Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.wicket.extensions.wizard;

import org.apache.wicket.Component;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel;

 * A wizard is a dialog component that takes users through a number of steps to complete a task. It
 * has common functionality like a next, previous, finish and cancel button, and it uses a
 * {@link IWizardModel} to navigate through the steps.
 * <p>
 * Before you can use the wizard component, it needs to be initialized with a model. You do this by
 * calling {@link #init(IWizardModel)} with the wizard model you intent to use.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * This default implementation should be useful for basic cases, if the layout is exactly what you
 * need. If you want to provide your own layout and/ or have more or less components (e.g. you want
 * to additionally provide an overview component), you can override this class and add the
 * components you want yourself using methods like {@link #newButtonBar(String)} et-cetera.
 * </p>
 * @author Eelco Hillenius
public class Wizard extends Panel implements IWizardModelListener, IWizard {
    /** Component id of the buttons panel as used by the default wizard panel. */
    public static final String BUTTONS_ID = "buttons";

    /** Component id of the feedback panel as used by the default wizard panel. */
    public static final String FEEDBACK_ID = "feedback";

    /** Component id of the header panel as used by the default wizard panel. */
    public static final String HEADER_ID = "header";

    /** Component id of the overview panel as used by the default wizard panel. */
    public static final String OVERVIEW_ID = "overview";

    /** Component id of the form as used by the default wizard panel. */
    public static final String FORM_ID = "form";

     * Component id of the view panel (where the main wizard contents go) as used by the default
     * wizard panel.
    public static final String VIEW_ID = "view";

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     * The form in which the view is nested, and on which the wizard buttons work.
    private Form<?> form;

    /** The wizard model. */
    private IWizardModel wizardModel;

     * Construct. Adds the default style.
     * <p>
     * If you override this class, it makes sense to call this constructor (super(id)), then - in
     * your constructor - construct a transition model and then call {@link #init(IWizardModel)} to
     * initialize the wizard.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * This constructor is not meant for normal clients of this class
     * </p>
     * @param id
     *            The component model
    public Wizard(final String id) {

     * Construct with a transition model. Adds the default style.
     * <p>
     * For most clients, this is typically the right constructor to use.
     * </p>
     * @param id
     *            The component id
     * @param wizardModel
     *            The transitions model
    public Wizard(final String id, final IWizardModel wizardModel) {


     * Convenience method to get the active step from the model.
     * @return The active step
    public final IWizardStep getActiveStep() {
        return getWizardModel().getActiveStep();

     * Gets the form in which the view is nested, and on which the wizard buttons work.
     * @return The wizard form
    public Form<?> getForm() {
        return form;

     * @see org.apache.wicket.extensions.wizard.IWizard#getWizardModel()
    public final IWizardModel getWizardModel() {
        return wizardModel;

     * Turn versioning off for wizards. This works best when the wizard is <strong>not</strong>
     * accessed from bookmarkable pages, so that the url doesn't change at all.
     * @return False
     * @see org.apache.wicket.Component#isVersioned()
    public boolean isVersioned() {
        return false;

     * @see org.apache.wicket.extensions.wizard.IWizardModelListener#onActiveStepChanged(org.apache.wicket.extensions.wizard.IWizardStep)
    public void onActiveStepChanged(final IWizardStep newStep) {
        form.replace(newStep.getView(VIEW_ID, this, this));
        form.replace(newStep.getHeader(HEADER_ID, this, this));

     * Called when the wizard is canceled.
    public void onCancel() {

     * Called when the wizard is finished.
    public void onFinish() {

     * Initialize this wizard with a transition model.
     * <p>
     * If you constructed this wizard using a constructor without the transitions model argument,
     * <strong>you must</strong> call this method prior to actually using it.
     * </p>
     * @param wizardModel
    protected void init(final IWizardModel wizardModel) {
        if (wizardModel == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument wizardModel must be not null");

        this.wizardModel = wizardModel;

        form = newForm(FORM_ID);
        // dummy view to be replaced
        form.addOrReplace(new WebMarkupContainer(HEADER_ID));
        // add dummy view; will be replaced on initialization
        form.addOrReplace(new WebMarkupContainer(VIEW_ID));


        // reset model to prepare for action

     * Create a new button bar. Clients can override this method to provide a custom button bar.
     * @param id
     *            The id to be used to construct the component
     * @return A new button bar
    protected Component newButtonBar(final String id) {
        return new WizardButtonBar(id, this);

     * Create a new feedback panel. Clients can override this method to provide a custom feedback
     * panel.
     * @param id
     *            The id to be used to construct the component
     * @return A new feedback panel
    protected Component newFeedbackPanel(final String id) {
        return new FeedbackPanel(id, new ContainerFeedbackMessageFilter(this));

     * Create a new form. Clients can override this method to provide a custom {@link Form}.
     * @param <E>
     *            The form's model object type
     * @param id
     *            The id to be used to construct the component
     * @return a new form
    protected <E> Form<E> newForm(final String id) {
        return new Form<>(id);

     * Create a new overview bar. Clients can override this method to provide a custom bar.
     * @param id
     *            The id to be used to construct the component
     * @return A new overview bar
    protected Component newOverviewBar(final String id) {
        // return a dummy component by default as we don't have an overview
        // component
        return new WebMarkupContainer(id).setVisible(false);