protected <T extends Model> List<Property> getPartProperties(T model) {
        List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<>();

        Enumeration<?> pars = getRequestParameterNames();
        while (pars.hasMoreElements()) {
            String par = (String) pars.nextElement();
            if (par.startsWith("model.") && !par.equals("")) {
                String prop = par.replace("model.", "");
                if (prop.contains(".")) {
                    if (prop.contains(".id")) {
                        String[] attr = prop.replace(".", ",").split(",");
                        if (attr.length == 2) {
                            Object obj = ReflectionUtils.getFieldValue(model, attr[0]);
                            properties.add(new Property(prop, ReflectionUtils.getFieldValue(obj, attr[1])));
                } else {
                    properties.add(new Property(prop, ReflectionUtils.getFieldValue(model, prop)));

        return properties;

    protected void buildModel(Model model) {
        Enumeration<?> pars = getRequestParameterNames();
        while (pars.hasMoreElements()) {
            String par = (String) pars.nextElement();
            if (par.startsWith("model.")) {
                String fieldName = par.replace("model.", "");
                String value = getRequestParameterValue(par);
                PropertyEditor propertyEditor = new PropertyEditor(fieldName, Operator.eq, value);
                Class<?> fieldType = ReflectionUtils.getDeclaredField(model, fieldName).getType();
                Object fieldValue;
                if (fieldType != propertyEditor.getPropertyType().getValue()) {
                    LOG.debug(fieldType + "!=" + propertyEditor.getPropertyType().getValue());
                    fieldValue = propertyEditor.getProperty().getValue().toString();
                } else {
                    fieldValue = propertyEditor.getProperty().getValue();
                ReflectionUtils.setFieldValue(model, fieldName, fieldValue);

    public void setId(Integer[] id) { = id;

    public String getQueryString() {
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        if (queryString != null && !queryString.trim().equals("")) {
            String[] props = queryString.trim().split(" ");
            for (int i = 0; i < props.length - 1; i++) {
                String prop = props[i];
                if ("".equals(prop.trim())) {
                if (prop.contains("[")) {
                    result.append(prop).append(" ");
                if (prop.contains("-")) {
                    result.append(prop).append(" ");
                if (prop.contains(":")) {
                    result.append(prop).append(" ");
                if ("TO".equals(prop.trim())) {
                    result.append(prop).append(" ");
                if (prop.contains("]")) {
                    result.append(prop).append(" ");
                if ("AND".equals(prop.trim())) {
                    result.append("AND").append(" ");
                String[] term = prop.split(":");
                if (term.length != 2) {
                    prop = prop.trim() + "*";
                    term = prop.split(":");
                if (term[1].trim().length() == 1 && !term[1].trim().equals("*") && !term[1].trim().equals("?")
                        && !Character.isDigit(term[1].trim().charAt(0))) {
                    result.append(term[0]).append(":").append("*").append(term[1]).append("*").append(" ");
                } else {
                    result.append(prop).append(" ");
            result.append(props[props.length - 1]);
        String ret = result.toString().trim();
        while (ret.contains("AND AND")) {
            ret = ret.replace("AND AND", "AND");
        ret = getCustomQueryString(ret);
        User user=UserHolder.getCurrentLoginUser();
        int s=ret.lastIndexOf(":");
        String modelClass=ret.substring(s+1).trim();
        if(user!=null && !user.isSuperManager() && needPrivilege(modelClass)){
        Org org=user.getOrg();
        List<String> child=OrgService.getChildNames(org);
        StringBuilder str=new StringBuilder();
        str.append(" +username:").append(user.getUsername());
            for(String orgName : child){
                str.append(" OR +orgName:").append(orgName);
        str.append(") AND ");

        return ret;

    protected String getCustomQueryString(String queryString) {
        return queryString;

    protected User refreshUser(User user) {
        return user;

    public void setQueryString(String queryString) {
        this.queryString = queryString;

    public PageCriteria getPageCriteria() {
        if (this.isAllPage()) {
            return null;
        return pageCriteria;

    public void setPageCriteria(PageCriteria pageCriteria) {
        this.pageCriteria = pageCriteria;

    public void setPropertyCriteria(String propertyCriteria) {
        this.propertyCriteria = propertyCriteria;

    public void setOrderCriteria(String orderCriteria) {
        this.orderCriteria = orderCriteria;

    public void setIds(String ids) {
        this.ids = ids;

    public String getModelName() {
        return modelName;

    public void setModelName(String modelName) {
        this.modelName = modelName;

    public Feedback getFeedback() {
        return feedback;

    public void setFeedback(Feedback feedback) { = feedback;

    public boolean isAllPage() {
        return allPage;

    public void setAllPage(boolean allPage) {
        this.allPage = allPage;