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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.wicket.protocol.http;

import org.apache.wicket.request.ILogData;
import org.apache.wicket.request.ILoggableRequestHandler;
import org.apache.wicket.request.IRequestHandler;
import org.apache.wicket.request.handler.logger.NoLogData;
import org.apache.wicket.session.ISessionStore;
import org.apache.wicket.util.string.Strings;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * Interface for the request logger and viewer.
 * @see org.apache.wicket.Application#newRequestLogger()
 * @author jcompagner
public interface IRequestLogger {
     * @return The total created sessions counter
    int getTotalCreatedSessions();

     * @return The peak sessions counter
    int getPeakSessions();

     * This method returns a List of the current requests that are in mem. This is a readonly list.
     * @return Collection of the current requests
    List<RequestData> getRequests();

     * @return Collection of live Sessions Data
    SessionData[] getLiveSessions();

     * @return The current active requests
    int getCurrentActiveRequestCount();

     * @return The {@link org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.IRequestLogger.RequestData} for the current request.
    RequestData getCurrentRequest();

     * @return The peak active requests
    int getPeakActiveRequestCount();

     * @return The number of requests per minute.
    long getRequestsPerMinute();

     * @return The average request time.
    long getAverageRequestTime();

     * called when the session is created and has an id. (for http it means that the http session is
     * created)
     * @param id
     *            the session id
    void sessionCreated(String id);

     * Method used to cleanup a livesession when the session was invalidated by the webcontainer
     * @param sessionId
     *            the session id
    void sessionDestroyed(String sessionId);

     * This method is called when the request is over. This will set the total time a request takes
     * and cleans up the current request data.
     * @param timeTaken
     *            the time taken in milliseconds
    void requestTime(long timeTaken);

     * Called to monitor removals of objects out of the {@link ISessionStore}
     * @param value
     *            the object being removed
    void objectRemoved(Object value);

     * Called to monitor updates of objects in the {@link ISessionStore}
     * @param value
     *            the object being updated
    void objectUpdated(Object value);

     * Called to monitor additions of objects in the {@link ISessionStore}
     * @param value
     *            the object being created/added
    void objectCreated(Object value);

     * Sets the target that was the response target for the current request
     * @param target
     *            the response target
    void logResponseTarget(IRequestHandler target);

     * Sets the target that was the event target for the current request
     * @param target
     *            the event target
    void logEventTarget(IRequestHandler target);

     * Logs the URL that was requested by the browser.
     * @param url
     *            the requested URL
    void logRequestedUrl(String url);

     * Perform the actual logging
    void performLogging();

     * This class hold the information one request of a session has.
     * @author jcompagner
    class SessionData implements IClusterable, Comparable<SessionData> {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        private final String sessionId;
        private final long startDate;
        private long lastActive;
        private long numberOfRequests;
        private long totalTimeTaken;
        private long sessionSize;
        private Object sessionInfo;

         * Construct.
         * @param sessionId
        public SessionData(String sessionId) {
            this.sessionId = sessionId;
            startDate = System.currentTimeMillis();
            numberOfRequests = 1;

         * @return The last active date.
        public Date getLastActive() {
            return new Date(lastActive);

         * @return The start date of this session
        public Date getStartDate() {
            return new Date(startDate);

         * @return The number of request for this session
        public long getNumberOfRequests() {
            return numberOfRequests;

         * @return Returns the session size.
        public long getSessionSize() {
            return sessionSize;

         * @return Returns the total time this session has spent in ms.
        public long getTotalTimeTaken() {
            return totalTimeTaken;

         * @return The session info object given by the {@link ISessionLogInfo#getSessionInfo()}
         *         session method.
        public Object getSessionInfo() {
            return sessionInfo;

         * @return The session id
        public String getSessionId() {
            return sessionId;

         * Adds {@code time} to the total server time.
         * @param time
        public void addTimeTaken(long time) {
            lastActive = System.currentTimeMillis();
            totalTimeTaken += time;

         * Sets additional session info (e.g. logged in user).
         * @param sessionInfo
        public void setSessionInfo(Object sessionInfo) {
            this.sessionInfo = sessionInfo;

         * Sets the recorded session size.
         * @param size
        public void setSessionSize(long size) {
            sessionSize = size;

        public int compareTo(SessionData sd) {
            if (sd.startDate > startDate) {
                return 1;
            } else if (sd.startDate < startDate) {
                return -1;
            return 0;

     * This class hold the information one request of a session has.
     * @author jcompagner
    class RequestData implements IClusterable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        private long startDate;
        private long timeTaken;
        private final List<String> entries = new ArrayList<>(5);
        private Map<String, Object> userData;
        private String requestedUrl;
        private IRequestHandler eventTarget;
        private IRequestHandler responseTarget;
        private String sessionId;
        private long totalSessionSize;
        private Object sessionInfo;
        private int activeRequest;

         * @return The time taken for this request
        public Long getTimeTaken() {
            return timeTaken;

         * @param activeRequest
         *            The number of active request when this request happened
        public void setActiveRequest(int activeRequest) {
            this.activeRequest = activeRequest;

         * @return The number of active request when this request happened
        public int getActiveRequest() {
            return activeRequest;

         * @return The session object info, created by {@link ISessionLogInfo#getSessionInfo()}
        public Object getSessionInfo() {
            return sessionInfo;

         * Set the session info object of the session for this request.
         * @param sessionInfo
        public void setSessionInfo(Object sessionInfo) {
            this.sessionInfo = sessionInfo;

         * @param sizeInBytes
        public void setSessionSize(long sizeInBytes) {
            totalSessionSize = sizeInBytes;

         * @param id
        public void setSessionId(String id) {
            sessionId = id;

         * @return The time taken for this request
        public Date getStartDate() {
            return new Date(startDate);

         * @return The event target
        public IRequestHandler getEventTarget() {
            return eventTarget;

         * @return The class of the event target
        public Class<? extends IRequestHandler> getEventTargetClass() {
            return eventTarget == null ? null : eventTarget.getClass();

         * @return The log data for the eventTarget, or {@link NoLogData} if the request handler is
         *         not loggable
        public ILogData getEventTargetLog() {
            if (eventTarget instanceof ILoggableRequestHandler)
                return ((ILoggableRequestHandler) eventTarget).getLogData();
            return new NoLogData();

         * @return The response target
        public IRequestHandler getResponseTarget() {
            return responseTarget;

         * @return The class of the response target
        public Class<? extends IRequestHandler> getResponseTargetClass() {
            return responseTarget == null ? null : responseTarget.getClass();

         * @return The log data for the responseTarget, or {@link NoLogData} if the request handler
         *         is not loggable
        public ILogData getResponseTargetLog() {
            if (responseTarget instanceof ILoggableRequestHandler)
                return ((ILoggableRequestHandler) responseTarget).getLogData();
            return new NoLogData();

         * @return the requested URL by the browser
        public String getRequestedUrl() {
            return requestedUrl;

         * @param requestedUrl
        public void setRequestedUrl(String requestedUrl) {
            this.requestedUrl = requestedUrl;

         * @param target
        public void setResponseTarget(IRequestHandler target) {
            responseTarget = target;

         * @param target
        public void setEventTarget(IRequestHandler target) {
            eventTarget = target;

         * @param timeTaken
        public void setTimeTaken(long timeTaken) {
            this.timeTaken = timeTaken;
            startDate = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeTaken;

         * @param string
        public void addEntry(String string) {

         * @param key
         * @param value
        public void addUserData(String key, Object value) {
            getUserData().put(key, value);

         * @param key
         * @return
        public Object getUserData(String key) {
            return getUserData().get(key);

         * @return the userData Map
        public Map<String, Object> getUserData() {
            if (userData == null) {
                userData = new HashMap<>();

            return userData;

         * @return All entries of the objects that are created/updated or removed in this request
        public String getAlteredObjects() {
            return Strings.join(", ", entries);

         * @return The session id for this request
        public String getSessionId() {
            return sessionId;

         * @return The total session size.
        public Long getSessionSize() {
            return totalSessionSize;

        public String toString() {
            return "Request[timetaken=" + getTimeTaken() + ",sessioninfo=" + sessionInfo + ",sessionid=" + sessionId
                    + ",sessionsize=" + totalSessionSize + ",request=" + eventTarget + ",response=" + responseTarget
                    + ",alteredobjects=" + getAlteredObjects() + ",activerequest=" + activeRequest + "]";

     * This interface can be implemented in a custom session object. to give an object that has more
     * information for the current session (state of session).
     * @author jcompagner
    interface ISessionLogInfo {
         * If you use the request logger log functionality then this object should have a nice
         * String representation. So make sure that the toString() is implemented for the returned
         * object.
         * @return The custom object stored in the request loggers current request.
        Object getSessionInfo();