Java tutorial
/** * */ package org.apache.taverna.component.registry.local; import static; import static; import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.ComponentException; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.Family; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.License; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.SharingPolicy; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.Version; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.Profile; import org.apache.taverna.component.profile.ComponentProfileImpl; import org.apache.taverna.component.registry.ComponentRegistry; import org.apache.taverna.component.registry.ComponentUtil; import org.apache.taverna.component.utils.SystemUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; /** * A component registry implemented using the local file system. Note that the * components it contains are <i>not</i> shareable. * * @author alanrw */ class LocalComponentRegistry extends ComponentRegistry { private static final Logger logger = getLogger(LocalComponentRegistry.class); static final String ENC = "utf-8"; private ComponentUtil util; private SystemUtils system; private File baseDir; public LocalComponentRegistry(File registryDir, ComponentUtil util, SystemUtils system) throws ComponentException { super(registryDir); baseDir = registryDir; this.util = util; this.system = system; } @Override public Family internalCreateComponentFamily(String name, Profile componentProfile, String description, License license, SharingPolicy sharingPolicy) throws ComponentException { File newFamilyDir = new File(getComponentFamiliesDir(), name); newFamilyDir.mkdirs(); File profileFile = new File(newFamilyDir, "profile"); try { writeStringToFile(profileFile, componentProfile.getName(), ENC); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ComponentException("Could not write out profile", e); } File descriptionFile = new File(newFamilyDir, "description"); try { writeStringToFile(descriptionFile, description, ENC); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ComponentException("Could not write out description", e); } return new LocalComponentFamily(this, newFamilyDir, util, system); } @Override protected void populateFamilyCache() throws ComponentException { File familiesDir = getComponentFamiliesDir(); for (File subFile : familiesDir.listFiles()) { if (!subFile.isDirectory()) continue; LocalComponentFamily newFamily = new LocalComponentFamily(this, subFile, util, system); familyCache.put(newFamily.getName(), newFamily); } } @Override protected void populateProfileCache() throws ComponentException { File profilesDir = getComponentProfilesDir(); for (File subFile : profilesDir.listFiles()) if (subFile.isFile() && (!subFile.isHidden()) && subFile.getName().endsWith(".xml")) try { profileCache.add(new LocalComponentProfile(subFile)); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("Unable to read profile", e); } } @Override protected void internalRemoveComponentFamily(Family componentFamily) throws ComponentException { try { deleteDirectory(new File(getComponentFamiliesDir(), componentFamily.getName())); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ComponentException("Unable to delete component family", e); } } private File getBaseDir() { baseDir.mkdirs(); return baseDir; } private File getComponentFamiliesDir() { File componentFamiliesDir = new File(getBaseDir(), "componentFamilies"); componentFamiliesDir.mkdirs(); return componentFamiliesDir; } private File getComponentProfilesDir() { File componentProfilesDir = new File(getBaseDir(), "componentProfiles"); componentProfilesDir.mkdirs(); return componentProfilesDir; } @Override public Profile internalAddComponentProfile(Profile componentProfile, License license, SharingPolicy sharingPolicy) throws ComponentException { String name = componentProfile.getName().replaceAll("\\W+", "") + ".xml"; String inputString = componentProfile.getXML(); File outputFile = new File(getComponentProfilesDir(), name); try { writeStringToFile(outputFile, inputString); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ComponentException("Unable to save profile", e); } try { return new LocalComponentProfile(outputFile); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new ComponentException("Unable to create profile", e); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return 31 + ((baseDir == null) ? 0 : baseDir.hashCode()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; LocalComponentRegistry other = (LocalComponentRegistry) obj; if (baseDir == null) return (other.baseDir == null); return baseDir.equals(other.baseDir); } @Override public void populatePermissionCache() { return; } @Override public void populateLicenseCache() { return; } @Override public License getPreferredLicense() { return null; } @Override public Set<Version.ID> searchForComponents(String prefixString, String text) throws ComponentException { throw new ComponentException("Local registries cannot be searched yet"); } @Override public String getRegistryTypeName() { return "File System"; } class LocalComponentProfile extends ComponentProfileImpl { URI uri; LocalComponentProfile(File file) throws MalformedURLException, ComponentException { super(LocalComponentRegistry.this, file.toURI(), util.getBaseProfileLocator()); uri = file.toURI(); } @Override public String toString() { return "Local Component Profile[" + uri + "]"; } } }