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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.apache.tez.dag.library.vertexmanager;


import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Public;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Evolving;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.tez.common.TezUtils;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.EdgeManagerPlugin;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.EdgeManagerPluginContext;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.EdgeManagerPluginDescriptor;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.EdgeProperty;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.EdgeProperty.DataMovementType;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.InputDescriptor;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.TezUncheckedException;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.UserPayload;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.VertexManagerPlugin;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.VertexManagerPluginContext;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.VertexManagerPluginContext.TaskWithLocationHint;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.VertexManagerPluginDescriptor;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.event.VertexState;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.event.VertexStateUpdate;
import org.apache.tez.runtime.api.Event;
import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.shuffle.impl.ShuffleUserPayloads.ShuffleEdgeManagerConfigPayloadProto;
import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.shuffle.impl.ShuffleUserPayloads.VertexManagerEventPayloadProto;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

 * Starts scheduling tasks when number of completed source tasks crosses 
 * <code>slowStartMinSrcCompletionFraction</code> and schedules all tasks 
 *  when <code>slowStartMaxSrcCompletionFraction</code> is reached
public class ShuffleVertexManager extends VertexManagerPlugin {

     * In case of a ScatterGather connection, the fraction of source tasks which
     * should complete before tasks for the current vertex are scheduled
    public static final String TEZ_SHUFFLE_VERTEX_MANAGER_MIN_SRC_FRACTION = "tez.shuffle-vertex-manager.min-src-fraction";
    public static final float TEZ_SHUFFLE_VERTEX_MANAGER_MIN_SRC_FRACTION_DEFAULT = 0.25f;

     * In case of a ScatterGather connection, once this fraction of source tasks
     * have completed, all tasks on the current vertex can be scheduled. Number of
     * tasks ready for scheduling on the current vertex scales linearly between
     * min-fraction and max-fraction
    public static final String TEZ_SHUFFLE_VERTEX_MANAGER_MAX_SRC_FRACTION = "tez.shuffle-vertex-manager.max-src-fraction";
    public static final float TEZ_SHUFFLE_VERTEX_MANAGER_MAX_SRC_FRACTION_DEFAULT = 0.75f;

     * Enables automatic parallelism determination for the vertex. Based on input data
     * statisitics the parallelism is decreased to a desired level.
    public static final String TEZ_SHUFFLE_VERTEX_MANAGER_ENABLE_AUTO_PARALLEL = "";
    public static final boolean TEZ_SHUFFLE_VERTEX_MANAGER_ENABLE_AUTO_PARALLEL_DEFAULT = false;

     * The desired size of input per task. Parallelism will be changed to meet this criteria
    public static final String TEZ_SHUFFLE_VERTEX_MANAGER_DESIRED_TASK_INPUT_SIZE = "tez.shuffle-vertex-manager.desired-task-input-size";
    public static final long TEZ_SHUFFLE_VERTEX_MANAGER_DESIRED_TASK_INPUT_SIZE_DEFAULT = 1024 * 1024 * 100L;

     * Automatic parallelism determination will not decrease parallelism below this value
    public static final String TEZ_SHUFFLE_VERTEX_MANAGER_MIN_TASK_PARALLELISM = "tez.shuffle-vertex-manager.min-task-parallelism";

    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ShuffleVertexManager.class);

    float slowStartMinSrcCompletionFraction;
    float slowStartMaxSrcCompletionFraction;
    long desiredTaskInputDataSize = 1024 * 1024 * 100L;
    int minTaskParallelism = 1;
    boolean enableAutoParallelism = false;
    boolean parallelismDetermined = false;

    int totalNumBipartiteSourceTasks = 0;
    int numBipartiteSourceTasksCompleted = 0;
    int numVertexManagerEventsReceived = 0;
    List<Integer> pendingTasks = Lists.newLinkedList();
    int totalTasksToSchedule = 0;
    private AtomicBoolean onVertexStartedDone = new AtomicBoolean(false);

    //Track source vertex and its finished tasks
    private final Map<String, SourceVertexInfo> srcVertexInfo = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
    boolean sourceVerticesScheduled = false;
    int bipartiteSources = 0;
    long completedSourceTasksOutputSize = 0;

    static class SourceVertexInfo {
        EdgeProperty edgeProperty;
        boolean vertexIsConfigured;
        BitSet finishedTaskSet;

        SourceVertexInfo(EdgeProperty edgeProperty) {
            this.edgeProperty = edgeProperty;
            if (edgeProperty.getDataMovementType() == DataMovementType.SCATTER_GATHER) {
                finishedTaskSet = new BitSet();

    public ShuffleVertexManager(VertexManagerPluginContext context) {

    public static class CustomShuffleEdgeManager extends EdgeManagerPlugin {
        int numSourceTaskOutputs;
        int numDestinationTasks;
        int basePartitionRange;
        int remainderRangeForLastShuffler;
        int numSourceTasks;

        public CustomShuffleEdgeManager(EdgeManagerPluginContext context) {

        public void initialize() {
            // Nothing to do. This class isn't currently designed to be used at the DAG API level.
            UserPayload userPayload = getContext().getUserPayload();
            if (userPayload == null || userPayload.getPayload() == null || userPayload.getPayload().limit() == 0) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Could not initialize CustomShuffleEdgeManager" + " from provided user payload");
            CustomShuffleEdgeManagerConfig config;
            try {
                config = CustomShuffleEdgeManagerConfig.fromUserPayload(userPayload);
            } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Could not initialize CustomShuffleEdgeManager" + " from provided user payload", e);
            this.numSourceTaskOutputs = config.numSourceTaskOutputs;
            this.numDestinationTasks = config.numDestinationTasks;
            this.basePartitionRange = config.basePartitionRange;
            this.remainderRangeForLastShuffler = config.remainderRangeForLastShuffler;
            this.numSourceTasks = getContext().getSourceVertexNumTasks();
            Preconditions.checkState(this.numDestinationTasks == getContext().getDestinationVertexNumTasks());

        public int getNumDestinationTaskPhysicalInputs(int destinationTaskIndex) {
            int partitionRange = 1;
            if (destinationTaskIndex < numDestinationTasks - 1) {
                partitionRange = basePartitionRange;
            } else {
                partitionRange = remainderRangeForLastShuffler;
            return numSourceTasks * partitionRange;

        public int getNumSourceTaskPhysicalOutputs(int sourceTaskIndex) {
            return numSourceTaskOutputs;

        public void routeDataMovementEventToDestination(DataMovementEvent event, int sourceTaskIndex,
                int sourceOutputIndex, Map<Integer, List<Integer>> destinationTaskAndInputIndices) {
            int sourceIndex = event.getSourceIndex();
            int destinationTaskIndex = sourceIndex / basePartitionRange;
            int partitionRange = 1;
            if (destinationTaskIndex < numDestinationTasks - 1) {
                partitionRange = basePartitionRange;
            } else {
                partitionRange = remainderRangeForLastShuffler;

            // all inputs from a source task are next to each other in original order
            int targetIndex = sourceTaskIndex * partitionRange + sourceIndex % partitionRange;

            destinationTaskAndInputIndices.put(destinationTaskIndex, Collections.singletonList(targetIndex));

        public void routeInputSourceTaskFailedEventToDestination(int sourceTaskIndex,
                Map<Integer, List<Integer>> destinationTaskAndInputIndices) {
            if (remainderRangeForLastShuffler < basePartitionRange) {
                int startOffset = sourceTaskIndex * basePartitionRange;
                List<Integer> allIndices = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(basePartitionRange);
                for (int i = 0; i < basePartitionRange; ++i) {
                    allIndices.add(startOffset + i);
                List<Integer> inputIndices = Collections.unmodifiableList(allIndices);
                for (int i = 0; i < numDestinationTasks - 1; ++i) {
                    destinationTaskAndInputIndices.put(i, inputIndices);

                startOffset = sourceTaskIndex * remainderRangeForLastShuffler;
                allIndices = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(remainderRangeForLastShuffler);
                for (int i = 0; i < remainderRangeForLastShuffler; ++i) {
                    allIndices.add(startOffset + i);
                inputIndices = Collections.unmodifiableList(allIndices);
                destinationTaskAndInputIndices.put(numDestinationTasks - 1, inputIndices);
            } else {
                // all tasks have same pattern
                int startOffset = sourceTaskIndex * basePartitionRange;
                List<Integer> allIndices = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(basePartitionRange);
                for (int i = 0; i < basePartitionRange; ++i) {
                    allIndices.add(startOffset + i);
                List<Integer> inputIndices = Collections.unmodifiableList(allIndices);
                for (int i = 0; i < numDestinationTasks; ++i) {
                    destinationTaskAndInputIndices.put(i, inputIndices);

        public int routeInputErrorEventToSource(InputReadErrorEvent event, int destinationTaskIndex,
                int destinationFailedInputIndex) {
            int partitionRange = 1;
            if (destinationTaskIndex < numDestinationTasks - 1) {
                partitionRange = basePartitionRange;
            } else {
                partitionRange = remainderRangeForLastShuffler;
            return destinationFailedInputIndex / partitionRange;

        public int getNumDestinationConsumerTasks(int sourceTaskIndex) {
            return numDestinationTasks;

    private static class CustomShuffleEdgeManagerConfig {
        int numSourceTaskOutputs;
        int numDestinationTasks;
        int basePartitionRange;
        int remainderRangeForLastShuffler;

        private CustomShuffleEdgeManagerConfig(int numSourceTaskOutputs, int numDestinationTasks,
                int basePartitionRange, int remainderRangeForLastShuffler) {
            this.numSourceTaskOutputs = numSourceTaskOutputs;
            this.numDestinationTasks = numDestinationTasks;
            this.basePartitionRange = basePartitionRange;
            this.remainderRangeForLastShuffler = remainderRangeForLastShuffler;

        public UserPayload toUserPayload() {
            return UserPayload.create(ByteBuffer.wrap(ShuffleEdgeManagerConfigPayloadProto.newBuilder()

        public static CustomShuffleEdgeManagerConfig fromUserPayload(UserPayload payload)
                throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
            ShuffleEdgeManagerConfigPayloadProto proto = ShuffleEdgeManagerConfigPayloadProto
            return new CustomShuffleEdgeManagerConfig(proto.getNumSourceTaskOutputs(),
                    proto.getNumDestinationTasks(), proto.getBasePartitionRange(),


    public void onVertexStarted(Map<String, List<Integer>> completions) {
        // track the tasks in this vertex
        updateSourceTaskCount();"OnVertexStarted vertex: " + getContext().getVertexName() + " with " + totalNumBipartiteSourceTasks
                + " source tasks and " + totalTasksToSchedule + " pending tasks");

        if (completions != null) {
            for (Map.Entry<String, List<Integer>> entry : completions.entrySet()) {
                for (Integer taskId : entry.getValue()) {
                    onSourceTaskCompleted(entry.getKey(), taskId);
        // for the special case when source has 0 tasks or min fraction == 0

    public void onSourceTaskCompleted(String srcVertexName, Integer srcTaskId) {
        SourceVertexInfo srcInfo = srcVertexInfo.get(srcVertexName);

        if (srcInfo.edgeProperty.getDataMovementType() == DataMovementType.SCATTER_GATHER) {
            //handle duplicate events for bipartite sources
            BitSet completedSourceTasks = srcInfo.finishedTaskSet;
            if (completedSourceTasks != null) {
                // duplicate notifications tracking
                if (!completedSourceTasks.get(srcTaskId)) {
                    // source task has completed

    public void onVertexManagerEventReceived(VertexManagerEvent vmEvent) {
        // TODO handle duplicates from retries
        if (enableAutoParallelism) {
            // save output size
            VertexManagerEventPayloadProto proto;
            try {
                proto = VertexManagerEventPayloadProto.parseFrom(ByteString.copyFrom(vmEvent.getUserPayload()));
            } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
                throw new TezUncheckedException(e);
            long sourceTaskOutputSize = proto.getOutputSize();
            completedSourceTasksOutputSize += sourceTaskOutputSize;
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Received info of output size: " + sourceTaskOutputSize + " numInfoReceived: "
                        + numVertexManagerEventsReceived + " total output size: " + completedSourceTasksOutputSize);


    void updatePendingTasks() {
        for (int i = 0; i < getContext().getVertexNumTasks(getContext().getVertexName()); ++i) {
        totalTasksToSchedule = pendingTasks.size();

    Iterable<Map.Entry<String, SourceVertexInfo>> getBipartiteInfo() {
        return Iterables.filter(srcVertexInfo.entrySet(), new Predicate<Map.Entry<String, SourceVertexInfo>>() {
            public boolean apply(Map.Entry<String, SourceVertexInfo> input) {
                return (input.getValue().edgeProperty.getDataMovementType() == DataMovementType.SCATTER_GATHER);

    void updateSourceTaskCount() {
        // track source vertices
        int numSrcTasks = 0;
        Iterable<Map.Entry<String, SourceVertexInfo>> bipartiteItr = getBipartiteInfo();
        for (Map.Entry<String, SourceVertexInfo> entry : bipartiteItr) {
            numSrcTasks += getContext().getVertexNumTasks(entry.getKey());
        totalNumBipartiteSourceTasks = numSrcTasks;

     * Compute optimal parallelism needed for the job
     * @return true (if parallelism is determined), false otherwise
    boolean determineParallelismAndApply() {
        if (numBipartiteSourceTasksCompleted == 0) {
            return true;

        if (numVertexManagerEventsReceived == 0) {
            return true;

        int currentParallelism = pendingTasks.size();
         * When overall completed output size is not even equal to
         * desiredTaskInputSize, we can wait for some more data to be available to determine
         * better parallelism until max.fraction is reached.  min.fraction is just a hint to the
         * framework and need not be honored strictly in this case.
        boolean canDetermineParallelismLater = (completedSourceTasksOutputSize < desiredTaskInputDataSize)
                && (numBipartiteSourceTasksCompleted < (totalNumBipartiteSourceTasks
                        * slowStartMaxSrcCompletionFraction));
        if (canDetermineParallelismLater) {
  "Defer scheduling tasks; vertex=" + getContext().getVertexName()
                    + ", totalNumBipartiteSourceTasks=" + totalNumBipartiteSourceTasks
                    + ", completedSourceTasksOutputSize=" + completedSourceTasksOutputSize
                    + ", numVertexManagerEventsReceived=" + numVertexManagerEventsReceived
                    + ", numBipartiteSourceTasksCompleted=" + numBipartiteSourceTasksCompleted + ", maxThreshold="
                    + (totalNumBipartiteSourceTasks * slowStartMaxSrcCompletionFraction));
            return false;

        long expectedTotalSourceTasksOutputSize = (totalNumBipartiteSourceTasks * completedSourceTasksOutputSize)
                / numVertexManagerEventsReceived;

        int desiredTaskParallelism = (int) ((expectedTotalSourceTasksOutputSize + desiredTaskInputDataSize - 1)
                / desiredTaskInputDataSize);
        if (desiredTaskParallelism < minTaskParallelism) {
            desiredTaskParallelism = minTaskParallelism;

        if (desiredTaskParallelism >= currentParallelism) {
            return true;

        // most shufflers will be assigned this range
        int basePartitionRange = currentParallelism / desiredTaskParallelism;

        if (basePartitionRange <= 1) {
            // nothing to do if range is equal 1 partition. shuffler does it by default
            return true;

        int numShufflersWithBaseRange = currentParallelism / basePartitionRange;
        int remainderRangeForLastShuffler = currentParallelism % basePartitionRange;

        int finalTaskParallelism = (remainderRangeForLastShuffler > 0) ? (numShufflersWithBaseRange + 1)
                : (numShufflersWithBaseRange);"Reduce auto parallelism for vertex: " + getContext().getVertexName() + " to "
                + finalTaskParallelism + " from " + pendingTasks.size() + " . Expected output: "
                + expectedTotalSourceTasksOutputSize + " based on actual output: " + completedSourceTasksOutputSize
                + " from " + numVertexManagerEventsReceived + " vertex manager events. " + " desiredTaskInputSize: "
                + desiredTaskInputDataSize + " max slow start tasks:"
                + (totalNumBipartiteSourceTasks * slowStartMaxSrcCompletionFraction) + " num sources completed:"
                + numBipartiteSourceTasksCompleted);

        if (finalTaskParallelism < currentParallelism) {
            // final parallelism is less than actual parallelism
            Map<String, EdgeManagerPluginDescriptor> edgeManagers = new HashMap<String, EdgeManagerPluginDescriptor>(
            Iterable<Map.Entry<String, SourceVertexInfo>> bipartiteItr = getBipartiteInfo();
            for (Map.Entry<String, SourceVertexInfo> entry : bipartiteItr) {
                String vertex = entry.getKey();
                // use currentParallelism for numSourceTasks to maintain original state
                // for the source tasks
                CustomShuffleEdgeManagerConfig edgeManagerConfig = new CustomShuffleEdgeManagerConfig(
                        currentParallelism, finalTaskParallelism, basePartitionRange,
                        ((remainderRangeForLastShuffler > 0) ? remainderRangeForLastShuffler : basePartitionRange));
                EdgeManagerPluginDescriptor edgeManagerDescriptor = EdgeManagerPluginDescriptor
                edgeManagers.put(vertex, edgeManagerDescriptor);

            getContext().setVertexParallelism(finalTaskParallelism, null, edgeManagers, null);
        return true;

    void schedulePendingTasks(int numTasksToSchedule) {
        // determine parallelism before scheduling the first time
        // this is the latest we can wait before determining parallelism.
        // currently this depends on task completion and so this is the best time
        // to do this. This is the max time we have until we have to launch tasks 
        // as specified by the user. If/When we move to some other method of 
        // calculating parallelism or change parallelism while tasks are already
        // running then we can create other parameters to trigger this calculation.
        if (enableAutoParallelism && !parallelismDetermined) {
            parallelismDetermined = determineParallelismAndApply();
            if (!parallelismDetermined) {
                //try to determine parallelism later when more info is available.
        List<TaskWithLocationHint> scheduledTasks = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(numTasksToSchedule);
        while (!pendingTasks.isEmpty() && numTasksToSchedule > 0) {
            scheduledTasks.add(new TaskWithLocationHint(pendingTasks.get(0), null));
        if (pendingTasks.size() == 0) {
            // done scheduling all tasks
            // TODO TEZ-1714 locking issues. getContext().vertexManagerDone();

     * Verify whether each of the source vertices have completed at least 1 task
     * @return boolean
    boolean canScheduleTasks() {
        for (Map.Entry<String, SourceVertexInfo> entry : srcVertexInfo.entrySet()) {
            String sourceVertex = entry.getKey();
            int numSourceTasks = getContext().getVertexNumTasks(sourceVertex);
            if (numSourceTasks > 0 && !entry.getValue().vertexIsConfigured) {
                // vertex not configured
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("Waiting for vertex: " + entry.getKey() + " in vertex: "
                            + getContext().getVertexName());
                return false;
        sourceVerticesScheduled = true;
        return sourceVerticesScheduled;

    void schedulePendingTasks() {
        if (!onVertexStartedDone.get()) {
            // vertex not started yet
        int numPendingTasks = pendingTasks.size();
        if (numPendingTasks == 0) {

        if (!sourceVerticesScheduled && !canScheduleTasks()) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Defer scheduling tasks for vertex:" + getContext().getVertexName()
                        + " as one task needs to be completed per source vertex");

        if (numBipartiteSourceTasksCompleted == totalNumBipartiteSourceTasks && numPendingTasks > 0) {
  "All source tasks assigned. " + "Ramping up " + numPendingTasks
                    + " remaining tasks for vertex: " + getContext().getVertexName());

        float completedSourceTaskFraction = 0f;
        if (totalNumBipartiteSourceTasks != 0) { // support for 0 source tasks
            completedSourceTaskFraction = (float) numBipartiteSourceTasksCompleted / totalNumBipartiteSourceTasks;
        } else {
            completedSourceTaskFraction = 1;

        // start scheduling when source tasks completed fraction is more than min.
        // linearly increase the number of scheduled tasks such that all tasks are 
        // scheduled when source tasks completed fraction reaches max
        float tasksFractionToSchedule = 1;
        float percentRange = slowStartMaxSrcCompletionFraction - slowStartMinSrcCompletionFraction;
        if (percentRange > 0) {
            tasksFractionToSchedule = (completedSourceTaskFraction - slowStartMinSrcCompletionFraction)
                    / percentRange;
        } else {
            // min and max are equal. schedule 100% on reaching min
            if (completedSourceTaskFraction < slowStartMinSrcCompletionFraction) {
                tasksFractionToSchedule = 0;

        tasksFractionToSchedule = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, tasksFractionToSchedule));

        int numTasksToSchedule = ((int) (tasksFractionToSchedule * totalTasksToSchedule)
                - (totalTasksToSchedule - numPendingTasks));

        if (numTasksToSchedule > 0) {
            // numTasksToSchedule can be -ve if numBipartiteSourceTasksCompleted does not
            // does not increase monotonically
  "Scheduling " + numTasksToSchedule + " tasks for vertex: " + getContext().getVertexName()
                    + " with totalTasks: " + totalTasksToSchedule + ". " + numBipartiteSourceTasksCompleted
                    + " source tasks completed out of " + totalNumBipartiteSourceTasks
                    + ". SourceTaskCompletedFraction: " + completedSourceTaskFraction + " min: "
                    + slowStartMinSrcCompletionFraction + " max: " + slowStartMaxSrcCompletionFraction);

    public void initialize() {
        Configuration conf;
        try {
            conf = TezUtils.createConfFromUserPayload(getContext().getUserPayload());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new TezUncheckedException(e);

        this.slowStartMinSrcCompletionFraction = conf.getFloat(
        this.slowStartMaxSrcCompletionFraction = conf.getFloat(

        if (slowStartMinSrcCompletionFraction < 0
                || slowStartMaxSrcCompletionFraction < slowStartMinSrcCompletionFraction) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid values for slowStartMinSrcCompletionFraction"
                    + "/slowStartMaxSrcCompletionFraction. Min cannot be < 0 and " + "max cannot be < min.");

        enableAutoParallelism = conf.getBoolean(
        desiredTaskInputDataSize = conf.getLong(
        minTaskParallelism = Math.max(1,
                        ShuffleVertexManager.TEZ_SHUFFLE_VERTEX_MANAGER_MIN_TASK_PARALLELISM_DEFAULT));"Shuffle Vertex Manager: settings" + " minFrac:" + slowStartMinSrcCompletionFraction + " maxFrac:"
                + slowStartMaxSrcCompletionFraction + " auto:" + enableAutoParallelism + " desiredTaskIput:"
                + desiredTaskInputDataSize + " minTasks:" + minTaskParallelism);

        Map<String, EdgeProperty> inputs = getContext().getInputVertexEdgeProperties();
        for (Map.Entry<String, EdgeProperty> entry : inputs.entrySet()) {
            srcVertexInfo.put(entry.getKey(), new SourceVertexInfo(entry.getValue()));
            getContext().registerForVertexStateUpdates(entry.getKey(), EnumSet.of(VertexState.CONFIGURED));
            if (entry.getValue().getDataMovementType() == DataMovementType.SCATTER_GATHER) {
        if (bipartiteSources == 0) {
            throw new TezUncheckedException("Atleast 1 bipartite source should exist");

        if (enableAutoParallelism) {
        // dont track the source tasks here since those tasks may themselves be
        // dynamically changed as the DAG progresses.


    public void onVertexStateUpdated(VertexStateUpdate stateUpdate) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(stateUpdate.getVertexState() == VertexState.CONFIGURED,
                "Received incorrect state notification : " + stateUpdate.getVertexState() + " for vertex: "
                        + stateUpdate.getVertexName() + " in vertex: " + getContext().getVertexName());
                "Received incorrect vertex notification : " + stateUpdate.getVertexState() + " for vertex: "
                        + stateUpdate.getVertexName() + " in vertex: " + getContext().getVertexName());
        SourceVertexInfo vInfo = srcVertexInfo.get(stateUpdate.getVertexName());
        Preconditions.checkState(vInfo.vertexIsConfigured == false);
        vInfo.vertexIsConfigured = true;"Received configured notification : " + stateUpdate.getVertexState() + " for vertex: "
                + stateUpdate.getVertexName() + " in vertex: " + getContext().getVertexName());

    public void onRootVertexInitialized(String inputName, InputDescriptor inputDescriptor, List<Event> events) {
        // Not allowing this for now. Nothing to do.

     * Create a {@link VertexManagerPluginDescriptor} builder that can be used to
     * configure the plugin.
     * @param conf
     *          {@link Configuration} May be modified in place. May be null if the
     *          configuration parameters are to be set only via code. If
     *          configuration values may be changed at runtime via a config file
     *          then pass in a {@link Configuration} that is initialized from a
     *          config file. The parameters that are not overridden in code will
     *          be derived from the Configuration object.
     * @return {@link org.apache.tez.dag.library.vertexmanager.ShuffleVertexManager.ShuffleVertexManagerConfigBuilder}
    public static ShuffleVertexManagerConfigBuilder createConfigBuilder(@Nullable Configuration conf) {
        return new ShuffleVertexManagerConfigBuilder(conf);

     * Helper class to configure ShuffleVertexManager
    public static final class ShuffleVertexManagerConfigBuilder {
        private final Configuration conf;

        private ShuffleVertexManagerConfigBuilder(@Nullable Configuration conf) {
            if (conf == null) {
                this.conf = new Configuration(false);
            } else {
                this.conf = conf;

        public ShuffleVertexManagerConfigBuilder setAutoReduceParallelism(boolean enabled) {
            conf.setBoolean(ShuffleVertexManager.TEZ_SHUFFLE_VERTEX_MANAGER_ENABLE_AUTO_PARALLEL, enabled);
            return this;

        public ShuffleVertexManagerConfigBuilder setSlowStartMinSrcCompletionFraction(float minFraction) {
            conf.setFloat(ShuffleVertexManager.TEZ_SHUFFLE_VERTEX_MANAGER_MIN_SRC_FRACTION, minFraction);
            return this;

        public ShuffleVertexManagerConfigBuilder setSlowStartMaxSrcCompletionFraction(float maxFraction) {
            conf.setFloat(ShuffleVertexManager.TEZ_SHUFFLE_VERTEX_MANAGER_MAX_SRC_FRACTION, maxFraction);
            return this;

        public ShuffleVertexManagerConfigBuilder setDesiredTaskInputSize(long desiredTaskInputSize) {
            return this;

        public ShuffleVertexManagerConfigBuilder setMinTaskParallelism(int minTaskParallelism) {
            conf.setInt(ShuffleVertexManager.TEZ_SHUFFLE_VERTEX_MANAGER_MIN_TASK_PARALLELISM, minTaskParallelism);
            return this;

        public VertexManagerPluginDescriptor build() {
            VertexManagerPluginDescriptor desc = VertexManagerPluginDescriptor

            try {
                return desc.setUserPayload(TezUtils.createUserPayloadFromConf(this.conf));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new TezUncheckedException(e);