Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.


import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomDataGenerator;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.RegisterApplicationMasterResponse;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Container;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeId;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeReport;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Priority;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.AMRMClient.ContainerRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.async.AMRMClientAsync;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.RackResolver;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.TezConfiguration;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.TezUncheckedException;


/* TODO not yet updating cluster nodes on every allocate response
 * from RMContainerRequestor
if (clusterNmCount != lastClusterNmCount) {"Num cluster nodes changed from " + lastClusterNmCount + " to "
      + clusterNmCount);
  eventHandler.handle(new AMNodeEventNodeCountUpdated(clusterNmCount));
public class YarnTaskSchedulerService extends TaskSchedulerService implements AMRMClientAsync.CallbackHandler {
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(YarnTaskSchedulerService.class);

    final TezAMRMClientAsync<CookieContainerRequest> amRmClient;
    final TaskSchedulerAppCallback realAppClient;
    final TaskSchedulerAppCallback appClientDelegate;
    final ContainerSignatureMatcher containerSignatureMatcher;
    ExecutorService appCallbackExecutor;

    // Container Re-Use configuration
    private boolean shouldReuseContainers;
    private boolean reuseRackLocal;
    private boolean reuseNonLocal;

    Map<Object, CookieContainerRequest> taskRequests = new HashMap<Object, CookieContainerRequest>();
    // LinkedHashMap is need in getProgress()
    LinkedHashMap<Object, Container> taskAllocations = new LinkedHashMap<Object, Container>();
     * Tracks last task assigned to a known container.
    Map<ContainerId, Object> containerAssignments = new HashMap<ContainerId, Object>();
    // Remove inUse depending on resolution of TEZ-1129
    Set<ContainerId> inUseContainers = Sets.newHashSet();
    HashMap<ContainerId, Object> releasedContainers = new HashMap<ContainerId, Object>();
     * Map of containers currently being held by the TaskScheduler.
    Map<ContainerId, HeldContainer> heldContainers = new HashMap<ContainerId, HeldContainer>();

    Set<Priority> priorityHasAffinity = Sets.newHashSet();

    Set<NodeId> blacklistedNodes = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<NodeId, Boolean>());

    Resource totalResources = Resource.newInstance(0, 0);
    Resource allocatedResources = Resource.newInstance(0, 0);
    long numHeartbeats = 0;
    long heartbeatAtLastPreemption = 0;
    int numHeartbeatsBetweenPreemptions = 0;

    final String appHostName;
    final int appHostPort;
    final String appTrackingUrl;
    final AppContext appContext;
    private AtomicBoolean hasUnregistered = new AtomicBoolean(false);

    AtomicBoolean isStopped = new AtomicBoolean(false);

    private ContainerAssigner NODE_LOCAL_ASSIGNER = new NodeLocalContainerAssigner();
    private ContainerAssigner RACK_LOCAL_ASSIGNER = new RackLocalContainerAssigner();
    private ContainerAssigner NON_LOCAL_ASSIGNER = new NonLocalContainerAssigner();

    DelayedContainerManager delayedContainerManager;
    long localitySchedulingDelay;
    long idleContainerTimeoutMin;
    long idleContainerTimeoutMax = 0;
    int sessionNumMinHeldContainers = 0;
    int preemptionPercentage = 0;

    Set<ContainerId> sessionMinHeldContainers = Sets.newHashSet();

    RandomDataGenerator random = new RandomDataGenerator();

    protected AtomicBoolean shouldUnregister = new AtomicBoolean(false);

    static class CRCookie {
        // Do not use these variables directly. Can caused mocked unit tests to fail.
        private Object task;
        private Object appCookie;
        private Object containerSignature;

        CRCookie(Object task, Object appCookie, Object containerSignature) {
            this.task = task;
            this.appCookie = appCookie;
            this.containerSignature = containerSignature;

        Object getTask() {
            return task;

        Object getAppCookie() {
            return appCookie;

        Object getContainerSignature() {
            return containerSignature;

    class CookieContainerRequest extends ContainerRequest {
        CRCookie cookie;
        ContainerId affinitizedContainerId;

        public CookieContainerRequest(Resource capability, String[] hosts, String[] racks, Priority priority,
                CRCookie cookie) {
            super(capability, hosts, racks, priority);
            this.cookie = cookie;

        public CookieContainerRequest(Resource capability, ContainerId containerId, String[] hosts, String[] racks,
                Priority priority, CRCookie cookie) {
            this(capability, hosts, racks, priority, cookie);
            this.affinitizedContainerId = containerId;

        CRCookie getCookie() {
            return cookie;

        ContainerId getAffinitizedContainer() {
            return affinitizedContainerId;

    public YarnTaskSchedulerService(TaskSchedulerAppCallback appClient,
            ContainerSignatureMatcher containerSignatureMatcher, String appHostName, int appHostPort,
            String appTrackingUrl, AppContext appContext) {
        this.realAppClient = appClient;
        this.appCallbackExecutor = createAppCallbackExecutorService();
        this.containerSignatureMatcher = containerSignatureMatcher;
        this.appClientDelegate = createAppCallbackDelegate(appClient);
        this.amRmClient = TezAMRMClientAsync.createAMRMClientAsync(1000, this);
        this.appHostName = appHostName;
        this.appHostPort = appHostPort;
        this.appTrackingUrl = appTrackingUrl;
        this.appContext = appContext;

    YarnTaskSchedulerService(TaskSchedulerAppCallback appClient,
            ContainerSignatureMatcher containerSignatureMatcher, String appHostName, int appHostPort,
            String appTrackingUrl, TezAMRMClientAsync<CookieContainerRequest> client, AppContext appContext) {
        this.realAppClient = appClient;
        this.appCallbackExecutor = createAppCallbackExecutorService();
        this.containerSignatureMatcher = containerSignatureMatcher;
        this.appClientDelegate = createAppCallbackDelegate(appClient);
        this.amRmClient = client;
        this.appHostName = appHostName;
        this.appHostPort = appHostPort;
        this.appTrackingUrl = appTrackingUrl;
        this.appContext = appContext;

    ExecutorService createAppCallbackExecutorService() {
        return Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(
                new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("TaskSchedulerAppCaller #%d").setDaemon(true).build());

    public Resource getAvailableResources() {
        return amRmClient.getAvailableResources();

    public int getClusterNodeCount() {
        // this can potentially be cheaper after YARN-1722
        return amRmClient.getClusterNodeCount();

    TaskSchedulerAppCallback createAppCallbackDelegate(TaskSchedulerAppCallback realAppClient) {
        return new TaskSchedulerAppCallbackWrapper(realAppClient, appCallbackExecutor);

    public void setShouldUnregister() {

    public boolean hasUnregistered() {
        return hasUnregistered.get();

    // AbstractService methods
    public synchronized void serviceInit(Configuration conf) {

        int heartbeatIntervalMax = conf.getInt(TezConfiguration.TEZ_AM_RM_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS_MAX,

        shouldReuseContainers = conf.getBoolean(TezConfiguration.TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_REUSE_ENABLED,
        reuseRackLocal = conf.getBoolean(TezConfiguration.TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_REUSE_RACK_FALLBACK_ENABLED,
        reuseNonLocal = conf.getBoolean(TezConfiguration.TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_REUSE_NON_LOCAL_FALLBACK_ENABLED,
        Preconditions.checkArgument(((!reuseRackLocal && !reuseNonLocal) || (reuseRackLocal)),
                "Re-use Rack-Local cannot be disabled if Re-use Non-Local has been" + " enabled");

        localitySchedulingDelay = conf.getLong(
        Preconditions.checkArgument(localitySchedulingDelay >= 0, "Locality Scheduling delay should be >=0");

        idleContainerTimeoutMin = conf.getLong(TezConfiguration.TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_IDLE_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MIN_MILLIS,
        Preconditions.checkArgument(idleContainerTimeoutMin >= 0 || idleContainerTimeoutMin == -1,
                "Idle container release min timeout should be either -1 or >=0");

        idleContainerTimeoutMax = conf.getLong(TezConfiguration.TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_IDLE_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MAX_MILLIS,
                idleContainerTimeoutMax >= 0 && idleContainerTimeoutMax >= idleContainerTimeoutMin,
                "Idle container release max timeout should be >=0 and >= "
                        + TezConfiguration.TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_IDLE_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MIN_MILLIS);

        sessionNumMinHeldContainers = conf.getInt(TezConfiguration.TEZ_AM_SESSION_MIN_HELD_CONTAINERS,
        Preconditions.checkArgument(sessionNumMinHeldContainers >= 0,
                "Session minimum held containers should be >=0");

        preemptionPercentage = conf.getInt(TezConfiguration.TEZ_AM_PREEMPTION_PERCENTAGE,
        Preconditions.checkArgument(preemptionPercentage >= 0 && preemptionPercentage <= 100,
                "Preemption percentage should be between 0-100");

        numHeartbeatsBetweenPreemptions = conf.getInt(
        Preconditions.checkArgument(numHeartbeatsBetweenPreemptions >= 1,
                "Heartbeats between preemptions should be >=1");

        delayedContainerManager = new DelayedContainerManager();"TaskScheduler initialized with configuration: " + "maxRMHeartbeatInterval: "
                + heartbeatIntervalMax + ", containerReuseEnabled: " + shouldReuseContainers + ", reuseRackLocal: "
                + reuseRackLocal + ", reuseNonLocal: " + reuseNonLocal + ", localitySchedulingDelay: "
                + localitySchedulingDelay + ", preemptionPercentage: " + preemptionPercentage
                + ", numHeartbeatsBetweenPreemptions" + numHeartbeatsBetweenPreemptions
                + ", idleContainerMinTimeout=" + idleContainerTimeoutMin + ", idleContainerMaxTimeout="
                + idleContainerTimeoutMax + ", sessionMinHeldContainers=" + sessionNumMinHeldContainers);

    public void serviceStart() {
        try {
            RegisterApplicationMasterResponse response;
            synchronized (this) {
                response = amRmClient.registerApplicationMaster(appHostName, appHostPort, appTrackingUrl);
            // upcall to app outside locks
                    response.getApplicationACLs(), response.getClientToAMTokenMasterKey());

        } catch (YarnException e) {
            LOG.error("Yarn Exception while registering", e);
            throw new TezUncheckedException(e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("IO Exception while registering", e);
            throw new TezUncheckedException(e);

    public void serviceStop() throws InterruptedException {
        // upcall to app outside of locks
        try {
            // Wait for contianers to be released.
            synchronized (this) {
                if (shouldUnregister.get()) {
                    AppFinalStatus status = appClientDelegate.getFinalAppStatus();
          "Unregistering application from RM" + ", exitStatus=" + status.exitStatus
                            + ", exitMessage=" + status.exitMessage + ", trackingURL="
                            + status.postCompletionTrackingUrl);
                    amRmClient.unregisterApplicationMaster(status.exitStatus, status.exitMessage,
          "Successfully unregistered application from RM");

            // call client.stop() without lock client will attempt to stop the callback
            // operation and at the same time the callback operation might be trying
            // to get our lock.
            appCallbackExecutor.awaitTermination(1000l, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        } catch (YarnException e) {
            LOG.error("Yarn Exception while unregistering ", e);
            throw new TezUncheckedException(e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("IOException while unregistering ", e);
            throw new TezUncheckedException(e);

    // AMRMClientAsync interface methods
    public void onContainersCompleted(List<ContainerStatus> statuses) {
        if (isStopped.get()) {
        Map<Object, ContainerStatus> appContainerStatus = new HashMap<Object, ContainerStatus>(statuses.size());
        synchronized (this) {
            for (ContainerStatus containerStatus : statuses) {
                ContainerId completedId = containerStatus.getContainerId();
                HeldContainer delayedContainer = heldContainers.get(completedId);

                Object task = releasedContainers.remove(completedId);
                if (task != null) {
                    if (delayedContainer != null) {
                        LOG.warn("Held container should be null since releasedContainer is not");
                    // TODO later we may want to check if exit code matched expectation
                    // e.g. successful container should not come back fail exit code after
                    // being released
                    // completion of a container we had released earlier
                    // an allocated container completed. notify app
          "Released container completed:" + completedId + " last allocated to task: " + task);
                    appContainerStatus.put(task, containerStatus);

                // not found in released containers. check currently allocated containers
                // no need to release this container as the RM has already completed it
                task = unAssignContainer(completedId, false);
                if (delayedContainer != null) {
                    Resources.subtract(allocatedResources, delayedContainer.getContainer().getResource());
                } else {
                    LOG.warn("Held container expected to be not null for a non-AM-released container");
                if (task != null) {
                    // completion of a container we have allocated currently
                    // an allocated container completed. notify app
          "Allocated container completed:" + completedId + " last allocated to task: " + task);
                    appContainerStatus.put(task, containerStatus);

                // container neither allocated nor released
      "Ignoring unknown container: " + containerStatus.getContainerId());

        // upcall to app must be outside locks
        for (Entry<Object, ContainerStatus> entry : appContainerStatus.entrySet()) {
            appClientDelegate.containerCompleted(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    public void onContainersAllocated(List<Container> containers) {
        if (isStopped.get()) {
        Map<CookieContainerRequest, Container> assignedContainers;

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (Container container : containers) {
                sb.append(container.getId()).append(", ");
            LOG.debug("Assigned New Containers: " + sb.toString());

        synchronized (this) {
            if (!shouldReuseContainers) {
                List<Container> modifiableContainerList = Lists.newLinkedList(containers);
                assignedContainers = assignNewlyAllocatedContainers(modifiableContainerList);
            } else {
                // unify allocations

        // upcall to app must be outside locks

     * Tries assigning the list of specified containers. Optionally, release
     * containers or add them to the delayed container queue.
     * The flags apply to all containers in the specified lists. So, separate
     * calls should be made based on the expected behaviour.
     * @param containers
     *          The list of containers to be assigned. The list *may* be modified
     *          in place based on allocations and releases.
     * @return Assignments.
    private synchronized Map<CookieContainerRequest, Container> assignNewlyAllocatedContainers(
            Iterable<Container> containers) {

        Map<CookieContainerRequest, Container> assignedContainers = new HashMap<CookieContainerRequest, Container>();
        assignNewContainersWithLocation(containers, NODE_LOCAL_ASSIGNER, assignedContainers);
        assignNewContainersWithLocation(containers, RACK_LOCAL_ASSIGNER, assignedContainers);
        assignNewContainersWithLocation(containers, NON_LOCAL_ASSIGNER, assignedContainers);

        // Release any unassigned containers given by the RM

        return assignedContainers;

    private synchronized Map<CookieContainerRequest, Container> tryAssignReUsedContainers(
            Iterable<Container> containers) {

        Map<CookieContainerRequest, Container> assignedContainers = new HashMap<CookieContainerRequest, Container>();

        // Honor locality and match as many as possible
        assignReUsedContainersWithLocation(containers, NODE_LOCAL_ASSIGNER, assignedContainers, true);
        assignReUsedContainersWithLocation(containers, RACK_LOCAL_ASSIGNER, assignedContainers, true);
        assignReUsedContainersWithLocation(containers, NON_LOCAL_ASSIGNER, assignedContainers, true);

        return assignedContainers;

    long getHeldContainerExpireTime(long startTime) {
        long expireTime = (startTime + idleContainerTimeoutMin);
        if (idleContainerTimeoutMin != -1 && idleContainerTimeoutMin < idleContainerTimeoutMax) {
            long expireTimeMax = startTime + idleContainerTimeoutMax;
            expireTime = random.nextLong(expireTime, expireTimeMax);

        return expireTime;

     * Try to assign a re-used container
     * @param heldContainer Container to be used to assign to tasks
     * @return Assigned container map

    private synchronized Map<CookieContainerRequest, Container> assignDelayedContainer(
            HeldContainer heldContainer) {

        DAGAppMasterState state = appContext.getAMState();
        boolean isNew = heldContainer.isNew();
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    "Trying to assign a delayed container" + ", containerId=" + heldContainer.getContainer().getId()
                            + ", nextScheduleTime=" + heldContainer.getNextScheduleTime() + ", containerExpiryTime="
                            + heldContainer.getContainerExpiryTime() + ", AMState=" + state + ", matchLevel="
                            + heldContainer.getLocalityMatchLevel() + ", taskRequestsCount=" + taskRequests.size()
                            + ", heldContainers=" + heldContainers.size() + ", delayedContainers="
                            + delayedContainerManager.delayedContainers.size() + ", isNew=" + isNew);

        if (state.equals(DAGAppMasterState.IDLE) || taskRequests.isEmpty()) {
            // reset locality level on held container
            // if sessionDelay defined, push back into delayed queue if not already
            // done so

            // Compute min held containers.
            if (appContext.isSession() && sessionNumMinHeldContainers > 0 && sessionMinHeldContainers.isEmpty()) {
                // session mode and need to hold onto containers and not done so already

            long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            boolean releaseContainer = false;

            if (isNew || (heldContainer.getContainerExpiryTime() <= currentTime && idleContainerTimeoutMin != -1)) {
                // container idle timeout has expired or is a new unused container. 
                // new container is possibly a spurious race condition allocation.
                if (!isNew && appContext.isSession()
                        && sessionMinHeldContainers.contains(heldContainer.getContainer().getId())) {
                    // Not a potentially spurious new container.
                    // In session mode and container in set of chosen min held containers
                    // increase the idle container expire time to maintain sanity with 
                    // the rest of the code
                } else {
                    releaseContainer = true;

            if (releaseContainer) {
      "No taskRequests. Container's idle timeout delay expired or is new. "
                        + "Releasing container" + ", containerId=" + heldContainer.container.getId()
                        + ", containerExpiryTime=" + heldContainer.getContainerExpiryTime() + ", idleTimeout="
                        + idleContainerTimeoutMin + ", taskRequestsCount=" + taskRequests.size()
                        + ", heldContainers=" + heldContainers.size() + ", delayedContainers="
                        + delayedContainerManager.delayedContainers.size() + ", isNew=" + isNew);
            } else {
                // no outstanding work and container idle timeout not expired
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            "Holding onto idle container with no work. CId: " + heldContainer.getContainer().getId()
                                    + " with expiry: " + heldContainer.getContainerExpiryTime() + " currentTime: "
                                    + currentTime + " next look: " + (currentTime + localitySchedulingDelay));
                // put back and wait for new requests until expiry
                        currentTime + localitySchedulingDelay);
        } else if (state.equals(DAGAppMasterState.RUNNING)) {
            // clear min held containers since we need to allocate to tasks
            HeldContainer.LocalityMatchLevel localityMatchLevel = heldContainer.getLocalityMatchLevel();
            Map<CookieContainerRequest, Container> assignedContainers = new HashMap<CookieContainerRequest, Container>();

            Container containerToAssign = heldContainer.container;

            // Each time a container is seen, we try node, rack and non-local in that
            // order depending on matching level allowed

            // if match level is NEW or NODE, match only at node-local
            // always try node local matches for other levels
            if (isNew || localityMatchLevel.equals(HeldContainer.LocalityMatchLevel.NEW)
                    || localityMatchLevel.equals(HeldContainer.LocalityMatchLevel.NODE)
                    || localityMatchLevel.equals(HeldContainer.LocalityMatchLevel.RACK)
                    || localityMatchLevel.equals(HeldContainer.LocalityMatchLevel.NON_LOCAL)) {
                assignReUsedContainerWithLocation(containerToAssign, NODE_LOCAL_ASSIGNER, assignedContainers, true);
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && assignedContainers.isEmpty()) {
          "Failed to assign tasks to delayed container using node" + ", containerId="
                            + heldContainer.getContainer().getId());

            // if re-use allowed at rack
            // match against rack if match level is RACK or NON-LOCAL
            // if scheduling delay is 0, match at RACK allowed without a sleep
            if (assignedContainers.isEmpty()) {
                if ((reuseRackLocal || isNew) && (localitySchedulingDelay == 0
                        || (localityMatchLevel.equals(HeldContainer.LocalityMatchLevel.RACK)
                                || localityMatchLevel.equals(HeldContainer.LocalityMatchLevel.NON_LOCAL)))) {
                    assignReUsedContainerWithLocation(containerToAssign, RACK_LOCAL_ASSIGNER, assignedContainers,
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && assignedContainers.isEmpty()) {
              "Failed to assign tasks to delayed container using rack" + ", containerId="
                                + heldContainer.getContainer().getId());

            // if re-use allowed at non-local
            // match against rack if match level is NON-LOCAL
            // if scheduling delay is 0, match at NON-LOCAL allowed without a sleep
            if (assignedContainers.isEmpty()) {
                if ((reuseNonLocal || isNew) && (localitySchedulingDelay == 0
                        || localityMatchLevel.equals(HeldContainer.LocalityMatchLevel.NON_LOCAL))) {
                    assignReUsedContainerWithLocation(containerToAssign, NON_LOCAL_ASSIGNER, assignedContainers,
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && assignedContainers.isEmpty()) {
              "Failed to assign tasks to delayed container using non-local" + ", containerId="
                                + heldContainer.getContainer().getId());

            if (assignedContainers.isEmpty()) {

                long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

                // Release container if final expiry time is reached
                // Dont release a new container. The RM may not give us new ones
                // The assumption is that the expire time is larger than the sum of all
                // locality delays. So if we hit the expire time then we have already 
                // tried to assign at all locality levels.
                // We run the risk of not being able to retain min held containers but 
                // if we are not being able to assign containers to pending tasks then 
                // we cannot avoid releasing containers. Or else we may not be able to 
                // get new containers from YARN to match the pending request
                if (!isNew && heldContainer.getContainerExpiryTime() <= currentTime
                        && idleContainerTimeoutMin != -1) {
          "Container's idle timeout expired. Releasing container" + ", containerId="
                            + heldContainer.container.getId() + ", containerExpiryTime="
                            + heldContainer.getContainerExpiryTime() + ", idleTimeoutMin="
                            + idleContainerTimeoutMin);
                } else {

                    // Let's decide if this container has hit the end of the road

                    // EOL true if container's match level is NON-LOCAL
                    boolean hitFinalMatchLevel = localityMatchLevel
                    if (!hitFinalMatchLevel) {
                        // EOL also true if locality delay is 0
                        // or rack-local or non-local is disabled
                        if (localitySchedulingDelay == 0 || (!reuseRackLocal || (!reuseNonLocal && heldContainer
                                .getLocalityMatchLevel().equals(HeldContainer.LocalityMatchLevel.NON_LOCAL)))) {
                            hitFinalMatchLevel = true;
                        // the above if-stmt does not apply to new containers since they will
                        // be matched at all locality levels. So there finalMatchLevel cannot
                        // be short-circuited
                        if (localitySchedulingDelay > 0 && isNew) {
                            hitFinalMatchLevel = false;

                    if (hitFinalMatchLevel) {
                        boolean safeToRelease = true;
                        Priority topPendingPriority = amRmClient.getTopPriority();
                        Priority containerPriority = heldContainer.container.getPriority();
                        if (isNew && topPendingPriority != null
                                && containerPriority.compareTo(topPendingPriority) < 0) {
                            // this container is of lower priority and given to us by the RM for
                            // a task that will be matched after the current top priority. Keep 
                            // this container for those pending tasks since the RM is not going
                            // to give this container to us again
                            safeToRelease = false;

                        // Are there any pending requests at any priority?
                        // release if there are tasks or this is not a session
                        if (safeToRelease && (!taskRequests.isEmpty() || !appContext.isSession())) {
                  "Releasing held container as either there are pending but "
                                    + " unmatched requests or this is not a session" + ", containerId="
                                    + heldContainer.container.getId() + ", pendingTasks=" + taskRequests.size()
                                    + ", isSession=" + appContext.isSession() + ". isNew=" + isNew);
                        } else {
                            // if no tasks, treat this like an idle session
                                    currentTime + localitySchedulingDelay);
                    } else {
                        // Schedule delay container to match at a later try
                                currentTime + localitySchedulingDelay);
            } else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Delayed container assignment successful" + ", containerId="
                        + heldContainer.getContainer().getId());

            return assignedContainers;
        } else {
            // ignore all other cases?
            LOG.warn("Received a request to assign re-used containers when AM was " + " in state: " + state
                    + ". Ignoring request and releasing container" + ": " + heldContainer.getContainer().getId());

        return null;

    public synchronized void resetMatchLocalityForAllHeldContainers() {
        for (HeldContainer heldContainer : heldContainers.values()) {
        synchronized (delayedContainerManager) {

    public void onShutdownRequest() {
        if (isStopped.get()) {
        // upcall to app must be outside locks

    public void onNodesUpdated(List<NodeReport> updatedNodes) {
        if (isStopped.get()) {
        // ignore bad nodes for now
        // upcall to app must be outside locks

    public float getProgress() {
        if (isStopped.get()) {
            return 1;

        if (totalResources.getMemory() == 0) {
            // assume this is the first allocate callback. nothing is allocated.
            // available resource = totalResource
            // TODO this will not handle dynamic changes in resources
            totalResources = Resources.clone(getAvailableResources());
  "App total resource memory: " + totalResources.getMemory() + " cpu: "
                    + totalResources.getVirtualCores() + " taskAllocations: " + taskAllocations.size());


        return appClientDelegate.getProgress();

    public void onError(Throwable t) {
        if (isStopped.get()) {

    public Resource getTotalResources() {
        return totalResources;

    public synchronized void blacklistNode(NodeId nodeId) {"Blacklisting node: " + nodeId);

    public synchronized void unblacklistNode(NodeId nodeId) {
        if (blacklistedNodes.remove(nodeId)) {
  "UnBlacklisting node: " + nodeId);

    public synchronized void allocateTask(Object task, Resource capability, String[] hosts, String[] racks,
            Priority priority, Object containerSignature, Object clientCookie) {

        // XXX Have ContainerContext implement an interface defined by TaskScheduler.
        // TODO check for nulls etc
        // TODO extra memory allocation
        CRCookie cookie = new CRCookie(task, clientCookie, containerSignature);
        CookieContainerRequest request = new CookieContainerRequest(capability, hosts, racks, priority, cookie);

        addRequestAndTrigger(task, request, hosts, racks);

    public synchronized void allocateTask(Object task, Resource capability, ContainerId containerId,
            Priority priority, Object containerSignature, Object clientCookie) {

        HeldContainer heldContainer = heldContainers.get(containerId);
        String[] hosts = null;
        String[] racks = null;
        if (heldContainer != null) {
            Container container = heldContainer.getContainer();
            if (canFit(capability, container.getResource())) {
                // just specify node and use YARN's soft locality constraint for the rest
                hosts = new String[1];
                hosts[0] = container.getNodeId().getHost();
            } else {
                LOG.warn("Matching requested to container: " + containerId + " but requested capability: "
                        + capability + " does not fit in container resource: " + container.getResource());
        } else {
            LOG.warn("Matching requested to unknown container: " + containerId);

        CRCookie cookie = new CRCookie(task, clientCookie, containerSignature);
        CookieContainerRequest request = new CookieContainerRequest(capability, containerId, hosts, racks, priority,

        addRequestAndTrigger(task, request, hosts, racks);

    private void addRequestAndTrigger(Object task, CookieContainerRequest request, String[] hosts, String[] racks) {
        addTaskRequest(task, request);
        // See if any of the delayedContainers can be used for this task.
        delayedContainerManager.triggerScheduling(true);"Allocation request for task: " + task + " with request: " + request + " host: "
                + ((hosts != null && hosts.length > 0) ? hosts[0] : "null") + " rack: "
                + ((racks != null && racks.length > 0) ? racks[0] : "null"));

     * @param task
     *          the task to de-allocate.
     * @param taskSucceeded
     *          specify whether the task succeeded or failed.
     * @return true if a container is assigned to this task.
    public boolean deallocateTask(Object task, boolean taskSucceeded) {
        Map<CookieContainerRequest, Container> assignedContainers = null;

        synchronized (this) {
            CookieContainerRequest request = removeTaskRequest(task);
            if (request != null) {
                // task not allocated yet
      "Deallocating task: " + task + " before allocation");
                return false;

            // task request not present. Look in allocations
            Container container = doBookKeepingForTaskDeallocate(task);
            if (container == null) {
                // task neither requested nor allocated.
      "Ignoring removal of unknown task: " + task);
                return false;
            } else {
      "Deallocated task: " + task + " from container: " + container.getId());

                if (!taskSucceeded || !shouldReuseContainers) {
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug("Releasing container, containerId=" + container.getId() + ", taskSucceeded="
                                + taskSucceeded + ", reuseContainersFlag=" + shouldReuseContainers);
                } else {
                    // Don't attempt to delay containers if delay is 0.
                    HeldContainer heldContainer = heldContainers.get(container.getId());
                    if (heldContainer != null) {
                        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        if (idleContainerTimeoutMin > 0) {
                        assignedContainers = assignDelayedContainer(heldContainer);
                    } else {
              "Skipping container after task deallocate as container is"
                                + " no longer running, containerId=" + container.getId());

        // up call outside of the lock.
        if (assignedContainers != null && assignedContainers.size() == 1) {
        return true;

    public synchronized Object deallocateContainer(ContainerId containerId) {
        Object task = unAssignContainer(containerId, true);
        if (task != null) {
  "Deallocated container: " + containerId + " from task: " + task);
            return task;
        }"Ignoring dealloction of unknown container: " + containerId);
        return null;

    boolean canFit(Resource arg0, Resource arg1) {
        int mem0 = arg0.getMemory();
        int mem1 = arg1.getMemory();
        int cpu0 = arg0.getVirtualCores();
        int cpu1 = arg1.getVirtualCores();

        if (mem0 <= mem1 && cpu0 <= cpu1) {
            return true;
        return false;

    static int scaleDownByPreemptionPercentage(int original, int percent) {
        return (int) Math.ceil((original * percent) / 100.f);

    void preemptIfNeeded() {
        if (preemptionPercentage == 0) {
            // turned off
        ContainerId[] preemptedContainers = null;
        int numPendingRequestsToService = 0;
        synchronized (this) {
            Resource freeResources = amRmClient.getAvailableResources();
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Allocated resource memory: " + allocatedResources.getMemory() + " cpu:"
                        + allocatedResources.getVirtualCores() + " delayedContainers: "
                        + delayedContainerManager.delayedContainers.size() + " heartbeats: " + numHeartbeats
                        + " lastPreemptionHeartbeat: " + heartbeatAtLastPreemption);
            assert freeResources.getMemory() >= 0;

            CookieContainerRequest highestPriRequest = null;
            int numHighestPriRequests = 0;
            for (CookieContainerRequest request : taskRequests.values()) {
                if (highestPriRequest == null) {
                    highestPriRequest = request;
                    numHighestPriRequests = 1;
                } else if (isHigherPriority(request.getPriority(), highestPriRequest.getPriority())) {
                    highestPriRequest = request;
                    numHighestPriRequests = 1;
                } else if (request.getPriority().equals(highestPriRequest.getPriority())) {

            if (highestPriRequest == null) {
                // nothing pending

            if (fitsIn(highestPriRequest.getCapability(), freeResources)) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("Highest pri request: " + highestPriRequest + " fits in available resources "
                            + freeResources);
            // highest priority request will not fit in existing free resources
            // free up some more
            // TODO this is subject to error wrt RM resource normalization

            numPendingRequestsToService = scaleDownByPreemptionPercentage(numHighestPriRequests,

            if (numPendingRequestsToService < 1) {

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Trying to service " + numPendingRequestsToService + " out of total "
                        + numHighestPriRequests + " pending requests at pri: " + highestPriRequest.getPriority());

            for (int i = 0; i < numPendingRequestsToService; ++i) {
                // This request must have been considered for matching with all existing 
                // containers when request was made.
                Container lowestPriNewContainer = null;
                // could not find anything to preempt. Check if we can release unused 
                // containers
                for (HeldContainer heldContainer : delayedContainerManager.delayedContainers) {
                    if (!heldContainer.isNew()) {
                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOG.debug("Reused container exists. Wait for assignment loop to release it. "
                                    + heldContainer.getContainer().getId());
                    if (heldContainer.geNumAssignmentAttempts() < 3) {
                        // we havent tried to assign this container at node/rack/ANY
                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOG.debug("Brand new container. Wait for assignment loop to match it. "
                                    + heldContainer.getContainer().getId());
                    Container container = heldContainer.getContainer();
                    if (lowestPriNewContainer == null
                            || isHigherPriority(lowestPriNewContainer.getPriority(), container.getPriority())) {
                        // there is a lower priority new container
                        lowestPriNewContainer = container;

                if (lowestPriNewContainer != null) {
          "Preempting new container: " + lowestPriNewContainer.getId() + " with priority: "
                            + lowestPriNewContainer.getPriority() + " to free resource for request: "
                            + highestPriRequest + " . Current free resources: " + freeResources);
                    // We are returning an unused resource back the RM. The RM thinks it 
                    // has serviced our initial request and will not re-allocate this back
                    // to us anymore. So we need to ask for this again. If there is no
                    // outstanding request at that priority then its fine to not ask again.
                    // See TEZ-915 for more details
                    for (Map.Entry<Object, CookieContainerRequest> entry : taskRequests.entrySet()) {
                        Object task = entry.getKey();
                        CookieContainerRequest request = entry.getValue();
                        if (request.getPriority().equals(lowestPriNewContainer.getPriority())) {
                  "Resending request for task again: " + task);
                            deallocateTask(task, true);
                            allocateTask(task, request.getCapability(),
                                    (request.getNodes() == null ? null
                                            : request.getNodes().toArray(new String[request.getNodes().size()])),
                                    (request.getRacks() == null ? null
                                            : request.getRacks().toArray(new String[request.getRacks().size()])),
                                    request.getPriority(), request.getCookie().getContainerSignature(),
                    // come back and free more new containers if needed

            if (numPendingRequestsToService < 1) {

            // there are no reused or new containers to release. try to preempt running containers
            // this assert will be a no-op in production but can help identify 
            // invalid assumptions during testing
            assert delayedContainerManager.delayedContainers.isEmpty();

            if ((numHeartbeats - heartbeatAtLastPreemption) <= numHeartbeatsBetweenPreemptions) {

            Priority preemptedTaskPriority = null;
            int numEntriesAtPreemptedPriority = 0;
            for (Map.Entry<Object, Container> entry : taskAllocations.entrySet()) {
                HeldContainer heldContainer = heldContainers.get(entry.getValue().getId());
                CookieContainerRequest lastTaskInfo = heldContainer.getLastTaskInfo();
                Priority taskPriority = lastTaskInfo.getPriority();
                Object signature = lastTaskInfo.getCookie().getContainerSignature();
                if (!isHigherPriority(highestPriRequest.getPriority(), taskPriority)) {
                    // higher or same priority
                if (containerSignatureMatcher.isExactMatch(highestPriRequest.getCookie().getContainerSignature(),
                        signature)) {
                    // exact match with different priorities
                if (preemptedTaskPriority == null || !isHigherPriority(taskPriority, preemptedTaskPriority)) {
                    // keep the lower priority
                    if (taskPriority.equals(preemptedTaskPriority)) {
                    } else {
                        // this is at a lower priority than existing
                        numEntriesAtPreemptedPriority = 1;
                    preemptedTaskPriority = taskPriority;
            if (preemptedTaskPriority != null) {
                int newNumPendingRequestsToService = scaleDownByPreemptionPercentage(
                        Math.min(numEntriesAtPreemptedPriority, numHighestPriRequests), preemptionPercentage);
                numPendingRequestsToService = Math.min(newNumPendingRequestsToService, numPendingRequestsToService);
                if (numPendingRequestsToService < 1) {
      "Trying to service " + numPendingRequestsToService + " out of total "
                        + numHighestPriRequests + " pending requests at pri: " + highestPriRequest.getPriority()
                        + " by preempting from " + numEntriesAtPreemptedPriority + " running tasks at priority: "
                        + preemptedTaskPriority);
                // found something to preempt. get others of the same priority
                preemptedContainers = new ContainerId[numPendingRequestsToService];
                int currIndex = 0;
                for (Map.Entry<Object, Container> entry : taskAllocations.entrySet()) {
                    HeldContainer heldContainer = heldContainers.get(entry.getValue().getId());
                    CookieContainerRequest lastTaskInfo = heldContainer.getLastTaskInfo();
                    Priority taskPriority = lastTaskInfo.getPriority();
                    Container container = entry.getValue();
                    if (preemptedTaskPriority.equals(taskPriority)) {
                        // taskAllocations map will iterate from oldest to newest assigned containers
                        // keep the N newest containersIds with the matching priority
                        preemptedContainers[currIndex++ % numPendingRequestsToService] = container.getId();
                // app client will be notified when after container is killed
                // and we get its completed container status

        // upcall outside locks
        if (preemptedContainers != null) {
            heartbeatAtLastPreemption = numHeartbeats;
            for (int i = 0; i < numPendingRequestsToService; ++i) {
                ContainerId cId = preemptedContainers[i];
                if (cId != null) {
          "Preempting container: " + cId + " currently allocated to a task.");

    private boolean fitsIn(Resource toFit, Resource resource) {
        // YARN-893 prevents using correct library code
        //return Resources.fitsIn(toFit, resource);
        return resource.getMemory() >= toFit.getMemory();

    private CookieContainerRequest getMatchingRequestWithPriority(Container container, String location) {
        Priority priority = container.getPriority();
        Resource capability = container.getResource();
        List<? extends Collection<CookieContainerRequest>> requestsList = amRmClient.getMatchingRequests(priority,
                location, capability);

        if (!requestsList.isEmpty()) {
            // pick first one
            for (Collection<CookieContainerRequest> requests : requestsList) {
                for (CookieContainerRequest cookieContainerRequest : requests) {
                    if (canAssignTaskToContainer(cookieContainerRequest, container)) {
                        return cookieContainerRequest;

        return null;

    private CookieContainerRequest getMatchingRequestWithoutPriority(Container container, String location,
            boolean considerContainerAffinity) {
        Resource capability = container.getResource();
        List<? extends Collection<CookieContainerRequest>> pRequestsList = amRmClient
                .getMatchingRequestsForTopPriority(location, capability);
        if (considerContainerAffinity && !priorityHasAffinity.contains(amRmClient.getTopPriority())) {
            considerContainerAffinity = false;
        if (pRequestsList == null || pRequestsList.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        CookieContainerRequest firstMatch = null;
        for (Collection<CookieContainerRequest> requests : pRequestsList) {
            for (CookieContainerRequest cookieContainerRequest : requests) {
                if (firstMatch == null || // we dont have a match. So look for one 
                // we have a match but are looking for a better container level match.
                // skip the expensive canAssignTaskToContainer() if the request is 
                // not affinitized to the container
                        container.getId().equals(cookieContainerRequest.getAffinitizedContainer())) {
                    if (canAssignTaskToContainer(cookieContainerRequest, container)) {
                        // request matched to container
                        if (!considerContainerAffinity) {
                            return cookieContainerRequest;
                        ContainerId affCId = cookieContainerRequest.getAffinitizedContainer();
                        boolean canMatchTaskWithAffinity = true;
                        if (affCId == null || !heldContainers.containsKey(affCId)
                                || inUseContainers.contains(affCId)) {
                            // affinity not specified
                            // affinitized container is no longer held
                            // affinitized container is in use
                            canMatchTaskWithAffinity = false;
                        if (canMatchTaskWithAffinity) {
                            if (container.getId().equals(cookieContainerRequest.getAffinitizedContainer())) {
                                // container level match
                                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                    LOG.debug("Matching with affinity for request: " + cookieContainerRequest
                                            + " container: " + affCId);
                                return cookieContainerRequest;
                            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                LOG.debug("Skipping request for container " + container.getId()
                                        + " due to affinity. Request: " + cookieContainerRequest + " affContainer: "
                                        + affCId);
                        } else {
                            firstMatch = cookieContainerRequest;

        return firstMatch;

    private boolean canAssignTaskToContainer(CookieContainerRequest cookieContainerRequest, Container container) {
        HeldContainer heldContainer = heldContainers.get(container.getId());
        if (heldContainer == null || heldContainer.isNew()) { // New container.
            return true;
        } else {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Trying to match task to a held container, " + " containerId="
                        + heldContainer.container.getId());
            if (containerSignatureMatcher.isSuperSet(heldContainer.getFirstContainerSignature(),
                    cookieContainerRequest.getCookie().getContainerSignature())) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("Matched delayed container to task" + " containerId="
                            + heldContainer.container.getId());
                return true;
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Failed to match delayed container to task" + " containerId="
                    + heldContainer.container.getId());
        return false;

    private Object getTask(CookieContainerRequest request) {
        return request.getCookie().getTask();

    private void releaseContainer(ContainerId containerId) {
        Object assignedTask = containerAssignments.remove(containerId);
        if (assignedTask != null) {
            // A task was assigned to this container at some point. Inform the app.
        HeldContainer delayedContainer = heldContainers.remove(containerId);
        if (delayedContainer != null) {
            Resources.subtractFrom(allocatedResources, delayedContainer.getContainer().getResource());
        if (delayedContainer != null || !shouldReuseContainers) {
        if (assignedTask != null) {
            // A task was assigned at some point. Add to release list since we are
            // releasing the container.
            releasedContainers.put(containerId, assignedTask);

    private void assignContainer(Object task, Container container, CookieContainerRequest assigned) {
        CookieContainerRequest request = removeTaskRequest(task);
        assert request != null;
        //assert assigned.equals(request);

        Container result = taskAllocations.put(task, container);
        assert result == null;
        containerAssignments.put(container.getId(), task);
        HeldContainer heldContainer = heldContainers.get(container.getId());
        if (!shouldReuseContainers && heldContainer == null) {
            heldContainers.put(container.getId(), new HeldContainer(container, -1, -1, assigned));
            Resources.addTo(allocatedResources, container.getResource());
        } else {
            if (heldContainer.isNew()) {
                // check for existence before adding since the first container potentially
                // has the broadest signature as subsequent uses dont expand any dimension.
                // This will need to be enhanced to track other signatures too when we
                // think about preferring within vertex matching etc.
                heldContainers.put(container.getId(), new HeldContainer(container,
                        heldContainer.getNextScheduleTime(), heldContainer.getContainerExpiryTime(), assigned));

    private void pushNewContainerToDelayed(List<Container> containers) {
        long expireTime = -1;
        if (idleContainerTimeoutMin > 0) {
            long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            expireTime = currentTime + idleContainerTimeoutMin;

        synchronized (delayedContainerManager) {
            for (Container container : containers) {
                if (heldContainers.put(container.getId(),
                        new HeldContainer(container, -1, expireTime, null)) != null) {
                    throw new TezUncheckedException("New container " + container.getId() + " is already held.");
                long nextScheduleTime = delayedContainerManager.maxScheduleTimeSeen;
                if (delayedContainerManager.maxScheduleTimeSeen == -1) {
                    nextScheduleTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                Resources.addTo(allocatedResources, container.getResource());
                delayedContainerManager.addDelayedContainer(container, nextScheduleTime + 1);

    private CookieContainerRequest removeTaskRequest(Object task) {
        CookieContainerRequest request = taskRequests.remove(task);
        if (request != null) {
            // remove all references of the request from AMRMClient
        return request;

    private void addTaskRequest(Object task, CookieContainerRequest request) {
        CookieContainerRequest oldRequest = taskRequests.put(task, request);
        if (oldRequest != null) {
            // remove all references of the request from AMRMClient

    private Container doBookKeepingForTaskDeallocate(Object task) {
        Container container = taskAllocations.remove(task);
        if (container == null) {
            return null;
        return container;

    private Object unAssignContainer(ContainerId containerId, boolean releaseIfFound) {
        // Not removing. containerAssignments tracks the last task run on a
        // container.
        Object task = containerAssignments.get(containerId);
        if (task == null) {
            return null;
        Container container = taskAllocations.remove(task);
        assert container != null;
        if (releaseIfFound) {
        return task;

    private boolean isHigherPriority(Priority lhs, Priority rhs) {
        return lhs.getPriority() < rhs.getPriority();

    private synchronized void assignNewContainersWithLocation(Iterable<Container> containers,
            ContainerAssigner assigner, Map<CookieContainerRequest, Container> assignedContainers) {

        Iterator<Container> containerIterator = containers.iterator();
        while (containerIterator.hasNext()) {
            Container container =;
            CookieContainerRequest assigned = assigner.assignNewContainer(container);
            if (assigned != null) {
                assignedContainers.put(assigned, container);

    private synchronized void assignReUsedContainersWithLocation(Iterable<Container> containers,
            ContainerAssigner assigner, Map<CookieContainerRequest, Container> assignedContainers,
            boolean honorLocality) {

        Iterator<Container> containerIterator = containers.iterator();
        while (containerIterator.hasNext()) {
            Container container =;
            if (assignReUsedContainerWithLocation(container, assigner, assignedContainers, honorLocality)) {

    private synchronized boolean assignReUsedContainerWithLocation(Container container, ContainerAssigner assigner,
            Map<CookieContainerRequest, Container> assignedContainers, boolean honorLocality) {

        Priority containerPriority = container.getPriority();
        Priority topPendingTaskPriority = amRmClient.getTopPriority();
        if (topPendingTaskPriority == null) {
            // nothing left to assign
            return false;

        if (topPendingTaskPriority.compareTo(containerPriority) > 0
                && heldContainers.get(container.getId()).isNew()) {
            // if the next task to assign is higher priority than the container then 
            // dont assign this container to that task.
            // if task and container are equal priority - then its first use or reuse
            // within the same priority - safe to use
            // if task is lower priority than container then if we use a container that
            // is no longer needed by higher priority tasks All those higher pri tasks 
            // has been assigned resources - safe to use (first use or reuse)
            // if task is higher priority than container then we may end up using a 
            // container that was assigned by the RM for a lower priority pending task 
            // that will be assigned after this higher priority task is assigned. If we
            // use that task's container now then we may not be able to match this 
            // container to that task later on. However the RM has already assigned us 
            // all containers and is not going to give us new containers. We will get 
            // stuck for resources.
            // the above applies for new containers. If a container has already been 
            // re-used then this is not relevant
            return false;

        CookieContainerRequest assigned = assigner.assignReUsedContainer(container, honorLocality);
        if (assigned != null) {
            assignedContainers.put(assigned, container);
            return true;
        return false;

    private void releaseUnassignedContainers(Iterable<Container> containers) {
        for (Container container : containers) {
  "Releasing unused container: " + container.getId());

    private void informAppAboutAssignment(CookieContainerRequest assigned, Container container) {
        appClientDelegate.taskAllocated(getTask(assigned), assigned.getCookie().getAppCookie(), container);

    private void informAppAboutAssignments(Map<CookieContainerRequest, Container> assignedContainers) {
        if (assignedContainers == null || assignedContainers.isEmpty()) {
        for (Entry<CookieContainerRequest, Container> entry : assignedContainers.entrySet()) {
            Container container = entry.getValue();
            // check for blacklisted nodes. There may be race conditions between
            // setting blacklist and receiving allocations
            if (blacklistedNodes.contains(container.getNodeId())) {
                CookieContainerRequest request = entry.getKey();
                Object task = getTask(request);
      "Container: " + container.getId() + " allocated on blacklisted node: "
                        + container.getNodeId() + " for task: " + task);
                Object deAllocTask = deallocateContainer(container.getId());
                assert deAllocTask.equals(task);
                // its ok to submit the same request again because the RM will not give us
                // the bad/unhealthy nodes again. The nodes may become healthy/unblacklisted
                // and so its better to give the RM the full information.
                allocateTask(task, request.getCapability(),
                        (request.getNodes() == null ? null
                                : request.getNodes().toArray(new String[request.getNodes().size()])),
                        (request.getRacks() == null ? null
                                : request.getRacks().toArray(new String[request.getRacks().size()])),
                        request.getPriority(), request.getCookie().getContainerSignature(),
            } else {
                informAppAboutAssignment(entry.getKey(), container);

    private abstract class ContainerAssigner {

        protected final String locality;

        protected ContainerAssigner(String locality) {
            this.locality = locality;

        public abstract CookieContainerRequest assignNewContainer(Container container);

        public abstract CookieContainerRequest assignReUsedContainer(Container container, boolean honorLocality);

        public void doBookKeepingForAssignedContainer(CookieContainerRequest assigned, Container container,
                String matchedLocation, boolean honorLocalityFlags) {
            if (assigned == null) {
            Object task = getTask(assigned);
            assert task != null;

  "Assigning container to task" + ", container=" + container + ", task=" + task
                    + ", containerHost=" + container.getNodeId().getHost() + ", localityMatchType=" + locality
                    + ", matchedLocation=" + matchedLocation + ", honorLocalityFlags=" + honorLocalityFlags
                    + ", reusedContainer=" + containerAssignments.containsKey(container.getId())
                    + ", delayedContainers=" + delayedContainerManager.delayedContainers.size()
                    + ", containerResourceMemory=" + container.getResource().getMemory()
                    + ", containerResourceVCores=" + container.getResource().getVirtualCores());

            assignContainer(task, container, assigned);

    private class NodeLocalContainerAssigner extends ContainerAssigner {

        NodeLocalContainerAssigner() {

        public CookieContainerRequest assignNewContainer(Container container) {
            String location = container.getNodeId().getHost();
            CookieContainerRequest assigned = getMatchingRequestWithPriority(container, location);
            doBookKeepingForAssignedContainer(assigned, container, location, false);
            return assigned;

        public CookieContainerRequest assignReUsedContainer(Container container, boolean honorLocality) {
            String location = container.getNodeId().getHost();
            CookieContainerRequest assigned = getMatchingRequestWithoutPriority(container, location, true);
            doBookKeepingForAssignedContainer(assigned, container, location, true);
            return assigned;


    private class RackLocalContainerAssigner extends ContainerAssigner {

        RackLocalContainerAssigner() {

        public CookieContainerRequest assignNewContainer(Container container) {
            String location = RackResolver.resolve(container.getNodeId().getHost()).getNetworkLocation();
            CookieContainerRequest assigned = getMatchingRequestWithPriority(container, location);
            doBookKeepingForAssignedContainer(assigned, container, location, false);
            return assigned;

        public CookieContainerRequest assignReUsedContainer(Container container, boolean honorLocality) {
            // TEZ-586 this is not match an actual rackLocal request unless honorLocality
            // is false. This method is useless if honorLocality=true
            if (!honorLocality) {
                String location = heldContainers.get(container.getId()).getRack();
                CookieContainerRequest assigned = getMatchingRequestWithoutPriority(container, location, false);
                doBookKeepingForAssignedContainer(assigned, container, location, honorLocality);
                return assigned;
            return null;

    private class NonLocalContainerAssigner extends ContainerAssigner {

        NonLocalContainerAssigner() {

        public CookieContainerRequest assignNewContainer(Container container) {
            String location = ResourceRequest.ANY;
            CookieContainerRequest assigned = getMatchingRequestWithPriority(container, location);
            doBookKeepingForAssignedContainer(assigned, container, location, false);
            return assigned;

        public CookieContainerRequest assignReUsedContainer(Container container, boolean honorLocality) {
            if (!honorLocality) {
                String location = ResourceRequest.ANY;
                CookieContainerRequest assigned = getMatchingRequestWithoutPriority(container, location, false);
                doBookKeepingForAssignedContainer(assigned, container, location, honorLocality);
                return assigned;
            return null;


    class DelayedContainerManager extends Thread {

        class HeldContainerTimerComparator implements Comparator<HeldContainer> {

            public int compare(HeldContainer c1, HeldContainer c2) {
                return (int) (c1.getNextScheduleTime() - c2.getNextScheduleTime());

        PriorityBlockingQueue<HeldContainer> delayedContainers = new PriorityBlockingQueue<HeldContainer>(20,
                new HeldContainerTimerComparator());

        private volatile boolean tryAssigningAll = false;
        private volatile boolean running = true;
        private long maxScheduleTimeSeen = -1;

        // used for testing only
        volatile AtomicBoolean drainedDelayedContainersForTest = null;

        DelayedContainerManager() {

        public void run() {
            while (running) {
                // Try assigning all containers if there's a request to do so.
                if (tryAssigningAll) {
                    tryAssigningAll = false;

                // Try allocating containers which have timed out.
                // Required since these containers may get assigned without
                // locality at this point.
                synchronized (this) {
                    if (delayedContainers.peek() == null) {
                        try {
                            // test only signaling to make TestTaskScheduler work
                            if (drainedDelayedContainersForTest != null) {
                                synchronized (drainedDelayedContainersForTest) {
                            // Re-loop to see if tryAssignAll is set.
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                  "AllocatedContainerManager Thread interrupted");
                // test only sleep to prevent tight loop cycling that makes tests stall
                if (drainedDelayedContainersForTest != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                HeldContainer delayedContainer = delayedContainers.peek();
                if (delayedContainer == null) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("Considering HeldContainer: " + delayedContainer + " for assignment");
                long currentTs = System.currentTimeMillis();
                long nextScheduleTs = delayedContainer.getNextScheduleTime();
                if (currentTs >= nextScheduleTs) {
                    // Remove the container and try scheduling it.
                    // TEZ-587 what if container is released by RM after this
                    // in onContainerCompleted()
                    delayedContainer = delayedContainers.poll();
                    if (delayedContainer == null) {
                    Map<CookieContainerRequest, Container> assignedContainers = null;
                    synchronized (YarnTaskSchedulerService.this) {
                        if (null != heldContainers.get(delayedContainer.getContainer().getId())) {
                            assignedContainers = assignDelayedContainer(delayedContainer);
                        } else {
                  "Skipping delayed container as container is no longer"
                                    + " running, containerId=" + delayedContainer.getContainer().getId());
                    // Inform App should be done outside of the lock
                } else {
                    synchronized (this) {
                        try {
                            // Wait for the next container to be assignable
                            delayedContainer = delayedContainers.peek();
                            long diff = localitySchedulingDelay;
                            if (delayedContainer != null) {
                                diff = delayedContainer.getNextScheduleTime() - currentTs;
                            if (diff > 0) {
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                  "AllocatedContainerManager Thread interrupted");

        private void doAssignAll() {
            // The allocatedContainers queue should not be modified in the middle of an iteration over it.
            // Synchronizing here on TaskScheduler.this to prevent this from happening.
            // The call to assignAll from within this method should NOT add any
            // elements back to the allocatedContainers list. Since they're all
            // delayed elements, de-allocation should not happen either - leaving the
            // list of delayed containers intact, except for the contaienrs which end
            // up getting assigned.
            if (delayedContainers.isEmpty()) {

            Map<CookieContainerRequest, Container> assignedContainers;
            synchronized (YarnTaskSchedulerService.this) {
                // honor reuse-locality flags (container not timed out yet), Don't queue
                // (already in queue), don't release (release happens when containers
                // time-out)
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("Trying to assign all delayed containers to newly received" + " tasks");
                Iterator<HeldContainer> iter = delayedContainers.iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    HeldContainer delayedContainer =;
                    if (!heldContainers.containsKey(delayedContainer.getContainer().getId())) {
                        // this container is no longer held by us
              "AssignAll - Skipping delayed container as container is no longer"
                                + " running, containerId=" + delayedContainer.getContainer().getId());
                assignedContainers = tryAssignReUsedContainers(new ContainerIterable(delayedContainers));
            // Inform app

         * Indicate that an attempt should be made to allocate all available containers.
         * Intended to be used in cases where new Container requests come in 
        public void triggerScheduling(boolean scheduleAll) {
            synchronized (this) {
                this.tryAssigningAll = scheduleAll;

        public void shutdown() {
            this.running = false;

        private void releasePendingContainers() {
            List<HeldContainer> pendingContainers = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(delayedContainers.size());
            releaseUnassignedContainers(new ContainerIterable(pendingContainers));

        private void addDelayedContainer(Container container, long nextScheduleTime) {
            HeldContainer delayedContainer = heldContainers.get(container.getId());
            if (delayedContainer == null) {
                LOG.warn("Attempting to add a non-running container to the"
                        + " delayed container list, containerId=" + container.getId());
            } else {
            if (maxScheduleTimeSeen < nextScheduleTime) {
                maxScheduleTimeSeen = nextScheduleTime;
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Adding container to delayed queue" + ", containerId="
                        + delayedContainer.getContainer().getId() + ", nextScheduleTime="
                        + delayedContainer.getNextScheduleTime() + ", containerExpiry="
                        + delayedContainer.getContainerExpiryTime());
            boolean added = false;
            synchronized (this) {
                added = delayedContainers.offer(delayedContainer);
            if (!added) {


    synchronized void determineMinHeldContainers() {
        if (sessionNumMinHeldContainers <= 0) {

        if (heldContainers.size() <= sessionNumMinHeldContainers) {

        Map<String, AtomicInteger> rackHeldNumber = Maps.newHashMap();
        Map<String, List<HeldContainer>> nodeHeldContainers = Maps.newHashMap();
        for (HeldContainer heldContainer : heldContainers.values()) {
            AtomicInteger count = rackHeldNumber.get(heldContainer.getRack());
            if (count == null) {
                count = new AtomicInteger(0);
                rackHeldNumber.put(heldContainer.getRack(), count);
            List<HeldContainer> nodeContainers = nodeHeldContainers.get(heldContainer.getNode());
            if (nodeContainers == null) {
                nodeContainers = Lists.newLinkedList();
                nodeHeldContainers.put(heldContainer.getNode(), nodeContainers);
        Map<String, AtomicInteger> rackToHoldNumber = Maps.newHashMap();
        for (String rack : rackHeldNumber.keySet()) {
            rackToHoldNumber.put(rack, new AtomicInteger(0));

        // distribute evenly across nodes
        // the loop assigns 1 container per rack over all racks
        int containerCount = 0;
        while (containerCount < sessionNumMinHeldContainers && !rackHeldNumber.isEmpty()) {
            Iterator<Entry<String, AtomicInteger>> iter = rackHeldNumber.entrySet().iterator();
            while (containerCount < sessionNumMinHeldContainers && iter.hasNext()) {
                Entry<String, AtomicInteger> entry =;
                if (entry.getValue().decrementAndGet() >= 0) {
                } else {

        // distribute containers evenly across nodes while not exceeding rack limit
        // the loop assigns 1 container per node over all nodes
        containerCount = 0;
        while (containerCount < sessionNumMinHeldContainers && !nodeHeldContainers.isEmpty()) {
            Iterator<Entry<String, List<HeldContainer>>> iter = nodeHeldContainers.entrySet().iterator();
            while (containerCount < sessionNumMinHeldContainers && iter.hasNext()) {
                List<HeldContainer> nodeContainers =;
                if (nodeContainers.isEmpty()) {
                    // node is empty. remove it.
                HeldContainer heldContainer = nodeContainers.remove(nodeContainers.size() - 1);
                if (rackToHoldNumber.get(heldContainer.getRack()).decrementAndGet() >= 0) {
                    // rack can hold a container
                } else {
                    // rack limit reached. remove node.
        }"Holding on to " + sessionMinHeldContainers.size() + " containers");

    private static class ContainerIterable implements Iterable<Container> {

        private final Iterable<HeldContainer> delayedContainers;

        ContainerIterable(Iterable<HeldContainer> delayedContainers) {
            this.delayedContainers = delayedContainers;

        public Iterator<Container> iterator() {

            final Iterator<HeldContainer> delayedContainerIterator = delayedContainers.iterator();

            return new Iterator<Container>() {

                public boolean hasNext() {
                    return delayedContainerIterator.hasNext();

                public Container next() {

                public void remove() {

    static class HeldContainer {

        enum LocalityMatchLevel {
            NEW, NODE, RACK, NON_LOCAL

        Container container;
        private String rack;
        private long nextScheduleTime;
        private Object firstContainerSignature;
        private LocalityMatchLevel localityMatchLevel;
        private long containerExpiryTime;
        private CookieContainerRequest lastTaskInfo;
        private int numAssignmentAttempts = 0;

        HeldContainer(Container container, long nextScheduleTime, long containerExpiryTime,
                CookieContainerRequest firstTaskInfo) {
            this.container = container;
            this.nextScheduleTime = nextScheduleTime;
            if (firstTaskInfo != null) {
                this.lastTaskInfo = firstTaskInfo;
                this.firstContainerSignature = firstTaskInfo.getCookie().getContainerSignature();
            this.localityMatchLevel = LocalityMatchLevel.NODE;
            this.containerExpiryTime = containerExpiryTime;
            this.rack = RackResolver.resolve(container.getNodeId().getHost()).getNetworkLocation();

        boolean isNew() {
            return firstContainerSignature == null;

        String getRack() {
            return this.rack;

        String getNode() {
            return this.container.getNodeId().getHost();

        int geNumAssignmentAttempts() {
            return numAssignmentAttempts;

        void incrementAssignmentAttempts() {

        public Container getContainer() {
            return this.container;

        public long getNextScheduleTime() {
            return this.nextScheduleTime;

        public void setNextScheduleTime(long nextScheduleTime) {
            this.nextScheduleTime = nextScheduleTime;

        public long getContainerExpiryTime() {
            return this.containerExpiryTime;

        public void setContainerExpiryTime(long containerExpiryTime) {
            this.containerExpiryTime = containerExpiryTime;

        public Object getFirstContainerSignature() {
            return this.firstContainerSignature;

        public CookieContainerRequest getLastTaskInfo() {
            return this.lastTaskInfo;

        public void setLastTaskInfo(CookieContainerRequest taskInfo) {
            lastTaskInfo = taskInfo;

        public synchronized void resetLocalityMatchLevel() {
            localityMatchLevel = LocalityMatchLevel.NEW;

        public synchronized void incrementLocalityMatchLevel() {
            if (localityMatchLevel.equals(LocalityMatchLevel.NEW)) {
                localityMatchLevel = LocalityMatchLevel.NODE;
            } else if (localityMatchLevel.equals(LocalityMatchLevel.NODE)) {
                localityMatchLevel = LocalityMatchLevel.RACK;
            } else if (localityMatchLevel.equals(LocalityMatchLevel.RACK)) {
                localityMatchLevel = LocalityMatchLevel.NON_LOCAL;
            } else if (localityMatchLevel.equals(LocalityMatchLevel.NON_LOCAL)) {
                throw new TezUncheckedException("Cannot increment locality level "
                        + " from current NON_LOCAL for container: " + container.getId());

        public LocalityMatchLevel getLocalityMatchLevel() {
            return this.localityMatchLevel;

        public String toString() {
            return "HeldContainer: id: " + container.getId() + ", nextScheduleTime: " + nextScheduleTime
                    + ", localityMatchLevel=" + localityMatchLevel + ", signature: "
                    + (firstContainerSignature != null ? firstContainerSignature.toString() : "null");