Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.whirr; import static; import static; import static org.apache.whirr.util.KeyPair.sameKeyPair; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.configuration.CompositeConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationUtils; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import; import org.jclouds.predicates.validators.DnsNameValidator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch; import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException; import com.jcraft.jsch.KeyPair; /** * This class represents the specification of a cluster. It is used to describe * the properties of a cluster before it is launched. */ public class ClusterSpec { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClusterSpec.class); public enum Property { CLUSTER_NAME(String.class, false, "The name of the cluster " + "to operate on. E.g. hadoopcluster."), SERVICE_NAME(String.class, false, "(optional) The name of the " + "service to use. E.g. hadoop."), BOOTSTRAP_USER(String.class, false, "Override the default login user " + "used to bootstrap whirr. E.g. ubuntu or myuser:mypass."), CLUSTER_USER(String.class, false, "The name of the user that Whirr " + "will create on all the cluster instances. You have to use " + "this user to login to nodes."), INSTANCE_TEMPLATES(String.class, false, "The number of instances " + "to launch for each set of roles. E.g. 1 hadoop-namenode+" + "hadoop-jobtracker, 10 hadoop-datanode+hadoop-tasktracker"), INSTANCE_TEMPLATES_MAX_PERCENT_FAILURES(String.class, false, "The percentage " + "of successfully started instances for each set of roles. E.g. " + "100 hadoop-namenode+hadoop-jobtracker,60 hadoop-datanode+hadoop-tasktracker means " + "all instances with the roles hadoop-namenode and hadoop-jobtracker " + "has to be successfully started, and 60% of instances has to be succcessfully " + "started each with the roles hadoop-datanode and hadoop-tasktracker."), INSTANCE_TEMPLATES_MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_INSTANCES(String.class, false, "The minimum number" + "of successfully started instances for each set of roles. E.g. " + "1 hadoop-namenode+hadoop-jobtracker,6 hadoop-datanode+hadoop-tasktracker means " + "1 instance with the roles hadoop-namenode and hadoop-jobtracker has to be successfully started," + " and 6 instances has to be successfully started each with the roles hadoop-datanode and hadoop-tasktracker."), MAX_STARTUP_RETRIES(Integer.class, false, "The number of retries in case of insufficient " + "successfully started instances. Default value is 1."), PROVIDER(String.class, false, "The name of the cloud provider. " + "E.g. aws-ec2, cloudservers-uk"), CREDENTIAL(String.class, false, "The cloud credential."), IDENTITY(String.class, false, "The cloud identity."), PUBLIC_KEY_FILE(String.class, false, "The filename of the public " + "key used to connect to instances."), PRIVATE_KEY_FILE(String.class, false, "The filename of the " + "private RSA key used to connect to instances."), BLOBSTORE_PROVIDER(String.class, false, "The blob store provider. " + "E.g. aws-s3, cloudfiles-us, cloudfiles-uk"), BLOBSTORE_IDENTITY(String.class, false, "The blob store identity"), BLOBSTORE_CREDENTIAL(String.class, false, "The blob store credential"), BLOBSTORE_LOCATION_ID(String.class, false, "The blob store location ID"), BLOBSTORE_CACHE_CONTAINER(String.class, false, "The name of the " + "container to be used for caching local files. If not specified Whirr will " + "create a random one and remove it at the end of the session."), STATE_STORE(String.class, false, "What kind of store to use for state " + "(local, blob or none). Defaults to local."), STATE_STORE_CONTAINER(String.class, false, "Container where to store state. " + "Valid only for the blob state store."), STATE_STORE_BLOB(String.class, false, "Blob name for state storage. " + "Valid only for the blob state store. Defaults to whirr-<cluster-name>"), AWS_EC2_SPOT_PRICE(Float.class, false, "Spot instance price (aws-ec2 specific option)"), IMAGE_ID(String.class, false, "The ID of the image to use for " + "instances. If not specified then a vanilla Linux image is " + "chosen."), HARDWARE_ID(String.class, false, "The type of hardware to use for" + " the instance. This must be compatible with the image ID."), HARDWARE_MIN_RAM(Integer.class, false, "The minimum amount of " + "instance memory. E.g. 1024"), LOCATION_ID(String.class, false, "The location to launch " + "instances in. If not specified then an arbitrary location " + "will be chosen."), CLIENT_CIDRS(String.class, true, "A comma-separated list of CIDR" + " blocks. E.g.,"), FIREWALL_RULES(String.class, true, "A comma-separated list of port" + " numbers. E.g. 8080,8181"), FIREWALL_RULES_ROLE(String.class, true, "A comma-separated list of port" + " numbers. E.g. 8080,8181. Replace 'role' with an actual role name"), VERSION(String.class, false, ""), RUN_URL_BASE(String.class, false, "The base URL for forming run " + "urls from. Change this to host your own set of launch scripts."), TERMINATE_ALL_ON_LAUNCH_FAILURE(Boolean.class, false, "Whether or not to " + "automatically terminate all nodes when cluster launch fails for some reason."); private Class<?> type; private boolean multipleArguments; private String description; Property(Class<?> type, boolean multipleArguments, String description) { this.type = type; this.multipleArguments = multipleArguments; this.description = description; } public String getSimpleName() { return name().toLowerCase().replace('_', '-'); } public String getConfigName() { return "whirr." + getSimpleName(); } public Class<?> getType() { return type; } public boolean hasMultipleArguments() { return multipleArguments; } public String getDescription() { return description; } } private static final String DEFAULT_PROPERTIES = ""; /** * Create an instance that uses a temporary RSA key pair. */ @VisibleForTesting public static ClusterSpec withTemporaryKeys() throws ConfigurationException, JSchException, IOException { return withTemporaryKeys(new PropertiesConfiguration()); } @VisibleForTesting public static ClusterSpec withTemporaryKeys(Configuration conf) throws ConfigurationException, JSchException, IOException { if (!conf.containsKey(Property.PRIVATE_KEY_FILE.getConfigName())) { Map<String, File> keys = org.apache.whirr.util.KeyPair.generateTemporaryFiles(); LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClusterSpec.class).debug("ssh keys: " + keys.toString()); conf.addProperty(Property.PRIVATE_KEY_FILE.getConfigName(), keys.get("private").getAbsolutePath()); conf.addProperty(Property.PUBLIC_KEY_FILE.getConfigName(), keys.get("public").getAbsolutePath()); } return new ClusterSpec(conf); } /** * Create new empty instance for testing. */ @VisibleForTesting public static ClusterSpec withNoDefaults() throws ConfigurationException { return withNoDefaults(new PropertiesConfiguration()); } @VisibleForTesting public static ClusterSpec withNoDefaults(Configuration conf) throws ConfigurationException { return new ClusterSpec(conf, false); } private String clusterName; private String serviceName; private String clusterUser; private String bootstrapUser; private List<InstanceTemplate> instanceTemplates; private int maxStartupRetries; private String provider; private String identity; private String credential; private String blobStoreProvider; private String blobStoreIdentity; private String blobStoreCredential; private String blobStoreCacheContainer; private String stateStore; private String stateStoreContainer; private String stateStoreBlob; private float awsEc2SpotPrice; private String privateKey; private File privateKeyFile; private String publicKey; private String locationId; private String blobStoreLocationId; private String imageId; private String hardwareId; private int hardwareMinRam; private List<String> clientCidrs; private Map<String, List<String>> firewallRules; private String version; private String runUrlBase; private boolean terminateAllOnLaunchFailure; private Configuration config; public ClusterSpec() throws ConfigurationException { this(new PropertiesConfiguration()); } public ClusterSpec(Configuration config) throws ConfigurationException { this(config, true); // load default configs } /** * @throws ConfigurationException if something is wrong */ public ClusterSpec(Configuration userConfig, boolean loadDefaults) throws ConfigurationException { if (loadDefaults) { config = composeWithDefaults(userConfig); } else { config = ConfigurationUtils.cloneConfiguration(userConfig); } setClusterName(getString(Property.CLUSTER_NAME)); setServiceName(getString(Property.SERVICE_NAME)); setBootstrapUser(getBootstrapUserOrDeprecatedLoginUser()); setClusterUser(getString(Property.CLUSTER_USER)); setInstanceTemplates(InstanceTemplate.parse(config)); setMaxStartupRetries(getInt(Property.MAX_STARTUP_RETRIES, 1)); setProvider(getString(Property.PROVIDER)); setIdentity(getString(Property.IDENTITY)); setCredential(getString(Property.CREDENTIAL)); setBlobStoreProvider(getString(Property.BLOBSTORE_PROVIDER)); setBlobStoreIdentity(getString(Property.BLOBSTORE_IDENTITY)); setBlobStoreCredential(getString(Property.BLOBSTORE_CREDENTIAL)); setBlobStoreCacheContainer(getString(Property.BLOBSTORE_CACHE_CONTAINER)); setStateStore(getString(Property.STATE_STORE)); setStateStoreContainer(getString(Property.STATE_STORE_CONTAINER)); setStateStoreBlob(getString(Property.STATE_STORE_BLOB)); setAwsEc2SpotPrice(getFloat(Property.AWS_EC2_SPOT_PRICE, -1)); checkAndSetKeyPair(); setImageId(getString(Property.IMAGE_ID)); setHardwareId(getString(Property.HARDWARE_ID)); setHardwareMinRam(getInt(Property.HARDWARE_MIN_RAM, 1024)); setLocationId(getString(Property.LOCATION_ID)); setBlobStoreLocationId(getString(Property.BLOBSTORE_LOCATION_ID)); setClientCidrs(getList(Property.CLIENT_CIDRS)); setTerminateAllOnLaunchFailure( config.getBoolean(Property.TERMINATE_ALL_ON_LAUNCH_FAILURE.getConfigName(), Boolean.TRUE)); Map<String, List<String>> fr = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); String firewallPrefix = Property.FIREWALL_RULES.getConfigName(); Pattern firewallRuleKeyPattern = Pattern .compile("^".concat(Pattern.quote(firewallPrefix).concat("(?:\\.(.+))?$"))); for (String key : Iterators.<String>toArray(config.getKeys(), String.class)) { Matcher m = firewallRuleKeyPattern.matcher(key); if (!m.matches()) continue; String role =; fr.put(role, config.getList(key)); } setFirewallRules(fr); setVersion(getString(Property.VERSION)); setRunUrlBase(getString(Property.RUN_URL_BASE)); } private String getBootstrapUserOrDeprecatedLoginUser() { final String loginUserConfig = "whirr.login-user"; if (config.containsKey(loginUserConfig)) { LOG.warn("whirr.login-user is deprecated. Please rename to whirr.bootstrap-user."); return config.getString(loginUserConfig, null); } return getString(Property.BOOTSTRAP_USER); } /** * Create a deep object copy. It's not enough to just copy the configuration * because the object can also be modified using the setters and the changes * are not reflected in the configuration object. */ public ClusterSpec copy() throws ConfigurationException { ClusterSpec r = new ClusterSpec(getConfiguration(), true); r.setClusterName(getClusterName()); r.setServiceName(getServiceName()); r.setBootstrapUser(getBootstrapUser()); r.setClusterUser(getClusterUser()); r.setInstanceTemplates(Lists.newLinkedList(getInstanceTemplates())); r.setMaxStartupRetries(getMaxStartupRetries()); r.setProvider(getProvider()); r.setIdentity(getIdentity()); r.setCredential(getCredential()); r.setBlobStoreProvider(getBlobStoreProvider()); r.setBlobStoreIdentity(getBlobStoreIdentity()); r.setBlobStoreCredential(getBlobStoreCredential()); r.setBlobStoreCacheContainer(getBlobStoreCacheContainer()); r.setAwsEc2SpotPrice(getAwsEc2SpotPrice()); r.setStateStore(getStateStore()); r.setStateStoreContainer(getStateStoreContainer()); r.setStateStoreBlob(getStateStoreBlob()); r.setPrivateKey(getPrivateKey()); r.setPublicKey(getPublicKey()); r.setImageId(getImageId()); r.setHardwareId(getHardwareId()); r.setHardwareMinRam(getHardwareMinRam()); r.setLocationId(getLocationId()); r.setBlobStoreLocationId(getBlobStoreLocationId()); r.setClientCidrs(getClientCidrs()); r.setVersion(getVersion()); r.setRunUrlBase(getRunUrlBase()); r.setTerminateAllOnLaunchFailure(isTerminateAllOnLaunchFailure()); return r; } private String getString(Property key) { return config.getString(key.getConfigName(), null); } private int getInt(Property key, int defaultValue) { return config.getInt(key.getConfigName(), defaultValue); } private float getFloat(Property key, float defaultValue) { return config.getFloat(key.getConfigName(), defaultValue); } private List<String> getList(Property key) { return config.getList(key.getConfigName()); } private Configuration composeWithDefaults(Configuration userConfig) throws ConfigurationException { CompositeConfiguration composed = new CompositeConfiguration(); composed.addConfiguration(userConfig); composed.addConfiguration( new PropertiesConfiguration(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(DEFAULT_PROPERTIES))); return composed; } protected void checkAndSetKeyPair() throws ConfigurationException { String pairRepresentation = ""; try { String privateKeyPath = getString(Property.PRIVATE_KEY_FILE); String publicKeyPath = getString(Property.PUBLIC_KEY_FILE); publicKeyPath = (publicKeyPath == null && privateKeyPath != null) ? privateKeyPath + ".pub" : publicKeyPath; if (privateKeyPath != null && publicKeyPath != null) { pairRepresentation = "(" + privateKeyPath + ", " + publicKeyPath + ")"; KeyPair pair = KeyPair.load(new JSch(), privateKeyPath, publicKeyPath); if (pair.isEncrypted()) { throw new ConfigurationException("Key pair " + pairRepresentation + " is encrypted. Try generating a new passwordless SSH keypair " + "(e.g. with ssh-keygen)."); } if (!sameKeyPair(new File(privateKeyPath), new File(publicKeyPath))) { throw new ConfigurationException( "Both keys should belong " + "to the same key pair: " + pairRepresentation); } setPrivateKey(new File(privateKeyPath)); setPublicKey(new File(publicKeyPath)); } } catch (JSchException e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid key pair: " + pairRepresentation, e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid key: " + pairRepresentation, e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ConfigurationException("Error reading one of key file: " + pairRepresentation, e); } } public List<InstanceTemplate> getInstanceTemplates() { return instanceTemplates; } public InstanceTemplate getInstanceTemplate(final Set<String> roles) { for (InstanceTemplate template : instanceTemplates) { if (roles.equals(template.getRoles())) { return template; } } return null; } public InstanceTemplate getInstanceTemplate(String... roles) { return getInstanceTemplate(Sets.newLinkedHashSet(Lists.newArrayList(roles))); } public int getMaxStartupRetries() { return maxStartupRetries; } public String getProvider() { return provider; } public boolean isStub() { return "stub".equals(getProvider()); } public String getIdentity() { return identity; } public String getCredential() { return credential; } public String getClusterName() { return clusterName; } public String getBlobStoreProvider() { if (blobStoreProvider == null) { return getDefaultBlobStoreForComputeProvider(); } return blobStoreProvider; } /** * Probably jclouds should provide a similar mechanism */ private String getDefaultBlobStoreForComputeProvider() { Map<String, String> mappings = Maps.newHashMap(); mappings.put("ec2", "aws-s3"); mappings.put("aws-ec2", "aws-s3"); mappings.put("cloudservers", "cloudfiles-us"); mappings.put("cloudservers-us", "cloudfiles-us"); mappings.put("cloudservers-uk", "cloudfiles-uk"); if (!mappings.containsKey(provider)) { return null; } return mappings.get(provider); } public String getBlobStoreIdentity() { if (blobStoreIdentity == null) { return identity; } return blobStoreIdentity; } public String getBlobStoreCredential() { if (blobStoreCredential == null) { return credential; } return blobStoreCredential; } public String getBlobStoreLocationId() { return blobStoreLocationId; } public String getBlobStoreCacheContainer() { return blobStoreCacheContainer; } public String getStateStore() { if (stateStore == null) { return "local"; } return stateStore; } public String getStateStoreContainer() { return stateStoreContainer; } public String getStateStoreBlob() { if (stateStoreBlob == null && "blob".equals(stateStore)) { return "whirr-" + getClusterName(); } return stateStoreBlob; } public float getAwsEc2SpotPrice() { return awsEc2SpotPrice; } public String getServiceName() { return serviceName; } public String getPrivateKey() { return privateKey; } public File getPrivateKeyFile() { return privateKeyFile; } public String getPublicKey() { return publicKey; } public String getImageId() { return imageId; } public String getHardwareId() { return hardwareId; } public int getHardwareMinRam() { return hardwareMinRam; } public String getLocationId() { return locationId; } public List<String> getClientCidrs() { return clientCidrs; } public Map<String, List<String>> getFirewallRules() { return firewallRules; } public String getVersion() { return version; } public String getRunUrlBase() { return runUrlBase; } public String getClusterUser() { return clusterUser; } public String getBootstrapUser() { return bootstrapUser; } @Deprecated public String getLoginUser() { return getBootstrapUser(); } public void setInstanceTemplates(List<InstanceTemplate> instanceTemplates) { this.instanceTemplates = instanceTemplates; } public void setMaxStartupRetries(int maxStartupRetries) { this.maxStartupRetries = maxStartupRetries; } public void setProvider(String provider) { if ("ec2".equals(provider)) { LOG.warn("Please use provider \"aws-ec2\" instead of \"ec2\""); provider = "aws-ec2"; } if ("cloudservers".equals(provider)) { LOG.warn("Please use provider \"cloudservers-us\" instead of \"cloudservers\""); provider = "cloudservers-us"; } this.provider = provider; } public void setIdentity(String identity) { this.identity = identity; } public void setCredential(String credential) { this.credential = credential; } public void setBlobStoreProvider(String provider) { blobStoreProvider = provider; } public void setBlobStoreIdentity(String identity) { blobStoreIdentity = identity; } public void setBlobStoreCredential(String credential) { blobStoreCredential = credential; } public void setBlobStoreLocationId(String locationId) { blobStoreLocationId = locationId; } public void setBlobStoreCacheContainer(String container) { blobStoreCacheContainer = container; } public void setStateStore(String type) { if (type != null) { checkArgument(Sets.newHashSet("local", "blob", "memory", "none").contains(type), "Invalid state store. Valid values are local, blob or none."); } this.stateStore = type; } public void setStateStoreContainer(String container) { checkContainerName(container); this.stateStoreContainer = container; } private void checkContainerName(String name) { if (name != null) { checkArgument((new DnsNameValidator(3, 63) { }).apply(name)); } } public void setStateStoreBlob(String blob) { this.stateStoreBlob = blob; } public void setAwsEc2SpotPrice(float value) { this.awsEc2SpotPrice = value; } public void setClusterName(String clusterName) { this.clusterName = clusterName; } public void setServiceName(String serviceName) { this.serviceName = serviceName; } public boolean isTerminateAllOnLaunchFailure() { return terminateAllOnLaunchFailure; } public void setTerminateAllOnLaunchFailure(boolean terminateAllOnLaunchFailure) { this.terminateAllOnLaunchFailure = terminateAllOnLaunchFailure; } /** * The rsa public key which is authorized to login to your on the cloud nodes. * * @param publicKey */ public void setPublicKey(String publicKey) { checkPublicKey(publicKey); this.publicKey = publicKey; } /** * * @throws IOException * if there is a problem reading the file * @see #setPublicKey(String) */ public void setPublicKey(File publicKey) throws IOException { String key = IOUtils.toString(new FileReader(publicKey)); checkPublicKey(key); this.publicKey = key; } private void checkPublicKey(String publicKey) { /* * */ checkArgument(checkNotNull(publicKey, "publicKey").startsWith("ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EA"), "key should start with ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EA"); } /** * The rsa private key which is used as the login identity on the cloud * nodes. * * @param privateKey */ public void setPrivateKey(String privateKey) { checkPrivateKey(privateKey); this.privateKey = privateKey; } /** * * @throws IOException * if there is a problem reading the file * @see #setPrivateKey(String) */ public void setPrivateKey(File privateKey) throws IOException { this.privateKeyFile = privateKey; String key = IOUtils.toString(new FileReader(privateKey)); checkPrivateKey(key); this.privateKey = key; } private void checkPrivateKey(String privateKey) { checkArgument(checkNotNull(privateKey, "privateKey").startsWith("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"), "key should start with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"); } public void setImageId(String imageId) { this.imageId = imageId; } public void setHardwareId(String hardwareId) { this.hardwareId = hardwareId; } public void setHardwareMinRam(int minRam) { this.hardwareMinRam = minRam; } public void setLocationId(String locationId) { this.locationId = locationId; } public void setClientCidrs(List<String> clientCidrs) { this.clientCidrs = clientCidrs; } public void setFirewallRules(Map<String, List<String>> firewallRules) { this.firewallRules = firewallRules; } public void setVersion(String version) { this.version = version; } public void setRunUrlBase(String runUrlBase) { this.runUrlBase = runUrlBase; } public void setClusterUser(String user) { checkArgument(user == null || !user.equals("root"), "cluster-user != root or do not run as root"); this.clusterUser = user; } public void setBootstrapUser(String bootstrapUser) { this.bootstrapUser = bootstrapUser; } @Deprecated public void setLoginUser(String user) { setBootstrapUser(user); } public Configuration getConfiguration() { return config; } public Configuration getConfigurationForKeysWithPrefix(String prefix) { Configuration c = new PropertiesConfiguration(); for (@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<String> it = config.getKeys(prefix); it.hasNext();) { String key =; c.setProperty(key, config.getProperty(key)); } return c; } public Configuration getConfigurationForKeysMatching(Pattern pattern) { Configuration c = new PropertiesConfiguration(); for (@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<String> it = config.getKeys(); it.hasNext();) { String key =; if (pattern.matcher(key).matches()) { c.setProperty(key, config.getProperty(key)); } } return c; } /** * @return the directory for storing cluster-related files */ public File getClusterDirectory() { File clusterDir = new File(new File(System.getProperty("user.home")), ".whirr"); clusterDir = new File(clusterDir, getClusterName()); clusterDir.mkdirs(); return clusterDir; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof ClusterSpec) { ClusterSpec that = (ClusterSpec) o; return Objects.equal(getInstanceTemplates(), that.getInstanceTemplates()) && Objects.equal(getMaxStartupRetries(), that.getMaxStartupRetries()) && Objects.equal(getProvider(), that.getProvider()) && Objects.equal(getIdentity(), that.getIdentity()) && Objects.equal(getCredential(), that.getCredential()) && Objects.equal(getBlobStoreProvider(), that.getBlobStoreProvider()) && Objects.equal(getBlobStoreIdentity(), that.getBlobStoreIdentity()) && Objects.equal(getBlobStoreCredential(), that.getBlobStoreCredential()) && Objects.equal(getBlobStoreCacheContainer(), that.getBlobStoreCacheContainer()) && Objects.equal(getClusterName(), that.getClusterName()) && Objects.equal(getServiceName(), that.getServiceName()) && Objects.equal(getClusterUser(), that.getClusterUser()) && Objects.equal(getBootstrapUser(), that.getBootstrapUser()) && Objects.equal(getPublicKey(), that.getPublicKey()) && Objects.equal(getPrivateKey(), that.getPrivateKey()) && Objects.equal(getImageId(), that.getImageId()) && Objects.equal(getHardwareId(), that.getHardwareId()) && Objects.equal(getHardwareMinRam(), that.getHardwareMinRam()) && Objects.equal(getLocationId(), that.getLocationId()) && Objects.equal(getBlobStoreLocationId(), that.getBlobStoreLocationId()) && Objects.equal(getClientCidrs(), that.getClientCidrs()) && Objects.equal(getVersion(), that.getVersion()) && Objects.equal(getRunUrlBase(), that.getRunUrlBase()) && Objects.equal(getStateStore(), that.getStateStore()) && Objects.equal(getStateStoreContainer(), that.getStateStoreContainer()) && Objects.equal(getStateStoreBlob(), that.getStateStoreBlob()) && Objects.equal(getAwsEc2SpotPrice(), that.getAwsEc2SpotPrice()); } return false; } public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(getInstanceTemplates(), getMaxStartupRetries(), getProvider(), getIdentity(), getCredential(), getBlobStoreProvider(), getBlobStoreIdentity(), getBlobStoreCredential(), getBlobStoreCacheContainer(), getClusterName(), getServiceName(), getClusterUser(), getBootstrapUser(), getPublicKey(), getPrivateKey(), getImageId(), getHardwareId(), getHardwareMinRam(), getLocationId(), getBlobStoreLocationId(), getClientCidrs(), getVersion(), getRunUrlBase(), getStateStore(), getStateStoreBlob(), getStateStoreContainer(), getAwsEc2SpotPrice()); } public String toString() { return Objects.toStringHelper(this).add("instanceTemplates", getInstanceTemplates()) .add("maxStartupRetries", getMaxStartupRetries()).add("provider", getProvider()) .add("identity", getIdentity()).add("credential", getCredential()) .add("blobStoreProvider", getBlobStoreProvider()) .add("blobStoreCredential", getBlobStoreCredential()) .add("blobStoreIdentity", getBlobStoreIdentity()) .add("blobStoreCacheContainer", getBlobStoreCacheContainer()).add("clusterName", getClusterName()) .add("serviceName", getServiceName()).add("clusterUser", getClusterUser()) .add("bootstrapUser", getBootstrapUser()).add("publicKey", getPublicKey()) .add("privateKey", getPrivateKey()).add("imageId", getImageId()).add("hardwareId", getHardwareId()) .add("hardwareMinRam", getHardwareMinRam()).add("locationId", getLocationId()) .add("blobStoreLocationId", getBlobStoreLocationId()).add("clientCidrs", getClientCidrs()) .add("version", getVersion()).add("runUrlBase", getRunUrlBase()).add("stateStore", getStateStore()) .add("stateStoreContainer", getStateStoreContainer()).add("stateStoreBlob", getStateStoreBlob()) .add("awsEc2SpotPrice", getAwsEc2SpotPrice()) .add("terminateAllOnLauchFailure", isTerminateAllOnLaunchFailure()).toString(); } }