Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import jline.console.completer.ArgumentCompleter.WhitespaceArgumentDelimiter; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.util.*; /** * Util class for convert request from Zeppelin to SAP */ public class UniverseUtil { private static final String COMPRASION_START_TEMPLATE = "<comparisonFilter path=\"%s\" " + "operator=\"%s\" id=\"%s\">\n"; private static final String COMPRASION_END_TEMPLATE = "</comparisonFilter>\n"; private static final String COMPARISON_FILTER = "<comparisonFilter id=\"%s\" path=\"%s\" " + "operator=\"%s\"/>\n"; private static final String CONST_OPERAND_START_TEMPLATE = "<constantOperand>\n"; private static final String CONST_OPERAND_END_TEMPLATE = "</constantOperand>\n"; private static final String CONST_OPERAND_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "<value>\n" + "<caption type=\"%s\">%s</caption>\n</value>\n"; private static final String PREDEFINED_FILTER_TEMPLATE = "<predefinedFilter path=\"%s\"" + " id=\"%s\"/>\n"; private static final String OBJECT_OPERAND_TEMPLATE = "<objectOperand id=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"/>\n"; private static final String RESULT_START_TEMPLATE = "<resultObjects>\n"; private static final String RESULT_END_TEMPLATE = "</resultObjects>\n"; private static final String RESULT_OBJ_TEMPLATE = "<resultObject path=\"%s\" id=\"%s\"/>\n"; private static final String MARKER_EQUAL = "#EqualTo#"; private static final String MARKER_LESS_EQUAL = "#LessThanOrEqualTo#"; private static final String MARKER_NOT_EQUAL = "#NotEqualTo#"; private static final String MARKER_LESS = "#LessThan#"; private static final String MARKER_GREATER_EQUALS = "#GreaterThanOrEqualTo#"; private static final String MARKER_GREATER = "#GreaterThan#"; private static final String MARKER_IN = "#InList#"; private static final String MARKER_NOT_IN = "#NotInList#"; private static final String MARKER_NULL = "#IsNull#"; private static final String MARKER_NOT_NULL = "#IsNotNull#"; private static final String MARKER_FILTER = "#filter#"; private static final String MARKER_AND = "#and#"; private static final String MARKER_OR = "#or#"; private static final String MARKER_BACKSPACE = "#backspace#"; private static final String MARKER_LEFT_BRACE = "#left_brace#"; private static final String MARKER_RIGHT_BRACE = "#right_brace#"; private static final String LEFT_BRACE = "("; private static final String RIGHT_BRACE = ")"; public static final Map<String, Integer> OPERATIONS; private static final WhitespaceArgumentDelimiter delimiter = new WhitespaceArgumentDelimiter(); static { OPERATIONS = new HashMap<>(); OPERATIONS.put(MARKER_EQUAL, 1); OPERATIONS.put(MARKER_LESS_EQUAL, 1); OPERATIONS.put(MARKER_NOT_EQUAL, 1); OPERATIONS.put(MARKER_LESS, 1); OPERATIONS.put(MARKER_GREATER_EQUALS, 1); OPERATIONS.put(MARKER_GREATER, 1); OPERATIONS.put(MARKER_IN, 1); OPERATIONS.put(MARKER_NOT_IN, 1); OPERATIONS.put(MARKER_NULL, 1); OPERATIONS.put(MARKER_NOT_NULL, 1); OPERATIONS.put(MARKER_FILTER, 1); OPERATIONS.put(MARKER_AND, 2); OPERATIONS.put(MARKER_OR, 3); } public static OptionalInt parseInt(String toParse) { try { return OptionalInt.of(Integer.parseInt(toParse)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return OptionalInt.empty(); } } public UniverseQuery convertQuery(String text, UniverseClient client, String token) throws UniverseException { StringBuilder select = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder universe = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder resultObj = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder whereBuf = new StringBuilder(); UniverseInfo universeInfo = null; String where = null; boolean singleQuoteClosed = true; boolean pathClosed = true; boolean universePart = false; boolean selectPart = false; boolean wherePart = false; boolean listOperator = false; boolean operatorPosition = false; boolean duplicatedRows = true; Map<String, UniverseNodeInfo> nodeInfos = null; OptionalInt limit = OptionalInt.empty(); final int limitIndex = text.lastIndexOf("limit"); if (limitIndex != -1) { final String[] arguments = delimiter.delimit(text, 0).getArguments(); final int length = arguments.length; if (arguments[length - 3].equals("limit")) { limit = parseInt(arguments[length - 2]); } else if (arguments[length - 2].equals("limit")) { final String toParse = arguments[length - 1]; limit = parseInt(toParse.endsWith(";") ? toParse.substring(0, toParse.length() - 1) : toParse); } text = text.substring(0, limitIndex); } if (!text.endsWith(";")) { text += ";"; } char[] array = text.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { char c = array[i]; buf.append(c); if (c == '\'') { if (i == 0 || array[i - 1] != '\\') { singleQuoteClosed = !singleQuoteClosed; } } if (c == '[' && pathClosed && singleQuoteClosed) { pathClosed = false; if (wherePart) { operatorPosition = false; } } if (c == ']' && !pathClosed && singleQuoteClosed) { pathClosed = true; if (wherePart) { operatorPosition = true; if (i + 1 == array.length || (array[i + 1] != '.' && isFilter(String.format("%s]", whereBuf.toString()), text.substring(i + 1)))) { whereBuf.append(c); whereBuf.append(MARKER_FILTER); if (i + 1 == array.length) { wherePart = false; where = parseWhere(whereBuf.toString(), nodeInfos); } continue; } } } if (c == '(' && wherePart && pathClosed && singleQuoteClosed) { if (listOperator) { whereBuf.append(MARKER_LEFT_BRACE); continue; } else { whereBuf.append(c); continue; } } if (c == ')' && wherePart && pathClosed && singleQuoteClosed) { if (listOperator) { whereBuf.append(MARKER_RIGHT_BRACE); listOperator = false; continue; } else { whereBuf.append(c); continue; } } if (!universePart && singleQuoteClosed && buf.toString().toLowerCase().endsWith("universe")) { universePart = true; continue; } if (universePart) { if (c == ';' && singleQuoteClosed) { universePart = false; if (universe.toString().trim().length() > 2) { String universeName = universe.toString().trim().substring(1, universe.toString().trim().length() - 1); universeInfo = client.getUniverseInfo(universeName); nodeInfos = client.getUniverseNodesInfo(token, universeName); } } else { universe.append(c); } continue; } if (!selectPart && pathClosed && singleQuoteClosed && buf.toString().toLowerCase().endsWith("select")) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(universe.toString())) { throw new UniverseException("Not found universe name"); } selectPart = true; select.append(RESULT_START_TEMPLATE); continue; } if (!wherePart && pathClosed && singleQuoteClosed) { if (buf.toString().toLowerCase().endsWith("where")) { wherePart = true; } if (buf.toString().toLowerCase().endsWith("where") || i == array.length - 1) { selectPart = false; select.append(parseResultObj( resultObj.toString().replaceAll("(?i)wher$", "").replaceAll("(?i)distinc", ""), nodeInfos)); select.append(RESULT_END_TEMPLATE); continue; } } if (selectPart) { if (pathClosed && singleQuoteClosed && buf.toString().toLowerCase().endsWith("distinct")) { duplicatedRows = false; continue; } if (pathClosed && singleQuoteClosed && c == ',') { select.append(parseResultObj(resultObj.toString().replaceAll("(?i)distinc", ""), nodeInfos)); resultObj = new StringBuilder(); } else { resultObj.append(c); } continue; } if (wherePart) { if (c == ';' && pathClosed && singleQuoteClosed) { // todo: check for limit wherePart = false; where = parseWhere(whereBuf.toString(), nodeInfos); } else { if (!singleQuoteClosed || !pathClosed) { switch (c) { case ' ': case '\n': whereBuf.append(MARKER_BACKSPACE); break; case '(': whereBuf.append(MARKER_LEFT_BRACE); break; case ')': whereBuf.append(MARKER_RIGHT_BRACE); break; default: whereBuf.append(c); } } else if (pathClosed) { if ((c == 'a' || c == 'A') && i < array.length - 2 && text.substring(i, i + 3).equalsIgnoreCase("and")) { i += 2; whereBuf.append(MARKER_AND); operatorPosition = false; continue; } if ((c == 'o' || c == 'O') && i < array.length - 1 && text.substring(i, i + 2).equalsIgnoreCase("or")) { i += 1; whereBuf.append(MARKER_OR); operatorPosition = false; continue; } if (operatorPosition) { switch (c) { case '=': whereBuf.append(MARKER_EQUAL); operatorPosition = false; break; case '<': if (i + 1 < array.length) { if (array[i + 1] == '=') { whereBuf.append(MARKER_LESS_EQUAL); operatorPosition = false; i++; break; } else if (array[i + 1] == '>') { whereBuf.append(MARKER_NOT_EQUAL); operatorPosition = false; i++; break; } } operatorPosition = false; whereBuf.append(MARKER_LESS); break; case '>': if (i + 1 < array.length) { if (array[i + 1] == '=') { whereBuf.append(MARKER_GREATER_EQUALS); operatorPosition = false; i++; break; } } operatorPosition = false; whereBuf.append(MARKER_GREATER); break; case 'i': case 'I': boolean whileI = true; StringBuilder operI = new StringBuilder(); operI.append(c); while (whileI) { i++; if (i >= array.length) { whileI = false; } if (array[i] != ' ' && array[i] != '\n') { operI.append(array[i]); } else { continue; } String tmp = operI.toString().toLowerCase(); if (tmp.equals("in")) { whereBuf.append(MARKER_IN); listOperator = true; whileI = false; operatorPosition = false; } else if (tmp.equals("isnull")) { whereBuf.append(MARKER_NULL); whileI = false; operatorPosition = false; } else if (tmp.equals("isnotnull")) { whereBuf.append(MARKER_NOT_NULL); whileI = false; operatorPosition = false; } // longest 9 - isnotnull if (tmp.length() > 8) { whileI = false; } } break; case 'n': case 'N': boolean whileN = true; StringBuilder operN = new StringBuilder(); operN.append(c); while (whileN) { i++; if (i >= array.length) { whileN = false; } if (array[i] != ' ' && array[i] != '\n') { operN.append(array[i]); } else { continue; } String tmp = operN.toString().toLowerCase(); if (tmp.equals("notin")) { whereBuf.append(MARKER_NOT_IN); listOperator = true; whileN = false; operatorPosition = false; } // longest 5 - notin if (tmp.length() > 4) { whileN = false; } } break; default: whereBuf.append(c); } } else { whereBuf.append(c); } } else { whereBuf.append(c); } } } } if (wherePart && StringUtils.isBlank(where)) { throw new UniverseException("Incorrect block where"); } UniverseQuery universeQuery = new UniverseQuery(select.toString().trim(), where, universeInfo, duplicatedRows, limit); if (!universeQuery.isCorrect()) { throw new UniverseException("Incorrect query"); } return universeQuery; } private String parseWhere(String where, Map<String, UniverseNodeInfo> nodeInfos) throws UniverseException { List<String> out = new ArrayList<>(); Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>(); where = where.replaceAll("\\s*", ""); Set<String> operationSymbols = new HashSet<>(OPERATIONS.keySet()); operationSymbols.add(LEFT_BRACE); operationSymbols.add(RIGHT_BRACE); int index = 0; boolean findNext = true; while (findNext) { int nextOperationIndex = where.length(); String nextOperation = ""; for (String operation : operationSymbols) { int i = where.indexOf(operation, index); if (i >= 0 && i < nextOperationIndex) { nextOperation = operation; nextOperationIndex = i; } } if (nextOperationIndex == where.length()) { findNext = false; } else { if (index != nextOperationIndex) { out.add(where.substring(index, nextOperationIndex)); } if (nextOperation.equals(LEFT_BRACE)) { stack.push(nextOperation); } else if (nextOperation.equals(RIGHT_BRACE)) { while (!stack.peek().equals(LEFT_BRACE)) { out.add(stack.pop()); if (stack.empty()) { throw new UniverseException("Unmatched brackets"); } } stack.pop(); } else { while (!stack.empty() && !stack.peek().equals(LEFT_BRACE) && (OPERATIONS.get(nextOperation) >= OPERATIONS.get(stack.peek()))) { out.add(stack.pop()); } stack.push(nextOperation); } index = nextOperationIndex + nextOperation.length(); } } if (index != where.length()) { out.add(where.substring(index)); } while (!stack.empty()) { out.add(stack.pop()); } StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); if (!out.isEmpty()) result.append(out.remove(0)); while (!out.isEmpty()) result.append(" ").append(out.remove(0)); // result contains the reverse polish notation return convertWhereToXml(result.toString(), nodeInfos); } private String parseResultObj(String resultObj, Map<String, UniverseNodeInfo> nodeInfos) throws UniverseException { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(resultObj)) { UniverseNodeInfo nodeInfo = nodeInfos.get(resultObj.trim()); if (nodeInfo != null) { return String.format(RESULT_OBJ_TEMPLATE, nodeInfo.getNodePath(), nodeInfo.getId()); } throw new UniverseException(String.format("Not found information about: \"%s\"", resultObj.trim())); } return StringUtils.EMPTY; } private String convertWhereToXml(String rpn, Map<String, UniverseNodeInfo> nodeInfos) throws UniverseException { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(rpn, " "); Stack<String> stack = new Stack(); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(); String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (!OPERATIONS.keySet().contains(token)) { stack.push(token.trim()); } else { String rightOperand = revertReplace(stack.pop()); String operator = token.replaceAll("^#|#$", ""); if (token.equalsIgnoreCase(MARKER_NOT_NULL) || token.equalsIgnoreCase(MARKER_NULL)) { UniverseNodeInfo rightOperandInfo = nodeInfos.get(rightOperand); stack.push(String.format(COMPARISON_FILTER, rightOperandInfo.getId(), rightOperandInfo.getNodePath(), operator)); continue; } if (token.equalsIgnoreCase(MARKER_FILTER)) { UniverseNodeInfo rightOperandInfo = nodeInfos.get(rightOperand); stack.push(String.format(PREDEFINED_FILTER_TEMPLATE, rightOperandInfo.getNodePath(), rightOperandInfo.getId())); continue; } String leftOperand = stack.empty() ? null : revertReplace(stack.pop()); if (token.equalsIgnoreCase(MARKER_AND) || token.equalsIgnoreCase(MARKER_OR)) { if (rightOperand.matches("^\\[.*\\]$")) { UniverseNodeInfo rightOperandInfo = nodeInfos.get(rightOperand); if (rightOperandInfo == null) { throw new UniverseException( String.format("Not found information about: \"%s\"", rightOperand)); } rightOperand = String.format(PREDEFINED_FILTER_TEMPLATE, rightOperandInfo.getNodePath(), rightOperandInfo.getId()); } if (leftOperand.matches("^\\[.*\\]$")) { UniverseNodeInfo leftOperandInfo = nodeInfos.get(leftOperand); if (leftOperandInfo == null) { throw new UniverseException( String.format("Not found information about: \"%s\"", leftOperand)); } leftOperand = String.format(PREDEFINED_FILTER_TEMPLATE, leftOperandInfo.getNodePath(), leftOperandInfo.getId()); } tmp.append(String.format("<%s>\n", operator)); tmp.append(leftOperand); tmp.append("\n"); tmp.append(rightOperand); tmp.append("\n"); tmp.append(String.format("</%s>\n", operator)); stack.push(tmp.toString()); continue; } UniverseNodeInfo leftOperandInfo = nodeInfos.get(leftOperand); if (leftOperandInfo == null) { throw new UniverseException(String.format("Not found information about: \"%s\"", leftOperand)); } if (token.equalsIgnoreCase(MARKER_IN) || token.equalsIgnoreCase(MARKER_NOT_IN)) { String listValues = rightOperand.replaceAll("^\\(|\\)$", "").trim(); boolean startItem = false; List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(); StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder(); boolean isNumericList = false; if (listValues.charAt(0) != '\'') { isNumericList = true; } if (isNumericList) { String[] nums = listValues.split(","); for (String num : nums) { values.add(num.trim()); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < listValues.length(); i++) { char c = listValues.charAt(i); if (c == '\'' && (i == 0 || listValues.charAt(i - 1) != '\\')) { startItem = !startItem; if (!startItem) { values.add(value.toString()); value = new StringBuilder(); } continue; } if (startItem) { value.append(c); } } } if (!values.isEmpty()) { tmp.append(String.format(COMPRASION_START_TEMPLATE, leftOperandInfo.getNodePath(), operator, leftOperandInfo.getId())); tmp.append(CONST_OPERAND_START_TEMPLATE); String type = isNumericList ? "Numeric" : "String"; for (String v : values) { tmp.append(String.format(CONST_OPERAND_VALUE_TEMPLATE, type, v)); } tmp.append(CONST_OPERAND_END_TEMPLATE); tmp.append(COMPRASION_END_TEMPLATE); stack.push(tmp.toString()); } continue; } // EqualTo, LessThanOrEqualTo, NotEqualTo, LessThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, GreaterThan UniverseNodeInfo rightOperandInfo = null; if (rightOperand.startsWith("[") && rightOperand.endsWith("]")) { rightOperandInfo = nodeInfos.get(rightOperand); if (rightOperandInfo == null) { throw new UniverseException( String.format("Not found information about: \"%s\"", rightOperand)); } } if (OPERATIONS.containsKey(token)) { if (rightOperandInfo != null) { tmp.append(String.format(COMPRASION_START_TEMPLATE, leftOperandInfo.getNodePath(), operator, leftOperandInfo.getId())); tmp.append(String.format(OBJECT_OPERAND_TEMPLATE, rightOperandInfo.getId(), rightOperandInfo.getNodePath())); tmp.append(COMPRASION_END_TEMPLATE); } else { String type = rightOperand.startsWith("'") ? "String" : "Numeric"; String value = rightOperand.replaceAll("^'|'$", ""); tmp.append(String.format(COMPRASION_START_TEMPLATE, leftOperandInfo.getNodePath(), operator, leftOperandInfo.getId())); tmp.append(CONST_OPERAND_START_TEMPLATE); tmp.append(String.format(CONST_OPERAND_VALUE_TEMPLATE, type, value)); tmp.append(CONST_OPERAND_END_TEMPLATE); tmp.append(COMPRASION_END_TEMPLATE); } stack.push(tmp.toString()); continue; } throw new UniverseException(String.format("Incorrect syntax after: \"%s\"", leftOperand)); } } return stack.pop(); } private String revertReplace(String s) { return s.replaceAll(MARKER_BACKSPACE, " ").replaceAll(MARKER_LEFT_BRACE, "(").replaceAll(MARKER_RIGHT_BRACE, ")"); } private boolean isFilter(String buf, String after) { boolean result = false; String[] parts = buf.trim().split("\\s"); if (parts[parts.length - 1].matches("^\\[.*\\]$")) { // check before if (parts.length == 1) { result = true; } else { int count = parts.length - 2; Set<String> operations = new HashSet(OPERATIONS.keySet()); operations.remove(MARKER_AND); operations.remove(MARKER_OR); while (count >= 0) { String p = parts[count]; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(p)) { if (!operations.contains(p)) { result = true; break; } else { return false; } } count--; } } after = after.trim(); // check after if (result && !after.startsWith("and") && !after.startsWith("or") && !after.startsWith(";") && StringUtils.isNotBlank(after)) { result = false; } } return result; } }