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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.wicket.extensions.rating;

import java.util.Optional;

import org.apache.wicket.AttributeModifier;
import org.apache.wicket.Component;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.AjaxFallbackLink;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.head.CssHeaderItem;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.head.IHeaderResponse;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.Loop;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.LoopItem;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.Model;
import org.apache.wicket.model.StringResourceModel;
import org.apache.wicket.request.IRequestHandler;
import org.apache.wicket.request.handler.resource.ResourceReferenceRequestHandler;
import org.apache.wicket.request.resource.CssResourceReference;
import org.apache.wicket.request.resource.PackageResourceReference;
import org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ResourceReference;

 * Rating component that generates a number of stars where a user can click on to rate something.
 * Subclasses should implement {@link #onRated(int, Optional)} to provide the calculation
 * of the rating, and {@link #onIsStarActive(int)} to indicate whether to render an active star or
 * an inactive star.
 * <p>
 * Active stars are the stars that show the rating, inactive stars are the left overs. E.G. a rating
 * of 3.4 on a scale of 5 stars will render 3 active stars, and 2 inactive stars (provided that the
 * {@link #onIsStarActive(int)} returns <code>true</code> for each of the first three stars).
 * <p>
 * Use this component in the following way:
 * <pre>
 * add(new RatingPanel(&quot;rating&quot;, new PropertyModel(rating, &quot;rating&quot;), 5)
 * {
 *    protected boolean onIsStarActive(int star)
 *    {
 *       return rating.isActive(star);
 *    }
 *    protected void onRated(int rating, AjaxRequestTarget target)
 *    {
 *       rating1.addRating(rating);
 *    }
 * });
 * </pre>
 * The user of this component is responsible for creating a model that supplies a Double (or Float)
 * value for the rating message, however the rating panel doesn't necessarily have to contain a
 * float or number rating value.
 * <p>
 * Though not obligatory, you could also supply a value for the number of votes cast, which allows
 * the component to render a more complete message in the rating label.
 * <h2>Customizing the rating value and label</h2>
 * To customize the rating value, one should override the
 * {@link #newRatingLabel(String, IModel, IModel)} method and create another label instead, based on
 * the provided models. If you do so, and use another system of rating than returning a Float or
 * Double, then you should also customize the rating resource bundle to reflect your message. The
 * default resource bundle assumes a numeric value for the rating.
 * <h2>Resource bundle</h2>
 * This component uses two types of messages: rating.simple and rating.complete. The first message
 * is used when no model is given for the number of cast votes. The complete message shows the text
 * 'Rating xx.yy from zz votes'.
 * <pre>
 *       rating.simple=Rated {0,number,#.#}
 *       rating.complete=Rated {0,number,#.#} from {1,number,#} votes
 * </pre>
 * <h2>Customizing the star images</h2>
 * To customize the images shown, override the {@link #getActiveStarUrl(int)} and
 * {@link #getInactiveStarUrl(int)} methods. Using the iteration parameter it is possible to use a
 * different image for each star, creating a fade effect or something similar.
 * @author Martijn Dashorst
public abstract class RatingPanel extends Panel {
     * Renders the stars and the links necessary for rating.
    private final class RatingStarBar extends Loop {
        /** For serialization. */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        private RatingStarBar(final String id, final IModel<Integer> model) {
            super(id, model);

        protected void populateItem(final LoopItem item) {
            // Use an AjaxFallbackLink for rating to make voting work even
            // without Ajax.
            AjaxFallbackLink<Void> link = new AjaxFallbackLink<Void>("link") {
                private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                public void onClick(Optional<AjaxRequestTarget> targetOptional) {
                    LoopItem item = (LoopItem) getParent();

                    // adjust the rating, and provide the target to the subclass
                    // of our rating component, so other components can also get
                    // updated in case of an AJAX event.

                    onRated(item.getIndex() + 1, targetOptional);

                    // if we process an AJAX event, update this panel
                    targetOptional.ifPresent(target -> target.add(RatingPanel.this.get("rater")));


                public boolean isEnabled() {
                    return !hasVoted.getObject();

            int iteration = item.getIndex();

            // add the star image, which is either active (highlighted) or
            // inactive (no star)
            link.add(new WebMarkupContainer("star").add(AttributeModifier.replace("src",
                    (onIsStarActive(iteration) ? getActiveStarUrl(iteration) : getInactiveStarUrl(iteration)))));

    /** For serialization. */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     * Star image for no selected star
    public static final ResourceReference STAR0 = new PackageResourceReference(RatingPanel.class, "star0.gif");

     * Star image for selected star
    public static final ResourceReference STAR1 = new PackageResourceReference(RatingPanel.class, "star1.gif");

     * The number of stars that need to be shown, should result in an Integer object.
    private IModel<Integer> nrOfStars = new Model<>(5);

     * The number of votes that have been cast, should result in an Integer object.
    private final IModel<Integer> nrOfVotes;

     * The flag on whether the current user has voted already.
    private final IModel<Boolean> hasVoted;

     * Handle to the rating label to set the visibility.
    private Component ratingLabel;

    private final boolean addDefaultCssStyle;

     * Constructs a rating component with 5 stars, using a compound property model as its model to
     * retrieve the rating.
     * @param id
     *            the component id.
    public RatingPanel(final String id) {
        this(id, null, 5, true);

     * Constructs a rating component with 5 stars, using the rating for retrieving the rating.
     * @param id
     *            the component id
     * @param rating
     *            the model to get the rating
    public RatingPanel(final String id, final IModel<? extends Number> rating) {
        this(id, rating, new Model<Integer>(5), null, new Model<>(Boolean.FALSE), true);

     * Constructs a rating component with nrOfStars stars, using a compound property model as its
     * model to retrieve the rating.
     * @param id
     *            the component id
     * @param nrOfStars
     *            the number of stars to display
    public RatingPanel(final String id, final int nrOfStars) {
        this(id, null, nrOfStars, true);

     * Constructs a rating component with nrOfStars stars, using the rating for retrieving the
     * rating.
     * @param id
     *            the component id
     * @param rating
     *            the model to get the rating
     * @param nrOfStars
     *            the number of stars to display
     * @param addDefaultCssStyle
     *            should this component render its own default CSS style?
    public RatingPanel(final String id, final IModel<? extends Number> rating, final int nrOfStars,
            final boolean addDefaultCssStyle) {
        this(id, rating, new Model<Integer>(nrOfStars), null, new Model<Boolean>(Boolean.FALSE),

     * Constructs a rating panel with nrOfStars stars, where the rating model is used to retrieve
     * the rating, the nrOfVotes model to retrieve the number of casted votes. This panel doens't
     * keep track of whether the user has already voted.
     * @param id
     *            the component id
     * @param rating
     *            the model to get the rating
     * @param nrOfStars
     *            the number of stars to display
     * @param nrOfVotes
     *            the number of cast votes
     * @param addDefaultCssStyle
     *            should this component render its own default CSS style?
    public RatingPanel(final String id, final IModel<? extends Number> rating, final int nrOfStars,
            final IModel<Integer> nrOfVotes, final boolean addDefaultCssStyle) {
        this(id, rating, new Model<Integer>(nrOfStars), nrOfVotes, new Model<>(Boolean.FALSE), addDefaultCssStyle);

     * Constructs a rating panel with nrOfStars stars, where the rating model is used to retrieve
     * the rating, the nrOfVotes model used to retrieve the number of votes cast and the hasVoted
     * model to retrieve whether the user already had cast a vote.
     * @param id
     *            the component id.
     * @param rating
     *            the (calculated) rating, i.e. 3.4
     * @param nrOfStars
     *            the number of stars to display
     * @param nrOfVotes
     *            the number of cast votes
     * @param hasVoted
     *            has the user already voted?
     * @param addDefaultCssStyle
     *            should this component render its own default CSS style?
    public RatingPanel(final String id, final IModel<? extends Number> rating, final IModel<Integer> nrOfStars,
            final IModel<Integer> nrOfVotes, final IModel<Boolean> hasVoted, final boolean addDefaultCssStyle) {
        super(id, rating);
        this.addDefaultCssStyle = addDefaultCssStyle;

        this.nrOfStars = wrap(nrOfStars);
        this.nrOfVotes = wrap(nrOfVotes);
        this.hasVoted = wrap(hasVoted);

        WebMarkupContainer rater = new WebMarkupContainer("rater");
        rater.add(newRatingStarBar("element", this.nrOfStars));

        // add the text label for the message 'Rating 4.5 out of 25 votes'
        rater.add(ratingLabel = newRatingLabel("rating", wrap(rating), this.nrOfVotes));

        // set auto generation of the markup id on, such that ajax calls work.


        // don't render the outer tags in the target document, just the div that
        // is inside the panel.

    public void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response) {
        if (addDefaultCssStyle) {
                    CssHeaderItem.forReference(new CssResourceReference(RatingPanel.class, "RatingPanel.css")));


     * Creates a new bar filled with stars to click on.
     * @param id
     *            the bar id
     * @param nrOfStars
     *            the number of stars to generate
     * @return the bar with rating stars
    protected Component newRatingStarBar(final String id, final IModel<Integer> nrOfStars) {
        return new RatingStarBar(id, nrOfStars);

     * Creates a new rating label, showing a message like 'Rated 5.4 from 53 votes'.
     * @param id
     *            the id of the label
     * @param rating
     *            the model containing the rating
     * @param nrOfVotes
     *            the model containing the number of votes (may be null)
     * @return the label component showing the message.
    protected Component newRatingLabel(final String id, final IModel<? extends Number> rating,
            final IModel<Integer> nrOfVotes) {
        IModel<String> model;
        if (nrOfVotes == null) {
            Object[] parameters = new Object[] { rating };
            model = new StringResourceModel("rating.simple", this).setParameters(parameters);
        } else {
            Object[] parameters = new Object[] { rating, nrOfVotes };
            model = new StringResourceModel("rating.complete", this).setParameters(parameters);
        return new Label(id, model);

     * Returns the url pointing to the image of active stars, is used to set the URL for the image
     * of an active star. Override this method to provide your own images.
     * @param iteration
     *            the sequence number of the star
     * @return the url pointing to the image for active stars.
    protected String getActiveStarUrl(final int iteration) {
        IRequestHandler handler = new ResourceReferenceRequestHandler(STAR1);
        return getRequestCycle().urlFor(handler).toString();

     * Returns the url pointing to the image of inactive stars, is used to set the URL for the image
     * of an inactive star. Override this method to provide your own images.
     * @param iteration
     *            the sequence number of the star
     * @return the url pointing to the image for inactive stars.
    protected String getInactiveStarUrl(final int iteration) {
        IRequestHandler handler = new ResourceReferenceRequestHandler(STAR0);
        return getRequestCycle().urlFor(handler).toString();

     * Sets the visibility of the rating label.
     * @param visible
     *            true when the label should be visible
     * @return this for chaining.
    public RatingPanel setRatingLabelVisible(final boolean visible) {
        return this;

     * Returns <code>true</code> when the star identified by its sequence number should be shown as
     * active.
     * @param star
     *            the sequence number of the star (ranging from 0 to nrOfStars)
     * @return <code>true</code> when the star should be rendered as active
    protected abstract boolean onIsStarActive(int star);

     * Notification of a click on a rating star. Add your own components to the request target when
     * you want to have them updated in the Ajax request. <strong>NB</strong> the target may be null
     * when the click isn't handled using AJAX, but using a fallback scenario.
     *  @param rating
     *            the number of the star that is clicked, ranging from 1 to nrOfStars
     * @param target
    protected abstract void onRated(int rating, Optional<AjaxRequestTarget> target);