Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2012 The University of Manchester * * Modifications to the initial code base are copyright of their * respective authors, or their employers as appropriate. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 ******************************************************************************/ package org.apache.taverna.component.profile; import static com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory.createOntologyModel; import static java.lang.System.identityHashCode; import static java.util.Collections.emptyList; import static java.util.Collections.emptyMap; import static; import static; import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import; import; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.ComponentException; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.Registry; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.ActivityProfile; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.ExceptionHandling; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.PortProfile; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.SemanticAnnotationProfile; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.doc.Activity; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.doc.Ontology; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.doc.Port; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.doc.Profile; import org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.doc.SemanticAnnotation; import org.slf4j.Logger; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntProperty; /** * A ComponentProfile specifies the inputs, outputs and semantic annotations * that a Component must contain. * * @author David Withers */ public class ComponentProfileImpl implements org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.Profile { private static final Logger logger = getLogger(ComponentProfileImpl.class); private static final Map<String, OntModel> ontologyModels = new HashMap<>(); private static final JAXBContext jaxbContext; private BaseProfileLocator base; static { try { jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Profile.class); } catch (JAXBException e) { // Should never happen! Represents a critical error throw new Error("Failed to initialize profile deserialization engine", e); } } private org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.Profile parent; private Profile profileDoc; private ExceptionHandling exceptionHandling; private Registry parentRegistry = null; private final Object lock = new Object(); private Exception loaderException = null; protected volatile boolean loaded = false; public ComponentProfileImpl(URL profileURL, BaseProfileLocator base) throws ComponentException { this(null, profileURL, base); } public ComponentProfileImpl(String profileString, BaseProfileLocator base) throws ComponentException { this(null, profileString, base); } public ComponentProfileImpl(Registry registry, URI profileURI, BaseProfileLocator base) throws ComponentException, MalformedURLException { this(registry, profileURI.toURL(), base); } public ComponentProfileImpl(Registry registry, URL profileURL, BaseProfileLocator base) throws ComponentException {"Loading profile in " + identityHashCode(this) + " from " + profileURL); this.base = base; try { URL url = profileURL; if (url.getProtocol().startsWith("http")) url = new URI(url.getProtocol(), url.getAuthority(), url.getPath(), url.getQuery(), url.getRef()) .toURL(); loadProfile(this, url, base); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.warn("Malformed URL? " + profileURL); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { logger.warn("Malformed URL? " + profileURL); } parentRegistry = registry; } public ComponentProfileImpl(Registry registry, String profileString, BaseProfileLocator base) throws ComponentException {"Loading profile in " + identityHashCode(this) + " from string"); this.base = base; loadProfile(this, profileString, base); this.parentRegistry = registry; } private static void loadProfile(final ComponentProfileImpl profile, final Object source, BaseProfileLocator base) { Runnable r = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Date start = new Date(); if (source instanceof URL) loadProfileFromURL(profile, (URL) source); else if (source instanceof String) loadProfileFromString(profile, (String) source); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad type of profile source: " + source.getClass()); Date end = new Date();"Loaded profile in " + identityHashCode(profile) + " (in " + (end.getTime() - start.getTime()) + " msec)"); } }; if (base.getProfile() == null) // Must load the base profile synchronously, to avoid deadlock; else new Thread(r).start(); } private static void loadProfileFromURL(ComponentProfileImpl profile, URL source) { try { URLConnection conn = source.openConnection(); try { conn.addRequestProperty("Accept", "application/xml,*/*;q=0.1"); } catch (Exception e) { } try (InputStream is = conn.getInputStream()) { profile.profileDoc = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(new StreamSource(is), Profile.class) .getValue(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { profile.loaderException = e; logger.warn("URL not readable: " + source); } catch (Exception e) { profile.loaderException = e; logger.warn("Failed to load profile.", e); } synchronized (profile.lock) { profile.loaded = true; profile.lock.notifyAll(); } } private static void loadProfileFromString(ComponentProfileImpl profile, String source) { try { profile.profileDoc = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller() .unmarshal(new StreamSource(new StringReader(source)), Profile.class).getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { profile.loaderException = e; logger.warn("Failed to load profile.", e); } synchronized (profile.lock) { profile.loaded = true; profile.lock.notifyAll(); } } @Override public Registry getComponentRegistry() { return parentRegistry; } @Override public String getXML() throws ComponentException { try { StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); jaxbContext.createMarshaller().marshal(getProfileDocument(), stringWriter); return stringWriter.toString(); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new ComponentException("Unable to serialize profile.", e); } } @Override public Profile getProfileDocument() throws ComponentException { try { synchronized (lock) { while (!loaded) lock.wait(); if (loaderException != null) { if (loaderException instanceof FileNotFoundException) throw new ComponentException("Profile not found/readable: " + loaderException.getMessage(), loaderException); throw new ComponentException( "Problem loading profile definition: " + loaderException.getMessage(), loaderException); } return profileDoc; } } catch (InterruptedException e) {"Interrupted during wait for lock.", e); return null; } } @Override public String getId() { try { return getProfileDocument().getId(); } catch (ComponentException e) { return null; } } @Override public String getName() { try { return getProfileDocument().getName(); } catch (ComponentException e) { return null; } } @Override public String getDescription() { try { return getProfileDocument().getDescription(); } catch (ComponentException e) { return null; } } /** * @return Is this the base profile? */ private boolean isBase() { if (base == null) return true; Object o = base.getProfile(); return o == null || o == this; } private synchronized org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.Profile parent() throws ComponentException { if (parent == null) { try { if (!isBase() && getProfileDocument().getExtends() != null && parentRegistry != null) { parent = parentRegistry.getComponentProfile(getProfileDocument().getExtends().getProfileId()); if (parent != null) return parent; } } catch (ComponentException e) { } parent = new EmptyProfile(); } return parent; } @Override public String getOntologyLocation(String ontologyId) { String ontologyURI = null; try { for (Ontology ontology : getProfileDocument().getOntology()) if (ontology.getId().equals(ontologyId)) ontologyURI = ontology.getValue(); } catch (ComponentException e) { } if ((ontologyURI == null) && !isBase()) ontologyURI = base.getProfile().getOntologyLocation(ontologyId); return ontologyURI; } private Map<String, String> internalGetPrefixMap() throws ComponentException { Map<String, String> result = new TreeMap<>(); try { for (Ontology ontology : getProfileDocument().getOntology()) result.put(ontology.getId(), ontology.getValue()); } catch (ComponentException e) { } result.putAll(parent().getPrefixMap()); return result; } @Override public Map<String, String> getPrefixMap() throws ComponentException { Map<String, String> result = internalGetPrefixMap(); if (!isBase()) result.putAll(base.getProfile().getPrefixMap()); return result; } private OntModel readOntologyFromURI(String ontologyId, String ontologyURI) {"Reading ontology for " + ontologyId + " from " + ontologyURI); OntModel model = createOntologyModel(); try { URL url = new URL(ontologyURI); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); // CRITICAL: must be retrieved as correct content type conn.addRequestProperty("Accept", "application/rdf+xml,application/xml;q=0.9"); try (InputStream in = conn.getInputStream()) { // TODO Consider whether the encoding is handled right //, url.toString()); StringReader(IOUtils.toString(in, "UTF-8")), url.toString()); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("Problem reading ontology " + ontologyId, e); return null; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Problem reading ontology " + ontologyId, e); return null; } catch (NullPointerException e) { // TODO Why is this different? logger.error("Problem reading ontology " + ontologyId, e); model = createOntologyModel(); } return model; } private boolean isAccessible(String ontologyURI) { return contactEndpoint(null, ontologyURI).getResultId() == NO_PROBLEM; } @Override public OntModel getOntology(String ontologyId) { String ontologyURI = getOntologyLocation(ontologyId); synchronized (ontologyModels) { if (ontologyModels.containsKey(ontologyURI)) return ontologyModels.get(ontologyURI); } // Drop out of critical section while we do I/O if (!isAccessible(ontologyURI)) { logger.warn("Catastrophic problem contacting ontology source."); // Catastrophic problem?! synchronized (ontologyModels) { ontologyModels.put(ontologyURI, null); } return null; } OntModel model = readOntologyFromURI(ontologyId, ontologyURI); synchronized (ontologyModels) { if (model != null && !ontologyModels.containsKey(ontologyURI)) { ontologyModels.put(ontologyURI, model); } return ontologyModels.get(ontologyURI); } } @Override public List<PortProfile> getInputPortProfiles() { List<PortProfile> portProfiles = new ArrayList<>(); try { for (Port port : getProfileDocument().getComponent().getInputPort()) portProfiles.add(new PortProfileImpl(this, port)); } catch (ComponentException e) { } if (!isBase()) portProfiles.addAll(base.getProfile().getInputPortProfiles()); return portProfiles; } @Override public List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> getInputSemanticAnnotationProfiles() throws ComponentException { List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> saProfiles = new ArrayList<>(); List<PortProfile> portProfiles = getInputPortProfiles(); portProfiles.addAll(parent().getInputPortProfiles()); for (PortProfile portProfile : portProfiles) saProfiles.addAll(portProfile.getSemanticAnnotations()); if (!isBase()) saProfiles.addAll(base.getProfile().getInputSemanticAnnotationProfiles()); return getUniqueSemanticAnnotationProfiles(saProfiles); } @Override public List<PortProfile> getOutputPortProfiles() { List<PortProfile> portProfiles = new ArrayList<>(); try { for (Port port : getProfileDocument().getComponent().getOutputPort()) portProfiles.add(new PortProfileImpl(this, port)); } catch (ComponentException e) { } if (!isBase()) portProfiles.addAll(base.getProfile().getOutputPortProfiles()); return portProfiles; } @Override public List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> getOutputSemanticAnnotationProfiles() throws ComponentException { List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> saProfiles = new ArrayList<>(); List<PortProfile> portProfiles = getOutputPortProfiles(); portProfiles.addAll(parent().getOutputPortProfiles()); for (PortProfile portProfile : portProfiles) saProfiles.addAll(portProfile.getSemanticAnnotations()); if (!isBase()) saProfiles.addAll(base.getProfile().getOutputSemanticAnnotationProfiles()); return getUniqueSemanticAnnotationProfiles(saProfiles); } @Override public List<org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.ActivityProfile> getActivityProfiles() { List<org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.ActivityProfile> activityProfiles = new ArrayList<>(); try { for (Activity activity : getProfileDocument().getComponent().getActivity()) activityProfiles.add(new ActivityProfileImpl(this, activity)); } catch (ComponentException e) { } return activityProfiles; } @Override public List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> getActivitySemanticAnnotationProfiles() throws ComponentException { List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> saProfiles = new ArrayList<>(); List<ActivityProfile> activityProfiles = getActivityProfiles(); activityProfiles.addAll(parent().getActivityProfiles()); for (ActivityProfile activityProfile : activityProfiles) saProfiles.addAll(activityProfile.getSemanticAnnotations()); if (!isBase()) saProfiles.addAll(base.getProfile().getActivitySemanticAnnotationProfiles()); return getUniqueSemanticAnnotationProfiles(saProfiles); } @Override public List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> getSemanticAnnotations() throws ComponentException { List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> saProfiles = getComponentProfiles(); saProfiles.addAll(parent().getSemanticAnnotations()); if (!isBase()) saProfiles.addAll(base.getProfile().getSemanticAnnotations()); return saProfiles; } private List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> getComponentProfiles() { List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> saProfiles = new ArrayList<>(); try { for (SemanticAnnotation semanticAnnotation : getProfileDocument().getComponent() .getSemanticAnnotation()) saProfiles.add(new SemanticAnnotationProfileImpl(this, semanticAnnotation)); } catch (ComponentException e) { } return saProfiles; } private List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> getUniqueSemanticAnnotationProfiles( List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> semanticAnnotationProfiles) { List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> uniqueSemanticAnnotations = new ArrayList<>(); Set<OntProperty> predicates = new HashSet<>(); for (SemanticAnnotationProfile semanticAnnotationProfile : semanticAnnotationProfiles) { OntProperty prop = semanticAnnotationProfile.getPredicate(); if (prop != null && !predicates.contains(prop)) { predicates.add(prop); uniqueSemanticAnnotations.add(semanticAnnotationProfile); } } return uniqueSemanticAnnotations; } @Override public ExceptionHandling getExceptionHandling() { try { if (exceptionHandling == null && getProfileDocument().getComponent().getExceptionHandling() != null) exceptionHandling = new ExceptionHandling( getProfileDocument().getComponent().getExceptionHandling()); } catch (ComponentException e) { } return exceptionHandling; } @Override public String toString() { return "ComponentProfile" + "\n Name : " + getName() + "\n Description : " + getDescription() + "\n InputPortProfiles : " + getInputPortProfiles() + "\n OutputPortProfiles : " + getOutputPortProfiles(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return 31 + ((getId() == null) ? 0 : getId().hashCode()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; ComponentProfileImpl other = (ComponentProfileImpl) obj; if (!loaded || !other.loaded) return false; if (getId() == null) return other.getId() == null; return getId().equals(other.getId()); } public OntClass getClass(String className) { try { for (Ontology ontology : getProfileDocument().getOntology()) { OntModel ontModel = getOntology(ontology.getId()); if (ontModel != null) { OntClass result = ontModel.getOntClass(className); if (result != null) return result; } } } catch (ComponentException e) { } return null; } @Override public void delete() throws ComponentException { throw new ComponentException("Deletion not supported."); } } /** * A simple do-nothing implementation of a profile. Used when there's no other * option for what a <i>real</i> profile extends. * * @author Donal Fellows */ final class EmptyProfile implements org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.Profile { @Override public String getName() { return ""; } @Override public String getDescription() { return ""; } @Override public Registry getComponentRegistry() { return null; } @Override public String getXML() throws ComponentException { throw new ComponentException("No document."); } @Override public Profile getProfileDocument() { return new Profile(); } @Override public String getId() { return ""; } @Override public String getOntologyLocation(String ontologyId) { return ""; } @Override public Map<String, String> getPrefixMap() { return emptyMap(); } @Override public OntModel getOntology(String ontologyId) { return null; } @Override public List<PortProfile> getInputPortProfiles() { return emptyList(); } @Override public List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> getInputSemanticAnnotationProfiles() { return emptyList(); } @Override public List<PortProfile> getOutputPortProfiles() { return emptyList(); } @Override public List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> getOutputSemanticAnnotationProfiles() { return emptyList(); } @Override public List<org.apache.taverna.component.api.profile.ActivityProfile> getActivityProfiles() { return emptyList(); } @Override public List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> getActivitySemanticAnnotationProfiles() { return emptyList(); } @Override public List<SemanticAnnotationProfile> getSemanticAnnotations() { return emptyList(); } @Override public ExceptionHandling getExceptionHandling() { return null; } @Override public void delete() throws ComponentException { throw new ComponentException("Deletion forbidden."); } }