Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.zeppelin.socket; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.zeppelin.conf.ZeppelinConfiguration; import org.apache.zeppelin.display.GUI; import org.apache.zeppelin.display.Input; import org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.Note; import org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.NoteInfo; import org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.NotebookAuthorization; import org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.NotebookImportDeserializer; import org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.Paragraph; import org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.socket.Message; import org.apache.zeppelin.notebook.socket.WatcherMessage; import org.apache.zeppelin.user.AuthenticationInfo; import org.apache.zeppelin.util.WatcherSecurityKey; import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.WebSocketException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; /** * Manager class for managing websocket connections */ public class ConnectionManager { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConnectionManager.class); private static Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") .registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new NotebookImportDeserializer()).setPrettyPrinting() .registerTypeAdapterFactory(Input.TypeAdapterFactory).create(); final Queue<NotebookSocket> connectedSockets = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); // noteId -> connection final Map<String, List<NotebookSocket>> noteSocketMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // user -> connection final Map<String, Queue<NotebookSocket>> userSocketMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * This is a special endpoint in the notebook websoket, Every connection in this Queue * will be able to watch every websocket event, it doesnt need to be listed into the map of * noteSocketMap. This can be used to get information about websocket traffic and watch what * is going on. */ final Queue<NotebookSocket> watcherSockets = Queues.newConcurrentLinkedQueue(); private HashSet<String> collaborativeModeList = new HashSet<>(); private Boolean collaborativeModeEnable = ZeppelinConfiguration.create() .isZeppelinNotebookCollaborativeModeEnable(); public void addConnection(NotebookSocket conn) { connectedSockets.add(conn); } public void removeConnection(NotebookSocket conn) { connectedSockets.remove(conn); } public void addNoteConnection(String noteId, NotebookSocket socket) { LOGGER.debug("Add connection {} to note: {}", socket, noteId); synchronized (noteSocketMap) { // make sure a socket relates only an single note. removeConnectionFromAllNote(socket); List<NotebookSocket> socketList = noteSocketMap.get(noteId); if (socketList == null) { socketList = new LinkedList<>(); noteSocketMap.put(noteId, socketList); } if (!socketList.contains(socket)) { socketList.add(socket); } checkCollaborativeStatus(noteId, socketList); } } public void removeNoteConnection(String noteId) { synchronized (noteSocketMap) { noteSocketMap.remove(noteId); } } public void removeNoteConnection(String noteId, NotebookSocket socket) { LOGGER.debug("Remove connection {} from note: {}", socket, noteId); synchronized (noteSocketMap) { List<NotebookSocket> socketList = noteSocketMap.get(noteId); if (socketList != null) { socketList.remove(socket); } checkCollaborativeStatus(noteId, socketList); } } public void addUserConnection(String user, NotebookSocket conn) { LOGGER.debug("Add user connection {} for user: {}", conn, user); conn.setUser(user); if (userSocketMap.containsKey(user)) { userSocketMap.get(user).add(conn); } else { Queue<NotebookSocket> socketQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); socketQueue.add(conn); userSocketMap.put(user, socketQueue); } } public void removeUserConnection(String user, NotebookSocket conn) { LOGGER.debug("Remove user connection {} for user: {}", conn, user); if (userSocketMap.containsKey(user)) { userSocketMap.get(user).remove(conn); } else { LOGGER.warn("Closing connection that is absent in user connections"); } } public String getAssociatedNoteId(NotebookSocket socket) { String associatedNoteId = null; synchronized (noteSocketMap) { Set<String> noteIds = noteSocketMap.keySet(); for (String noteId : noteIds) { List<NotebookSocket> sockets = noteSocketMap.get(noteId); if (sockets.contains(socket)) { associatedNoteId = noteId; } } } return associatedNoteId; } public void removeConnectionFromAllNote(NotebookSocket socket) { synchronized (noteSocketMap) { Set<String> noteIds = noteSocketMap.keySet(); for (String noteId : noteIds) { removeConnectionFromNote(noteId, socket); } } } private void removeConnectionFromNote(String noteId, NotebookSocket socket) { LOGGER.debug("Remove connection {} from note: {}", socket, noteId); synchronized (noteSocketMap) { List<NotebookSocket> socketList = noteSocketMap.get(noteId); if (socketList != null) { socketList.remove(socket); } checkCollaborativeStatus(noteId, socketList); } } private void checkCollaborativeStatus(String noteId, List<NotebookSocket> socketList) { if (!collaborativeModeEnable) { return; } boolean collaborativeStatusNew = socketList.size() > 1; if (collaborativeStatusNew) { collaborativeModeList.add(noteId); } else { collaborativeModeList.remove(noteId); } Message message = new Message(Message.OP.COLLABORATIVE_MODE_STATUS); message.put("status", collaborativeStatusNew); if (collaborativeStatusNew) { HashSet<String> userList = new HashSet<>(); for (NotebookSocket noteSocket : socketList) { userList.add(noteSocket.getUser()); } message.put("users", userList); } broadcast(noteId, message); } protected String serializeMessage(Message m) { return gson.toJson(m); } public void broadcast(Message m) { synchronized (connectedSockets) { for (NotebookSocket ns : connectedSockets) { try { ns.send(serializeMessage(m)); } catch (IOException | WebSocketException e) { LOGGER.error("Send error: " + m, e); } } } } public void broadcast(String noteId, Message m) { List<NotebookSocket> socketsToBroadcast = Collections.emptyList(); synchronized (noteSocketMap) { broadcastToWatchers(noteId, StringUtils.EMPTY, m); List<NotebookSocket> socketLists = noteSocketMap.get(noteId); if (socketLists == null || socketLists.size() == 0) { return; } socketsToBroadcast = new ArrayList<>(socketLists); } LOGGER.debug("SEND >> " + m); for (NotebookSocket conn : socketsToBroadcast) { try { conn.send(serializeMessage(m)); } catch (IOException | WebSocketException e) { LOGGER.error("socket error", e); } } } private void broadcastToWatchers(String noteId, String subject, Message message) { synchronized (watcherSockets) { for (NotebookSocket watcher : watcherSockets) { try { watcher.send(WatcherMessage.builder(noteId).subject(subject).message(serializeMessage(message)) .build().toJson()); } catch (IOException | WebSocketException e) { LOGGER.error("Cannot broadcast message to watcher", e); } } } } public void broadcastExcept(String noteId, Message m, NotebookSocket exclude) { List<NotebookSocket> socketsToBroadcast = Collections.emptyList(); synchronized (noteSocketMap) { broadcastToWatchers(noteId, StringUtils.EMPTY, m); List<NotebookSocket> socketLists = noteSocketMap.get(noteId); if (socketLists == null || socketLists.size() == 0) { return; } socketsToBroadcast = new ArrayList<>(socketLists); } LOGGER.debug("SEND >> " + m); for (NotebookSocket conn : socketsToBroadcast) { if (exclude.equals(conn)) { continue; } try { conn.send(serializeMessage(m)); } catch (IOException | WebSocketException e) { LOGGER.error("socket error", e); } } } /** * Send websocket message to all connections regardless of notebook id. */ public void broadcastToAllConnections(String serialized) { broadcastToAllConnectionsExcept(null, serialized); } public void broadcastToAllConnectionsExcept(NotebookSocket exclude, String serializedMsg) { synchronized (connectedSockets) { for (NotebookSocket conn : connectedSockets) { if (exclude != null && exclude.equals(conn)) { continue; } try { conn.send(serializedMsg); } catch (IOException | WebSocketException e) { LOGGER.error("Cannot broadcast message to conn", e); } } } } public Set<String> getConnectedUsers() { Set<String> connectedUsers = Sets.newHashSet(); for (NotebookSocket notebookSocket : connectedSockets) { connectedUsers.add(notebookSocket.getUser()); } return connectedUsers; } public void multicastToUser(String user, Message m) { if (!userSocketMap.containsKey(user)) { LOGGER.warn("Multicasting to user {} that is not in connections map", user); return; } for (NotebookSocket conn : userSocketMap.get(user)) { unicast(m, conn); } } public void unicast(Message m, NotebookSocket conn) { try { conn.send(serializeMessage(m)); } catch (IOException | WebSocketException e) { LOGGER.error("socket error", e); } broadcastToWatchers(StringUtils.EMPTY, StringUtils.EMPTY, m); } public void unicastParagraph(Note note, Paragraph p, String user) { if (!note.isPersonalizedMode() || p == null || user == null) { return; } if (!userSocketMap.containsKey(user)) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to send unicast. user {} that is not in connections map", user); return; } for (NotebookSocket conn : userSocketMap.get(user)) { Message m = new Message(Message.OP.PARAGRAPH).put("paragraph", p); unicast(m, conn); } } public void broadcastNoteListExcept(List<NoteInfo> notesInfo, AuthenticationInfo subject) { Set<String> userAndRoles; NotebookAuthorization authInfo = NotebookAuthorization.getInstance(); for (String user : userSocketMap.keySet()) { if (subject.getUser().equals(user)) { continue; } //reloaded already above; parameter - false userAndRoles = authInfo.getRoles(user); userAndRoles.add(user); // TODO(zjffdu) is it ok for comment the following line ? // notesInfo = generateNotesInfo(false, new AuthenticationInfo(user), userAndRoles); multicastToUser(user, new Message(Message.OP.NOTES_INFO).put("notes", notesInfo)); } } public void broadcastNote(Note note) { broadcast(note.getId(), new Message(Message.OP.NOTE).put("note", note)); } public void broadcastParagraph(Note note, Paragraph p) { broadcastNoteForms(note); if (note.isPersonalizedMode()) { broadcastParagraphs(p.getUserParagraphMap(), p); } else { broadcast(note.getId(), new Message(Message.OP.PARAGRAPH).put("paragraph", p)); } } public void broadcastParagraphs(Map<String, Paragraph> userParagraphMap, Paragraph defaultParagraph) { if (null != userParagraphMap) { for (String user : userParagraphMap.keySet()) { multicastToUser(user, new Message(Message.OP.PARAGRAPH).put("paragraph", userParagraphMap.get(user))); } } } private void broadcastNewParagraph(Note note, Paragraph para) {"Broadcasting paragraph on run call instead of note."); int paraIndex = note.getParagraphs().indexOf(para); broadcast(note.getId(), new Message(Message.OP.PARAGRAPH_ADDED).put("paragraph", para).put("index", paraIndex)); } // public void broadcastNoteList(AuthenticationInfo subject, Set<String> userAndRoles) { // if (subject == null) { // subject = new AuthenticationInfo(StringUtils.EMPTY); // } // //send first to requesting user // List<Map<String, String>> notesInfo = generateNotesInfo(false, subject, userAndRoles); // multicastToUser(subject.getUser(), new Message(Message.OP.NOTES_INFO) // .put("notes", notesInfo)); // //to others afterwards // broadcastNoteListExcept(notesInfo, subject); // } private void broadcastNoteForms(Note note) { GUI formsSettings = new GUI(); formsSettings.setForms(note.getNoteForms()); formsSettings.setParams(note.getNoteParams()); broadcast(note.getId(), new Message(Message.OP.SAVE_NOTE_FORMS).put("formsData", formsSettings)); } public void switchConnectionToWatcher(NotebookSocket conn) { if (!isSessionAllowedToSwitchToWatcher(conn)) { LOGGER.error("Cannot switch this client to watcher, invalid security key"); return; }"Going to add {} to watcher socket", conn); // add the connection to the watcher. if (watcherSockets.contains(conn)) {"connection alrerady present in the watcher"); return; } watcherSockets.add(conn); // remove this connection from regular zeppelin ws usage. removeConnection(conn); removeConnectionFromAllNote(conn); removeUserConnection(conn.getUser(), conn); } private boolean isSessionAllowedToSwitchToWatcher(NotebookSocket session) { String watcherSecurityKey = session.getRequest().getHeader(WatcherSecurityKey.HTTP_HEADER); return !(StringUtils.isBlank(watcherSecurityKey) || !watcherSecurityKey.equals(WatcherSecurityKey.getKey())); } }