Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.tez.dag.api; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Public; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Unstable; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.LocalResource; import; /** * Defines the configurations for Tez. These configurations are typically specified in * tez-site.xml on the client machine where TezClient is used to launch the Tez application. * tez-site.xml is expected to be picked up from the classpath of the client process. */ @Public public class TezConfiguration extends Configuration { private final static String TEZ_SITE_XML = "tez-site.xml"; private final static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TezConfiguration.class); private static Map<String, Scope> PropertyScope = new HashMap<String, Scope>(); static { Configuration.addDeprecation("", TezConfiguration.TEZ_COUNTERS_MAX); Configuration.addDeprecation("", TezConfiguration.TEZ_COUNTERS_MAX_GROUPS); Configuration.addDeprecation("", TezConfiguration.TEZ_COUNTERS_COUNTER_NAME_MAX_LENGTH); Configuration.addDeprecation("", TezConfiguration.TEZ_COUNTERS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LENGTH); Configuration.addDeprecation("tez.task.scale.task.memory.enabled", TezConfiguration.TEZ_TASK_SCALE_MEMORY_ENABLED); Configuration.addDeprecation("tez.task.scale.task.memory.allocator.class", TezConfiguration.TEZ_TASK_SCALE_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR_CLASS); Configuration.addDeprecation("tez.task.scale.task.memory.reserve-fraction", TezConfiguration.TEZ_TASK_SCALE_MEMORY_RESERVE_FRACTION); Configuration.addDeprecation("tez.task.scale.task.memory.additional-reservation.fraction.per-io", TezConfiguration.TEZ_TASK_SCALE_MEMORY_ADDITIONAL_RESERVATION_FRACTION_PER_IO); Configuration.addDeprecation("tez.task.scale.task.memory.additional-reservation.fraction.max", TezConfiguration.TEZ_TASK_SCALE_MEMORY_ADDITIONAL_RESERVATION_FRACTION_MAX); Configuration.addDeprecation("tez.task.scale.task.memory.ratios", TezConfiguration.TEZ_TASK_SCALE_MEMORY_WEIGHTED_RATIOS); Configuration.addDeprecation("tez.task.max-events-per-heartbeat.max", TezConfiguration.TEZ_TASK_MAX_EVENTS_PER_HEARTBEAT); for (Field field : TezConfiguration.class.getFields()) { if (field.isAnnotationPresent(ConfigurationScope.class)) { ConfigurationScope confScope = field.getAnnotation(ConfigurationScope.class); if (field.getType() == String.class) { try { PropertyScope.put(field.get(null).toString(), confScope.value()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { throw new RuntimeException( field.getName() + " is not String type, should not been annotated with " + ConfigurationScope.class.getSimpleName()); } } } } public TezConfiguration() { this(true); } public TezConfiguration(Configuration conf) { super(conf); addResource(TEZ_SITE_XML); } public TezConfiguration(boolean loadDefaults) { super(loadDefaults); if (loadDefaults) { addResource(TEZ_SITE_XML); } } @Private public static final String TEZ_PREFIX = "tez."; @Private public static final String TEZ_AM_PREFIX = TEZ_PREFIX + "am."; @Private public static final String TEZ_TASK_PREFIX = TEZ_PREFIX + "task."; /** * Boolean value. If true then Tez will try to automatically delete temporary job * artifacts that it creates within the specified staging dir. Does not affect any user data. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_STAGING_SCRATCH_DATA_AUTO_DELETE = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + ""; public static final boolean TEZ_AM_STAGING_SCRATCH_DATA_AUTO_DELETE_DEFAULT = true; /** * String value. Specifies a directory where Tez can create temporary job artifacts. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_STAGING_DIR = TEZ_PREFIX + "staging-dir"; public static final String TEZ_AM_STAGING_DIR_DEFAULT = "/tmp/" + System.getProperty("") + "/tez/staging"; /** * String value that is a file path. * Path to a credentials file (with serialized credentials) located on the local file system. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_CREDENTIALS_PATH = TEZ_PREFIX + "credentials.path"; /** * Boolean value. Execution mode for the Tez application. True implies session mode. If the client * code is written according to best practices then the same code can execute in either mode based * on this configuration. Session mode is more aggressive in reserving execution resources and is * typically used for interactive applications where multiple DAGs are submitted in quick succession * by the same user. For long running applications, one-off executions, batch jobs etc non-session * mode is recommended. If session mode is enabled then container reuse is recommended. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_SESSION_MODE = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "mode.session"; public static final boolean TEZ_AM_SESSION_MODE_DEFAULT = false; /** * Root Logging level passed to the Tez app master. * * Simple configuration: Set the log level for all loggers. * e.g. INFO * This sets the log level to INFO for all loggers. * * Advanced configuration: Set the log level for all classes, along with a different level for some. * e.g. DEBUG;org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO; * This sets the log level for all loggers to DEBUG, expect for the * org.apache.hadoop.ipc and, which are set to INFO * * Note: The global log level must always be the first parameter. * DEBUG;org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO; is valid * org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO; is not valid * */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_LOG_LEVEL = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "log.level"; public static final String TEZ_AM_LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT = "INFO"; /** * Root Logging level passed to the Tez tasks. * * Simple configuration: Set the log level for all loggers. * e.g. INFO * This sets the log level to INFO for all loggers. * * Advanced configuration: Set the log level for all classes, along with a different level for some. * e.g. DEBUG;org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO; * This sets the log level for all loggers to DEBUG, expect for the * org.apache.hadoop.ipc and, which are set to INFO * * Note: The global log level must always be the first parameter. * DEBUG;org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO; is valid * org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO; is not valid * */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.VERTEX) public static final String TEZ_TASK_LOG_LEVEL = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "log.level"; public static final String TEZ_TASK_LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT = "INFO"; /** * Boolean value. Determines when the final outputs to data sinks are committed. Commit is an * output specific operation and typically involves making the output visible for consumption. * If the config is true, then the outputs are committed at the end of DAG completion after all * constituent vertices have completed. If false, outputs for each vertex are committed after that * vertex succeeds. Depending on the desired output visibility and downstream consumer dependencies * this value must be appropriately chosen. Defaults to the safe choice of true. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.DAG) public static final String TEZ_AM_COMMIT_ALL_OUTPUTS_ON_DAG_SUCCESS = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "commit-all-outputs-on-dag-success"; public static final boolean TEZ_AM_COMMIT_ALL_OUTPUTS_ON_DAG_SUCCESS_DEFAULT = true; /** * String value. Command line options which will be prepended to {@link #TEZ_AM_LAUNCH_CMD_OPTS} * during the launch of the AppMaster process. This property will typically be configured to * include default options meant to be used by all jobs in a cluster. If required, the values can * be overridden per job. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_LAUNCH_CLUSTER_DEFAULT_CMD_OPTS = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "launch.cluster-default.cmd-opts"; public static final String TEZ_AM_LAUNCH_CLUSTER_DEFAULT_CMD_OPTS_DEFAULT = "-server -Dhadoop.metrics.log.level=WARN"; /** * String value. Command line options provided during the launch of the Tez * AppMaster process. Its recommended to not set any Xmx or Xms in these launch opts so that * Tez can determine them automatically. * */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_LAUNCH_CMD_OPTS = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "launch.cmd-opts"; public static final String TEZ_AM_LAUNCH_CMD_OPTS_DEFAULT = "-XX:+PrintGCDetails -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseParallelGC"; /** * String value. Command line options which will be prepended to {@link * #TEZ_TASK_LAUNCH_CMD_OPTS} during the launch of Tez tasks. This property will typically be configured to * include default options meant to be used by all jobs in a cluster. If required, the values can * be overridden per job. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) // TODO DAG/Vertex level public static final String TEZ_TASK_LAUNCH_CLUSTER_DEFAULT_CMD_OPTS = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "launch.cluster-default.cmd-opts"; public static final String TEZ_TASK_LAUNCH_CLUSTER_DEFAULT_CMD_OPTS_DEFAULT = "-server -Dhadoop.metrics.log.level=WARN"; /** * String value. Command line options provided during the launch of Tez Task * processes. Its recommended to not set any Xmx or Xms in these launch opts * so that Tez can determine them automatically. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) // TODO DAG/Vertex level public static final String TEZ_TASK_LAUNCH_CMD_OPTS = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "launch.cmd-opts"; public static final String TEZ_TASK_LAUNCH_CMD_OPTS_DEFAULT = "-XX:+PrintGCDetails -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseParallelGC"; /** * Double value. Tez automatically determines the Xmx for the JVMs used to run * Tez tasks and app masters. This feature is enabled if the user has not * specified Xmx or Xms values in the launch command opts. Doing automatic Xmx * calculation is preferred because Tez can determine the best value based on * actual allocation of memory to tasks the cluster. The value if used as a * fraction that is applied to the memory allocated Factor to size Xmx based * on container memory size. Value should be greater than 0 and less than 1. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_CONTAINER_MAX_JAVA_HEAP_FRACTION = TEZ_PREFIX + ""; public static final double TEZ_CONTAINER_MAX_JAVA_HEAP_FRACTION_DEFAULT = 0.8; private static final String NATIVE_LIB_PARAM_DEFAULT = Shell.WINDOWS ? "PATH=%PATH%;%HADOOP_COMMON_HOME%\\bin" : "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HADOOP_COMMON_HOME/lib/native/"; /** String value. Env settings for the Tez AppMaster process. * Should be specified as a comma-separated of key-value pairs where each pair * is defined as KEY=VAL * e.g. "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.,USERNAME=foo" * These take least precedence compared to other methods of setting env. * These get added to the app master environment prior to launching it. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_LAUNCH_ENV = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "launch.env"; public static final String TEZ_AM_LAUNCH_ENV_DEFAULT = NATIVE_LIB_PARAM_DEFAULT; /** String value. Env settings for the Tez Task processes. * Should be specified as a comma-separated of key-value pairs where each pair * is defined as KEY=VAL * e.g. "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.,USERNAME=foo" * These take least precedence compared to other methods of setting env * These get added to the task environment prior to launching it. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.VERTEX) public static final String TEZ_TASK_LAUNCH_ENV = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "launch.env"; public static final String TEZ_TASK_LAUNCH_ENV_DEFAULT = NATIVE_LIB_PARAM_DEFAULT; @Private @ConfigurationScope(Scope.DAG) public static final String TEZ_CANCEL_DELEGATION_TOKENS_ON_COMPLETION = TEZ_PREFIX + "cancel.delegation.tokens.on.completion"; public static final boolean TEZ_CANCEL_DELEGATION_TOKENS_ON_COMPLETION_DEFAULT = true; /** * Int value. The number of threads used to listen to task heartbeat requests. * Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_TASK_LISTENER_THREAD_COUNT = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "task.listener.thread-count"; public static final int TEZ_AM_TASK_LISTENER_THREAD_COUNT_DEFAULT = 30; /** * Int value. Configuration to limit the counters per dag (AppMaster and Task). This can be used * to * limit the amount of memory being used in the app master to store the * counters. Expert level setting. */ @Unstable @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_COUNTERS_MAX = TEZ_PREFIX + "counters.max"; public static final int TEZ_COUNTERS_MAX_DEFAULT = 1200; /** * Int value. Configuration to limit the number of counter groups for a DAG. This can be used to * limit the amount of memory being used in the app master to store the * counters. Expert level setting. */ @Unstable @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_COUNTERS_MAX_GROUPS = TEZ_PREFIX + "counters.max.groups"; public static final int TEZ_COUNTERS_MAX_GROUPS_DEFAULT = 500; /** * Int value. Configuration to limit the length of counter names. This can be used to * limit the amount of memory being used in the app master to store the * counters. Expert level setting. */ @Unstable @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_COUNTERS_COUNTER_NAME_MAX_LENGTH = TEZ_PREFIX + "counters.counter-name.max-length"; public static final int TEZ_COUNTERS_COUNTER_NAME_MAX_LENGTH_DEFAULT = 64; /** * Int value. Configuration to limit the counter group names per app master. This can be used to * limit the amount of memory being used in the app master to store the * counters. Expert level setting. */ @Unstable @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_COUNTERS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LENGTH = TEZ_PREFIX + ""; public static final int TEZ_COUNTERS_GROUP_NAME_MAX_LENGTH_DEFAULT = 128; @Unstable /** * Boolean value. Enable speculative execution of slower tasks. This can help reduce job latency * when some tasks are running slower due bad/slow machines */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.VERTEX) // TODO Verify the vertex speculation, TEZ-1788 public static final String TEZ_AM_SPECULATION_ENABLED = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "speculation.enabled"; public static final boolean TEZ_AM_SPECULATION_ENABLED_DEFAULT = false; /** * Float value. Specifies how many standard deviations away from the mean task execution time * should be considered as an outlier/slow task. */ @Unstable @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_LEGACY_SPECULATIVE_SLOWTASK_THRESHOLD = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "legacy.speculative.slowtask.threshold"; /** * Int value. Upper limit on the number of threads user to launch containers in the app * master. Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_CONTAINERLAUNCHER_THREAD_COUNT_LIMIT = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "containerlauncher.thread-count-limit"; public static final int TEZ_AM_CONTAINERLAUNCHER_THREAD_COUNT_LIMIT_DEFAULT = 500; /** * Int value. Specifies the number of task failures on a node before the node is considered faulty. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_MAX_TASK_FAILURES_PER_NODE = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "maxtaskfailures.per.node"; public static final int TEZ_AM_MAX_TASK_FAILURES_PER_NODE_DEFAULT = 10; /** * Int value. Specifies the number of times the app master can be launched in order to recover * from app master failure. Typically app master failures are non-recoverable. This parameter * is for cases where the app master is not at fault but is lost due to system errors. * Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_MAX_APP_ATTEMPTS = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + ""; public static final int TEZ_AM_MAX_APP_ATTEMPTS_DEFAULT = 2; /** * Int value. The maximum number of attempts that can fail for a particular task before the task is failed. * This does not count killed attempts. Task failure results in DAG failure. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.VERTEX) public static final String TEZ_AM_TASK_MAX_FAILED_ATTEMPTS = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "task.max.failed.attempts"; public static final int TEZ_AM_TASK_MAX_FAILED_ATTEMPTS_DEFAULT = 4; /** * Boolean value. Enabled blacklisting of nodes of nodes that are considered faulty. These nodes * will not be used to execute tasks. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_NODE_BLACKLISTING_ENABLED = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "node-blacklisting.enabled"; public static final boolean TEZ_AM_NODE_BLACKLISTING_ENABLED_DEFAULT = true; /** * Int value. Specifies the percentage of nodes in the cluster that may be considered faulty. * This limits the number of nodes that are blacklisted in an effort to minimize the effects of * temporary surges in failures (e.g. due to network outages). */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_NODE_BLACKLISTING_IGNORE_THRESHOLD = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "node-blacklisting.ignore-threshold-node-percent"; public static final int TEZ_AM_NODE_BLACKLISTING_IGNORE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT = 33; /** Int value. Number of threads to handle client RPC requests. Expert level setting.*/ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_CLIENT_THREAD_COUNT = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + ""; public static final int TEZ_AM_CLIENT_THREAD_COUNT_DEFAULT = 1; /** * String value. Range of ports that the AM can use when binding for client connections. Leave blank * to use all possible ports. Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_CLIENT_AM_PORT_RANGE = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + ""; /** * String value. The class to be used for DAG Scheduling. Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.DAG) public static final String TEZ_AM_DAG_SCHEDULER_CLASS = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "dag.scheduler.class"; public static final String TEZ_AM_DAG_SCHEDULER_CLASS_DEFAULT = ""; /** Int value. The amount of memory in MB to be used by the AppMaster */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_RESOURCE_MEMORY_MB = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "resource.memory.mb"; public static final int TEZ_AM_RESOURCE_MEMORY_MB_DEFAULT = 1024; /** Int value. The number of virtual cores to be used by the app master */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_RESOURCE_CPU_VCORES = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "resource.cpu.vcores"; public static final int TEZ_AM_RESOURCE_CPU_VCORES_DEFAULT = 1; /** Int value. The amount of memory in MB to be used by tasks. This applies to all tasks across * all vertices. Setting it to the same value for all tasks is helpful for container reuse and * thus good for performance typically. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.DAG) // TODO vertex level public static final String TEZ_TASK_RESOURCE_MEMORY_MB = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "resource.memory.mb"; public static final int TEZ_TASK_RESOURCE_MEMORY_MB_DEFAULT = 1024; /** * Int value. The number of virtual cores to be used by tasks. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.DAG) // TODO vertex level public static final String TEZ_TASK_RESOURCE_CPU_VCORES = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "resource.cpu.vcores"; public static final int TEZ_TASK_RESOURCE_CPU_VCORES_DEFAULT = 1; /** * Int value. The maximum heartbeat interval between the AM and RM in milliseconds * Increasing this reduces the communication between the AM and the RM and can * help in scaling up. Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_RM_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS_MAX = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "am-rm.heartbeat.interval-ms.max"; public static final int TEZ_AM_RM_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS_MAX_DEFAULT = 1000; /** * Int value. The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before a task asks an * AM for another task. Increasing this can help improve app master scalability for a large * number of concurrent tasks. Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_TASK_GET_TASK_SLEEP_INTERVAL_MS_MAX = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "get-task.sleep.interval-ms.max"; public static final int TEZ_TASK_GET_TASK_SLEEP_INTERVAL_MS_MAX_DEFAULT = 200; /** * Int value. The maximum heartbeat interval, in milliseconds, between the app master and tasks. * Increasing this can help improve app master scalability for a large number of concurrent tasks. * Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_TASK_AM_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "am.heartbeat.interval-ms.max"; public static final int TEZ_TASK_AM_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS_DEFAULT = 100; /** * Int value. Interval, in milliseconds, after which counters are sent to AM in heartbeat from * tasks. This reduces the amount of network traffice between AM and tasks to send high-volume * counters. Improves AM scalability. Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_TASK_AM_HEARTBEAT_COUNTER_INTERVAL_MS = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "am.heartbeat.counter.interval-ms.max"; public static final int TEZ_TASK_AM_HEARTBEAT_COUNTER_INTERVAL_MS_DEFAULT = 4000; /** * Int value. Maximum number of of events to fetch from the AM by the tasks in a single heartbeat. * Expert level setting. Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_TASK_MAX_EVENTS_PER_HEARTBEAT = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "max-events-per-heartbeat"; public static final int TEZ_TASK_MAX_EVENTS_PER_HEARTBEAT_DEFAULT = 500; /** * Whether to generate counters per IO or not. Enabling this will rename * CounterGroups / CounterNames to making them unique per Vertex + * Src|Destination */ @Unstable @Private @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_TASK_GENERATE_COUNTERS_PER_IO = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + ""; @Private public static final boolean TEZ_TASK_GENERATE_COUNTERS_PER_IO_DEFAULT = false; /** * Int value. Time interval, in milliseconds, within which a task must heartbeat to the app master * before its considered lost. * Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TASK_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_MS = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "timeout-ms"; public static final int TASK_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_MS_DEFAULT = 5 * 60 * 1000; /** * Int value. Time interval, in milliseconds, between checks for lost tasks. * Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TASK_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_CHECK_MS = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "heartbeat.timeout.check-ms"; public static final int TASK_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_CHECK_MS_DEFAULT = 30 * 1000; /** * Whether to scale down memory requested by each component if the total * exceeds the available JVM memory */ @Private @Unstable @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_TASK_SCALE_MEMORY_ENABLED = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "scale.memory.enabled"; @Private public static final boolean TEZ_TASK_SCALE_MEMORY_ENABLED_DEFAULT = true; /** * The allocator to use for initial memory allocation */ @Private @Unstable @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_TASK_SCALE_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR_CLASS = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "scale.memory.allocator.class"; @Private public static final String TEZ_TASK_SCALE_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR_CLASS_DEFAULT = "org.apache.tez.runtime.library.resources.WeightedScalingMemoryDistributor"; /** * The fraction of the JVM memory which will not be considered for allocation. * No defaults, since there are pre-existing defaults based on different scenarios. */ @Private @Unstable @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_TASK_SCALE_MEMORY_RESERVE_FRACTION = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "scale.memory.reserve-fraction"; @Private public static final double TEZ_TASK_SCALE_MEMORY_RESERVE_FRACTION_DEFAULT = 0.3d; /** * Fraction of available memory to reserve per input/output. This amount is * removed from the total available pool before allocation and is for factoring in overheads. */ @Private @Unstable @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_TASK_SCALE_MEMORY_ADDITIONAL_RESERVATION_FRACTION_PER_IO = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "scale.memory.additional-reservation.fraction.per-io"; @Private @Unstable /** * Max cumulative total reservation for additional IOs. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_TASK_SCALE_MEMORY_ADDITIONAL_RESERVATION_FRACTION_MAX = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "scale.memory.additional-reservation.fraction.max"; /* * Weighted ratios for individual component types in the RuntimeLibrary. * e.g. PARTITIONED_UNSORTED_OUTPUT:0,UNSORTED_INPUT:1,UNSORTED_OUTPUT:0,SORTED_OUTPUT:2, * SORTED_MERGED_INPUT:3,PROCESSOR:1,OTHER:1 */ @Private @Unstable @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_TASK_SCALE_MEMORY_WEIGHTED_RATIOS = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "scale.memory.ratios"; @Private @Unstable /** * Defines the ProcessTree implementation which will be used to collect resource utilization. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_TASK_RESOURCE_CALCULATOR_PROCESS_TREE_CLASS = TEZ_TASK_PREFIX + "resource.calculator.process-tree.class"; /** * Boolean value. Configuration to specify whether container should be reused across tasks. * This improves performance by not incurring recurring launch overheads. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_REUSE_ENABLED = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "container.reuse.enabled"; public static final boolean TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_REUSE_ENABLED_DEFAULT = true; /** * Boolean value. Whether to reuse containers for rack local tasks. Active only if reuse is * enabled. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_REUSE_RACK_FALLBACK_ENABLED = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "container.reuse.rack-fallback.enabled"; public static final boolean TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_REUSE_RACK_FALLBACK_ENABLED_DEFAULT = true; /** * Boolean value. Whether to reuse containers for non-local tasks. Active only if reuse is * enabled. Turning this on can severely affect locality and can be bad for jobs with high data * volume being read from the primary data sources. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_REUSE_NON_LOCAL_FALLBACK_ENABLED = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "container.reuse.non-local-fallback.enabled"; public static final boolean TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_REUSE_NON_LOCAL_FALLBACK_ENABLED_DEFAULT = false; /** * Int value. The amount of time to wait before assigning a container to the next level * of locality. NODE -> RACK -> NON_LOCAL. Delay scheduling parameter. Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_REUSE_LOCALITY_DELAY_ALLOCATION_MILLIS = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "container.reuse.locality.delay-allocation-millis"; public static final long TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_REUSE_LOCALITY_DELAY_ALLOCATION_MILLIS_DEFAULT = 250l; /** * Int value. The minimum amount of time to hold on to a container that is idle. Only active when * reuse is enabled. Set to -1 to never release idle containers (not recommended). */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_IDLE_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MIN_MILLIS = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "container.idle.release-timeout-min.millis"; public static final long TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_IDLE_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MIN_MILLIS_DEFAULT = 5000l; /** * Int value. The maximum amount of time to hold on to a container if no task can be * assigned to it immediately. Only active when reuse is enabled. The value * must be +ve and >= * TezConfiguration#TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_IDLE_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MIN_MILLIS. * Containers will have an expire time set to a random value between * TezConfiguration#TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_IDLE_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MIN_MILLIS && * TezConfiguration#TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_IDLE_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MAX_MILLIS. This * creates a graceful reduction in the amount of idle resources held */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_IDLE_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MAX_MILLIS = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "container.idle.release-timeout-max.millis"; public static final long TEZ_AM_CONTAINER_IDLE_RELEASE_TIMEOUT_MAX_MILLIS_DEFAULT = 10000l; /** * Int value. The minimum number of containers that will be held in session mode. Not active in * non-session mode. Enables an idle session (not running any DAG) to hold on to a minimum number * of containers to provide fast response times for the next DAG. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_SESSION_MIN_HELD_CONTAINERS = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "session.min.held-containers"; public static final int TEZ_AM_SESSION_MIN_HELD_CONTAINERS_DEFAULT = 0; /** * Int value. Specifies the percentage of tasks eligible to be preempted that * will actually be preempted in a given round of Tez internal preemption. * This slows down preemption and gives more time for free resources to be * allocated by the cluster (if any) and gives more time for preemptable tasks * to finish. Valid values are 0-100. Higher values will preempt quickly at * the cost of losing work. Setting to 0 turns off preemption. Expert level * setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_PREEMPTION_PERCENTAGE = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "preemption.percentage"; public static final int TEZ_AM_PREEMPTION_PERCENTAGE_DEFAULT = 10; /** * Int value. The number of RM heartbeats to wait after preempting running tasks before preempting * more running tasks. After preempting a task, we need to wait at least 1 heartbeat so that the * RM can act on the released resources and assign new ones to us. Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_PREEMPTION_HEARTBEATS_BETWEEN_PREEMPTIONS = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "preemption.heartbeats-between-preemptions"; public static final int TEZ_AM_PREEMPTION_HEARTBEATS_BETWEEN_PREEMPTIONS_DEFAULT = 3; /** * String value to a file path. * The location of the Tez libraries which will be localized for DAGs. * This follows the following semantics * <ol> * <li> To use a single .tar.gz or .tgz file (generated by the tez build), the full path to this * file (including filename) should be specified. The internal structure of the uncompressed tgz * will be retained under $CWD/tezlib.</li> * * <li> If a single file is specified without the above mentioned extensions - it will be treated as * a regular file. This means it will not be uncompressed during runtime. </li> * * <li> If multiple entries exist * <ul> * <li> Files: will be treated as regular files (not uncompressed during runtime) </li> * <li> Directories: all files under the directory (non-recursive) will be made available (but not * uncompressed during runtime). </li> * <li> All files / contents of directories are flattened into a single directory - $CWD </li> * </ul> * </ol> */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_LIB_URIS = TEZ_PREFIX + "lib.uris"; /** * Auxiliary resources to be localized for the Tez AM and all its containers. * * Value is comma-separated list of fully-resolved directories or file paths. All resources * are made available into the working directory of the AM and/or containers i.e. $CWD. * * If directories are specified, they are not traversed recursively. Only files directly under the * specified directory are localized. * * All duplicate resources are ignored. * */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AUX_URIS = TEZ_PREFIX + "aux.uris"; /** * Boolean value. Allows to ignore 'tez.lib.uris'. Useful during development as well as * raw Tez application where classpath is propagated with application * via {@link LocalResource}s. This is mainly useful for developer/debugger scenarios. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_IGNORE_LIB_URIS = TEZ_PREFIX + "ignore.lib.uris"; /** * Boolean value. * Specify whether hadoop libraries required to run Tez should be the ones deployed on the cluster. * This is disabled by default - with the expectation being that tez.lib.uris has a complete * tez-deployment which contains the hadoop libraries. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_USE_CLUSTER_HADOOP_LIBS = TEZ_PREFIX + "use.cluster.hadoop-libs"; public static final boolean TEZ_USE_CLUSTER_HADOOP_LIBS_DEFAULT = false; /** * String value. * * Specify additional classpath information to be used for Tez AM and all containers. * This will be prepended to the classpath before all framework specific components have been * specified. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_CLUSTER_ADDITIONAL_CLASSPATH_PREFIX = TEZ_PREFIX + "cluster.additional.classpath.prefix"; /** * Session-related properties */ @Private public static final String TEZ_SESSION_PREFIX = TEZ_PREFIX + "session."; /** * Int value. Time (in seconds) to wait for AM to come up when trying to submit a DAG * from the client. Only relevant in session mode. If the cluster is busy and cannot launch the * AM then this timeout may be hit. In those case, using non-session mode is recommended if * applicable. Otherwise increase the timeout (set to -1 for infinity. Not recommended) */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_SESSION_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_SECS = TEZ_SESSION_PREFIX + "client.timeout.secs"; public static final int TEZ_SESSION_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_SECS_DEFAULT = 120; /** * Int value. Time (in seconds) for which the Tez AM should wait for a DAG to be submitted before * shutting down. Only relevant in session mode. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_SESSION_AM_DAG_SUBMIT_TIMEOUT_SECS = TEZ_SESSION_PREFIX + "am.dag.submit.timeout.secs"; public static final int TEZ_SESSION_AM_DAG_SUBMIT_TIMEOUT_SECS_DEFAULT = 300; /** * String value. The queue name for all jobs being submitted from a given client. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_QUEUE_NAME = TEZ_PREFIX + ""; @Unstable /** * Boolean value. Generate debug artifacts like DAG plan in text format. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.DAG) public static final String TEZ_GENERATE_DEBUG_ARTIFACTS = TEZ_PREFIX + "generate.debug.artifacts"; public static final boolean TEZ_GENERATE_DEBUG_ARTIFACTS_DEFAULT = false; /** * Set of tasks for which specific launch command options need to be added. * Format: "vertexName[csv of task ids];vertexName[csv of task ids].." * Valid e.g: * v[0,1,2] - Additional launch-cmd options for tasks 0,1,2 of vertex v * v[1,2,3];v2[5,6,7] - Additional launch-cmd options specified for tasks of vertices v and v2. * v[1:5,20,30];v2[2:5,60,7] - Additional launch-cmd options for 1,2,3,4,5,20,30 of vertex v; 2, * 3,4,5,60,7 of vertex v2 * Partial ranges like :5, 1: are not supported. * v[] - Additional launch-cmd options for all tasks in vertex v */ @Unstable @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_TASK_SPECIFIC_LAUNCH_CMD_OPTS_LIST = TEZ_PREFIX + "task-specific" + ".launch.cmd-opts.list"; /** * Additional launch command options to be added for specific tasks. * __VERTEX_NAME__ and __TASK_INDEX__ can be specified, which would be replaced at * runtime by vertex name and task index. * e.g tez.task-specific.launch.cmd-opts= * ",dir=/tmp/__VERTEX_NAME__/__TASK_INDEX__" */ @Unstable @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_TASK_SPECIFIC_LAUNCH_CMD_OPTS = TEZ_PREFIX + "task-specific" + ".launch.cmd-opts"; /** * Task specific log level. * * Simple configuration: Set the log level for all loggers. * e.g. INFO * This sets the log level to INFO for all loggers. * * Advanced configuration: Set the log level for all classes, along with a different level for some. * e.g. DEBUG;org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO; * This sets the log level for all loggers to DEBUG, expect for the * org.apache.hadoop.ipc and, which are set to INFO * * Note: The global log level must always be the first parameter. * DEBUG;org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO; is valid * org.apache.hadoop.ipc=INFO; is not valid * */ @Unstable @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_TASK_SPECIFIC_LOG_LEVEL = TEZ_PREFIX + "task-specific" + ".log.level"; /** * String value that is a class name. * Specify the class to use for logging history data */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_HISTORY_LOGGING_SERVICE_CLASS = TEZ_PREFIX + "history.logging.service.class"; public static final String TEZ_HISTORY_LOGGING_SERVICE_CLASS_DEFAULT = "org.apache.tez.dag.history.logging.impl.SimpleHistoryLoggingService"; /** * String value. The directory into which history data will be written. This defaults to the * container logging directory. This is relevant only when SimpleHistoryLoggingService is being * used for {@link TezConfiguration#TEZ_HISTORY_LOGGING_SERVICE_CLASS} */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_SIMPLE_HISTORY_LOGGING_DIR = TEZ_PREFIX + "simple.history.logging.dir"; /** * Int value. Maximum errors allowed while logging history data. After crossing this limit history * logging gets disabled. The job continues to run after this. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_SIMPLE_HISTORY_LOGGING_MAX_ERRORS = TEZ_PREFIX + "simple.history.max.errors"; public static final int TEZ_SIMPLE_HISTORY_LOGGING_MAX_ERRORS_DEFAULT = 10; /** * Int value. Time, in milliseconds, to wait while flushing YARN ATS data during shutdown. * Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String YARN_ATS_EVENT_FLUSH_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = TEZ_PREFIX + "yarn.ats.event.flush.timeout.millis"; public static final long YARN_ATS_EVENT_FLUSH_TIMEOUT_MILLIS_DEFAULT = -1; /** * Int value. Max no. of events to send in a single batch to ATS. * Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String YARN_ATS_MAX_EVENTS_PER_BATCH = TEZ_PREFIX + ""; public static final int YARN_ATS_MAX_EVENTS_PER_BATCH_DEFAULT = 5; /** * Int value. Time, in milliseconds, to wait for an event before sending a batch to ATS. * Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String YARN_ATS_MAX_POLLING_TIME_PER_EVENT = TEZ_PREFIX + "yarn.ats.max.polling.time.per.event.millis"; public static final int YARN_ATS_MAX_POLLING_TIME_PER_EVENT_DEFAULT = 10; @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String YARN_ATS_ACL_DOMAINS_AUTO_CREATE = TEZ_PREFIX + ""; public static final boolean YARN_ATS_ACL_DOMAINS_AUTO_CREATE_DEFAULT = true; @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String YARN_ATS_ACL_SESSION_DOMAIN_ID = TEZ_PREFIX + ""; @ConfigurationScope(Scope.DAG) public static final String YARN_ATS_ACL_DAG_DOMAIN_ID = TEZ_PREFIX + ""; /** * Boolean value. Enable recovery of DAGs. This allows a restarted app master to recover the * incomplete DAGs from the previous instance of the app master. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String DAG_RECOVERY_ENABLED = TEZ_PREFIX + "dag.recovery.enabled"; public static final boolean DAG_RECOVERY_ENABLED_DEFAULT = true; /** * Int value. Size in bytes for the IO buffer size while processing the recovery file. * Expert level setting. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String DAG_RECOVERY_FILE_IO_BUFFER_SIZE = TEZ_PREFIX + ""; public static final int DAG_RECOVERY_FILE_IO_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT = 8192; /** * Int value. Number of recovery events to buffer before flushing them to the recovery log. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String DAG_RECOVERY_MAX_UNFLUSHED_EVENTS = TEZ_PREFIX + ""; public static final int DAG_RECOVERY_MAX_UNFLUSHED_EVENTS_DEFAULT = 100; /** * Int value. Interval, in seconds, between flushing recovery data to the recovery log. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String DAG_RECOVERY_FLUSH_INTERVAL_SECS = TEZ_PREFIX + "dag.recovery.flush.interval.secs"; public static final int DAG_RECOVERY_FLUSH_INTERVAL_SECS_DEFAULT = 30; /** * Boolean value. Enable local mode execution in Tez. Enables tasks to run in the same process as * the app master. Primarily used for debugging. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_LOCAL_MODE = TEZ_PREFIX + "local.mode"; public static final boolean TEZ_LOCAL_MODE_DEFAULT = false; /** * Tez AM Inline Mode flag. Not valid till Tez-684 get checked-in */ @Private @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_INLINE_TASK_EXECUTION_ENABLED = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "inline.task.execution.enabled"; /** * Tez AM Inline Mode flag. Not valid till Tez-684 get checked-in */ @Private public static final boolean TEZ_AM_INLINE_TASK_EXECUTION_ENABLED_DEFAULT = false; /** * Int value. * The maximium number of tasks running in parallel within the app master process. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_INLINE_TASK_EXECUTION_MAX_TASKS = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "inline.task.execution.max-tasks"; public static final int TEZ_AM_INLINE_TASK_EXECUTION_MAX_TASKS_DEFAULT = 1; // ACLs related configuration // Format supports a comma-separated list of users and groups with the users and groups separated // by whitespace. e.g. "user1,user2 group1,group2" // All users/groups that have access to do operations on the AM also have access to similar // operations on all DAGs within that AM/session. // By default, the "owner" i.e. the user who started the session will always have full admin // access to the AM. Also, the user that submitted the DAG has full admin access to all operations // on that DAG. // // If no value is specified or an invalid configuration is specified, // only the user who submitted the AM and/or DAG can do the appropriate operations. // For example, "user1,user2 group1, group2" is an invalid configuration value as splitting by // whitespace produces 3 lists instead of 2. // If the value specified is "*", all users are allowed to do the operation. /** * Boolean value. Configuration to enable/disable ACL checks. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_ACLS_ENABLED = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "acls.enabled"; public static final boolean TEZ_AM_ACLS_ENABLED_DEFAULT = true; /** * String value. * AM view ACLs. This allows the specified users/groups to view the status of the AM and all DAGs * that run within this AM. * Comma separated list of users, followed by whitespace, followed by a comma separated list of * groups */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_VIEW_ACLS = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "view-acls"; /** * String value. * AM modify ACLs. This allows the specified users/groups to run modify operations on the AM * such as submitting DAGs, pre-warming the session, killing DAGs or shutting down the session. * Comma separated list of users, followed by whitespace, followed by a comma separated list of * groups */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_MODIFY_ACLS = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "modify-acls"; /** * Boolean value. * Disable version check between client and AM/DAG. Default false. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_DISABLE_CLIENT_VERSION_CHECK = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "disable.client-version-check"; public static final boolean TEZ_AM_DISABLE_CLIENT_VERSION_CHECK_DEFAULT = false; /** * Boolean value. * Allow disabling of Timeline Domains even if Timeline is being used. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_ALLOW_DISABLED_TIMELINE_DOMAINS = TEZ_PREFIX + "allow.disabled.timeline-domains"; public static final boolean TEZ_AM_ALLOW_DISABLED_TIMELINE_DOMAINS_DEFAULT = false; /** * String value * Tez UI URL template for the application. * Expert level setting. * * The AM will redirect the user to the Tez UI via this url. Template supports the following * parameters to be replaced with the actual runtime information: * * __APPLICATION_ID__ : Replaces this with application ID * __HISTORY_URL_BASE__: replaces this with TEZ_HISTORY_URL_BASE * * For example, "http://uihost:9001/#/tez-app/__APPLICATION_ID__/ will be replaced to * http://uihost:9001/#/tez-app/application_1421880306565_0001/ */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_TEZ_UI_HISTORY_URL_TEMPLATE = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "tez-ui.history-url.template"; public static final String TEZ_AM_TEZ_UI_HISTORY_URL_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT = "__HISTORY_URL_BASE__/#/tez-app/__APPLICATION_ID__"; /** * String value * Tez-UI Url base. This gets replaced in the TEZ_AM_TEZ_UI_HISTORY_URL_TEMPLATE * ex http://ui-host:9001 or if its hosted with a prefix http://ui-host:9001/~user * if the ui is hosted on the default port (80 for http and 443 for https), the port should not * be specified. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_HISTORY_URL_BASE = TEZ_PREFIX + "tez-ui.history-url.base"; /** * String value * Allow disabling of the Tez AM webservice. If set to false the Tez-UI wont show progress * updates for running application. */ @ConfigurationScope(Scope.AM) public static final String TEZ_AM_WEBSERVICE_ENABLE = TEZ_AM_PREFIX + "tez-ui.webservice.enable"; public static final boolean TEZ_AM_WEBSERVICE_ENABLE_DEFAULT = true; // TODO only validate property here, value can also be validated if necessary public static void validateProperty(String property, Scope usedScope) { Scope validScope = PropertyScope.get(property); if (validScope == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(property + " is not standard configuration property of tez, can not been validated"); } } else { if (usedScope.ordinal() > validScope.ordinal()) { throw new IllegalStateException(property + " is set at the scope of " + usedScope + ", but it is only valid in the scope of " + validScope); } } } @VisibleForTesting static Set<String> getPropertySet() { return PropertyScope.keySet(); } }