Source code

Java tutorial


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package org.apache.torque.criteria;

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.apache.torque.Column;

 * Describes one or more where clause parts in the Criteria.
 * Either the parts list is not null and represents this criterion
 * or the column, value, comparison and ignoreStringCase columns
 * are not null and represent this criterion.
public class Criterion implements Serializable {
    /** Serial version. */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7157097965404611710L;

    /** Constant for the operator " AND ". */
    public static final String AND = " AND ";

    /** Constant for the operator " OR ". */
    public static final String OR = " OR ";

     * Left-hand-side value of the comparison, may be null.
     * If this object implements the Column interface, it is interpreted as
     * a value computed by the database, otherwise as verbatim value.
    private Object lValue;

    /** Comparison operator. Can only be null if sql is not null. */
    private SqlEnum comparison;

     * Right-hand-side value of the comparison, may be null.
     * If this object implements the Column interface, it is interpreted as
     * a value computed by the database, otherwise as verbatim value.
    private Object rValue;

    /** A verbatim SQL for this Criterion. */
    private String sql;

     * Replacements for the placeholders in the verbatim SQL.
     * Is only used if sql is not null.
    private Object[] preparedStatementReplacements;

    /** Flag to ignore case in comparison */
    private boolean ignoreCase = false;

     * The criterion objects which form a composite criterion.
     * Either this list is not null and represents this criterion
     * or the column, value, comparison and ignoreStringCase columns
     * are not null and represent this criterion.
    private List<Criterion> parts;

     * The operator (AND, OR...) how the composite criterions
     * are connected.
    private String conjunction;

     * Create a new instance.
     * Either this Criterion represents a comparison without verbatim SQL;
     * in this case the parameters lValue and comparison must be not null,
     * rValue may be not null and sql and preparedStatementReplacements must
     * be null; or it represents a verbatim sql condition, in which case
     * the parameter comparison must be null and the sql must be not null
     * (preparedStatementReplacements may be set to contain sql placeholder
     * replacement values, and lValue and rValue can be set to add columns
     * to the automatically computed from clause of the query).
     * @param lValue the left hand side value of the comparison.
     *        If this value should be a value from the database,
     *        the object must implement the
     *        <code>org.apache.torque.Column</code> interface.
     * @param rValue the right hand side value of the comparison.
     *        If this value should be a value from the database,
     *        the object must implement the
     *        <code>org.apache.torque.Column</code> interface.
     * @param comparison The comparison operator. Either this parameter or
     *        sql must be not null.
     * @param sql a verbatim sql condition. Either this parameter or
     *        comparison must be not null.
     * @param preparedStatementReplacements Values for the placeholders
     *        in the verbatim sql condition.
     * @throws NullPointerException if column is null.
    public Criterion(Object lValue, Object rValue, SqlEnum comparison, String sql,
            Object[] preparedStatementReplacements) {
        if (comparison != null && (sql != null || preparedStatementReplacements != null)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Either comparison or "
                    + "some of (sql, preparedStatementReplacements) " + "can be not null, not both");
        if ((lValue == null || comparison == null) && (sql == null)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Either the values" + "(lValue, comparison) or " + "sql must be not null");
        this.lValue = lValue;
        this.comparison = comparison;
        this.rValue = rValue;
        this.sql = sql;
        this.preparedStatementReplacements = preparedStatementReplacements;

     * Create a new instance without verbatim sql, using equals as
     * comparison operator.
     * @param lValue the left hand side value of the comparison, not null.
     *        If this value should be a value from the database,
     *        the object must implement the
     *        <code>org.apache.torque.Column</code> interface.
     * @param rValue the right hand side value of the comparison.
     *        If this value should be a value from the database,
     *        the object must implement the
     *        <code>org.apache.torque.Column</code> interface.
    public Criterion(Object lValue, Object rValue) {
        this(lValue, rValue, Criteria.EQUAL, null, null);

     * Create a new instance without verbatim sql.
     * @param lValue the left hand side value of the comparison, not null.
     *        If this value should be a value from the database,
     *        the object must implement the
     *        <code>org.apache.torque.Column</code> interface.
     * @param rValue the right hand side value of the comparison.
     *        If this value should be a value from the database,
     *        the object must implement the
     *        <code>org.apache.torque.Column</code> interface.
     * @param comparison The comparison operator, not null.
    public Criterion(Object lValue, Object rValue, SqlEnum comparison) {
        this(lValue, rValue, comparison, null, null);

     * Creates a shallow copy of the given Criterion.
     * @param toCopy the Criterion to copy from, not null.
    public Criterion(Criterion toCopy) {
        this.lValue = toCopy.lValue;
        this.comparison = toCopy.comparison;
        this.rValue = toCopy.rValue;
        this.sql = toCopy.sql;
        this.preparedStatementReplacements = toCopy.preparedStatementReplacements;
        this.ignoreCase = toCopy.ignoreCase;
        if ( != null) {
   = new ArrayList<Criterion>(;
            for (Criterion part : {
        this.conjunction = toCopy.conjunction;

     * Get the left hand side value of the comparison.
     * @return the left hand side value of the comparison.
     *         If this value is a value computed by the database,
     *         the object implements the
     *         <code>org.apache.torque.Column</code> interface.
    public Object getLValue() {
        return this.lValue;

     * Set the left hand side value of the comparison.
     * @param lValue the left hand side value of the comparison.
     *        If this value is a value computed by the database,
     *        the object must implement the
     *        <code>org.apache.torque.Column</code> interface.
    public void setLValue(Object lValue) {
        this.lValue = lValue;

     * Get the comparison.
     * @return A String with the comparison, or null if this
     *         Criterion represents a verbatim sql condition.
    public SqlEnum getComparison() {
        return this.comparison;

     * Get the right hand side value of the comparison.
     * @return the right hand side value of the comparison.
     *         If this value is a value computed by the database,
     *         the object implements the
     *         <code>org.apache.torque.Column</code> interface.
    public Object getRValue() {
        return this.rValue;

     * Set the right hand side value of the comparison.
     * @param rValue the right hand side value of the comparison.
     *         If this value is a value computed by the database,
     *         the object must implement the
     *         <code>org.apache.torque.Column</code> interface.
    public void setRValue(Object rValue) {
        this.rValue = rValue;

     * Returns the verbatim sql for this condition.
     * @return the verbatim sql for this condition, or null if this
     *         Criterion does not represent a verbatim sql condition.
    public String getSql() {
        return sql;

     * Returns the prepared statement replacements for a verbatim sql condition.
     * @return the replacement values, or null.
    public Object[] getPreparedStatementReplacements() {
        return preparedStatementReplacements;

     * Returns whether this Criterion represents a verbatim sql condition.
     * @return true if  this Criterion represents a verbatim sql condition,
     *         false if the sql is computed from lValue, comparison and rValue.
    public boolean isVerbatimSqlCondition() {
        return (sql != null);

     * Sets ignore case. ignoreCase is ignored for a verbatim sql statement.
     * @param b True if case should be ignored.
     * @return A modified Criterion object.
    public Criterion setIgnoreCase(boolean b) {
        ignoreCase = b;
        return this;

     * Is ignore case on or off?
     * @return True if case is ignored.
    public boolean isIgnoreCase() {
        return ignoreCase;

     * Returns the parts of which this criterion consists.
     * @return an unmodifiable list of the clauses,
     *         or null if this criterion is not a composite criterion.
    public List<Criterion> getParts() {
        if (parts == null) {
            return null;
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(parts);

     * Returns the conjunction for the parts of this criterion
     * @return the conjunction, or null if this criterion is not a
     *         composite criterion.
    public String getConjunction() {
        return conjunction;

     * Returns whether this criterion is a composite criterion.
     * @return true if this criterion is a composite criterion,
     *         false if it represents a single condition.
    public boolean isComposite() {
        return parts != null;

     * Replaces this criterion's condition with
     * (this criterion's condition AND criterion).
     * @param criterion the criterion to and with this criterion,
     *        not null.
    public Criterion and(Criterion criterion) {
        addCompositeCriterion(criterion, AND);
        return this;

     * Replaces this criterion's condition with
     * (this criterion's condition OR criterion).
     * @param criterion the criterion to and with this criterion,
     *        not null.
    public Criterion or(Criterion criterion) {
        addCompositeCriterion(criterion, OR);
        return this;

     * Add a composite criterion to this criterion.
     * @param criterion the criterion to add, not null.
     * @param conjunction the conjunction by which to add the criterion,
     *        not null.
     * @throws NullPointerException if criterion is null.
    private void addCompositeCriterion(Criterion criterion, String conjunction) {
        if (criterion == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("criterion must not be null");
        if (isComposite() && this.conjunction.equals(conjunction)) {
            parts.add(new Criterion(criterion));
        } else {
            Criterion copy = new Criterion(this);
            parts = new ArrayList<Criterion>();
            parts.add(new Criterion(criterion));
            this.conjunction = conjunction;
            this.rValue = null;
            this.comparison = null;
            this.lValue = null;
            this.sql = null;
            this.preparedStatementReplacements = null;
            this.ignoreCase = false;

     * Appends a debug String representation of the Criterion
     * onto the String builder.
    public void appendTo(StringBuilder sb) {
        if (isComposite()) {
            boolean first = true;
            for (Criterion part : parts) {
                if (!first) {
                if (part.isComposite()) {
                if (part.isComposite()) {
                first = false;
        } else {
            if (SqlEnum.CUSTOM == comparison) {
                if (rValue != null && !"".equals(rValue)) {
                    sb.append((String) rValue);
            } else if (isVerbatimSqlCondition()) {
            } else {
                String lValueDisplay;
                if (lValue instanceof Column) {
                    lValueDisplay = ((Column) lValue).getSqlExpression();
                } else if (lValue != null) {
                    lValueDisplay = lValue.toString();
                } else {
                    lValueDisplay = "";
                String rValueDisplay;
                if (rValue instanceof Column) {
                    rValueDisplay = ((Column) rValue).getSqlExpression();
                } else if (rValue != null) {
                    rValueDisplay = rValue.toString();
                } else {
                    rValueDisplay = "";

     * Build a string representation of the Criterion for debug purposes.
     * @return A String with the representation of the Criterion.
    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        return builder.toString();

     * This method checks another Criteria.Criterion to see if they contain
     * the same attributes.
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj == null) {
            return false;
        if (obj.getClass() != this.getClass()) {
            return false;

        Criterion criterion = (Criterion) obj;
        EqualsBuilder equalsBuilder = new EqualsBuilder();
        equalsBuilder.append(criterion.lValue, this.lValue).append(criterion.comparison, this.comparison)
                .append(criterion.rValue, this.rValue).append(criterion.sql, this.sql)
                .append(criterion.preparedStatementReplacements, this.preparedStatementReplacements)
                .append(criterion.ignoreCase, this.ignoreCase).append(,
                .append(criterion.conjunction, this.conjunction);
        return equalsBuilder.isEquals();

     * Returns a hash code value for the object.
    public int hashCode() {
        HashCodeBuilder hashCodeBuilder = new HashCodeBuilder();
        return hashCodeBuilder.toHashCode();