Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.wookie.tests.conformance;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.wookie.tests.functional.AbstractControllerTest;
import org.apache.wookie.tests.helpers.WidgetUploader;
import org.apache.wookie.w3c.util.WidgetPackageUtils;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;

 * Conformance testing for the Packaging and Configuration spec
 * These are functional tests and need to run against a running Wookie server on localhost:8080
 * You need to be online to run these tests as they download test widgets hosted externally.
 * For more information see
 * Note that in order to run the Feature tests, a ServerFeature named "feature:a9bb79c1" must be set up in the DB
 * @author scott
public class PackagingAndConfiguration extends AbstractControllerTest {
    // 1 files
    public void b5() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    public void b6() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("index.html", start);

    // 2 files
    public void bg() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    public void bh() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    // 3 bad magic number
    public void dk() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    // 4 start files
    public void dn() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("index.htm", start);

    public void dm() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("index.htm", start);

    // 5
    public void dl() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    public void doh() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    public void dp() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

     * This test has been deprecated by W3C
    // 6 defaults
    public void ds(){
       Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors("");
       // To pass, author email must be null, 
       // author href must be null, 
       // author name must be null, 
       assertEquals("", widget.getChild("author").getText());
       // feature list must be empty (null)
       /// Check manually
       System.out.println("Manual test:"+widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")+": feature list must be empty ");
       // icons must be null, 
       assertEquals(null, widget.getChild("icon"));
       // start file encoding must be UTF-8, 
       assertEquals("UTF-8", getStartFileEncoding(widget));
       // start file content-type must be text/html, 
       // widget config doc must be 'config.xml' at the root of the widget package, 
       // widget description must be null, 
       assertEquals("", widget.getChild("description").getText());
       // widget height must be null, 
       assertEquals("", getWidgetHeight(widget));
       // widget id must be null, 
       /// We have to use generated ids - no nulls allowed
       // widget license must be null, 
       // widget license file must be null, 
       // widget license href must be null, 
       assertEquals(null, widget.getChild("license"));
       // widget name must be null, 
       /// We put a default of "unknown" when exporting this when the value is "null"
       assertEquals("", getWidgetTitle(widget));
       // widget preferences must be null, 
       assertEquals(null, widget.getChild("license"));
       // widget short name must be null, 
       /// We put a default of "unknown" when exporting this when the value is "null"
       assertEquals(null, getWidgetShortName(widget));
       // widget version must be null, 
       assertEquals("", widget.getAttributeValue("version"));
       // widget width must be null, 
       assertEquals("", getWidgetHeight(widget));
       // widget window modes must a list with one entry whose value is 'floating', 
       // ???
       // widget start file must be index.htm at the root of the widget, 
       String start = locateStartFile(widget);
       // user agent locales must contain at least one item whose value is 'en' 
       // ???

    // 7 config.xml
    public void dq() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    public void dw() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    // 8 xml
    public void bt() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    public void bu() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    public void bv() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("pass&.html", start);

    public void bw() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("author").getText());

    public void lt() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertTrue(err.contains("Config.xml is not well-formed XML"));

    public void amp() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertTrue(err.contains("Config.xml is not well-formed XML"));

    // 9 widget
    public void aa() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertTrue(err.contains("bad namespace"));

    public void ab() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertTrue(err.contains("bad namespace"));

    public void ac() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertTrue(err.contains("bad namespace"));

    // 10 id
    public void b1() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("pass:", widget.getAttributeValue("identifier"));

    public void rd() {
        // We can't allow null ids, we use generated IDs where they aren't valid
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(

    public void b2() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("pass:", widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")); //Note that this test will pass on its own, but not if run in a series including b1, as it will update b1 rather than create a new widget");


    // 11 Version

    public void cf() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getAttributeValue("version"));

    public void cg() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("", widget.getAttributeValue("version"));

    public void ch() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getAttributeValue("version"));

    // 12  Height

    public void ax() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("123", getWidgetHeight(widget));

    public void ay() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("0", getWidgetHeight(widget));

    public void az() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("100", getWidgetHeight(widget));

    public void a1() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("123", getWidgetHeight(widget));

    public void a2() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("", getWidgetHeight(widget));

    public void a3() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("", getWidgetHeight(widget));

    public void a4() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("0", getWidgetHeight(widget));
    // 13 Width

    public void c9() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("0", getWidgetWidth(widget));

    public void cq() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("123", getWidgetWidth(widget));

    public void cw() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("200", getWidgetWidth(widget));

    public void ce() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("123", getWidgetWidth(widget));

    public void cr() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("", getWidgetWidth(widget));

    public void ct() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("", getWidgetWidth(widget));

    public void cy() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("0", getWidgetWidth(widget));

    // 14 empty widget config

    public void d3() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("index.htm", start);

    // 15 Title

    public void bx() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", getWidgetTitle(widget));

    public void by() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("", getWidgetTitle(widget));

    public void bz() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", getWidgetTitle(widget));

    // 16 Title

    public void ao() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", getWidgetTitle(widget));

    public void ap() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("P A S S", getWidgetTitle(widget));

    public void aq() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", getWidgetTitle(widget));

    public void ar() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", getWidgetShortName(widget));

    public void as() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", getWidgetTitle(widget));
        assertEquals("PASS", getWidgetShortName(widget));

    public void at() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", getWidgetTitle(widget));
        assertEquals("PASS", getWidgetShortName(widget));

    public void au() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("", getWidgetShortName(widget));

    public void av() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("", getWidgetTitle(widget));

    public void oa() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", getWidgetTitle(widget));

    // 17 Description

    public void c6() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("description").getText());

    public void c7() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("", widget.getChild("description").getText());

    public void rb() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("description").getText());

    public void c8() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("description").getText());

    // 18 Description
    public void cp() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("description").getText());

    public void ca() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("description").getText());

    public void cs() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("", widget.getChild("description").getText());

    public void cd() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("P A S S", widget.getChild("description").getText());

    public void x1() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("description").getText());

    public void x2() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("description").getText());

    // 19 License
    public void cu() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("license").getText());
        assertEquals("PASS:", widget.getChild("license").getAttributeValue("href"));

    public void ci() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("", widget.getChild("license").getText());
        assertEquals(null, widget.getChild("license").getAttribute("href"));

    public void ra() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("license").getText());

    public void co() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("license").getText());

    // 20 License
    public void cj() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("license").getText());

    public void ck() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("license").getText());

    public void cl() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("", widget.getChild("license").getText());

    public void cz() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("P A S S", widget.getChild("license").getText());


    public void cx() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("", widget.getChild("license").getText());
        assertEquals("test/pass.html", widget.getChild("license").getAttributeValue("href"));

    // 21 Icon
    public void d1() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("icon.png", getIcon(widget));

    public void ga() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("icon.png", getIcon(widget));

    // 22 Icon
    public void d2() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("icon.png", getIcon(widget));

    public void zz() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals(null, getIcon(widget));

    public void za() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("pass.png", getIcon(widget));

    public void zb() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("locales/en/icon.png", getIcon(widget));
        assertEquals(null, widget.getChild("icon").getAttribute("width"));
        assertEquals(null, widget.getChild("icon").getAttribute("height"));

    public void zc() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("locales/en/custom.png", getIcon(widget));
        assertEquals(null, widget.getChild("icon").getAttribute("width"));
        assertEquals(null, widget.getChild("icon").getAttribute("height"));

    public void ix() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("123", widget.getChild("icon").getAttributeValue("height"));

    public void iy() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("0", widget.getChild("icon").getAttributeValue("height"));

    public void iz() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("100", widget.getChild("icon").getAttributeValue("height"));

    public void i1() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("123", widget.getChild("icon").getAttributeValue("height"));

    public void i2() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals(null, widget.getChild("icon").getAttribute("height"));

    public void i3() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals(null, widget.getChild("icon").getAttribute("height"));

    public void i4() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("0", widget.getChild("icon").getAttributeValue("height"));

    public void iq() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("123", widget.getChild("icon").getAttributeValue("width"));

    public void i9() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("0", widget.getChild("icon").getAttributeValue("width"));

    public void iw() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("100", widget.getChild("icon").getAttributeValue("width"));

    public void ie() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("123", widget.getChild("icon").getAttributeValue("width"));

    public void ir() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals(null, widget.getChild("icon").getAttribute("width"));

    public void it() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals(null, widget.getChild("icon").getAttribute("width"));

    public void ib() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("0", widget.getChild("icon").getAttributeValue("width"));

    // 26 Author
    public void b7() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("author").getText());

    public void b8() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("", widget.getChild("author").getText());


    public void b9() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("author").getText());


    // 27 Author  
    public void af() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("author").getText());

    public void ag() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("P A S S", widget.getChild("author").getText());

    public void ah() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("author").getText());

    public void ai() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("author").getAttributeValue("email"));

    public void aj() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("author").getText());

    public void ak() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("author").getText());

    public void al() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("", widget.getChild("author").getText());

    public void am() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("PASS:PASS", widget.getChild("author").getAttributeValue("href"));

    public void an() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals(null, widget.getChild("author").getAttribute("href"));

    // 28 Preference
    public void a5() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertTrue(widget.getChildren("preference") == null || widget.getChildren("preference").size() == 0);

    public void a6() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertTrue(widget.getChildren("preference").size() == 1);
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("name"));
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("value"));
        assertEquals("false", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("readonly"));

    public void a7() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertTrue(widget.getChildren("preference").size() == 1);
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("name"));
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("value"));
        assertEquals("false", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("readonly"));

    public void a8() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertTrue(widget.getChildren("preference").size() == 1);
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("name"));
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("value"));
        assertEquals("true", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("readonly"));

    public void a9() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertTrue(widget.getChildren("preference").size() == 1);
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("name"));
        assertEquals("PASS", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("value"));
        assertEquals("false", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("readonly"));

    public void ba() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertTrue(widget.getChildren("preference").size() == 1);
        assertEquals("a", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("name"));
        assertEquals("a", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("value"));
        assertEquals("false", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("readonly"));

    public void bb() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        List<Element> preferences = widget.getChildren("preference");
        assertTrue(preferences.size() == 2);
        Element pref1 = preferences.get(0);
        Element pref2 = preferences.get(1);

        assertEquals("a", pref1.getAttributeValue("name"));
        assertEquals("a", pref1.getAttributeValue("value"));
        assertEquals("false", pref1.getAttributeValue("readonly"));
        assertEquals("A", pref2.getAttributeValue("name"));
        assertEquals("b", pref2.getAttributeValue("value"));
        assertEquals("false", pref2.getAttributeValue("readonly"));

    public void bc() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        List<Element> preferences = widget.getChildren("preference");
        assertTrue(preferences.size() == 1);
        Element pref1 = preferences.get(0);

        assertEquals("PASS", pref1.getAttributeValue("name"));
        assertEquals("PASS", pref1.getAttributeValue("value"));
        assertEquals("false", pref1.getAttributeValue("readonly"));

    public void bd() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertTrue(widget.getChildren("preference").size() == 1);
        assertEquals("false", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("readonly"));

    public void be() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertTrue(widget.getChildren("preference").size() == 1);
        assertEquals("false", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("readonly"));

    public void bf() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertTrue(widget.getChildren("preference").size() == 1);
        assertEquals("false", widget.getChild("preference").getAttributeValue("readonly"));

    // 29
    public void bq() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("pass.html", start);

    public void br() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    public void bs() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("pass.html", start);

    public void d7() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("index.htm", start);

    public void d8() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("index.htm", start);

    public void gb() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("index.htm", start);

    public void db() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("index.htm", start);

    public void d9() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    public void d0() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("index.htm", start);

    // 33 Start File Text Encoding
    public void e4() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("UTF-8", getStartFileEncoding(widget));

    // We don't support non-UTF-8 encodings, so this requires a manual test
    public void e5() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        System.out.println("Manual test: charset for start file of " + widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")
                + " must be ISO-8859-1");

    // We don't support non-UTF-8 encodings, so this requires a manual test
    public void e6() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        System.out.println("Manual test: charset for start file of " + widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")
                + " must be ISO-8859-1");

    public void e7() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("UTF-8", getStartFileEncoding(widget));

    public void dc() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("index.php", start);
        assertEquals("text/html", getStartFileContentType(widget));

    public void dv() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    // We don't support non-UTF-8 encodings, so this requires a manual test
    public void z1() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        System.out.println("Manual test: charset for start file of " + widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")
                + " must be ISO-8859-1");


    // We don't support non-UTF-8 encodings, so this requires a manual test
    public void z2() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        System.out.println("Manual test: charset for start file of " + widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")
                + " must be Windows-1252");


    public void e1() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        System.out.println("Manual test:" + widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")
                + ":the feature feature:a9bb79c1 must not have any params associated with it.");

    public void df() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        System.out.println("Manual test:" + widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")
                + ":To pass, the feature list must remain empty. ");


    public void dr() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        System.out.println("Manual test:" + widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")
                + ":the feature list must contain one feature named 'feature:a9bb79c1' whose required value is false.");

    public void ha() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        System.out.println("Manual test:" + widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")
                + ":To pass, the feature list must contain two features. Both are named 'feature:a9bb79c1'. One feature must have a parameter named \"test\" whose value is \"pass1\" The other feature must have a parameter named \"test\" whose value is \"pass2\" (the order in which the features appear in the feature list in not relevant).");

    public void d4() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    // ta-ignore-unrequired-feature-with-invalid-name
    public void gg() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        System.out.println("Manual test:" + widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")
                + ":the user agent must not contain any values in the feature list (i.e., the unknown feature is skipped).");

    public void e8() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    public void d5() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        System.out.println("Manual test:" + widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")
                + ":the user agent must not contain any values in the feature list (i.e., the unknown feature is skipped).");

    public void dt() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        System.out.println("Manual test:" + widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")
                + ":the feature list must contain one feature named 'feature:a9bb79c1' with no associated parameters. ");

    public void dg() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        System.out.println("Manual test:" + widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")
                + ":the feature list must contain one feature named 'feature:a9bb79c1' with one associated parameter whose name is 'PASS' and whose value is 'PASS'. ");

    public void v9() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        System.out.println("Manual test:" + widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")
                + ":the feature list must contain one feature named 'feature:a9bb79c1' with two associated parameters whose name is 'PASS' and whose value are 'value1' and 'value2'.");

    public void d6() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        System.out.println("Manual test:" + widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")
                + ":feature 'feature:a9bb79c1' must not have any associated parameters.");

    // 43 Feature
    public void e2() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        System.out.println("Manual test:" + widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")
                + ":the feature feature:a9bb79c1 must not have any associated params. ");

    public void e3() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        System.out.println("Manual test:" + widget.getAttributeValue("identifier")
                + ":the feature feature:a9bb79c1 must not have any associated params. ");

    public void xx() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("pass.html", start);

    //45 Start file and icons
    public void aw() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("pass.html", start);
        assertEquals("icon.png", getIcon(widget));

    //46  Start file
    public void cc() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("index.htm", start);

    public void cv() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("index.html", start);

    public void b3() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("index.htm", start);

    public void b4() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("index.html", start);

    public void b0() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    public void c1() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    public void c2() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    public void c3() {
        String err = processWidgetWithErrors(
        assertFalse(err == null || err.equals(""));

    public void c4() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("index.html", start);

    public void c5() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        String start = locateStartFile(widget);
        assertEquals("index.html", start);

    // 47 Icons
    public void bj() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("icon.png", getIcon(widget));

    public void bk() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("locales/en/icon.png", getIcon(widget));

    public void bl() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        List icons = widget.getChildren("icon");
        assertTrue(icons.size() == 2);
        String icon1 = getLocalIconPath(widget, ((Element) icons.get(0)));
        String icon2 = getLocalIconPath(widget, ((Element) icons.get(1)));
        assertTrue((icon1.equals("locales/en/icon.jpg") && (icon2.equals("icon.png")))
                || (icon2.equals("locales/en/icon.jpg") && (icon1.equals("icon.png"))));

    public void bm() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        List icons = widget.getChildren("icon");
        assertTrue(icons.size() == 2);
        String icon1 = getLocalIconPath(widget, ((Element) icons.get(0)));
        String icon2 = getLocalIconPath(widget, ((Element) icons.get(1)));
        assertTrue((icon1.equals("locales/en/icon.jpg") && (icon2.equals("icon.png")))
                || (icon2.equals("locales/en/icon.jpg") && (icon1.equals("icon.png"))));


    public void bn() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        List icons = widget.getChildren("icon");
        assertTrue(icons.size() == 2);
        String icon1 = getLocalIconPath(widget, ((Element) icons.get(0)));
        String icon2 = getLocalIconPath(widget, ((Element) icons.get(1)));
        assertTrue((icon1.equals("locales/en/icon.jpg") && (icon2.equals("icons/pass.png")))
                || (icon2.equals("locales/en/icon.jpg") && (icon1.equals("icons/pass.png"))));


    public void bo() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        List icons = widget.getChildren("icon");
        assertTrue(icons.size() == 2);
        String icon1 = getLocalIconPath(widget, ((Element) icons.get(0)));
        String icon2 = getLocalIconPath(widget, ((Element) icons.get(1)));
        assertTrue((icon1.equals("icon.png") && (icon2.equals("icon.jpg")))
                || (icon2.equals("icon.jpg") && (icon1.equals("icon.png"))));


    public void bp() {
        // Note the original test case is in error here
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        List icons = widget.getChildren("icon");
        assertTrue(icons.size() == 2);
        String icon1 = getLocalIconPath(widget, ((Element) icons.get(0)));
        String icon2 = getLocalIconPath(widget, ((Element) icons.get(1)));
        assertTrue((icon1.equals("locales/en/icon.jpg") && (icon2.equals("icon.png")))
                || (icon2.equals("locales/en/icon.jpg") && (icon1.equals("icon.png"))));

    public void ad() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("icon.png", getIcon(widget));

    public void ae() {
        Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors(
        assertEquals("locales/en/icon.png", getIcon(widget));

     * This test case has been deprecated by W3C
    //"Test the UA's ability to correctly find config document. To pass, the
    //user agent must correctly load "pass.html" from "config.xml" and
    //treat "CONFIG.xml" as an arbitrary file.
    public void hh(){
       Element widget = processWidgetNoErrors("");
       String start = locateStartFile(widget);

    // Utility methods
    private Element processWidgetNoErrors(String widgetfname) {
        try {
            //File file = new File("src-tests/testdata/conformance/"+widgetfname);
            String error = WidgetUploader.uploadWidget(widgetfname);
            if (error != null && !error.equals("")) {
                fail("widget failed to upload correctly:" + error);
            Element widget = WidgetUploader.getLastWidget();
            return widget;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("couldn't upload widget");
        fail("widget not found after upload");
        return null;

    private String instantiateWidget(Element widget) {
        String response = null;
        String widgetUri = widget.getAttributeValue("identifier");
        // instantiate widget and parse results
        try {
            HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
            PostMethod post = new PostMethod(TEST_INSTANCES_SERVICE_URL_VALID);
                    "api_key=" + API_KEY_VALID + "&widgetid=" + widgetUri + "&userid=test&shareddatakey=test");
            response = IOUtils.toString(post.getResponseBodyAsStream());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("failed to instantiate widget");
        return response;

    private String getStartFile(String response) {
        SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
        Reader in = new StringReader(response);
        Document doc;
        try {
            doc =;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;
        return doc.getRootElement().getChild("url").getText();

    private String getStartFileEncoding(Element widget) {
        String response = instantiateWidget(widget);
        String startFile = getStartFile(response);
        // Download and check text encoding
        try {
            HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
            GetMethod get = new GetMethod(startFile);
            int code = get.getStatusCode();
            assertEquals(200, code);
            return get.getResponseCharSet();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("failed to get start file");
        return null;

    private String getStartFileContentType(Element widget) {
        String response = instantiateWidget(widget);
        String startFile = getStartFile(response);
        // Download and check content-type
        try {
            HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
            GetMethod get = new GetMethod(startFile);
            int code = get.getStatusCode();
            assertEquals(200, code);
            return get.getResponseHeader("CONTENT-TYPE").getValue();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("failed to get start file");
        return null;

    private String locateStartFile(Element widget) {

        String response = instantiateWidget(widget);
        String start = getStartFile(response);

        // split off the end file name
        // http://localhost:8080/wookie/wservices/ + uid + / + name + ?idkey=...
        URL url;
        try {
            url = new URL(start);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            System.out.println("start file URL was invalid");
            return null;
        String[] parts = url.getPath().split("/");
        start = parts[parts.length - 1];
        return start;

    private String processWidgetWithErrors(String widgetfname) {
        try {
            return WidgetUploader.uploadWidget(widgetfname);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("couldn't upload widget");
        fail("widget not found after upload");
        return null;

    private String getIcon(Element widget) {
        Element iconElem = widget.getChild("icon");
        return getLocalIconPath(widget, iconElem);

    private String getLocalIconPath(Element widget, Element iconElem) {
        String id = widget.getAttributeValue("identifier");
        id = WidgetPackageUtils.convertIdToFolderName(id);
        String baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080/wookie/wservices/" + id + "/";
        if (iconElem == null)
            return null;
        String iconUrl = iconElem.getText();
        String icon = StringUtils.difference(baseUrl, iconUrl);
        return icon;

    private String getWidgetShortName(Element widget) {
        return widget.getChild("title").getAttributeValue("short");

    private String getWidgetTitle(Element widget) {
        return widget.getChild("title").getText();

    private String getWidgetWidth(Element widget) {
        return widget.getAttributeValue("width");

    private String getWidgetHeight(Element widget) {
        return widget.getAttributeValue("height");
