Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.taverna.prov; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.taverna.invocation.InvocationContext; import org.apache.taverna.provenance.api.ProvenanceAccess; import org.apache.taverna.reference.ExternalReferenceSPI; import org.apache.taverna.reference.ReferenceService; import org.apache.taverna.reference.ReferenceSet; import org.apache.taverna.reference.ReferenceSetService; import org.apache.taverna.reference.T2Reference; import org.apache.taverna.reference.ValueCarryingExternalReference; import org.apache.taverna.spi.SPIRegistry; import org.apache.taverna.reference.config.DataManagementConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.tika.Tika; import org.apache.tika.mime.MimeTypeException; import org.apache.tika.mime.MimeTypes; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.taverna.robundle.Bundle; import org.apache.taverna.databundle.DataBundles; public class Saver { private static final String APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM = "application/octet-stream"; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Saver.class); /** * @param saveProvAction */ public Saver(ReferenceService referenceService, InvocationContext context, String runId, Map<String, T2Reference> chosenReferences) { this.setReferenceService(referenceService); this.setContext(context); this.setRunId(runId); this.setChosenReferences(chosenReferences); prepareSesame(); } /** * Load */ protected void prepareSesame() { RDFParserRegistry parserReg = RDFParserRegistry.getInstance(); SPIRegistry<RDFParserFactory> parserSPI = new SPIRegistry<>(RDFParserFactory.class); for (RDFParserFactory service : parserSPI.getInstances()) { parserReg.add(service); } RDFWriterRegistry writerReg = RDFWriterRegistry.getInstance(); SPIRegistry<RDFWriterFactory> writerSPI = new SPIRegistry<>(RDFWriterFactory.class); for (RDFWriterFactory service : writerSPI.getInstances()) { writerReg.add(service); } } private Map<Path, T2Reference> fileToId = new HashMap<>(); private Map<Path, String> sha1sums = new HashMap<>(); private Map<Path, String> sha512sums = new HashMap<>(); private ReferenceService referenceService; private InvocationContext context; private String runId; private Map<String, T2Reference> chosenReferences; private Bundle bundle; private Map<T2Reference, String> mediaTypes = new HashMap<>(); /** * @return the bundle */ public Bundle getBundle() { return bundle; } public void saveData(Path bundlePath) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { Bundle bundle = DataBundles.createBundle(); // String folderName = bundlePath.getFileName().toString(); // if (folderName.endsWith(".")) { // bundlePath = bundlePath.resolveSibling(folderName.substring(0, // folderName.length() - 1)); // } setBundle(bundle); saveToFolder(bundle.getRoot(), getChosenReferences(), getReferenceService()); DataBundles.closeAndSaveBundle(bundle, bundlePath); } private void setBundle(Bundle bundle) { this.bundle = bundle; } protected static Tika tika = new Tika(); public Path saveReference(T2Reference t2Ref, Path file) throws IOException { ReferenceSetService refSet = getReferenceService().getReferenceSetService(); ReferenceSet referenceSet = refSet.getReferenceSet(t2Ref); List<ExternalReferenceSPI> externalReferences = new ArrayList<ExternalReferenceSPI>( referenceSet.getExternalReferences()); Collections.sort(externalReferences, new Comparator<ExternalReferenceSPI>() { public int compare(ExternalReferenceSPI o1, ExternalReferenceSPI o2) { return (int) (o1.getResolutionCost() - o2.getResolutionCost()); } }); String mimeType = findMimeType(externalReferences); getMediaTypes().put(t2Ref, mimeType); Path targetFile = writeIfLocal(externalReferences, file, mimeType); if (targetFile == null) { URI uri = referenceAsURI(externalReferences); if (uri != null) { targetFile = DataBundles.setReference(file, uri); } } if (targetFile != null) { getFileToId().put(targetFile, t2Ref); } else { logger.warn("Could not write out reference " + t2Ref); } return targetFile; } private Path writeIfLocal(List<ExternalReferenceSPI> externalReferences, Path file, String mimeType) throws IOException { ValueCarryingExternalReference<?> valRef = null; for (ExternalReferenceSPI ref : externalReferences) { if (ref instanceof ValueCarryingExternalReference) { valRef = (ValueCarryingExternalReference<?>) ref; break; } } if (valRef == null) { return null; } String fileExtension; try { fileExtension = MimeTypes.getDefaultMimeTypes().forName(mimeType).getExtension(); } catch (MimeTypeException e1) { fileExtension = ""; } Path targetFile = file.resolveSibling(file.getFileName() + fileExtension); MessageDigest sha = null; MessageDigest sha512 = null; OutputStream output = Files.newOutputStream(targetFile); try { try { sha = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA"); output = new DigestOutputStream(output, sha); sha512 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512"); output = new DigestOutputStream(output, sha512); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {"Could not find digest", e); } IOUtils.copyLarge(valRef.openStream(getContext()), output); } finally { output.close(); } if (sha != null) { getSha1sums().put(targetFile.toRealPath(), hexOfDigest(sha)); } if (sha512 != null) { sha512.digest(); getSha512sums().put(targetFile.toRealPath(), hexOfDigest(sha512)); } return targetFile; } private URI referenceAsURI(List<ExternalReferenceSPI> externalReferences) { for (ExternalReferenceSPI ref : externalReferences) { String className = ref.getClass().getName(); if (className.equals("net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.impl.external.http.HttpReference")) { URL url = (URL) getProperty(ref, "httpUrl"); try { return url.toURI(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { logger.warn("Can't convert HttpReference to URI: " + url, e); continue; } } else if (className.equals("net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.impl.external.file.FileReference")) { File file = (File) getProperty(ref, "file"); return file.toURI(); } else if (className.equals("de.uni_luebeck.inb.knowarc.usecases.invocation.ssh.SshReference")) { String host = (String) getProperty(ref, "host"); int port = (int) getProperty(ref, "port"); String path = (String) getProperty(ref, "fullPath"); try { return new URI("sftp", null, host, port, path, null, null); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { logger.warn("Can't convert SshReference to URI: sftp://" + host + ":" + port + path, e); continue; } } } return null; } protected Object getProperty(ExternalReferenceSPI ref, String propertyName) { try { return PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(ref, propertyName); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't look up " + propertyName + " in bean " + ref, ex); } } private String findMimeType(List<ExternalReferenceSPI> externalReferences) throws IOException, ProtocolException { String mimeType = null; for (ExternalReferenceSPI externalReference : externalReferences) { String className = externalReference.getClass().getName(); if (className.equals("net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.impl.external.http.HttpReference")) { URL url = (URL) getProperty(externalReference, "httpUrl"); mimeType = tika.detect(url); } else if (className.equals("net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.impl.external.file.FileReference")) { File file = (File) getProperty(externalReference, "file"); mimeType = tika.detect(file); } else if (className.equals("de.uni_luebeck.inb.knowarc.usecases.invocation.ssh.SshReference")) { String filename = (String) getProperty(externalReference, "fileName"); try (InputStream instream = externalReference.openStream(context)) { mimeType = tika.detect(instream, filename); } } else if (className.equals("net.sf.taverna.t2.reference.impl.external.object.VMObjectReference")) { mimeType = "application/x-java-serialized-object"; } else { try (InputStream instream = externalReference.openStream(context)) { mimeType = tika.detect(instream); } } if (mimeType != null && !mimeType.equals(APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM)) { break; } } if (mimeType == null || mimeType.isEmpty()) { return APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM; } return mimeType; } protected void saveToFolder(Path folder, Map<String, T2Reference> chosenReferences, ReferenceService referenceService) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException {"Saving provenance and outputs to " + folder.toRealPath()); Files.createDirectories(folder); String connectorType = DataManagementConfiguration.getInstance().getConnectorType(); ProvenanceAccess provenanceAccess = new ProvenanceAccess(connectorType, getContext()); W3ProvenanceExport export = new W3ProvenanceExport(provenanceAccess, getRunId(), this); export.setFileToT2Reference(getFileToId()); export.setBundle(bundle); try { logger.debug("Saving provenance"); export.exportAsW3Prov();"Saved provenance"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to save the provenance graph", e); } } private String hexOfDigest(MessageDigest sha) { return new String(Hex.encodeHex(sha.digest())); } public ReferenceService getReferenceService() { return referenceService; } public void setReferenceService(ReferenceService referenceService) { this.referenceService = referenceService; } public InvocationContext getContext() { return context; } public void setContext(InvocationContext context) { this.context = context; } public String getRunId() { return runId; } public void setRunId(String runId) { this.runId = runId; } public Map<String, T2Reference> getChosenReferences() { return chosenReferences; } public void setChosenReferences(Map<String, T2Reference> chosenReferences) { this.chosenReferences = chosenReferences; } public Map<Path, T2Reference> getFileToId() { return fileToId; } public void setFileToId(Map<Path, T2Reference> fileToId) { this.fileToId = fileToId; } public Map<Path, String> getSha1sums() { return sha1sums; } public Map<T2Reference, String> getMediaTypes() { return mediaTypes; } public Map<Path, String> getSha512sums() { return sha512sums; } public void setMediaTypes(Map<T2Reference, String> mediaTypes) { this.mediaTypes = mediaTypes; } }