Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.orderedgrouped; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.DelayQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Delayed; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.tez.dag.api.TezConfiguration; import org.apache.tez.http.HttpConnectionParams; import org.apache.tez.common.CallableWithNdc; import; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.CompositeInputAttemptIdentifier; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import; import org.apache.tez.common.TezUtilsInternal; import org.apache.tez.common.counters.TaskCounter; import org.apache.tez.common.counters.TezCounter; import org.apache.tez.runtime.api.Event; import org.apache.tez.runtime.api.InputContext; import; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.api.TezRuntimeConfiguration; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.InputAttemptIdentifier; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.TezRuntimeUtils; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.ShuffleUtils; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.ShuffleUtils.FetchStatsLogger; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.HostPort; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.orderedgrouped.MapHost.HostPortPartition; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.orderedgrouped.MapOutput.Type; import; class ShuffleScheduler { public static class PathPartition { final String path; final int partition; PathPartition(String path, int partition) { this.path = path; this.partition = partition; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((path == null) ? 0 : path.hashCode()); result = prime * result + partition; return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; PathPartition other = (PathPartition) obj; if (path == null) { if (other.path != null) return false; } else if (!path.equals(other.path)) return false; if (partition != other.partition) return false; return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "PathPartition [path=" + path + ", partition=" + partition + "]"; } } @VisibleForTesting enum ShuffleErrors { IO_ERROR, WRONG_LENGTH, BAD_ID, WRONG_MAP, CONNECTION, WRONG_REDUCE } @VisibleForTesting final static String SHUFFLE_ERR_GRP_NAME = "Shuffle Errors"; private final AtomicLong shuffleStart = new AtomicLong(0); private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ShuffleScheduler.class); private static final Logger LOG_FETCH = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LOG.getName() + ".fetch"); private static final FetchStatsLogger fetchStatsLogger = new FetchStatsLogger(LOG_FETCH, LOG); static final long INITIAL_PENALTY = 2000L; // 2 seconds private static final float PENALTY_GROWTH_RATE = 1.3f; private final BitSet finishedMaps; private final int numInputs; private int numFetchedSpills; @VisibleForTesting final Map<HostPortPartition, MapHost> mapLocations = new HashMap<HostPortPartition, MapHost>(); //TODO Clean this and other maps at some point @VisibleForTesting final ConcurrentMap<PathPartition, InputAttemptIdentifier> pathToIdentifierMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<PathPartition, InputAttemptIdentifier>(); //To track shuffleInfo events when finalMerge is disabled in source or pipelined shuffle is // enabled in source. @VisibleForTesting final Map<Integer, ShuffleEventInfo> pipelinedShuffleInfoEventsMap; @VisibleForTesting final Set<MapHost> pendingHosts = new HashSet<MapHost>(); private final Set<InputAttemptIdentifier> obsoleteInputs = new HashSet<InputAttemptIdentifier>(); private final AtomicBoolean isShutdown = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); private final DelayQueue<Penalty> penalties = new DelayQueue<Penalty>(); private final Referee referee; @VisibleForTesting final Map<InputAttemptIdentifier, IntWritable> failureCounts = new HashMap<InputAttemptIdentifier, IntWritable>(); final Set<HostPort> uniqueHosts = Sets.newHashSet(); private final Map<HostPort, IntWritable> hostFailures = new HashMap<HostPort, IntWritable>(); private final InputContext inputContext; private final TezCounter shuffledInputsCounter; private final TezCounter skippedInputCounter; private final TezCounter reduceShuffleBytes; private final TezCounter reduceBytesDecompressed; @VisibleForTesting final TezCounter failedShuffleCounter; private final TezCounter bytesShuffledToDisk; private final TezCounter bytesShuffledToDiskDirect; private final TezCounter bytesShuffledToMem; private final TezCounter firstEventReceived; private final TezCounter lastEventReceived; private final String srcNameTrimmed; @VisibleForTesting final AtomicInteger remainingMaps; private final long startTime; @VisibleForTesting long lastProgressTime; @VisibleForTesting long failedShufflesSinceLastCompletion; private final int numFetchers; private final Set<FetcherOrderedGrouped> runningFetchers = Collections .newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<FetcherOrderedGrouped, Boolean>()); private final ListeningExecutorService fetcherExecutor; private final HttpConnectionParams httpConnectionParams; private final FetchedInputAllocatorOrderedGrouped allocator; private final ExceptionReporter exceptionReporter; private final MergeManager mergeManager; private final JobTokenSecretManager jobTokenSecretManager; private final boolean ifileReadAhead; private final int ifileReadAheadLength; private final CompressionCodec codec; private final Configuration conf; private final boolean localDiskFetchEnabled; private final String localHostname; private final int shufflePort; private final String applicationId; private final int dagId; private final boolean asyncHttp; private final boolean sslShuffle; private final TezCounter ioErrsCounter; private final TezCounter wrongLengthErrsCounter; private final TezCounter badIdErrsCounter; private final TezCounter wrongMapErrsCounter; private final TezCounter connectionErrsCounter; private final TezCounter wrongReduceErrsCounter; private final int maxTaskOutputAtOnce; private final int maxFetchFailuresBeforeReporting; private final boolean reportReadErrorImmediately; private final int maxFailedUniqueFetches; private final int abortFailureLimit; private final int minFailurePerHost; private final float hostFailureFraction; private final float maxStallTimeFraction; private final float minReqProgressFraction; private final float maxAllowedFailedFetchFraction; private final boolean checkFailedFetchSinceLastCompletion; private final boolean verifyDiskChecksum; private final boolean compositeFetch; private volatile Thread shuffleSchedulerThread = null; private final int maxPenaltyTime; private long totalBytesShuffledTillNow = 0; private final DecimalFormat mbpsFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); public ShuffleScheduler(InputContext inputContext, Configuration conf, int numberOfInputs, ExceptionReporter exceptionReporter, MergeManager mergeManager, FetchedInputAllocatorOrderedGrouped allocator, long startTime, CompressionCodec codec, boolean ifileReadAhead, int ifileReadAheadLength, String srcNameTrimmed) throws IOException { this.inputContext = inputContext; this.conf = conf; this.exceptionReporter = exceptionReporter; this.allocator = allocator; this.mergeManager = mergeManager; this.numInputs = numberOfInputs; int abortFailureLimitConf = conf.getInt( TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_SOURCE_ATTEMPT_ABORT_LIMIT, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_SOURCE_ATTEMPT_ABORT_LIMIT_DEFAULT); if (abortFailureLimitConf <= -1) { abortFailureLimit = Math.max(15, numberOfInputs / 10); } else { //No upper cap, as user is setting this intentionally abortFailureLimit = abortFailureLimitConf; } remainingMaps = new AtomicInteger(numberOfInputs); finishedMaps = new BitSet(numberOfInputs); this.ifileReadAhead = ifileReadAhead; this.ifileReadAheadLength = ifileReadAheadLength; this.srcNameTrimmed = srcNameTrimmed; this.codec = codec; int configuredNumFetchers = conf.getInt(TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_PARALLEL_COPIES, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_PARALLEL_COPIES_DEFAULT); numFetchers = Math.min(configuredNumFetchers, numInputs); localDiskFetchEnabled = conf.getBoolean(TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_OPTIMIZE_LOCAL_FETCH, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_OPTIMIZE_LOCAL_FETCH_DEFAULT); this.minFailurePerHost = conf.getInt(TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_MIN_FAILURES_PER_HOST, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_MIN_FAILURES_PER_HOST_DEFAULT); Preconditions.checkArgument(minFailurePerHost >= 0, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_MIN_FAILURES_PER_HOST + "=" + minFailurePerHost + " should not be negative"); this.hostFailureFraction = conf.getFloat( TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_ACCEPTABLE_HOST_FETCH_FAILURE_FRACTION, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_ACCEPTABLE_HOST_FETCH_FAILURE_FRACTION_DEFAULT); this.maxStallTimeFraction = conf.getFloat( TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_MAX_STALL_TIME_FRACTION, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_MAX_STALL_TIME_FRACTION_DEFAULT); Preconditions.checkArgument(maxStallTimeFraction >= 0, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_MAX_STALL_TIME_FRACTION + "=" + maxStallTimeFraction + " should not be negative"); this.minReqProgressFraction = conf.getFloat( TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_MIN_REQUIRED_PROGRESS_FRACTION, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_MIN_REQUIRED_PROGRESS_FRACTION_DEFAULT); Preconditions.checkArgument(minReqProgressFraction >= 0, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_MIN_REQUIRED_PROGRESS_FRACTION + "=" + minReqProgressFraction + " should not be negative"); this.maxAllowedFailedFetchFraction = conf.getFloat( TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_MAX_ALLOWED_FAILED_FETCH_ATTEMPT_FRACTION, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_MAX_ALLOWED_FAILED_FETCH_ATTEMPT_FRACTION_DEFAULT); Preconditions.checkArgument(maxAllowedFailedFetchFraction >= 0, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_MAX_ALLOWED_FAILED_FETCH_ATTEMPT_FRACTION + "=" + maxAllowedFailedFetchFraction + " should not be negative"); this.checkFailedFetchSinceLastCompletion = conf.getBoolean( TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_FAILED_CHECK_SINCE_LAST_COMPLETION, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_FAILED_CHECK_SINCE_LAST_COMPLETION_DEFAULT); this.applicationId = inputContext.getApplicationId().toString(); this.dagId = inputContext.getDagIdentifier(); this.localHostname = inputContext.getExecutionContext().getHostName(); String auxiliaryService = conf.get(TezConfiguration.TEZ_AM_SHUFFLE_AUXILIARY_SERVICE_ID, TezConfiguration.TEZ_AM_SHUFFLE_AUXILIARY_SERVICE_ID_DEFAULT); final ByteBuffer shuffleMetadata = inputContext.getServiceProviderMetaData(auxiliaryService); this.shufflePort = ShuffleUtils.deserializeShuffleProviderMetaData(shuffleMetadata); this.referee = new Referee(); // Counters used by the ShuffleScheduler this.shuffledInputsCounter = inputContext.getCounters().findCounter(TaskCounter.NUM_SHUFFLED_INPUTS); this.reduceShuffleBytes = inputContext.getCounters().findCounter(TaskCounter.SHUFFLE_BYTES); this.reduceBytesDecompressed = inputContext.getCounters() .findCounter(TaskCounter.SHUFFLE_BYTES_DECOMPRESSED); this.failedShuffleCounter = inputContext.getCounters().findCounter(TaskCounter.NUM_FAILED_SHUFFLE_INPUTS); this.bytesShuffledToDisk = inputContext.getCounters().findCounter(TaskCounter.SHUFFLE_BYTES_TO_DISK); this.bytesShuffledToDiskDirect = inputContext.getCounters() .findCounter(TaskCounter.SHUFFLE_BYTES_DISK_DIRECT); this.bytesShuffledToMem = inputContext.getCounters().findCounter(TaskCounter.SHUFFLE_BYTES_TO_MEM); // Counters used by Fetchers ioErrsCounter = inputContext.getCounters().findCounter(SHUFFLE_ERR_GRP_NAME, ShuffleErrors.IO_ERROR.toString()); wrongLengthErrsCounter = inputContext.getCounters().findCounter(SHUFFLE_ERR_GRP_NAME, ShuffleErrors.WRONG_LENGTH.toString()); badIdErrsCounter = inputContext.getCounters().findCounter(SHUFFLE_ERR_GRP_NAME, ShuffleErrors.BAD_ID.toString()); wrongMapErrsCounter = inputContext.getCounters().findCounter(SHUFFLE_ERR_GRP_NAME, ShuffleErrors.WRONG_MAP.toString()); connectionErrsCounter = inputContext.getCounters().findCounter(SHUFFLE_ERR_GRP_NAME, ShuffleErrors.CONNECTION.toString()); wrongReduceErrsCounter = inputContext.getCounters().findCounter(SHUFFLE_ERR_GRP_NAME, ShuffleErrors.WRONG_REDUCE.toString()); this.startTime = startTime; this.lastProgressTime = startTime; this.sslShuffle = conf.getBoolean(TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_ENABLE_SSL, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_ENABLE_SSL_DEFAULT); this.asyncHttp = conf.getBoolean(TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_USE_ASYNC_HTTP, false); this.httpConnectionParams = ShuffleUtils.getHttpConnectionParams(conf); SecretKey jobTokenSecret = ShuffleUtils .getJobTokenSecretFromTokenBytes(inputContext.getServiceConsumerMetaData(auxiliaryService)); this.jobTokenSecretManager = new JobTokenSecretManager(jobTokenSecret); final ExecutorService fetcherRawExecutor; if (conf.getBoolean(TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_FETCHER_USE_SHARED_POOL, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_FETCHER_USE_SHARED_POOL_DEFAULT)) { fetcherRawExecutor = inputContext.createTezFrameworkExecutorService(numFetchers, "Fetcher_O {" + srcNameTrimmed + "} #%d"); } else { fetcherRawExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numFetchers, new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setDaemon(true).setNameFormat("Fetcher_O {" + srcNameTrimmed + "} #%d").build()); } this.fetcherExecutor = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(fetcherRawExecutor); this.maxFailedUniqueFetches = Math.min(numberOfInputs, 5); referee.start(); this.maxFetchFailuresBeforeReporting = conf.getInt( TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_FETCH_FAILURES_LIMIT, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_FETCH_FAILURES_LIMIT_DEFAULT); this.reportReadErrorImmediately = conf.getBoolean( TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_NOTIFY_READERROR, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_NOTIFY_READERROR_DEFAULT); this.verifyDiskChecksum = conf.getBoolean( TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_FETCH_VERIFY_DISK_CHECKSUM, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_FETCH_VERIFY_DISK_CHECKSUM_DEFAULT); /** * Setting to very high val can lead to Http 400 error. Cap it to 75; every attempt id would * be approximately 48 bytes; 48 * 75 = 3600 which should give some room for other info in URL. */ this.maxTaskOutputAtOnce = Math.max(1, Math.min(75, conf.getInt(TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_FETCH_MAX_TASK_OUTPUT_AT_ONCE, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_FETCH_MAX_TASK_OUTPUT_AT_ONCE_DEFAULT))); this.skippedInputCounter = inputContext.getCounters().findCounter(TaskCounter.NUM_SKIPPED_INPUTS); this.firstEventReceived = inputContext.getCounters().findCounter(TaskCounter.FIRST_EVENT_RECEIVED); this.lastEventReceived = inputContext.getCounters().findCounter(TaskCounter.LAST_EVENT_RECEIVED); this.compositeFetch = ShuffleUtils.isTezShuffleHandler(conf); this.maxPenaltyTime = conf.getInt(TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_HOST_PENALTY_TIME_LIMIT_MS, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_SHUFFLE_HOST_PENALTY_TIME_LIMIT_MS_DEFAULT); pipelinedShuffleInfoEventsMap = Maps.newConcurrentMap();"ShuffleScheduler running for sourceVertex: " + inputContext.getSourceVertexName() + " with configuration: " + "maxFetchFailuresBeforeReporting=" + maxFetchFailuresBeforeReporting + ", reportReadErrorImmediately=" + reportReadErrorImmediately + ", maxFailedUniqueFetches=" + maxFailedUniqueFetches + ", abortFailureLimit=" + abortFailureLimit + ", maxTaskOutputAtOnce=" + maxTaskOutputAtOnce + ", numFetchers=" + numFetchers + ", hostFailureFraction=" + hostFailureFraction + ", minFailurePerHost=" + minFailurePerHost + ", maxAllowedFailedFetchFraction=" + maxAllowedFailedFetchFraction + ", maxStallTimeFraction=" + maxStallTimeFraction + ", minReqProgressFraction=" + minReqProgressFraction + ", checkFailedFetchSinceLastCompletion=" + checkFailedFetchSinceLastCompletion); } public void start() throws Exception { shuffleSchedulerThread = Thread.currentThread(); ShuffleSchedulerCallable schedulerCallable = new ShuffleSchedulerCallable();; } public void close() { try { if (!isShutdown.getAndSet(true)) { try { logProgress(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed log progress while closing, ignoring and continuing shutdown. Message={}", e.getMessage()); } // Notify and interrupt the waiting scheduler thread synchronized (this) { notifyAll(); } // Interrupt the ShuffleScheduler thread only if the close is invoked by another thread. // If this is invoked on the same thread, then the shuffleRunner has already complete, and there's // no point interrupting it. // The interrupt is needed to unblock any merges or waits which may be happening, so that the thread can // exit. if (shuffleSchedulerThread != null && !Thread.currentThread().equals(shuffleSchedulerThread)) { shuffleSchedulerThread.interrupt(); } // Interrupt the fetchers. for (FetcherOrderedGrouped fetcher : runningFetchers) { try { fetcher.shutDown(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Error while shutting down fetcher. Ignoring and continuing shutdown. Message={}", e.getMessage()); } } // Kill the Referee thread. try { referee.interrupt(); referee.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Interrupted while shutting down referee. Ignoring and continuing shutdown"); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Error while shutting down referee. Ignoring and continuing shutdown. Message={}", e.getMessage()); } } } finally { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!fetcherExecutor.isShutdown()) { // Ensure that fetchers respond to cancel request. fetcherExecutor.shutdownNow(); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); "Shutting down fetchers for input: {}, shutdown timetaken: {} ms, " + "hasFetcherExecutorStopped: {}", srcNameTrimmed, (endTime - startTime), hasFetcherExecutorStopped()); } } @VisibleForTesting boolean hasFetcherExecutorStopped() { return fetcherExecutor.isShutdown(); } @VisibleForTesting public boolean isShutdown() { return isShutdown.get(); } protected synchronized void updateEventReceivedTime() { long relativeTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; if (firstEventReceived.getValue() == 0) { firstEventReceived.setValue(relativeTime); lastEventReceived.setValue(relativeTime); return; } lastEventReceived.setValue(relativeTime); } /** * Placeholder for tracking shuffle events in case we get multiple spills info for the same * attempt. */ static class ShuffleEventInfo { BitSet eventsProcessed; int finalEventId = -1; //0 indexed int attemptNum; String id; boolean scheduledForDownload; // whether chunks got scheduled for download (getMapHost) ShuffleEventInfo(InputAttemptIdentifier input) { = input.getInputIdentifier() + "_" + input.getAttemptNumber(); this.eventsProcessed = new BitSet(); this.attemptNum = input.getAttemptNumber(); } void spillProcessed(int spillId) { if (finalEventId != -1) { Preconditions.checkState(eventsProcessed.cardinality() <= (finalEventId + 1), "Wrong state. eventsProcessed cardinality=" + eventsProcessed.cardinality() + " " + "finalEventId=" + finalEventId + ", spillId=" + spillId + ", " + toString()); } eventsProcessed.set(spillId); } void setFinalEventId(int spillId) { finalEventId = spillId; } boolean isDone() { return ((finalEventId != -1) && (finalEventId + 1) == eventsProcessed.cardinality()); } public String toString() { return "[eventsProcessed=" + eventsProcessed + ", finalEventId=" + finalEventId + ", id=" + id + ", attemptNum=" + attemptNum + ", scheduledForDownload=" + scheduledForDownload + "]"; } } public synchronized void copySucceeded(InputAttemptIdentifier srcAttemptIdentifier, MapHost host, long bytesCompressed, long bytesDecompressed, long millis, MapOutput output, boolean isLocalFetch) throws IOException { inputContext.notifyProgress(); if (!isInputFinished(srcAttemptIdentifier.getInputIdentifier())) { if (!isLocalFetch) { /** * Reset it only when it is a non-local-disk copy. */ failedShufflesSinceLastCompletion = 0; } if (output != null) { failureCounts.remove(srcAttemptIdentifier); if (host != null) { hostFailures.remove(new HostPort(host.getHost(), host.getPort())); } output.commit(); fetchStatsLogger.logIndividualFetchComplete(millis, bytesCompressed, bytesDecompressed, output.getType().toString(), srcAttemptIdentifier); if (output.getType() == Type.DISK) { bytesShuffledToDisk.increment(bytesCompressed); } else if (output.getType() == Type.DISK_DIRECT) { bytesShuffledToDiskDirect.increment(bytesCompressed); } else { bytesShuffledToMem.increment(bytesCompressed); } shuffledInputsCounter.increment(1); } else { // Output null implies that a physical input completion is being // registered without needing to fetch data skippedInputCounter.increment(1); } /** * In case of pipelined shuffle, it is quite possible that fetchers pulled the FINAL_UPDATE * spill in advance due to smaller output size. In such scenarios, we need to wait until * we retrieve all spill details to claim success. */ if (!srcAttemptIdentifier.canRetrieveInputInChunks()) { remainingMaps.decrementAndGet(); setInputFinished(srcAttemptIdentifier.getInputIdentifier()); numFetchedSpills++; } else { int inputIdentifier = srcAttemptIdentifier.getInputIdentifier(); //Allow only one task attempt to proceed. if (!validateInputAttemptForPipelinedShuffle(srcAttemptIdentifier)) { return; } ShuffleEventInfo eventInfo = pipelinedShuffleInfoEventsMap.get(inputIdentifier); //Possible that Shuffle event handler invoked this, due to empty partitions if (eventInfo == null && output == null) { eventInfo = new ShuffleEventInfo(srcAttemptIdentifier); pipelinedShuffleInfoEventsMap.put(inputIdentifier, eventInfo); } assert (eventInfo != null); eventInfo.spillProcessed(srcAttemptIdentifier.getSpillEventId()); numFetchedSpills++; if (srcAttemptIdentifier.getFetchTypeInfo() == InputAttemptIdentifier.SPILL_INFO.FINAL_UPDATE) { eventInfo.setFinalEventId(srcAttemptIdentifier.getSpillEventId()); } //check if we downloaded all spills pertaining to this InputAttemptIdentifier if (eventInfo.isDone()) { remainingMaps.decrementAndGet(); setInputFinished(inputIdentifier); pipelinedShuffleInfoEventsMap.remove(inputIdentifier); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Removing : " + srcAttemptIdentifier + ", pending: " + pipelinedShuffleInfoEventsMap); } } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("eventInfo " + eventInfo.toString()); } } if (remainingMaps.get() == 0) { notifyAll(); // Notify the getHost() method."All inputs fetched for input vertex : " + inputContext.getSourceVertexName()); } // update the status lastProgressTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); totalBytesShuffledTillNow += bytesCompressed; logProgress(); reduceShuffleBytes.increment(bytesCompressed); reduceBytesDecompressed.increment(bytesDecompressed); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("src task: " + TezRuntimeUtils.getTaskAttemptIdentifier(inputContext.getSourceVertexName(), srcAttemptIdentifier.getInputIdentifier(), srcAttemptIdentifier.getAttemptNumber()) + " done"); } } else { // input is already finished. duplicate fetch. LOG.warn("Duplicate fetch of input no longer needs to be fetched: " + srcAttemptIdentifier); // free the resource - specially memory // If the src does not generate data, output will be null. if (output != null) { output.abort(); } } // TODO NEWTEZ Should this be releasing the output, if not committed ? Possible memory leak in case of speculation. } private boolean validateInputAttemptForPipelinedShuffle(InputAttemptIdentifier input) { //For pipelined shuffle. //TODO: TEZ-2132 for error handling. As of now, fail fast if there is a different attempt if (input.canRetrieveInputInChunks()) { ShuffleEventInfo eventInfo = pipelinedShuffleInfoEventsMap.get(input.getInputIdentifier()); if (eventInfo != null && input.getAttemptNumber() != eventInfo.attemptNum) { /* * Check if current attempt has been scheduled for download. * e.g currentAttemptNum=0, eventsProcessed={}, newAttemptNum=1 * If nothing is scheduled in current attempt and no events are processed * (i.e copySucceeded), we can ignore current attempt and start processing the new * attempt (e.g LLAP). */ if (eventInfo.scheduledForDownload || !eventInfo.eventsProcessed.isEmpty()) { IOException exception = new IOException("Previous event already got scheduled for " + input + ". Previous attempt's data could have been already merged " + "to memory/disk outputs. Killing (self) this task early." + " currentAttemptNum=" + eventInfo.attemptNum + ", eventsProcessed=" + eventInfo.eventsProcessed + ", scheduledForDownload=" + eventInfo.scheduledForDownload + ", newAttemptNum=" + input.getAttemptNumber()); String message = "Killing self as previous attempt data could have been consumed"; killSelf(exception, message); return false; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Ignoring current attempt=" + eventInfo.attemptNum + " with eventInfo=" + eventInfo.toString() + "and processing new attempt=" + input.getAttemptNumber()); } } if (eventInfo == null) { pipelinedShuffleInfoEventsMap.put(input.getInputIdentifier(), new ShuffleEventInfo(input)); } } return true; } @VisibleForTesting void killSelf(Exception exception, String message) { LOG.error(message, exception); exceptionReporter.killSelf(exception, message); } private final AtomicInteger nextProgressLineEventCount = new AtomicInteger(0); private void logProgress() { int inputsDone = numInputs - remainingMaps.get(); if (inputsDone > nextProgressLineEventCount.get() || inputsDone == numInputs || isShutdown.get()) { nextProgressLineEventCount.addAndGet(50); double mbs = (double) totalBytesShuffledTillNow / (1024 * 1024); long secsSinceStart = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000 + 1; double transferRate = mbs / secsSinceStart;"copy(" + inputsDone + " (spillsFetched=" + numFetchedSpills + ") of " + numInputs + ". Transfer rate (CumulativeDataFetched/TimeSinceInputStarted)) " + mbpsFormat.format(transferRate) + " MB/s)"); } } public synchronized void copyFailed(InputAttemptIdentifier srcAttempt, MapHost host, boolean readError, boolean connectError, boolean isLocalFetch) { failedShuffleCounter.increment(1); inputContext.notifyProgress(); int failures = incrementAndGetFailureAttempt(srcAttempt); if (!isLocalFetch) { /** * Track the number of failures that has happened since last completion. * This gets reset on a successful copy. */ failedShufflesSinceLastCompletion++; } /** * Inform AM: * - In case of read/connect error * - In case attempt failures exceed threshold of * maxFetchFailuresBeforeReporting (5) * Bail-out if needed: * - Check whether individual attempt crossed failure threshold limits * - Check overall shuffle health. Bail out if needed.* */ //TEZ-2890 boolean shouldInformAM = (reportReadErrorImmediately && (readError || connectError)) || ((failures % maxFetchFailuresBeforeReporting) == 0); if (shouldInformAM) { //Inform AM. In case producer needs to be restarted, it is handled at AM. informAM(srcAttempt); } //Restart consumer in case shuffle is not healthy if (!isShuffleHealthy(srcAttempt)) { return; } penalizeHost(host, failures); } private boolean isAbortLimitExceeedFor(InputAttemptIdentifier srcAttempt) { int attemptFailures = getFailureCount(srcAttempt); if (attemptFailures >= abortFailureLimit) { // This task has seen too many fetch failures - report it as failed. The // AM may retry it if max failures has not been reached. // Between the task and the AM - someone needs to determine who is at // fault. If there's enough errors seen on the task, before the AM informs // it about source failure, the task considers itself to have failed and // allows the AM to re-schedule it. String errorMsg = "Failed " + attemptFailures + " times trying to " + "download from " + TezRuntimeUtils.getTaskAttemptIdentifier(inputContext.getSourceVertexName(), srcAttempt.getInputIdentifier(), srcAttempt.getAttemptNumber()) + ". threshold=" + abortFailureLimit; IOException ioe = new IOException(errorMsg); // Shuffle knows how to deal with failures post shutdown via the onFailure hook exceptionReporter.reportException(ioe); return true; } return false; } private void penalizeHost(MapHost host, int failures) { host.penalize(); HostPort hostPort = new HostPort(host.getHost(), host.getPort()); // TODO TEZ-922 hostFailures isn't really used for anything apart from // hasFailedAcrossNodes().Factor it into error // reporting / potential blacklisting of hosts. if (hostFailures.containsKey(hostPort)) { IntWritable x = hostFailures.get(hostPort); x.set(x.get() + 1); } else { hostFailures.put(hostPort, new IntWritable(1)); } long delay = (long) (INITIAL_PENALTY * Math.pow(PENALTY_GROWTH_RATE, failures)); long penaltyDelay = Math.min(delay, maxPenaltyTime); penalties.add(new Penalty(host, penaltyDelay)); } private int getFailureCount(InputAttemptIdentifier srcAttempt) { IntWritable failureCount = failureCounts.get(srcAttempt); return (failureCount == null) ? 0 : failureCount.get(); } private int incrementAndGetFailureAttempt(InputAttemptIdentifier srcAttempt) { int failures = 1; if (failureCounts.containsKey(srcAttempt)) { IntWritable x = failureCounts.get(srcAttempt); x.set(x.get() + 1); failures = x.get(); } else { failureCounts.put(srcAttempt, new IntWritable(1)); } return failures; } public void reportLocalError(IOException ioe) { LOG.error(srcNameTrimmed + ": " + "Shuffle failed : caused by local error", ioe); // Shuffle knows how to deal with failures post shutdown via the onFailure hook exceptionReporter.reportException(ioe); } // Notify AM private void informAM(InputAttemptIdentifier srcAttempt) { + ": " + "Reporting fetch failure for InputIdentifier: " + srcAttempt + " taskAttemptIdentifier: " + TezRuntimeUtils.getTaskAttemptIdentifier(inputContext.getSourceVertexName(), srcAttempt.getInputIdentifier(), srcAttempt.getAttemptNumber()) + " to AM."); List<Event> failedEvents = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(1); failedEvents .add(InputReadErrorEvent.create( "Fetch failure for " + TezRuntimeUtils.getTaskAttemptIdentifier(inputContext.getSourceVertexName(), srcAttempt.getInputIdentifier(), srcAttempt.getAttemptNumber()) + " to jobtracker.", srcAttempt.getInputIdentifier(), srcAttempt.getAttemptNumber())); inputContext.sendEvents(failedEvents); } /** * To determine if failures happened across nodes or not. This will help in * determining whether this task needs to be restarted or source needs to * be restarted. * * @param logContext context info for logging * @return boolean true indicates this task needs to be restarted */ private boolean hasFailedAcrossNodes(String logContext) { int numUniqueHosts = uniqueHosts.size(); Preconditions.checkArgument(numUniqueHosts > 0, "No values in unique hosts"); int threshold = Math.max(3, (int) Math.ceil(numUniqueHosts * hostFailureFraction)); int total = 0; boolean failedAcrossNodes = false; for (HostPort host : uniqueHosts) { IntWritable failures = hostFailures.get(host); if (failures != null && failures.get() > minFailurePerHost) { total++; failedAcrossNodes = (total > (threshold * minFailurePerHost)); if (failedAcrossNodes) { break; } } } + ", numUniqueHosts=" + numUniqueHosts + ", hostFailureThreshold=" + threshold + ", hostFailuresCount=" + hostFailures.size() + ", hosts crossing threshold=" + total + ", reducerFetchIssues=" + failedAcrossNodes); return failedAcrossNodes; } private boolean allEventsReceived() { if (!pipelinedShuffleInfoEventsMap.isEmpty()) { return (pipelinedShuffleInfoEventsMap.size() == numInputs); } else { //no pipelining return ((pathToIdentifierMap.size() + skippedInputCounter.getValue()) == numInputs); } } /** * Check if consumer needs to be restarted based on total failures w.r.t * completed outputs and based on number of errors that have happened since * last successful completion. Consider into account whether failures have * been seen across different nodes. * * @return true to indicate fetchers are healthy */ private boolean isFetcherHealthy(String logContext) { long totalFailures = failedShuffleCounter.getValue(); int doneMaps = numInputs - remainingMaps.get(); boolean fetcherHealthy = true; if (doneMaps > 0) { fetcherHealthy = (((float) totalFailures / (totalFailures + doneMaps)) < maxAllowedFailedFetchFraction); } if (fetcherHealthy) { //Compute this logic only when all events are received if (allEventsReceived()) { if (hostFailureFraction > 0) { boolean failedAcrossNodes = hasFailedAcrossNodes(logContext); if (failedAcrossNodes) { return false; //not healthy } } if (checkFailedFetchSinceLastCompletion) { /** * remainingMaps works better instead of pendingHosts in the * following condition because of the way the fetcher reports failures */ if (failedShufflesSinceLastCompletion >= remainingMaps.get() * minFailurePerHost) { /** * Check if lots of errors are seen after last progress time. * * E.g totalFailures = 20. doneMaps = 320 - 300; * fetcherHealthy = (20/(20+300)) < 0.5. So reducer would be marked as healthy. * Assume 20 errors happen when downloading the last 20 attempts. Host failure & individual * attempt failures would keep increasing; but at very slow rate 15 * 180 seconds per * attempt to find out the issue. * * Instead consider the new errors with the pending items to be fetched. * Assume 21 new errors happened after last progress; remainingMaps = (320-300) = 20; * (21 / (21 + 20)) > 0.5 * So we reset the reducer to unhealthy here (special case) * * In normal conditions (i.e happy path), this wouldn't even cause any issue as * failedShufflesSinceLastCompletion is reset as soon as we see successful download. */ fetcherHealthy = (((float) failedShufflesSinceLastCompletion / (failedShufflesSinceLastCompletion + remainingMaps.get())) < maxAllowedFailedFetchFraction); + ", fetcherHealthy=" + fetcherHealthy + ", failedShufflesSinceLastCompletion=" + failedShufflesSinceLastCompletion + ", remainingMaps=" + remainingMaps.get()); } } } } return fetcherHealthy; } boolean isShuffleHealthy(InputAttemptIdentifier srcAttempt) { if (isAbortLimitExceeedFor(srcAttempt)) { return false; } final float MIN_REQUIRED_PROGRESS_PERCENT = minReqProgressFraction; final float MAX_ALLOWED_STALL_TIME_PERCENT = maxStallTimeFraction; int doneMaps = numInputs - remainingMaps.get(); String logContext = "srcAttempt=" + srcAttempt.toString(); boolean fetcherHealthy = isFetcherHealthy(logContext); // check if the reducer has progressed enough boolean reducerProgressedEnough = (((float) doneMaps / numInputs) >= MIN_REQUIRED_PROGRESS_PERCENT); // check if the reducer is stalled for a long time // duration for which the reducer is stalled int stallDuration = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastProgressTime); // duration for which the reducer ran with progress int shuffleProgressDuration = (int) (lastProgressTime - startTime); boolean reducerStalled = (shuffleProgressDuration > 0) && (((float) stallDuration / shuffleProgressDuration) >= MAX_ALLOWED_STALL_TIME_PERCENT); // kill if not healthy and has insufficient progress if ((failureCounts.size() >= maxFailedUniqueFetches || failureCounts.size() == (numInputs - doneMaps)) && !fetcherHealthy && (!reducerProgressedEnough || reducerStalled)) { String errorMsg = (srcNameTrimmed + ": " + "Shuffle failed with too many fetch failures and insufficient progress!" + "failureCounts=" + failureCounts.size() + ", pendingInputs=" + (numInputs - doneMaps) + ", fetcherHealthy=" + fetcherHealthy + ", reducerProgressedEnough=" + reducerProgressedEnough + ", reducerStalled=" + reducerStalled); LOG.error(errorMsg); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Host failures=" + hostFailures.keySet()); } // Shuffle knows how to deal with failures post shutdown via the onFailure hook exceptionReporter.reportException(new IOException(errorMsg)); return false; } return true; } public synchronized void addKnownMapOutput(String inputHostName, int port, int partitionId, CompositeInputAttemptIdentifier srcAttempt) { uniqueHosts.add(new HostPort(inputHostName, port)); HostPortPartition identifier = new HostPortPartition(inputHostName, port, partitionId); MapHost host = mapLocations.get(identifier); if (host == null) { host = new MapHost(inputHostName, port, partitionId, srcAttempt.getInputIdentifierCount()); mapLocations.put(identifier, host); } //Allow only one task attempt to proceed. if (!validateInputAttemptForPipelinedShuffle(srcAttempt)) { return; } host.addKnownMap(srcAttempt); for (int i = 0; i < srcAttempt.getInputIdentifierCount(); i++) { PathPartition pathPartition = new PathPartition(srcAttempt.getPathComponent(), partitionId + i); pathToIdentifierMap.put(pathPartition, srcAttempt.expand(i)); } // Mark the host as pending if (host.getState() == MapHost.State.PENDING) { pendingHosts.add(host); notifyAll(); } } public void obsoleteInput(InputAttemptIdentifier srcAttempt) { // The incoming srcAttempt does not contain a path component. + ": " + "Adding obsolete input: " + srcAttempt); ShuffleEventInfo eventInfo = pipelinedShuffleInfoEventsMap.get(srcAttempt.getInputIdentifier()); //Pipelined shuffle case (where pipelinedShuffleInfoEventsMap gets populated). //Fail fast here. if (eventInfo != null) { // In case this we haven't started downloading it, get rid of it. if (eventInfo.eventsProcessed.isEmpty() && !eventInfo.scheduledForDownload) { // obsoleted anyways; no point tracking if nothing is started pipelinedShuffleInfoEventsMap.remove(srcAttempt.getInputIdentifier()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Removing " + eventInfo + " from tracking"); } return; } IOException exception = new IOException(srcAttempt + " is marked as obsoleteInput, but it " + "exists in shuffleInfoEventMap. Some data could have been already merged " + "to memory/disk outputs. Failing the fetch early. eventInfo:" + eventInfo.toString()); String message = "Got obsolete event. Killing self as attempt's data could have been consumed"; killSelf(exception, message); return; } synchronized (this) { obsoleteInputs.add(srcAttempt); } } public synchronized void putBackKnownMapOutput(MapHost host, InputAttemptIdentifier srcAttempt) { host.addKnownMap(srcAttempt); } public synchronized MapHost getHost() throws InterruptedException { while (pendingHosts.isEmpty() && remainingMaps.get() > 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("PendingHosts=" + pendingHosts); } waitAndNotifyProgress(); } if (!pendingHosts.isEmpty()) { MapHost host = null; Iterator<MapHost> iter = pendingHosts.iterator(); int numToPick = random.nextInt(pendingHosts.size()); for (int i = 0; i <= numToPick; ++i) { host =; } pendingHosts.remove(host); host.markBusy(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(srcNameTrimmed + ": " + "Assigning " + host + " with " + host.getNumKnownMapOutputs() + " to " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); } shuffleStart.set(System.currentTimeMillis()); return host; } else { return null; } } public InputAttemptIdentifier getIdentifierForFetchedOutput(String path, int reduceId) { return pathToIdentifierMap.get(new PathPartition(path, reduceId)); } @VisibleForTesting DelayQueue<Penalty> getPenalties() { return penalties; } private synchronized boolean inputShouldBeConsumed(InputAttemptIdentifier id) { boolean isInputFinished = false; if (id instanceof CompositeInputAttemptIdentifier) { CompositeInputAttemptIdentifier cid = (CompositeInputAttemptIdentifier) id; isInputFinished = isInputFinished(cid.getInputIdentifier(), cid.getInputIdentifier() + cid.getInputIdentifierCount()); } else { isInputFinished = isInputFinished(id.getInputIdentifier()); } return !obsoleteInputs.contains(id) && !isInputFinished; } public synchronized List<InputAttemptIdentifier> getMapsForHost(MapHost host) { List<InputAttemptIdentifier> origList = host.getAndClearKnownMaps(); ListMultimap<Integer, InputAttemptIdentifier> dedupedList = LinkedListMultimap.create(); Iterator<InputAttemptIdentifier> listItr = origList.iterator(); while (listItr.hasNext()) { // we may want to try all versions of the input but with current retry // behavior older ones are likely to be lost and should be ignored. // This may be removed after TEZ-914 InputAttemptIdentifier id =; if (inputShouldBeConsumed(id)) { Integer inputNumber = Integer.valueOf(id.getInputIdentifier()); List<InputAttemptIdentifier> oldIdList = dedupedList.get(inputNumber); if (oldIdList == null || oldIdList.isEmpty()) { dedupedList.put(inputNumber, id); continue; } //In case of pipelined shuffle, we can have multiple spills. In such cases, we can have // more than one item in the oldIdList. boolean addIdentifierToList = false; Iterator<InputAttemptIdentifier> oldIdIterator = oldIdList.iterator(); while (oldIdIterator.hasNext()) { InputAttemptIdentifier oldId =; //no need to add if spill ids are same if (id.canRetrieveInputInChunks()) { if (oldId.getSpillEventId() == id.getSpillEventId()) { //TODO: need to handle deterministic spills later. addIdentifierToList = false; continue; } else if (oldId.getAttemptNumber() == id.getAttemptNumber()) { //but with different spill id. addIdentifierToList = true; break; } } //if its from different attempt, take the latest attempt if (oldId.getAttemptNumber() < id.getAttemptNumber()) { //remove existing identifier oldIdIterator.remove(); LOG.warn("Old Src for InputIndex: " + inputNumber + " with attemptNumber: " + oldId.getAttemptNumber() + " was not determined to be invalid. Ignoring it for now in favour of " + id.getAttemptNumber()); addIdentifierToList = true; break; } } if (addIdentifierToList) { dedupedList.put(inputNumber, id); } } else {"Ignoring finished or obsolete source: " + id); } } // Compute the final list, limited by NUM_FETCHERS_AT_ONCE List<InputAttemptIdentifier> result = new ArrayList<InputAttemptIdentifier>(); int includedMaps = 0; int totalSize = dedupedList.size(); for (Integer inputIndex : dedupedList.keySet()) { List<InputAttemptIdentifier> attemptIdentifiers = dedupedList.get(inputIndex); for (InputAttemptIdentifier inputAttemptIdentifier : attemptIdentifiers) { if (includedMaps++ >= maxTaskOutputAtOnce) { host.addKnownMap(inputAttemptIdentifier); } else { if (inputAttemptIdentifier.canRetrieveInputInChunks()) { ShuffleEventInfo shuffleEventInfo = pipelinedShuffleInfoEventsMap .get(inputAttemptIdentifier.getInputIdentifier()); if (shuffleEventInfo != null) { shuffleEventInfo.scheduledForDownload = true; } } result.add(inputAttemptIdentifier); } } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("assigned " + includedMaps + " of " + totalSize + " to " + host + " to " + Thread.currentThread().getName()); } return result; } public synchronized void freeHost(MapHost host) { if (host.getState() != MapHost.State.PENALIZED) { if (host.markAvailable() == MapHost.State.PENDING) { pendingHosts.add(host); notifyAll(); } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(host + " freed by " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - shuffleStart.get()) + "ms"); } } public synchronized void resetKnownMaps() { mapLocations.clear(); obsoleteInputs.clear(); pendingHosts.clear(); pathToIdentifierMap.clear(); } /** * Utility method to check if the Shuffle data fetch is complete. * @return true if complete */ public synchronized boolean isDone() { return remainingMaps.get() == 0; } /** * A structure that records the penalty for a host. */ static class Penalty implements Delayed { MapHost host; private long endTime; Penalty(MapHost host, long delay) { = host; this.endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + delay; } public long getDelay(TimeUnit unit) { long remainingTime = endTime - System.currentTimeMillis(); return unit.convert(remainingTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } public int compareTo(Delayed o) { long other = ((Penalty) o).endTime; return endTime == other ? 0 : (endTime < other ? -1 : 1); } } /** * A thread that takes hosts off of the penalty list when the timer expires. */ private class Referee extends Thread { public Referee() { setName("ShufflePenaltyReferee {" + TezUtilsInternal.cleanVertexName(inputContext.getSourceVertexName()) + "}"); setDaemon(true); } public void run() { try { while (!isShutdown.get()) { // take the first host that has an expired penalty MapHost host = penalties.take().host; synchronized (ShuffleScheduler.this) { if (host.markAvailable() == MapHost.State.PENDING) { pendingHosts.add(host); ShuffleScheduler.this.notifyAll(); } } } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // This handles shutdown of the entire fetch / merge process. } catch (Throwable t) { // Shuffle knows how to deal with failures post shutdown via the onFailure hook exceptionReporter.reportException(t); } } } void setInputFinished(int inputIndex) { synchronized (finishedMaps) { finishedMaps.set(inputIndex, true); } } boolean isInputFinished(int inputIndex) { synchronized (finishedMaps) { return finishedMaps.get(inputIndex); } } boolean isInputFinished(int inputIndex, int inputEnd) { synchronized (finishedMaps) { return finishedMaps.nextClearBit(inputIndex) > inputEnd; } } private class ShuffleSchedulerCallable extends CallableWithNdc<Void> { @Override protected Void callInternal() throws InterruptedException { while (!isShutdown.get() && remainingMaps.get() > 0) { synchronized (ShuffleScheduler.this) { while ((runningFetchers.size() >= numFetchers || pendingHosts.isEmpty()) && remainingMaps.get() > 0) { try { waitAndNotifyProgress(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (isShutdown.get()) { + ": " + "Interrupted while waiting for fetchers to complete" + "and hasBeenShutdown. Breaking out of ShuffleSchedulerCallable loop"); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); break; } else { throw e; } } } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(srcNameTrimmed + ": " + "NumCompletedInputs: {}" + (numInputs - remainingMaps.get())); } // Ensure there's memory available before scheduling the next Fetcher. try { // If merge is on, block mergeManager.waitForInMemoryMerge(); // In case usedMemory > memorylimit, wait until some memory is released mergeManager.waitForShuffleToMergeMemory(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (isShutdown.get()) { + ": " + "Interrupted while waiting for merge to complete and hasBeenShutdown. Breaking out of ShuffleSchedulerCallable loop"); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); break; } else { throw e; } } if (!isShutdown.get() && remainingMaps.get() > 0) { synchronized (ShuffleScheduler.this) { int numFetchersToRun = numFetchers - runningFetchers.size(); int count = 0; while (count < numFetchersToRun && !isShutdown.get() && remainingMaps.get() > 0) { MapHost mapHost; try { mapHost = getHost(); // Leads to a wait. } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (isShutdown.get()) { + ": " + "Interrupted while waiting for host and hasBeenShutdown. Breaking out of ShuffleSchedulerCallable loop"); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); break; } else { throw e; } } if (mapHost == null) { break; // Check for the exit condition. } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(srcNameTrimmed + ": " + "Processing pending host: " + mapHost.toString()); } if (!isShutdown.get()) { count++; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(srcNameTrimmed + ": " + "Scheduling fetch for inputHost: {}", mapHost.getHostIdentifier() + ":" + mapHost.getPartitionId()); } FetcherOrderedGrouped fetcherOrderedGrouped = constructFetcherForHost(mapHost); runningFetchers.add(fetcherOrderedGrouped); ListenableFuture<Void> future = fetcherExecutor.submit(fetcherOrderedGrouped); Futures.addCallback(future, new FetchFutureCallback(fetcherOrderedGrouped)); } } } } }"Shutting down FetchScheduler for input: {}, wasInterrupted={}", srcNameTrimmed, Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()); if (!fetcherExecutor.isShutdown()) { fetcherExecutor.shutdownNow(); } return null; } } private synchronized void waitAndNotifyProgress() throws InterruptedException { inputContext.notifyProgress(); wait(1000); } @VisibleForTesting FetcherOrderedGrouped constructFetcherForHost(MapHost mapHost) { return new FetcherOrderedGrouped(httpConnectionParams, ShuffleScheduler.this, allocator, exceptionReporter, jobTokenSecretManager, ifileReadAhead, ifileReadAheadLength, codec, conf, localDiskFetchEnabled, localHostname, shufflePort, srcNameTrimmed, mapHost, ioErrsCounter, wrongLengthErrsCounter, badIdErrsCounter, wrongMapErrsCounter, connectionErrsCounter, wrongReduceErrsCounter, applicationId, dagId, asyncHttp, sslShuffle, verifyDiskChecksum, compositeFetch); } private class FetchFutureCallback implements FutureCallback<Void> { private final FetcherOrderedGrouped fetcherOrderedGrouped; public FetchFutureCallback(FetcherOrderedGrouped fetcherOrderedGrouped) { this.fetcherOrderedGrouped = fetcherOrderedGrouped; } private void doBookKeepingForFetcherComplete() { synchronized (ShuffleScheduler.this) { runningFetchers.remove(fetcherOrderedGrouped); ShuffleScheduler.this.notifyAll(); } } @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { fetcherOrderedGrouped.shutDown(); if (isShutdown.get()) { + ": " + "Already shutdown. Ignoring fetch complete"); } else { doBookKeepingForFetcherComplete(); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { fetcherOrderedGrouped.shutDown(); if (isShutdown.get()) { + ": " + "Already shutdown. Ignoring fetch complete"); } else { LOG.error(srcNameTrimmed + ": " + "Fetcher failed with error", t); exceptionReporter.reportException(t); doBookKeepingForFetcherComplete(); } } } }